tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera August 5, 2022 1:00pm-2:01pm AST
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this is al jazeera ah hello, i'm emily. ang when this is the museum alive from joe han, coming up in the next 60 minutes. taiwan says it's combat ready and has dispatched its own ships and jets after chinese naval ships and aircraft conducted drills near its waters. these provocative actions are a significant escalation u. s. secretary of state antony blinking coals badging sanctions, disproportionate and unjustified and says they threatened to destabilize the entire region, grabs a gathering in a major square outside the rocky parliament. as a political deadlock deepens where we live in baghdad. class at 3 more cargo ships, full of grain have left ukrainian ports on the black sea and to record hates and
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prolonged a dry spell. res fees about the future. water supplies, the british famines in sport, russia says it's ready to discuss prisoner swaps with the u. s a day after brittany griner was convicted of drug possession. the basketball styles, teammates have been showing nasa port after she was sentenced to 9 years in prison . ah, welcome to the program you and secretary of state antony blinkin has condemned china's military exercises in the taiwan strait, calling them a major escalation, the drill czar in response to you as how speak and nancy pelosi is visit to tie one this week, which is angered by jing, speaking in a summit of southeast asian foreign ministers in piano pen, lincoln worn to china's actions could de stabilize the region. these provocative
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actions are a significant escalation. we've seen how basting has attempted to change the status quan taiwan for some time. for example, more than doubling the number of aircraft flown over the center line that separates china and taiwan with past 2 years, pursuing economic or political interference in cyber attacks against taiwan. now, they've taken dangerous acts to a new level. united states is conveyed to the p r c consistently and repeatedly that we do not seek and will not provoke a crisis. china's foreign ministry meanwhile says it will canceled talks between us and chinese military ladies. in response to police, these visits, collaboration on climate change and maritime safety and anti drug operations will also be suspended. foreign minister, one,
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a condemned police. he's trip while attending the eyes in a meeting in cambodia to do no one country and no force should ever imagined that they can separate taiwan from china, where they're using taiwan to contain china or seeking help from the united states for taiwan, independence, all these political moves will not succeed well, it won't change the mega trend of tyrants were unification with the chinese mainland, the u. s. there, all the consequences arising from this far, far as louis joins us live now from a piano pen. hello, there, florence you've been covering the us in macy. what else to the secretary of state have to say to foreign ministers. while he was really quite forceful in his comments about china's actions in the taiwan strait, he said they were unjustified. he described, ty, one's actions as extreme as an escalade tree and said they were disproportionate.
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and he said china was using policies visit as a pretext to increase military activity. he said, taught china was not only intimidating. taiwan is also intimidating. it's neighbors and he described the action as flagrantly provocative non china. it's pont, it's defended, his actions saying, but it was merely defending its sovereignty. saying that this is something that's expected by 1400000000 people in china that they expect to see. the chinese government respond firmly to what it calls provocative actions by china, by the u. s. in not recognizing or in trying to hollow out the one china policy. and we're really seeing china taking a more targeted response. now at the u. s. when initially it's response would merely have been targeted at taiwan and also it's neighbors that the missiles landing in japan's economic exclusive economic zone. the china is now taking actions that will really straight for those strain ties with the u. s. suspending
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talks suspending corporation. so we're really seeing tensions in the taiwan strait being carried over into meetings here in an on pen in de florence in all the while these aisy on foreign minister is trying to navigate this particular sensitive issue for their own sake. absolutely. the cambodian foreign minister in his remarks and friday said that audience has faced many challenges since it was formed, but it's never before had to face so many perils at the same time. and he's talking about the war in ukraine as well as the most recent tensions in tie. one strength and the leaders are concerned. in fact, they've raised concerns of raise their worries in the statement saying, but volatility in the region could increase the risk of miscalculation and that
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could lead to confrontation and conflict among world powers. and the very, very clear and not wanting to see that happen. and the u. s. is also made it a point saying that there is an expectation for whatever is happening and for, for what's happening in the taiwan strait to be resolved peacefully. and that this expectation is not only among the us, but also among countries in the region. but we're really seeing those tensions being played out on a more personal level here. the japanese, the chinese and russian foreign minister walked out of a meeting on friday when the japanese foreign minister was speaking. he had the japanese foreign minister. a was criticising beijing's military exercises around taiwan. and those who made a very pointed show about about that displeasure. and just the day before china cancel the meeting with japan. to show his displeasure of a g 7 statement about nancy pelosi visit to taiwan, to really seeing those tensions being paid out here in panola pen. and it's really,
