tv News Al Jazeera July 30, 2022 10:00am-10:31am AST
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ah, the new voice is heating out the airway. lot of chinese listeners can't really hear what they really think in their own country. shifting palate, a case, the rise of citizen journalism has changed everything. how do happen? it happened on social media and the undeniable impact of the mainstream narrative australians went to the pole with those images front of mine is a war that very much came forth out in the media as well on the battlefield. they're listening page. dissect the media on al jazeera ah protest, his gather outside bad dads heavily 45 green zone. they're the iraqi parliament. ah,
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i'm carry jones to mrs. al serra law from do also coming up. the u. s. secretary of state on the russian foreign minister discuss ukraine. taiwan and a prisoner exchange and their 1st phone call. since the war and ukraine began. regional leaders call for a coordinated climate response. as the horn of africa faces a humanitarian disaster caused by drought on a state of emergency has been extended in part of chile, were indigenous groups have declared war against the state. ah, now firstly, the u. s. secretary of state and russia's foreign minister have spoken for the 1st time since the invasion of ukraine in frederick antony lincoln. that said, he told certainly lovegrove the world expects moscow to honor its pledge to let grain shipment safely leave you. in ports or 10 ships are currently loaded with
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grain ready to depart from odessa. rover says sanctions on russia, party responsible for the global food crisis. he also says western arm suffice to ukraine or prolonging the war. while while that's her diplomacy goes on, there still, the quest of the grain ships ukraine's back see pulse. will john hendrick is a lie for assess from the port city of a desk. so firstly, what's the latest on the screen situation? well, period, saturday morning in odessa and the air raid sirens have just gone off and we are still waiting for those 10 1st shipments of grain to leave the ports here in the odessa area. now we know that everything is happened except that final green light villamor zalinski, the president of ukraine, has announced that they are ready to go. he did that on friday when he came here to odessa. and the problem seems to be that they just want to coordinate and ensure
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that those shipping lanes are clear. what happened is it in a, in a, in agreement brokered by turkey in the united nations. russia and ukraine both agreed to allow the grain to leave the ports here. it's about 25000000 tons of grain, and it's been sitting here since the war began last february, so it is last year's crop. meanwhile, you have farmers reaping this year's crop of wheat, corn and sunflower seeds and they will be bringing that to the port. so those silos are pretty full. and it's important for the rest of the world that these grains get to their destinations in africa and elsewhere. because as you pointed out, there is a global food shortage that is growing worse by the day. so there is an expectation that those shipments will go out today, but we have heard that in previous days, and of course, the continent continues and the conflicting reports about an attack on a prison which killed at least 40 ukrainian prisoners of war.
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this was by all accounts a horrific attack. the latest numbers are that more than 50 ukrainian prisoners of war were killed. these are the prisoners from who, who were soldiers in mary, a pull, holding off russian to troops for months. and both sides are blaming each other. russia says it was a ukrainian strike with a high mars missile system. ukraine says it was a russian war crime. am. to put this in perspective, if ukraine were to pull this off, it would have had to do so with a u. s. made weapon system that only it possesses in this war. it leaves a signature and a it, it would have, it's a precision strike. so ukraine would have had to have intended to strike this prison, which ukrainian officials say they did not even know contained these prisoners. so there are investigations going on in both sides. but volota merit zalinski says
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this was a war crime committed by the russians. here's what he had to say. tables you do me . this is a deliberate war, crime by the russian, a deliberate mass, murder of ukrainian prisoners of war. cathy, these doesn't ignore them. was an uncle bond with these machines as we're going to the everyone who abuses ukrainians who tortures and kills, should know that there will be punishment for this if some of the russian killers hope that they will not be brought to justice. that they will hide somewhere, let them know they will be held accountable. that, well, that's the situation that on the ground, but to form a special assistance to president bill clinton to be getting says that despite the cold between moscow in washington, russia is not interested in negotiations on many issues. after 20 years have more or less open russia. we now have arrested. it's closing, that's becoming much more to carry in, in its treatment of its own people and sees the west as an enemy. and in fact,
