tv News Al Jazeera August 24, 2022 1:00am-1:31am AST
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from the mom look empire after the egyptian capital cairo, the montessori mosque is among some of the structures remaining from that here on remnants from other ears as well are found here the tripoli, history is overshadowed by a turbulent recent path and a grim reality. every month you want to have someone from home that will say, oh please, i need my me for days with the economy and free full and children, and spread around the world. how does the family survive in moderns improperly as to pull about 4 p? hope you're always every responsibility to send money home. i just feel like i'm stretching myself. quickness transactions on al jazeera with national flag day ukraine. the country for past markets independence,
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but celebrations, a muted with a warning. russia could intensify. it's a tax. a me bucket. this is al jazeera life from london, also coming up ukrainian nuclear power plant that's now in a war zone. could international observers be allowed on site soon? heading to jail. malaysia's former prime minister loses his appeal over a multi $1000000000.00 corruption scandal. and relief in sight after china's reco breaking heat wave, a cold front and tie food to forecast the coming days. ah, we begin in ukraine where it's independent stain commemorating 31 years since the end of soviet rule. but this year,
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celebrations will be muted amid fears the russia will escalate its attacks. the day coincides with 6 months since the russian invasion began. and the u. s. is warned. moscow is planning to strike civilian infrastructure in the coming days. meanwhile, moscow has vowed revenge over the killing of daria do. gonna daughter of a russian ultra nationalist who advocated the creation of a new russian empire due gonna was hailed as a martyr during funeral services in the russian capital. she died in a car bomb attack near moscow on saturday. the key if denies, he was involved. and the un security council has been meeting over fears of an impending disaster. europe's largest nuclear power plant. un observers want to be given unhindered access to this apparition facility, which has come under shelling in recent weeks more and that shortly. but 1st theresa bo begins are coverage from key if where ukrainians have not been marking flag day. oh, it's national flag, dane ukraine. precedent follow the meal lens. he attended
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a ceremony to honor the symbol of the fight against the nation. cities across the eastern south have been occupied by russia. ukraine is fighting to get them back. mccauley, no, his name were g. we will never recognize someone's callers or nor land, and in our skies were always ready to the fin, or blue and yellow flag. i asked now to commemorate heroes who give their lives for those scholars. with a moment of silence, olivia, ukraine is also marking 31 years of independence from soviet rule. the government has displayed russian tanks and are more vehicles that have been destroyed during the past 6 months. ukraine and officials say moscow had been hoping to hold a military parading central key to celebrate its victory. but this is what they got . instead, veda about land is confident, her country will prevail. we pray everything among land for the war to be over. we believe in our army, and we're sure it's going to be over with our week to read,
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but it just depends on the time. ah, ukraine is on high alert presidency. lensky says bloody me to pull, denise plotting fragile souls and us intelligence agencies have warned. russia may be planning strikes against government buildings or civilian infrastructure. keith is far from the front line and as only rarely been hit by russian missiles since ukraine and force as managed to push russian soldiers out of the city. back in march, but or forties are cautious. they're banning a public gatherings and are asking people to take the air raid sirens very seriously. they will rule since february, thousands of people have been displaced, injured, and killed. ha ha. is a reminder of the atrocities russian forces committed in their attempt to take the capital. oh father and he says he still helping to bury the remains found in mass graves across the town. the other do munoz judea q. i think that neither i nor any
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one who lives in ukraine who witnessed the war can understand what happened for now . we are surviving on adrenalin. but after everything that's happened, i'm worried that the aftermath will last decades. 6 months on ukrainians are fighting for survival against an enemy that is unwilling to retreat. that is, i will, i'll just see down give over lane the rosie a is the ukraine operations manager for the international red cross. she says the humanitarian situation is likely to get worse over the next 6 months. at the moment, we are still very much in the emergency phase. although we have a much better idea of what are the needs at the moment. so far we have provided assistance with basic items, basic needs to 5000000 people, but the needs are increasing. the winter is coming and this is our main focus