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you know, are the ministers have said that they want this to be a forum for communications to ease tension. but we're not really seeing any signs of that happening over the last 2 days into pen. plenty of moving parts to the story. thank you. for breaking down for us florence louis left for us in cambodia. tie one says several chinese naval boats and a craft crossed a circled median line on friday morning. let's take a look. it's a halfway point from the mainland to taiwan. north recognized by by jing china has been carrying out live fire drills in these zones. around the island. taipei says it won't respond to what it calls provocations. even though the drills overlap with areas eat claims. china has also fine long range missiles in areas surrounding taiwan. japan has asked badging to stop saying at 5 ballistic missiles landed in, eats, exclusive economic zone will get more on top. here is reaction in that just
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a moment. but taipei says, the islands millet trees preparing for combat readiness, and has dispatched aircraft ships and land based missile systems. but it's not asking for wool ware county jail. i would like to emphasize that we will not escalate conflicts or provoke disputes, but we will firmly defend our sovereignty and national security and stick to the line of defense of democracy and freedom. diego pollen is the international editor of ty, one plus, and she joins us live now from much. i pay on skype to viet. thanks so much for being on this news. our just how nervous is the taiwanese government at this point? well, emily, the have any government that thought to reassure the public, saying that the ministry of defense is monitoring all activity related to these military exercises. and that they have a handle on the situation. but they are also warning that air ruth and shipping will need, will be disrupt that need to be changed that
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a lot of this activity happens in places where you see a lot of civilian lights and commercial trades and movements happening. so this is part of the reason why the president has called this provocative and irresponsible now while they are used to military drills, china has conducted these drills in the past in the scale is unprecedented in the sense of its proximity to that medium line or the territorial area, i want her whole story on areas mother, it's in the, the or the sky. and the fact that it is surrounding the main islands i want is sensually blockading them. and part of the issue here is not just that these drugs are happening around that i want to rely on, on imports of goods and all kinds of things, including most of its energy. so if these drove continue much further or for much longer, this could be posed a serious problem to daily life. here you live and you work in taiwan water,
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everyday, taiwanese, people saying about what's happening. you know, people here are so used to like threats from china, that specter of, you know, possible that invasion and the fact that trying to keep maintaining that it's well reunified by one which is claims by force or by peaceful means. but this time, there's a hyphen sense of an easy and as well though it's business as usual on the streets . the fact that these military drill for just happening much too close to how much to close the territorial waters and by $130.00 and the fact that it is being surrounded. and what might be people are here, are saying that there is a sense of nervousness. let's take a listen. is leo there's definitely some concern. the 2 governments haven't been talking to each other for a long time. chinese military maneuvers have actually been ongoing for
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a long time as well. so there's always concern that there'll be an incident that sparks of war. they say, well, i personally feel quite nervous this time. after all china's card military drill surrounding us are very close to the large scale and cover a lot of areas. this time i'm a little more nervous than before. now what could be indicative of the mood is the fact that the number one app download is an app that gives you the location of air raid shelters. and bon kurt and the capitol there. about 4000 of them not because people have always for decades. 2 known that there is always a possibility of war here. the fact that people are now downloading that to make sure that they know exactly where to go. should there be some kind of an incident or a need. but i didn't need to make the point that people are not necessarily worried about an invasion with the military drill. it's what they're worried about. some kind of a misstep or miscommunication that could be conflicts. we appreciate the update has always diego pollen, the international and serv taiwan pub. thank you. japan meanwhile, has launched
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a diplomatic protest with china for miss l drills. calling the incident unprecedented. that says us house making nancy pelosi is concluding, had to of asia in japan, where she defended her decision to visit taiwan after meeting prime minister from york sheet. pelosi said china one be allowed to isolate taiwan. she also promised american solidarity with the entire region. that's bringing the ben wa, heidi should trun, who is an ag junk professor of political science and international fairs at temple university in japan, and joins us from tokyo. ben, why, thanks so much for being on the program. we know taiwan is preparing for war, but just how concerned will tokyo be considering the strong language coming out of beijing. japan is very concerned about the current situation. this is not new. japan has expressed its concerns over attention surrounding taiwan for years. now
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as a matter of fact, for true for 23 years, japan has become increasingly vocal about the situation in taiwan, which is a relatively new state of affairs in the sense that japan used to be relatively coin when it came to criticizing china with regard to its approach to taiwan, so the fact that japan is much more vocal than usual. i think it indicates the very high level of morry regarding a potential escalation of tensions and potential on conflict. and what telephone will bit more about how japan is boasted its defenses in troop presence. given the latest developments. and we will likely focus its efforts not solely for japan. it's important, of course, to be ready for any eventuality, any possibility, any contingency. and they have already talked about reinforcing the defense in south western japan, which is very, very close to taiwan. there is an island called, you're not going the island,
