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tv   The Stream  Al Jazeera  August 29, 2022 11:30am-12:00pm AST

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tradition passed down from memory. ah, it's only recently that the royal university of fine arts started transcribing to pieces in academia, traditional orchestra. these 2 instruments are normally placed side by side. this is the run it egg. it's got a high, a pitch and it plays the melody, right? this is the run it home as a deeper sound and plays the accompaniment. ah, it's a rich tradition, a coaches that goes back centuries and these crafts with instrument, tennis and dances, ensuring it's kept alive. florence li, algebra known pen. ah, this is al jazeera and these are the top stories attain from the you and nuclear watchdog is on its way to inspect ukraine's apparition nuclear power plant. it
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comes as fighting continues near the plant raising fears of an accident. teresa bar has more from keith. so what are the inspector is going to be monitoring 1st is that damage whether any type of damage happened in there? the 2nd important issue is to see how the workforce is being handled. let's not forget that the plant continues to be handled by technicians, ukrainian technicians who are closely monitored by russian soldier. so suddenly this is another issue. and the 3rd is that item important item is that all the safety systems are in place around presidents. abraham bracy is marking his 1st year in office with a public address. speaking into ron, he said it was his country's national right to nuclear energy and research. he blamed israel for opposing what he called to round peaceful program. and was alone, most regime in from the beginning design is pushing didn't want us to have access
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to nuclear science. but it's become part of our country. you can take it from us. the zionists did all the code to stop us to kill our scientists. but we didn't stop, none of their actions will be able to stop us. this is an absolute right of iran. relief and rescue operations are underway across pakistan. as it deals with the worst flooding and decades, at least 1000 people have died since the june funds from turkey and the us you have arrived with at least 7 people have been wounded during an exchange of gunfire. the palestinian city of janine palestinian fighters fought with israeli soldiers during a ride and the occupied with bank. it happened as israeli forces surrounded a house near jeanine. dozens of palestinians have died and israel grades this year lieth prime minister, has called for elections after fighting, killed at least 32 people, and injured more than 150 on saturday. rifle militia exchange gunfire and the
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capitalist part of a dispute about who should govern abdul hamid the baba heads. the you in, vicky, guys, government and tripoli. those are the headlines. the news continues here on al jazeera after the stream. on counting the coals, european nations turned to cole, after babylon, brushing fossil fuel. but what caused buttons? inflation reduction act is a big economic. when is it enough? plus tech companies or what is high flyers? known best as a ditching technology stokes. testing the cost on al jazeera with high for me. okay, on today's episode of the strain, we're going to look at how climate change is made. a community in oregon go to war over water. their story is told in the 4 lines investigation when the water stopped . awards crisis in americas west is intensifying,
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deep historic division obliterated ecosystems to create agriculture at the expense of our tribes. that's weird. france time. the strong pe good away from the one. hold lines, investigate how climate change his pissing and oregon town to breaking points. war fight, because it's in a blood, we are literally to the point that people are going to start seeing each other when the war to stop on al jazeera. joining us to talk about the water conflicts that you just saw that joey from the trailer. hello, ren hello. emma. it's a nice. have you all on the string to day joey. introduce yourself to our international audience. tell him who you are. what you do? hi, my name is jose gentry and i am a member of the clamor tribe. i am not on our official tribal government and i am not an official spokesperson. i just care deeply about my community, my homeland, my home town, and i just want us to heal. hello, ben,
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welcome to the stream. introduce yourself to our global audience. my name is ben duval, and i am a former ah, south o 2, a california. along with my wife and 2 daughters, free girl alfalfa and we on the claim matriculation project. and i'm also the president of guns water users association of and i'm not representing the organization than the official capacity here. today. i'm just here much like georgia said as, as just somebody who wants to see see some healing in this community. and this, this, it's situation remedy had to handle emma entities herself. i my name is emma maris, i'm an environmental writer and i live here in klamath falls. so i've been following this water conversation for about 8 years. all right, get to have emma. all right,
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so now you've met our line up. what would you like to ask them? don't you choose? you can ask them anything concerned with the climate change in the region that they're talking about. how it may well be solved, things that you don't understand, come at sections like that. i will try and get your comments into today's, shall emma, can you help us understand? very basically, what is the conflict about. you could have a conversation along i, it had to being backdate to say the least. i explain it but very briefly. sure. so there are a large number of farmers and ranchers who use water from the giant lake that we live near by called upper klamath lake. and every year they get a certain amount of water allocated to them by the federal government. this year that amount was 0, and that was extremely stressful for the producers. but the reason that that amount was 0 is because the water in the lake also has other uses,
