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tv   News  Al Jazeera  July 29, 2022 5:00am-5:31am AST

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they gather evidence. so can we and american cyber activist develops and used in brazil to moment least who we have more cameras than they do because we're the people, a bigger rug with rebel peaks on a job, 0 bolts journalism. the police violently dispersing protests with these are sort of a good tens of thousands of people. try to flee all inspired to program making. welcome to generation change unrivalled broadcasting. white people did not want black children in their schools. we have to fight for it and algebra english proud recipient of the new york festivals broadcaster the year award for the 6 year running. ah,
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a strong message. the leaders of the u. s. and china warn each other with a tie one and the latest phone call and agreed to hold face to face talks. ah, hello there i was darzy, attain this is al 0 life. and also coming up russian forces around massive missile strikes on the ukrainian capital kids and the geneva region. as your grand launch as a counter offensive to retake her song. the family of nodded al jazeera john less true in their demands, a u. s. investigation intact, killing and violent protest calling for an end and military rule in guinea, bring its capital to a standstill. ah,
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o u. s. president joe biden and chinese president shipping have held 2 hours of frank talks and what's being described as a tense call. the phone conversation was the 5th between the 2 leaders since biden took office and covered a range of sensitive issues. u. s. policy on taiwan was a major topic, the speaker of the us house and representatives nancy pelosi is considering visiting the island, which beijing believes is part of its territory. children being warned by them not to quote play with fire. the u. s. president mentioned genocide and forced labor practices and relation to beijing's treatment to weaken muslims. he also criticized what the u. s. c's as china's aggressive military posture across asia. on the subject of trade. biden reportedly stopped short of discussing the removal of tariffs on chinese goods, accusing beijing of unfair practices which hom, american watkins, how whitehouse correspondent can be help. it has, well, well, what we know is that there is right now, no change to u. s. policy,
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the united states is sticking firmly to is one china policy. in other words, that taiwan is a part of china. but where things get murky is that under us law, there is also an obligation of the united states to defend taiwan. if it is attacked in any way that is something that it would be obliged to help support. and so that is why there is a bit of a diplomatic problem for the united states. if nancy pelosi were to visit the island, the potential that there could be some sort of military confrontation, given the fact that right now in the c surrounding the island are not only the taiwanese military, but also the united states military and also the chinese military. now in terms of the phone call, there was a very strong word of caution by the u. s. president to chinese president. she's in paying that any sort of effort by china to try to absorb taiwan our,
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to in any way. try and obtain the island by force would be strongly discouraged. in fact, the u. s. strongly opposes any unilateral efforts to change with united seems called the status quo, or undermine peace and stability across the top. the taiwan strait is the message that was conveyed by the u. s. president. so both of these leaders really sending a very strong message. while i spoke to michael swain, he's the director of the east asia palace program at the quincy institute. he says the 2 sides are yet to have any meaningful dialogue. there's been a continuing dissatisfaction on both sides. that neither is really addressing the concerns and interests of the other. it's really in some ways, a sort of dialogue of the deaf. you have these exchanges of talking points, which we've had again, in the case of the 2 precedent speaking with each other which are fairly pro forma
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. but the problem is that neither side regards the other statements is being entirely credible. and that's because there's been a whole host of different factors over the last many years, beginning in the truck administration and the she can ping administration that really have lowered the sense that the words and deeds of both countries are really in connection. there is a greater sense that underneath the positive statements that are being said, when they are being said, and that's not very often, that the 2 sides are really still just maneuvering against each other in a very, very 0 sum way. and we've got to really get out of this kind of dynamic people criticize those who are opposed to nancy pelosi visit by saying she's a member of congress, and other congressional delegations have gone to taiwan in the past. so what's the big deal? well, it's a big deal in this case because she's not just any member of congress. she is the 3rd person in the line for the presidency. nancy pelosi then going to taiwan at
