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tv   News  Al Jazeera  August 9, 2022 8:00am-8:31am AST

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bases the rise of citizen journalism has changed everything. how did happen? it happened on social media and the undeniable impact of the mainstream narrative. australians went to the pole with those images front of mine is a war is very much going forth out in the media as well as on the battlefield. they're listening page. dissect the media on al jazeera. ah, knowledge is here. with ever you. oh, the f b i has rated donald trump's home in florida. the former president says his house
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has been besieged by agents. ah, hello, i'm down, jordan, this is out a 0. lie you from dough are also coming up to cease fire. ease frederick. the un security council discusses garza were a truce holes after 3 days of his radio types, which killed $45.00 people, including 16 children. n, a tech to a nuclear plant is a suicidal seeing russia says it would allow access to this operation, nuclear plant in ukraine, but both sides accusing each other, attacking the facility and the european union revises the text of a proposed new nuclear deal with iran as a positive response from the u. s. but tara, once time to review. ah, be florida home or former us president donald trump has been searched by the f
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b i. the ex president attacked the raid as a weapon, possession of the justice system, the f b. i and justice department have declined to comment as my cannon, our reports from washington. the former president was staying at his apartment in manhattan when the raid took place and was seen leaving trump tower and walking towards waiting cars. according to the former president, his home in mario lago, florida, was rated by a large group of f. b. i. agents who he alleges also opened the safe in his home. his statement says, after working and cooperating with the relevant government agencies this an announce rayed on my home was not necessary or appropriate. the justice department has declined to comment on the matter, including about whether attorney general mary garland had personally authorized to search. previously the national archives and records administration had referred
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the discovery of 15 boxes of classified information at maro lago to the justice department for investigation. no former president has a additional determination that it is likely that they have committed a crime charges do not sign off on warrants or anyone lightly. they always believe that there is likely that a crime has been committed and that it has been committed at specific location. so this is genuinely an unprecedented event. the house general you 6 committee which is investigating the invasion of the capital on that day had also heard evidence about the removal of classified documents. when trump left the office. there were also claims that when trump was president, he had repeatedly shredded or disposed of classified material. after reading it, the destruction or removal of classified documents to an authorized location is
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a federal offense, mckenna, odyssey for washington. what richard painters, former chief ethics lawyer for president george w bush, she says the rate is very significant. the f b. i would not have thought the search warrant a judge would not assigned a search warrant if there weren't probable cause. for the f b i to search the premises in search of documents that would disclose a serious crime. and i would think that it wouldn't just concern the crime of taking the federal documents out of the white house, but other problems as well. in particular, the crime of sedition. the attempt to overturn the 2020 election on which that plan was going on ever since the election november december january, up to the january 6th insurrection after the election. his attempt to overturn the election results are involved meetings at the white house talking about sending the
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military in to redo the election pressure, put on the justice department to declare the election in violence. the january 6th insurrection, and his role in my act. so there was a lot of evidence that he participated in the town to reverse the election sedition. it's a criminal offense, and that evidence may very well be in those boxes that were removed for the white ass. voting is under wayne, 10 years presidential election. the race to replace outgoing leader who can yet is expected to be close to franklin as a former prime minister, rhino dingo, and the common deputy president william root voters are also costing that balance in the parliamentary county, governors and assembly elections of malcolm wet joins us live now from nairobi. malcolm's i took us to the front runners and what sort of turn out to the expecting that we can take a look around as i'm telling you about it. but deputy president william router is
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one of the main content as he voted just a short while ago. and he's home area, need a town of able to read in with the province that he fell out with his boss, outgoing president who kenyata that resulted in a dramatic shift in political allegiances have in kenya, we've kenyatta then turning to back his long time rival riley redeemed, he's the other main candidate in this election. he's run 4 times before is widely believed to have been rigged down of some previous election victories this time he's got some very powerful back because he's expected to vote short while from now the next couple of hours in kabir is one of the largest slums here in the capital and i really be in it's historically been a strong hold of a thing is that both of these men are familiar faces in canyon politics. both of them have been making very familiar promises that successive governments have
