tv News Al Jazeera July 16, 2022 5:00am-5:31am AST
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sunday, and then easing back off as you go into the early parcels next week, but shall was there for central parts of canada across the northern plains, down towards the southwest. does a southwest hopefully some welcome and useful. i will still some love examples around the eastern seaboard received some very wet weather. recently in to west virginia, pushing up towards new york. some sherry rain coming through here, showers, they'll pile away down across sir, tennessee, kentucky as we go on through sunday. elsewhere it was west, largely dry and foggy, plenty of sunshine, sunshine showers, me mile across the caribbean, live the showers there into central america. we are concerned about some rather heavy rain making its way to worse. trinidad ah ah!
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after fish bump that provoked to outrage us. president joe biden says he raised the murder of journalist jamal kashodi in talks with saudi arabia's crown fritz restrictions murder cr shogi. i raises at the top of the median, make it clear what i thought of time. now when i think of it now, ah, i'm can panell this isn't as they're alive from doha. also coming up for like as you interim president, run out with premise thing, valves to establish the role of law. the protest is demanding a political overhaul. the mexican navy arrests notorious drug lord, convicted for the murder and torture of b. u. s. drug enforcement agents decades ago. and parts of europe swelter under a staring summer heat wave spark it wildfires, prompting evacuation. ah
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1st we begin with breaking news, alto garza explosions, have been heard in the besieged enclave hours earlier. israel's military said that at least 2 rockets were fired from garza over the southern city of ash cologne. this video shows one of the rockets which official se was intercepted by the israeli air defense system with the iron doug. the other hit an empty area, but as we said, we are now hearing that explosions have been heard in garza and we will bring you more on the story as we get it's i was a candidate he pledged to make saudi arabia a pariah. now on his 1st visit to the kingdom, as you, as president joe biden is trying to reset relations and a push for more oil iden, says he confronted saudi crown. prince mom had been salomon of the murder of journalists, jamal christian g, and raised the issue of human rights, was the 1st encounter for the 2, which began with a fist bump. and jetta and white house correspondent kimberly held could reports
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you as president joe biden arrived in saudi arabia to a subdued reception. that may have been because of his past comments about the kingdom. we would run in fact make them pay the price and make them, in fact, the pariah that they are applied. she made as a presidential candidate after a cia report suggested the saudi crown prince mohammed bin solomon may have ordered the 2018 killing of journalists, jamal could shalt g. the president's goal is to reset relations and convinced the kingdom to pump were oil to bring down fuel prices in the united states. i'm doing all i can to increase the supplier for the united states of america, which i expect to happen. but strain ties have made that a challenge, evident is biding, arrived at the saudi palace, offering the crown prince just
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a fist bump. a moment not well receive back in the united states. because shock geez, publisher. fred ryan, at the washington post, calling it shameful. delivering m b as the redemption he was desperately seeking. and cassandra fiance, warning biden, that the blood of any future victim will be on his hands. i'm sorry, she feels her way. i was straightforward. back then i was straight forward to day, basically said that he was not personally responsible for arthur. i was earlier biden's meeting with the crown prince. the press confronted both man drove off with all the dog i was the response of the crown prince. he appeared to smirk
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a serious question left, an answered with reporters, then i shirt out. kimberly help hit al jazeera sarah whitson is the executive director of democracy for the arab world. now. she says, present, biden's promises to the american people. don't marry up with his government's foreign policy. i was quite embarrassed. the president there was so much disassembly, so much just combine relation and the remarks when he said that, you know, a man said that he didn't do it and i told him, yes you did. and i think he did, and then we went on chatting, i mean, that is such a bizarre conversation to be having and reporting if, if president biden believes that mohammed been some on order to murder jamal to show g, what in gods name was you doing? fist pumping with him and chatting and smiling with him as the saudi photo op