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this particular time. then just makes the situation been more unstable and even more undermining of the idea that there is a one china policy for the united states. while latest figures in the us indicate that gross domestic product or g, d, p, has shrunk. now for the 2nd quarter in a row, it's one of the signs of a recession, but job birth remain strong, which hasn't been the case in previous downturns. my county has worn out from washington. it's a crippling time for american consumers. the inflation rate hovering around a for decade, high of 9 percent, the base interest at which money has lent increased $4.00 times this year already. and now the news that the g, d, p i from for the 2nd quarter, another blow to national confidence, although president biden insist the economy will recover and there is no recession . both chairman power and many of the
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significant banking personnel and economists say we're not in recession. the biden administration points to the fact that employment is rising at an unprecedented rate with over 2 and a half 1000000. new jobs created this year alone, as clear evidence that it's doing a good job and opinion echoed by the treasury secretary. most communist and most americans have a similar definition of recession. substantial drop losses and mass layoffs. businesses shutting down. private sector activities, slowing considerably. family budgets under immense strain in some a broad based weakening of our economy. that is not what we're seeing right now. that many republicans in a divided congress seeing a political opportunity well aware that should the november elections take place in
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the shadow of a recession. it would be devastating for the administration impala. this economy is not working well in our economists are going to argue about whether we're in recession or not. but those are academic debate. in order to be politicize the term . it's an independent body which decides whether or not a recession is under way. the national bureau of economic research consists of 8 economists who gather and examine all relevant data and then make an independent determination. polls indicate that some 50 percent of the u. s. population believes the recession has already begun, despite what the president says are going to be a lot of chatter today on wall street and among pundents about whether we are in a recession and in a meeting with president biden. a number of chief executive officers agree there is no recession pointing to the notable absence of the most historically reliable sign
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of a downturn. a half point rise in the unemployment rate averaged over several months . by canada ultra 0 washington. moving on now and ukraine says, russian forces have launched a missile attack on the cave region for the 1st time in weeks. the regional governor says a settlement about 20 kilometers from the center of the capitol was hit russian dreams and withdrew from the area. months ago, after failing to capture it. and the northern region of chinese was also targeted on thursday. meanwhile, ukrainian forces say they're stepping off a counter offensive and cuss on the southern region fell to russia in the early days of the war. but ukraine wants to recapture it. he says it struck 5 russian strongholds around the city on thursday. a strategic bridge is now out of action off the ukrainian forces hit it with a long range rockets and another 3 bridges across the denise. pro river have also been damaged in recent weeks, making it harder for russia to supply it forces or the men of the occupied
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ukrainian city of melissa poll says rotten. military convoys have been moving through the region towards her phone. number listed every day, the observed to 3 convoys of military equipment and socially, more than 100 units. these are tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, and other vehicles that pass through city or mallet up all along the street from really helpful and moving direction of creamy and care. sorry. in the meantime, ukraine is grand exports through the black sea are expected to resume in the next 24 hours 25000000 tons of and stuck in ukrainian ports since russia invaded cause in global future waters. u. n. g. monetary and chief, modern griffith says these plans are encouraging. we are hopeful, of course, planning, but hopeful for the 1st ship movements to take notes within days, hopefully tomorrow. out of those votes, there are vessels, of course,
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in those ports, with the grain on board ready. they will be the 1st to move, and then we will start having ships going in, inspected and going in. the family of al jazeera john mystery and has made an impassioned plea for us politicians to support an independent investigation into her killing. they have this award of 80 members of congress, she hubbard times the reports from washington, dc. my name is lena clay and shooting was my aunt. capitol hill was the latest stop for the brother, niece and nephew of slain al jazeera report, sharina blackledge. as i keep up the pressure on the bike, the administration to open an independent investigation into a killing. this is the very least the by the administration must do. they cannot rely on israel's word. war criminals cannot investigate their own crime tv and was my little sister. the family members also renewed the call for a meeting with president biden after he refused. during his recent trip to the