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failed to tackle widespread corruption and endemic in equality. and that's one of the reasons why some of the pulses and pundits thing that turn out it's actually going to be a bit lower. this time, particularly among young people, the electoral commission says, registration of younger it says is lower than it has been before. malcolm, as you say, can you say that fed up with corruption, rising inflation and unemployment. so what ordinary people, one from this phone, what changes do they want to see people definitely one change the saw in cost of fuel for fuel and food and crippling for many can in the price of fuel that the pump has gone up by about 60 percent since the beginning the him, it arises for some staple foods, some of the things actually subsidized by the government at the moment. at the same time, kenya is facing a ballooning public debt. this follows what critics say was excessive, borrowing for costly infrastructure project by the government of retail and
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kenyatta infrastructure projects, which are mod, with corruption, scandal, which they now say kenyans have to pay the price of the i. m f is saying that can you go to those subsidies in the months ahead that's going to make the cost to living go up even higher. at the same time in the new government, incoming officials are going to expect their share of patronage. so aside from questions about whether these historical heavy ways who are running for president actually have the political will to bring about change. there's also questions about whether they'll even be able to with describing debt these major economic problems. and this widespread corruption, malcolm web life is not roby, welcome. thank you. so not to mention security counsellors held an emergency session on the violence in garza a truce broken by egypt between israel and the palestinian islamic jihad group is still holding the un special coordinator for the middle east peace post. it says
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the situation though is far from stable. i want to make counsel aware of the foley . the ceasefire is fred, any assumption of facilities, we only have devastating cost, quite useful post evenings and he's rarely and make any political progress on key issues, elusive. ultimately, the underlying drivers of this as previous escalations remain. these items, the violence will only sees when which he, the political resolution of the conflict that brings and to the occupation and the realization of a 2 state solution. on the basis of the 67 lines in line with us with solution international law and previous agreements, kristin, flu me has more now from the united nations. the sci fi was welcomed by the un
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special coordinator for middle east peace tor vener salon. he pointed out that border crossings had been closed for 6 days and that had a terrible impact on palestinians in gaza with food and medicine in short supply electricity also being cut at times up to 20 hours a day. he noted that the situation was still dire. intense and the tensions in the occupied territory had been increasing for months. israel called the missile strikes preemptive, meant to offset a future attack by islamic jihad. the p i. j was preparing and attempting an imminent incredible attack on the israeli civilians. near the border of garza forcing israel to close down roads and civilian activity in the proximity of the gaza strip, essentially paralyzing tens of thousands of israeli city then for 3 days. but the palestinian ambassador said israel so called right to security, had become
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a license to kill. this was an unprovoked and unjustified aggression. its real reason is barely veiled. the upcoming is really election and the desperation to appeal to and appease the extremist. the u. s. m. baset are called on both sides to fully implement the cease fire and allow fuel shipments into gaza so that hospitals and public services can continue to operate. she expressed sadness for the civilian casualties, but cautioned against a rush to judgment until all of those casualties and all of those desks can be fully investigated. and she also reaffirm the u. s. support for a 2 state solution imaginations. second, general, antonio tedder says, attacks on the zappa region nuclear power plant in ukraine are suicidal. he's asked the russian military, which now controls the complex to give access to international atomic energy agency
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monitors. local people say that won't solve the problem. john hendern reports from the ukrainian capital chief western leaders say ukraine's upper region. nuclear power plant is a disaster waiting to happen. the billboard in the color of the russian flag reads, we are one nation. europe's largest nuclear power plant lies behind russian lines operated by ukrainian workers and has been repeatedly struck by fire between ukrainian and russian forces. a former workers is that is a recipe for chaos with the, with the math and get the good. so how could you organize all of this at the nuclear plant? make a stronghold. there are they won't shoot us. yes, i will be firing from yet. i'm speechless. the one in my resident say the shelling has them bracing for the worst. i'm going your slow, but it's very dangerous. it could be another channel or even worse. the plant has been struck more than once in recent days. european leaders and local residents say
