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tv   The Stream  Al Jazeera  July 21, 2022 7:30am-8:01am AST

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said is never easy on this one's proof, no exception to the rule. but i would like to take this opportunity to wish him, his wife and his family, the best for the future may. johnson had this advice for his successor. number one, stay close to the americans, stick up for the ukrainians. stick out for freedom, a democracy everywhere. johnson's relatively short tenure included, he said, restoring the you case independence from europe and battling the pandemic. but then a string of scandals brought his office into disrepute opposite. mister speaker, i want that. everybody here and hostility sta, baby johnson exited the house of commons to rousing applause. the next prime minister will be named on september the 5th. jonah al alto 0 london. ah,
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this is al jazeera, these are the top stories, shoreline because new president is about to take the oath of office despite widespread protests opposing his election by parliament or male wick, i'm a singer, has vowed to be tough. and what he calls undemocratic demonstrators. ahead of swearing in ceremony in colombo protest, i say the 6th time prime ministers partly responsible for the ongoing economic crisis as tight security around shall anchors parliament. step boston has this update from colombo before he was sworn in on last night. he already threatened that you would deal harshly with a protest of what he called him, trouble makers, people would try to topple the government. so there's a lot of fear at the moment. what will be the next steps that he already went to the security for us is thanking them for safeguarding deal the whole election. we are here at parliament building, seeing a lot of security for us as people, lo, soldiers going around, even on the water to protect proceeded. we'll see things happening here. russia,
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foreign minister says moscow's military goals in ukraine have widened beyond the eastern don't bass region saga. love rob told state media, but russian forces will also focus on ukraine, southern regions of household and zip. alicia u. s. president, jo bivens threatening to take executive action if congress doesn't pass legislation to tackle climate change is announced. $2300000000.00 and funding for building infrastructure that can hold up against extreme weather and natural disasters. dozens of wildfires are burning across france, spain, italy, and greece. thousands of people have been forced to flee their homes as a severe heat. waves sweeps across europe, iraq's prime ministers blaming turkey, ford artillery strikes that killed 8 people, including children in iraq's kurdish region. anchor was rejected. the allegations, the attack happened, and the mountain turned over. zacko and da hoop province took in regularly carries
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out here stripes and northern iraq targeting separatist from the kurdistan workers party. turkeys blaming. would it cause terrorist organizations for the latest attacks? those are the headlines coming up next to knowledge 0, the stream? goodbye. talk to al jazeera, we ask, can you be more specific, how many jobs are you asking for? and what kind of military equipment we listen, asked the people of cuba industry. if there is a difference between donald delight for them, listen, we meet with global news makers. i'm talk about the story stuck mutton on al jazeera. i hi anthony. ok to day on the street. we are joined by the veteran journalist, a c o, an executive editor of the new slight wrapper, a noble laureate, maria ressa, and i should also add friend of the stream. we're thank you so much for joining us
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today. we're going to be talking about the future of press freedom in the philippines. is that even a present for press freedom in the philippines at in i would say tbd, you know, we're, we're at a place where the outgoing administration certainly kind of punted the ball to the incoming one. and we need to see what the incoming, what the marcus administration is going to do. but the last few days a week before the end of the detail administration websites were blocked news websites. these progressive new sites are a decade old. you know, all of a sudden, a country that has only block pornographic websites is done something it has never done before. that was followed by new laws, the, well, they're try, it's a trial balloon for broadcast stations where it, it almost functions like a form of prior restraint. block timers need to go through the n t c, which if you remember actually took away the license to operate of abs. he began, right? they asked the largest broadcast or to shut down. and then the,
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the last 2 things that happened before the end of the marco's administration were rapidly related. 2 days before the end of the administration, before president mark also took his oath of office. we effectively got our shut down order, and of course, we are fighting that in court. we continued to operate business as usual, and then a few days after president marco's took office. i then, and a former colleague received really horrendous news that the court of appeals to denied our appeal on cyber libel. so this is, you know, it's, and i know i've, i've called a death by a 1000 cats. what fed me, i feel like we've talked about this for a while and it's all coming together all at the same time. maria, behind me, i have an image of you and your colleagues from 2018. that was the 1st time when we heard about rappa being threatened with a shot down 2018. you're still going. what is it like behind the scenes?
