tv News Al Jazeera August 2, 2022 3:00am-3:31am AST
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cut up, i did just put it in c, al jazeera investigations, the oligarchs august own out. is there any braces for a title contested in votes, as the country goes to the poles and elections that will shape its future? listening post examines and dissects the wealth. media, how they operate to the stories they cover up to 5 years on the since me, on mars, muslim minority were forced from the country. we look at the plight of the rocking . i'll just say we're well showcase is the best documentary from across the network, including a new 3 part series, the sixty's in the arab world. as protests continue following the swearing in the new president could sri lanka as economic and political crisis lead to humanitarian 1 august, which is the route with
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united states successor concluded an air strike in kabul, afghanistan, and kill the mirror of al qaeda. the cia kills al, a kind, a leader. i'm an l z, our hittie, and a drone strike, and afghanistan's capital couple. ah, until mccrae, this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up, attends political. the confrontation continues in iraq with supporters of iraqi shia cleric, mac tada, l sata, occupying parliament, while their opponents protests near by a cargo ship with ukrainian grain set sail across the black sea. the 1st under a you in broken deals seeking to ease a global food supply crisis. the u. s. remains tight lipped on with the house because nancy pelosi will visit taiwan on her asia to her angry words from china on
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her against a visit. ah . the leader of al qaeda, i'm an l z. our hittie has been killed in a drone strike in afghanistan on sunday in a televised address. you as president joe biden said, us intelligence officials, tract zoer haiti to a home and downtown kabul, where he was hiding out with his family biden approved the operation last week. so hit his death, eliminates the forget who more than any one shaped al qaeda 1st. as osama bin laden's, deputy since 1998. and then as his successor this video purportedly shows the aftermath of the strike in kabul, which kills our hittie on the weekend. the afghan interior ministry denied reports on social media about
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a drone strike. from highly coordinated kind of branches and all around the world including setting priorities are providing operational guidance, call for and inspired attacks against us targets. he made videos including the reason we're calling for his followers to attack the united states and our allies. now, justice has been delivered. in this terrorist leader is no more osha of returns. he joins us again now live from washington, d. c. a biting outlined a few details of the stroke, but you've had a briefing from us officials. so what will, can you tell us about how it all played out? we were told by a senior ministration official that this was a very long patient operation. and as you can imagine, the administration official isn't paying to tell us just how involved joe biden was on the, on a granular level throughout even even looking at models. mockups of the,
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of the building in, which is what harry was. what was an edge to be during, during, during the killing, but what we, what we hear is that for some years they've understood the way harry has been helped by a network based in, in afghanistan, which maps this isn't too much of a surprise. but then this year they noticed, or least they heard that the family of that why harry had relocated to downtown cobble that, his wife, his daughter, daughters, children. and they with that. and while they were monitoring this, they suddenly noticed that he himself had arrived in cobble and was now inside this, inside this building, he never left. we're according to the administration. once he was back, he stay there according to the intelligence that the americans are using. but he would appear on a balcony every now and then we would only willing oconee, it was all it was on the balcony that a to health i myself were fired from from
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a drone on sunday morning cobbled time and but, but we were told that this was the end of a very long, very careful process in which everything was being done, to minimize the possibility of collateral damage of civilian damage, even members of his family being, being killed and to not try and damage the structural integrity of the building. and you have to wonder whether that's because the last ca, drones strike, that we, when we know about, was shortly after the u. s. withdraw, when, which, you know, and aid worker and his family were effectively wiped out. 7 children wiped out. no, it was ever held accountable for that, but that was the last time we have any knowledge of the ca drain strikes actually that we've been very careful about not to repeat, such as an appalling, appalling event. so we were told them batch, they spent all this time since the drug store, then tried to confirming that it was indeed him. and they say that been the members