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occupied territories, us citizen, a prominent journalist, beloved by millions of people, was killed by a highly trained israeli soldier. president biden was 10 minutes away. he never came to see us. an ag members of congress who joined the family and cooling for an independent investigation. and she was trying to tell us through her journalism what was happening now. we owe her for memory and her family and outcome of what happened to her. i'm so sorry. co family and i'm embarrassed or when the murders where is really uniforms, there's complete silence. this is bigger than one person or one country. this is about our values as americans. on tuesday the family met with us secretary of state and he blinked him. afterwards he tweeted that he expressed his deepest condolences and a commitment to pursue accountability for sharina. quite tragic killing. but the family said he made no commitment to an independent investigation. the next stop for the
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block as will be the department of justice. the family says it's not naive and aware of the u. s. history of shielding israel from accountability for its killing of palestinians or us citizens. but it says it has to try and stop the cycle that leads israeli soldiers to feel that they can kill at will she ever time? see al jazeera washington still a had here on al jazeera for his president logs one year in office. i made allegations of corruption and hostility from his allies and of mystery by a spent $6000000.00 on the skeleton of the t rex's elephant own cousin. ah, with he has begun the, the full world copies on its way to catherine book. your travel package to day. here we go with your worlds weather update haver one thanks for joining in. so the flooding has been bad in southern areas, a baka storm,
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but i think on friday that bris, that threat will extend to war the north stretching from islam abad rate. through to the hor, now in terms of those monsoon rains for india mostly relegated toward northern areas of the country, but were also seen that rain pick up once again for ma, harass, dra, go karnataka, right through into careless se asia. right now we've got a disturbance spin away, but meantime we're gonna get dowse with frame for southern sumatra by and large indonesia as main island of java, looking mostly fine and dry. so it's been about 7 weeks of unrelenting heat across southern sections of china. there are signs the heat is starting to be flushed out as because we've got some showers and thunderstorms in the forecast here is a hong kong at $34.00 at that's just a few degrees above where you should be for this tab. you're thunder. downpours extending from harbin right through to the yellow river valley and the gang see river valley. we had shanghai just 34 degrees a few days ago. you are pretty close to about 40. and for japan,
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still some pesky showers on honju. not too far away from tokyo, but tokyo itself will be sunny with the high of 33 degrees. on friday, i saw airway official airline of the journey around and women are being murdered in mexico every day, almost always by men, an epidemic of gender based violence that threatens to spiral out of control. now specialists police squads run by women a trying to reverse the trend and bring the perpetrators to justice. but can they overcome years of macho culture and indifference? behind the scenes with the fem aside detected on a jessina lou.
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the hello there on the handle hall, let's remind you about top stories here. the south, the u. s. and chinese presidents have held more than 2 hours of talk and what's being described as a 10 phone calls on the subject of taiwan children being warned, a job i'm not required to play with fire. u. s. economy has contract for a 2nd straight quarter for the bible ministration, and it's not in recession. g, d, p 0.9 percent in the 3 months from april to june. ukraine says russian forces that launched a missile attack on the key region for the 1st time. and when the russian troops withdrew from that area, months ago, after failing to capture it. while protest against guinea, as military gentle have brought the capital concrete to a standstill. organize a se one demonstration was killed in confrontations with security forces in the
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unrest again, just before the head of the regional block. eco ass said military rulers have scaled back their time table for a transition to civilian rule from 3 to 2 years. but there has been no confirmation of this from the join into the protest was called by coalition political parties and civil society groups known as the f n d c. this protest is revenge against this regime. we thought the crew was a change, but no, it's just the change of facade. i support the f n d c. i support it and everything that it's doing well, the national front for the defense of the constitution or f n. d. c was founded in 2019. it aimed to oppose president alpha con days planned to run for a 3rd time by changing the constitution and orchestrated months of demonstrations before con day was eventually toppled in a military career. last september. things went quiet then until name, when military leaders band protest and public spaces. the dc started calling for demonstrations again this time against the military genta well that spring and
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christopher for munoz. he is the regional director of central and west africa programs at the national democratic institute. he joins us now from washington. d. c. christopher, what exactly should we be expecting, given the janitors refusing it seems to confirm this change of timeline we're hearing about well, i think we have to consider today said demonstrations as a cost changing event, in the sense that it shows to the content is that developed around the cooley, september of 2021 is no longer there. that civic society and of asian parties determined to have had c. and if the who doesn't open up a more inclusive, more conservative, more transparent transition process, then we could be in real trouble in guinea pig christopher. i believe you designed a program and to help facilitate political transitions. what advice would you be
