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tv   News  Al Jazeera  July 11, 2022 5:00am-5:31am AST

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ah, ah, al jazeera ah, ah, ah, anti government protest, his intra lanka vow to continue to occupy the homes of the president and prime minister until they both officially sat down. ah, watching al jazeera broadcasting live from dela, i'm carry johnston, also coming up un security council mandate for life saving 8 deliveries from turkey to northwest syria would expire within hours,
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putting millions of lives at risk desperate search for survivors in easton ukraine after a russian rocket attack destroys an apartment building and more than 20 people, a shot dead in 3 bars in south africa, president of civil, i'm a poser, cause of violence on acceptable and wondering ah, the homes and offices of sher lancaster president and the prime minister of turned into protest camps and tourists sites on the saturday president to call to buy a router boxer under prime minister neil wick. i'm a singer's resident says we're over run by sri lankan angry over their inability to contain the nation's worst economic crisis, or 2 hadn't been seen in public since. when it both offered to step down. the protest to say they will continue to occupy the buildings until their resignations
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are official. now fernandez reports from columbia. on sunday, relative com return to she lanka protested, remained at the president's official residence making use of facilities normally reserved for the countries elite. a real carnival atmosphere here at the president's official residence. the great facade you see behind me, you notice the architecture, it goes back many, many decades. and this was the sight of that massive sea of people who overran this property. seeing the exit of president guitar b roger boxer on friday, and the sheer number of people trying to get in to see the president house is posing a real problem. those who are part of the protest campaign who are still trying to control some of the crowds are urging people to be careful. there is structural damage, obviously, a very all property and just cannot handle. the sheer numbers are climbing up the staircase that has been structurally shoes. so that's posing
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a very rare problem and the danger and this obviously the swimming pool at the president's house of the water looking very much. 2 worse for the wear, but those iconic pictures of people are diving into this right after the protesters essentially over ran this residence junkers, 22000000 people have for months, been suffering the worst economic crisis. the nation has seen since independence in 1948. the summer heat, worsening electricity blackouts, few of food and medical shortages and years of political corruption moving help on the brook army are the greatest thing. the people and the youth of this country has ever done is to change this man away. he was expelled, chased away, he did not resign. as the protest swelled on saturday, present got up a roger boxer fled his overrun residence his whereabouts are unknown. yet i will do that actually langkow if he is no longer the president of sri lanka,
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long he has been expelled by the citizens ish. melancholy. therefore it is, is victorious moment o visual resignations from leaders for a nation in rebellion. now, little more than formalities, this is going to be an extremely critical time to insure this political stability, as well as economic stability at a time where there's also a law in order to situation erupting so, if, while ends is not contained, these concern that this is going to deepen the crisis overseas, remington says, and tourism are the main sources of revenue here after bomb attacks on churches and hotels in 2019, and then the covey. 19 ben demick book, dried up. the recent political turmoil has been a long time coming and is likely to be an equally long time to recover from. but for millions of sheer lumpkins, it's not clear yet whether the shortages will end and prices come down. minova
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mendez audio 0 colombo. earlier i spoke to you to send a rosner protest to who was inside the presidential palace in columbus. he says the demonstrations will continue until the president is out. protesting against the government is a right off every citizen. so you've been protesting peacefully for about 3 months and the government wouldn't listen. the president wouldn't listen. so president him, so is the person who made us recapture presidential palace. i don't think it's on law all our loyal customers, but by storming these buildings have you not set a dangerous precedent are not actually we had we had to take measures. we had a big mission as. ready to make the president to step down from his position
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somehow. so the president wouldn't listen, that he had not given us any option other than been being this thing. so okay, but now that now that you've taken that option and how long will the protest is actually stay there and yourself? as soon as the president gets down it from his position, we are willing to be willing to be, are ready to move out from the presidential palace and give the give this emphasis back to the government or mission demo is executive director of a very, to research a think tank that provides a strategic analysis for asia. he joins us now from colombia, thanks for being on the program. so we see these protests inside the presidential residence. so in practical terms, who's in charge right now? thank you. carry. this is the time when parliament really has to assert its leadership in sri lanka, bought the president and the prime minister to have lost credibility. and the
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president's party has lost credibility. and i think it is very similar to when days the election a dead defeats the incumbent president. that has happened several times in sri lanka, where the minority government with a new president is allowed to make decisions for the country. because it is clear that the popular mandate has changed, that happened in 2015, and it happened in 2019. so right now, i think the opposition has to step up to the plate and nominate someone to be president and prime minister. and parliament must agree to that in the interview. the constitution provides that the speaker will be in charge and i think president until a new president and prime minister appointing. so given what you say, how much distrust is there from protest is over whether power really will be relinquished. i think there's a great deal of suspicion because the resignations did not happen immediately as
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they should have. and the time buying exercise can be seen as a cynical process of waiting to try and change the outcome. but the protesters, i just tell you, interview was saying they're not going to give up until the resignations are formally submitted. it is very simple because the constitution defines the process, the moment that happens and bought the prime minister president resigned. the speaker would become the acting president that gives a measure of stability and space from the opposition in parliament, then to dominate alternatives. but whoever does take over won't be able to come up with a sudden fix will they? i think the most important thing for sri lanka now is stability and credibility. the enormous lack of credibility of the current government for its corruption, its brutality. it's bad policies reduce the popular approval
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rating of the government to 3 percent in polls backed by dan last month. that's no longer a democratic representation in the country. so really establishing more credible and a stable government without obstruction from the president's party would really enable the negotiations on economic solutions to go forward more credibly and speedily. then they would, under the current circumstances. but these things won't happen quickly, will they? i mean, will the international monetary fund, for example, be the most likely place for sure, aren't going to turn to because the people are suffering right now. the discussion to the i method on going of the i met as a demand nutro to the political leadership and they're working with the bureaucracy even now. but they do need to see political stability and credibility established.
