tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera July 15, 2022 9:00pm-10:01pm AST
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the health of humanity is at stake. a global pandemic requires a global response. w h o is the guardian of global health delivering life saving tools, supplies, and training to help the world's most vulnerable people, uniting across borders to speed up the development of tests, treatments, and of vaccine keeping you up to date with what's happening on the ground. in the world and in the lab. now, more than ever, the world needs w h. um, making a healthier world for you for everyone. ah, ah. this is
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al jazeera ah hello, i'm carrie johnston. this is the news i live from dough coming up in the next 60 minutes, a fist to bump for the crown prince. joe biden is in jetta. the 1st american president to fly directly from israel to saudi arabia earlier in the occupied west bank of president biden. met the palestinian leader and reaffirmed us support for 2 state solution. shall anchors of prime minister no crime. a singer is sworn in as acting president after months of protest forced his predecessor to flee. and once again, the cove 19 cases are on the rise because of an ami chronic sub. there it is, their course to panic will be speaking to help and in sports and emotional end said tiger woods. his time at this year's open championship. woods in c is on the final whole, it's and andrew's as miss
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a half way. a u. s. president joe biden has met sally king sal man on the crown prince. muhammad been summon on his 1st official visit to the kingdom. he shook hands with the 86 road monarch. after greeting the prince with a fist bumped biden heavily criticized the crown prince during his 2020 presidential campaign for his alleged role in the killing of saudi journalist, jamal kashodi. back then, he vowed to make saudi arabia a pariah at the top of a biden's agenda will be getting at saudi arabia to pump more oil to bring down the global prices. biden is also expected to discuss iran and efforts to prevent tara and from acquiring nuclear weapons. is part of a wider drive for great at security cooperation. biden is expected to make their pitch to regional leaders at a gulf corporation council meeting,
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engender on saturday. well, joining us now in the studio, our white house correspondent can be held at kimberly this fist bump that we see. not just how symbolic is that. why was it so symbolic? well, a symbolic because the president has really been criticized for this trip to saudi arabia. namely, because he suggested that he would make the saudi kingdom or pri estate for the fact that the cia suggested is that the saudi crown prince. mom had been salman was likely to have a potentially ordered the killing of the wash and post journals. jamaica shows you back in 2018. and so given the fact that joe biden has said that human rights are foundation of his foreign policy, it seems somewhat ironic to suddenly then be sort of reneging on a campaign promise to be going to saudi arabia. so human rights activist serve very angry about this trip, and many in the, the president's democratic party are also angry about this trip. so watching very
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closely to see how he would be greeted, how he would receive the crown prince, how he would acknowledge him. the white house seems to have calculated that a fist bump would be more appropriate than a more warm handshake. but what i should tell you, and i've just read in the pool reports that we get from the white house, that in fact, it goes a little bit further because in the beginning of the meeting, the where the crown prince sat down with the u. s. president, both of those men were conduct fronted by the media with some uncomfortable questions. in fact, a one of the reporters said to the crown prince, will you apologize to his family, meaning chalka shoji? ah, the crown prince is said to have smirked in response. and as the report is also said to view as present, do you still consider saudi arabia, a pariah? the u. s. president didn't answer. so that was a bit of an uncomfortable moment. likely for both of these men. it's not going to
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be easy. the da, these questions even as they attempt to try and reset us sadie relations and with all this symbolism in the end, you have to say the main reason for present biden's trip is oil. absolutely, and that is why, even though there may be these uncomfortable differences, the u. s. precedent is here and trying to turn a blind eye to what is an uncomfortable reality. because the u. s. president has a bigger priority and a bigger agenda. he says he is here to represent you s interests. and right now those us interests are seeing that there is an increase in oil supply to bring down the price of oil. and in turn, the fuel prices in the united states. we're near to 40 when you're high in terms of inflation rates right now as a result of the spike in energy prices. so the u. s. president is under pressure. americans are hurting. they're paying sky high food prices, energy prices, and also in housing prices. and this is hurting the president politically and he's
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got the congressional mid term elections in november. he needs to deliver for them . and if he doesn't, he could pay politically for that. ok, relieve their white house correspondent, kimberly. how could her joining us live here in the studio? thank you. while staying with this, sir? joining us live from or to a canada is mesmer mani. she's an expert on a foreign policy, to the middle east, turns as a professor at university of waterloo. thanks for being with us here on the program . so in practical terms, can saudi arabia actually produce as much or as america might be causing full well, i mean, serious, but in reality, no study does not have that kind of spare capacity at the moment. and frankly, i don't think even if they did, they would really care to meet the american demands. i mean, one can't forget how much been so man has a far warmer relationship with widens predecessor donald trump. and i don't think