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at the moment we are preparing for the winter. i zation the needs are, are mainly related to housing, but also for people to just to, to know where they're going to send their children to school. so this, the, the needs are very broad and the people are either looking for a place to be hosted or reach out to family members outside of ukraine. but within ukraine we still have 6600000 of people that have been displaced by the conflict. and more or less the same amount of people that have fled the country that are in the neighboring countries. united nations security council has been meeting to discuss fighting nearly as
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a parisian nuclear plant, moscow and kia for 15 each other of hitting the facility, which is europe largest nuclear power side. kristen salumi is following developments in new york. well, the united nations has called on both sides to refrain from any military activity in the vicinity of the plant and to withdraw troops from the area. they say that the tension and the competing narratives is exactly why the united nations in international monitors need to get in there, or they're calling for access for a team of investigators from the international atomic energy agency to get in. and russia and ukraine both say they want that as well. russia says they've been on board for a visit from the i. e a to the site since june. ukraine says that i just earlier today, their foreign minister was in touch with the i. e a. this is the ukranian ambassador, speaking at the meeting earlier,
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saying that things are progressing and logistics are being worked out. and also that ukraine would like to see a permanent presence of the i. e, a at the site until they can regain control of it. now preparations for this mission, according to the un, are in fact ongoing and the i. e, a director general, raphael mariano grossi made a statement earlier today saying that he does expect that mission to be possible in the next couple of days. if these final issues can be worked out what those final issues are, are a bit vague from all of the parties concerned, but everybody says they want it. i and everybody's hoping it'll happen in the next couple of days. ah, no news for malaysian prime minister nazi browser is heading to prison, loves the nation's top court upheld his guilty verdict,
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and 12 year jail sentence. now jeep was convicted of money laundering and corruption in 2024 and a half $1000000000.00 was stolen from the state investment funds known as one m d b, which he co founded florence louis reports from columbia. why not? you pro zak is seen leaving court with the police escort. after losing his final appeal. malaysia's former prime minister begins serving a 12 year prison sentence and must pay a $46000000.00 fine. he had been found guilty in 2020 of illegally accepting $10000000.00 from a former subsidiary of state investment fund, one mtv. his departure from court was in stark contrast to his arrival earlier in the day because it was 1st i'd like to thank everyone for showing up and showing me your support. i have tried with all that i can, but everything i propose to the court is rejected. his lawyers had attempted to postpone proceedings and even tried to have the chief judge removed,
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but failed. malaysia's top court was unanimous ruling knobs. defense was, quote, so inherently inconsistent and incredible that it failed to cost reasonable doubt. on the prosecution's case, lawyers say they have not ruled out seeking a review of the decision. now, jim could also seek a pardon from the king. of course, we are very sad because we lost the appeal. i only say that we seek comfort and solace in the words of a great indian doris. who said that the almighty aloria and his friends perfect justice. some supporters were visibly upset when the decision was announced. analysts say the judgment will have political implications. not only not you would have sick last night tonight, but the party to which we belong. namely,
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a party would also have to ponder very carefully as to whether they would continue to align with him in terms of claiming innocence, or they would draw a clear line of demarcation between the party and you such that for example, the party would have a refresher image, the ruling will also make it more difficult to navigate to stage a political campaign, he'll lose his parliamentary seat and won't be able to contest the next election. a damage to his reputation is severe. not only was he the 1st prime minister to lose a general election in 2018, he is the 1st to be convicted. matchup still faces several more trials linked to the looting of one, and he is denied all charges. slightly al jazeera, qualitative u. s. official say iran has dropped several key demand as part of its negotiations to revive the 2015 nuclear deal. that's according to u. s. media,
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but to run has denied backing down from any of its conditions or white house correspondent, kimberly how could has more. it's been widely reported in the u. s. media there, rod has dropped, at least one of its main demands that demand, its insistence that international inspectors close the investigation of its nuclear program. essentially, the iran was to explain the presence of traces of uranium at 3 undeclared sites. now the reason the united states is hopeful that iran may have dropped this demand is that this would allow for the revival of the 2015 agreement, one, the former president, donald trump, abandoned in 2018 and current president joe biden is seeking to revive. now what we can tell you is that al jazeera has confirmed that iran has a very different view. in fact, an advisor to the iranian negotiating team tells al jazeera that the claims being