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machine was so eager to demonstrate, president biden made promise to the american people to, and weapons in saudi to hold. haven't been so many county, because that's what the american people want. that's what white person congress voted twice. now he wants to do to cut all arms to study. he made these promises so clearly and distinctly, and now in front of the entire world to see he's eating his words, in a most brave in a way for mercantile interests, for weapons sales. a stance of me for oil, for israel. it's just a really, really embarrassing look for the president. for bottom was the 1st american president to fly directly from israel to saudi arabia. earlier, he met the palestinian president, muffled, a boss, and best to him. he reiterated us support for a 2 state solution, but so the time was not right to try and restart the peace process with the israelis. abraham has more ah,
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better humanitarian conditions and financial aid. those are you as president joe biden promises to palestinians in a 3 and a half hour visit to bethlehem in the south of the occupied westbank by did didn't bring any political initiatives to the table. he says the ground isn't suitable now to renal to the peace process, but doesn't urge palestinians not to lose hope in a better future. us. united states is a partner in this work to improve the day to day lives, the palestinian people. that's why when i came to office our reserve of policy, i reversed the polish, is my predecessors and resumed age? the palestinians were the aide is not the only change in policy the palestinian authority wanted in the name of the law. we look forward to steps from the u. s. administration to strengthen bilateral relations by re opening the u. s. consulate in east jerusalem and removing the pillow from the terrorist list. oh,
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i just eaten shooting of all clay would have been covering his visit, but she's not. she was killed by israeli forces fired on me. the 11th. why loan assignment in jeannie? although no questions were allowed during the media conference, palestinian journalists spook, without words, demanding justice for shitty. both presidents talked about target and denise for accountability in united states to suffer losses, won't clunie cohen of sharin abu our care, our kaylee? and she was an american merger citizen and pro palestinian. and she was performing very vital work and independent media and vital work of democracy. how tight the conference palestinians also reminded bitin of shitty artist, doctor, you, dean sabatini painted the bureau for sitting on the israeli bid separation wall,
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cutting bethlehem from jerusalem. an image that would have been difficult her bite to miss. oh, a few kilometers away from that. carpet the reception and the presidential compound in bethlehem. palestinians protested against his visit. we don't want your crumbs. they chanted. oh, why didn't concluded his visit at the nativity church of bethlehem before heading to saudi arabia? why has pledged to ensure palestinians have a better quality of life, but as long as they're being killed without accountability and their lands are confiscated, they say that's unlikely. the only way to improve the living conditions they say is by ending the decades long israeli occupation. me the abraham in front of the nativity church, bethlehem, the occupied westbank inter lanka, prime minister ronald were christmas singer, has been sworn in his acting president of the call to biology boxes. resignation
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was confirmed. he sent his resignation letter from singapore of to fleeing on wednesday. a protest is want we're crime is singing to go to stefan reports from colombo instead of celebrating good bye. uh huh. check box us resignation. many sri lankan spent and not a day queuing for fuel. only a few expressed a relief since leaving on wednesday 1st through the mall deeps and then to singapore. i jump oxide, kept the country in a political limbo that again i did, but did i have received a letter of resignation, saying vipers didn't go to via the president legally designs on his post. on july 14th, 2022. from now the process of collecting a new president will come in until that process is completed. the prime minister will be appointed to carry out the functions and duties us debilitated in the constitution. and all of us running we are missing, immediately announced he would restore law and order after a month of political turmoil and demonstrations are going to give me idea. i accept
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100 percent the right to peaceful protests. some are trying to do sabotaged. there are reports that other groups are trying to influence members of parliament at the vote. next week to elect a new president. we will create environments parliamentarians to express their view independently. less than a week ago, thousands of protesters had stormed and occupied, the leaders, residences, and offices, accusing them of force and lunk, into bankruptcy. after the president left, the crowds had to wickham a single office, demanding his resignation. they were straight with d. a gas people, soap offered to push the departure to leave the country, but wanting to become a single came to whitewash this whole thing. so and he came for 3 months. the situation became bad, bad the worst. you could only go prices and people are dying in the cues, so he's directly responsible. so you have some in the car to weigh less,