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which is only 110 kilometers from pie one. there's also the think i could islands that are disputed with china that are very close to taiwan. so in case of a contingency that would directly affect the or potentially directly affect the security of japan. so of course, they are beefing up their presence and they're in that area and getting ready for any kind of contingency that may arise from the current situation. looking more broadly, if this does result in an all out complex, what role you expect japan to play in any crisis in the taiwan straits? yeah, well one of the biggest concerns for japan in which is why it is extremely worried about an escalation, is that japan would quite possibly be need to be involved in case of the conflict with taiwan. we know that over the last few months,
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the american president joe biden has said that the united states would defend taiwan in case of a chinese invasion. although this has been walked back by the american ministration . there is a chance that the united states would come to the aid of taiwan, and they would do that with the aid of their troops that are based in japan. there are more than 50000 troops based in japan. so japan would almost automatically be involved in such a conflict, they would have to provide at the very least, logistical support to the united states. so that would also make japan potentially a target of china. so with that being said, you can kind of understand why japan is extremely, extremely concerned about the current rising tensions and call them. and we also need to keep in mind that china is japan's biggest trading partner. what ramifications that we're looking at from an economic perspective, if this continues to escalate? yeah, this is potentially huge ramifications for japan. it is by far, the 1st china is by far the 1st trading partner for japan. interestingly,
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over the years they've managed to maintain very high levels of trade, this by difficult, difficult, very difficult political relationship. there is whole bad despite if there is some kind of conflict that they can continue to, to trade out has been the case before. but of course, these kinds of tensions would be likely if it, if it comes to an arm conflict that would be likely to reach the have consequences . the ramifications for the economy of japan. you might see sanctions might see blockade, some kind of embargo. and that obviously would have a real impact on the, on the gdp and the economy situation in the country. dynamic situation. and we appreciate you breaking it down for us. been more hot aisha tron and adjunct professor of political science and international affairs. thank you. thank you. plenty more, a head on his knees, our including ukraine's president criticizes amnesty international. after it
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accused his forces and putting civilians in harm's way. i conspiracy theorist will have to pay millions of dollars after claiming a school massacre didn't happen. and a little later in sports, an historic day for women's golf. at the open championship, ah, ukraine's president has strongly criticized amnesty international after it accused his forces of endangering civilians in a report the human rights group listed incidents in 19 towns and cities where it said ukrainian troops set up bases in residential areas, putting civilians at risk but for letting me zalinski rejected the findings accusing amnesty of shifting responsibility from the aggressor to the victim nemiah's. in the muslim world, maybe there is no condition even hypothetically under which any russians strike on
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your crime becomes justified aggression against our state is unprovoked, invasive and terrorist union. if someone makes a report in which the victim and the aggressor are supposedly equalized in some way, some dates are about the victim is analyzed and the aggressive actions at the same time are ignored. then this cannot be tolerated. filling ukraine and 3 more congress ships loaded with grain have left ports on the black sea. they carrying a total of about $58000.00 tons of corn one is headed to island and other to the u . k. and a 3rd to turkey. all 3 will be inspected off the coast. me assemble as part of the grain export few, broken by the u. n. and turkey, ukraine's economy minister says the deal should now be extended to cover more than just grain. john handwritten is covering development for us out of cave. hello there, john. what more could you tell us about these much needed shipments leaving ukraine?
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hi, emily. well, there's been a lot of progress. there's only been one ship that has had left before today. that was on monday. that was the original ship that left. but now on friday we've had 3 more ships. leave the port that is the polar net, the roden and the navistar. they're headed to the u. k, ireland, and turkey, and they should arrive in istanbul around 1300 g m t on tuesday. and then after that, the infrastructure administer here in ukraine says the system should be stable and predictable. that is a big change. they literally had to test the waters with that 1st ship. they had to have mine clearing ships go through 1st. so this is a big market progress. the goal now for the ukraine is $100.00 ships a month. that's about 3000000 tons of grain. if you do the math that takes about 7 months to get the $20.00 to $25000000.00 tons of grain out of the country is 7. if you're going to have 20000000 tons. and then of course,
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this year's harvest is just gonna start code coming into the ports. so there's a lot more after that. and of course, there's a world food shortage to be averted. the big question here is whether russia will do anything to intervene. they've already struck the port of a desa. they have struck nearby a couple of other times. and this is while, while russia gets to export its own food under this agreement, there are no sanctions on food exports from russia. it's really a win for ukraine in the sense that they're going to have $10000000000.00 from that drain. that will go to helping a really depressed economy here, but will also go to the war effort and that doesn't help russia at all. so it'll be interesting to see if there are any air strikes or anything done to deter those ships from leaving the port throughout these months. and no doubt you gave us up today when and if that happens also, john, you've been speaking to family members of the prisoners of war that were killed in that explosion in the bath region. what did they have to say?
