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tv   News  Al Jazeera  August 2, 2022 10:00am-10:31am AST

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in t, so do you have any regrets? no, we meet with global news makers. i'm talk about the stories that matter. on al jazeera, the health of humanity is at stake. a global pandemic requires a global response. w h o is the guardian of global health delivering life saving tools, supplies, and training to help the world's most vulnerable people, uniting across borders to speed up the development of tests, treatments, and of vaccine keeping you up to date with what's happening on the ground. in the world and in the lab. now more than ever, the world needs w h. um, making a healthier world for you for everyone. ah,
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just as has been delivered in this terrace leader is no more. a u. s. drones strike kills al qaeda lee diamond law, harry, in the afghan capital kabul. ah, i'm sammy's a. then this is al jazeera alive from dell hall. so coming up u. s. house speaker, nancy pelosi and malaysia, while china warns against extending her asian tour to taiwan confrontations in iraq, supporters of influential lead and thought, i saw that occupy parliament as their opponents protests and turkey's control center waits for the 1st grain ship that left ukraine's port. ah,
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the leader of al qaeda amazon has been killed in the us. drone strike in afghanistan. u. s. president joe biden said intelligence officials, tract zillah, hurry to a house in central cobble where he was hiding with his family. biden approved the operation last week of the months of planning. shebra, nancy has more. the u. s. president of the execution of i'm and i was that were here, he was approved for the u. s. and could be effective and it's counter terrorism operations, even after the troop withdrawal. he ordered from afghanistan when i entered our military mission of kansas almost a year ago. i made a decision that after 20 years of war, the united states no longer needed thousands of boots on the ground in afghanistan to protect america from terrace, who seek to do us harm. in administration. officials said that the 2 hellfire missiles fired onto a balcony of a residential block in downtown cobble on sunday morning with the result of patient
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painstaking analysis that lasted months throughout. the administration says joe biden was deeply involved in the planning, even commissioning a model of the building and his determination to limit civilian casualties. intelligence revealed of what his family 1st moved to cobble earlier this year before being joined by the leader of al qaeda. he never left the building but was also seen on the balcony where he was eventually killed. the u. s. says there were no other casualties. the u. s. of long insisted. there's a relationship between the taliban and al qaeda. but taliban leaders have denied that. now with this killing and downtown cobble, it will be difficult at the very least, to deny that a fraction of the government dropped it out to a safe haven. think this is a proud moment for joe biden, tempered only by the fact that it took place in cobble which thus raises the spectre of the withdraw from afghanistan. and of course, the terrorist organizations clearly reestablishing themselves or that the attack took place, just as the afghan government is in negotiations to free $3500000000.00 in foreign
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reserves. it desperately needs to feed its people, is also a focus of some and i'm, i would where joe biden is in need of good news to quell domestic critics of, of handling of the u. s. economy. and following a trip to the middle east that received mixed reviews, the white house is clearly relishing this news. she advertised the al jazeera washington. how a dumb june has more now on the man who was alkali, the 2nd most prominent figure off to a sam, a bin ladin a man. and so he had long been a deputy to some of that. but after the us killing of the vin and car, the leader in 2011. so why he took charge of the armed group attempting to expand its reach while never engendering the kind of loyalty afforded his predecessor. so while he did inherit the mantle of leadership, he did not inherit was on but led his legitimacy as a well jed leader all his a credibility and legitimacy on karima amongst the various mil jayden groups born
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in egypt in 1951. so ari came from a distinguished family, studied medicine, and became a surgeon. in 973, he joined the egyptian islamic jihad group. the assassination of president unwise said that the nation, $81.00 for which the group was blamed, proved to be a turning point for so i think, well, he was not charged in connection with said that's killing. he was imprisoned on conspiracy charges, one of thousands of religious activists jailed and tortured after the assassination . many analysts say that experience would eventually lead him to violence after his release from prison. so he left egypt for per shower in pakistan, where he worked as a dr. treating afghan fighters then it was on to afghanistan where he fought against the soviet occupation and where he began his partnership with ben latin. within a few years, both men would become part of the core group that became al qaeda under their leadership, the armed group accused the west of waging