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spend 3 days waiting for fuel. i'm very happy about roger boxes resignation, but i don't think the next president will be any better whoever this person is going to. we are still standing in queue. you know, i've been living here for 3 days and my mother just brought some food and he is not the only one with a 1000000. i'm going to have been waiting for a bio. it seems like we're getting ready for actual change. many are actually in progress figured out to be right in colombo us so far the say they will seek the immediate extradition of natoya drug lord has been captured by mexican forces. mexico's navy released this footage of raphael kado content, or shortly after his arrest on friday in the state to send a law content was jailed in the 980 for masterminding, the brutal killing of
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a us drug enforcement agent. he walked free in 2013 and returned to drug trafficking content or has been on the f. b i as most wanted list with a 20000000 dollar reward offered for capture right by your panel. join us from mexico city monroe. how significant is this capture in the request for extradition? that's right, kim. the arrest over the file got up and it is certainly be seen here in mexico as the most significant drug arrests made in the administration of mexican president of manuel lopez over at or even senior white house adviser on latin america. one. going to sit on twitter late in the afternoon in the afternoon on friday that quote, this is huge. got to keep pedo is what you would consider to be here in mexico. as a classic drug kingpin, he was arrested in the 1980 is incorrect in connection with the torture and the murder of a usb agent. he was sentenced to 40 years in prison. he was released in 2013
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under what could be characterized for lack of a better term as questionable legal circumstances. instead of retiring, he returned to the drug trade, making a name for himself in the lower again as a, as a drug kingpin. and in the, in the hours of the afternoon on friday, he was arrested by special forces here in mexico. ready during a raid and is now under the custody of mexicans, special forces awaiting extradition to the united states. kim and separately, the mexican military system, black hawk helicopter has crashed. what do we know about that is? is it at all related? i think many people here in mexico, immediately their mind goes to this somehow being. busy related to, to the capture of another drug trafficker. there certainly certainly would be precedent for that. us officials have offered their condolences to
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a 14 of the 15 mexican special forces operatives who were killed in that helicopter crash into the lower. the crash happened at around the same time that the operation was taking place to capture. got or did all we have since spoken with mexican department of defense of the mexican marines to try to get more details about exactly what it is that happened. what we can confirm is that the mexican government does not believe that there was foul play involved. they do believe that that this was in an accident even though they don't know exactly what were the circumstances that led to this helicopter being crashed. but an investigation is under way to determine what exactly was the involvement of the crew on board to capture the federal and what were the circumstances that led to this tragic accident in the state of siena lower here in mexico can follow their ally from next co city, thank you. or you can return now to the breaking news and reports that explosions
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have been heard in garza. this of course follows as will be reported rockets being fired from gauze into israel. one of those 2 rockets was intercepted. we can speak not to human side who's on a line from garza city. you know, what more do we know of? yes can. so it's really retaliation on the 2 rockets that where fired from god. so a raid actually 2 rates to really rates were carried on because the strip one aside, a policy inside in the south in western city of garza very, very violent trades were carried on the site. we woke up to the thought of explosions and the sound of, of the air strikes more than 8 rockets actually charge you to that site. another one was targeted in the solvent of the cause of stress. so basically to rate the
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very, very violent amount of rockets when launched on, on these 2 sites. more than 13 rockets as a total on the 2 types. you know, do we know anything in terms of injuries that have been sustained casualties or damage to property until now no casualties have been reported at all? it seems that there are no casualties have been reported. these are palestinian military sites. but of course, a lot of material damage has been cold and not just in the area of the sites or the sites themselves, but around the sites because we could see a lot of fire igniting from the sites and lands surrounding it. and mainly there usually agriculture lands. it's also some homes could be
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a close to these sites and looking to the intensity of the radio and intensity of the muscles. but where targeted towards the sides. lots of material damage has the code. certainly you want to talk us through the timing of this because as we've been saying on the face, but it appears that it could be some sort of retaliation of the. some rockets were fired from garza in to the southern city or over the southern city of ash cologne. yes, of course. according to adrian, the media to rockets have been charged to have been lunch sorry, from godsa towards ashton, but one was intercepted by the iron door. the other one has a cell or fallen in an empty area during the rates themselves. in daily media reported the 2 other rockets from garza were lunch towards