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and the i m f is not enough. buster lanka, we need to restructure our debt, that's a long process. so alleviating the problems of the country fully is process that'll take at least a year. but in the interim, bringing confidence and trust in the government, the lord can unlock the bridge, financing and support for sri lanka that can reduce the shortages that are causing extreme pain and difficult for society. and is there any clue as to the current whereabouts of the president and prime minister? i'm afraid that i don't know. i hope the 5th and end in 31 cup. i think we must follow the process of justice being done in the proper way with regard to the actions and, and violence of the which we saw against protest, i think is extremely dangerous. it can prompt violence from protest. those who have
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up to now been extremely peaceful to me, saw the prime minister's house being burned down. practice does being b, maybe i being meeting all these extra violence, i think need to be reversed or not. they can fall with any any more than they are up and right now with a mission to mal executive director of very tate research. thank you. thank you. in just under 2 hours time residence of a serious loss rebel held enclave will lose a vital aid of the un security council. failed to extend authorization for cross board deliveries. are you an assistance arrives through the 5? how are crossing on the syrian purchase border? but that will now stop, has russia vetoed resolution extending age shipments for another year. un says more than 4600 trucks carrying mostly food have taken aid there this year, helping some 2400000 people. about 1700000 people are currently living in camps.
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more than half of them are children of since losing control of the enclave. the government as cut off basic services and attract medical facilities and schools. so let's see. on the left, russia pushed us to hints to hunger 1st and hate. and now they want to deny us the food a basket that bailey sustains us behalf of the month. during these very difficult times, russia is fighting with us over it. we completely refuse this veto. i am the mother of orphans and i refuse russia putting forward any plan to close. bob, i'll have a crossing. our society refuses it. the least 15 people have been killed in charge of your in eastern ukraine, a softer a russian rocket attack on an apartment building rescue workers fair. there are more people trapped in the rubble of russian grounds. forces are pushing to take
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control of the entire on the region. the trust of yours is located. alan fisher reports not from keith. pre dawn sky lit up is russian. rockets fallen chess of yard and apartment block, torn apart, rescue workers. no. the timing of the attack means most people would have been in bed, so they're moving debris by hand tunneling don't trying to find any one still trapped in the building. what have we done to them? what if our people done to hurt them? there was darkness, and then it all started. locals could only leucon helpless as the sense continued for neighbors. friends, relatives were with that, you know what the law we ran to the basement. there were 3 heads the 1st somewhere in the kitchen. the 2nd i don't even remember there was lightning, we ran towards the 2nd entrance and then straight into the basement. we sat there all night until this morning. willfulness is he good. the local governor says there
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may be many more people trapped than the rubble having lifting gear is on stand by mamma, to rule again with her one more conformational war crimes where the russian federation they're targeting civilians everywhere down. so villages and cities, it doesn't matter if they're on the front line or somewhere else. the president's chief of staff called it another terrorist attack by a terrorist country, and he demanded government's act to declare russia, a state sponsor of terrorism. the russians have repeatedly denied the target civilians. q u. s. senators have pushed the idea of designating russia a state sponsor of terrorism, and they believe they could get almost unanimous support for it in the u. s. senate . that would put russia in the same category as north korea. iran and syria and the vote could fall in coming days. i'll a fisher al jazeera heave, a russian rock. it struck another residential area in the eastern city of hakim,
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for injuring at least 6 people. a 12 year old girl is among the injured artillery attacks on ukraine's 2nd biggest city have intensified in recent weeks. was still the head. heron al jazeera will tell you why it said it is sweet. eat for many in afghanistan. and novak jock of ich beats in exterior consecutive with the journey has begun. the 34 world camp is on its way to catherine book. your travel package today. hello. i think we may see more fighting coming to northeast in parts of china, across the korean peninsula, over the next couple of days. big area of stormy weather, just rolling through the yellow sea,
