tv Inside Story Al Jazeera August 2, 2022 3:30am-4:01am AST
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of the average, lots of heat and humidity, and we are going to see things turn rather wet for southern areas of china once again. hong kong like it's the thunderstorms rolling by thursday. but for the north of this, a story of he once again for cities like shanghai as well as beijing, we are going to see the storms however intensify. more wet weather on the way for china's north east now was moved to southeast asia. it's been very wet for the likes of me and my we've had severe flooding reported here, where you can see that rain continuing thanks to the monsoon, much of india seeing showers, if not heavy rain and storms. we've got red warnings out for corolla and tom another over the next 2 days. this is where we are likely to seat the heaviest rainfall official and on the journey. after a lifetime within the walls have been a rainy into a bengal tiger horizons. us suddenly whiten when she lands an unlikely roll in a feature film. but how long can hope is sweet freedom last,
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when crisis strikes the zoom? ah witness meyer a tiger's tail on al jazeera. ah ah! you're watching al jazeera, a reminder of our top story. is this our u. s. media report say that the leader of al qaeda. i'm an als our hittie has been killed in a c. i. drones try can afghanistan on sunday. president joe biden spoke a short time ago from the white house, confirming the strike thousands of protesters backing iraqi. she
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a politician looks todd al sada, continue to be camped inside the country's parliament building, refusing to leave until there is political change. and on monday, supporters of rival political groups gathered near by to stake their own position. for the 1st time since the war and ukraine began, a ship filled with grain has with the ukrainian ports of odessa. under a deal you cried and rush assigned with the union and turkey. the agreement is mit to alleviate a global food crisis or more now on that drone strike, which leads to the death. if i am an else our hittie, mohammed's gym june reports now on the man who was al qaeda's 2nd most prominent figure. after osama bin laden, amen and so already had long been a deputy to osama bin laden, but after the u. s. killing of that then and car the leader in 2011. so i had, he took charge of the armed group attempting to expand its reach while never engendering the kind of loyalty afforded his predecessor while he did inherit the
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the mantle of leadership. he did not inherit sandra, led his legitimacy as a well, jerry had leader all his a credibility and legitimacy on karima amongst the various mil jayden groups born in egypt in 1951. so he came from a distinguished family, studied medicine, and became a surgeon. in 1973, he joined the egyptian islamic jihad group the assassination of president unless said that the nice and $81.00 for which the group was blamed, proved to be a turning point for so heavy. while he was not charged in connection with the dots killing, he was imprisoned on conspiracy charges, one of thousands of religious activists jailed and tortured after the assassination . many analysts say that experience would eventually lead him to violence after his release from prison. so i had he left egypt for pis, shower in pakistan, where he worked as a doctorate, treating afghan fighters. then it was on to afghanistan where he fought against the
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soviet occupation and where he began his partnership with ben latin. within a few years, both men would become part of the core group that became al qaeda under their leadership, the armed group accused the west of waging a modern day crusade against muslims and set as its ultimate goal, the establishment of islamic rule throughout the world. at a car as ideology, along with its international campaign of violence, culminated in the 911 attacks. washington offered a reward of $25000000.00 to bring the wiley to justice off shoots of the armed group in yemen. somalia and algeria are widely believed to be his work of the one now on the beloved and was assassinated and a man of the light to global. you can see the fracturing of the organization becoming more and more apparent once the syrian civil war began. so had he found that allied as dominance was being increasingly challenged by iso, which had carved out territory for itself in it up syria and libya, and had fighters in yemen in 2016. so id urged afghan fighters to rally around the
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taliban and reject isolate branch and afghanistan. the u. s. had long insisted. there is a relationship between the taliban and al qaeda. but taliban leaders have denied that a little if learning loosely me, when i call upon the brotherly muslims and jihad, he's in general and in afghanistan in particular, to get behind the jihad in the patient and the steadfast emerald, and not to respond to the cause aimed at dividing the ranks of jihad himself and with the death of a minutes, why had he brings an end to one of the most turbulent times in recent international security, the world will now be watching to see how al qaeda handles the death of its 2nd prominent leader. well joining me now here and now do how studio is al jazeera or some have been javert, he's covered afghanistan and pakistan extensively. thank you very much for joining us. and i guess what's a festival? what more do you know about the strike and how significant is it that had happened right in the heart of cobble? but from what we're hearing on the ground. and if you see the wire reports that are coming out of d. c is that this was a precision strike,
