tv News Al Jazeera August 4, 2022 5:00am-5:31am AST
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capitol region tegucigalpa, i think it's going to be dry with a high of $27.00 degrees. persistent rain through that pacific coast stuff. columbia. we've got a cold front sweeping across, so it's knocked down the temperatures and asencion porto like great, you're next. you go from 22 degrees down to 17 degrees on friday that you're up. they will see you soon. ah. they watch us. they gather evidence with so can we? an american cyber activists develops and tap used in brazil to monitor the police. we have more cameras than they do because where the people, a bigger brother. rou, piques on a judge ito. ah.
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the rocky sheer leader, mac tada l sada demands fresh elections and calls on his porters to continue their occupation of parliament. ah. until mccrae, this is al jazeera alive from doha. also coming up. you as president joe biden signs the 2nd executive order, making it easier for women seeking abortions to travel between states for the procedure. china ramps up military drills around taiwan in response to you as how speaker nancy pelosi visit to the island. plus it is immoral. the you in chief coles out? oil and gas companies, making huge profits as ordinary people suffer from surging energy prices.
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ah. the rocks influential cheerleader, mac tada, al sada, is demanding an early election and has said dialogue with the government has proven to be futile. in a televised address, he urged his supporters to continue with their sitting at the parliament building until their demands are met. sanders block one the most seats and last year's parliamentary election. but there's been a political deadlock ever since october bashar, but they mark baba on hockey, mom. most of the people are tired of the ruling class, the whole of it, including some of those who belong to our block. therefore take advantage of my presence to and corruption, god willing, there will be no place for the old guard regardless of their affiliations. this will happen 1st through a peaceful revolutionary democratic process. second, an early democratic election should take place. after dissolving the current parliament dosage of ari has more from baghdad. they share leader,
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very defiant, and determined and standing his ground. he put to rest. all speculations ever ongoing here over the past few days that there was a lot of behind the scenes meetings taking place and that eventually he would join a dialogue process. but certainly that is not going to happen, as he said. what is critical now is whether or not the various other factions within the government will accept his call. and there is no really functioning government at the moment after the elections that were held last october. since we'll cut off souther instructed his m p, 's 73 of them to withdraw in june. the country has been in limbo. so the question now is whether the other sides will accept the fact that there should be another election health. the next process that will come is the speaker, parliament would have to basically dissolve parliament and then they will have to announce new election. it is unclear what the other side that will be involved in
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this will have to say in the coming hours, we'll have to wait and see, but certainly most other us, other standing his ground urging these protesters to continue. what he calls is a peaceful revolution that will eventually, hopefully get their demands. met the ordinary iraqis. we've been speaking to say they are tired of all these politicians and they're back and forth and their divisions. they just want to see their country back on its feet and the infrastructure to be funded properly, so they can get on with their daily lives. fossil is travadone is director of the center for the study of the middle east that indiana university. he says, the resignation of thought a supporters from parliament has made a political resolution difficult to achieve. instruct of the 73 members of his parliamentary party to withdraw and they are all complied. they apparently thought that with for some sort of that lock. in fact, under the rocky electoral system,
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whoever came in 2nd for those states was elevated, which is to say, it gave the other parliamentary parties. actually he did them a favor. so now he's trying to gain the system and it seems that sound the only thing he can think of to call for your election, which actually is not unreasonable 10 months after the elections in october. we still don't have government. but of course, the parliament would have to approve the dissolution of itself in order for us to go to new elections. they are radically, if you could get the demonstrators out of the parliament building or if parliament met somewhere else, it could be like the government, but there is a candidate erotically get the confidence of parliament at least says, prime minister designate to form a new cabinet in that most of the photo dealt himself out