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they want a demilitarized zone around separation. because a disaster there could mean a catastrophe for all of europe. humanitarian aid workers are pleading with both countries to cease hostilities nears epa region. or we could go right near the wire city residence. we call on the russian army and the korean armed forces to avoid open fights and can support and is in a 20 kilometers on iran, nuclear power. gladly miss thompson, whether the 2 warring parties come to her rare agreement in the ongoing conflict remains in open question. john henry and al jazeera keith to come here now just they are including rising tensions and the taiwan strait type. they come up live fine drilled of the days of chinese military exercises and members of bangladesh of indigenous community rally and demanding on end to government. censorship marlin
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ah ah, hates continues to be the big story across the middle east. hello everyone. here's a snapshot on tuesday. those temperature is yep, we still have readings in the fifty's box that into queue weight. we had all the sand in dust swirling around here as well through the q a pushing into that eastern province of saudi. now if we go in for a closer look around the gulf states, temperatures are coming out, for example, in don't up to $43.00 degrees, but we're going to kick back that humidity just a bit so it will start to feel a bit more comfortable. ok off to pakistan. those monsoon rains are picking up once again for sin province at least eastern portions. and the prediction is for above average rainfall. monsoon rain for the month of august stuff to turkey. we go and temperatures in this stumble, have locked into the thirties and will continue to do so. for the next several days,
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may see the odd shower for western portions of the country. now for tropical africa it's our usual picture here are plentiful storms spells of rain and thunderstorms off the p. o. p in highlands. moving further toward the west, southern africa was not much to report plenty of sun here, but the wet and windy conditions will dissipate from my bhutto. and we'll see a mix of sun in cloud on tuesday looking pretty good that your update bye for now. the news of the 19th sixties with a period of change around the world in, in the middle east and north africa, london. we dreamed of the fair and democratic society which we did for revolution. the 1st of a 3 part series out to say we're world excludes the regional events, people and forces that shake the decade. i don't, one of our dreams were many. we start to with great dreams. o'denza dealt with sad
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set by the sixty's in the powerpoint politics on al jazeera. ah ah, we'll go back about about top stories here at this hour. the former us president donald trump says his home has been searched by the f b i. from said the raid was not necessary or appropriate, as he had been cooperating with relevant government agencies. voting under wayne kenya's presidential election expected to be a close race between the former prime minister, reino dingo, and the current deputy president william router. on the un special coordinator for the middle east has warmed the security council. the ceasefire garza between israel,
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palestinian islamic john rufus, fragile tor winans lamps, and any resumption of vicinities would be devastated. the european union has tabled a final text as talks over reviving b. 2015 iran nuclear dio wrap up in vienna. talk you diplomat. jasa barrios said a monday, what can't be negotiated. husband negotiated. united states says it's ready to conclude an agreement quickly based on the text. but it rom says it needs a comprehensive review or treat a policies from the quincy institute. he says, there been compromises on both sides. i think we are more aware of the issues. where do you run years? have back down, for instance. they are no longer insist sting on the vanya revolutionary carter quotes to be taken off. the u. s. is terrorists less. they have also indicated that they are now satisfied with the assurances that they will be given to us, will not be withdrawn from the deal. again, however, it does not seem to be
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a particularly strong assurances, but the iranians seem to have either given off of that issue or truly have become satisfied, were less aware of what else the u. s. may have given what compromises have been made on the american side in order to get disagreement or there's plenty of things that can bring it down on. fortunately, it's almost a miracle that the managed to come this far in the 1st place. i think one remaining issue however, is that even if they do manage to come to an agreement, it does not mean that this new agreement will be sustainable. what can be done in the next year or 2 to make sure that the deal is much firmer and stronger so that next american president, perhaps even donald trump, himself would not be able to or would be deterred from walking out of the deal again. because at the end of the day, it's quite a miracle that they may have been able to revive the deal once they will, most likely not be able to do that twice. so this is the last chance to actually get a deal that could last. ty, one's military has held