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a modern day crusade against muslims and set as its ultimate goal, the establishment of islamic rule throughout the world. i regard as ideology, along with its international campaign of violence, culminated in the 911 attacks. washington offered a reward of $25000000.00 to bring the wiley to justice off shoots of the armed group in yemen. somalia and algeria are widely believed to be his work days off to win those on the beloved and was assassinated and aim of the lady took over. you can see the fracturing of the organization becoming more and more apparent once the syrian civil war began. so i had he found that alti, this dominance was being increasingly challenged by isolate which had carved out territory for itself in it up syria and libya, and had fighters in yemen in 2016. so i had a urged afghan fighters to rally around the taliban and reject isolate branch in afghanistan. a duel it loony loose the me. when i call upon the brotherly muslims and jihad, he's in general and in afghanistan in particular, to get behind the jihad in the patient and the steadfast emerald,
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and not to respond to the cause aimed at dividing the ranks of jihad. he's off today. the death of aimen, and so i had, he brings an end to one of the most turbulent times in recent international security. the world will now be watching to see how al qaeda handles the death of its 2nd prominent leader. let's get reaction on this from the region now. come on. hi. this is in the puck sonic capitalist. i'm about this particular report about the confirmation of the death of the why he is indeed going to be big nude in this area. however, at the same time, richard, we understood dated the effective date was now in question. because of the al qaeda leaders had gone off the radar. they were not able to use any communications. and the fact that i said we're able to eclipse the al qaeda a movement there. hell. so indeed, there will be questions as to whether there was data agreement from the neighboring
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country to a loud or drones to be able to target id number 2. and right now, the number one, acting leader of all 5. now the party of fuck hassan's form of prime minister on con, received illegal funds. according to the countries election commission. cons party was accused of receiving funds from abroad, which is against the law in pakistan. finding could mean con and his party are eventually banned from politics. chinese fighter jets of flo, near the unofficial dividing line between mainland china and taiwan. tensions are running high with reports emerging. us how speak in nancy pelosi could arrive in taipei in the coming hours. policies in malaysia is part of her asia tool. china is warning the u. s. of serious consequences if her visit goes ahead. taiwanese official say they will warmly welcome any foreign guest. as we,
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we can see, and such a with it is apparently very much dangerous, very much provoked if, if the us insists on the, are making the with it. china will take a firm and a strong measures to safeguard our national sovereignty. and a terrill tore integrity. this is very much shar, precedent in the sense that of previous speakers visit it. i want many members of congress go, let's taiwan including this year. and so if the speaker does decide to visit and china tries to create some kind of crisis or otherwise escalate tensions, that would be entirely on beijing. we are looking for that for, for them. in the event she decides to visit, to act responsibly and not to engage in any escalation going forward.
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i difficult harlem is the international editor of taiwan class joins us on skype from ty pay. so 1st of all, is she or is she not going to visit any indication either way? but the $1000000.00 question, sammy know either way, no indication, no word from official fear. but what i can tell you is that according to i want to media, i want military increase the level of its combat readiness. which means that increase the level of defense. should there be any action from china, as you know, and as you mentioned, that the trying to strong words should not be below the line here and pi pay. although they haven't clearly said what that action will be, the us is also warrant. the china may takes action once again, not necessarily saying it would be military action on buy one, but could be more aggression,
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more fly by want that depends on which the increase over the past few months, possibly more exercises on the water is closer to fi. one, but what we're seeing that is much more concrete in practical terms in affecting the people here inside one is that trying to take and you have made moves to ban certain products from a pie one agricultural product, food product. and that is worrying trend because china is i want largest trading partner and so sorry, yes, china is one largest trading partner. and so that could hurt people's pockets here . and that is what's concerning many at the moment, you know, this possible visit, i should say is raising the prospect of conflicts. i'm wondering what ordinary people in taiwan make of that. you know, people here have lived for decades on the possibility of conflict with china. but
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then, you know, they've heard the strong words that hurt certain actions, be the seen certain military aggression, not necessarily on taiwan soil, but around, but that is of taiwan. but what makes it even more worrying now is the fact that china military has grown in power and, and mike and trying to grow and on the international page. so whereas before people in fi, one could hear this as rhetoric. now there is concern that this could translate to something more concrete on the ground. and as i mentioned that one of the main things trying to can do is affect them economically. but for, they're still if trying to choose to take action by one, it's really quite vulnerable given the fact that it is an island, it is, are smaller than china in any way. and it's military, of course, is far less powerful than the neighboring p l. a. how unprecedented would pelosi visit be when we look at the,