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giving to both sides here in terms of trying to find a resolution? in fact, in march of this year and the i sent a delegation to give you cannot re, i lead that delegation. and we had a good meeting with the head of the neutral winter, as well as with political party leaders, civil society, even traditional leaders. and we've made some recommendations which went along the lines of making sure that every union sector is represented us is voice through this transition. i'm being able to put in place a timeline that native that's known to the public specific benchmarks that can be made to make sure that this military transition is the last is history. because this year, in gwinnett county for democracy, i'm for citizens to have their rights, which is what she got to do demonstrations led by the f n d c. well, you talk about voices being had, i understand that happened talks between the groups organizing the protests and the
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military gentlemen, those seem to have now fallen apart. so where does this go from here, given that we are seeing protests on the streets? i think the ball is really in the core of the military and they have to open up to 6 year journey conversations. because the, the reason why some of these dogs haven't gone far is that the other internal liquor just in society, what a civil society or political parties to your, that the engagement. but the military is very cosmetic. and that, yeah, recommendations on this edition. and i mean, take into consideration and i think it would be extremely difficult for the military winter to have the civil society on its back to have all the major political parties on back to have the international community on the back. and even the regional decision echo was insisting that the transition b r b truncated you can, even as the military region have all of this forces against you as to think that you'd be able to succeed in governing the country. well,
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let me then ask care about echo last, just how influential has the block been trying to negotiate this, or is this truncated timeline simply wishful thinking on their part? well, i think your call was has been hanukkah because it is hard to do with the military course in the so region all at the same time. and it's grappling with distribution g at a certain time as it needs to be attention to development in my new book it out for us or in so echo was it's really hard to government. but i think the definition of the echo actually does drop it. drum good timeline is something that gains all that has gotten the consensus of all of the sub region and i think you did got so maybe we didn't have the extend our components of but in this trim, isn't that britain of prevail? and you say it was got no soft cd, it's going to after that time. so sitting in 2 other countries of booking vessel
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and mom and dad. christopher from one year that the regional director for central and west africa programs at the national democratic institute. thanks so much for sharing your expertise and thoughts with us on out as eric christopher, thank you for having me. well, in the meantime, french president, a manual background has wrapped up a 3 nation tour of west africa with a visit to guinea. besides, a micron embarked on the trip in an effort to renew relationships with african nations in cameron macro on said the archive is on french colonial rule. there would be opened and full to shed light on what he called painful moments. now gun battles between rival armed gangs have intensified in haiti's capital. wednesday's violence was thought to be a fight for territory and the hot report prints. there has been a steady rise in gang violence since president jovan al noise was assassinated last year. how old isaac as an independent journalist in haiti,
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he says the ongoing instability in the country has allowed the gang violence to flourish. in the last months, there's been a intense turf war waging between rival gangs in the metropolitan area. and essentially that war has led to 471, accounted deaths are in the community diesel aid, which is one of the poorest odd neighborhood of haiti, and one of the most populous as well. ah, in that lead, also to thousands of displaced are people in the metropolitan area for defense course the, the civilians, women, and children are, are the one that seems to be paying the highest toll of this are ongoing violence in the, in the controlled territory. the gain control territories are where for the most part, their houses are destroyed. many of them are killed in thousands are displaced in
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half to seek shelter, in improvised art, camps and improvised shelters. it's a serious, a very serious situation that we're facing here in haiti today. now opposition and he is of heckled career as president, calling him corrupt as he delivered a speech mocking his faster in office and then a challenging 12 months from pendergast. here he is survived to impeachment, votes and phases, allegations of corruption. marianna sanchez reports from lima one year in office, 2 unsuccessful impeachment proceedings. more than 15 ministers dismissed and bid oak after years presidency here at its worst hour. he is facing 5 corruption related proofs. the president denies any wrongdoing. close allies and family members are old under investigation. 0 one though i have sworn by god to serve my country. even if my family is insulted every day,
