tv News Al Jazeera July 28, 2022 7:00pm-7:31pm AST
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during life saving tools, supplies, and training to help the world's most vulnerable people, uniting across borders to speed up the development of tests, treatments, and of vaccine keeping you up to date with what's happening on the ground in the world and in the lab. now, more than ever, the world needs w. h o. making the healthy a world for you. for everyone. ah, and i will just hear what ever you oh, a
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the u. s. anti means latest. speak on the fall and as pensions mount about taiwan and the war and ukraine. ah, hi there, i'm kim vanelle. this is alger, they are alive from dell ha. also coming up. grain shipments from ukraine's ports are expected to resume for the 1st time since roches invasion. u. s. economy contracts 1st, 2nd strike quarter raising recession fears just months before keep mid term elections. heavy rain triggers, flash floods in the united arab emirates, and car gets rain in july for the 1st time on record. ah,
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he was present, joe biden has held a phone call with chinese leaders. she, she paying amid rising tensions beijing as warm that it will take what it calls forceful mesh. it's if the speaker of the us house of representatives visits taiwan next month. if the trip goes ahead, nancy pelosi will be the highest ranking american politician to visit the island since 1997. china considers taiwan part of its territory and white house correspondent kimberly hawk. it has more from washington dc. the report is keen to hear about this phone call in detail because there are so many thorny issues that were expected to be covered in this call between the leaders of the 2 largest world economies. the pressing issue. of course the dispute over the potential visit by house speaker nancy pelosi and her congressional tour. 2 she is scheduled to visit not just in denisia, japan, and also singapore, but potentially also, ty,
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wine and the confrontation, potentially that could result from that if she were to go, given the fact that the united states really does not have diplomatic ties with high wine, it does have under us law the obligation to defend ty wide and that is where things get difficult because there is this possibility of unintended confrontation, should she visit there. and the fact that the chinese have, in fact said they do not want her to go, has made that all the more tents and confrontational grain export from ukrainian ports through the back see, are expected to begin in the next 24 hours. $25000000.00 tons awaiting and ukrainian poles with it being stuck since russia invaded, has caused food shortages and price rises around the world. john henderson is in the city of odessa. he says ukrainian farmers are reluctant to sin, their grain. there is, is one of 3 ports where those green shipments will be leaving from and they are
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where that rain is being stored right now. this is odessa, the 1st shipments are expected to go from turner mores. and then there would be shipments from pick denny as well. now there's been an inspection site where presumably the russian officials who can control some of those areas will, will be inspecting those ships. but there's also been a corridor mapped out south down the coast on the black sea. that is theoretically a safe corridor by the region of odessa has been struck a couple of times. and that leaves some of the farmers who are shipping this grain uncomfortable. we talked to one yesterday in northern ukraine who said that they were going to store their grain on site in containers at their farm because they just don't feel it safe yet. so those 1st shipments will really be a test as to whether other farmers are going to follow suit. ah,
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right away i taking you live now to a washington dc with a family of nodded algae. is there a journalist sharina barclay? i do to holds a news conference there. afternoon, everyone at thank you very much for coming here today and being with the a block lea, a family. my name is deanna bu 2. on may, the 11th palestinian american journalist with al jazeera shitty and barclays, was in genie in, in the israeli occupied city. in the west bank. she was there to cover israel's invasion of the city. that morning. shitty in is seen on camera dawning, her flak jacket, with the word press on it and her protective helmet. and speaking to her colleagues, as she prepared to report, as was her practice for 25 years. she made herself known to the israeli army and
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she made sure that they saw her as she prepared to report. despite that moments later shitty anne was killed by an israeli soldier who shot her dead in the back of the head. her colleague ali was also injured. as bystanders and colleagues tried to rescue her, they too were shot. as is israel practiced, they tried to deflect and to deny responsibility and insidious case. despite the presence of numerous witnesses, they tried to do the same. numerous newspapers and organisations were conduct had conducted investigations and concluded that in his railey soldier, killed shit in. but even this and more importantly, we know that if should ian would the only reason that shitty was in jeanine was
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because the israeli army was in jeanine, had the israeli army, not been in ginny and shitty and would not have been in the city either. she would be here with us today, despite all of these reports, and despite the promises made the u. s. has yet to conduct an independent, transparent investigation nor hold shitty ins killers or the government that killed her responsible. as a result, the family has come here to seek an investigation, to seek justice, to seek accountability for shitty ins, murder it's. it's shocking to me that they had to come here, rather than the u. s. administration going to them, they had to come over here to seek justice rather than the other way around. now we all know that shitty in was
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a prominent journalist with al jazeera. but she was also a sister. she was also an aunt. she was also a mentor to so many. she was also a role model to so many and she was a friend to so many, including to me. we more on her loss every single day. and more importantly, we are now seeking answers. we are demanding accountability. we are demanding justice so i thank you for coming here today. we have for 1st going to hear from shitty ins families, followed by representatives of the congress. i 1st one as the introduce you to victor alba oxley, shitty and nephew. thank you all for being here to bear witness to my family. search our search for the truth, our search for justice, our sort of our search to hold those responsible for my aunt's murder accountable.