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made in u. s. media reports are false, still the washington side through the us state department is saying that even if these hurdles are overcome gaps remain and so finalizing this deal could take a little longer. still, this is coming at a very precarious time, given the fact that there are reports that iran now has enough uranium and rich to make a number of possible nuclear weapons. iraq supreme judiciary council, it's resuming work after it was temporarily halted by protests outside his headquarters in baghdad. supporters of shiite leader mc tada. outside i was calling for judges to dissolve. parliament has set a date for the elections at iraq's prime minister. mustafah academy says disrupting the judiciary will expose the country to serious risks, but mood after what had, has more from baghdad. ah, a new protest staged by supporters of j at leader looked at
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a sudden one this time in front of the supreme judiciary council inside baghdad. the green zone, they want the head of the supreme judiciary council to resign and the judiciary system to be reform at home. i've not shouted on our baby to me about we have been instructed by our leader to protest here against the corrupt judiciary systems, which is manipulated by iran for years. it has been collaborating in impunity, committed against the iraqi people. and now we're at tabitha. we will be protesting until the parliament is dissolved, an inequitable laws and constitutional articles amended will have you any supporters of the shared leader emerged as the biggest party in parliament following collections in october. but they were unable to form a government and resigned their c. it's 2 months ago. so there was supporters have camped outside the parliament for nearly a month, calling for it to be dissolved and italy elections held. but that provoked the
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rivals raising concerns of conflict. a counter protest has been killed outside the fences of the green soon by supporters of the arraignment, back to parliamentary block known as the coordination framework alliance or c, f. a. the latest escalation seems to be a backlash against southern movements. the supreme judiciary council has opened an investigation into threats against it to stop by his supporters and issued an arrest warrant against the bruce. other prominent politician, ha, busy. if he has suspended all dialed with some supporters until they end what they call the occupation of a state in institutions, not then now the coordination framework has more allies and more points for negotiation that can emboldened to move on with forming a government without members of side, his party being part of it earlier this month. so the rejected
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a national dialogue initiative offered by caretaker prime minister. most of alchemy, the supreme court has been handling constitutional disputes between rival parliamentary blocks. but saw that his side blames it for derailing the formation of government. now with the countries judiciary system, at the heart of this conflict, many are questioning the integrity of iraq's political system. moved up to a head al jazeera, but that still have this half hour shrinking crop harvest in child. how extreme weather is affecting thousands of farmers pushing food prices and donations. pour in to try to recover the bodies of 30 lebanese migrants. trump hundreds of meters below sea level. ah
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how low there. let's look to australian. it's been rather cold of late with temperatures sitting below the average for much of the country. but there's going to be some improvement. not just in the north and in the west, but we are going to the temperature pick up in that southeast corner for perth. it is an improving picture, lots of fine, dry, sunny, and warm conditions to be found across more central and northern areas. cloud dominating in the south, but the rain is going to ease. we'll see temperatures pick up here and for sydney over the next few days. but we are seeing a more intense rain for new zealand. some pretty nasty weather. moving into the south island on wednesday. wet and wintry weather creeping its way further north summer leaf coming in for the north island. but the rain isn't very far away. we are going to see plenty of rain in the bay of plenty by thursday and was moved to southeast asia. it's northern areas of the philippines that have been, was affected by that tropical storm. it's moving its way across the south china sea,
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but it closed schools and government buildings in parts of loose on it is going to take the heavy rain and those stronger winds to coastal areas of china. by the time we get into thursday, that's where the update i'll be back with more later. ah . as the count down to the fever woke up 2022 approaches. every continent is turning its eyes to cat. we have a feeling, the greatest sporting events in the world won't be the only thing capturing everyone's attention. beyond football, immerse yourself in internationally renowned entertainment art and culture. cattle has everything you'd want in the destination. in fact, it's the obvious choice for the faithful wilcox 2022. so why go anywhere else? lou?
