tv News Al Jazeera August 2, 2022 2:00pm-2:31pm AST
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ready just as has been delivered in this terrace leader is no more. the usa says drones strike is killed. oh, hi, the lee diamond, i saw harry in the afghan capital cobble. ah, i'm sammy's a dan. this is al jazeera alive from dell hall. so coming up us how speak and nancy pelosi visits malaysia, while china warns against extending her asian tool to taiwan. confrontations in iraq, supporters of influential lead, i'm up thought i saw the remain defined in their occupation of parliament as their opponents protest. turkeys control center waits for the 1st grain
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ship to have master ukrainian port since russia's invasion ah, the us says it has killed the leader of a kai, the aimen, as the law heavy in a drone strike in afghanistan. yes, president joe biden said intelligence officials tried and so i headed to a house in central cobble where it was hiding with his family fide and approved the operation. last week of the months of planning shebra tenancy has more the u. s. president of the execution of i'm and i was that we're hearing was approved for the u. s. and could be effective, and it's counter terrorism operations, even after the troop withdrawal. he ordered from afghanistan when i entered our military mission of kansas almost a year ago. i made a decision that after 20 years of war, the united states no longer needed thousands of boots on the ground in afghanistan
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to protect america from chairs to seek to do us harm. in administration, officials said that the 2 hellfire missiles fired onto a balcony of a residential block in downtown cobble on sunday morning with the result of patient painstaking analysis that lasted months throughout. the administration says joe biden was deeply involved in the planning, even commissioning a model of the building and his determination to limit civilian casualties. intelligence revealed and i hear he's finally 1st moved to cobble earlier this year . before being joined by the leader of al qaeda. he never left the building but was also seen on the balcony where he was eventually killed. the u. s. says there were no other casualties. the u. s. of long insisted as a relationship between the taliban and al qaeda. leaders have denied that. now with this killing and downtown cobble, it will be difficult at the very least, to deny that a fraction of the government dropped it out to a safe haven. think this is a proud moment for joe biden, tempered only by the fact that it took place in cobble which thus raises the
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spectre of the withdraw from afghanistan. and of course, terrorist organizations clearly reestablishing themselves or that the attack took place. just as the afghan government is in negotiations to free $3500000000.00 in foreign reserves, it desperately needs to feed its people. is also a focus of some and i'm, i would where joe biden is in need of good news to quell domestic critics of, of handling of the u. s. economy, and following a trip to the middle east. the received mixed reviews. the white house is clearly relishing this news. she advertise see al jazeera washington this is where that strike took place shortly after dawn on sundays at the heart of what was cobbled diplomatic district. a busy neighbourhood where there are several embassies, some suspended operations after the us led coalition withdrew from afghanistan last year. algeria is alfie on the scene. so this report,
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we're here in the neighborhood where i'm and i was like, he was allegedly killed. and as you can see, this is a perfectly residential area. there's travel agency, there's grocery stores and things. all of these things are needing to increasing worry among the us who feel that the outcry, the leader will being housed in a perfectly residential urban center of the city. and at the same time, the tall barn is upset that a year after their occupation ended, the u. s. is still conducting drones strike on what they consider to be sovereign avalon territory. mohammed jim, jim has more now on the man who was caught a 2nd most prominent figure after a thumb of in latin aim. and so he had long been a deputy to some of the latin. but after the us killing of that, then the leader in 2011. so he took charge of the armed group attempting to expand its reach while never engendering the kind of loyalty afforded his predecessor. so
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while he did inherit the mantle of leadership, he did not inherit the letters legitimacy either which i had leader or his credibility and legitimacy on karima amongst the various majestic groups born in egypt in 1951. so he came from a distinguished family, studied medicine, and became a surgeon. in 1973, he joined the egyptian islamic jihad group the assassination of president unless said that the nice and $81.00 for which the group was blamed, proved to be a turning point for so heavy. while he was not charged in connection with the dots killing, he was imprisoned on conspiracy charges, one of thousands of religious activists jailed and tortured after the assassination . many analysts say that experience would eventually lead him to violence after his release from prison. so i had he left egypt for per shower in pakistan, where he worked as a doctor treating afghan fighters. then it was on to afghanistan where he fought