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a live fire artillery drills, simulating a defense of the self governing island follows days of chinese military exercises around tie one in response to us. how speak a nancy pelosi is visit to type a last week. i was drilled middle hundreds of troops at about 40 long range weapons will dividend pollen as the international editor at ty, one pluses entry jointly alive from the tie when he's capital type i deborah. so we understand talking his officials have again been speaking about ongoing tensions. what will they been saying that that's right. joseph, who are the foreign minister here, gave a very rare press conference addressing. what's been happening around here. he condemned truck china military activities, calling them irresponsible and provocative. you also said that they were using these drills to prepare for an invasion and said that the threats of an attack is more than ever now. now he also said that nancy pelosi is visits which is the highest level u. s. official to come to taipei in 25 years. was used as
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a pretext for china. they were always planning these kinds of intimidation tactics . he also outlined the other tactics use, which includes a disinformation campaign along with economic punishment. china's been thousands of products and they're run up to 90 closing visits. and since then, and as china is i want largest trading partner, he could, there is concerned that there could be some kind of an economic impact, particularly on small businesses here. but he also condemned china's blockade saying that it's disrupted, see an air rude sense has said a very dangerous precedent did the meanwhile, china continues these massive miniature drills around taiwan. just bring us up to date with what's happening then l right. in fact, the p l a has said that they will continue these military exercises, that the people's liberation army saying that they will continue to hold. drill in the sea and eric phase around the main areas are the main island of pie one. and
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this time the focus would be on blockade and logistics of re supplying. now it's, i want ministry of defense as they're still multiple hardware in the areas drawn by one thing that they're wor, shit, and fighter jet, still around the press and in the waters and the areas that are considered just outside the pilot territory. it's just, it's hard to scramble, wider, just deploy miss all defense systems to monitor that activity that has gone beyond the schedule for days the china had originally announced. now, emily, your say this could set a new president with china being able to breach what you call that defacto line that separates chinese and taiwan territories. that this will be the new normal. now for taiwan with more military exercises and more provocations to be expected from bating alright, a difficult problem. life for the entire paid up. thank you. now,
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the government of bangladesh has all the media to avoid using the word indigenous during coverage of the u. n's international day of the world's indigenous peoples has been trying to sense the word for several years, insisting there are no such groups in the country. tanveer chandry has mono from matter poorer in bangladesh. bangladesh is home to more than 54 indigenous peoples, the speak more than 35 languages and have distinct cultural identities. yet they referred to collectively as are the marshes. i tundra dahl block teaches young people about their cultural heritage to ensure it is passed on to future generations. i mean, you think of a shaggy mission when equity. i don't know, of course, i consider myself as indigenous. our ancestors, including my forefathers, have been living here for centuries and to birthright. i am a native indigenous person. we, donnie, indigenous groups represented nearly 2 percent of the population of 168000000. bang of those to this day has not adopted the 2007 you and declaration on the rights of
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indigenous peoples and the land rights of the indigenous communities in this country still remain one of the most contentious and, and resolve issues. the un declaration obligates the government to restore ancestor land and protect minority groups from oppression and discrimination. i'm i did as to the cannabis oil. it is unfortunate that our state still refuses to recognize the identity of our people as indigenous for more than a decade now, which is wrong. if indigenous people are recognized as per the un mandate, it could also serve the nation's interest by accepting the cultural and ethnic diversity of all concerned. some school textbook have been published in indigenous languages, but most are gathering dust. even though some school books have been published in nature languages, so far, the government has not given us formal permission to teach those in schools. in
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2011 bangladesh enacted a law that classifies none bingley tribe as ethnic minorities, rather than as indigenous groups. right groups and analysts thing that formal recognition of indigenous peoples would mean the return of lands and protection of fundamental rights. which is why the government is reluctant to adopt the un resolution. i'll just it i had hoped to get some clarity from the information minister. however, our request for an interview went unanswered on 10 via joins us live now from duck, our members of the indigenous community, they are running to celebrate their traditional culture and tongue visitors bring us up to date with what's been happening there. where you are where i am, is a, it's a language matters memorial. the indigenous people chose this plays a symbolically because this memorial comrades bengali people, saw a languid movement in 1952. now they've gathered here to protest, as well as to celebrate the indian as their most of them are angry,
