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tv   The Stream  Al Jazeera  August 5, 2022 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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50 years of occupation, 70 years of dispossession. so we're talking about generation after generation after generation of living this sort of a hotter. but these really seems to be in denial, over all reckoning, that if they can a number of senior leaders that this will be resolved. but we all know, we all know are now at least in the heart of hearts that without ending the israeli occupation without. i'm doing the arthur the regime of racial separation of repression. that gets the better stimuli this tragedy will not end. michelle, thank you very much indeed. was we've been reporting that rockets have been fired from gaza towards israel following, and israeli operation targeting the is, i meant you had group done the me. huh. is a writer and teacher who lives in gaza. she's lost electricity and says she's worried about further violence. regularity and usually whenever there are there any
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kind of bombardment of course there's already electricity shortage and they've got the trip and they also tend to double the alex and the electricity shortage. so and some areas there is actually right now 0 electricity in my house. there in your city, sometimes we depend on a different way of electricity generators. i'm extremely worried. i'm extremely worried and i'm disappointed that it's happening again. i do have nephews and nieces and the family today is friday. and you know that friday is the plan call today. friday is also the family gathering day for most of the people today. we had the, it was my mom's birthday as well. so we had the gathering with nieces and nephews and probably you know, our happiness or your family, you got to just disappear, that one can be in. and now we're all worried calmness for the reading. newspaper hurts. he joins us live from tel aviv and clearly,
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many people feel that they've been here before with this. and why is this happening this time? yeah, it's, it's kind of a ritual just a year ago, a little bit more than a year in may. a we've been trying to figure out if is going to change, if it's going to stop and the here we are again, i think that up nobody wanted this to happen. actually, just recently, israel has changed its policy in favor of hamas, offering thousands of pyramids for palestine and workers. joshua crossed into israel and to improve the economic situation. and people were happy with it. i think that up the year a slamming jihad was not very happy because they are on the bad guys
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list on the black list. and the people are not allowed to come to his right. so if the hm us got credit for this and up there is a 0 sum game between those factions, between commas and the put a senior 70 andy islamic jihad. now, i don't think that mr. le pete at this time was interested in changing the agenda. and now to send thousands of israel is in the week and on the eve of shall bog, to look for shelter. and la jolla, a stay at home, instead of going to the synagogue. oh, going to the beach. but what happens is that the israeli army has got to his place or what they call the bank of targets. and are those guys where on this list? and once the israeli intelligence put their hands, oh, i have clear information that they can locate them. and there is an opportunity to
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remove them from the list, the army would it, they don't need a permit from the government. and now from here it started escalating her for a prime minister. new prime minister was no military background as la peed to keep for 3 or 4 days last week until to day. people are in thousands of people in the sovereign is rarely jericho. you are not talking about the occupied toys to put the 2 children at home without even being able to go out shopping for sure. but i think that he couldn't afford it at this time. we had to do so. so just just to clarify, to you think that, that act went that the, it, that the ministry didn't, are actually asked permission from the prime minister. you think this is the defense ministry making a decisions without consulting the prime minister? right. i think that it was like this, the israeli prime minister, the, the in
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a cabinet which includes them in a set of de france and consulting was the chief of staff. they offer the army at list and the army doesn't need the permission. whenever they can see those people on their radar and they can locate them and they have ah, the opportunity to get rid of them was know all very little collateral damage. oh, hitting innocent civilians. they do it. they, they don't me to call the prime minister for that is, but then at this stage, i suppose now he is in bold. what, what do you make of the decision to at to announce that the reserve trips being activated $25000.00 reserve suits being activated? is that something that would be done automatically in a situation? or is it a signal that a broader war and escalation is on the cards? i think 1st of all, it's a signal to the islamic jihad and do the hamas says,
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as you are correctly mentioned, this is not part of this ritual. or it costs a lot of money, it's not popular. and once they do it, it's a signal jewel that this government is serious. and the islamic jihad in the hamas will pay the price and that is like prime minister pete said in a press conference, it takes what he takes in a he is even willing to escalate and it can take days and maybe even more than that. thank you. very much indeed there for joining us. thank you, val there. thank you your thoughts. thank you. when it's her she than i shot there from garza where it has got a big question. i lost her half an hour or so. even though i say i had to be
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monitoring events for sir, since this all started a you know, tell us about the, the, the situation at the moment. yes, so in the, in this past like 30 minutes, 2 more raids were carried in different areas here in the causes strip, 5 people were injured including 3 children. they have arrived to a shipper. their injuries were between critical and immediate. and data earth rises, the number of people, injury to almost 60 ah, this was in the last a couple of minutes that happened. another agricultural land was also targeted great by. it was completely burned by the rates and the muscles that were at a half targeted deck land, it was completely burned. a lot of material damage has happened in that area as well. we've also witnessed more rockets being lanced from here from the gaza strip
