tv Inside Story Al Jazeera August 20, 2022 10:30am-11:01am AST
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of anything that starts with an eye or has an apple on it, you're going to want to listen this time. apple has announced that they have found a flaw in their system, which basically can allow hackers to take over your smartphone, your ipad, your mac, and basically you lose control of it. but everyone we talked to said they hadn't heard about the problem. there's an average of $6000.00 data breaches every day. most people aren't very great about keeping all their software update. so glitches data breaches all these things are actually not that uncommon. i had trouble with my iphone, which is very user friendly, which i haven't. so going to an android is just too much. that's i gotta do is updated within all of the my phone. and now apple says they have fixed this law and you're gonna want to make sure the updating system you're running is $15.00 . alarmingly apple says they are aware of report that this law has already been
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exploited. ah, hello, are you watching al jazeera, these headlines the sour, at least 15 people have been killed in an attack on a hotel. in the somali and capital market tissue went to say there were at least 3 explosions before. taxes stormed the building, and group al chabad has claimed responsibility. freelance reporter hussein mohammed has the something look good. i think that is a fund who has hung up with. 5 so we already knew that several people including the owner of talk. so people just tell is very popular,
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most requested by policy she on is on somebody russian president vladimir putin has a grade to allow inspectors from the you and nuclear watchdog into this. appalachia plant in ukraine, that's according to a statement from the office of the french president. there are fees of a nuclear disaster as moscow and cave trained flame for shelling the vine. russian forces control the plant and the surrounding area, but ukrainian workers continue to operate it. the un secretary general has been expressing concern about the safety of that plant. antonio good terrorist visited ukraine, vo desa, to check on grain shipments as part of a deal between moscow and cave broke by turkey and the you in the agreement allows exports from 3 ukrainian port mexico, his former attorney general hazard morello has been arrested as part of an investigation into the disappearance of 43 students in 2014. maria led the original
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inquiry, which was highly criticized. and a un security council waiver allowing afghan taliban officials to travel abroad has expired. senior members of the group have been subject to a travel band since 2011. all right, those are the headlines. i'm emily angland states. you now fit inside story. what is life like in maximum security prison? in this too hot special report? one 0, one east goes behind bars. it's singapore chung ye, prison. on out to 0. the wine is running dry. dropping water levels in germany's crucial river are threatening it's shipping industry. so what will that mean for europe's largest economy that's been struggling in recent months. this is inside store. ah
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm how much am john? many countries are in the grips of intense summer heat waves that are causing some of the world's crucial rivers to dry up in parts of europe. waterways have dropped to near record levels, halting marine traffic and disrupting factories and industries. now, germany is facing a crisis as the rhine river, it's most important. shipping route becomes difficult for ships to navigate. that's not only affecting freight supplies and costs, but the energy sector to the disruption presents another challenge for europe's largest economy at a time of high inflation, global supply chain problems, and a natural gas crisis. economists are now warning this will have an effect on the regions economic growth will bring in our guests in a moment. first auditor is dominant. kane has more from cologne. it could almost be a picture postcard of the rhine goods barges chug up and down the river,
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while children explore the pebbles on the bank. and yet a closer look shows something else. for in most summers, much of this area would be submerged. but months of high temperatures and little or no rainfall have changed things, or we see right now with a low or water levels in reverse is the new normal or it's even worse of the new normal will be even more extreme. we have seen a global temperature increase of 1.2 degrees on global average right now seen from overhead. the situation is clear, this satellite image of nearby dusseldorf shows the river. now, this one, how it was in the same place, 12 months ago, if the science of what's happening is clear, the practical application of it is causing problems for many different companies. the shipping ones in particular because they look at the rhine as it is now and
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have real concerns about how deep it is and how easily they can navigators. and crucially how much each of their vessels can carry. for one or 3rd, one ships bringing salt here from higher on usually carry almost 2200 tons. now they're arriving with $600.00 tons. and that shows the less water, the less cargo on the ships. and in this year of war in ukraine, there is another drawback with russian coal now embargoed across the e. u. many companies have paid to ship a non russian alternative via the rhine instead. but as the demand has risen, so the water levels to allow it to be delivered have dwindled. right now, most shipping companies are concentrating on the near future with autumn just weeks away. they expect its cooler, wetter weather to replenish the fine. but some scientists say that too could bring
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danger if it starts to rain on touchstone. dr. saws, the water can not infiltrate into the soil. and so we diety a gets off his run off into the water. it runs out of the system of catchment and produces such restaurants as we know from, from california. for example, the rhine has run dryer in summer before, but not often. it will have to rain a lot to return the river to its more normal state dominant cane al jazeera cologne . all right, let's take a closer look at the river rhyme. it's one of the most important european rivers flowing through 6 countries, including switzerland, germany, and france. about $300000000.00 tons of goods and products move through it each year. the ryan is germany's most important shipping route accounting for 80 percent of its water freight. but visual, se, barges are now carrying only one quarter to half of their usual capacity. and economists say the disruption could slow europe's largest economy.