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i am tired, exhausted, but yet rejuvenated. if that makes sense, right. ah. that was. and like you said, 2018 and we got the 1st shut down order in january 2018. we immediately told everybody what was happening. it was unprecedented. the 1st time the s r s e c. had ever done something like this to any company with a p d r and to a noose organization. right? so we did that then and we continued to fight it in court. as you know, i went from 2018 when maybe we had 14 investigations. they came down to 11 cases, then it went all the way down to now i have 7 criminal cases. rattler has 8, including the se c k. so it's become like pollution. you know, it's in the air we breathe and yet we know that it is incredibly important to keep
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doing. our jobs at the mission of journalism is, as it is more important to day than it has ever been. we are going to give our audience who are watching right now on youtube, an opportunity to talk to, to ask questions to find out more about press freedom in the philippines. what is possible? what is not possible? so you tube, if you're on there right now, you can speak to maria. it's, it's, it's very difficult to get out of it. so this is a wonderful opportunity for you to do. so i'm going to move along to one of your cohorts. i name is ronna lynn aliya. she is the managing editor of polite platt in the philippine i. yes. and i will been talking to her recently about what is the landscape like for independent journalists? this is what she told us for. it's consistent human rights to avoid being in for exporting belie spelled better powers that we will at last. the longest running online media outfit in the philippines has been repeatedly read that and subjected to cyber attacks. recently,
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a government agency ordered the blocking of our website under the guise of hiding harrison we condemned this unconstitutional act is a violation of our right to publish a violation of the rights of our readers and subscribers the access. i am the relevant and capital information. this is yet another form of harassment against the independent media in the villains. it's really interesting because i know whenever we talk to maria, we you, you bring your trolls along with you. very generous to share with us and unusual and you i, i spotted a comment about, well, the reason you were sued was because you were lying we've, we've talked about this as well. what is that like as, as a journalist and this happens other journals in the philippines where there's this, this in the cabal of trolls who are ready. who are they, what are they doing?
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what is the point? yes. so think about it as, you know, a system that a, and i was using epidemiology before the pandemic happened. but let's use that, right. you introduce a virus of lies into the system. so that is a disinformation, right? so someone wanted to do that, but then it infects real people. and in many ways, psychological studies have shown that once they believe it, it is, it's far harder to change their minds and you see things like this say, would stop the steel in the united states right? with what's happening with january 6th. so when that happens, these are real people, but you tube is a particularly is a special case because just in the last year or so, you to became number one. and in terms of the amount of dis, information on video, that is where it is seeded 1st, and then facebook is used to distribute it. twitter is just being breached. great,
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now, by disinformation networks are also really important to note that the detect and marco's this information networks of worked together since 2016. but now, what we saw it, leading up to the election of, of president marcus today was really a concerted effort to answer the charges of history with plausible answers. like, for example, where did the marquesas get their wealth? well, if you live in one of the poorer neighborhoods in the philippines and many news organizations international loose rigans, asians came in with the same stories. they will tell you that the reason they voted for mark was just because they know they will get gold. and that is a video that was seated ally on youtube, spread on facebook and real people, believe it in terms of attacks, like against me, against any opposition, pull that politician actually forget it against news organizations. these types of
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attacks hammer the credibility, you know, and there was a big data case study that done by i c, f, j in unesco in 2021. they looked at the attacks against me all over half a 1000000 attacks. and they showed that 60 percent of the attacks were meant to tear down my credibility. 40 percent were literally aimed at me to tear down my spirit. that by the way, is the tactic that is more prevalent to day on twitter as, as these information operation seep into twitter, what they're doing is creating more new accounts, right? so they, they will have 0 followers or 10 followers. and then they will take dormant old accounts again 0 to 10 followers, and they will just trash you, you know, and i keep thinking, what kind of ripple do they want. there is no ripple. the goal is to make you to affect you to make you stop. so we're, we've just gathered the data and we'll be doing a story on this for me,