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towards other cities of israel. these really military states had that are announced that it is going to continue carrying our raids. oh, i know is blaming you, had targets in gaza. so basically this means that the rates are still going on, and on the, the rocket blanching is also still going on. we can hear all the sounds of the drawings in aircraft in, in the air, in the skies of godsa. they have not us chopped since the beginning of these railey raids to day afternoon. thanks very much indeed. una i shouldn't yet we were going to move on now. sorry. yeah. sorry im not keep you there for a 2nd. and did you tell us a little bit about the casualties you, you mentioned at people to being taken to hospital. i suppose they're very, very used to these situations where suddenly some casualties come in. what,
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what kind of preparations have they been making? so already the garza health system is one of the very fragile health systems because of these railey siege long israeli seed. ah, this is just a prior, this in the same week that we have been, we've been in for 4 days, the crossings were closed. no fuel was allowed to enter. ah, no medications were allowed to enter through the crossing. and this itself with an already deteriorating health, a condition in the gaza strip and system just deteriorates it even more. so according to the a facility is that that the, the health system already has in gaza. the cap abilities are very, very limited to or brady the residence without war, without an escalation, there is always shortage in medication. there is always
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a shortage in cap abilities in oxygen, michigan's in our, in beds and in other of important medical instruments and cap abilities and, and medications. and so this just adds a lot of other burdens to the burden that already the health system suffers from every raid with every raid. now, we witness a body's being taken to schiffer, either cra injuries or people being killed. and this just adds a lot to that already deteriorated health condition here. and you know, just to remind us what the situation is between some of these on groups in a garza because they don't always agree to they about what they ought to do in the situation. tell us what, what the response is likely to be. yes
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. so before the launching of rockets had started in because this strip, there was a statement by the joint chamber between all palestinian fighting groups and factions hearing the calls the strip. and they said that they have a consensus, a retaliating response to honor the is really an air strikes in gaza. but at the same time is lining jihad after launching over the beginning of the launching of rockets towards a huge, really, cities has claimed responsibility for it. that this actually does not change the fact that even if it's lima jihad is the one that is launching the rockets or claim responsibility for it. her mas still is the power ruling because the strip and that's why it's always considered the, the, the point or are the power that is responsible to keep. and the calm here in the
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gaza strip, according to israel. israel has said so many times before that it holds her mas responsible for anything that comes out from gaza. and so as hamas, even if her mom does not participate in launching rockets, it has allowed the islamic jihad, ah groups, or it puts a brigades, the military ring up as long as you had to actually carry the launching of these rockets. and this means that it agree. it's an alley ation, humorously. i thank you very much. indeed. twahoma now joins us live from occupied east jerusalem. john, a bit of a context of 1 of august was talking about was that the diff difference in, in a policy towards hamas and islamic jihad and how that speak played into this? can you talk a little bit about sorry, lauren, can you repeat that? yes. sorry. of guests from, from tell him he was talking about the difference in policy from israel towards him
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recently. and it's, i mean, you had tell us what, that's the effect that's had on the ground and what effect that may have had in terms of the response that might happen from any on groups in, in gaza. yeah, i think what we can say about that, but as well as the pipes, it was really if officials also in the israeli media, specifically they're talking about the fact that, you know, was saying that about whether hum hamis gets involved in this or no. and so to the hope that it can not get involved in this retreat, obviously escalate the conflict still further here. so there is that situation i think is ready officials and especially these really media on this side. looking closely at that, we've just got confirmation again. what you know was talking about that the israeli military said that they continuing their strike into gaza just does the rockies
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continue to be fired into israel. it's 90 rockets now is the current count rule. so getting media reports a little bit early, we were talking about an egyptian delegation, might be heading towards his ro to try and get him. bo, with media ation as well, to try and sort this out. but as you know, the saying that it's harmless or revoked or not is a factor in this, although is ro, historically has the policy of holding any rockets that come from gaza, that how much is in control of that territory. so it's the responsibility. the other thing that we reported a little bit earlier as well was that the demonstrations being planned in israeli city tomorrow. quite small ones that things at present. just pre judging the numbers of people that might turn out that are in favor of stopping this and protesting against the israeli attacks towards gaza. now that's something to keep
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an eye on to because it may have last year it was as much the violence with is ro, the worried israeli officials and a lot of the, the population here as well, even more than what was coming over the board as opposed to row has the iron dome, which is yours, and it has been using tonight. you'll have seen the crush and bangs on screens as those into set rockets that come across the border from gaza. but internal conflict within their borders is something the worries go home and thank you very much. speak to tom. i can move from the dough. hi st. jude. thank you very much. indeed for being with us. i just want to pick up on, on the issue of what the response is likely to be from the groups. because i know that the, the official line that they will together in this. but, but in the end, do you think that other groups will be drawn into this