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of parliament by through the resignation. so on the other hand, it would not be the 1st time the 1st and the career of that 2003. so it's entirely possible that standing what he says. now, it may enter into negotiations. he is somewhat, both us president joe biden has signed a new executive order aimed at making it easier for women to travel between states to get an abortion. it's his 2nd executive order on abortion, since the supreme court overturned the roe v wade decision, the guarantied a woman's right to the procedure. mike hannah reports from the white house. another salvo in the battle to restore reproductive rights. the 1st meeting of a task force which will explore ways in which to restore a woman's right to choose and protect her in the process executive or make sure health care providers comply with federal loss. women don't face delays or denials,
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medically necessary care. and this executive order adventures, research and data collection to evaluate the impact of people dr. health crisis is having on to hell and other health conditions. president biden signs and executive order director of the secretary of health to advance access to reproductive health care services. and we're going to continue forward, including, for example, and making sure medication. abortion is available to women throughout this country . and we won't stop. but the executive order is limited in scope. and president biden has long insisted that congress needs to pass legislation, restoring the rights embedded in roe. v wade. president biden says he'll support removing the filibuster in the senate in order to allow reproductive rights legislation to pass by a simple majority. this is described as a nuclear option,
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which president biden has generally opposed in the past in a possible sign of things to come, the head of november's midterm elections. the fight to restore reproductive rights was boasted by a significant victory at state level. voters in the conservative state of kansas have rejected the measure that would have repealed the right to an abortion that had been part of the states constitution. they voted no particular neighbor neighborhood and no one came across the borders of cages. placene this for the american people vote to preserve and protect the right and refusal, let them be ripped away by competitions and my ministration has are back. the department of justice has also weighed in announcing that total through the state of idaho, which is one of the many in producing an abortion ban. in the wake of the supreme court decision. the contention that the state is contributing
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a federal law that guarantees the right to emergency medical treatment. my kind of audience era washington will kesha ram hinsdale. as a senator in the legislature of the us state of the month, she spoke to us about where the abortion debate now said we're essentially in a holy war in the united states and kansas and the executive order represent winning a significant battle. but there are many, many battles to fight ahead and i think democrats need to be able to stop and celebrate that. the american people are on our side and want to protect access to portion, but that will probably only strengthen republicans renewed desire to strip americans of voting rights and having their voices heard. and that's something that we have to contend with as the supreme court has more decisions to come like more v, harper. it's easy in a moment, like with so much misinformation and so much division and how we consume
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information in the country to think. maybe i don't know where the rest of the country stamped on access to the fund, a mental right. and to be reminded that, you know, public holing has shown the family planning and a woman's right to choose is not a red or blue issue. it's been a popular issue to maintain, you know, a family's rights to, to plan when and how to have children. and that's something that most americans believe in, and it's a right that they're not easily going to give up. the taiwan has scrambled jets to warn off 27 chinese air crafts in its defense sun. shortly after us house began, nancy pelosi ended her controversial visit to the island. america's 3rd most powerful politician was there for less than a day. stressing washington support for taiwan and response. china's military is conducting a series of drills and 6 exclusions owns that surround taiwan. 3 of the zones,
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the overlap areas, ty, once is a part of its territorial waters. the drills include long range, live ammunition, shooting in the taiwan straits. and china has warned all vessels to avoid the area of the 72 hours. almost half the global container fleet passes through the waterway every year. petrik falk is a journalist based and beijing. he says, china is cooling the drills unprecedented. while the military provocations are far from over. remember, china begins live drills in 6 areas surrounding taiwan to day, effectively encircling the island and demonstrating china's ability to overwhelm it . psy wants defense military as criticize the move, calling it effectively a thi and air blockade. but one of the reasons why this is happening to day and the say is because as we know nancy pelosi has now left the island and try to wanted to avoid direct confrontation with the u. s. but it's difficult to say just how far