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the saudis, big trunk, or trump ism, is far away. there is a republican party that is far more favorable to the saudi crown prince than i would say, the democratic party. so i think even if they had, i don't think they would give it. but reality is, i think they're going to provide some niceties of wanting to stabilize oil prices as they always do. but the spare capacity just isn't there to provide you. if you took the niceties damage, critics might say that j biden's, human rights centric foreign policy is being severely tested here. well, frankly, it's screams of hyper christie in many ways. i mean, you know, this is an administration that claim that we're going to put at the center of their foreign policy, that they were going to make saudi arabia and my particular pe, none of that has come to fruition. and frankly, the fact that you have bided visiting side right there, only because of boy electing, frankly, if you had the, if you had not had the war against ukraine from russia, we're just taken off so much oil offline and really prevented
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a lot of oil to go to europe, we would not see bite and federal good today that just not would have happened. so i think this is really a very sad state of affairs. it's something that, frankly, most critics of american foreign policy had always knew that really, behind the mirage. a lot of talk about human rights was really re, i'll pull a chicken at the end of the day. consumerism once a day. so given what you say, who gets the most out of this meeting, the crown prince, so the president oh absolutely. and have been sold man. this is really in many ways his religion to my station and to the world. see the fact that by now went to saudi arabia, the fact that you had that so called fist on it really is a win for and b, as in many ways i'm b as always knew that the end of the day, i thought it was not going to last, nearly as long as he would. i mean this is a crown prince. likely perhaps for the next 50 years. he knows he's got far more longevity and bite and doesn't an office. and so this really is a win for and b s,
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i'm afraid to say ok boss, my money from university of waterloo life for us in or to thanks for your insights today before leaving for saudi arabia, president biden travel to occupy the west bank. i'm promised aid upon student hospitals. he told a palestinian president my food, a bass for the time was not yet right to try to restart the peace process with israelis. however, he reminded his host that he had to be one of the earliest supporters of a 2 state solution. my commitment to that goal of a to stay solution has not changed. and all these years, tuesdays, along the 967 lines were mutually agreed to swaps remain the best way to achieve equal measure of security prosperity, freedom and democracy for the palestinians as well as israelis. palestinian people deserve a state of their own. that's independent, sovereign,
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viable and contiguous. you know, there must be a political, arises at the palestinian people can actually see where at least feel. we can allow the hopelessness to seal away the future that so many of worked toward for so long . so even if the ground is not right for at this moment, to restart negotiations, united states and my administration will not give up on trying to bring the palestinians, israelis and both sides closer together. by then, we have stress to present in bite, in the importance of re establishing the foundations on which the peace process was based on international legitimacy resolution. and on the basis of the 2 state solution along the 1967 borders, and mister president, after 74 years of the naacp displacement and occupation, isn't it the time for this occupation to end? or non us raleigh is
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a former executive committee member of the palestine liberation organization. she says biden hasn't offered any solutions for palestine. they keep paying lip service to the 2 states. anderson, so to speak to someone standing outside and enable the continue to destroy it. building more supplement, stealing an action, violating international law, and then this, you know, we are for the solution. so we've done are not going to get the issue. it's not actually, what are they doing? and of course, we keep reminding people that solution is a major compromise and based on the confession by the palestinian people to accept the share, it's not a consult with only one state inclusive. but since i want to maintain its state and the us wants to maintain security, i'm not commitment and as a jewish state,
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and since the president himself declared themselves then it is very clear that many different implement any of the statements given. and that she has a bourbon. blessed people, i think the 10 finished. and you know, we can talk again that i can give you a few handouts that you're going to be through. you might be able to move within a larger area. i'm on your, my for g, which has been a couple of years ago. so use goods to should i can i, where the former prime minister run away from a singer has been sworn in as acting president of to go to my roger paxis resignation was confirmed. he fancies resignation letter from singapore after 3 on wednesday, for protest is one week from a singer to go as well. some reports from columbus instead of celebrating good job
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access resignation, many sri lankan spent and not a day queuing for fuel. only a few express their relief since leaving on wednesday 1st through the mall deeps and then to singapore, i jap oxide kept the country in a political limbo that again i did, but the good. i have received a letter of resignation saying vice president via the president of legally designs on his post on july 14 grantee, 22. from now, the process of collecting a new president will come in until that process is completed. the prime minister will be appointed to carry out the function and you need us to related in the constitution all of us. i mean, we come a single, immediately announce he would restore law and order. after a month of political turmoil and demonstrations are going to give me idea. i accept 100 percent the right to peaceful protests. some are trying to do sabotaged. there are reports and other groups are trying to influence members of parliament at the vote. next week to elect a new president. we will create the environment for parliamentarians to express