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but it is fascinating to watch. i just wish that i wasn't the target it's i have if you're, you're observing it from somebody else and it's not coming directly to your account . i totally understand that. for many years, we thought it was that de touchy administration that had issues with free press journalism wrapped as new site with you. then as a new administration coming in, i do. marcus administration, coming in early as we spoke to sean crispin. he is from the committee to protect journalists. i want to share with you his optimistic take of what at change in administration might actually produce. when you hear him, as soon as he's finished, i would really love your response. maria has shown festival it c. p. j's hope that the damage done to philippine press freedom under the deter, tape ministration is reversed under the new marcos junior government,
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the new president has said he plans to unify the nation. and we have asserted that a meaningful step in that direction would be to reverse his predecessors anti press policies and allow the press to report freely without fear of reprisal. the new president has a strong popular mandate. he was elected overwhelmingly, and we've argued that he should put that democratic mandate to use by allowing the press to report freely to allowing journalist to operate without fear of reprisal and to effectively restore the philippines places one of the freest media in asia, a reputation, it had previously, and that was damaged, undeterred. se i have the same hopes. remember at the beginning, i said tbd, so we wait to see what president marcus actually does,
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but these hopes have to be pragmatic. i mean, you know, you take a look at the, at the behavior during the campaign where candidate marcos was very much like j, your bull, sanara and brazil. where, you know, he travels with his cadre of bloggers and bloggers and actually sets his news agenda. he's done that in his 1st week, an office of without dealing with the media because why bother with those pesky journalists will ask these tough questions. i hope right. we at raptor continue to hope it. it's a new administration, but the danger signals are, are there and walking into the 1st into july with the threat of a shut down. certainly makes you worry. right. and you heard what len said from bullet law, they they, this is like, shoot 1st ask questions later they took down the website. they tried to file for
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a temporary restraining order, and the court denied it. so they are fighting for their rights while they've already been been gagged in our case hope for the best. but we are also prepared for the worst, and we continue to ask the judges and the justices in our court system to maintain rule of law, to uphold press freedom and appeal to the incoming president. great. here's that the, here's the downfall of this, right? well i think part of the problem is the president marcos is coming to power at an extremely difficult time globally. his biggest problem is going to be inflation and getting controlling. let's be nice, controlling these pesky questions, controlling media. what we're seeing, the information operations on social media by getting control of that in some ways makes their lives easier. i guess what, what i would like to say is, you know, we're not your enemy. we understand the difficulties that are there,
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do not make us the enemy. i shall be beyond that lease up. follow the constitution . is a phrase that you use in your supporters and, and people who fill the rapper and other journalistic outlets of really important which is hold the line right to clay. what does that mean? because from my perspective, i am seeing right. play yourself other independent journalists, having to take a lot of pressure from the authorities in the philippines. but how do you push back? how do you survive? so hold the line is, you know, that line of the constitution where our, our rights are defined. the philippine constitution is like the u. s. we have a bill of rights press freedom is enshrined, freedom of expression, freedom of speech. right. and what we have experienced in the last 6 years is like having a bulldozer try to push you back because the end goal of any autocrat dictator to
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be, is to have everyone voluntarily give up their rights. because then they're not autocrats or dictators. it's the people who want it. well, we sound the alarm, there is a concerted effort to, to push back to, to have us to force us to give up these rights. and that we're not going to voluntarily give up our rights. how do we do our jobs? we just keep doing our jobs. it's certainly much harder. but for me, you know, this, i don't think it's in the philippines alone. press freedom in the last 10 in the last decade. as you know, i think if you look at c, p j's own own, an r s, f's own indexes, you can see that it's rolled back beyond that. the freedom. oh, my gosh, another study, freedom house has shown that democracy itself has rolled back in the last 15 years . right. so what is happening to journalists is
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a natural consequence of losing our democracy. and i think that's part of the reason. you know, you say, please do not voluntarily give up your rights. i don't get a sense in time engaging with some of the comments and questions that we're getting in on youtube right now. so let's start with this one. what would you change to protect journalism in philippines, if you could, what would be different checks and balances. we go back to, you know, taking out the, the trolls and the intimidation tactics. because the way journalists are being controlled now is not even by power as much as the plausible deniability of power by social media. you ask a tough question in a press conference, you will not just have to deal with the person you're asking, but you are getting clobbered online. that's the 1st step, right? respect against civility. what does that, what does that mean in the age of social media?
