tv The Stream Al Jazeera July 22, 2022 10:30pm-11:01pm AST
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vehicle you're gonna need some patience at this shop. for example, the waiting list for new customers is 5 years. so our typical customer is one that really loves their car either it has a, you know, significance to the family. maybe it's been handed down or you know, our customer has driven it since high school. so typically, automotive enthusiasts best describes our customers right now. those customers are also laughing at sky high fuel prices. bream says he's concerned about the environment and global warming, but reducing c o 2 emissions isn't his big motivation. a motorhead, i'm a hot rodder, i might speak guy. wagner is proud. that is all the w isn't making the climate crisis worse. i'm excited to. ah, you know, take it up to the mountains, driving through the national forest, not polluting anything, whether it's for going green or going for speed. classic cars are getting a new electronic lease on life. rob reynolds al, jazeera san marcos, california,
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out of as much more on a website perhaps not about the classic cars, but everything else any show that is going on in the world, al jazeera dot com. ah, our main story this our washer and ukraine assigned a deal to reopen ukrainian ports on the black sea for grain exports raising hopes. at my ease, the clump of food crisis ceremony in assemble was overseen by the one sector general and the turkish president who broke the agreement going shipments have been stuck in ukraine since the start of the russian invasion in february wars and international food prices soaring. well, new inspector general and china get her, spoke to al, jazeera of the deal was announced and sat there tits a promising step towards peace from the point of view of the management of the situation with a joint to center,
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a joint coordination centered with the 4 entities, we've inspections by the foreign, through the use of ships going in and out, which ships permanently controlled. so i think these are created the precedence of corporation and i hope this president will pave the way it will. busy probably not to be immediately, it will take time. it will be complex, but it will be the way for one day peace to be possible and peace in loam. we have international law, underinsured that protest is in shall anchor of our to continue their fight after the main protest camping colombo, as forcefully cleared by security forces demonstrate as that does not rest until there is a systemic change in the government there on friday, an ally of the former president was appointed prime minister at least 18 people were killed in a police raid on one of rio de janeiro is largest for villas, police,
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and most were members of organized crime groups. and police of acute have been accused of brutality. while the brazilian president, like in the operation to a cowboy movie, steve banner one time aids a former u. s. president. donald trump has been found guilty of contempt of congress. he defined a subpoena by house committee investigating last year's riots on capitol hill. now faces up to 2 years in jail and up to $200000.00 in fines. the stream is coming out next asking why so many domestic abuse as any i said, states have guns ah a
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hi m f i this have a dean filling in for family. ok each month in the u. s. and average of 57 women are shot and killed by an intimate partner. in many of those cases, women are being killed by partners who are legally barred from even having a gun in the 1st place. today on the stream, we discuss why so many domestic abusers have access to guns and what can be done to stop these preventable murders. take a look at the trailer for a new documentary from fault lines, which investigates how u. s. gun laws are failing to prevent domestic abusers from killing their partners . can i have a wellness check on my daughter, jasmine relock, and the reason for the check book fair, she didn't go to work today. the guy she's with you're going to court for beating her so i don't know if she's alive or not leave with being pushed
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in pool. i don't know what to do. he would isolate her, keep her away from last. she ad marks on her neck marks on her arm. her back was all tore out the sleeve which tore off with the investigator knew the police a bulletin way in the back of my head and came out my sheep, diesel all around here. and my daughter's gone, we shouldn't have laws in the books that are just for show. we punish them on the back end. and by that time until it just makes you angry, the system a warning to our viewers. the conversation today will focus on domestic violence and may be too graphic for some audiences. joining us today, we have fault lines correspondent, an investigative reporter at reveal. jennifer golan in dallas texas were joined by natalie in an asi, who is the director of the hunter,
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legal center for victims of crimes against women and in bel, baltimore. maryland is shannon fred, a. raleigh, a professor at the john hopkins bloomberg school of public health. as always, we want to hear your thoughts and questions, so be sure to jump into our live youtube chat. and you do can be part of this discussion. ladies, thank you so much for joining us. such an important film really stunning, really powerful, moved me to want to understand this more and even do something about it quite frankly. and i want to ask you, i mean, jasmine story ah, a harrowing example of kind of tragic outcomes that could be prevented. and i'm curious what you discovered, what you learned and, and why you made this film. we learned that jasmine story demonstrates what's happening across the u. s. and that is that offenders who should not have guns under federal and some state laws are still carrying them anyway. and they're using them to kill their intimate partners at alarming rates. the number of intimate