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that's right. these are the mother is in the case of a rally today that's going on right now. the mothers of the as of regiment. those were the so called ukrainian here you heroes of mary paul. they held off russian forces for months. they finally gave up only after they had run out of food and water and other supplies and were ordered by their country to surrender. when they did that, there was an agreement that they would be held by the russians under normal, prisoner of war circumstances will. that's all changed. russia has declared them terrorists, they are allegations of torture. and then there was that prison last. we can all and eve that according to the russians, was struck by a ukrainian missile strike ukraine. let me lindsey the president here. it says, no, that's not what happened. it was a war crime. and that in fact, the russians set off an explosive inside that prison, killing all those people, 50 of them perhaps to cover up evidence of torture. now, international organizations like the united nations, are investigating that,
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but that could take months and it's unclear what access there is to those places. meanwhile, these families are waiting for their soldiers to come home. they've been through a lot and in many cases they don't even know if they are alive. i spoke to one mother, i'm sorry, i've spoke to one wife of a soldier who is still missing. this is her story for you live fed issue. time stands still. she spoke to her husband are sydney, as he was about to surrender to russian forces after he was ordered to abandon the last post in mariel. the famed as our regiment had held the city for months in a steel plant in one of the wars most dramatic stand offs. i spending my husband there when i was a regiment was surrounded. actually, she called me and people me at him to kate, but it was not at that time because they were on or is that back of for you?
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bombs. he called again, briefly twice from all in a prison in eastern ukraine. then last friday, the prison erupted in flames, killing more than 50 soldiers. russia said it was a ukrainian missile strike. ukraine said russia blew up the prison to hide the torture of ukraine's most legendary fighting force. do you know he's a lot? definitely no. because i can only 1000, he's not in the list of that soldiers which was posted by russians, but as, as least it's not verified by ukrainian government. so i don't know, i'm wondering actually me on thursday in key. the families of the, as of regiment called for their release on
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the sign says miriam pole, the last stand to be as a regiment in yula is here together with the other families asking for them to come home. russia has declared the amazon regiment, a terrorist organization, russia who's used the regiments early association with far right groups. and the use of allegedly nazi related symbols is justification for what it calls the di, not suffocation of ukraine, current and former as of fighters. reject that assertion or he of the will absorb russia might as the part of a mythology part of their propaganda is out. the nice about nazis from myself that i should put up a gun. they bought dina caisson as a reason for so called military asian falls apart for the families of as of the battle is now theirs to carry on. they were fighting for us and they were fighting
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for us during the 80 years they were defending us. and now we have to do the same thing now we have to defend them, and we have to save them until her husband returns for eulley a fed issue. the battle of mary a bull never ends. john henderson, al jazeera keith, russian foreign minister, sir gala rob says moscow is ready to discuss prisoner exchanges with washington through diplomatic channels. the comments come a day after a russian court sentence to american basketball stuff, re grind it to 9 years in prison, possessing in smuggling drugs. us secretary of state antony blank and has responded saying, america will be pursuing a swamp of greiner and fellow american poll. real and for russian alms de la victor bows to iraq. now where support is if she ais political late and will try to of santa have observed front, a praise in a square inside. baghdad,
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grains on his followers have been occupying parliament, which is inside that fortified area for several days. sata gave protest as until friday to leave the parliament building, but told them to continue their sitting outside. they are opposed to the nomination of arrival, politician as prime minister. let's get a handle on the situation outside the parliament grounds now and speak to my mom. why head i'm owed for testers. have been on the move. what's happening, where you are? well, worshippers have just finished the friday mass unified prayers that has been called for by their leader chart to leader looked at us other as you can see right behind me, the dispersing now withdrawing from the arena inside. they're heavily fortified, agrees on, as you know, that the green zone in the capital about that is home to a government offices, including the parliament,
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which they occupy now. and they're also an international diplomatic missions. so, work in these institutions has been halted because of their freak when citizens in and around the city institutions on top of them, the parliament compound. now, as you can see right behind me, and there have been that have been probably tens of thousands of worship or supporters of the chat lead that book to the seller. they say they come from several cities and province is across iraq to respond to the leaders requests to his coal, to perform a mass unified prayers here in their f heavily fortified greens. and this is very symbolic. this is very symbolic because from here, the country is being run by state institutions and also in coordination with international diplomatic missions here. and there a green as on now at religious occasions have been