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that the government has sent a circular. this was not the 1st time it's been sent for several years now that cannot use the word. are they bashes with essentially mean indigenous april of this country? many of them live in the south is not central and the northern part of bangladesh. now we've been visiting many of these areas. one of the most contentious issues that between the government and the people is the right to land holding a lot of the indigenous people have communion land endings holding system rather. which means that on have titled individually to the land. and many of the bengali settlers and southeast of bangladesh and the chit among hill tracts have been grabbing their land that's been 20 years civil. wanted in that bought low level insurgency war until 1997. when there was a peace treaty signed by the prime minister shakeup, sienna dan, who was in charge of the government, was very symbolic. and the landmark,
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but many of the turns on condition clause to this day has not been implemented. so there still remains lot of tension in that part of chip on hill track and other parts of indigenous paper on demand that their rights to be call indigenous on the rights to land ownership. be honored by the government. that is one of the key issues. so this is symbolically rallied to commemorate that, as well as to celebrate the international indigenous debt or into a ton of your child, your life as the induct tundra. thank you. now the muslim community in the us city of albuquerque, new mexico was on high alert. the 4 men were killed in the past 9 months, 3 of them in the past 2 weeks. police and i lost the public for help to track down a cough that might be the key to solving the mud as political haine as the story name. hussein had attended the funerals of to muslim and murdered in the last 2 weeks in albuquerque, new mexico. on friday that night, police say he was ambushed. his family says his friends found him shot to death in
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his car. the friends that saw the body. this was a head shot, so i don't know if it was a single shot or multiple shots. now police are investigating if the 3 murders are linked to the murder of another muslim man mohammed amadi last november and are asking the public to help find the driver of this car, which might be connected to the killings. we're also increasing our hair support. now that we have information about a vehicle of interest, that kind of support is going to be crucial. but in albuquerque, the muslim community has been shaken by the murders. you walk out of the house, not knowing if you're going to be followed and target it out. that is what is on the mind of every person leaving their home in albuquerque. that happens to be honest. there is no sense of safety while police are not saying if the men are being targeted because of their faith. hey, crimes against muslims are increasing in
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a judgment of the largest jurisdictions grew in california. new york city, chicago, anti muslim hate crimes rose from 84 to 122 or we 5 percent increase. and these data are usually predictive of trends for men from afghanistan and pakistan who emigrated to the u. s. gun down in their chosen hometown. the latest no him hussain received his citizenship just last month and was planning on bringing his wife in pakistan to live here. the dream was to buy their own home particle haine al jazeera, not to the 3 white men convicted of murdering black men ahmad aubrey. at receive a 2nd life sentence on federal hate crime charges in the us traverse. but michael, his son gregory and neighbor william bryan, chased the anom 25 year old while he was out jogging before shooting him dead in the state of georgia in 2020. all 3 are already serving life sentences for the
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murder, a fire to fuel storage facility and cuba has destroyed a 3rd tank as fire fighters use helicopters to try to contain the blaze. the fire started when lightning struck a fuel tank on friday night. one fireman was killed as the flame spread out of control. 14 others are missing and feared dead anymore. people are injured. some with severe burns, especially cruise from mexico and venezuela, hoping to fight the fire. as officials say it could spread even further. lemme probably sent it, we've been present all the time and we've explained that the 3rd tank could set fire to the 4th one because those tanks are right next to each other. and it's very difficult to control marine conservation groups and france are scrambling to help a beluga whale stuck in the river sin. it's feared it could starve it's left to long in fresh water efforts to feed the beluga have so far failed. the protected species is usually found in cold arctic waters rescue, as are now considering last ditch effort to save its life. researchers are testing
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the 1st potential vaccine against tick borne line disease in 20 years. and now looking for 6000 volunteers in the u. s. and europe to participate in trials. an estimated $476000.00 people are infected with lyme disease in the us each year. infection initially causes fatigue, fever, and joint pain. olivia newton john best known for her role in the block buster film . grease has died at the age of 73. ah. the british born australian star, achieved worldwide success in the seventy's and eighty's, a career and entertainment was recognized by the u. k. 's, queen elizabeth were appointed her a dame in 2020. a family says she died at her california ranch on monday. she been battling breast cancer for many years.


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