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partners killed over the last 10 years is soaring. and we know that the problem has been compounded by the pandemic. the reason we made this film is because we are driven by this sense of utter injustice that mostly women are dying at the hands of people who should not have guns. and the laws are not being well in forest. and i see a both you ladies are nodding, i want to go very quickly to a common that came in from our community. um, someone named april who i believe, natalie, you know, who's kind of framing the debate in a very interesting way. take a listen. in the united states, 3.4 percent of non fatal domestic violence events include the use of a gun. that amounts to $32900.00 non fatal gun events a year. and the majority of intimate partner homicides are committed with a gun. what we need to do to protect intimate partners who are abused is
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make sure that their violent partners don't have access to a gun. and we have laws in united states that say that intimate partner abusers can't purchase or possess a gun, but those laws need to be implemented, particularly when somebody already possesses a gun. those guns need to be relinquished. natalie, how widespread is this? is it growing? we heard jennifer say the pandemic things are getting worse. understandably, why is this happening? well, you know, it's difficult really to know exactly how wide spread it is, because i think one of the things the documentary shows so nicely is that we're not collecting data on these issues. in fact, one of the things that so remarkable about jennifer's reporting is that she's the 1st person to really uncover this connection between guns not being taken away as
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the law says they should be, and the answering fatalities that are happening to women and the harm that's happening to families and so i presume it came as a shock to a lot of your a lot of your viewers that the federal government isn't doing tracking on this issue. and unfortunately that's something really common in this area of firearms here in the united states. right. and, and shannon, that's why i used the word stun. i mean the film is stunning. i was stunned. maybe the audience might also be stun. to learn that the federal government isn't doing that. i do want to ask you, this is not just impacting, of course, these victims who are being abused or being attacked or who are or who are being murdered. of course, it also has a bigger implications, right? it has implications for the family. could you outline for us what the scale is truly of this? right, so we rightfully often focus on the people who are experiencing the abuse directly . right? so in the case, the scenarios that are presented,
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the women who are victims of this abuse. but if you think about the context in which this abuse is happening, it's happening in homes, it's happening in communities. and there are, there are children who are witnessing there is this abuse. there are children who are looking at their parents interacting in this way. so this kind of abuse, this kind of violence has ripple effects said ramifications for generations to come . this is what children are learning as they're growing up in these homes. and it's something that is far more common and far more damaging than i think most of us understand or are willing to admit. and jennifer, the film brilliantly illustrates that it's a short film, but you really do get into that from various angles. i want to take a quick look at this clip and come back to you on the other side of it. take a look. i feel like a lot of government people don't see how bad of an issue. it really is.
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they don't see the ripple effect from it. after ashley's death, her son moved to another state to live with his dad, who lisa hasn't seen her nephew in several years. and her son hasn't been the same since the shooting. he's withdrawn. he used to be just open and different. he always tells me how much he misses my sister and my nephew, i'm worried that it will stick with him forever. you know, they say children are resilient. so they're, they're not supposed to see that they're not supposed to go through that. when you see that back or what, what can you share with us about lisa's case,
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and that kind of humanizes, what happens to whole family and community when this occurs? her family has been shattered. her son, she so eloquently described, there is never been the same. he's withdrawn, he plays video games during the day. it's affected her entire family and she hasn't seen her nephew in several years. and that was a, the son her nephew who is orphaned after his mother was killed. and we know that there are untold number of kids who are and families who have been split apart and devastated by these shootings and shannon so much devastation. and it's hard to measure as we've heard. i'm curious when you see that clap and you know, when we talk about this being a problem of enforcement, what would you suggest should be the priority in terms of trying to address this?