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my name is victor barkley and she's in a box. there was my aunt when i look at all your cameras pointing at me. i think of sharon, my aunt sharing wear it as a journalist for 25 years before a highly trained israeli soldier killed her on may 11th 2022. she was killed on a silent at age, 51, the rest of her life stolen from her. we will never see her face again and our family reunions in san francisco. her see at the christmas table and palm sunday lunch will forever be empty. millions of palestinians who looked forward to sharon's news reports will never see your face on the television again. she was the familiar faced the trusted voice, like a strong knowledgeable relative who appears on screen to reassure you. with the facts and analysis, you need to make sense of the often absurd and cruel world around you. in a place like occupy palestine, where you have so little control of your day to day life. knowing you will see the
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same friendly face every day was a great source of comfort for millions of palestinians, reports from the united nations, the new york times cnn, and many others have concluded that israeli soldiers killed my aunt sharon. there is no doubt but we are standing here now because we still have hope, our spirit at strong our family, me my sister, lena. my father on tone and my mother lisa came to washington d. c. this week because when someone you love is killed in a senseless way, anyone would want answers. we want to know who pulled the trigger and why. and we want there to be accountability for the system that gave the green light so that other families don't suffer the way that we have. the reality of, of course, is that in palestine our families, grief is not unique. she wasn't even the 1st us citizen killed by israel this year . president biden said that during schooling was the last to america. and we appreciate appreciate these words. but now is the time for action journalist should
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never be targeted while doing their job, no matter which country they're reporting from. there must be consequences for killing a us citizen, a journalist, and most importantly, a human being. thank you. thank you very much, victor. i won't now want to call a shitty in about his brother, anton tony to speak. my name is antonio barkley and shaheen was minded some system where president biden was coming to jerusalem hurry of this month. i thought for sure he would meet with us a us citizen, a permanent journalist, beloved by millions of people, was killed by a highly trained israeli soldier. president biden was 10 minutes away. he never came to see us. so we had to come here to washington with support from a community of wonderful people who shared our commitment to justice. fortunately,
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we were able to arrange meetings with more than a dozen members of congress, somewhat for mars. started standing beside me. president bargain still hasn't agreed to meet us. we need him to hear from our start a key so that he understands that 1000000000 our from any and to many other for the see news have in june. president biden has the power to make sure that this doesn't happen again. we need him to follow his words with meaningful the actual shitty and deserve justice. and our demand remains the same. a u. s. investigation that these 30 i counted. think i now want to have the lena barclays shitty ins. nice to come and speak. my name is lena barkley and should in was my aunt on monday as we prepare for our
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meetings on the hail secretary of state anthony blinking, blinking off his call. my father and said we had an appointment with mr. blink and the next day we went to his office with one specific action. we need the biden administration to take now. launch a thorough, credible, independent, an transparent investigation into shootings, killing that leads to accountability. any family of a u. s. citizen who is killed abroad expects their government to put its resources behind an investigation. this is the very least, the biden administration must do. they cannot rely on israel's word. war criminals cannot investigate their own crimes. to many palestinian families suffer every day as our family is suffering. now. they all deserve to live in safety with their families. they all deserve justice. they all deserve freedom. we made this demand
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clear to secretary blinking, but he did not make us any promises. he did say that the bite and administration would be more transparent and keep us informed, moving forward, which would be correcting an error that should not have been made in the 1st place . we appreciate that secretary blinked and emphasize his commitment to accountability. we also know that accountability requires action if he really means it, it will require honest, swift and bold action by him and others in the administration who are concerned about the well being of their citizens and their journalists, working abroad to the members of congress that are here all those of you and the u . s. pal palestine and around the world who have sent us messages of support and encouragement. thank you. your kindness carries us when our hearts are breaking and we are tired from this fight. we are of family and morning shootings, killing devastated us and we shouldn't have to fight for justice. but believe us,
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when we say we will pursue accountability for shipping a ball clear wherever it takes us. a passion, a journalist, a proud palestinian, and a proud american. a beloved aunt, sister, and a friend. your memory and legacy will forever will live forever. shaheen. we love you. thank you. thank you very much. i now want to com, representative andre carson from indiana. thank you. thank you. thank you all for a weathering this extreme heat and to the family. thank you. it's unfortunate that you have to mourn and suffer in this heat as we continue to mourn the loss of this great journalist and fellow american. i believe that this was an attack on the fort the state, the free press, which is vitally important to our society. you know, we need answers to hold the perpetrators fully accountable from day one. the israeli government has denied sharon's murder. there is no reason for them to be