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is preparing its population for long war and for a reduced standard of living, all in the name of the glory of the russian state. but russia is expecting isolation and is preparing for it. and i think the war in ukraine is a perfect example of that. where their view is, they have certain goals and they would like to achieve those goals. and they're really not interested in whether we accept their definition of what ukraine should look like or whether it should exist at all. so it's a really difficult situation because each side is suspicious of the other side. doesn't believe that there is a, any point in negotiating on some of these issues. i mean, this is amazing if you think about of our secretary state and the russian foreign minister have not spoken since the beginning of the ukraine war because they don't
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think there's any point. and there probably isn't because the fighting is going to go on. it'll go on all summer, all autumn, and in the winter, that's when probably negotiations will start. are millions of people could be affected by the worst drought in 4 decades in parts of the horn of africa, aid agencies, or warning of a humanitarian disaster. as crops fail and entire villages go hungry, leaders are calling for a coordinated regional response, a head of the un climate conference in november after. and so it reports. now this is a new comp for internally displaced people in the somali capital walker issue. most of this families are from louis shabbily, which is on the brink of a farming mohammed. hussein is worried about his son. the little boy doesn't have anything to eat. and some of the other children have missiles, they'll ha,
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will unlocked animation, but we left our home and live in hard conditions. just the other day. my daughter died of missiles and why my son is sick and is getting was. we lost everything in the drought. for rainy seasons, half filled in the horn of africa, humanitarian groups estimate more than 18000000 people are going hungry in somalia, a fuel p, a g booty, and kenya. a combination of armed conflicts, rising global food and fuel prices has was in the impact of the extreme weather on poor communities. so much is the on the front line, all the j con market. the 2nd was honorable county, in terms of coverage leaders from the region, our meeting to coordinate i had of a broader un climate summit in november, government from the region one to bring this to the attention of the negotiators
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across $27.00, the climate negotiations happening in china, and today they've adopted a historic figuration to that effect, but will be brought to to the negotiators. barker the comp mohammad does not need to be reminded about the devastating effects of climate change. he's less concerned about. the decisions leaders make at their summits and more worried by where his next meal will come from. catherine, sorry, i'll g 0. my protest as are gathering out a side by dads heavily fortified green. so now the iraqi parliament, supporters of shia cleric matar the al serra are gearing up for another day of demonstrations after storming pilot on wednesday is alive pictures of that. now they're opposed to the nomination of homage asked dani as prime minister saturday's session in which stoney was expected to be named. prime minister has been cancelled markwood of the why had joins us live now from baghdad,
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mac mood. what's the latest you can tell us will carry as you can see here, behind me are those are supposed to of the shia cleric and influential. la litski alida, look that up. a sudden they have been gathering here since early warning and they're, they're now heading towards the heavy fortified dreams. when, if you can see it here right behind me in the back ground, there were concrete walls. they had been taken down pulling down these concrete walls one by one. they want to cross towards the green zone and that we have heard that there are now about 100 meters or 150 meters only away from the greens. or they said they have only 2 concrete barriers to take down until they reach the greens or whether or not the security forces will let them enter like the last time
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on wednesday when these form of the gains on a lot. as you know that these protestants are angry at the parliament, they want to put pressure on the parliament. and although not to hold a session to let, than in many of their arrival political block. namely the pro, iranian parliamentary block, known as the coordination framework. his name as well, how much he i sued any, he was nominated to be for the prime minister. they say that there was continued protesting here, chanting against that nomination. they also say that the reason why the reason why the gathering here today, i'm did adamant that you want to reach the greens and again, threatening to still admit again, is that the do not trust the parliament department has already analyses a host of sessions. this the session that was dedicated to up elect to a new president of the state today. and that new president of this state would assign the newly nominated prime minister to form a government that session has been postponed,
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has been halted by the parliament because of when his days protested. but yet these protested as say that they do not trust the parliament because that that, that the fact that the problem it has halted that session does not mean that that vote it can go behind, closed those that what they say they sales or that they want to send a message to their high or the supreme judiciary council that they blame for this title mates. that is it taken a heavy toll on all the political factions right now, remember that at all, that stalemate is attributed to a decision by the supreme court that gives the right to one 3rd of the parliament, lawmakers to a suspend the voting for prime minister or forming a government that's exactly what happened with that block affiliated to she
