tv Inside Story Al Jazeera July 22, 2022 3:30am-4:01am AST
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sleep secret service agent. this employee told us that mr. o. nato said that the president was quote, i rate. when mister ingle refused to drive him to the capital. mister ingle did not refuse. let mister or nato said. the 2nd witness is retired. sergeant mark robinson of the d. c. police department who was assigned to the president's motorcade that day. he sat in the lead vehicle with a secret service agent responsible for the medicaid also called the t. s. ha. here's how sergeant robinson remembered the exchange with her, any description of what of what was occurring in the car. no, only vent on the only description i received was that the president was upset and was adamant about going to the capital. and there was a, a heated discussion about that. and when you say heated, is that your word or is that the word that was described by the g f, a jo,
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are described by the tears a any that the president was upset. and he was saying there was a, a heated argument or discussion about going to the capitol about how many times would you say you've been part of the motorcade with prison? her probably over a 100 times. i and another a 100 times. have you ever oh witness to another discussion of the argument or heated discussion with the president where the person was contradicting or where he was supposed to go, or what the secret service please to say? no. like other witnesses, sergeant robinson also testify that he was aware that individuals in the crowd were armed. yes, i believe he was our sped. so our events channel in i was monitoring the traffic and so i can hear some of the unit one and out in the videos that there were any
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videos are along constitution avenue. there were arm that were up in the trees and stack. and here the are units responding to those individuals as well as always a concern when there's a hole in the area. and like other witnesses, sergeant robins had told us that the president still wanted to travel to the capitol even after returning to the white house. so at the end of the speech, what was the question is suppose to be so at the end of the speech, we do know that while inside the lim out president was still ah, adamant about going to the capital that's being really to me by the tears agent and so we did art the ellipse and we responded back to the white house. however we the at the motorcade old, his medicaid was placed on standby. and so we were told to stand by our omar wes
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exact until they confirm whether or not president was going to go to the capital. and so i but may have, will read it. i would just estimate maybe 45 to 45 minutes to an hour. i'm waiting for secret service to make that decision. the motorcade waiting at the white house for more than 45 minutes before being released. the committee is also aware that account for the angry confrontation and the presidential s u. v. had circulated widely among the secret service since january 6th. we sent disclosures have also caused the committee to subpoena yet further information from the secret service which we begun to receive and will continue to assess. the committee is also aware that certain secret service witnesses have now retained new private council. we anticipate further testimony under oath and other new information in
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the coming weeks. after the secret service refused to take president tromped to the capital, he returned to the white house. what you see on the screen is a photo of him inside the oval office. immediately after we returned from the rally, still wearing his overcoat, a white house employee informed the president. as soon as he returned to the oval about the riot at the capital, let me repeat that. within 15 minutes of leaving the stage president trump knew that the capitol was besieged and under attack. at 125 president trump went to the private dining room, off the oval office from 125 until 4 o'clock. the president stayed in his dining room just to give you a sense of where the dining room is situated and the west wing. let's take a look at this floor plan. the dining room is connected to the oval office by a short hallway. witnesses told us that on january 6th,
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president trump sat in his usual spot at the head of the table, facing a television hanging on the wall. we know from the employee that stevie was turned to fox news all afternoon. here you can see fox news on the tv showing coverage of the joint session that was airing that day at 125. other witnesses confirmed that president trump was in the dining room with the tv on for more than 2 and a half hours. there was no official record of what president trump did while in the dining room. on the screen is the presidential call log from january 6. as you can see, there's no official record of president trump receiving or placing a call between 11 o 6 and 6 54 pm as to what the president was doing that afternoon. the presidential daily diary is also silent. it contains no information from the period between 1 21 pm and 4 o 3 pm. there are also no photos of president trump during this critical period
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between 121 in the oval office. and when he went outside to the rose garden, after 4 o'clock, the chief white house photographer wanted to take pictures because it was in her words very important for his archives and for history. but she was told, quote, no photographs. despite the lack of photos or an official record, we've learned what president trump was doing while he was watching tv and the dining room. but before we get into that, it's important to understand what he never did that day. let's watch. so are you aware of any phone call by the president of the united states to the secretary of defense that day? i'm, we're not. are you aware of any phone call by the president united states to the attorney general of the united states that day? no, he were of any phone call by the president of the united states, the secretary of homeland security that day. i'm not aware of that because you're
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my friend, the president. look after the dealer. you're a good parent ask for no . so as somebody who works in the national security association with the national council, we're going to be true or call up for a rally in washington dc for example, is that something that you would have in here? who do you know if you asked anybody to reach out to any of those that we just listed off national guard d o. d s b i o my insecurities secret service. my advisor with a capital police about the situation with capital. i am not aware of any of those requests. no, sir. we have confirmed in numerous interviews with senior law enforcement and military leaders, vice president, pencils, staff, and d. c. government officials, none of them not wine heard from president trump that day. he did not call to issue