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some burst of very heavy rag could cause that flash flooding. now the system linking all the way back into we're or beijing pushing further westward again, we see some intense downpours coming through and that st. shane of where to weather effecting a similar area as we go on through tuesday. so flooding, i suspect, is more likely than not sir, quite heavy showers, grassy. make their way into japan as well. 28 celsius there for tokyo, with some heavy downpours coming in across on she, he, she little dryer, dry across a good part of southern china. was he settle and sunny here. sunshine is showers across indo china, but southern parts of vietnam. cambodia. pushing across into thailand, monsoon range being some intense showers as we go on through the next day or so. and the monsoon rains popping up to on the other side of the bare been goal over the next few days at the moment. main concern is across the western gets into central parts of india, but we will see those showers just easing back up towards that northeast corner of
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in the through myanmar. as we go on through tuesday, the further showers pakistan casa airways visual airline of the journey. oh, the shake um odd award for translation and international understanding is accepting nominations for the year 2022 from february 15th until august, 15th this year. for more information go to w, w w dot h t a dot q a slash e n. ah lou . the me
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you're watching out to remind you now about the testers in should have found to occupy the official residences of the president and prime minister. and so both leaders officially resign. the president has been blamed for economic mismanagement, which is left the country short of food, fuel power and breast, and of serious loss metal held on craven from and from about $25.00 of the un security council failed to authorize delivery for nothing. last week. russia veto the resolution extending the shipment. russian rocket sufficient apartment block and the eastern ukrainian kind of killing at least 15 people. people are fitted trapped under the rubble at least 20 on the people have been killed in 3 separate shootings in south africa. please say 15 people was shot dead and several
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others were injured. the orlando, east haven and sweater and the southern outskirts of johannesburg, for other people were killed in a separate tavern shooting in the town of peter merits. but katya, as her young has more the overwhelming pain as families are called to identify their relatives. it was after midnight when police say more than a dozen people shot by gunman in the bar. neutral hannah's burg bodies piled near the entrance. our victims were tried to run out and escape what we know is that the assailants, the just entered into that space. well, people and drained and opened the shorter and only to them. investigators have described the shooting as a massacre. it saddens as that a new one now possesses a gun, was to try it the icon a on our communities,
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and was to call upon communities to actually little indeed assist the police in, bring in to book air, those a perpetrators, police say nothing was stolen from the business, now, their focus turned on, catching those responsible in finding out why the victims were targeted party a little bit of a young al jazeera, a wild far is threatening a grove of ancient trees in one of america's most famous national parks. yosemite park, officials say the fire has more than doubled in size in a day. rosalind jordan reports ah, the washburn fire began in yosemite national park on thursday. officials say the fire threatens some 500 sequoia trees in an area called mariposa grove. and that includes the famous grizzly giant said some of the oldest trees that there are. there's trees that are 2000 years old. they're massive giants when you stand next
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to them as fire fighters moved in some 1600 people at a nearby camp ground and community were told to lee so far the washburn fire has burned more than $280.00 heck, tears park officials say they could close more of the national park if necessary. it looks a pretty scary and i, we were going full force on our suppression tactics. for now, visitors are cautiously proceeding with their vacations. it's definitely erie and, but it doesn't make me want to turn around and want to keep going. sequoias have evolved to withstand fire, but they don't always escape. wildfires in the last 2 years have destroyed nearly 15000 sequoias, 20 percent of the 75000 estimated trees found in the american west. so far park officials don't know when the washburn fire will be brought under control. rosalyn
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jordan al jazeera foster moving wildfire is also burning through thousands of het test the us state of utah firefighters have been battling the blaze near the town of fillmore since friday. yet by properties have been evacuated, local media, se 4 people have been arrested on suspicion of causing the fire articles that government has declared a state of heightened alert. half the wildfires swept through central and northern parts of the country. thousands of firefighters of backing the blazes that destroyed homes and injured more than 40 people over the weekend. places come amid an intense heat wave in portugal with temperatures reaching over 40 degrees celsius . north macedonian quest to join the european union is triggering more, protests, thousands were routed in the streets of the capital scorpion on sunday. the angry about a compromise forward that they say has been foisted on a government should in wolf has the story. oh enough is enough.