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conducting an investigation. you may not like that, but that's the truth. it makes it more important for our government to conduct our own investigation. sharyn needs justice. every american killed abroad is entitled to our protection. every human killed american or not, deserves justice palestinians including black folks included. we want answers. we need to ensure that these answers are accurate, that they are transparent and that they are timely. it has been 2 months since sharon's death and we have yet to hold her perpetrators accountable. the state department released her statements of the summation of these reli and p investigations. but that is not enough nor is it what our request has been from the beginning. we introduce an amendment to the india with language that has already passed the house and senate. busy for to mark a show he,
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unfortunately our amendment for serene hasn't been made and order the rules committee. now this stand alone bill requires a report on serena death by the department of state, the f b i in consultation with the d o d and the national director of intelligence. we are urging our colleagues to see this as a free press issue. to put aside israeli and palestinian politics and to see this for what it is an attack on independent reporting, we're going to keep circulating our dear colleague until we get 218 original co sponsors for this bill. we want to work with the family and advocates to build up strong support for the justice, for serene act. we're also working to introduce another bill, the justice for journalists act, this congress to require relevant agencies to report on the death of all american journalists killed in the line of duty. this fight for answers is unacceptable.
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everyone deserves justice, including to rain. thank you to the family for being here. thank you very much representative andre carson from indiana. thank you for your support. i'd like now to call representative rashida to lead from michigan. thank you all so much for being here. good afternoon. i'm sorry. i'm. it isn't easy to come to capitol hell as a family that you're here to ask that your sister. 2 your aunt's life to matter, to her own country. so i know it hasn't been easy for the family. sharina life was not disposable. her killing was not an accident. even as they tried to change her name, it was impossible because your name was an incredible human being,
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even as her family and those that loved. that loved her so much tried to mourn her death. they were met with violence and disgusting at times to drop her body to the ground the light. this is the life of. 6 palestinians and israel even after death the dehumanization doesn't stop our. 3 country can stop it, though, we must help stop the enabling of more death and violence by just looking away, right. they continue to look away and it isn't lost on me at all. that maybe maybe have for some of my colleagues that if they need to take out the word palestinian from housing in. 6 american for her life to matter that they actually would support it. it isn't lost on me or other americans that we have different standards applied when it comes to israel, even as they kill americans, including 78 year old on our side, or who was on his way from just playing cards with his cousin. you know,
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i was in my twenties. i don't know if you know, obviously and i was in my twenties when i heard the killing of rachel corrie, how she was run over with a bulldozer by israel. i knew when her fear her family didn't get justice. that israel would have been impunity for future killings of americans that back the sharina family is forced to come here and demand that the state department in our government, the us government to get up literally to hold her killers accountable and prevent this awful tragedy from repeating itself again, again, and again. it's shameful. i remember lena telling me her nice telling me that this is what should i wouldn't want it to what it would want to make sure that this doesn't happen to anyone else. what americans are killed abroad? it is more or less the standard procedure for our government to open an investigation. but when the murders where israel uniforms there is complete silence . poor rachel,
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corey's family to this day has been waiting for justice since 2003 and still nothing. sure. he wasn't even only an american murdered by apartheid state of israel, but they were also she was also part of the journalist community. that's why i'm proud to demand that bite and administration direct the department of justice, including the human rights and special prosecution section and the f. b. i and other relevant u. s. offices or agencies to launch a thorough credible in independent and transparent investigation into shaheen. on. * and rachels murders, it is also clear that the state department has comprehensively failed to live up to its mission, to protect americans abroad when they are murdered in the hands of israel. this is why i encourage again my colleagues to stand up with us in regards to this. but one thing that i know in tony lena, victor, i just want you to know i'm in all of your courage to get up every morning these last few days to meet with members of congress in the head of state was an easy,
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i know your hope is that president biden would agree to hear your plea for help and get the justice your family and in our journalist community deserve. i know, i promise you this. many of us standing with you here today are going to continue to fight along your side every step of the way. again, thank you for your determination, your strength, and living up to the legacy of a city. she would want you here standing here to make sure that no one else is killed in this way and that they deserve justice. with that, i'm going to introduce my sister, congressman betty mccollum, who when my head is down, lives my chin. every single time she does, she wiped my tears, but that betty mccall hello . as my sister, she said, i'm betty mccollum and i had the honor of representing minnesota's 4th congressional district in the us house. the representative shearing