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their view independently. less than a week ago, thousands of protesters had stormed and occupied, the lead us residences and offices, accusing them of force and longer into bankruptcy. after the president left, the crowds had to become a single office, demanding his resignation. they were scraped with d. a gas people by law so powerfully to push the departure to leave the country. but when it came to whitewash this whole thing. so and he came for 3 months. the situation became bad, bad to worst. you could only go places and people are dying in the cues, so he's directly responsible. 72, i'm in the car. will i spent 3 days waiting for fuel? i'm very happy about roger boxes resignation, but i don't think the next president will be any better. whoever this person is going to we are still standing in cusack, you know, i've been living here for 3 days and my mother just brought him food and he is not
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the only one a 1000000. i'm going to have been waiting for a bio resignation. it seems like many as just the beginning of now ready month with a one structural change in many doubt that the acting craft can often and so to progress. continue step faster, elsie, right in colombo. well, helen cardio gama is a senior lecture at the university of jeff. they're in sri lanka, he says they'll be further instability with chrome. a single continues as president . this is going to be completely unacceptable, not just the protestors but the entire country, ronald promising. i was completely defeated in the last election. he could not even with his own parliamentary seat. and the party that he led, which had rule the country for many decades, was reduced to one c, a proposal that presentation c to which he came into parliament. so there's likely to be another wave of protests. and not only that, a backlash against the liberals,
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he represents if he is made president, but he seems determined to hook or crook to become president. so as soon as he became acting a president, he has legitimized the military. he has even brought the board of investments and other independent bodies under the military has a way because he has no political base. he has no social base and is now relying on the military, which is very dangerous in terms of what that might mean to the participant, went to freedom in this country. so on july 20, unless better be done, prevails on the parliament to keep him out. we might be looking at further political instead of going forward, open to more head on the knees, are including coven, 19 lock downs, cause china's economy to slump planning phase of a global recession. pulse ah,
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a show of strength in iraq by sheer, religiously, just weak, salty, directed, more than 70 and peace to resign from parliament. i'm in support. osler continued to rebuild that team ahead of the season, and the will behave with that. ah, italy's president has rejected the resignation of prime minister mario druggie after one of his coalition partners seized to back a spending bill in parliament. druggie leads a unity governments that's been thrown into crisis by the 5 star movements, refusal to support legislation to tackle the cost of living on the bill has become the focus of tensions within that drug is government. italy has seen a lot of change at the top. 6 prime ministers have held the post in the past decade . on average, their terms lasted about a year except for one the so the about
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a scone. he was prime minister 3 time spending 9 years in office and rico letter was the shortest serving leader of the past 10 years lasting just 300 days. italy's week economy and unstable political system contributes the frequent leadership changes. hunters heroes adam rainy is in a row with more by rejecting prime minister mattie. but i guess resignation on thursday present says i said that was given clear signals. he wants this government to continue, wants them to work it out over the next few days between friday and wednesday when monday. but he will enter parliament to try to build back a unified coalition with his speech and perhaps also unexpected confidence vote. again, he's hoping the president that a lot of conversations will take place on the sidelines getting this union the government back together. and that includes the 5 star movements analyst we've been speaking to say that federal motel at the president is load to have anything happen
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that would cause early elections. he's very keen on maintaining the constitution. let's say vision off a political is the structure which comes which is not a fun of an anticipation of the political calendars. not all of italy's leading parties right now are keen for the government to continue primarily fatality italia, or the brothers of italy, led by georgia maloney. they're not part of the team, the government. and she has clearly said on twitter and elsewhere that she wants selections. now that the people's voice should be heard and she wants that because her party long seen as a very small minority party has risen in the polls and recent year. and in fact, if elections were held. now in italy it's most likely that they wouldn't win more seats than any other party. so not everyone going into parliament on wednesday to listen to me. audio draggy is hopeful that his government will continue pro russian
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separatists in ukraine. say a british prisoner in their custody has died. paul uri, it was accused of being a mercenary by the self proclaimed on the exc people's republic of the his capture . in april, a spokesman for the separatist leadership says he died from chronic illnesses and stress. his family in the u. k. charity presidium network. so he was an 8 worker. united states is the biggest single donor to ukraine in its fight to hold off. the russian invasion is given more than $7000000000.00 worth of weapons and equipment so far before ukraine. small donations are almost as valuable as big ones. and fisher reports from keith equipment on the front line of the ukrainian war drones medical kits. even mine detectors, all provided by crowd funding charity in ukraine, set up after the russian invasion of crimea in 2014 has raised millions of dollars . the founder, a former high profile presenter on ukrainian t v 2 are
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a goods and we have vol. so, so be a connection between our society and the army of because it's really important for our soldiers that we carry about them. law. they understand that they not long and that it's not only a military case to the friends our country. the idea of crowd funding like this isn't new. it's been around since before the 1st world war. what is different is the technology with crypto currency and cash transfers. money can be in accounts within seconds, from anywhere in the world frontline units fill in what they need online. the order is processed and st. more than a 1000000 donations have come in from all around the world. more than $34000000.00, ranging from big cash drops from wealthy individuals to pennies from pensioners. 9 year old tonya potter jenko played checkers on the street. losers had to pay her. she raised $6000.00 ukrainian retina about $200.00. wow. well,