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all right, let's go ahead and bring in our guests in berlin, o rick bruckner, professor of political science at stanford university in berlin. in the hungarian city of vesper, m. nick sitter, professor of public policy at central european university and be i norwegian business school. and in cologne, who bear to us bart managing director and head of research at the german economic institute. a warm welcome to you all and thanks so much for joining us on inside story today. all right, let me start with you. if the rhine becomes too difficult to navigate, how big of an impact is that end up having in germany both politically and economically? what we are doing now is delayed to no one will have an answer. the one thing is, you don't know what the weather will be. the other thing is we never know what
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social development we're up to. it can be very calm when people understand those. the government are a clear minority and public opinion on support of the government. but these are the crucial factor. what we can expect on the government is you can also expect that our corporations will understand how serious the situation is. but when i don't know whether you can buttons and from climate change on the difference between whether climate change and we never know what is the turning point is in which people get upset with the government from germany. who back to said, let me ask you, how much will shipping disruptions impact germany's economy?
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things that what is happening at the run over but now is the major problem. it certainly want to be run your search moments and mom's very capacity is on the right on the flaps must be slow on to be here. so totally still the same is true or capacities with my daughter in my recent month. unless we have had that before, we can sort something for you before the couple of weeks are fine. companies can give this more along with some developments, but what's closer right now is that we need more code because we need additional code to replace russian gas. we don't have a capacity in the industry, for example. we don't, we don't have to carry it up right away. so we need to come to
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red. nick, you heard to hubert, is there just talk about the issue of coal and how the flow of coal right now is in jeopardy? as i understand it, you know, that means that there could be shortages at coal fired power plants in the next couple of months. what kind of impact would a coal shortage have now for germany, especially as germany is attempting to lessen its dependence on russian gas? i think what we're going to see here is that what we thought are asked processing energy as your environment less you really has a broader strategic issue. so i think despite all the uncertainty a coal shortage, what will clearly have an effect on energy prices, not just in germany, but in all of europe. and if there's a shortage of energy and what we're really looking at is possibility of rationing. and we're certainly looking at the possibility of a decline of german economy have an enormous effect on all the central european
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countries. well, what i would add to what we've heard is that the danger of what you might call a political effect, a populace protest on the left and the right against politically higher energy prices, which made to stabilize governments. which in a very, very good example of that and it lead. oh rick, you heard doug huberts? is there talk about the fact that what's happening with the rhine right now has happened before the last time was as he said in 2018. and, you know, german industry lost billions of dollars, then as, as a result, is the government going to have to come up with some kind of a plan to better deal with this going forward? can they but it is not just one factor, then we have to focus on this and we move out of the pendency or stabilize the situation over the beginning of the war until today. they have so many factors that
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affected new channel. we expect that if we have the shortage and cross another turn dollars, but they don't have enough water in our band and they needed support from other countries. we needed european solution for. ready how do we practically enforce solid in case one of your members is getting in trouble. but this is just a framework and we don't know yet what the. ready point is having problems based on what kinds of shortage is such a sensitive, unstable librium at the moment that it's too early to tell what is the vi and whether it be and other towards 10, even the hours to tack on one of the gas torches and that's will have a major effect on, and it's not only really on gas, nick, i want to take a step back for a moment and look it up
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a wider issue here. one of the reasons that people are so concerned about all this right now is because of russia cutting energy supplies to the europe in union. from your perspective is the you coming up with an effective strategy for gradually reducing its dependency on russian gas? oh yeah, i think it very much is, i mean already the spring, march 9th. but we saw the beginnings of an outline of a plan which involves replacing some rest of the pipeline gas with gas and other countries through pipeline. that means norway, that means as of john, the africa, a 2nd element of it is replacing pipeline gas with liquefied natural gas ship in by boat. and a 3rd element is more use of other energy sources that's called me plants will turn it to the energy. a 4th of course is energy savings, which was the a number of european countries in practice already with guidelines about how far you can cool up buildings midsummer and heat them in the winter. so i think there's
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already a plan coming together here where i think the tension is going to be st. thanks. what is the cost? how do we distribute the cost a higher energy and quickly, how are you push it on? because onto the consumer, entropy in countries come up to different model. and the 2nd a solid arity. where for example, countries like spain are asking why they should contribute solidarity to what is in their view, the consequence. germans relying on cheap russian gas, which had a security problem element, which wasn't recognized until now. hubert says it looked to me like you were nodding along to some of what nick was saying there. did you want to jump in? but i think it said a big project for europe and germany, definitely to review the content from ross we got about top of code from russ on your phone that has already been done.