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ah, a reminder of the top stories here when al jazeera ukraine's president has warned his forces will retaliate if russia comes out carries out rather any attacks to coincide with independence day. follow to me as a lensky says, moscow could intensify, strikes and civilian infrastructure. public events have been banned in the capital p if until thursday. the un security council meant to discuss fighting near the upper region nuclear plants, ukraine and russia accused each other of shelling around europe's largest nuclear facility, lean to fi as of a disaster, a team of international atomic experts could head to the plank soon. if negotiations with moscow succeed, former malaysian prime minister, nancy browser,
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is heading to prison after the nations talk cause upheld his guilty verdicts and 12 year jail sentence. that jeep was convicted of money laundering in 2020. when relational authorities accusing him of siphoning cash from a state fund loan is one mtv. at least 2 people have been killed in haiti's capital. puerto prince during anti government protest activists demanding prime minister ariel on re resign. widespread poverty and political instability of fielding, violent crime, lawlessness, and one of the world's poorest nations. victoria gates and b has more tail. sympathy. pre a is a country without a functioning government. it's economy's collapse, and protest is demanding. prime minister ariel only step down here we haitian people will demonstrate with our plates and in blankets and pillows in front of our laundry sites to ask him to resign. because hunger insecurity are
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killing us all. ah, during the demonstrations a man was shot and killed witnesses say, the attacker fled in a co gang violence. his surge since the assassination of president juvenile morsey, left j. his successor enjoy support from the international community, but has been criticized for saying he has no plans to step down until elections are held. if louisiana is also sitting with him about how much we live in a society with people can't afford to eat and drink. if conditions for the most vulnerable people he had done to improve, we will stay on the street. we have a different vision for the country. one way young people can thrive. haiti is still struggling to recover from a magnitude 7 point to earthquake that destroyed the southern tip of the peninsula a year ago. crippling economic conditions are likely to worse than is the political crisis drags old. there's gas or shortages, there is severe commonality. we're kidnappings and gang violence. ah, ah,
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massacres over the last a few weeks. ah, and therefore the government so far has been, ah, rather weak in its responses and hasn't been able to, to address these realities that are affecting daily lives for asia. ah, critics of the prime minister have vowed to continue to protest until they get the change. they say haiti, ne ha, victoria gate and be out his era protested in thailand, calling for the prime minister to resign, saying he's reached the limit of his term in office price. china chuck was the chief of the army when he took power in a qu in 2014. his opponents had been demonstrating in the capital bangkok saying his 8 year term is up. the quote is now being asked to john sean, how long he can stay as prime minister, tony chang has more from the protests in bunker. here in the crowd of the protests, is there a people holding up signs calling for piety? general church to get out?
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ah, occurring the speeches, barry speeches up on the stage to speak about the speaker is denouncing out in his time and pow, did they say according to the constitution could, should come to the end at midnight tonight. the point at which he's been in power for 8 years after seeing how an a military coup in 2014, he said he'll abide by the decision of the constitution. copeland, we're going to rule on that point of law to morrow. i don't know they'll make an immediate decision, but it's constitutional court which is sticks in the government's favor. 5 of the 9 judge have been put in place by them and their rulings in the past have generally favored the government. nonetheless, this is really about building up momentum by the opposition. i head of elections next year. the crowd here is relatively large, but this isn't what type of barry opposition we saw in 2020,
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when tens of thousands of young people took over the tie capital hauling for the prime minister to step down. and i think the opposition and bringing this goal for the prime minister to step down from pal and to be held according to the constitution e post through 2017 trying to build that momentum again. there is unhappiness here in china with a government. there is a cost of living crisis is a mailing that covered was mismanaged. and they want to capitalize on that. i had a general election next year. farmers in chad, se climate change is affecting their harvest, contributing to an increase in food prices. that's exacerbating issues like hunger and food security in the country. more when more than 40 percent of people live below the poverty line. if organ reports from a region just north of the capital in jemina for years solid herbal becker has own this farm. exporting corn and other crops to provinces across chad. but in the past