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i was doing less in order to give to the armed forces of ukraine, so they will fight against the russians. so they kick them off our land. the charity now has about $200.00 volunteers around the country, experts in purchasing logistics technology, the ultimate goal to beat the russians. but the russians have been crowdfunding to figure suggest they've not been quite a successful. but the ukranian groups founder says, even when the ward has done his work will continue while we fight with russians 900 years and the the biggest they, dea, missouri, that a how now, ah, is just to help for granting army to win. and after that, ah, to start to prepare for the next attack on the ukrainians, believe they can get most the equipment to the front line in a couple of days. easy as long as the money continues to flow. allen, fisher,
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i'll de 0 keith corona virus cases are on the rise globally again at the world. health organization says cases of grown for the 5th week and row. what he says to sub variance of the army constrain are behind the rise. the darker areas on this map show countries with the greatest number of cases in the past week. infection rates have doubled in europe and the americas since june. there's been a steady rise across the asia pacific region 2. wherein sorel is the director of the elizabeth griffin by a safety program at georgetown university. she joins us from washington, d. c. thanks very much. indeed for being on the program. so why are coded cases surging again? is it mainly down to new variance or simply countries relaxing their restrictions? thank you for having me. i think it's a bit of a combination, but primarily there's these 2 new variance that we're seeing that have increased rate of transmit ability between people. and they are showing mutations that allow
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for immune evasion. so people who had previously been infected and recovered, and those that haven't been vaccinated are at risk for infection. what these variance mean fat to peters? i'm sorry for interrupting it. i mean, you should, we be paying more attention to the number of deaths rather than infections a, is there any need to panic at this stage? i think panic might be the wrong term, but thinking about risk perception. and so risk factors for infection are quite high right now in terms of the number of people who are at risk for ins, but exposure. and so what we need to think about are, what are the steps that we can take is individuals and as communities to help with containing the spread. so deaths may not be as high as they had been during previous waves. we are still seeing a number of cases and we're learning more about what those cases could mean in terms of a intensive care and treatment and the impact on the health care facilities itself
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. indeed, i mean, how concerned should we be if you know someone got a contracted code in march and april this year, for example, under getting it again. now, how worrying is that? it's, it's concerning in terms of a sign that the immune system that would have protected against previous experience or not protecting against the ones that are, are currently out. this be a 5 that has been covered quite a bit by the veto. and there's a new variant, b, a $2.00 that looks to be of concern. and so what that means is we can think about what are our risk factors and whether we can potentially use face mass, social distance thing as part of our arsenal. to protect against exposure, as well as thinking about boosters, if and when they are available to you and testing when you feel ill to determine whether or not you may be exposed and may be infected. yes, you mentioned boosters,
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i mean, do existing vaccines to offer a good level of protection even against new variance? still great question. important one that i think is getting a lot of attention. it appears that they are not as protected, but vaccines are still able to prevent against severe disease and death. so i recommend that people get vaccinated to help prevent from that severe infection. and from her death, there are efforts looking at a 2nd and 3rd generation vaccines to combat this ever evolving virus or in sorrow from georgetown university. thanks for your expertise here today. a china has recorded its slowest economic growth since 2020. the something is being blamed on its 0 tolerance cove in 1900 policy, which is interrupted industry and flattened the consumer spending. adrian brown reports from hong kong for more than 2 decades,
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china's economy has been the dependable engine for global economic growth. but that engine is starting to splutter, he can, he can see that the world's 2nd largest economy is slowing. and president, changing things. 0 tolerance cove at 19 campaign is being blamed. 30 months after it began, but in whoo han, last month he signaled that it was a price worth pay. given the low vaccination rate, no country in the world has been able to get it down to 0. so how is china going to be able to do that, particularly with low vaccination, right? it seems a very toy odom earlier this year. business activity and shanghai was brought to a standstill for weeks creating calles and food shortages. now the business and logistics hub is struggling to contain another outbreak with households advised to stuck up on 2 weeks of food and medicine. while many countries are trying to live with cove at 19, along with its multiple sub variance, china, it seems,
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will not be joining that list anytime soon. and so for now, the economy remain stuck in a stop stop pattern. this week the government has released another batch of economic and trade statistics, but they don't necessarily reflect what's really happening to the economy. says one skeptical analyst, i think as a, as the reference as a reference. but like all of fishes, the physics we, analysts can help to figure how it correctly in terms of that i think that the key the think of the does matter though is the one thing. and you'll economic growth that this year china's lead is set at 5.5 percent. i think that's going to be very hard to achieve because there are so many head winds at the moment we have inflation taking off around the world. maybe the world economy might sink into recession. so that means a chinese export markets could well collapse with millions of people confined to