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against the soviet occupation and where he began his partnership with ben latin. within a few years, both men would become part of the core group that became al qaeda under their leadership, the armed group accused the west of waging a modern day crusade against muslims and set as its ultimate goal, the establishment of islamic rule throughout the world. and a car does ideology, along with its international campaign of violence, culminated in the 911 attacks. washington offered a reward of $25000000.00 to bring the wiley to justice off shoots of the armed group in yemen. somalia and algeria are widely believed to be his work days off to win. now some of the london was assassinated and a man of the why they took over. you can see the fracturing of the organization becoming more and more apparent. once the syrian civil war began, so i had, he found that outside as dominance was being increasingly challenged by isolate which had carved out territory for itself in it up syria and libya, and had fighters in yemen in 2016. so i had a urged afghan fighters to rally around the taliban and reject isolate branch in
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afghanistan. a duel it loony loose. the me, when i call upon the brotherly muslims and jihad, he's in general and in afghanistan in particular, to get behind the jihad in the patient and the steadfast emerald, and not to respond to the cause aimed at dividing the ranks of jihad. he's off today, the death of a min, and so i had, he brings an end to one of the most turbulent times in recent international security. the world will now be watching to see how al qaeda handles the death of its 2nd prominent leader. well, let's head over now to afghanistan. border with pakistan. come on. hi, those live for us in the hybrid tribal district. in that scenario, kamala has quite a history with a high then thought, yvonne, how is the news being received there? when there's been a mutated drink bond, given all the trouble that buckets on, is facing on multiple fronts. however, hi, bob said you mention it to the east connect to the city of shala and the rest of
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your day of july bod, and because of its proximity to the avalon border, this became central to either merge i, again was fighting against the russian occupation of god, at that time, that night this day, the gyptian government encouraged out a fight to come and join in the jihad against the communist russia and re run it on. i'm sure why he really made a shortage home. did ray was able to fight, fighting against russia and, and also to guard home. but after the us led invasion and killing, of which i'm been logged in and grinned de 11. why have a remainder, lucy? because he was not able to use any communication given the fact that day us
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communication intelligence, human intelligence, was active all over the place. and there were a debt, what speculation that was operating from i did a budget on the side of the border or just across the border. and of wonders. don show, one thing that i did going to come up after this particular day and the fact that the united states had already said that they deal with horizon capability. that of god's word and bring countries under question. now read up august on allowed dogs drones to operate by using focused on the space to take out the why have a in one? it's dawn and that have got being the main question, but i will do you may be treated as well. and by the way, john deere met again many people in that region, regard him as a hero of the avalon wall and fortress contribution, as far as fighting along the launch against the russian. this concern, i thanks so much. come on high. the tensions between the us and
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china running high with reports us. how speaker nancy pelosi could arrive in, ty, pay in the coming else how speak. i left her hotel in kuala lumpur on tuesday morning. these are images of the american military playing. she used to travel from the laser on the tarmac just before taking off with an unknown destination. fill on whether or not nancy pelosi is on board of a flight path of that plane is being tracked online. it left malaysia bearing south and it's already flown over indonesia. china is warning against her visit to taiwan . the chinese foreign minister says beijing has been very clear to the us about the repercussions of any such visit do though. so you'd have quincy recently the u. s. has claimed this commitment to the one china policy box wise has been back tracking,
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blotting, and harder than not the one china principal. the u. s. has also gone against commitment on maintaining non official ties with the taiwan region. it has upgraded its level of contact with taiwan and he has increased sales to taiwan. so on that, many people on the inside have been very clear about this domestically and internationally. and to have pointed out that age of those actions please. patrick falk has more from beijing. one of the things that's been talked about in the us is concerned over whether all china really grasped this concept of separate branches of government in the u. s. and the foreign ministry here in beijing address that today's folks person watching said that when there is a provocative visit to taiwan by a u. s. politician, it cannot be considered unofficial, especially when that politician is for number 3, u. s. government official. and especially when she is traveling to taiwan on a military aircraft watching also address the issue of precedence,