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beijing might push the envelope of assertiveness a towards taiwan. and that's something we're going to be watching very closely today. china has described these drills, including the drills that we've already seen as being unprecedented. and officials quoted in state media today said that they were to demonstrate a war plan rehearsal, and also to show the u. s. anti one. the consequences of further provocation. chinese analysts quoted in state media also said that the fact that china did not intercept nancy pelosi, his flight was not a sign of failure. but instead, this is being used as an opportunity to progress the goal of reification all still ahead on l to sera the 1st grain ship to leave ukraine. since the russian invasion passes inspection and the stand, poland hids' to lebanon. and i have been wooed by politicians ahead of the general
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election, but turn out among young kenyans could be low. ah . the journey has begun the fee for world copies on its way to catherine book, your travel package to day. here's your weather update in a minute 15. good to see. let's kick this one off in pockets down where things are beginning to dry off. of course we've had some devastating flooding in blue just on we're thousands of homes have been destroyed. there are heavier spawn soon. or rain moisture continues to be across southern sections of india. go karnataka care la rate through into time. now do we've got red alerts out for heavy rainfall. certainly, $1200.00 millimeters of brain can't be ruled out within a short period of time. se, asia rain is stuck over southern sumatra, west job. i think we'll power up some thunderstorms in jakarta with the hiv twice
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have degrees. lot of rain coming at you for mindy, now devour at 32 degrees in some flood advisories in play across the booze on island. next stop or go into china. i've gotta tell you. prepare for this days of rain ahead for hong kong with the high 29 degrees. make it some circulation here on this so it could turn into something tropical. but either way, it's going to be a few what days ahead for hong kong. meantime, it was very soggy into western in northern areas of han to the bulk of that precipitation has now pulled out, but still some heavy falls round tokyo on thursday. and for the northeast of china, i think we've got some outbreaks of showers and thunderstorms that show up the i saw official elling of the journey new voices heating up the airway. lot of chinese listeners. we can't really hear what they really think in their own country shifting paleface case, the rise of citizen journalism has changed everything. how do you happen?
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it happened on social media and the undeniable impact of the mainstream narrative australians went to the pole with those images front of mine is a water very much came forth out in the media as well as on the battlefield there listening post. dissect the media on al jazeera with ah, you're watching al jazeera reminder of our top stories. this our iraq's influential sheer leader, mcdahl santa, is demanding an early election and dismissed any dialogue with the government. in a televised address, sada urged to supporters to continue their sit in parliament until the demands and meet you as president joe biden has signed
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a new executive order aimed at making it easier for women to travel between states to get an abortion in june, the supreme court overturned a landmark ruling, the guaranteed woman's right to the procedure. china has begun military exercises around taiwan just 2 hours after us house began, nancy pelosi ended her controversial visit to the island. beijing had wound us of serious consequences. if the trip went to his russian foreign minister, sick, i left her off, has paid an official visit to me in march ahead of his trip to cambodia to join a meeting of southeast asian foreign ministers. moscow as a supporter of me in mass military government leverage held talks with the june to lead us to discuss security and economic issues. and sort of theory to reserve from so if you're brown minister, your government to normalize on the delay the situation young. we know that you're planning next year to have
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a parliamentary elections sound we. we shall success in promoting your country in making your country stronger and more efficient. the crisis and me and my intentions in the taiwan strait among the issues being discussed at that meeting of r c on foreign ministers. mean, most foreign minister has not been invited or foreign slurry, joins us live from no pin now of florence the so much happening in the region. what the focus at these meetings that's right now as it has said many challenges with forms. but as cambodian foreign minister cricket, it's never before been confronted with so many perils at the same time, both within the region and also the world that launch now aren't in foreign ministers. just very recently issued a statement to say that they are very concerned about what's happening in quote, an area adjacent to the audience region that referring to the high one straight.