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and that was also confirmed by a ground team on caea, which really stands out as there is no international forces presence here in afghanistan in the last few months. we've seen more free movement by various leaders, including doors of the hackney network, the so called a gun in net book, who are now in positions of power in they've gone is done. so it is a, an interesting time that this strike takes place and takes out eminence winery, according to initial reports by a name your sources. this was a strike which targeted him which was closely monitored and then struck him at a day when it suited them. but it also goes to show that now in afghanistan, various outfits which has been operating under the shadows for a while, i now or operating freely, i know, moving around freely. so it poses a challenge for all these or groups or countries will trying to go after these groups, but also gives them an opportunity to carry out strikes such as this one over the
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weekend, which was for initially denied by the taliban. that there was a strike in the 1st place. i guess since the you with withdrew from afghanistan. was this expected that i guess the telephone and l carter would forge close the lynx? well, the taliban have always denied that they have any political links with them. guy, then it goes back all the way to the time of miller omar, who said that the dollar bon, ideologically, is not aligned with that either. but it does have this camaraderie that if somebody comes into their country and seek sir protection, they will not hand them over without a sharing of any evidence. but what this shows now, amen is why he had been rumored to be in yemen in atlanta, son, and other places as well. and him being killed. and a busy couple neighborhood goes to show that there is some sort of a link which has always been there and which has been fostered by the other one for a number of years as when it comes to what and kind of look like. now this is not
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the 1st strike that we've seen on the head of a milton or an odd or radical group. you've seen a little body being taken out. you've seen other taliban need as being taken out. you've seen a guy that he does, including the salad loving being taken out. so as a counter terrorism, when, of course, this is a major win for the us administration and president biden. but what will it mean and the ground will be made clear in months and years to come? because if you look at the chi, the structure, now, it is not the same oak either as we saw in the 1900 ninety's carrying out strikes and various capitals of countries. and attacking us insta, the installation. this is a new car there, which has franchised, its outlet. this isn't either which exists in the india been peninsula in the m and then the mac margaret. this is in the, by the which has off shoots of various groups in smaller numbers, which pledge allegiance to emulate why he and others. so it is going to be
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interesting to see how this situation evolves and elk either which has been on the back foot as you saw in the report by mohammed june, june, that it has been facing challenges by other more, more radical groups such as isom, how would it continue in its own form or but it metamorphosis, whether it's metamorphosis will take it into some other grade level. and you've obviously seen extensive time and if can this, and i know it's only been a couple of hours since this news broke. but what's the reaction been to the strike or what do you think the reaction will be when when you start to spread? well we've, we've asked for reaction inefficient reaction from the taliban. the rate to hear from them. avi ross, for a reaction from the how connie network and lead us from there as well. but i think, as we saw initially from cobbled there was an initial sense of denial. they didn't want to admit that there are don't strike taking place. be the spokesman of taliban has clearly told us and others as well that these strikes violation of
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its sovereignty. and there seems to be no agreement between the current of gone government and the united states. although they are talking to each other. but they're not talking on terms of counter terrorism measures. then you have to remember that the taliban itself is a war with ice and in various areas as well. and this killing also opens up at the doors box of who is actually consulting with the americans on the ground in cobble . how are they able to verify this information on the ground in cobble? being able to go into a building in the middle of a neighborhood means that they have assets on the ground. are you just going to taliban? are these people who are in desperate need of assistance or money and are these deep assets that the c a has? are all questions that will need to be answered in the, in the, in the, in the coming days and weeks. but it is a major blow for this was the founding pillar of all its funding members,
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they're gone now. they've either been killed or captured. so it is going to be a transition for this group in particular to see where it goes from here. and you have to realize this is not a group which is its central leadership is taking charge of the activity that carries out. it acts as more of that guidance body. so we'll have to wait and see and how it, the group reacts and how other groups, which are closely linked to the react in the region and beyond what we did, leave the relationship between the telephone and i'll cut from here on in when there is no never been a formal or efficient relation between the 2 groups. so the taliban have always denied that there is the presence of the or the harbor a lie that the taliban have denied that they harbor any other groups operating in that area. and this was one of the pledges coming to power that they will never let up gone soil be used against other countries. but they never said that they would expel the people who are already there. so there seems to be