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sacraments or cities of sorry israel, but we have or the shoulder and settlement as israel. but they were not sorry and were not sounded, and they were not intercepted. we have not heard afraid there anything further about these 2 new rockets that israel, the media has reported, or israel military has reported that have been fired again and no retaliation. hearing garza yet has been done to to say anything about them, but it seems until now also in god's i know group has claimed responsibility for the launching of the 1st 2 rockets. nothing, no statement, no group has claimed responsibility or spoken about the reason why these rockets have been launched in the 1st place. you know,
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how much of an escalation is this? because i know in the back of everybody's minds, their thinking back to what was it may last year when there was 11 days of fighting, which killed hundreds of palestinians. so. so how much of an escalation is this right now? so usually can, every escalation in godsa has, has started like in by launching rockets, but it's different from the areas that these truck, it's joe target from gods towards israel and use when the, when it is towards the settlement when they are targeted towards key areas that could. 7 also usually be intercepted by our and don't fall your and our role in empty areas. we usually get to retaliation of the targeting of the palestinian military sites to here. and usually material damage more than any
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casualties with that to fall or injuries. but when a further escalation is expected to happen, that's when more, more critical areas that are being targeted when rockets from god's lunch towards a city or other israeli cities that would, that kind of ignite an instant escalation between the fighting britson garza and israel as a retaliation, alright, we'll be checking back in with you. no doubt as we get more information on those latest rocket fired off and out there on the phone from gant. libby is that new oil chief has lifted attempt pre back on the countries oil fields and export terminals. the 4th mature, allowed libya's national oil company to avoid contractual obligations due to
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blockades on oil facilities by tribal groups. other groups were demanding more equitable distribution of libya's oil revenues. they ended the months long blockade off the tripoli appointed font huts thing data as the oil companies new head. there was enough. the national oil corporation announces the lifting of the state of force, missouri, and the full end of closures in all oil fields and ports in libya. the corporation appreciates the efforts made by all sides not local and international. and it vows to adhere to professional and non political standards and is continuing to carry out its duties with full neutrality. the u. n. says egypt was suspended. participation in the peacekeeping force in molly, comes off the bama coast transitional government, all the temporary suspension of troop rotation by the mission, citing security reasons. the decision was made days after $49.00. i've orient. soldiers were arrested on sunday. the government says the soldiers were messenger
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is looking to topple the government. chinese for them. the shooting paying is visited. ginger young wants believed to be his 1st trip there since a crackdown against the weekend was a minority state media showed g waiving it's charing crowd speaking to students and touring businesses on a 4 day so called inspection tour, aging and being accused of committing human rights abuses against the weakest, including force labor force, sterilization and detentions. finance ministers from the g 20 nations and meeting in bali for a 2nd day of talks. the global food crisis storing inflation and the economic impact of the war and ukraine are all high on the agenda. jessica washington joins us now live from bali, jessica, so the finance ministers are continuing to me. stay to they've been talking about a gloomy economic outlook. what else has been happening? ah,
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exactly right. kim. yesterday's told to focus more on food security issues on dead pressures on low income countries. today the conversation chips to climate mitigation, sustainable finance and health infrastructure among other topics. the g. 20 accounts for around 80 percent of global g d, p. 75 percent of international trade. so the conversations that are taking place in barley have ramifications. not just for the g 20 countries themselves, but indeed for the entire world. earlier this morning we heard from indonesia central bank achieve heddie widger, who opened the proceedings, noting that many of the members raised concerns about the urgent need to address increasing commodity prices. he also noted that yesterday, they were able to make some progress on discussion for a health fund related to pandemic preparedness. so at least some progress made. but indeed, the riffs between members of the group continue to persist from our understanding.