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of the hall county network. who is the network they say is responsible for giving al qaeda safe haven and cobble have been trying to have been, have evacuated the family from that building. and we're trying to tried to try to conceal any, any sense that i was out here. he was, was ever that, but now they have that confirmation and that's why we had bite and speak just to just a short time ago. it's been an hour or so since the news broke. so it was the reaction been like in the us it's, it's interesting i'm going to gather data. it's difficult to tell right now if he was actually another congressional members of congress. busy briefed about this on the weekend and then something of a a try and i guess the no one let let, let the slip. it was a surprise for both of us. but yes, i mean, clearly the, the more mainstream fathers in congress are welcoming this and seeing it as a major my will though, perhaps those in the republican on the republican side will look at this more the
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counter terrorist opperation that involved ca, assets, and others, rather than biden certainly, but trump in the trunk, peon element, and congress a segment. this is all good news, but it's already biting me. should really be taking a picture, which is probably why we've been brief sir carefully about how biting was intimately involved in every detail of this month to month. and well, i guess we does this leave the relationship between the us and the telephone considering he was killed in the, in the heart of the capital from the we have right now questions, but i think 11 of the, one of the elements that administration official was at pains to, to tell us is that the legal legal advice was taken as to whether the u. s. had the right to do this. we were also told, no, us personnel were on the grounds at the time. if this of this strike, i think because because of the doha accord, says that i've got a song can't become
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a safe haven for terrorists. clearly that will be where the us will focus attention when it says we have every right to strike the sovereign country. i've got a song that isn't how the taliban is reacting at least in public. these are the, these are the tweets we've had so far. such actions are a repetition of the failed experiences of the past 20 years and are against the interests of us. of a i've got us out of the region repeating such actions will damage the available opportunities. the security and intelligence agencies with the mac emerett investigator, the incident, and found that the attack was carried out by american trends, islamic emerett, of afghan sounds strongly condemned to talk with any pretext and call to the violation that clear violation of international principles and the doha agreement but set against this, you have to remember that we just again, wants to get in negotiations between the americans and the taliban on freeing up 3500000000 dollars of central reserves. which clearly the, the african government needs desperately which concluded african people need desperate if a humanitarian emergency, which has been wrought by the seizing, see,
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think about money. so i think now we'll be looking to see how those negotiations, how they, how they fare in the, in the wake of, of what's certainly out would be the afghan government is calling a violation of its sovereignty. and a thank you so much for your time. that is, shall have returns for us in washington. d. c. were joining us lie from bethesda, maryland is dave de roche. he is non resident senior fellow at golf international form and former nato oppressions director at the office of the us secretary of defense. thank you. so much for joining us. first of all, what's your reaction to the strike? well it's, it's pretty impressive accomplishment. tom's a walker. he himself was important from a justice and retribution standpoint. he is the leader of al qaeda, but it's also important to note that al qaeda has a sort of decline under his leadership. he personally was not
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a charismatic or inspiring leader along the lines of osama bin laden. and i had argued that so basically he was doing such poor job of leaving al qaeda that it might be worthwhile to leave him in place, but that's from an organizational attack stamp. when i think this is a, a proud moment for joe biden, tempered only by the fact that it took place in kabul, which thus raises the spectre of the withdrawal from afghanistan. and, of course, a terrorist organizations clearly re establishing themselves. they're just on their point. we does that leave the relationship between the us and the telephone at the stage while they've never been particularly good. i mean there are enemies here, but what it shows is that the taliban had no intention whatsoever added hearing to the doha form or the doha courts. rather than, you know, the talent had commit themselves to not allowing group, such as al qaeda to re establish themselves napkin. a, sam, mom, he was killed in one of her connie's houses, sell a ha, connie as
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a major leader in that taliban. so, you know, that's, it's putting the lie to that. and i think that there will be, you know, a reexamination of relations with afghanistan which are already poor to begin with . is this a crippling blow for alcorda? do you think? no, i don't think it is. it's as i, as i said earlier, as i've argued with others, so he was aloof. he was not really, he didn't have the common touch. he wasn't an inspiring leader. he hasn't really kind of was sort of merging in a 2nd place behind diane, under his leadership, the kind of motivated islamist recruits who once would have flocked to under a solid ben lawn. we're now primarily joining dash, and he basically brought all the worst habits of the gamma linea to with him.