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referring to for my house, pick a new ding, which is in taiwan and 997. saying that just because it has happened before, doesn't mean the you, i should be repeating that mistake. so that was a clear rejection of the point that was made by whitehouse. national security advisor john car be saying that this is part of long standing u. s. policy and that there was no reason to escalate any sort of crisis because of this. she was also off today whether not the lines of communication were being kept open between beijing and washington. and she said the china heads repeated to washington. many, many times that it was opposed to visits. so that since she hoped it was clear, washington about the severity of this visit and how dangerous it might be. social's in taiwan say they will warmly welcome any foreign guest playing the ticket made he
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uh tingley t make. well, we did notice several speculative news reports about whether the speaker of the us house of representatives, nancy pelosi is visiting taiwan. the ministry of foreign affairs. this reiterating that it does not have further information to share on this case, and it is not commenting on it dealing with the visits of yours politicians. as of course, one of the foreign ministry is mean duties as well as that of a representative office in the u. s. ty, once government has always welcomed foreign friends visiting ty, one to increase their understanding of taiwan, and express the support to a country. vivica pollen is the international editor of taiwan plus he joins us on skype from ty pay. so a little bit of vagueness there, from officials, but in the media, the speculation getting strong and stronger that she is actually coming right? absolutely. i getting so strong to the point where they're actually telling us what their schedule is, what her school she'll be meeting when she is here and how long she'll be here or,
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or. 6 from what we understand, she will be meeting the president saying when the morrow, but from our own sources at the presidential office. it's all taiwan plants that lucy's likely to arrive in the next few hours. tomorrow will be a pack day. along with that meeting with the presidential be going to the legislative council meeting, the opposition and current politicians. then she'll go to human rights musician a museum, and it's your to be giving a press conference before she leaves before it gets dark here. so there is much talk about her arrival, there's much talk about what she'll do while she is here, but no confirmation from the government itself. and dea, how unprecedented would this visit be? just put it into context for us. right, so if your eye reports earlier mentioned you gingrich came in 1997, you part of the republican party at that time. now this is a very bipartisan issue,
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taiwan for the us. but the republicans and democrats that's probably supported by one and i want remaining its own entity with its own government. the democratic islands are democratic countries with the. c population of 24000000 people now newt gingrich came in 1997. of course china wraps up the rhetoric. then there were that tensions ratcheted up. that was a very different china, the time china with less powerful. it was not so much in the trash or they didn't have all the line to it does that has now. so now i want to speaking a much more powerful p l. a with the chinese chinese have said is not badly banding idly by the come here and trying to solve that. it will take strong action what that is on clear. but while this is not unprecedented, the current environment deteriorating tensions between beijing and washington and beijing and pi pay at some of its low. it's is unprecedented. i thanks so much. the
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big apollo don't i don't, al jazeera protest is in the democratic republic of congo. say they keeping up pressure on un peacekeepers to leave. hello estonians more than a 17 year old boy killed in an israeli, raised in the occupied west bank. ah . the journey has begun. the 3 for world camp is on its way to cat hook, your travel package today. hello, we got some very heavy rain making its way across the korean peninsula at the moment, little larry or a cloud here that is the remnants of our latest to tropical depressions there. now swinging in across several north korea just around the border with south graham. we'll see that wet weather just running through as a go through the next couple of days or wednesday, some heavy down pos possibilities some localized flooding. and the possibility of