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the sort of history of us officials visiting taiwan. so a number of us officials have this high one. and a lot of them have been officials from mike from k o visited just last year. so this is definitely groundbreaking as far as pie one moment the go. but back in 1997 newt gingrich, who was house speaker for the republican then did make a visit to taiwan. and of course china raised issues about that and objected to it, but also the time trying to wasn't a powerful china wasn't such, you know, but big power to contend with. so now, although this is not unprecedented, but the scenario and the environment is quite unprecedented, given that increased tension, both between pipe a and b j that are wrapped that up over the past few years. and the increased tension between washington and beijing. alright, good to talk to is always find so much the vehicle bomb there. so i had an al
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jazeera, the us government. it else is a $1000000000.00 to help. busy states hit by fires and floods. the un chief cools for an end to nuclear weapons warning, total annihilation is only one misunderstanding away. ah hello, there is a store of heat once again for europe, particularly for southern areas, but we are going to see a lot of that warmth rise up heading it's way farther north. by the mid of the week, we'll see some pretty impressive temperatures across western areas of europe. now, on tuesday we still got those high temperature warnings out across the iberian peninsula to spain and portugal. a few showers popping up here and there across spain. but for the north of this france, clear skies as you can see, and we are going to the clearest guys across central areas of europe once the showers start to shift their way further east much over the wet weather can be
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found across western areas of russia and ukraine, we have a look on wednesday. you can see that clears up my the temperatures, certainly on the up here. the wet to whether we have to head up to scandinavia. some really wet and windy weather, sweeping its way across norway and sweden. and there's more in the way of showers for britain and island, but there is so a lot of williams, a muggy, whether it's, he'd be found for the south of this clear skies. of course, much of italy's war, the se, temperatures in turkey, where we expect them to be for this time of year. they have come down slightly, but it's really gonna be western areas that see temperatures pick up rather dramatically. if we look at the 3 day, for example, 4 powers will be 10 degrees above the average by wednesday. ah frank assessments, how much support is there if it's straight protest that we've seen in korean across the rest of the country, the treatment of the that's happening into the coal concerns of people across the
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country. informed opinions, we will say more of what is happening is that climate change it making them work in depth analysis of the days global headlines draw. he is credited by some way where they were storing italy's credibility this critics would say he couldn't play the part of a politician. what do you think went wrong inside story on al jazeera lou? ah. oh, go back. you're watching. i'll just 0. talk to recap. those headlines now. media outlets in taiwanda reporting us how speak and nancy pelosi will arrive. later on tuesday, china is warning the u. s. of serious consequences if that happens. washington is
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urging beijing to act responsibly. united states has killed the leader of either in a drone strike in the afghan capital cobble president joe biden, site intelligence officials, track payment of saudi to a home in the center of the city al jazeera, as ali, lots if he joins us now from cobble saw the 1st of all, what more details are emerging about this attack? so what's really important to keep in mind is if you look behind us, we're in a central part of the city. you know, where near bank we're near grocery store, we're near money exchangers, all sorts of basic civilian things. and this house that is our haiti was allegedly staying in reportedly belonged to someone tied to the government, if not a government official himself, a guest house belonging to the government. so this may be part of why and to me blinking is saying that you know, that this violated the doha agreement because it's very high,
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are difficult to hide. you know, the most senior high, the leader in the middle of your capital without someone from your government knowing. and earlier we tried to go near the site itself, actually still several 100 meters away. but we were told by the taliban that we're not allowed to shoot in that site in that area. you know, they were saying what are, what are you shooting? why are you here? we said it's the news. you know, the event that just happened that the, you know, they responded, there's no event, nothing happened. why are you here? and we had to go a little bit further and you know, on the streets earlier in the day there was much more of a tall lavon presence. other journalist i tried to get near this. i also had similar issues. so there definitely is something going on early, as you mentioned, it's actually both sides, the us and the talk about her accusing each other of violating the doll her a cord won't practical impact can this have though on the, the dough her understanding a, it's, you know,