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and the very concerned about the volatility that what the most concerned about is that there is a serious risk of miscalculation that there is a risk of conflict and all parties involved to exercise restraint. and they've said they're ready to facilitate dialogue, to ensure that there is peace in the region. now, as you mentioned, there's also another crisis in the region which has content on 10 members. and that's the situation in non law, which is now again, on the military rule. and since the coo last yet military authorities have killed more than 2000 people according to civil rights organization. more than 11000 people have been detained and sentenced is still behind boss. so that is a situation that really concerns are the members for the thing is they can't agree on how to move forward and in that piece plan hasn't made any progress. made very, very little progress. and complicating matters is the level of support that young man is getting from the authoritarian countries, russia and china. we've seen how russia made
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a very pointed show of support to me on my it's foreign minister said a lover of paying a visit to nathan, having a holding a meeting with military june that eda min on lang. so those are the matches that are confronting audience at the meeting. and then of course the is the, the long standing territorial dispute in the south china sea as well. that's right now that's always been a very sensitive topic and it's divided ozzie and members in the park. now those who don't have overlapping territorial claims in the south china sea with china, it happened accused in the past of fighting with china, cambodia, which is the chair of the regional block this year. now the last time it held that position, 10 years ago, member countries were not able to agree on a final joint communicate. and that was the 1st time in the blog history, but that has ever happened. so core members, i came to not see that happen again. but, you know, china has a history with critics of acute china preferring individual negotiations with
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member countries. so it can, it's fond. it's interesting. and even though our country want to be able to come up with a united fund when it comes to the code of conduct in the south china sea, that is proving to be very difficult to achieve. and i think countries looking at china's response to us how we can close the visit to taiwan with live fire drill, west band imports from ty, needs produces when band export the natural sand to tie one. i think it makes the issue of settling territorial disputes with china take on a new agency, florence louis from non pain. thank you so much for your time. the her grain ship to leave a ukrainian ports and rushes invasion has passed the both for a strike and sit off on the deal broken by turkey and the you. when that aims to allow the export of millions of tons of grain and ease the global food crisis, the mays shipments lift the port of odessa on monday. before talking at the mouth
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of the boss for us on tuesday night. it will now travel on to live on the country which imported most of its growth from ukraine before the war began. will elia a team of inspectors boarded the vessel to chickens cargo and documents from the casino? lou reports from a stand for the final inspection for the early on flagship carrying ukrainian grain. it sat into lebanon where there has been full shortages and high prices for months. russian, ukrainian, turkish and un officials check the cargo while the ship stocks and assemble. they're part of the joint coordination center that was set up here after a deal to resume ukrainian grain exports last month. the most had our nation state with respect to the graham's topic, a short, a shortage is 1181 percent off
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grange depending on the ukrainian grains, carrying nearly 27000 tons of corn, the ship to 4 to the ukrainian port to for best on monday an estimated 20000000 tons of grain husband stock in ukraine since the start of war. this ship behind me is not the 1st commercial vessel to transfer ukraine strapped grains to one to 5 month war. but it's also find the un brokerage green deal find last month is working. hundreds of ships will now follow the same route and method, plex port, ukrainian grain and fertilizer, to is global foot shortage. u. n. a turkish officials hope the agreements can lead to a cease fire between russia and ukraine. the vessels journey along the newly established maritime home and tearing corey door in the black sea has been a complex but historical achievement for the joint coordination center. but for your current president, vollmer zalinski, it's more complicated, is ours,
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they should done. thanks to the you and partnership with turkey. we've had the 1st ship delivery of grant best, but it's still nothing. we hope it's a tendency that will continue. the consequences of this war are horrible. not only for ukraine, but for the war. me. now it's good to go for the ship carrying critical foot supplies. it cross turkeys boss for straight and heading towards the mediterranean 3 ports and ukraine are due to resume the export of millions more towards a wheat corn and other crops. sam castle al jazeera is stumble. the un secretary general antonia good terrorist says oil and gas firms should not be allowed to make huge profits as people across the world face skyrocket. skyrocketing energy bills, he wants governments to tax corporate profits to help those innate it, these immoral for oil and gas companies. to be making record profits from these