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we are getting a real limiting to 0 going on in the gap. that means that we need it and we need to different because one thing, it's not about the amount of and the result is also the propensity. and that's one of the, one of the bottlenecks we are an examiner post code cross the t's that underway on, on the railway that problem in the moment or the difficult to difficult at the moment. and the fact that we can use the run around about one foot compressor can make that for her neck, hurts for another company and be additionally, right?
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yes. who birds is when it comes to this bottleneck? when it comes to talking again about the rhine river, i mean from your perspective, are there concrete measures that could be taken to ensure that the ryan can still be used by ships even during times of droughts? let's say this. no. so to measure you can do, but we're discussing about the name of the ryan river, at least in the of the raw drivers are going on. but that's a long term project that this been discussed. now the government wants to start, the project will be ready on it. so instead of just time. but when you're talking about climate change and about a less rain, some more series of water levers more to the river, that's one of the adaptation measures which is necessary to process the presence mattress is to go. oh okay. i know you talked earlier about how difficult it is to
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predict what's going to happen going forward. i mean, there is no crystal ball. you can gaze into to see what is going to happen. but, but let me ask you about the mood of the german people right now. are they largely supportive of the government's policies thus far or, or is, you know, real concern growing when our government just came to power. urico has very, very changed. and the change was about lead sky to germany, our base cost economy. so the general sentiment is they are doing the right thing and they want not to get independent reports from russia. they want to re launch the term, the economy based on the know. so from that perspective is a lot of acceptance that one could expect, unless the major problems in the way it is managed and that remains to be seen if
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there were often. but i think german isn't on the performer. terms of sodium. if you just see what happens when they learn what the situation is about either right eyebrow and then they activated, i'm the defendant from russia like this. and even italy, that is not now and with a lot of long term strategies to prepare for what if they manage much faster than germany to move out until the storage is in a situation that wasn't easiest of other tribes government. and germany right now is more providing they communicate pretty well when it comes to the entertainment of several knows people. and whether he will be able to do this over a whole course. rita, nick, i saw you reacting there to what the rick was saying and it looked like you wanted to contribute to it. so go ahead please. yes, i think this is, i think this is
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a very, very important point. but the real test ahead is coming for 12 months. it's the wind drum. and what we're looking at here is the situation to put it into a political perspective where i think put in is trying to create, encourage, exploit as much edition as he can in europe. that means he has a window of opportunity over the winter when europe is really, really vulnerable. and that's why i think this kind of communication that we're getting from german energy minister saying we need to get through the winter as is tremendously important. and i think these examples of, of italy in finland moving to get things into place to cope with a winter is important. the reason i'm saying that is, i think we often underestimate the a, a symmetry in the relationship lived in the even russia, the years, almost like vulnerable and the coming site for 12 months. but after that,
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it's russia that's memorable because the gas it used to sell to the market has nowhere else to go. so, but your face is short term sheet. but if we get through that, i think the real problem is rushes and nick just to follow up with you. i mean, how likely is it from your perspective that we're going to see germany and the you as you know, the other countries as well relying on energy rationing going for but i think it's a very, very real possibility. i think that all trying to avoid it as much as possible. but i think what we see, particularly in germany and austria, is that the government is preparing the ground for some rushing to hit industry. i think what we're, that's at least possible. what we're already seeing is that the governments across europe are instructing public bill. people in charge of public buildings to not cool them beyond $26.00 degrees in the summer. not heat them beyond 18 or 20 in the winter. that's already rushed. hubert could be wrong, looked like you had
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a point you wanted to make one is, i mean the main point here is wrestling of mr. guy not, not so much. i mean, we have to come up with production to get that organized. if the top of high prices are the significance of the social problems. but then when we talk about the reckoning, it's the metric that threaten resume for a company. and then very much depends on a 3 thing, get those 20 percent from russia to be get right. and our 2nd how good are they doing gas and then reusing consumption and the estimated one it will have my rent. no, not too much. do you think it will be much better if it would be very code read?