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orders, he did not call to offer assistance. this week we received a dis just tional testimony from yet another witness about why the president didn't make any efforts to quell the attack. the former white house employee with national security responsibilities told us about a conversation with senior advisor, eric hirschman, and pat sit baloney. the top white house lawyer. this conversation was about a pending call from the pentagon, seeking to coordinate on the response to the attack. mr. hirschman turned to mister salt, set bologna and said the president didn't want to do anything. and so mister swift baloney had to take the call himself. so if president trump wasn't calling long foresman or military leaders, what to president trump spend his time doing that afternoon. while he 1st settled into the dining room, he was calling senators to encourage them to delay or object to the certification
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years kaylee mckinney, his press secretary to explain or this is back there and he was list of senators and he's calling them one by one. you know which ones you go to that to my recollection. know on as i say, in my notes, he wanted a list of the senators and you know, i left and i'm at at that point because the presidential call log is empty. we do not yet know precisely which senator's president trump was calling. but we do know from rudy giuliani's phone records that president trump also called him at 139. after he had been told that the riot was under way at the capital. mister juliani was president trump's lead election lou attorney, according to the phone records, the president, his call with him lasted approximately 4 minutes. recall that fox news was on in the dining room. let's take a look at what was erin. as this call was ending. the present, as we all saw,
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fired this crowd up, they've all tens of thousands may be a 100 dozen or more, have gone down to the capital or elsewhere in the city, and they're very upset. now i jumped down as soon as we heard the news that brett gave you about my kansas heard talking to these people. i said, what do you think one woman, an air force veteran from missouri said she was quote, disgusted to hear the news. and that it was his duty to do something, and i told her, i said there's nothing in the constitution unilaterally that vice president pins could do. she said, that doesn't matter. he should have fought for trouble at 149. here's what was happening at the capital with president trump's fired up supporters . ah, we're going to give her a warning. i'm going to try to get your partner for her to clear. ryan. he 49 hours
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declaring a riot. what did president trump do at 149 as the d. c. police, at the same time, we're declaring a riot at the capital. as you can see on the screen, he tweeted out a link to the recording of his the lips speech. this was the same speech in which he knowingly sent an armed mob to the capitol. the president trump made no comment about the lawlessness and the violence. i yield to the gentleman from illinois. the next action president trump took was to tweet at 2 24 pm. what happened during the 35 minutes between his last weed at 149 in to 24. his staff repeatedly came into the room to see him and plead that he make
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a strong public statement condemning the violence and instructing the mob to leave the capital. he did not relent until after 4 o'clock. when he went out to go to the rose garden to film his now infamous go home message. patsy. baloney was a top white house lawyer. here's what he told us about his reaction to seeing the violence and his advice throughout the afternoon. when he 1st realized that the actual but running i 1st realized it may have been on television or if they've been told here, may have been billed. but i found out that people were didn't be, weren't in the chapel yet. the people you know, asked her why she didn't know that i was where it was with her. i didn't need to be an immediate response to
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that. people need believe that. but this is exactly just like you from the very onset applied on the capital bread around 2 car pushing for a strong stating that people should be capital. i was that other sort. ringback so had you said that you expressed your opinion forcefully? could you tell us exactly how you did that? yeah, kim, i'm going to have, you know, who on the privilege issue. i can't talk about conversations with the president, but i think generically say, but i said, you know, people need to be told. there needs to be someone, can osman, asked that they need to leave the capital. and pat could you let us know approximately when you said that approximately went almost immediately after i
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found out people were getting into the capital or approaching the capital in a way that was was violent. remember the discussion workman's respect to his, it's due that the president didn't want doing some kind of resistance to want to say something on my speech. yes. just just where people suggested not just me. many people thought same way. i'm sure i had conversations with mark about this during the day and express my opinion very force. ringback received so your advice was helpful. capital took over 2 hours when there were subsequent taken. jake for that in europe, you were insufficient. did you continued one throughout the period of time up until
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417 continued to push for a stronger state. yes, we joined enough effort. i yvonne contract. yes. hershey. yes, i'm work. yes. white house council just wanted to be a strong statement out to condemn the writers. i'm confident in that i'm confident that of on could. trump wanted there to be a strong statement to condemn the writers. i don't know the private conversation she had with trumpet. i remember when she can stop at one time of the white house counsel's office. when she can see that she's the sas office with white house counsel's office. she was talking about the fees later that day and trying to get her dad on board with saying something that was more direct than he had wanted to at the time. and throughout the afternoon for and i think mark, also one, i remember getting a bucket involved because i get
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a walk out here in orange. and lucero was there in the morning, but she later i met with him there too. and of course, pass over, you know, was expressing the same thanks back philbin. it was very, as i said, i don't think there was one of these meetings where there might have been for the most part, i remember the both of us going down together going back, getting home phone calls. it was also very early rustic. this you had said bologna and cassidy hutchinson, an aide to chief of staff. mark meadows also told us about the hang mike pence chance as you will see. mister civil lonia recalled conversations about those chance on the west wing. but he relied on executive privilege to maintain confidentiality over his and others direct communications with the president.