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a 51 year old us citizen doing her job. and as an alice, is there a reporter? i may. 11th when idea forces occupying the west bank shot and killed her as a palestinian american. as a journalist, as a human being her most sponsored mental rights, were just taken away from her. i'm deeply sorry to the family for your loss. i had the opportunity to meet with you in my office. i heard the story of just how evidence this impact was on your lives personally, as well as the impact and the significant legacy she leaves behind. as a journalist, there must be accountability for your loved ones. a free peck press is essential to a global democracy. just the ideals of a just society. those bring us the news to tell us what's
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going on around the world to give us their personal personal accounting of what they witnessed that has to be protected. and that's why i stand with the family today and supported their request for a thorough transparent u. s. investigation by the state department and the f b i as an american, she deserves no last. as a journalist, she must be protected. our nation was founded on the value that all human rights are equal. so we must live up to these ideas by providing sharina and her family and all of our fellow americans. the answers about what happened that day. that is what she was trying to tell us through her journalism what was happening now. we owe her her memory and her family an outcome of what happened to her. thank you.
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thank you very much to both of you. i would now like to introduce i represent, if i on a presley from massachusetts. thank you. we're all here in solidarity because our destinies are tied. thank you all for being here today, and i thank you to sharina family for your vulnerability and your candor. i look forward to a day where people do not have to relive their trauma. in the midst of their own grief and healing in order to compel action. but we thank you for your willingness to do so. your advocacy in memory of your beloved sister and aunt is a testament to the shared values of integrity, conviction, and truth that define your family. sharina was deeply loved and valued as a journalist in her lifetime across the globe. i am devastated that the reason that
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we are gathered here is not to speak on her. 2 astute reporting, her insight into the daily life experiences of israelis and palestinians. the way that she use her platform and the gift of language to build ridges and increase proximity or her humanity. we are gathered here today in solidarity instead in outrage and collective grief because of the cruel and unconscionable way she was murdered. she wasn't american journalist, a palestinian american journalist, season pressure tested with years of experience, reporting in close proximity to military installations and areas of conflict. the loss of her is unacceptable and devastating. there cannot be true justice for her because in
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a just world she would. 2 still be here with us today. she would not have been killed, but there must be accountability. as lena, her beloved niece says, said accountability requires action. and that is why my colleagues and i have called on secretary blinking and f b i director re, to launch a formal u. s. lead investigation. that is timely and transparent. we implore them to act without further delay. so i'm grateful again to everyone for being here today. grateful to our family for your consistent advocacy. we will not let up. we will celebrate sharina life. we will honor her memory and we will continue to press for accountability. thank you.
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thank you very much, congressman presley. i'd like now to call representative alexandria. corso took portez from new york. thank you very much. and i'd also like to acknowledge i'm many of the partners in this effort. are the committee to protect journalists, the institute for middle east understanding, and of course, as sharina family. ah, specifically her brother tony her niece, lena and her nephew, victor who are here with us today. we're here to day as colleagues, representing more than more than 80 members of congress who have called on the state department and the department of justice to conduct an independent us investigation into the killing of should sharina at who are clare. multiple human rights groups including the israeli human rights group, but for lamb and a number of news organizations, including the washington post cnn and the new york times have conducted
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investigations that echoed what i witnesses have said that in israeli sniper shot and killed sharlene while she was on duty wearing a clearly marked press vest b, u. s. must commit to launching its own credible independent investigation. i echo the family's call for the biden administration to have this investigation led by the f b i and the department of justice, including the human rights and special prosecution section, which are tasked with investigating more crimes against you as citizens. the president should also meet with sharon's family and i urge him to do so while they are in washington to directly here from them. sharina serene and her family deserve to be treated the same way that any other american would be in this
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situation. an american journalist was killed abroad by a foreign army. i, a sniper, this situation demands a thorough and objective investigation inc. thank you very much. i'd like to now have represented marie newman from illinois to speak good afternoon, although it would be a much better afternoon if we had started a complete and independent investigation and i'm going to cut right to the chase. i am embarrassed and outraged and incense that there is no investigation started and i'm going to call the state department oper, dragging their feet 100 percent that should be already initiated. this was an american journalist doing her job spectacularly in a very brave way. so i'm so sorry to family and i'm a barrister.
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