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this is where i've, you know, i've also talked about technology platforms, really abdicating responsibility for protecting the public sphere. it isn't just journalists, taura packed women, algae b to cue anyone who is already marginalized in the real world, gets marginalized even further on social media. and in the nobel lecture, i actually said that, you know what these technology platforms have done is to encourage the worst of human nature. that is what spreads fastest and fur this lies, least with anger and hate. and that creates emergent human behavior that i mean it, we don't want this for a future. you just saw demitria and i in oslo, accepting the nobel prize in december and 4 months after that happened. russia invaded ukraine. dimitris news organization is no longer publishing in russia. i and we are facing our own problems here, right. a novice saw here?
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absolutely. maria, i never saw here which comes from a we cameras who's watching us both right now. he said before the philippines did have media freedom, but now that marcos is empower. definitely. there's going to be less freedom of the media and for journalists that is with crumbs prediction. you said kind of let see her age are. but the idea of that this philippines hasn't always been like this when, when did it change? 1972 was when the father of our president to day declared martial law and stayed in power for almost 21 years, essentially controlling me. yet that is the 1st step of any, any one who wants to gain power in a country. i worked in the what was then the government station and, and these were sorry, not in 1972. and i hate to say you would have been on
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a journey. i wasn't 1917 sarah told quantity. think about it. yeah. what i learned in 1986 when i came back as every time there was a coup attempt, they always went for the media for the that broad get for the broadcast journalism . rachel, the 1st step of anyone wanting power is control information. and that is part of the reason i think we're under threat, and i think that it's a combination of getting rid of the impunity that is happening in the virtual world . because this concept that there's a difference between the virtual world and the real world really needs to change. we all live. there's only one of us. we live in both the physical and the real world. and what we have seen globally is that when we're, when impunity range online, when there is online violence, there is real world violence. when it's impunity online,
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it kills the checks and balances in the real world and kills rule of law. i'm going to bring in another new voice to i conversation. this is regime. she's a miller, a reporter for the washington post. i feel that she is bracing for more for more problems to come for journalism in the philippines, his regime president for it and, and mark was it you and yours track record speaks for itself on the campaign trail, he shied away from the bates, uncritical interviews or border sailing him have been off housed, shoved, sometimes deliberately, ignored the while, asking questions. filipino journalists are breezing themselves for more of the same now that he has come into power. the philippine brass face is a serious existential crisis. and the time of this information, which stands to be institutionalized, under the marcus presidency. definite b, we're expect thing at baths against the journalists coming from propagandists. trolls sometimes even government officials themselves to continue and maybe even
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move offline. oh, i even optimistic for omni elena stream. oh maria, are you also bracing for the us? well, she has come under intense attack, right? this is what happened. you know, the truth. i guess part of the difference who it's that i've come under the same intense attacks, but i gotta be hopeful, right? i bracing, that's a good word. ah, look, sean crispin, cp j, and regina kubat are from washington post. both these things are, are aligned and we won't know until president marcos takes the 1st steps. his track record isn't great. i mean, you know, in the campaign, as regina pointed out and the attacks online have been horrendous and has actually gotten worse after he was elected, lenny were bred o his, the via the former vice president who ran against him at the tax never stopped.