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although mister suboxone was unwilling to provide more detail, ms. hutchison provided more explicit information. fill in those blanks, see that for yourself. by then until march hung up the phone, handed it back to me, and i went back to my desk. a couple minutes later, him and pat came back. possibly eric hurst into aden. pretty sure her person was there. but i'm, i'm confident it was the path that was there. i'm, i remember pat sanctioning to the fact of mark, we need to do something more. there are literally calling for the vice president the i think hong and mark had responded something to the effect of you heard him. hi. he thinks my deserves that he doesn't think they're doing anything wrong to which has said something. this is acting crazy. we need to be doing something more
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briefly. stepped into mark's office. do you remember any discussion at any point during the day about run it capital champion? hang on tense. yes, i remember a murder hearing that about that this year. i don't know if i had some of that myself on tv. i'm just curious, i understand it. so i mean, drum, do you remember what you can share with us about disgusting, that image? change to hang my kids chance. i view this. why do you that that is outrageous? and for anyone to suggest such a vice president united states for people on the ground to be cherry that i thought was terrible. i thought it was outrageous, a bomb. and i expressed that very clearly. when you start to compensation,
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most mottos. ready did you most of the rules are concerned with the vice president with them. and how did he respond i believe i raise a concern about the vice president and i and i began the major is response on, you know, people were doing all of a good. what about the president of the indicate where the president was doing what needed to be done to protect the rights for them get to sort it that they call the black me to just a be sure that on i say in addition, mister civil only testified that it would have been feasible as commentators on television were suggesting for president trump to immediately appear at the podium in the press room to address the nation. willing to be possible at any monk,
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the president, to walk down to the pony and grief and tell, talk to the nation any time between the 1st gave him 2 o'clock for 1750 without a pass. would it be possible? yes, yes. we just heard mister civil only say that president trump could have gone to the press briefing room to issue a statement at any moment. they give you a sense of just how easy that would have been. let's take a look at a map of the west wing. as we saw earlier, the president's private dining room is at the bottom of the map. the press briefing room is at the top highlighted in blue and the rose garden where the president ultimately filmed his go home. video is on the right next to the oval office, and that's highlighted in green. is matthews, how quickly could the president have gotten on camera in the press briefing room to deliver a statement to the nation?