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their homes. consumer confidence is flat. that's why inflations hovering at around 2 and a half percent low compared to the us and europe. the uncertain economic path is unfolding in a politically sensitive year after the 20th party congress in november, president she expects to secure an historic 3rd term. adrian brown, al jazeera hong kong. so the head on al jazeera landslide in columbia berries a primary school. the town is searching for survivors. and in sports africa's fastest man is in a race against time. head of the world athletics challenges, ah,
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how low they will start in the middle east and from the satellite image. you can see there's more unsettled whether it's come to southern areas of the region. thanks to an area of low pressure, lingering off the gulf of a man that's going to bring some heavy falls to the likes of muscat working its way further west. over the weekend. i. the time we get to sunday, you can see that pulling in land. we are like to see flooding raines from this system as well as some pretty fierce thunderstorms all the way to tuesday. that temperature as well expected to drop well below the average. now some of that cloud cover is expected to stretch its way farther north, across the u. e, coming into katara and saudi arabia, that wet weather expected to work its way west over the days ahead. but for the so this, for the likes of iraq, the temperature continues to climb for places like baghdad, 50 degrees celsius, we could see some stand storms here. and speaking of sandstorms, we've seen some of those in morocco. the temperature here expected to continue to climb, not just here, but coastal areas for the wet weather. we have to head to my gerry or we are
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expecting some pretty fierce thunderstorms to bring to renshaw, rain, and with that the chance of flooding. but further south of this, it's a much dryer picture across western areas. sunshine in cape town, ahead of a cool down. come sunday. ah, new voices heating up the airway. lot of chinese listeners who was kimberly here whether really think in their own country shifting power basis. the rise of citizen journalism has changed everything. how do you happen? it happened on social media and the undeniable impact of the mainstream narrative. australians went to the poles with those images front of mine is a water very much came forth out in the media as well as on the battlefield there listening post. dissect the media on al jazeera.
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prince and saudi king, so not fighting earlier match the palestinian price at mark lieut abbas in bethlehem. he reiterated us support for 2 state solution. i said the time was not right to try to restart a peace process with the israelis. neither abraham has more on the president's visit from bethlehem in the occupied where spec better humanitarian conditions and financial aid. those are u. s. president job. i did promises to palestinians in a 3 and a half hour visit to bethlehem in the south of the occupied westbank by did didn't bring any political initiatives to the table. he says the ground isn't suitable now to renal, to the peace process. but as it urged palestinians not to lose hope in a better future. asked united states as a partner this work to improve a day to day lives, the palestinian people. that's why when i came to office are reserved the policy. i
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reversed the policy my predecessors and resumed age of the palestinians. aid is not the only change in policy that palestinian authority wanted and then allow. we look forward to steps from the us administration, drinking bilateral relations by reopening the u. s. consulate, east jerusalem, and removing the piano from the terrorist. just a little shooting of walker would have been covering this visit, but she's not. she was killed by is ready for his fire on me. the 11th. why don't assignment genie, although no questions were allowed during the media conference, palestinian journalists spoke without words, demanding justice for she read. both presidents talked about turkey and the need for accountability in the united states to suffer loss as well. going to killing them, sharing our move. okay. okay. we and she was an american
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merck and citizen, i'm a proud palestinian and she was performing very vital work and independent media and vital work of democracy. how tight the conference palestinians also reminded by didn't have shitty artist, doctor you, dean sabatini painted them. yours for sitting on the israeli bit separation wall, cutting bethlehem from jerusalem. an image that would have been difficult for bike to miss. oh, a few kilometers away from that at carpet. the reception and the presidential compound in bethlehem, palestinians protested against his visit. we don't want your crumbs. they chanted. oh, you mean why didn't concluded his visit at the nativity church of bethlehem before having to saudi arabia? why has pledged to ensure palestinians have a better quality of life, but as long as they're being killed without accountability and their lands are
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confiscated, they say that's unlikely. the only way to improve the living conditions they say is by ending the decades long israeli occupation. me the abraham in front of the nativity church bethlehem, the occupied west bank. a verdict has been reached and the terrorism trialing germany that attracted international attention and shown a spotlight on elements of the far right in the military. a former tenant who disguised himself as a syrian refugee has been found guilty of putting a tax, casual ne reports. this is a rare instance post world war 2, that a member of germany's military has been convicted of plotting a terror attack. former lieutenant franco albrecht was sentenced to 5 and a half years in prison on friday. it's been dora thought still getting up. i am satisfied with the verdict. despite the sentence been slightly reduced, i see it as an important victory in the fight against right wing extremism racism