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again, it's one of these things where, you know, the, the u. s. is blaming it because that is our haiti was allegedly here and the taller bond because of the drone strike itself with and the tall one never really has yet to acknowledge that, that he was the one killed in this strike. they just said that it's trying to place and that is in violation of it. and really again, it's just another complicated matter in the end is the odd relationship between the taliban and the rest of the world. you know, you see world leaders, we saw them in touch canton was back just on only about a week or so ago, sitting down with the tall about negotiating, potentially the us saying that there may be some indications that they would eventually release the central bank reserves that are with them, and then this happens and both sides are blaming the other. ah, it's a little it's, it's really, you know, another instance of this odd relationship between this law, mich emerett and the rest of the world who on the one had, meets with them on the other hand doesn't recognize them. and then also stages
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these attacks accusing this la mic, amaray of housing, international terrorists. right. and life behind you seems to be quite vibrant. what kind of impacts is this having so far? we know. busy especially comes at a time when their own negotiations on the way to free up aid and assets for africa . i mean, right now people are just sort of confused. obviously life goes on. you know, this attack took place at least a day ago if not 2 days ago, depending upon these account you believe. but really right now for the average person, it's just a question of, as i said before, a strange circumstance, you know, what is going on? how is it that this drone strike took place? and initially the government reported it as a rocket attack on an empty house. and then today's being condemned by this lama cameras as a violation of the doha board. you know, i, as in as a drone strike, as an attack on their sovereignty of what they see is their sovereign territory.
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and at the same time, you know, at least a day, if not 2 days later, joe biden is coming out and saying, by the way in that strike, i man's i'll 80 with was being housed a, in this, in this residence. so a to, to the average person, it's all very strange. it's all very odd. it nothing, none of it really seems to add up. all right, thanks so much. a little fever. supporters of an iraqi political block of demonstrated in baghdad against the takeover of parliament by those who back influential leader mac for the southern sa, those called on iraq, is to join what he considers a revolution. opponents are calling it the qu, but load up the law had, explains, i, protestants and counter protests, supporters of iraq's coordination framework, gather me about that, the green zone there denouncing what they considered a cool by raven, she, our leader moved to the solder and his followers. well,
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if i buy the sherry, i like to up and all of a sudden we're here to regain the legitimacy of the state institutions that husband violated by the occupation of the parliament of the hands of cassandra's that we try to keep it peaceful. ah, what violence interrupted as they headed towards the green soon forcing security personnel to pull out oh, chanting against kate taken prime minister must have called the meat. they accuse him of collaborating with us order to remain in power. the reports of military units would unravel. factions being deployed near by to protect the people. so many fear it could gets worse. opposing groups have been intensifying their campaigns and seem to be pushing for a showdown ah, sensitive day as so the supporters heavy, they did a sit in the parliament building headed amory. a top leader with the coordination
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framework has warned of bloodshed and called for dialog. this, this is collation comes against the backdrop of league audio recordings attributed to former prime minister maureen mckee, where he is heart insulting al solder and his affiliates the so that he does have requested that american recordings be condemned as a prerequisite for dialog, manada, i'm and we will remain here, did our leader, his practice to leave. it's not just the political dispute is rather a revolution against the case of corruption or oppression. the conflict over forming a government started here among glo makers months ago. but these protest her say the not only follow their leaders, but they also want to change the whole political system that they were eligible
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both well, the 1st ship, transporting ukrainian grain under an internationally broke a deal is heading for turkish waters after leaving the port of desert monday, the vessel is being monitored by the joint coordination center in the stumble is expected to dock there for an inspection on wednesday before heading to lebanon. the u. n. chief says the resumption of shipments will help bring stability to global food markets. what we have witness to their, you know, this is an important starting points. it must be the 1st of many commercial ships bringing relief and stability to global foot markets. the black sea great initiative allows for significant volumes of exports from city ukrainian ports. odessa, short run mosque, and usually together we agreed facilitation of the period,