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yes, well, this latest clip really demonstrates that, you know, one of the challenges we have in our society because on the one hand, we have over the past few decades gone a long way toward passing laws to address these very problems. we've gone a long way toward passing laws, but allow for courts to temporarily remove guns when domestic violence is an issue for civil protection orders. but what we haven't done is follow up to assure that those laws are implemented and enforced. and we need to be focusing attention on not just passing laws, but making sure that the systems are in place and supported, so that the benefits from those laws can be realized and that people are better featured and videos like this don't experience the violence that is so devastating to families and communities and natalie, you know, when we talk about these laws in the loopholes and where are things falling apart
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and how can this continue to, to not get the attention that this documentary is really shining on it? yeah, i mean there are a number of issues that causes to be really complicated. the 1st is that we have a stem here in the united states where there we have a federal system where we have laws on the books, on the federal level across the country. that prohibit domestic violence, offenders from possessing fire arms after they've been convicted. the issue is that the enforcement really needs to happen at the state level. and the underlying convictions are also at the state level. so at baseline you have this really challenging interplay between laws that are, that are in 2 different places, right? at the federal level and the state level as that's the 1st big hurdle. right? right. and when we, when we say that, that's just the 1st hurdle jennifer,
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i want to in a moment, show a clip from the film where you actually kind of pressure at least question ah, the acting deputy director of i think the bureau of alcohol, tobacco and firearms which is, is responsible essentially for potentially collecting and gathering that data right . or could be a, and i think it's important because it really does show that this is a sort of failure and accountability. take a look at this ah, how many people are prohibited from having guns because of felony convictions and qualifying domestic violence, misdemeanors. oh, i don't know that number. i'm not sure anyone knows that number with precision and how many domestic violence homicides are being committed by people who are not allowed to have guns. i don't have that number. so you don't know how many people have died at the hands of partners who were prohibited possessors, and we don't know how many private possessors are out there. i don't we certainly track the number of firearms that we c 's. but our mission is focused on
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investigating violations of federal laws and not following up on local misdemeanor domestic relics. convictions. i kept thinking why i just really, it's instinctive. you see that and you, you think it makes, it's obvious, almost. so is this a process issue? is this a funding issue? i think all of those are good questions for our men's room. it wasn't a funding issue. it said we're driven by a sense of justice here. and we need the data to be able to create in foreign policy decisions. and to act. we know that from our research from our little newsroom that more than 100 people have died at the hands of people who should not have had guns, under federal and or state laws. and they still went on to kill their partners. so it's possible the data collection is doable,
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and i've done it. and we gathered the data from more than 20 states, ran criminal background checks on more hundreds of domestic violence, homicide perpetrators, and then gather all the court records to vet the cases to see who met the federal criteria for being prohibited. so we've done it and it's doable so. so then it's a lack of, well, i mean you say we've done it, we've do, it's doable. and i would imagine your resources don't out number the resources of local or federal government. i'm wondering wheres shannon forgive me. i'm just going to pivot for a 2nd because it seems obvious without data, you can't even understand necessarily a problem, let alone solve it. so. so i'm curious out where do you think that there needs to be a focus to actually start to to have other people do the work that god jennifer and her team have done well. so the good news is, is that while, so i've looked around the country to try to find,
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look at local jurisdictions and identified those that have really stepped up and done, the kind of enforcement work that we're talking about here. they're hard to find, but they do exist. and what you see when, when you do find those vocal jurisdictions who are doing this work, who are following up on civil domestic violence protection orders. what you find are line force that units that are trained, that are committed, that understands the problem of domestic violence that understand the real risk that firearms code. and are committed to making sure that when a court issues a protection order that says you're temporarily prohibited from purchasing that same guns, that law enforcement unit is committed to doing everything that they can to assure that the respondent to that order is not possessing guns. while that order is in place, we've seen it happen. it's a small number of jurisdictions as far as i can tell that are doing this work,
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but they are out there and it does work and it does make a difference. natalie, i it looks like you wanted to jump in there. yeah, well, and i think it's, it's important to remember to is i think the reason that that shannon is having a hard time finding jurisdictions where this is working. if is 1st, because only half of the states in this country actually have laws on their books that are similar to the federal statutes that prohibit domestic violence. offenders from having firearm st. doesn't even have the laws on the books. it's going to be hard to get my mental around and forcing them the other pieces that coordination has to happen very deliberately. rate you're thinking about a process where you have a police department, a prosecutor's office, a judge, a probation officer, all of these different areas of the criminal justice system who have to be involved in this enforcement process and getting those people on the same page, getting the local government entities to fund those agencies. to do this work
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specifically like we saw, the atm doesn't have a dedicated domestic violence task force and so it can be done. it absolutely can be done. so it takes prioritizing mr. shell, so it can be done. we've heard from san an example where things are working, so there is a some hope here, and we have a comment from ernest coverson the from the and gun violence campaign manager. he's with amnesty international. he kind of echo some of what you discuss. take a listen. what would it take to in gun violence in the united states, 2 things. one, funding community based organizations as doing great work in this country. doing great works across this country and communities across this country. they are change a lives on a day to day basis funding many times isn't there. and so for the federal government that actually fund these organizations so they can continue to do the work and then to the political will of our elected officials to enact common sense