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but all that being said, the fact that he was involved in the embassy bombings, which killed a number of times, indians and kenyans as well as the 911 attacks. i think that that marked him and basically sealed his fate. what are the implications for the taliban internationally? he and now do you think? well, you know, i think i think this is very embarrassing to the taliban. the reports are that, you know, i, connie's followers went and clean this up and tried to eliminate any notification of this. you know, they, they waited for the us notification to decry the attack on saturday. because this is an embarrassment. it shows that al qaeda has found a safe haven in the taliban staff. kiana said just as they did before, 911. and it basically puts the lie to any idea that they have changed from what they were as if you know, the proof of repression of women. this mentioned the economy as if any proof were
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needed. the taliban is what they've always been and they are affiliated with al qaeda and other terrorist groups. if i and his speech spoke a lot about 911, how does this benefit him politically from, from here on in and how big of victory is this? the joe biden. good question. so i tell you if this had happened in pakistan, i think this would be an unalloyed victory. i think it would be a very big moment. and biden is very aware, you know, when he was vice president in the 2nd obama campaign, obama spoke frequently. his big line was, you know, he saved general motors and he killed osama bin laden. so this would be a victory for him. the problem is this happened in downtown cobble in a house owned by a prominent leader in the taliban. and so what it does is it highlights the fact that you know, the low point of finance presidency, which was the unseemly withdrawal from afghanistan. it highlights the fact that
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that basically handed over. ready afghanistan to a movement that is hostile to the united states. so, you know, he has a moment of triumph and i'm sure he will try to make the most of it. but unfortunately, the question is, so what exactly was he doing there? and why was he there and how was the able to be there? and why is the government in afghanistan supporting that watery? those are all embarrassing questions, providing that harkins back to the low point of his presidency. so i think so, i think it will be a slight bump or a wash because of that. what do you think this leaves the relationship between the telephone and al qaeda at the stage? well, that's good question. so that, you know, al qaeda always had a sort of privilege rule with taliban. the taliban is, is not a centralized this. most governments, it's kind of
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a loose confederation players. um and al qaeda was very important that because they were funded and they were able to impose discipline amongst themselves and thus, you know, coerce i outliers towards the central taliban leadership and as well as accomplished things like killing ahmed shop suit. i. i think that this kind of shows that the taliban views that they have loyalty to al qaeda or at least some members of the taliban certainly are county. but i think that they, they will find out that this association with al qaeda will work against their interests and they're gonna have to find a way, i think, to cut ties. perhaps the killing of the leader may be the precept that i don't know whether they want to do that. but if they want to advance internationally, they're going to have to and just on the intelligence from the us side, how do you think that they managed to track him to cobble? yes, a good question. so i'm not sure i'm guessing
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a couple things happen. first off, the water, his family was known to be in cobble. it's always easier to track the family than the leaders. so walker himself probably was never allowed in the presence of a mobile phone or a computer or a laptop and except ones that were completely disabled. um, so i think what they did was they looked at the family and then probably of using local informants, tried to see what was going on in this house. were able to see the changes in patterns and then eventually had to, you know, before they launch something which like this, which would be very intensive and puts a lot of people at risk. i think that they had to have some level of eyes on the target, the reports or that. so ari would never leave the house once he moved in, but he would go out on a balcony. so i think there had to be somebody observing that balcony, and that had to be done on the ground within a couple. do you think they're likely to be more attacks?