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and anti semitism and germany moses. when prosecutors argued he was a far right extremist who planned to attack prominent politicians and public figures all while living a double life as a registered syrian refugee and his aim was to shift policies on refugees. to quote, preserve the german nation. albright said he impersonated a christian from damascus to show how easy it was to claim asylum in germany and receive government subsidies, and that he stockpiled weapons to protect his family. in the event of a war with russia or china, the cases highlighted the threat of far right radicalism in the german military. but i wouldn't for many years in fact, take a long we did not look closely enough. that has now changed us because is proven by the increase in the number of suspected cases reported by the military and counter intelligence service, the land and the number of people removed from the jars. but this critic says the
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government is failing to address the full scope of the problem. they don't do enough. they can do war, for example, to, to, to rethink what is left and with respect to the clearing up of the and su network. or who did a merger serious against turkish people. and they didn't do it. the government says they'll continue to monitor thousands of members of far right network, saying they're the biggest threat facing germany. natasha game al jazeera. tens of thousands of iraqis gathered in baghdad for mass press coal by inferential, shia cleric of tartar al sutter. it sparking fears of further instability. last month, more than 70 members of pilot affiliated to australia, resigned on his orders, deepening months of political deadlock. backward abdulla had,
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has more from baghdad, thousands have come from several iraqi providence is here to the dad to perform a congregation friday at craves these are supporters of the she i clinic and political leader at looked at that and southern he has been calling his supporters and followers across iraq to perform a mass prayers in order to send several messages, including get messages to his arrival politicians who have been derailing, forming a new government for 9 months to see the whole market theater here. shortage ladder is fighting atheist battle. unfortunately, against people from the same way father, who had turned against us by neighboring countries from us. we have come here to mock the friday prayer and renew our support for booked other else. other a, jonathan, this is also a kind of
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a show of force because they won't say that they are ready to sacrifice themselves for their leader for their political cause. and friday, mass congregation. prayers is very significant for looked at us other and he supporters and his followers across iraq because previously and during the same occasion, they gathered to denounce the u. s. military prisons in iraq. they also say that any government to be formed without a southern affiliates being part of it will not succeed. 49 ivory and soldiers are being held by police in marley's capital. after being arrested on sunday mileage into alleges the soldiers are mercenary, is looking to topple the government. the ivory coast says the troops were hired by private company to support the un peacekeeping mission marley's transitional
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government as ordered the temper suspension of troop rotations or the you ends his keeping mission. nicholas hark is in darker in neighboring sunny goal. he explains the confusion behind the arrests. the 49 i for in that were arrested on the tarmac of the airport in the capitol. dumber court are now being detained in police barracks, waiting for their fate for the molly and military june. these are the mercenaries, the ivory and say no, this is a misunderstanding. these men are our soldiers. the multi mission of the un says these are you and contractors, whilst the un mission in new york says they have no record of the men. so who are they? well, that is the answer that the molly military didn't want answer. they are currently meeting with the un mission in molly, behind closed doors. but there's been strong words from the prime minister of the government of transition shall go. mike, who says their sovereignty of the country is no negotiable and they want to be
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respected. they fear that regional powers notably are re coast, is interfering in their affairs after their 2nd coup. in june 2021. the molly military june, to have been increasingly isolated, the french have pulled out. and now the russians have stepped in with the russian mercenary group wagner, that are supporting them both in terms of security and intelligence gathering. the u. n. wants to see a resolve to this situation because currently, all of the un soldiers on the ground. and we're talking over 12000 soldiers, 50 different nationalities. well, they're not allowed to leave the country. and no rotation of soldiers are allowed to replace them until they until the 1000000 military joint at no accurately who these men actually are. a global food crisis. soaring inflation and oblique
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economic outlook on the focus of a g. 20 meeting underway in indonesia, finance ministers, an essential bank governess from 20 major economies are in body for 2 days of talks . of host nation indonesia has warned a failure to each consensus would have catastrophic results for the world. jessica washington is in body with more. in bodily, the stakes are high. as g 20 finance chiefs come together once again. indonesia finance minister stream aline. in that a lot. the open to proceedings with a blunt message failure to work together. she says is an option the world can't afford. so good. 3 paul, threat of war, shifting commodity prices, an increase global inflation. that can also increase as creating a rios bill over to debt not only want to low income countries, but also in the middle income countries are even advanced economy. global