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so as you outlined, it would take probably less than 60 seconds from the oval office dining room over to the press briefing room. and for folks that might not know the briefing room is the room that you see, the white house press secretary debriefings from with the podium and the blue backdrop. and there's a camera that is on in there at all times. and so if the president had wanted to make a statement and address the american people, he could have been on camera almost instantly. and conversely, the white house press corps has offices that are located directly behind the briefing room. and so if he had wanted to make an address from the oval office, we could have assembled the white house press corps, probably in a matter of minutes to get them into the oval for him to do an on camera address. thank you. other witnesses have given us their views on that question. for example, general keith kellogg told us that some staff were concerned that alive appearance
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by the president at the microphones at that moment could actually make matters worse. he told us he recommended against do in a press conference because during his 4 years and the trumpet ministration, quote, there wasn't a single queen press conference we had had president trump's advisors knew a state of mind at that moment. and they were worried about what he would say, and unscripted comments yield to the gentlewoman from virginia. thank you. as you've heard by 2 o'clock, multiple staff members in the white house recognized that a serious situation was underway at the capital. personally, i recall being evacuated from the house office building where were sitting by before this time it was due to the discovery of 2 pipe bombs in nearby building. is matthews, around the same time you were watching the violence unfold on television and social media with colleagues, including with ben williamson as senior aide,
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to mark meadows and the acting director of communications. you told us that before president thompson is next tweet at 224. mister williamson got up to go see mister meadows and you got up to go see kelly mackname me. why did you both do that? so ben and i were watching the coverage unfold from one of the offices in the west wing, and we both recognized that the situation was escalating and it was escalating quickly and that the president needed to be out there immediately to tell these people to go home and condemn the violence that we were seen. so i told him that i was going to make that recommendation to kaylee, and he said he was going to make the same recommendation to the chief of staff, mark meadows. thank you and one of your colleagues in the press office, judge deer told us he also went to see ms. mccaney at that time. let's hear what he said about this critical period of time. right? as the writers were getting into the capital, i'm calling to say,
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here was my services. well, but it appears that individuals are storming though u. s. capital building. they also appear to be supporters of donald trump, who may have been in attendance at rally. we're going to need to say something to you as to why or why, why? if i recall, i told kaylee that i thought that we needed to encourage individuals to stop to respect law enforcement and to go home. although president trump was aware of the ongoing riot,
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he did not take any immediate action to address the lawlessness. instead at 2 or 3, he called rudy giuliani again and that call lasted for over 8 minutes. moments later, at $213.00 riders broke into the capital itself. one of the proud boys charged with seditious conspiracy. dominic missoula used an officer shields to smash a window and rioters flooded into the building. ah oh
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it's rioters were entering the building, the secret service held vice president pence in his office right off the senate chamber for 13 minutes as they work to clear a safe path to a secure location. now listen to some of that radio traffic and see what they were seeing as the protesters got just feet away from where the vice president was holding. i thought i. 2 hope you're well, we need to move now. happy. if we lose you more time, we may have may lose the ability to leave. so we're going to leave, we need to go now, gained access to the 2nd floor, and i've got conflicts about 5 me from a down here. hello. they are on the 2nd floor. moving in now we may want to consider anything else i'm leaving now. coffee. well, we insure the table once we make our way, repeat counts or any individuals. if we made our way to the mix
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between us and the people that are 5 to 10 feet away from me, i'm going down to value a. go ahead. we have a quick thought quickly, we got smoke downstairs. no smoke by the group. is that ro compromise? we have it is secure. however, we will why pay for just use that are being do thing. there is smoke on know what kind of smoke it is. got clear, we're coming out now. alright, make away the president's national security council staff was listening to these developments and tracking them in real time on the screen. you can see excerpts from the chat logs among the national among the president's national council. national security council staff at
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$213.00 the staff learned that the rioters were kicking in the windows at the capital. 3 minutes later the staff said the vice president was being pulled, which meant agents evacuated him from the senate floor. at $224.00, the staff noted that the secret service agents at the capital did not quote, sound good right now. earlier you heard from a security professional who had been working in the white house complex on january 6, with access to relevant information and a responsibility to report to national security officials. we asked this person what was meant by the comment that the secret service agents did not quote, sound good right now. in the following clip of that testimony which has been modified to protect the individual's identity. the professionals discusses what they heard from listening to the incoming radio traffic that day
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sir, is the capital does not sound good? correct? what does that mean? members of the b p detail at this time we're starting to peer for their own lives. there are a lot of, there was a lot of yelling, lot of a lot of very personal calls over the radio. so it was a service like another, but there were calls to say good bye to family members. so who's getting for whatever reason was on the ground detail thought that this was about to get very ugly and do, did you hear that over the radio? what was the response by the agent to secret service agents? who were there anybody to think about when it was just reassurance or i think there were discussions of reinforcement coming, but again,
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it's just just young, obviously serving but what, what prompted you to put it into an entry as it stays there. so the kids running out of options and they're getting nervous. it sounds like that we came very close to their service happened to use legal options or, or worse. at that point i don't know is to be compromised into the details. i don't know, but they didn't have visibility but if. ready if they're screaming and saying things like, take about a family i can afford, you know, this is going to and a whole nother level. soon as this next video shows the rioters anger was folk focused primarily and vice president mike pence. this woman came up to the side of us and she says pen folder.
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