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you think there are other alcantar leaders with an if canister? well, if they let so hurry in to cobble downtown, cobble to live in the house of a man who styles himself as a government minister, i find it hard to believe that they would deny shelter to any member of al qaeda. the question is, you know, i, you know, unless you make a special study of that. so why is the last household name, you know, kind of, most of them have been eliminated and ok to really have kind of faded as an organization. so i'm not sure there's anybody who is similarly, has a similar profile of involvement in criminal attacks against american interests in the united states. and in africa who has the profile and who, you know, has the entourage that would generate the footprint is probably what led us to determine where he is. that, you know, you take all the require me and then you look at the risk, you know, of operating, drawn from probably
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a nearby country and having assets on the ground to verify that he was there putting themselves at risk and verify. you know, the, some of the reports are that they actually went into the rubble and verify that it wasn't facts why he was killed, which means that they took a d n, a sample or fingerprint. that's a lot of risk. i'm not sure if there's another kind of figure who rises to that level of importance to justify that level of risk. dave derosa, thank you so much for joining us. thank you. well, colon clark is a senior research fellow at the sou phone group. he says, the timing of the strike nearly a year after us forces left f canister on the significant was always thought to be the brains behind the operations in many way, many ways enlarged and was this wealthy, charismatic figure. but tomorrow is very serious, very stern, very austere, and that's reflected in his many, you know, media engagements over the years. audio and video tape releases thought to be the
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kind of strategic mastermind behind a lot of al qaeda is growth in evolution over the years. but i think it's significant, especially when you think of the timing, because we're approaching the one year anniversary of the u. s. withdraw the debacle that followed in the taliban take over. much of the media and press was likely to be focused on the shortcomings and failures of the administration's approach to afghanistan. this will balance that out a little, although, you know, the fact remains that the television is still ensconced in power, not gonna stand, and the u. s a little to no strategy to deal with that country. some people have speculated that this could be the opening, the fatalities needs to publicly distance themselves from al qaeda. and, you know, start trying to garner recognition from the international community. i personally don't think the tell them will break with al qaeda. but again, with the tell that it's more often about optics and public relations. so again, we'll learn much about that in the coming days and weeks to other news now and
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supporters of an iraqi political block demonstrated and baghdad against the takeover of parliament by a supporters of cheerleader book tava, alt sada, his called on iraqis, to show him what he considers a revolution for which his opponent say is a curb. meanwhile, caretaker prime minister mustafah al academy has cheered a security meeting to prevent more confrontation, murmured out of abdel, what he'd reports from baghdad, law, protestants and counter protests. supporters of iraq's coordination framework, gather me about that, the green zone there denouncing what they considered a cool by revel. she, our leader looked at a solder and his followers. well, if all other sheli ally throughout and all of a sudden we're here to regain the legitimacy of the state institutions that husband violated by the occupation of the parliament of the hands of cassandra's, we tried to keep it peaceful. ah,
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what violence interrupted as they headed towards the green soon forcing security personnel to pull out chanting against kate, taken prime minister must have called the meat. they accuse him of collaborating with a solder to remain in power. the reports of military units with their rival factions being deployed near by to protect the people. so many fear it good gets worse. opposing groups have been intensifying their campaigns and seem to be pushing for a showdown. sensitive day, as other supporters have, as they did as it in, in the parliament building headed amity. a top leader with the coordination framework has warned of bloodshed and called for dialog. this, this is collation comes against the backdrop of league audio recordings attributed to former prime minister marina mckee,
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with his heart insulting al solder and his affiliates. the services have requested that america recordings be condemned as a prerequisite for dialog manada. and we will remain here, did our leader, his taxes to leave. it's not just the political dispute is rather a revolution against the case of corruption or oppression. the conflict over forming a government started here among glo makers months ago. but these protest her say the not only follow their leaders, but they also want to change the whole political system of the wide alga 0 book. well, let's take a look at where protesters have gathered in baghdad. coordination framework supported near the 14th of july bridge. the group is made up of several sheer parties who want around to be ruled by
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a coalition government that would be made made up of various political parties. the bridge separates the counter protest is from the iraqi parliament, which has been occupied by a said rest since saturday. the bridge has been closed to keep the 2 sides pass. but one reason behind the protests and baghdad is the rivalry between 2 of iraq's leading sheer politicians look toddler al serra and former prime minister, naughty allah mala, came in. october, sought his coalition, one the most seats, and parliament, mckee and others, called the result illegitimate. in june, sara told more than 70 in peace, aligned to him to resign. that was after a boy cart by malik, his block stopped as coalition from forming a government. and as a sign of the tension between the 2 men, leaked audio recordings allegedly reveal. malik, he insulting sutter in them, he warns of a war between the rival, shia camps. for