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cost of living pressures have been aggravated by the war in ukraine, which has disrupted supply chains and sent food and energy costs. soaring. surging prices are already having a disproportionate impact with the heaviest burden on the poorest families in low income countries. those still struggling with economic full out the coven, 19 pandemic, now face a spiraling cost of living crisis. the u. n. development program says more than 70000000 people have been pushed into poverty in just 3 months, and more than 300000000 have gone hungry. this year in the g 20, which are pounds for 80 percent of the world's economy. this current is struggling to set up an agile response that is alter at the scale that is needed. we need to deal with an acute crisis that is rapidly escalating exams. inflationary pressures potential that the falls and hundreds of millions of people literally being price
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out of their food. you all price shocks on the only challenge tension surrounding the war have hampered the g twenty's capacity to reach consensus. working the u. s . has used to the meetings as a platform to demand for russia to be held to account developing boost action, including the destruction of agricultural facilities, theft of green and farm equipment. and the effect of blockade of black sea ports amounts to using food as a weapon of roar. host indonesia has appealed to delegates to put differences aside in the interests of overcoming common challenges. jessica washington out to sierra bally he met japan is at one of the g 20 nations looking for solutions to global inflation. the ireland nation is particularly vulnerable as it relies heavily on imported fuel and food. but as attorney china reports that is optimism that japan
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is better prepared than most after dark in tokyo, a city with some of the most vibrant and expensive night life in the world. following several years of cobit 19 restrictions, the japanese capital is bouncing back. but even if people are now taking more chances with their health, they're also watching their wallets. we are improving restroom. so many people come here because it can go abroad. so it is something that is a, is a foreign food is kind of actually are very popular now. but even if they come more numbers they're, they are not consuming the way they use before. britain a conductor is signature. dish is civic chain rule fish marinated in lime juice, a favorite among his customers, while domestic fish prices have remained relatively stable. limes imported from mexico doubled in cost. although he's been holding off that price hike will soon have to be passed on to dinah's. japan, like many western nations,
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has followed the lead of the united states in imposing economic sanctions on russia for its war in ukraine. even projects such as a sack helen, to natural gas joint venture, which it has refused to pull out of a now and a threat. russia recently took over the development and supplies which are essential to japan, could be cut to pans made a real effort to get on to renewables. but even here they still rely on fossil fuels that 88 percent of their primary energy sources. like everywhere else in the world pump prices of increased between 5 and 10 percent. in the last couple of months with years of pandemic restrictions expected to slow chinese production, it's neighbors could also suffer. but here japan's prospects look rather better as asian supply chains reorganize. they're using japanese technology to do so. obviously, japan is being hurt by the incredible cost push inflation. japan is a big importer of energy, is a very big importer of food. and as a result of that,
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you know, the purchasing power of the people you know, is under downward pressure. but japan is different from the rest of the world because it's got a very functioning and very effective government. japan has been a morning the former prime minister sions are abbey assassinated a week ago. but his legacy of a strong stable government and assertive fiscal policy could be the best defense the government has. in the face of rising global inflation, tony ching alto 0 took you. italy's longest river is drying up, has the country faces sweltering temperatures and its worst drought in 70 years. the 650 kilometer long river po supports about a 3rd of italy's agricultural production. heat wave has led the government to declare a state of emergency. as local farmers are struggling to cope. it comes after the region was hit by one of the driest winters in decades. hot weather and winds are
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causing wildfires to spread. in southwestern france, hundreds of firefighters are trying to extinguish the flames and protect several cities, thousands of tourists and people live in close by have been forced to evacuate. on the u. k, yet the met office has issued a red extreme heat warning for a number of cities in england. and wales from sunday to tuesday becomes ahead of a heat wave that could result in record breaking temperatures next week. now a landslide that buried a school in rural northwest columbia has killed at least 3 children. floods have displaced dozens of families in the mountainous region. a warning now that you may find that some of the images distressing in this report by lesandra petty does not come out of the villagers. the upper door northwest, columbia used their bare hands to search for the children trapped and there a mountain and failed trees. and mud landslide buried this rural school in a matter of seconds,
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22 students were inside. the 3 to 6 year old girls and one side, the boy father hopelessly hugging one of them. miraculously, the other 19 were found alive. when rescue teams arrived with earth moving equipment to the national army, the national police and rescue officers are helping this educational institution or a landslide caught young students unaware as they were taking class inside. as you can see, we're using excavators to help with the emergency armed forces or at the top helping rescue the children who are alive. this is the moment the rescuers heard a voice under the rubble. oh, they later find the little girl still alive. miss landslide was just one of a number of avalanches in floods hitting the northwest of columbia. in recent weeks,
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thousands of families had to be relocated near me the year on thursday. last wednesday, thousands were affected by floods when the sea new in some quarter rivers burst, their banks. experts say the heavy rains plaguing much up columbia are due to the cyclical len nino weather phenomenon that happens every 3 to 5 years. but its effects are now being amplified by climate change. and with them, the risk of more tragedies like this one, allison pit, the al jazeera was to the had hair on al jazeera, some low scores are being short on that day, 2 of golfs open championship. oh and the here with us goes to johnston. ah, a