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a tacit agreement between taliban and other groups on the ground. whether it's those facts, whether it's the chechens, whether it is the other foreign fighters will been there for decades and decades and found refuge there. i don't think that there is a urgency or the need for the dollar bond to be going after them or pushing them out. but it does fracture the relationship with others as well because people are going to be asking them questions if they can. if the americans can go after in, cobble the leader will either, what does it mean for others who have forced dies with the one where just said that saudi arabia has welcomed his killing? what do you think the, i guess the international relationship will be with a telephone now from, from other, you know, significant players in the region where we're just coming round to the 1st year of the taliban in power. this is a government which is not recognized by any country. there are about a dozen or so. embassies which operate in cobble, the defacto recognition of the government, which is in charge, but not recognizing the taliban government per se. so i think this is
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a 1st of many welcoming reactions that you are going to see from leaders in the arab world and beyond. this is the threat by the posed a threat to not just american interest, but interests of american allies as well. so i think that is going to be a study. you are welcome, a welcoming statesman segments from various will leaders, including those from the region. but like i said, we'll have to wait and see on what will it actually mean for the capacity of a radical group like a guide after the death of eminence. why thank you so much that. so some have been java. thank you very much for coming in with the white house has criticized chinese rhetoric strongly opposing a possible visit by you as hell speak in nancy pelosi to taiwan national security council spokesman john kirby says the u. s. that will not engage with sabre rattling in any potential visitors consistent with us policy hello. see who's in singapore, on a tour of asia has historically been critical of the chinese authorities. several
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media outlets and tiwana reporting pelosi will visit, but it hasn't been confirmed. china has repeatedly warned against it and beijing considers the island a part of china. as we we can see at such a with it is apparently very much dangerous, very much, per walked if. if the us, he insists on the her, are making the with it, china will take a firm and a strong measures to safeguard our national sovereignty. and the terrill, torrie integrity. or mike hannah has this update from the white house. now, the spokesman for the national security council, john kirby has addressed the possible a trip of nancy pelosi to tie one. he says, this is not unprecedented. pointing out that in 1997 that then speaker newt
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gingrich visited taiwan without any incident. and even this year, some members of congress have travel to the island that john kirby makes absolutely clear that any decision whether to visit taiwan or not is up to the speaker herself . and any confirmation must come from the speaker or 1st officers. this is what kirby had to say, or constitution beds a separation of powers. this is well known to the p r. c. given are more than 4 decades of diplomatic relations. the speaker is the right to visit taiwan and speaker of the house has visited taiwan before without incident. as have many members of congress including this year, john kirby emphasized though that even should nancy pelosi decide to visit taiwan. this in no way represents any change in us policy. the u. s. one china policy remains, he says, and this was addressed during president biden's phone call with president sheet last week in which president biden made absolutely clear that the u. s. policy is
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unchanging when it comes to taiwan and also unchanging when it comes to its relationship with china. nevertheless, john kirby says, china is adapting a threatening posture and he's express concern about any misunderstandings as he put it that could arise out of this heightening of tension. the head of the rounds, atomic agency says his country has the ability to produce a nuclear bomb. it doesn't plan to well, hubbard, islam. it's remarks kind of hours before the us announced fris sanctions on entities involved in runs, oil and pitcher, chemical, trade alley. hashem reports. it was a rare announcement from iran's atomic agency. chief mohammed, his slammy comments, which i could those made recently by another senior government figure it so whether it is no secret that we have become a nuclear threshold state and this is a reality. it is also no secret that we have the technical capabilities required to