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flooding making its way into hon. she was, we go on into wednesday and thursday western parts of han shoe in particular sing some very heavy rain by that stage. up towards the northeast of china is a big down. pause coming through here again. we could see some localized flooding. push a little further south is when it's about the heat $35.00 celsius in beijing. 36 celsius there in shanghai. heat abating, somewhat to the south, hong kong about $28.00 degrees with a fair amount of cloud and rain rolling through. lots of right to southern parts of india at present we do still have read warnings in force into corolla into thermal noddy the next couple of days we'll see that main burst of heavy rain coming in across sir corolla. just pushing a little further north with some lively and heavy showers to up towards the far north to one or 2 showers and to pakistan. but it's that western side of india that inspect to see more flooding, i saw official outline of the journey out. his ear is
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investigative unit goes undercover in the caribbean, we'd all use the word bribe. we'll give you a token of appreciation, exposing trade of diplomatic passports. today it's 250000. bless your heart, then the price will go to well over a 1000000, involving from other regions, highest officials with al jazeera investigations, diplomats for sale with ah, parking back. you're watching al jazeera time to recap all headlines now. the us says it's killed the leader of al qaeda in a drones strike in the afghan capital president joe biden says intelligence
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officials, track payment. and so i have a to a home in the center of the city us house speaker. nancy pelosi has left their hotel in columbus. but it's still on clear whether or not she's on an american plane that's taken off from malaysia. local media in hong kong say she'll arrive on the island on choose day. in spite of warnings from bay jane of consequences if she pays the island a visit. a funeral is being held for a palestinian teenager in janine in the occupied westbank. 17 year old dog kathrina was killed or monday during violence with israeli forces. there have been nearly daily raids across the occupied was bank and recent tweaks that abraham has more from the law. what we know is that is really forces have invaded janine and it's refugee camp. it's rare that these really forces can make it inside their p g camp itself. and usually we see arms in confrontations ensued between palestinian armed
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men that's are estimated in the lower hundreds. and you've really forces these ready with his have shot and killed 17 year old. the deer are kathrina, he was shot in the head according to the sources there. and also these really forces have quickly came inside and outside of the camp, but that arrested by he's a senior leader in the palestinian islamic jihad party. the party has said that is told its members to raise their mirth. he's a senior leader. and if you had to seeing this as a publication, but it's not, let's not forget that he was living his daily life. he was someone who was in the genie gap. so it can be seen as a big victory for israel. but indeed, it's being seen here as a provocations in iraq have been opposing protests by supporters of to share
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political blocks. people demonstrated on monday, outside bank dad's fortified green zone against the takeover of parliament by protest. backing influential leader of. 2 so that is called on iraq used to join what he considered as a revolution. it is a potent for calling it a q. madame de la had, has more, i know, protest this and counter protest supporters of iraq coordination framework, gather me about that green zone. there denouncing what they considered a cool by raven, she, our leader looked at the solder and his followers. well, i far alicia, i like to out. and all of a sudden we're here to regain the legitimacy of the state institutions as husband violated by the occupation of the parliament of the hands of cassandra's. we tried to keep it peaceful, ah, what violence interrupted as they headed towards the green soon forcing security
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personnel to pull out chanting against kate, taken prime minister must have called the meat. they accuse him of collaborating with a solder to remain in power. there are reports of military units with arrival factions being deployed near by to protect their people. so many fear it could gets worse. opposing groups have been intensifying their campaigns and seem to be pushing for a showdown ha, sensitive day. as other supporters, however, they did a sit in the parliament building headed amity, a tube leader with the coordination framework, has warned of bloodshed and called for dialog. this, this is collation comes against the backdrop of league audio recordings attributed to former prime minister maureen mckee. but he is heart insulting al solder and his affiliates. the services have requested that a medical recordings be condemned as