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athletic mom at us other months ago and ended that ended up with them quitting the parliament. okay. mar hood onto our head. her with that fluid situation in baghdad for now. thank you. was to the head hair on al jazeera calls for you and next human rights chief to take a strongest. dogs against abuse is being carried out by some governance. ah, with clyde is gathering again, you can see it from space gathering over good parts of central europe and i think it might start develop into a circulating system. so we're going to generate a little bit of rain out of this and is moving slowly eastwards the picture is take you to the czech republic and austria during saturday. maybe that thought blue
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suggests bigger showers running into poland where they probably wanted behind it thinks it's deliberate cloudy, but they're also warming up. you'll notice rigor part of france and is still warmer in spain. and portugal want too often shout same turn. italy on the more right and we've seen, fought for weeks, i think in italy, and then on sunday, a proper circulation shows the temperature dropping the result withdrawing. and normally breeze reduce just because of the day full of rain. so warsaw right down to 60 degrees runs up to 27 or 20 it very quickly afterwards as the rain disappears . but the real heat building further west, i got another western european heat. we've tried to develop with temperatures up to 36. i think bought, i bought a term, we get to choose day because it's hot throughout so hard, but the cup, the circulation see hint at something else happening. there's to temperatures along this line are dropping down below 30 because of she's shout only way through. in fact, reaching right up to southern mauritania, they are heavy ah,
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with frank assessments, how much support is there that st protest that we've seen in hotel across the rest of the country, the street and has been, have been very good that's coming into the core consent to come to informed opinions, we will say more of what is happening is that climate change is making them work. in depth. analysis of the days global headlines is rocky. is credited by some we're really, we're storing italy's credibility to critics would say he couldn't play the part of a politician. what do you think went wrong inside story on al jazeera? ah, ah, ah, watching, i'll just have a reminder of our top stores this out. the u. s. packages states has urged his
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russian counterpart to let great shipments facing these ukrainian ports under the deal sign last week. it was the 1st time actually think a 2nd that had spoken since the russian invasion. meanwhile, ukraine and russia have accused each other attacking a prison in the separatist held don bass regions killing at least 40 prisoners of war. most of them were from the, as of the potassium which defended the city of mario before it fell to russia. protested, gathering outside back that heavily fortified means they're the rocky parliament. supporters of clerical are giving up for another day of demonstration stolen on wednesday. they're opposed to moment asian in hundreds of money as i minister campaign. as a calling on that un secretary general to choose a new human rights chief, willing to take a stronger stance against powerful governments. human rights advocates accuse
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outgoing commission, and we shall be actually of not being outspoken enough about abuses in some countries, including china or diplomatic editor james base has more. for 4 years, she served as the world's top human rights official. when michelle ballet was appointed in 2018 human rights groups, hope the 2 time president of chili herself, once a political prisoner in her home country would bring real clout to the role. and we need to continue working strongly. so ever one, man, women and children are able to live in a life that is safe and peaceful as everybody wants. instead bachelor's face criticism for not being forthright on human rights abuses, particularly concerning the persecution of the weaker community in china report she commissioned on the situation the the start of her term has still not been published. and her visit to china in may, was widely condemned as a whitewash with the u. s. state department, calling it a mistake. human rights groups. worry that the un secretary general antonio good
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terrace, who will choose the next human rights commissioner, will again opt for a candidate who work largely behind the scenes rather than very publicly calling out all abuses. i am deeply concerned. the 2nd general terrorist is gone. you completely undermine the high commissioner's house. make an ongoing, in fact, inch i selecting a quiet diplomat, aren't now gutierrez in the stands out in contrast, as on his predecessors coffee and was very outspoken speaking back. you might even banking, move, asian, you're not the most outspoken individual, but in the end of his voice and the terrorist has been very reluctant to criticize particular governments unless they're already bryant, i fear that he's gonna choose a high commissioner who's collect, share, who's gonna share his reticence about using the only 20 hi commissioner, has, which is public reporting in public condemnation? regardless of who e. p 3, it's diplomat. say, an official little known outside the u. n. who's work for guitarists. for decades.