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the 1st time since the war in ukraine began, a ship filled with corn has left the ukrainian port of odessa. and are you in broke? a deal struck with russia. millions of tons of grain has been stuck at ukrainian ports for more than 5 months. the united nations chief says the resumption of shipments will help bring stability to global food markets. what we have witness to vein are, this is an important starting point. it must be the 1st of many commercial ships bringing relief thence, the ability to global foot markets. the black sea great initiative allows for significant volumes of exports from city ukrainian ports or there sir john morse. and usually together with the aggrieved facilitation of the any in be the excess of russian food products and fertilizers, world markets. it will bring relief and stability to global food markets and help
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tackle the global food crisis. john hinton was there in odessa, as the ship lift pours. this is a ship that could launch a 1000 others. the rezone is the 1st cargo vessel to carry ukrainian grain through the black seasons. russia invaded on february the 24th. so j a said he was a great feeling for me. i felt as if we became free after being detained for a long time. trailing a pilot ship, the rezone is a test run, bound for east in bo, vin lebanon. if all goes well, many more will follow alexi gone to wrinkle a member of the ukrainian parliament came to watch history and make its valid duration of the black sea from port him and from russian empire. he tried and did everything he can not to give this ship and other ships, disability to leave odessa port and for almost half year it was like this. but as
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you see, he failed. the ship departed despite several rushing attacks in the region, and on the port of odessa itself. since the un brokered in agreement between ukraine and russia for this safe passage via is timbo. it's been a long time coming, but this is a ship. everyone's been waiting for coursing through war time waters on its way to feed the world. ukraine says the shipments will create jobs and provide money to fuel the war effort. as the 1st of last year's delayed crop leaves farmers risk their lives for this season's harvest. sometimes led by d mining cruise. sometimes not. this harvester struck an explosive. the danger on the grain trail continues on the black sea journey to turkey through waters dotted with sea mines in an active war's own. it's all managed through a joint coordination center in turkey, and extraordinary collaboration between representatives from the u. n. ukraine and russia. we believe that it's critical to a 2 ensuring global foot security. so yes,
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we need, we need to succeed. whether this is the beginning of the effort to avert a global food crisis, or the end depends in part on the voyage of the rezone, john henderson, al jazeera, odessa ukraine. let's get more from the name casino glue in his sample. now where the ship is headed. we are expecting thus, the journey is going to be around 22230 c miles. so the 1st ship left or the support. and we are expecting some more ships leaving their ports and joining with the zone a vessel somewhere in the black sea. and like us like a cool noise muscles, they are expected to reach the shores of its stumble up on the north. the black sea shores of assembled before they enter the bath for straight. there is an end garage, avery out old ships, all vessels always anchored there before they get the paperwork's done. before
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entering the truck is freight, and for this special vessels carrying ukrainian grains, they will be inspected by a un un let the legation when they anchor off, they're normally in an ideal world, in a stat, in an established system. these kinds of inspections take around 3 to 4 hours, but as this is the 1st crossing of the ukrainian grain vessels, this may take longer. so we don't know when those vessels will literally enter the boss 1st rate. but as they entered the bus 1st straight and cross the mind, mar, a, see through the dark. now straight, these vessels are going to sail towards the agency and then towards sat down south to the mediterranean, and hopefully will carry the cords and grains all foot materials. to the 1st estimation, triple 11 on still ahead on al jazeera will explain why tensions
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a high end to border crossings are closed in kosovo. ah, richard, he has begun the faithful world copies on its way to the castle route. you will travel package to the hello there. let's look to east asia and to tropical systems . had been stealing the show from the heat that's been plaguing the region of late will. by the time we get into tuesday, they will have weakened, merged, pulled across the korean peninsula, and will be northern areas of japan that are set to be drenched by that rain, places like her kato, but that rain is set to roll down further south, edging into tokyo, by the time we get into the mid week or later in the week, thursday, certainly we are likely to see some rain, but it continues to be a story of heat. a temperature well above the average and lots of heat and humidity
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. and we are going to see things turned rather wet for southern areas of china. once again. hong kong, like it's the thunderstorms roland by thursday. but farther north of this, a story of he once again for cities like shanghai as well as beijing, we are going to see the storms however intensify. more wet weather on the way for china's north east now was moved to southeast asia. it's been very wet for the likes of me and my we've had severe flooding reported here, where you can see that rain continuing thanks to the monsoon, much of india seeing showers, if not heavy rain and storms. we've got red warnings out for corolla and tom another over the next 2 days. this is where we're likely to see the heaviest rainfall. official airlines, the journey. after a lifetime within the walls of an rainy into a bengal tiger horizons, us suddenly whiten when she lands an unlikely role in a feature film.
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