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few years he says his harvest have shrunk a lot, all in the 3rd mobility in the past 3 years or so we would planted around the time we were expecting rains. it would rain and then stop. so some died. i lost 20 acres of the crops i planted this year because of the change in rain pattern. i'm a part of my job. thousands of champions depend on farming for their livelihood, but many se they've been producing less as the result of global warming. the u. n. environment agency considers chad among the country's most vulnerable to climate change. it's not just erratic rainfall. chad also suffers from cycles of drought. the extreme weather means smaller harvests and lower returns for farmers. and because less produce reaches the market. prices have increased in a country where nearly half the population of 13000000 live below the poverty line . chad relies heavily on imports and the knock on effect of the rise in global
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prices can already be felt. many people say they simply can't afford some items of food a or as i'm and anybody from got there did it up when i was to be crisis. just keep increasing every day when i used to buy a lot of food before. huh. but now i've reduced what i buy, some things i've stopped buying altogether. inflation is less than 3 percent, but hundreds of thousands of people are in less than $500.00 a year, according to the government, which says it's working to reduce costs. oh goodness, another the government each year sit some of its budget to buy commodities at the normal price and sell them to people who can't afford at lower prices. well, that's to reduce the impact to price sykes and the government is working to support vital industries and work on getting investments to improve the economy. a lot of people here say the whole price has go down soon so they can afford to put food on their table. he bill morgan on to the euro. how does it be at chad?
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a record breaking heat wave in china is expected to start cooling off this week with a cold front typhoon forecast. the hip parts of the country officials have been told to take the opportunity to store as much water as possible. after 2 months of extreme temperatures coincided with the prolonged drought, some parts of the wealth, 3rd, largest river, the yangtze of dried up and low water levels. the hydro electric dams has led to severe electricity shortages, part of the port structure that was damaged in the bay root explosion 2 years ago has collapsed. it's the 3rd time facilities at the port of crumbled. in the past month, this time 8 stored silos were brought down. the government wanted to demolish the silos earlier this year, but the operation was put on hold partly because of objections from grieving relatives. the port explosion in 2020 kills more than 200 people. the lebanese army is on a mission to try and recover about 30 bodies trapped inside the ship. the vessel sank. 4 months ago, off the coast of tripoli, in northern lebanon,
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survivors of accused the navy of causing the disaster authorities try to intercept the ship, then holler, reports. the shores of northern lebanon have become part of a route for refugees and migrants bound for europe. 4 months ago, a tragedy at sea highlighted the desperation among an increasingly impoverished population. now, survivors have returned to the site of the ship rec, about 6 kilometers off the coast. at least 30 members of their families. among them, children are still missing where the submarine paid for by donations. an operation is under way to try to retrieve bodies that could still be inside the boat. 450 meters below sea level. don't into many layoff, but we have them all door. villa by nice government did not do is duty towards
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people. it is because of them. these people died. they wanted a better life. salam, unusual, they were among those who drowned their mother. betty survived requests along with her 2 sons and future son in law. she and her 2 daughters had hoped to reach italy to escape a life of poverty and unemployment. there are conflicting reports on what caused the boat to sink when it was intercepted by the lebanese army. but families want closure. hello my, you know, feel even if it's just one bone, i want it, a shoe, whatever it is, it belonged to my daughters and i want it. the tragedy hasn't stopped lebanese from trying to reach europe by sea. earlier this month, 75 people were rescued from a sinking boat off the coast of turkey. authority say illegal, migration has been increasing steadily. at least 3000 people are believed to have
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tried or were able to reach europe in the past 6 months. and unlike in the past, most people risking the journey are lebanese, not syrian or palestinian refugees bomb low mother. i will make another attempt to another. i won't stop until i leave this country where you live without any dignity . here there is helplessness and concern for the future. but most of all there is grief said as is eda asked the coast of north in lebanon. it's ready archaeologist say they have on earth, the 1200 year old estate and the country is desert south. the discovery of the town of her heart dates back to the earliest climate period in the 8th or 9th century. the structure features full wings, one of which is elaborately decorated with marble, hallways and stone floors, ex worse believe the estate shows what life looked like for wealthy desert dwellers .
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