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volcker turk is probably the front runner for the job to other candidates, the former norwegian prime minister ern soleberg and cornwall kang, who was foreign minister of south korea, have higher public profiles, but they're also known to favor quiet diplomacy. over public advocacy. time is running short. the next high commissioner is supposed to be appointed by the secretary general approved here in the general assembly, and then take up their post by the 1st of september. leading human rights groups are unhappy. they've offered their input to the office of the secretary general, but so far they say they've been rebuffed. james bayes al jazeera at the united nations chinese, a congress has extended a state of emergency in arrow county region. armed indigenous groups there have declared war against the state and big business that demanding the restoration of their ancestral lands and self determination, where it's a stern test for president gabrielle arch, just months in his 1st term. well,
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our latin america editor issue newman reports from santiago, michigan. this is the aftermath of the latest attack against chiles, multi 1000000000 dollar forestry industry by an indigenous my put a rebel group in the south central part of the country with bernard or fear. and congress is approval of the government request for yet another extension at the state of emergency in the al kenny a region wasn't surprising. but it's come with a high dose of ridicule against left wing president gabrielle body each that we represent over got that. i think though the same people who are highly placed in government to day and who not only attacked the previous government strategy but voted against all the extensions of a state of emergency last year. had the nerve to come here to ask us for the 4th time to approve the same measure. conservatives voted in favor of allowing the army to patrol alongside militarized police in the rest of region. but several left wing
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deputies from body to his own coalition, especially the communist party, voted against the measure. they accused the president of betraying his electoral promise to promote dialogue and not use force. earlier the spokesman of come, the oldest, my put resistance group took responsibility for the new attack laboratory and we're thrive in our priority is to channel violence towards well directed acts of sabotage towards supplies and machinery. the government said it would not press charges against the indigenous leader, but amid an uproar back tract seen as another example of flip flopping on the part of the western hemispheres. youngest president, if the mac, the fmla versus the government of a young generation of millennials in their learning to manage a complex state apparatus at a country that some patient with many problems. this is a year for learning the ropes a year of transition. the hope is that body to has been in office for less than 5
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months, will learn the rope soon without losing the confidence of those who elected him. every new president has to come face to face with the reality that being in the opposition is easier than being in office. president, gabrielle burridge is learning the hard way that we can siding his convictions and his electoral promises with the need to make pragmatic decisions. is a delicate juggling act. lucy newman, al jazeera, santiago, brazil is a government has granted permission for a highway that cuts through the amazon rain forest to be fully paved or precedent. terrible scenario had pledged to seal the 900 kilometer road, but runs from an hour to port value, and the half of the highway is paid and becomes impossible. in the rainy season, environmentalists say ceiling the road will allow illegal loggers and land grabbers to access remote areas of the rain forest more easily. recent study found that
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project would result in a fivefold rise and deforestation by 2030. that's the equivalent of an area larger than the us state of florida. and corners, no gray is an earth systems. scientists whose work focus is on the amazon. he says the project could lead to even more roads. the state governor of the state thomas on us where this wrote will cover most of the sleigh has announced that as soon as the roll is roll is paid. it still comes on as we built, 2 east west roads, calvary areas, all protected with forest areas, conservation units, areas with indigenous resource. so that will make deforestation explore in that state. that's the state largest amount rate for us in the brazil amazon. as soon as there is open a rolled,
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then the legal leg grabby becomes exponential. and then all the other organized crime will act together in this ego land. grabbing miami fishing wildlife tracking and also drug trafficking explored in the amazon and with the roads. it will become almost not a place on earth. it will be a place on a different planet, because it will be completely controlled by organized crime. argentina's farmers being accused of damaging the nation's economy by withdrawing us soybeans with billions of us dollars to avoid higher taxes. a farmers are refusing to sell their harvest because of high levies on exports and currency controls, which have sort due to the stronger us dollar argentinian taxes mean farmers and only around a quarter. what those in neighboring countries get for this or things. the crisis