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and the majesty of the presidency is offended, i submit myself to justice, declare the crimes this i am accused of with respect to a jew process. my jersey is always to tell the truth, for your ha, holiday called foes interrupted his speech. some left the chamber as the you admitted making mistakes in these past 12 months. but said his achievements have been ignored. unhealthy upon an overall discontent. the majority of movements demands this most ignition opinion polls say 71 percent of peruvians disapprove of his government. and for critics, there's no hope that his presidency can be rebuilt. good, we want costio to understand that his cycle is over. he started his government with an anti corruption banner. however, there are already 5 fiscal investigations that clearly demonstrate that he is
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committed to corruption from the 52 year old rule teacher who was sworn in with his farmers hat won the hearts of many who believed gusty. you is honest. yes i was. i got a millennial, we know that he's a good person and they who never steal them. oak isn't up during his 2nd year to year said he will offer his hand to work for the good of the people. but to achieve that, he needs allies in a country rock by political instability. kasteel was expelled from his own party opponent and congress will try to unseat him again for many who with their trust in him. his offers to work together may just be too late. madana santos. i just see that lima beetle on gina has a new economy minister. lower house leader said your mouth has a replaced covina attack is just weeks after she was appointed. massa will now head what's being described as a new economy, super ministry. thousands of people protested and what is areas on thursday, angered by the government's economic policies demanding better working conditions.
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now a large fire on the german check border is threatening to destroy a popular forest. the fire broke out from the czech republic side and the bohemians, switzerland national park over the weekend and then spread to the german side where the region is known fact from switzerland. hundreds of 55 years from both countries of battling flames and local authorities. a warning tourists hika to stay away from the area. 7 farm workers have been killed by lightning strikes in northern india. they've been running to shelter on the nearby trees during monsoon rains when they were struck by lightning, killing them instantly. others who had been standing next to them, and i also said to be paralyzed. 49 people have now been killed by lightning. this week in the northern states pradesh. the indian major raleigh called department says, deaths by lightning strike have doubled since the 1962 members of a hong kong boy band had been injured off. the giant screen fell onto this stage
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during a concert. the band mirror was performing at the hong kong coliseum when the screen fell. one of the injured isn't a serious condition. the series of shows has been plagued by technical faults and questions over safety. now a rare dinosaur skeleton household auction in new york for more than $6000000.00. but there is concern among scientists about the ethics of such sales. they fear they could lose access to research the perfectly present bones of the gorgeous doris. a cousin of the most famous t rex gabriel. as on their reports from new york, it's a dinosaur called gore cancerous and it roamed earth more than 79000000 years ago. the dinosaur founded 2018 is a particularly rare find. it's made up of $79.00 bones, perfectly preserved from the giant school to the details and the vertebrae and the
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tail, not one bone is out of place. there are only 20 known fragments of this animal that exist anywhere in the world. almost all of them were found in canada, where it is believed that giant predator lived. but this one was unearthed on private land in the state of montana in the united states. but the fact it was found in the u. s. and not canada makes it even more rare. and why it sold for $6100000.00 to an anonymous buyer at an auction in new york on thursday, canada. and like many other countries, has a strict restriction on fossils being exported from the country to a dinosaur like this would not be allowed out of canada because it was found in the us. that means we can actually sell it. and that is part of what makes this dinosaur so rare. while the sale of this dinosaur was for over $6000000.00,
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it's not the most expensive dinosaur ever sold. that title will go to a tyrant, source rex. it's over over $31000000.00 in 2020 another dinosaur sold for more than $12000000.00. and well, that might be a good thing for the buyers and even the auction houses. it's not necessarily a good thing for science. there's worry about the ethics of all of this. many paleontologist say they're concerned that dinosaurs specimens in private hands means that they potentially are no longer available for research. there are not very many specimens of gorgeous or is all the others are in museums. and one more being sold, you might say, oh, well it's only one, but if there's only a few, right, that's a lot of information that we lose and you say, well, why are you losing it? well, for one you have no guarantee that whoever buys it is gonna allow access to scientists. the new owner will not only get the dinosaur, but now the.


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