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one? that's a very good question. actually, it's a very difficult one to answer. but the key player heat is how mess. i mean, how much is a, has to decide whether it's wants to join this round or not? my, my analysis is that it's going to be a tough decision for us. i mean, the gypsies are involved in addition offers and they have leverage over mass as well. i don't think that is appetite for another big war in the gaza strip, given the economy situation in the strip. and i mean, i mean, the reconstruction effort, i mean from the previous was of the damages from the previous ones, are still taking place. and you know, i mean guys of the construction of the construction needs that i haven't been address. totally so gathered in a very bad situation and balancing between governess, that distance is something hard for us to, to follow in this scenario. so let's see. i mean all tonight is on the table,
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but my analysis is that i might go for restrain and maybe allowing jad the slimy to continue ed. i mean the little thing for 2 or 3 days, i don't know and then it will stop. i mean that's, that's my analysis, but again, everything is on the table. you said that the egyptians have leverage of mass. what you mean? which in what way do they have that leverage live? is that essentially? i mean, i mean, we know geographically the gaza strip is surrounded by israel from 3 sides and has borders with egypt from the south. so basically in 3 of commission materials movement of people instead it's, it goes through both israel and egyptian and japan side. but most gardens use egypt to travel to live in and out the gaza strip. so when it comes to this, i mean the high mass has also to to engage with the japan side as well and also to
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it's more or less the take. busy care of the population need to gather trip, i mean, because most gardens goes south through egypt to travel to trade and cetera, plus israel as well. so in this sense, egypt has the political economy leverage as well. and also egypt has been always a key mediator. i mean, since i mean the beginning of days, really out of conflict, egypt has all of the player play, the key rule and mediating and the fusing many conflicts or the zip codes of the they have a preference. and that doesn't mean that the adoption teams are working on the measure of the construction project together for that funding projects as well. would also send the technical expertise. so there are people out there on the ground, egyptians on the ground, so egypt more or less have had the leverage with how much and how much notice they were. and to go back to, if you had they, one of their officials said that the group had made demands on israel, through egyptian mediators. and they including the release of the detainee to saudi,
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and another prisoner holt to westbank, grades and lifting of the garza blockade. he said he hadn't yet received a response of those demands. is there anything in there that israel is likely to to can agree to that? could that could bring the, the temperature down and deescalate things without her very ill enter nation and pressure on israel to lift the blockades on gaza. i don't think it will do anything with disregard, that municipal has always been unaccountable to all the crimes that's done in the state. and so it's, it's really, i mean, without, for example, the american involvement, per se. i mean, the americans are big livers and easily. i mean, i don't think anything would happen and we all know the medical stand, what comes to this? i mean, isn't it? will that will it is that i do whatever it needs to do for its own internal politics. so realistically speaking, i don't think so. and even in previous cases, would have been present as extra exchange. i mean, it would go back again and that's the same present as that have been released through exchange prisoners exchange. the saw is what has this record of not
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expecting any of these agreements? so realistically speaking, i don't think you had to slammy itself. has a leverage on is that i saw a job that has to coordinate with how math is what, how much is the key political military player in the gaza strip. and it's the fact routing to go to mac. i'm thank you very much indeed for your analysis. appreciate your time. thank you. i don't know. china is carrying out its biggest ever military exercises in the seas around taiwan. it's in retaliation for us house because nancy pelosi is visit to time pay earlier this week. the u. s. of described china's actions as a significant escalation, while beijing has warned washington against creating a big crisis. potential of dominated talks at the foreign ministers meeting, taking place in cambodia for st. louis has more from, from pen as the meetings,
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infinite pen drew to a close cambodia, foreign minister, whose chair of the association of southeast asian nations acknowledged the difficulties that lay ahead. we know that every years we have our set of challenges to address that i had to say that they would be full not like these here. have we been confronted with so many imperatives at the same time, tensions over the war in ukraine and u. s. how speaker nancy pelosi is visit to taiwan, have overshadowed events here. the divide between the u. s. and its allies on one hand and china and russia and the other appears to have deepened. china and russia's top diplomats walked out of the east asia summit when the japanese foreign minister was speaking, reportedly in protest against japan's criticism of beijing's military exercises around taiwan. u. s. secretary of state antony lincoln said there was no justification for china's actions. these provocative actions are
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a significant escalation. we've seen how beijing has attempted to change the status quan taiwan for some time. for example, more than doubling the number of aircraft flown over the center line that separates china and taiwan over the past 2 years. pursuing economic work, political interference and cyber attacks against taiwan. now, they've taken dangerous acts to a new level. united states is conveyed to the p r c consistently and repeatedly that we do not seek and will not provoke a crisis. it's unlikely china will back down. it's foreign minister has criticized the u. s. and defended beijing's action was dollar to the bottom to the losses be since her serious him but, but china, so good at the seriously, in their food, in our intellectual affairs. but he labored the promiscuous hug made with china and