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manufacture a nuclear bomb. it will be an advancement of iran's nuclear program, far beyond the limits outlined in a 2015 deal the west. i am announcing today at 1120 by form a u. s. president. donald trump at the united nations conference for a non proliferation u. s. secretary of state antony blinking, criticized iran's nuclear policy on nonproliferation around remains on a path of nuclear escalation. although it publicly claims to favor returned to mutual compliance with the j. c. p. o. the joint comprehensive plan of action since march around has been either unwilling or unable to accept a deal to achieve precisely that goal. talks aimed at returning to the deal have been stalled since march. earlier this week, you fought in policy chief joseph burrell, in college to both sides, to the se, thought negotiations, putting a new proposed text on the table, bad as have ordered a pe after reviewing the draft texts. it is possible that in the near future we can
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reach a conclusion regarding the timetable for the negotiation. we'll probably see a new round of negotiations. negotiations to salvage the nuclear record began april 2021, but have been in deadlock since february. iran, once the u. s to lift all economic sanctions and an assurance that the next administration went back out of the accord. but the by the administration says, guaranteeing the deals survival beyond 2024 is impossible. and it wants confirmation that iran went enrich uranium to military. great ali hashem al jazeera when you had comments by you as secretary of state earlier in ali hutchins report. and he blinkin was speaking at the time to review of the treaty on the non proliferation of nuclear weapons at the un general assembly. the meeting comes at a time of hyphens, global tensions over the ukraine war. kristin salumi has more from the you when the
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un secretary general kicked off the 10th review conference of the n p t by sounding the alarm to the day humanities. just one muse, understanding when miscalculation away from nuclear, elation we have been extraordinary. lucky so far but luck is not the strategy. his pessimism stands in sharp contrast to when russia in the united states signed on to the treaty in 1970. this is indeed an historic occasion. it was the height of the cold war and the goal was to prevent a nuclear conflict. nations of the world moved from a period of confrontation to a period of negotiation and a period of lasting peace. as recently as january, the 5 permanent members of the un security council, who also happened to be the officially recognized nuclear weapons states, the united states, the united kingdom, russia, china, and france, all pledge not to further disseminate nuclear weapons. but a month later,
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russia invaded ukraine, while russia claims full compliance with the n p t. others consider that a threat and is engaged in reckless, dangerous nuclear saber rattling with its president warning that though supporting ukraine self defense, quote, risk consequences such as you have never seen in your entire history. and then there's the iran nuclear deal agreed in 2015. it was heralded as a step towards reducing proliferation until the u. s. withdrew. now iran says it has enough uranium to build a nuclear weapon. you don't want each under heat on modern little bit, while few nations have gone as far as north korea and trying to build them. and i nuclear campaign or say other countries are expressing a new willingness to host them as a deterrent. that's what frightens valerie. a has a nuclear expert from ukraine attending the conference. so there is a widespread belief that nuclear weapons have prevented
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a big war. and it turned out not to be true signatories to the n p t. r. meant to gather every 5 years in an attempt to advance the goal of disarmament this year. thanks to global tensions. experts say there's little hope of action. kristin salumi al jazeera, the united nations, kosovo. police have close to border crossings with serbia. after local serbs blocked roads and fired shot said police. the serbs are protesting against an order to switch this serbian car license plates to kosovo ones because of declared independence from serbia in 2000 a night. but more than 50000 serbs living in northern casa vote, still use serbian license plates. the government and serbia does not recognize cost of our as a country. al jazeera is brianna story out of it. shes at one of those closed border crossings. this is regarding a one of the border crossing between serbia and castilla,
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as you can see from sunday evening, there is no crossing on the border crossing because the government of possible announced new rules that are supposed to be implemented to day for the citizens of serbia. you rules included that are all the citizens from therapy. i want to come to class, so we'll have to replace their ideas to the temporary document, which would be for them during days their stay in the country. let me remind you that, that there's the measure that sir be implemented for the citizens of course of 11 years ago. so as you can see, there is no traffic at this border crossing and this is not the 1st time the attention is broke between therubi and class of a similar thing happened in september late last year. and similar things have been happening since gotten declared independence in 2008 because in the north or of the country, of course of all, we have a lot of ethnic served. there are still loyal to serbia. a fuel truck has exploded
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and southwestern libya killing at least 9 people. a crowd had gathered around the tanker after it overturned in the city of been buyer. they were gathering leaking fuel but it caught fire and exploded. 76 people were injured in the blast. beer is currently a shortage of fuel and libya's southern region and high prices. the united nations secretary general has apologized down to you in peacekeepers. open fire at a border post and easton democratic republic of congo on sunday, killing 2 people. the violence came just days after 3 peacekeepers and 15 protesters were killed during n t u in demonstrations in north keyvi province. and tony, a good tennis says the organisation is totally committed to pace. katherine sawyer reports. un peacekeepers are moaning soldiers in benny north kill province. some were killed during last week's protest in the eastern democratic