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oh oh oh oh. what's time for all the sports needs now? his at thank you so much kerry. well, an emotional tiger woods says failed to make the cut of the final match of the year . that's the open championship. the $153.00 sion is being played at the home of golf, st. andrews in scotland, where to find a house once twice previously in 15, so major champion won't be around for the final 2 rounds. after finishing maelin over paul, well sure of the cut. and it could be the last time saga feature is at one of his favorite golf courses. the next one comes around and what $23430.00. and
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i, i don't know, 5, i'll be physically able to play by then. so that to me, it felt like that this might have been my last parish open here at st. andrew's and the fans ovation and the warmth. i was on an unbelievable feeling. i understand what with jack and arnold, i had gone through in the past and i was kind of feeling that way and there at the end and just the just the collective warmth and an understanding that they understand what golf all about and what it takes to be an open champion and i've been lucky enough and fortune up to one this twice here and it, it felt a little very emotional just just because you know, i'd still know what my health is going to be like. i'm a little ticked. my mom are not playing the weekend because i did not play good enough to to be around and i wish i would, i would have played better which i,
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i had a little bit better break at the 1st. all you know yesterday and you know, maybe start off a little better, but that's just kind of how it all went from there. you know, it just never really kind of materialized. i've thought hard and unfortunately i just could never turn it around and i struggle with the green speeds again today, and i could never hit the plus hard enough. i was leaving short again. so consequently didn't make enough parties for different stories tournament later. cameron smith, you leads at 13, under paul, the australian, flawless on dating, started with 3 straight bodies. he was 5 under after 9 holes, and he delivered a passing master class which included an eagle at the 14th hole. he caught it at 8 on the 64 leads by 2 shots from down to overn. i lead a cameron young and chance american title gauge has come out swinging on behalf of the place. you've joined the break coil live series gucci. that 7 on the power of
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to 2 rounds and says, criticism of the saudi about competition has bought those involved closer together . the credentials of everyone speaks for themselves. and so it's, it's obviously cool for me to see the other guys are out there playing well. we've got a lot of flak for what we've done here recently. and i think one thing that cannot be, question is the quality of players that are there. everybody feels like is against us. and that's ok. but like said, it's kind of banded us together. i think with the control over the surrounding lives golfers, particularly this week, has it felt a different experience this open or do you feel when you're on the course that oh, i just want to see good golf? yeah, no. the cover the pants. tastic. yeah, i've always had a lot of support over here and yeah, it's been that way this week of a lot of support out there in the fans of great. now africa is fast, his man, ferdinand and y'all is in
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a race against time to compete at the world athletic championships, which is just got underway in the united states. the kenyan has boarded his flight from nairobi that happened on thursday just hours after his visa to enter. the u. s . was issued, he's one of a reported 375 cases. the have. these are issues ahead of the event in eugene will the flex admit not all cases will be resolved in time. one thing that's clear to me is we know baffled to do as much as we possibly can. and we've been doing this now for some months. and of course, you know, there are political complications as well about nations, you know, being able to travel and nations coming into the united states. so local, it is complicated. in football, denmark midfield christine erickson has completed his move to manchester. united erickson has signed a 3 year deal. after finishing his short term contract at brentford, the 30 year old has returned to football. after having
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a pace maker like devise fitted following his cardiac arrest at last year, euros and buffalo northeast showing of their latest signing it's brazilian midfielder rafino. he's joined the spanish called from leeds, united and a $65000000.00 deal, pulse of finished 2nd in law legal season. failed to make it be on the group stage in the champions league. still hoping to sign rob 11 dow sky from fine munich as well. okay, that is high school is looking for carrying and the thank you very much indeed. will that fit for me for this news? for today's news here in just a few minutes from the to saudi. i la la la la la la. why is one on the, how do you to visit? well, cancel the philistine bitten the from the spring for. yeah. so when that in about
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the fisa can a little sob? is it done? well, i can dish out in the cold. there's topics you how that if awesome, thought not ready, vocal of coffee, like in the past on the macedonian, that a fee alida is like a month to help out or yeah, i mean for the shuttle in the cool, shy fucking will you find it here? even before fucking the book ah ah life and rub bus debates, a lot of folks when they hear the word refugee think stranger, they think other law lately stuck in these camps. it's regardless of your raise.
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the way you're coming from. you said give everybody safety from global issues to those that need to be heard. human rights and land defenders and brazil they live in a circumstance of permanent violence and intimidation. the street for a global audience becomes a global community on al jazeera talk to al jazeera. we ask you be more specific, how many folks are you asking for, and what kind of military equipment we listen, ask the people of cuba in the street. if there is a difference between donald trump and joe bite for them, right, we meet with global news makers. i'm talk about the store restock matter on al jazeera. ah.
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