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seriously harm that they once threats relations. so it is only natural the chain is said or show hours through opposition. as in foreign ministers, had warned on thursday, the risk of miscalculations in the taiwan strait could lead to confrontation among major powers. in cambodia, there's been no signs that the meeting of the last 2 days have helped ease tensions . florence li, al jazeera and on pen. japan has lodged diplomatic protest with china for its missile drills, calling the incident unprecedented. that says you as how speaker nancy pelosi visits tokyo, as part of a tour of asia. speaking in japan's capital closely defended her decision to visit taiwan. automating prime minister from jo casita pelosi said china won't be allowed to isolate the island. she also promised american solidarity with the entire region . 3 more shipments of grain have left ukrainian port under deal brokered by the
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u. n. and turkey. a cargo ships loaded with nearly 60000 tons of corn, departed from china mosque and odessa on friday morning. one is headed to ireland and other to the u. k. and the 3rd to turkey, the 1st inbound cargo vessel is also making its way to ukraine by the black sea to load. you cranes, economy minister says the deal should now be extended to cover more crops. ukraine's president has hit back at misty international author accused his forces of endangering civilians. human rights group says ukrainian troops setup bases in 19 residential areas, putting civilians at risk of government. when he says amnesty is blaming the victim instead of the aggressive head of the seas. embassies, ukraine office also disagrees with the report and says, their office wasn't consulted, num my, you know, mobile do,
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maybe there is no condition even hypothetically under which any russian strike on ukraine becomes justified. aggression against our state is unprovoked, invasive and terrorist union. if someone makes a report in which the victim and the aggressor are supposedly equalized in some way, some dates are about the victim is analyzed and the aggressive actions at the same time or ignored. then this cannot be tolerated. supporters of iraq's sheer lead and looked at us other have held mass friday prayers in several cities. so does urge to supporters to continue there sitting in front of parliament until those he calls corrupt politicians are removed from office for a week. now, as supporters have occupied parliament holding operations in state institutions, most of them had reports from baghdad. surgeons of iraqis to an out in the green zone for afraid, amos prayer and protest. they're mostly supporters of influential say, a leader to the southern from the crowd. call it
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a revolution that i had a theory you went to the iraq has been controlled by corrupt politicians, through consecutive governments. the quite system resulted in the deterioration of the health care system, education and security. poverty is on the rise, but corrupt officials get richer every day. drugs and weapons are spread everywhere because of those authoritarian parties affiliated to foreign powers. what many have travelled here from different parts of iraq in the hopes of getting their voices heard? iraq has had only a case ticket government for the last 9 months. and many basic services have been interrupted, shabby. it's just a lot more harder than god can. we've come here from richard cabella had cut and bubble sheet, sunny curds. christians, anybody's at all, to say no to the constitution drafted by the americans. why we will not leave until
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parlance, dissolved one to ha, these protesters highlight the months of political estate me to form a government since last october's general elections. so that his supporters have been occupying parliament in protest in a televised this statement saw the urging his supporters to continue their certain i suggested dissolving parliament and holding early elections as a solution to the political deadlock. oh, the prayers coincide with southern supporters leaving the parliament building after one weeks it in. but they have been instructed to stay on the ground the surrounding parliament, the you and the special representative to iraq. jenny plus hart has met mark to the southern in now jeff, she's been coated by local media. i saying the meeting was productive. but some of said was rival politicians put a challenge, including former prime minister,
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murray al malika, and the head of the popular mobilization forces fell hel. for yog, both men insist holding early elections requires the formation of a new government. because iraq's case take a government doesn't have the legal right to hold another election, which means millions of iraqis may be facing many more days of uncertainty. with the worried and dizzy police in india have detained dozens of opposition. politicians during a protest about the rising cost of food and fuel congress party leaders are trying to march on the residences of the prime minister and the president. elaine taxes major increases in cost to staples, such as rice and milk. he's also detained. hundreds of congress defaulted to stop them joining the purchase without stories to stay with us. now to 0, we'll move you in just a couple of minutes. thanks for watching. i finance. ah
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ah. ah.
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sake that mm hm. and then international anti corruption excellence award boat. now for your hero, a little after flying a flag, but in the occupied west bank raising the palestinian flag could get you shot or rested after the also ports of the 8900 ninety's between the palestine diversion organization and israel bound on the palestinian flag was on the ground it's becoming much harder to express any type of support for the palestinian call. one day there are no palestinian flag. the next mysteries are filled with them that they need y t your net by young men who are not even born. when these railey government for the or the palestinian flag in a.


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