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energy crises on the back of the buddhist people and communities. and that the massive costs to the climates. the combined profits of the largest energy companies in the 1st quarter of these year are close to an end at a 1000000000 us dollars. i urge all governments to tex these excessive profits and use the funds to support the most vulnerable people through these difficult times. are kristen salumi has more from the united nations? the good news is, commodity prices are starting to stabilize a bit, but they're still way higher than they were. back in january of 2020, before the pandemic in well before the war started at food prices are up 50 percent compared to where they were in january 2020. and a crude oil prices are up 33 percent. but at those prices are beginning to
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stabilize, i, even as they remain an issue for many families around the world in many governments who are having budget issues because of the rising strength of the u. s. dollar and rising interest rates are many developing low income countries and even some middle income countries are starting to have problems paying their dad in. this of course, is trickling down and affecting the poorest people most of all. so the good news is that the united nations has some recommendations on how to deal with this. and the one thing that the secretary general pointed out is that oil and gas companies are making record profits. despite all of these issues, he called it immoral. he said that they are guilty of grotesque greed. there's been renewed fighting between armenian and as a bi gianni forces and the disputed nicola catabolic region. ammonia says at last,
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2 fighters, one or the other by shown the soldier, was also killed ammonia. an alibi, sean have been locked in a decades old dispute over the territory and 2020 of sebastian regained control over large parts of the territory. after a brief conflict with armenia were droom. ruth, if he could also send on august 3rd, members of a legal armenian armed groups in the territory of azerbaijan, where the peacekeeping contingent of the russian federation is temporarily stationed, grossly violated the provisions of the november 10 2020 statement and committed an act of terrorist sabotage was an against the units of the as a by john ami a less than a week before kenya's general election. this growing concerned about the low number of young people registered to vote many a disillusioned with politics and struggling to make a living. as catherine sawyer, reports from nairobi, canyons in arab is industrial area are rushing to be the evening rush hour. a
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majority of them are casual labor as looking for jobs some left early in the morning. many will walk home having aunt no money. the conversation here is about the upcoming general election. some young people say they're still undecided . well i guess being you, it was, i neglected eager. i'm not would of any other i'm angry. we are hustling. they say they want to help us. they say this all the time, said yes because i change, we want to change. nothing has changed yet. we need to change or to change. more than 22000000 painters have registered to vote. most of them are young, but they are also frustrated. they say they have new jobs. the cost of living is unbearable and they don't trust politicians. those buying for electoral positions have been trying to woo young people with lofty promises. no re my walk or runs
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a non profit organization that helps young people to get involved in politics. nearly some are making an effort. others say they're not bothered from the major to coalitions. they have very simila because they focus on the economy a lot. so they both focus on the economy. they both focus on agriculture. they both focus on social welfare. they might use different methods or avenues, but a lot of them when we need a lot of money. so a lot of youth are concerned about where are you going to get those resources to pull suggested to presidential front runners. opposition leader i lo, dinger and the deputy president william router who have made promises to the youth in the past. so our politics is not delivering to people is not putting money in their pockets is not giving them a sense of security about their future. ah, the, and they don't believe the politicians. they feel that there's
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a game being bullied by these big guys in their helicopters and produce up there. and that's not all is a healthy thing. ah, people we have talked to said they want leaders who will make their life easier, but they also express doubt. it will happen. catherine sawyer, al jazeera nairobi in pakistan more than 500 people have died in the past few weeks to to flash flooding, caused by heavy monsoon rains provinces in the southwest have been the hardest hit . at least 40000 homes have been damaged in thousands of nowhere. to live more rain is expected this week. we shall anchors new president has announced a 25 year plan to cut public debt as the country seeks to recover from a crippling economic crisis. when a look from a sing, a told parliament, his government is negotiating with the international monetary fund for a full year bail out plan. he says it will take tra lanka at least 25 years to
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rebuild a competitive economy. last month for melita go to via raja parker, resigned after weeks of mass protests against corruption in shortages of essential import such as fuel and medicine. adap am wanted in me. today we are facing an unprecedented situation that our country has never experience in its recent history . we are in great danger. the country can escape from the danger. and if we all faced this challenge together as one people, that it is vital, the honorable members of this parliament, as well as the entire population, we contribute towards the efforts of nation building. the expectations of citizens of this time, it was for all of the representatives in parliament to work together in order to build the country. officials in iceland have activated emergency plans after volcano erupted just southwest of the capitol, reykjavik. it's the 1st time the volcano erupted since september. police have advised people to avoid the.
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