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they continued, and certainly the attacks against me have escalated again. so we'll see. but the last thing i'll say is, the one thing that the marco's administration cannot get away from is history, right? these really tough questions. where's the $10000000000.00? your family is accused of stealing questions like this are difficult for president marcus to dress. in fact, he switches this way. it's part of the reason he's avoided some of the debates and the journalists questions you asked, you know, what will happen to wrap learned that we were the ones who exposed a lot of these lies in the marquesas. and i think that i hope that the mark was family moves away from vindictive actions. now that they are in power and realizes that they must unite like this is his campaigns. a speech right in his 1st campaign rally. he actually mentioned the word unity 21 times in 20 minutes. well
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now push comes to shove, ease and power. please unite us. i want to noise a lot of thing on sentiment that i am saying from out, online audience, who watching right now. while there is support for you and understanding for what journalism is, it seems to be a, a basic misunderstanding that you report on what is happening. you're not there to support particular political figures. and so there is a certain amount of people being upset with rop le for reporting what they investigate and they find out is, is that an issue with people not understanding journalism or do they not? that's a great question, but i think it is all show up. the problem when influencers are created in a field of journalism, right, the goal is not propaganda. the goal is journalism. journalism goal is to hold
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power to account. we ask those questions and the, the, the critical factor for a good journalist is actually the courage to ask those questions. well, influencers and social media is all about popularity. and, and the, the mistake i think that often gets um, gets passed along is that a journalist is an influencer. least never call a journalist an influence, or in this way, right? we were not in it to be popular. we're not in it to make you feel better. we're in it to hold power to account. that's why we tell our stories. so yes, the short answer to your question is definitely there's a misunderstanding. it was always difficult even before the time of social media, right, to explain standards and ethics and how we do these, our own checks and balances, but now double, triple. what group? li. hard. because disinformation,
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these information operations are meant to try to use these feelings of nationalism and then to label independent journalists are, as you know, they're against our nation. i how many times in many different countries do i see this in brazil in india, in hungary, in turkey, in the philippines were, journalists are under attack. they are labeled as well. they are not nationalists, right? they don't care about their country. these are, this is this information that is wrong. the reason why journalists care about their nations, the reason why we do our jobs is precisely because we care about the nation. i am just looking online, i lumped on to rop la on to day have a look hail on my top. maria knows this already, but i was just checking rapidly. we're still there still doing its work and it still is despite the constant threats we arrested it is soaker to always have you here on the stream and your perspective as well. we wish you every success with,
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with your, your, with your mission, to keep telling the truth and report and all of your colleagues in the philippines . thanks for joining us on the screen today. we'll say thank you, want you to, for your comments, opinions, antiques. i will see the next time take, ah ah, with the gun eating montgomery ideals, the french republic, his long proclaimed, but just would ease modern france in a 4 part series,
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the big picture takes an in depth let france info. the concluding episode on al jazeera frank assessments, it sounds like you don't expect anything to change the problem in lebanon. it's actually structural lebanon needs, and you also contract in order for it to solve this problem. informed opinions, international communities on the go to my students, you create a government knowledge to see in depth analysis of the dates, global headlines. this is going to be very hard for people to explain to the public that instead of pushing back, no, it's actually got 2 members inside story on al jazeera, counter feet too cheap and sometimes dangerous copies of the real thing have been found all over the world i mean, even the most expensive premium products. it's the secretive and deadly multi $1000000000.00 business. we found one problem was about one 3rd, or stay in a, in us,
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which was just an incredible finding. during raids on one of the most notorious mafia gangs in calabria, italian police found consignments of fake olive oil made from industrial lubricants that were being exported to the united states. the main thing that we do when we carry out criminal investigations is to reconstruct the money flow and the flow of goods and connect pieces together. it office frauds does profits that are easy to make and hard to ignore. perhaps it means that all of those should be a little more vigilant about what we put on our plates. ah, plenty of wix, i'm a singer, a sworn in isreal lancaster president despite public protest opposing his election .


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