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always manipulated, used, and functioned by shadley that mcclellan and his supporters remember 3 weeks ago they, they perform the same, the same unified congregation mass prayers friday in another area in baghdad. for the same reason, 3 to rate their demands, rejection of their arrival politicians, namely the pro iranian parliamentary block known as the coronation framework. but what is new to day is that the preacher, the teacher, has a 3rd mid southerners, statements through his to devise the statement to week to 2 days ago at that's when he, he requested his followers, his supporters to continue their said in an and around and in front of the headquarters of the parliament and also to coal for, for the parliament to be dissolved and to hold a fresh early elections, nor to the, to get away from the current to political deadlock. so we've been speaking to
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supporters of amongst us, of here today for shippers who came from several cities for several provinces across iraq. they say that some of them will return to their cities. some others will continue protesting. here to join the sit in in front of the parliament until they get new instructions from the leader. all right, thank you very much for the update mark mont abdel y headlight for us in back down . thank you. still ahead on al jazeera india is the central bank of raises interest rights for 3rd time since may in another bid to contain rising inflation. the u. s . declared public health emergency after a rise in monkey cases and the p 20 cricket lake includes in cargo. we take a closer look at a
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let's get going with your weather update for europe and africa have one. so here's what we're looking at on friday. the heat has been flushed out of germany. we now find it running through that check republic, an austria right through into the balkans, by the way, the darker the red, the higher the temperature. let's talk about precipitation. so we've got some showers and storms sweep in germany. that's with lower temperatures there. right through into the alpine region. now for turkey, it's stumble, it's sun cloud, combo for you may see a shower, sneak in here with the high 31 degrees, but the better bet for the showers will be a long turkey's black seacoast. other side of the mediterranean right now, a lot of sunshine to go round, but we've got some winds off the be a biscuit that's going to give us some moisture for northern spain. so again, that line of showers and thunderstorms, we can trace from northern finland,
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right through to denmark and to germany. again, that's what slower the temperature is there into paris as a hive. 26 degrees or temperatures will shoot up in the days to come. non stop rain for about 30 hours in northern nigeria, triggered some flooding, killing at least 7 people there. and as we've side toward southern africa, you know, not much to report here. plenty of sun, including for durbin, with the high of $24.00 degrees on friday. that's it. we'll see soon. the home
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a reminder of our top stories, this, our us secretary of state antony lincoln, has condemned chinese military exercises in the taiwan straits. he called them a major escalation and warned they could de stabilize the wider region. as drills continue for a 2nd day by jing says it's is spending dialogue with washington on military issues, climate change, an anti drug operations. it's the latest response to how speaking nancy pelosi is visit to taiwan and supporters of iraq. she, i to political lead and will totter elsa have held friday praise in his way inside baghdad, green zone. his followers have been occupying parliament, which is inside that fortified area for several days. in the is central bank has raised its k lending rate by half a percentage point in an effort to curb spiraling inflation. it's the 3rd increase in the last 4 months. and economists say it won't be the last this year. a fall in
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the rupees value is making fuel food and medicine more expensive. the government says the war in ukraine is partly to blame. penny middleton has more from new delhi . this is the latest effort to come ramp and inflation in india. what the r b? i, there is a bank of india which is in the central bank is done, it has increased important lending rates, which basically means that the cost of borrowing money has gone up the home, loans person and lose education loan. all of those will now be impacted inflation in india is at about 7 percent. if you focus on just in food inflation, it's even higher. and i know that has to do with what's happening globally. prices of food have risen internationally. the engine ruby has become more volatile and the ended stock market as well has become more volatile. now the r b, i admit that in the best case scenario,
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inflation will still be at about 6.7 percent for the rest of the. yeah. so inflation is also a big political issue in india over the last 2 weeks in a position talking have things demanding a debate over price wise and a latest lieu of taxes imposed by the government opposition parties have also been so testing inside the parliament as far as the common man, the ordinary citizen is concerned, they are really suffering. we have been covering the issue for many weeks and months now and the mood on the sea is that in coons have stagnated. there is rampant unemployment in india, but expensive have gone up and especially basic necessities like food and fuel have become so expensive. many people aren't able to afford them record high, some in temperatures and prolonged dry weather in the u. k. putting enormous strain
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on farmers. the government has stopped short of declaring an official drought, hope brennan reports from the county of suffolk. the sandy soil of suffolk, reckless is perfect for root crops, like potatoes and carrots and onions, these potatoes, dest, in for one of britain's high and supermarket. the irrigation required, especially on this soil, is on his mind boggling this summer. the youth and estate is using 22000000 gallons of water every week. that's enough to feel more than 40 olympic sized swimming pool . it's unprecedented. i'm an incredibly worried this not only myself with a number of farmers in certainly in this area in east anglia that haven't seen conditions such as this ever before in there. you know, there korea is the danger that people have run out of water to irrigate their crops . israel, this is one of these states to reza was when it's full, it holds 18000000 gallons of water. in practical terms,