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read again. lizzie, but higher the risk off by the cost of significant. oh rick, i saw you reacting just now to what to say did you want to jump in now these are the necessary conditions of the government and it's just as well that it communicates well storage as well and that everyone is bored and that the social costs for a particular group that was addressed by what the government could do to help them . but these are all the necessary. it could always be that someone catch the put the angel. ready unless it's not a matter of fact the criteria and still can get out of control if we don't prepare, well, we'll get out of control. but there is no such thing. like if we on the least 80
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percent of storage or 100 and we will be fine because it depends on so many because it's in the nature of your system and everyone can every time criticize everything and you never know what was up to something that becomes the serious about them off the government, which is a major difference, not shooting, which are kind of price. people who bear to us, you know, you have at the moment war and ukraine, you have a pandemic, you have drought, you have supply chain issues. you have all these factors that are in play right now . how much concern is there right now? the europe largest economy is on the brink of recession and how likely is a recession. we already started to, we already stopped the recovery process austin to have a year ago, 7 months ago. a growth rates are sent in
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now expectations are one and a half. never heard you already had a 2nd quarter. property is a very low point of growth in the next 2 quarter of the main issue here. right now is to high energy prices. so yes, i think recession in quite a product, and especially in manufacturing, sexual services are still finance of our growing. and that's a lot of the me regarding the manufacturing industries in a nick, i know that we've, we've touched on this a bit in other answers in this conversation today. but i do want to take it back real quick to the issues that are affecting the rhine right now. if water levels on the rhine continue to sink me, what other alternatives will companies have when it comes to sending freight up and
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down the waterway? and beyond that, if they're not able to do that, if the companies are scrambling to carry freight in other ways, what are the other ways they can do this? it seems like it would take much more effort, far more trucks, for example, to carry freight than it would with a barge. yes, i mean it's, it's not on the details on it, but it's clear that if you start looking at freight by truck or rail, you're looking at a much, much, much lesser volume, much, much, much higher prices. and i think i like to go back to the point about this being an enormous bottleneck. that's really the, the kind of problem that we have. and in way this is about spare capacity. but of course, difficult to have very much there to pass the waterways. so i have friends that leads us rather in a bind and, and just very quickly, we only have about a minute and a half left. from your perspective, are there any concrete steps that could be taken right away that would reduce this
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bottleneck? and no, but we really need to, i think that i think the problem is that we need to really look at using less of the good stuff, being transported by water. i just don't think the alternatives are strong enough. have the capacity to this enough and the extra point i sort of want to get in at the end here is do not underestimate impact. this will happen. central europe, on the countries are dependent on the economy. all right, well we have run out of time. we're going to have to leave the conversation there. thanks so much. all of our guests or rick bruckner, nick sitter and who bear to sport. and thank you for watching. you can see the program again any time visiting our website of 0 dot com. and for further discussion, go to our facebook page, that's facebook dot com, forward slash ha inside story. you can also join the conversation on twitter. handle is at e. j inside story from him, how much i'm human, the whole team here, bye for now.
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on kindly with costs, rivers drawing up and crops parched could drought, worse than europe's cost of living. crisis wants delaying the global recovery in youth employment plus can the tale bomb fix? i've got his dad's economic crisis a year after they took power. counting the cost on al jazeera. ah ok. it, it is like god. because you creating, shunning a career and building full glory. yes. mean, laurie shifts her attention to the design district and regions of pakistan. building upon traditional techniques and arming people with the knowledge needed to sustain their societies. rebel architecture, a traditional feature on our desi. i'm harry davies,
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and kimberly, in western australia were indigenous communities attaining out with scientists to create a new approach to marine conservation roof. and you learned even, but the fear that one of our mo grandfather, i'm not gonna do any reporting from brazil, haven't a tribe protecting by diversity co defending themselves against the legal invaders . right. oh no. is there a when cove with 19 1st hit, the need to minimize contact drove many of the world's judicial systems on line. now in the name of cost and efficiency, some of them want to stay there. but what they've holding trials in cyberspace denies defendants. the right to a fair hearing and remove safeguards against abuse. people in power investigates on line justice ana jazeera for half a century. indigo. die is all my mood up or what can i still,
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what did the law stick? yeah, and others in northern nigeria have watched how las vegas is a struggle and being cups. dissipated cloth, making technology has changed over time. but look at this di piece. yeah. income. and that's the sate that's met some of the products uncomfort, the dumping of chemically treated fabrics. yeah. like in most african markets is a major source of concern for local produces or is widespread consent here. but so even the few kits that remain will also have to close bringing an end to more than 500 years history. ah, at least 15 people killed in an attack on a hotel in the somali capital mogadishu out.
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