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legislation that will allow guns to be tracked guns to be registered gun owners to take responsibility for their fire arm. these are 2 opportunities that we have that would change this epidemic. the santa, you're notting, i was going to go to natalie, but it seems like you either agree with a lot of what he outlined he online for before things. what do you make about? i completely agree. i mean, we need, we need sort of voices in this country to recognize the problem and the opportunities we have to address this problem and to hold people accountable. we need sort of firms, we need stakeholders and advocates to really elevate this problem and point toward solutions. what takes movement in our communities is people caring and people raising their voices together to call her action to call for attention to the problems that we care about. and the fact that the sad fact of the matter is that
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for decades, domestic violence just has not been a priority in this country. we've been willing to sort of dismiss it to sweep it under the rug to classify it as a family problem. we're only now starting to really come to terms with it and we need lots of loud voices in order to assure that we deal with it effectively and address the guns that are also devastating in these relationships. jennifer, did you have something? yes, i mean, part of the problem in this country is there is no gun registry. federal law prohibits it. so it's very difficult to track who owns which guns and how many they have including prohibited offenders who are barred from having firearms. the other key here is that our country as a wash in guns and for private gun transfers, there is no requirement that people undergo a background check and you talk about the background check and in our country or
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the, the us being a wash with guns. i should say, we have a comment from 10 di talking about the culture of guns if you will. if truth be told, the horse has already bolted in the u. s. as far as gun violence is concerned, as long as americans continue to glorify guns and violence in their movies and entertainment, as well as believing that guns are a necessary tool for protection. that it's the last cause. so quite pass mistake their shannon, but i'm curious. the culture itself, how big a role does that play? you know, we know that there's the 2nd amendment. we know that, you know, we hear americans love their guns and nurse statistics to back as we've heard in the dark. why? but does that have to be part of a solution? can we, can we change this reality without a big shift in the culture? i don't think we need to change the culture. the culture is there, but there's also another culture that recognizes that responsibility when it comes to got an ownership is key. there's another culture that doesn't want to be gun
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owners. in fact, when, when we do polls and we've done many polls about public opinion around gun policy, what we see, i'm, i'm guessing, with shock the viewers here today. we see consistently over time, overwhelming support large majority of support for common sense gun violence prevention, policies like policies that prohibit respondents to civil domestic violence protection orders from purchasing and possessing. and regardless of how we cut the data, if we look at men or women or republicans or democrats, different regions, gun owners non going, enters people who identify with the n r a. what we consistently see is common sense guns. policy makes sense to most voters, but those voices, art. what rises when we have policy discussions? what rises are a minority of extreme views with regard to defining what our culture is about. gun culture is a part of what we are in america, but it's
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a small part and there are many other voices and natalie, i know you and natalie. i know you want to jump in. i want to ask you though, you know, the 3 proposed rounds of legislation, why, why did they fail? i mean, whereas their optimism that, that any effort new efforts might succeed. i mean, i think the shannon is right that i think this legislation fails because a small group of individuals has an outside control on the policy making in this country. but i, i have to say, i don't know that i am incredibly optimistic about solutions at the federal level given our political climate, which is why i think we need to be focusing our energy on the state level. like i said, passing these laws and states where we don't have them and working community by community to enforce the laws that we have on the books. i think that that, that can be done. and we can, we can change culture. i think what ernest was saying, it's got to be
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a community based at work and we can, we can work to change minds around that. and speaking about community, we also have someone in our broader community here at the stream, the director of the national resource center on domestic violence and firearms as a message for audiences that he sent us via video. take, listen, if you're concerned, having heard about firearms and firearms not being taken from domestic abusers, there are some things that we think you can do. you can find out in your own community if the court is 1st of all advising defendants or warning them that they can't purchase a gun or possess a gun. secondly, the court should be finding out if that person has fire arms or has access to firearms. next, the court should be ordering that person to surrender those firearms. finding the court should be holding some type of hearing or otherwise ensuring that the person has complied. unless all 4 of those steps are being taken to your community,
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you may be living in a community that relies on the honor system where you're, you're expecting the person who is prohibited from possessing guns to, to turn them in voluntarily. and that's a very dangerous thing. the honor system, a reality is, is quite surprising. so for someone who didn't know anything about it, he outlined some concrete steps. 4 steps, anything you want to add based on your work that you think you would recommend should be addressed. i was a surprise to, i'm at. i mean, i think that's one of the shocking things is that it's an open secret. among judges lawyers. i'm a prosecutors police there. we're operating on this on our system and we're trusting offenders who have already shown that they can't be trusted in some cases with firearms to disarm themselves. and am what our data shows is. that's not good enough. we still have hundreds of people dying at the hands of people who shouldn't
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have guns. and that was a message that came through loud and clear. and the documentary for me that what's being done is just simply not good enough. and jennifer natalie sion and thank you so much for joining this conversation. and of course for everyone at home for joining us today. and if you are someone you know, is experiencing domestic violence, we have some resources up on the screen for you to use in the u. s. so there is the national domestic hotline and in the u. k. there's also a helpline available phemie will be back next. i believe next week. yes. don't worry, she'll be back next week with more great content from all of us here at the stream . thanks so much for joining with . ah.
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