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a prerequisite for dialogue, another modem and we will remain here, did our leader, his taxes to leave. it's not just the political dispute is rather a revolution against the case of corruption or oppression. the conflict over forming a government started here among glo makers months ago. but these protest her say the not only follow their leaders, but they also want to change the whole political system of the go ahead l g 0. but now the 1st ship, transporting ukrainian grain under an internationally broke a deal is having for turkish waters. after leaving the port of a desk on monday vessel is being monitored by the joint coordination center in the
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stumble turkish, russian, ukrainian, and u. n. star. for all their part of the grain deal find last month, sim casala has more from his stumble. we had a short briefing by the officials at the joint control center here in the stumble, the ship was supposed to arrive in some will 3 pm local today, which is like in 22 to 3 hours. but they informed us that the vessel read sony carrying ukrainian grains mainly a corn and the ship is going to be arriving at the shores of a stumble up on the north, upon the north. lexi course after midnight today, and around 5, gmc 8 am local to morrow morning. the inspection team that has members from russia, ukraine, turkey, and the united nations will be getting a board and inspecting the vessel to check in whether the process,
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the product and everything. the paperwork is in line with the with the deal signed by the parties. recently in a stumbled for do j. c. c, representatives, joint control representatives ra, sony vessels arrival to stumble is a test run. it is a sole russell. it is only one vessel after this test run is completed. other vessels are going to be leaving ukrainian ports and a reaching towards the turkish rates from black sea to mar mercy to egypt and to other parts of the world. and for world zuni, we were told that after the inspection is finished, which is in an established system around 3 to 4 hours, the vessel is going to be sailing golf to its final destination tripoli. a beverage, russia supreme court has designated ukraine's as of regiment, a terrorist group,
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volunteer force has far right and out for national routes. it's been one of the most prominent military in it's fighting russian troops in the east. moscow is often referred the regimen to support its claims that ukraine is controlled by fascists. the lawyer for us basketball star, brittany greiner says, had drugs trial in russia should be very soon followed. greiner 7 court appearance last week, washington stepped up the magic efforts to secure her release. but on tuesday, the kremlin warned any talk of a possible prisoner swap, must be discreet. crime has pleaded guilty to drugs, charges, but denies trying to break russian law. the un has apologized after its peacekeepers, open fire as a board of posts in the eastern democratic republic of congo. on sunday, killing 3 people. violence came just days after a number of peacekeepers. dozens of protesters were killed during an un
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demonstrations in the province. catherine saw now un peacekeepers are moaning soldiers in benny, north kill province. some were killed during last week's protest in the eastern democratic republic of congo. the demonstrations against the un mission maletchko started in goma the provincial capital and spread rapidly. a still tents in the region. some congolese are calling for the force of about 16000 troops to leave with the other info absence along the way that the center in service of in his in wrong. and each time, under circumstances disease we recognize the nurses sacrifice at o. m. e. hazards of protest as were also killed during the
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riots. police and the army had to be called in to contain the situation. families of the protest is r morning, their loved ones. they show pictures of 3 young men who they say got caught up in the violence, immunity new and gray a morning and we are sad, but we will not stop protesting against muskogee. we say we want the peacekeepers to leave. we have lost our family members. so we have to continue the fight and keep their memories on i one 0, he's done d r. c is rich in minerals, but it's also volatile. more than a 100 armed groups operate in the region. they have plundered villages, killed civilians, and forced more than 300000 people to leave their homes. many kimberly say they want to feel safe, and the peacekeepers are unable to protect them. catherine, sorry,
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i'll jazeera park songs. election commission says the policy of former prime minister in wrong con, received illegal funds. it's. it's accused of getting their money from abroad, which is against the law. the funding could name cotton and his policy are eventually banned from the authorities in western canada told people to leave their homes because of an out of control wildfire several planes and had called to have been dispatched to tackle the me creek fire in british columbia. the residence of 25 homes have been told to leave more than 350 of being put on love, record temperatures and dry conditions of fuel fires in the province. new covey 19 infections have risen sharply in south korea with more than 100000 recorded on tuesday. that's an increase of $60000.00 cases. the day before of official save a highly contagious ami.
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