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it's currently empty. the last 2 centimeters of water to shallow to be pumped out. the head of the u. k. environment agency is warning that the gap between the increased demand for water and the availability of it is closing fast. it's a scenario he's described as the jaws of death and without urgent action. the crossing point at which demand exceeds availability is just 20 years away. july's record heat wave has now abated, but the long term prognosis is alarming. official data projects that by 2050, some of britain's most vulnerable rivers could have up to 80 percent less water. and some a temperatures might be more than 7 degrees hotter than now. we know what climate change likely to bring to this country. we also know we've got a growing population and we've got demographic change. we say collectively, resulting in more demand for water. we can put in place mechanisms to manage those pressures the sooner we do it, the easier will be to push those choices back. but if we don't take action,
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and that's definitely coming mechanism such as fitting thousands more domestic water meters and putting water efficiency ratings on household appliances. the national farmers union wants water to be regarded as a u kate strategic asset. so it might be that there's a lot of waterfalls in the east that has to be pumped into some of the reservoirs in the, in the west. it's, it's, it's the ability to do so, to think on a be light on our fee to move water around to the best effect, or to make sure that we've got enough strategic supplies to meet all of our demands . as we move forwards. when it comes to the impact of water scarcity, the you case farmers alike the canary in the coal mine. and when they are as worried as they are now, it's a signal that the whole country needs to be concerned. and po brennan jones is live now from suffolk. hello there, paul. some developments today with the announcement of the 1st hose pipe bands, meaning no more watering of the garden. that's right, i'm,
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i'm here in the reservoir that you saw in my report. there is about 20 centimeters of water behind me. it's too shallow to pump out. and unless this particular reservoir can be filled by the winter rainfall, then the farmer is going is gonna have to seriously consider whether he can and plants as many crops as he would like to for next year with the impact for next year. but the impact for this summer is already being felt as you mentioned, southern water, which is a company which covers hampshire. and the olive white has announced that from 1600 g m t to day, there will be a hose pipe band put in place for its 2 and a half 1000000 customers. that will be backed up by the threat of a $1000.00 pounds, a $1200.00 financial penalty. if anybody does put on there sprinkler or start watering the plants, they're not the only one in next friday, you'll have south east water as well. will also impose a host pipe band, i thought for hampshire, and sorry for kenton, for sussex and, and that's about
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a 1000000 customers. so this is not just farmers who are suffering the consequences of what we've seen record dry july and a record high temperature in july. it's also now domestic customers as well. it's important to stress though the brain for in the u. k is, is broadly stable. it's averaging around $1100.00 millimeters a year. what's changed in recent decades is the distribution of it. it's raining much more heavily up in the north and west. a much less down here in the south and east. and the other thing is it's, it's, it, the fact is that it's not being able to be distributed around the country evenly. so we're seeing patches of drought on very dry weather where other areas are seeming to be able to weather it. so it's putting the infrastructure in place and that's what the farmers are asking for. that's increasingly what the water companies on the water pressure groups are also asking for what his bank. thank you for the update po brennan life for us in suffolk. thank you. in the us for people
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have been critically injured out to being struck by lightning in washington d. same. they were at lafayette park directly outside the white house. complex secret service officers witness the incident and ran to help or for victim sustained life threatening injuries. still in the u. s. and it's declared a public health emergency to deal with a monkey pox outbreak. the number of reported cases is said to be doubling every wake. this declaration means more money and facilities will be i available to fight the fires. but there are concerns. vaccines are running out. there are more than 6600 monkey pox infections in the us. aaron seral is the director of the elizabeth our griffin and buyers safety program at georgetown university. she says there needs to be greater education about the virus. i think one of the big things
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that we need as a public health community, and as just a general community, is to think about risk communication for exposure. it needs to be clear and it needs to be non stigmatizing. and so while this outbreak began in men who predominantly have sex with men, it and it spread from there, it could have easily broken down any type of population of individuals. right now it is not time to panic, but it's for education and awareness. so this is a pathogen that we have been able to do research on, we have the vaccines, we do have kind of measures antivirals that are effective. the pros, i, i guess i could say to this virus is that there's a longer incubation period. so when we identify cases, we can treat them and identify close contacts and, and vaccinate those individual. so we can actually really continue to spread much more effectively than something like code that transmits very, very quickly the kid, the cases themselves are self limiting. so typically people recover within 2 to 4
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weeks. and really the, the key here is preventing transmission to more even vulnerable populations, those that are immunocompromised, pregnant women, and to children. and so that the key here is really being able to increase our ability to openly reports and detect cases how point of care testing at health care facilities. and that is going to be a rate limiting step. i think both here in the us and abroad. and being able then to get the proper treatment to those. indeed, the american conspiracy theorist him far right broadcast to alex jones has lost a defamation case. brought my parents of a child killed in 2012 sandy hook. mexico and jury ordered the info was host to pay more than $4000000.00 in damages for falsely claiming the school shooting was a 100. gabriel alexander. explain question to a one and a half $1000000.00. question to be $500000.00. one of america's most notorious