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has forced argentina to devalue the pay, so as a government struggles with high inflation and no foreign currency reserves. emergency has been declared in the us state of kentucky where severe floods have killed these 25 people. among the dead of 4 children from one family who are swept away, it is on their reports. the appalachian region of eastern kentucky is under water. several days of rainfall have caused rivers to overflow their banks and entire towns to barely remain above water lines. the area got 2 months worth of rainfall in the matter of just 2 days with recovery and rescue efforts ongoing. in some areas, the flood waters have not even crested yet. for those residents who did survive the storm, they told stories of horror. everything is going like, everything is going. oh love is good line. i'll lock out all this apartment to
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buckle with me in. like i'd rather be in with the inside the apartment. the flash flooding is so severe, even rescuers were shocked by what they were dealing with. probably 95 percent of the people in the, sorry, heard love there was, i houses, gars animals it's, it's heartbreaking to really use these 4 siblings were all swept away in the flood waters. they drowned and their bodies have all been recovered. the governor who declared a state of emergency on friday tour the hardest to areas elsewhere in america. overnight monsoon range in las vegas flood waters seen coming through the roof at least one of the cities famous casinos. there was also flooding in west virginia, and hundreds were rescued from flood waters in missouri. while parts of america are soaking wet, other parts are melting. it all comes after the north east of the us saw
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unseasonably and dangerous record high heat earlier this month. and meteorologists know what's causing it. these type of bands that have been occurring over the last couple of weeks across the country are directly attributable to climate change. these are big signals, extreme. he heavy downpours. that parking back to the changes in our atmosphere because of the additional carbon because of the warming. in kentucky cleanup, we'll mostly have to wait because they're still in the search and rescue phase of this storm. officials say the death toll is likely to climb gabriel as anto algae is eda, a judge in the u. s. has rule about civil law since brought against libyan war, though, because he for hosta can be heard in federal courts. he's a us citizen, is accused of war crimes and extra judicial killings. he's fighting to take control of libya and wants to run in the long delayed presidential election. practical hang
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reports from alexandra in virginia. aletha is liable for years. these activists representing families, killed and injured in libya, have been coming to this us courthouse trying to convince a judge that calissa hoster should be held civilly liable. brought his forces of done in libya and on friday the judge agreed saying he is financially responsible for torture and extra judicial killings have to are didn't testify in his own defense. but those suing described indiscriminate crimes against civilians, including the bombing of a hospital. they bombed the, and when this, this libyan person, he attempted to run into the building and save people from the building. and he was hit by another, another bomb that was shell over the hospital and he ended up dying. you know, these are the common folk, though suing also hope this impacts his political future in libya, the message that is being sent is that how can you allow
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a criminal who has committed egregious crimes and who is being held responsible in front, a fair court. you know, for his crimes, how can you even have the, the notion that this man can stand in an election hafta has not been convicted of a crime, but the lawyers hope it will still be costly. it's rumored, he has made hundreds of millions of dollars, perhaps more around the world. up next, the judge will decide what he'll pay for what she's now said he's done. then they'll begin the difficult task of trying to find his assets and sees him. particle have al jazeera alexandra virginia legislation to ban that so much semi automatic weapons as in passed by the democrat controlled us house of representatives. yeas are 270 benet. there are $213.00 doorbell half when
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it's likely to stall when it goes to the senate, where tenant republican votes are also needed. the proposed legislation follows a series of mast shootings. national rifle association has condemned the bill as an assault on freedom and civil liberties. now, lottery fever is gripping the u. s. by the mega millions jackport has grown to more than $1200000000.00. they've been long queues to buy tickets for their countries. 3rd, that biggest prize ever in hawthorn, california, hundreds have lined up at once, believed to be unlucky lottery store. but if no one gets the jackport, this time is expected to grow to a record breaking $1700000000.00. but the odds of winning are extremely slim, is more chance of being struck by lightning or getting eaten by a wild animal. ah, this is al jazeera and these are the top stories now for testers are.
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