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yes. that's the message from these protestors on the streets for 7th day. now. they're unhappy with some of the conditions and a proposal offered by french president emanuel micron for their country to begin its long awaited membership talks with the european union. i'm here to say no to that. a lot of people here below enough is enough with them one somebody for the soil world history. here most of all new political tensions have been on the rise with violent nightly protests against the proposal. it would require north macedonia to change its constitution to recognizable gary minority protect minority rights, and banish hate. speech. demands made by bulgaria, ah, political leaders of north macedonia say the proposal is a reasonable compromise, accepting it neither as a historic triumph nor failure, but north macedonia ins don't agree. there's no way to stop oregon.
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okay. okay. there is no democracy method in north macedonia has been a candidate for e u membership for 17 years. the country received the green light to begin negotiations in 2020, but no date has yet been set it hope to 2017 agreement with greece, which ended a decades long name dispute would open the door for membership talks with the you bubble gary a stepped in using its veto powers as an e. u. member state to block its neighbor from joining. both nations have been locked in a bitter dispute about history and identity for decades. dental, daniel about government. so i decided to give that to be my civilian or 1945. and what about the whole group followers and reporting? so all the people who use them was for,
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for these countries with area. i said that our language area. oh are name, we're here with the identity of the nation. these people refuse to compromise. to move out to sierra religious ceremonies that you're in, that was them festival of eat. i'll add her involved the sacrifice of an animal that's a luxury. most afghans can't afford this yet. western sanctions on the taliban government have crippled the economy. and the tv reports from couple, ah, this is yvonne sans 1st either loud under the tall lavonne in more than 20 years. it also comes at a time of international sanctions and struggling economy with millions of ovens out of work are being paid
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a fraction of what they once were. many are cutting back on their holiday expenses . mohammad now be a dried fruit seller and cobbles largest open air market says with local currency losing its value. prices have gone up. so people are buying fewer items. he says dr . fruit sellers have lost 60 to 70 percent of their business. this year. there has been a new all others who people are poor nowadays. we don't have enough sales this year was discussion was alone, went from 600 of guns to more than 1000 to kill all. victor did se, if not just snacks, though, families are also opting out of buying new clothes for the holiday way. the la ball at a taylor and the quality pattern neighborhood says his orders have decreased 50 percent this year. most from either mid look was he got him, we have only these 2 celebrations. the 2 eats traditionally, whatever people have or they will spend on these to weeds. but this year, a lot of people are struggling with some or even cutting back on the most important part of this iep purchasing animals where the ritual sacrifice deal with you mile
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palskill has a job and a ministry, but he says his pay has been cut, pay more than 80 percent, he has managed by a cow and a sheep for his family, but he knows many more will not be able to do the same this year. either go to one but go to one. you go to veto, eyes made special by the sacrifice. so many people won't have a proper sense of celebrating ede papa says this year, more than ever. it's important to keep the poor in mind. this margaret is the centerpiece of the either love ha celebration. we seen this year is that people can't afford to buy the animals that they use do, and the shepherds have also had to cut their price is to meet reduce demand. so again, what it's showing is that the sanctions, the a cutbacks and the devaluation of the avalon, he has affected every aspect of life. and i want a son right down to the celebration ali, lexi al jazeera, cobble no back. a joke of it has increased. his tale of wimbledon titles with
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a convincing force at victory of the next curious and sundays fun. santa hamish reports. oh, the 21st grand slam title will know that the duke of ich, in the 7th wimbledon championship. nick kerry, also falling just short in his bit to beat one of the games, alton grates, every single time it gets more and more meaningful and specialists on i'm very blessed and very thankful to, to be signing here were that were the true for all the success joke of which has enjoyed in his career prior to this final, he'd never even want to set against curious. this was the strain his 1st appearance in a grand slam final. and he appeared to be enjoying the occasion encouraging curios . one, the 1st said that $64.00 girls got the better of this exchange but lost
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the 2nd set as the pet pushed each other to the limit. is the 3rd said curios became increasingly distracted. at one point, asking the empire to jacked a member of the crowd, i don't want to new york of it to the main focus and took the set 6 for curious. did all he could to get back in the match as the full set went into a tie break. but when it really mattered, just have it just had that little extra, actually secured, a 4th consecutive wimbledon shampoo, shit. i really respect your last i think you're phenomenal. tennis player, an athlete, amazing talent. i mean you've been hearing all of that for many years. i never
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thought i'm going to say so many nice things about here. consider considering the relationship here is a bit of a god, i'm not gonna lie, a thought applied well, but yeah, that's what's on the congratulate. no, back on your team. of course you've won a change about and even i only times anymore. he say tom till the ball kids comply as you know, he knows my know menu, how you and i have a very tough relationship at times. but our thought, thank you for putting up with it arm and, and the crowd that spend amazing couple of weeks in naples. here it is. is this when has moved jock a bitch above roger federer on the all time grand slam winners list on the raw, found the dull is still ahead of him. santa hamis and joe sierra. ah, this is al jazeera and these are the top stories. now. protest is in shall anchor.


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