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propagates of conspiracy theories will now have to pay up and pay up big for his lies. a jury in texas ordered alex jones to pay for $1000000.00 in compensation damages for spreading the y that the 2012 sandy hook school massacre was a hoax that some of the money in damages is significant. but far below the 150000000 families of one of the victims was asking for on friday the jury will consider punitive damages. jones claim was that the mass shooting in connecticut, which killed 20 elementary school children, was staged by actors to bring about stricter us gun control laws. it was lapped up by his millions of followers, some of whom went on to harass and even issue death, threats to the dead children's parents. jones lawyers argued his statements were
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protected by free speech, but the parents of 6 year old jesse louis, one of the children killed, argued the wise, were so malicious and painful. they fell outside the bounds of free speech. it's been a long journey and it's really, really nice to be able to turn and look at my clients and say, you can't get off scot free for that he can under cross examination during the 7 day trial, jones admitted this shooting was quote, 100 percent real, the verdict will almost certainly be the final blow that forces him to close was what remains. of his info wars media network, which at its peak was a hugely popular youtube show. and even controversially had former president, donald trump, has a fan and president, i will not let you down. you will be very, very impressed. i hope you know, at one moment during the trial, lawyers for the victims family confronted jones with 2 years worth of phone records
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and emails. some showing guilt. jones own lawyers in an apparent mishap. mistakingly sent them to the opposing lawyers. it's unknown if jones will face any sort of criminal charges moving forward. but what is very certain is that his financial ruin is now all but certain. gabriel, as on dough, which is either new york, the conservative political action conference has begun in texas. in recent years, it's become a gathering of former us president donald trump's course supporters. and this meeting was no different. it will rage its climax on saturday with trump, himself making an appearance she had pretending reports c pack has begun in texas, and it's dominated by supporters of donald trump. and is the u. s. headed into the mid term elections? the confidence of attendees is palpable bearing made clear in the conference slogan, headlining the opening day, hungarian prime minister, victor,
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all of them. a couple of weeks ago, he was accused of giving a speech that sounded like a nazi, like he advisor who subsequently resigned. but he clearly relished his reputation as he spoke of creating an alliance of christian nations, protecting what he called western civilization. i can already see tomorrow's headlines far right. european races and i am i strong man. the trojan horse up, put him forth, be as close about the conference. he was received rapturously. there was a great speech. yeah. why was it's a good man. i mean, he talked about different policies and hungry that worked well for his country and how the united states and maybe replicate some of those and how we can work together to advance a conservative cause. it was excellent. visit budapest, the major event at the c pack will be on saturday when donald trump is before his followers. whether or not he declares his intention to run for president and 2024. his speech will be
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a reminder of the command he holds over the republican base and other major theme here, the republicans growing outreach to minority versus why that shift with the hispanic . and i would say other minority communities, including the african american to say, i'm going to reject these left us policy or measure the just the right of the democratic party that the republicans can appeal to support as of all of them here . while hoping to be preachy of minority elsewhere, you have a company out here for congress has blocked president pedro castillo from travelling to bobby. for the integration of colombian, president to lay to gustavo pitcher, he battled later is facing several criminal investigations, mostly over corruption allegations, which he denies. under peruvian law, congress rules on whether a president can leave the country. what is coming up after the break with jemma, including reaction from britney glen is w and b,
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safer than he'd been home and then international anti corruption excellence award boat. now for your hero. oh, a time never bought his gemma. thank you, emily. a day after basket. we'll stop brittney dry and i was given a 9 year jail sentence for drug offenses rushes. foreign minister says moscow was ready to discuss the prisoner exchanges with the us through diplomatic channels after the verdict dryness of phoenix. mercury teammate for t shows to show you that support for the to time and, and ping champion who was convicted of drug possession and smuggling. and before
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a game against connecticut son, the teams met that mid course and held a moment of silence for 42 seconds, which is grinding josie number it was really tough to see. you today are words really emotional day for a whole team. but we know we weren't hanging our hopes on the russian justice system. we know that the buying ministration and all of our government officials are gonna work hard to bring her home. and that's the past she's going to come home . and so we're confident that though this is hard to hear this news today to this, we know she's wrongfully in prison and she's been for the government. we know she'll be returning home with their hard work just like you just went in for a bomb. the job, you know, watching it sooner behind bars that help with filling of heavy, heavy as these questions don't really take away from our trauma. you just add to