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speaking to sources. those who were in those closed door meetings, we will not see a joint communicate issued at the end of these meetings, which conclude this afternoon. traditionally at these g 20 meetings, there is a joint statement on behalf of all the members. but with this group, with its diverse membership, with the ongoing tensions over the war in ukraine, any sort of coming to any sort of consensus has become a rather complicated matter. so while we won't see that joint statement with likely won't see a joint statement, we will see a statement from the chair of these meetings. so indonesia is finance minister instead, really pointing out that this simple matter of really just the basics of holding and meeting ordinary practices that would normally happen at a g 20 meeting are no longer possible due to the ongoing tensions over the war in ukraine. francesca washington and bali, thank you. the united states is the biggest single donor to ukraine,
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and it's fight to hold off the russian invasion. it's given more than $7000000000.00 worth of weapons and equipment so far. for ukraine, small donations are almost as valuable as big ones on the fisher reports from keith equipment on the frontline of the ukrainian war drones medical kits. even mine detectors all provided by crowd funding charity and ukraine set up after the russian invasion of crimea in 2014 has raised millions of dollars the phone to a former high profile presenter on ukrainian tv where goods and we have are. so some big connection between society and the army because it's really important for our soldiers that we carry about them. they understand that they are not long, and that it's not only military case to defend our country. the idea of code
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funding like this isn't new. it's been around since before the 1st world war. what is different is the technology with crypto currency and cash transfers. money can be in accounts within seconds, from anywhere in the world frontline units fill in what they need online. the order is processed and sent more than a 1000000 donations have come in from all around the world. more than $34000000.00 ranging from big cash drops from wealthy individuals to pennies from pensioners. 9 year old tonya put, the jenko, played checkers on the street. losers had to pay her. she raised $6000.00 ukrainian retina about $200.00. wow. well, i was doing this in order to give to the aunt forces of ukraine. so they will fight against the rations, so they kicked him off our land. the charity now has about $200.00 volunteers around the country, experts in purchasing logistics technology, the ultimate goal to beat the russians. but the russians have been crowdfunding to
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figure suggest they've not been quite a successful, but the ukranian groups founder says, even when the ward has done his work, will continue while we fight with russians 900 years. and the of the biggest they, dea, missouri, that i have now, ah, is just to help for granting army to win. and after that, ah, to start to prepare for the next attack on the ukrainians. believe they can get most equipment to the front line in a couple of days, easy. as long as the money continues to flow. alan fisher al jazeera keith because 19 pandemic has caused what uni theft and the world health organization have described as the largest bank slide in childhood, vaccinations in a generation. last year, 25000000 children missed out on routine vaccinations that protect against life threatening diseases. at 6000000 more than before the pandemic in 2019 the number
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of children who received no vaccination rose by 37 percent between 20192021 vaccination against measles is the lowest. it's been since 2008. just a one percent of children. last year, 24700000 children missed their 1st dose of the measles vaccine. and another 14700000 did not get the crucial 2nd dose. the u. n. world meteorological organisation has warned, temperatures will become more extreme in the years ahead. comes as a heat wave sweeps across much of europe. i'll just there is jillian wolf has the story. the steering summer heat wave bringing record breaking temperatures too much of europe and sparking wildfires across the confidence in from thousands of people had been forced to evacuate as wildfires in the country south west rage out of control more than 7000 heck. tears had been destroyed with residents describing the
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scene as post apocalyptic this evacuation center and joe horned serving as a refuge for residence. lose of all, he says it is a book we have received almost 500 offers of accommodation from the inhabitants in the surrounding area. it's an exceptional movement of solidarity in spain. temperatures have been topping 40 degrees celsius for several days. emergency centers in the capital of madrid are seeing an increase of cold water, but we see many people who do not have the money to keep their houses cool. due to the energy crisis, we are having some don't even have adequate air conditioning, which is a very big issue at this time of the year there. how does you enter you think? how can you stand to be here for even 5 minutes? the ongoing drought in portugal and spain provides ideal conditions for wildfires to spread. the city of seville has become the 1st in the world to take part in a pilot program to categorize.
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