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excessive ration for products and fertilizers, world markets, it will bring relief and stability to global food markets, and they'll tackle the global for crisis. ukraine's president says the shipment is a positive sign warned against complacency, to the patella for good money. implementation of the initiative to export, ukrainian grain and other agricultural products from our ports on the black sea has started today. the 1st ship carrying $26000.00 tons of corn left the port of a desktop. i'm not the time to draw any conclusions and predict further events, but the port has started working on it can be called the 1st positive signal. there is a chance to stop the development of food crisis in the world. now the white house is announced to $1000000000.00 in a states dealing with the consequences of extreme weather. wildfires are burning in california while dozens of died and devastating floods in the state of kentucky. ra brown's reports. heart rending scenes in rural kentucky as intense rainstorms have
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caused flooding day after day in mountain valleys, many people in the impoverished region have seen all their possessions washed away with laugh for houses. and couple of a he called all our farm equipment. i mean, technically, there's not enough left leslie who's gone my new home and i would have been going to start from scratch all over again. but even worse, the floods have claimed at least 30 lives. these children were ripped from their mother's arms by the rushing water. all 4 siblings drowned. the death toll is expected to rise. there are hundreds of on accounted for people minimum. and we just, we just don't have a firm grasp on that a wish we did more than 12000 people are without electricity and there is more rain
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on the way. intense weather events like the one in kentucky are a consequence of global heating. scientists say this is exactly the fingerprint, the signature that we would expect with global warming due to the increase in greenhouse gases from human activities. as the atmosphere warms, the air can hold more moisture, unleashing epic storms. in las vegas, the desert city better known for casinos than catastrophes. thunderstorms inundated the famous strip and flooded hotels. when conditions are right, we can get these catastrophic rein events, several inches per hour, from flood to fire. in northern california, a wildfire sparked on friday, grew to consume more than 23 square kilometers of forest land. the biggest blaze in the state. this year firefighters found to people dead in a burned out car in their homes, driveway, firefighters, say,
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years of drought and unusually high temperatures. also linked to global warming have created more intense and fast moving fires. the biden administration and democrats in congress are pushing a bill to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and moved toward clean energy. but senate republicans, including their leader, mitch mcconnell, part of whose own state of kentucky is under water, oppose the climate legislation. for those affected by the back to back disasters sweeping the country. the legislation is far too little. too late. rob reynolds al jazeera, the head of the united nation says the threat of nuclear catastrophes greater than at any time since the height of the cold war. and tonia garage was speaking at a conference, reviewing the fish. dear old nuclear non proliferation treaty, kristen salome has more from the when the un secretary general kicked off the 10th review conference of the n p t by sounding the alarm to the day humanities. just
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one muse, understanding one miscalculation away from nuclear at any lation. we have been extraordinary. lucky so far but luck is not the strategy. his pessimism stands in sharp contrast to when russia in the united states signed on to the treaty in 1970 . this is indeed an historic occasion. it was the height of the cold war and the goal was to prevent a nuclear conflict. nations of the world moved from a period of confrontation to a period of negotiation and a period of lasting peace. as recently as january, the 5 permanent members of the un security council, who also happened to be the officially recognized nuclear weapons states, the united states, the united kingdom, russia, china, and france, all pledge not to further disseminate nuclear weapons. but a month later, russia invaded ukraine, while russia claims full compliance with the n p t. others consider that a threat,
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and it's engaged in reckless, dangerous nuclear saber rattling with its president. warning that though supporting ukraine, self defense, quote, risk and consequences such as you have never seen in your entire history. and then there's the iran nuclear deal agreed in 2015. it was heralded as a step toward reducing proliferation until the u. s. withdrew. now iran says it has enough uranium to build a nuclear weapon. it's under unloaded, movable, while few nations have gone as far as north korea and trying to build them anti nuclear campaign, or say other countries are expressing a new willingness to host them as a deterrent. that's what frightens valerie. a has a nuclear expert from ukraine attending the conference. so there is a widespread belief that nuclear weapons have prevented a big war.


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