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our trauma. so we can keep here, we can break down and cry. he could see like what else teen? i don't know where us really say about it is our system, which is not some random jane off the street. not anything politicizing the human being and this is our real life real life system. so imagine you're rely for real life sisters. i don't think anybody to give it it, but we really do. and if he is not sure all my 2nd a mr. u. s. hyphen after putting out of a warm up event in canada. he's unable to enter the country without being fully vaccinated against private 19, and will face exactly the same issue. getting into the u. s. had of this month's grand slam joke, which remains on the entry list for flushing meadows, but as previously said, he did all the mis majors and get the vaccine. so was able to compete at wimbledon, which he won last month. but he missed the australian open in january after being deported. i've been vaccination status. it was on historic day for women's golf on
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the opening day of the open championship for the 1st time the tournament is being played at the famed middlefield course in scotland. which until 5 years ago only allowed male members, japan and she knew counted the low lowest school on the opening day, 665. she finished one job ahead of american jessica quarter. you had to wear borrowed clays after her luggage didn't arrive. the women's eisen is the last major fit in the anti trust lawsuit, filed by 11 live golf players against the pga tour claims. the organisation pressured the european tool to also rejects the new saudi back series. this legal fight could ultimately define the rules of where players can compete. the pga tour has suspended players who've joined live golf. but one leading us sports lawyers backing the place. it looks like a strong case to me, i think, and one of the quotes that is attributed to the pga tour,
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no judge is going to like, was alleged that made by a p g. a representative who said, we hold all the cards. we don't want these guys playing, we don't care what the court say, some of the things that they're doing in terms of absolutely barring players from purchase, staying and in any way in any of these other events, look like potentially anti competitive conduct. that could be illegal under the sherman act or, or the clayton act if there is a conflicting event. truly conflicting event. the pga tour would be within its rights to say because you want a relationship with us. you have to show up at our, our events but, but when there are no conflicting events that creates a much weaker case, most lawsuits do end up resulting settlement. they don't go all the way. no one else is come into the golf market place with the sort of economics,
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fire power that lives to her house. and that makes them both the bible competitor and somebody that you probably don't want to fight with over an extended period of time. so i would not at all be surprised if there weren't some accommodation at some point. afghanistan said premier domestic c 20 cricket lee has reached its conclusion in cobble. the competition has been around familiar decade. but this was the 1st edition since the taliban takeover last year. david stokes reports the curious seems like this had been all too rare enough. gonna stand recently after 2 and a half weeks of competition with this being a tigers who came out on top in the speak either cricket league, the tournament with scrap last year in the wake of the us withdrawal from the country. but while women's cricket remained suspended, the taliban has allowed the men's game to start up again. i'm not going to have a lot of happiness here. most afghans who faced boss of challenges still come to
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motivate the players. the back in july, midway through the tournament. there was an explosion during one of the games in cobble injuring for spectators. the game was able to be completed, but it was a start reminder of the dangers the afghans face on a daily basis. so how did i already have one? i'm sorry, i want to tell those who oppose this tournament, that you can't break guns. we are all one. and when those people see this crowd, it's a big slab to their face and show the unity of all i've got a over the past 2 decades sports, particularly cricket, have been rare, consistently positive stories to come out of afghanistan. the men's national team set to tor island this month. both several players considered among the world's best. but at the latter category of on a cricket is the only game on of guns town we're. we're rocked in the warm stop turn. and some of our or rounders and bolos are in the top 3 is the individual
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ranking. so we've achieved all of this pretty quickly. and around 20 years i cannot make sanctions of lead to humanitarian crisis in afghanistan. with the international rescue committee, his wound could lead to more depth than 20 years of war. despite this, thousands of people turned out to watch 32 games of crickets. a game loved by many, and bringing much needed hope during i'm certain times. they'd stokes al jazeera and that is all your sport for now. i have more or less what later, including a previous to the ne premier league season crystal palace up against arsenal. and a little bit later looking for into a gemini grape report by david sterns. all right, that's it from me. emily angland for this news. al, but don't go anywhere, sir. how robin will have more nice in just a moment to stay with us. ah aah!
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along with on the 9th of august head is will head to the polls. the country is brave for a closely contested general election that will determine if future presidents may growing political and economic pension, who will be an out the widow and can vote as a back a free and fair election. join us for special coverage on al jazeera, no place, and so i gone would say the press retreated to the car about a media hub and vital vantage point. during the 1st truly televised war from the roof, we could see the vacuum at the american embassy, where the most iconic images of the conflict in vietnam were transmitted to the world. this was the front row sheet to the final stages of the war cycle and
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caravel war hotels, on all 0. ah, al jazeera, ah, with in a post colonial world. the scars of european imperialism run deep. nowhere more so than in the democratic republic of congo. where her history still shapes the presence of visceral, yet intimate insight through the eyes of a whistleblower and a patriotic military commander witnessed presents. this is congo on a jesse either he.
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