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republic of congo. the demonstrations against the un mission maletchko started in goma the provincial capital and spread rapidly. a still tents in the region. some congolese are calling for the force of about 16000 troops to leave with the other info absence among us. and also the way that is going on in service of a he's in the wrong. and each time, under circumstances disease we recognize the nurses sacrifice o fall and he, he, thin protestants were also killed during the riots. police and the army had to be called in to contain the situation. families of the protest is r morning, their loved ones. they show pictures of 3 young men who they say got caught up in
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the violence in munich, the new and queer morning. and we are sad, but we will not stop protesting against moscow. we want the peacekeepers to leave. we have lost our family members. so we have to continue the fight and keep their memories alive. for eastern d. r. c is rich in minerals, but it's also volatile. more than a 100 armed groups operate in the region. they have plundered villages, killed civilians, and forced more than 300000 people to leave their homes. many, kimberly say they want to feel safe, and the peacekeepers are unable to protect them. catherine, sorry, i'll jazeera nigeria says it's destroyed more than $1500.00 illegal oil refining science and renewed campaigned to clamp down on crude oil fift. it's cost more than 3000000000 dollars and one year with more losses projected in 2022 al jazeera is
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ahmed addressed joy in security forces as they hunted down the oil thieves in the niger delta in the air or land and at sea, the nigerian military is under strict orders to end the plundering of the countries oil. when security forces returned to the side, they destroyed 5 weeks earlier. they encountered oil, thieves, and screws chased them. the bundles ran towards their boats. hidden in the creeks when one is captured. in towns of crush, indeed sir eli dela, refine insights. we have crushed thousands of them as you are destroying one side before you get to the auto and an auto and is bringing up again. this pipeline is one of the most frequently vandalized in the country. it delivers half a 1000000 barrels of oil a day to an export terminal, but for the past 5 months,
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not a drop was delivered. as the operator shell was forced to shut it down. we've had dish and where when we're going to quicken camps august camps like this, the set fire to the camps in endangering us and am i equipment most of the stolen cold is ferita elijah vessel such sea by barges like these which are usually hard to apprehend. flying over the creeks, the devastation caused by all bunkering is massive. hidden under tree canopies, the old thieves are putting finishing touches to this facility capable of refining tens of thousands of gallons a day. and instead of using firewood, they now steal a gas to distill the cold, military come on to say that a hundreds of these illegal distilleries scattered across the oil,
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producing delta in addition to bleeding the economy dry. the operations also damage the environment because they are not properly equipped to process could oil the blend of nigeria oil has left the country unable to be it's it's opec quarter activities are going on as i speak to you now as so much collaboration were with the communities to make sure that there was a what in the process of protecting his assets. and the company looks up to the renewed clamp down to return to profitability. but with all thieves, continuously changing their tactics. it could be a long while before that will happen. how many degrees al jazeera in nigeria is all producing delta? that's all for this hour. i'll be back with more right after the break. ah ah.
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and they watch us. they gather evidence with so can we and american cyber activists develops and tap used in brazil to monitor the police . we have more cameras than they do because where the people a bigger brother rebels leaks on a just, you know, thousands of migrants set out from the city of dublin schuler in the early hours of monday. there's numerous nationalities among them. but the vast majority or from venezuela 0, one to reach the united states. it's already been
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a long and difficult journey for most. there are many of us migrants here. we need help. i just like this woman. many people died in the jungle on our way here. it's the largest migrant care band to set out from southern mexico this year. they'll rest for now, but the plan is to take to the road again after midnight and make it as far as they can before the heat sets in. once again, our desire is invest ticket of unit goes undercover in the caribbean, we don't use the word bribe. we'll give you a token of appreciation, exposing trade of diplomatic passports today, and it's 250000. bless your hot than the price will go to look over a 1000000 involving from other regions, highest officials, my what i, what well, al jazeera investigations diplomats for sale. ah.
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