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like keeping alive fish in the upper klamath lake and salmon down the stream on the way to the ocean, and also watering wildlife refuges that keep migratory birds alive on their way up . so what we're looking at here is a bunch of different people who all want the same water and because of climate change, the water isn't there when everybody needs it. but it used to be that it have a look on my laptop. they say, you know, jerry, jerry, so adorable fishing. how old are you that jerry? probably 6 or so? no. you got to make one. i recall that. yeah. all right, so what change? because if you use little joey fishing you fish with your dad, we have a quick look at dad there. this is the water source is now being argued about so fiercely. reminder from when you were 6 to now, what, what happened to this water source? well, as mentioned, climate change is, has changed things,
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drought conditions used to be abnormal, the anomaly, and now they're becoming the norm. there we have too many consumptive users and not enough water. basically, the government over allocated over a promise, a finite resource. and now nature and our waterways cannot deliver enough water to our agricultural producers and our fish, which are on the brink of extinction. there's another level to this in terms of farmers and then indigenous peoples relationship to the land. but i want to bring the book thompson, she's from stanford university, water resources engineering department and she's a student and she explained why indigenous people in this region of fighting so hard to protect their water source issues as a business people and becomes rivers. everything to us when the river being poorly,
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we do poorly when we can't get food from a wire because their populations dang off because of the drought and water being allocated to other places. then our diabetes are the rates go up and physically killing people. our families can be together, all of our family time is spent on the river and when there is no nomic income, when there is no practices culturally where we can go under grading more and families get split up and spend time. other places who we are and the people are directly tied to the river. so we're literally translate it down or people are literally encompasses everything. who we are, what it means to be indigenous. so for me, if you're wrong, the river is the fight for life and death. so then that's one understanding else. water and the relationship to indigenous people from that area. i'm going to go via my laptop. hey, can you shed some pictures with us as well? you and your daughters, what are we, what are we looking at here, ben?
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so we understand your relationship to the land and more to, to this is me and my daughter say, and we did our project were replaced and. ready her inefficient irrigation system with a new one. and that's something that has been going on ongoing and not only on my farm, but throughout the climate. revelation project, especially in the last 20 years as we've faced reduced allegations we are um as, as farmers we feel like we're a steward of the resource and i'm speaking for myself. we try and stretch the every drop. busy water as far as we can, and the further we get into these droughts, the more critical it becomes to do that. and we are all constantly trying to adapt and be able to make our systems as, as efficient as possible. but at the end of the day, it does take some water in order to irrigate and sustain of arm. and we have to be
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economically healthy in order to make the kinds of investments that allow us to be more efficient, that water and that's why droughts and a complete water shut off like we saw this year are particularly devastating to our communities. because it, it takes away our ability to remain economically viable and made on a long term investments that help not only my community locally here and as far as agriculture, but the entire watershed is whole. i want to put something to you. bannon, and this came up in the reporting from my, my colleague just russian. he was reporting on the fish dying in the, in, in the basin and, and why the fuss at dying? i'm going to play this kit team and i'd love you to respond at the end of it. let's take a look. every year, thick cloud, a blue green algae clots the water in the lake, state health authorities, when people and their pets to keep out. with nowhere else to go young, sucker,
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fish die and mass before reaching adulthood. if you were to have your dog drink that it would become incredibly ill if not till this year because of the extreme drought, extracting water farms could put the remaining fish at risk. there is very much a correlation between the quality of this water and the mortality of this fish. and the quality of this water is a direct result of irresponsible agricultural practices. oh, that one's hot, or is it then? well there's that there are several different factors that go into that. first i all explain a little bit about the geography of this area. my farm as most of the climate reclamation project, which is a federal irrigation project. it was one of the 1st reclamation projects that was
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started by the us bureau of reclamation after the reclamation act. i was pass in the early 19 hundreds and it was, it was one of the reasons was because it was recognized that it was such an ideal irrigation project. i'm just the way the geography is the water supply. the incredible soils that we have here makes it, makes it one of the most efficient ervish projects anywhere. and i'm an extremely productive but i believe i am calling about why and the sliding when you, when you talk about at fish irrigation projects ever. m a y will use mining, articulate that smile. and just in general, i think that what he is working better than is working towards is that he's actually downstream of the lake. the wire he gets is, is, has already been filled with algae before. it even gets anywhere near his property . so it's a complicated geography and solving the problem is gonna involve both solving
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issues of demand for water, which is where ben and his fellow users come in. but also how we fix the quality of the water and the lake itself. and that's gonna involve a lot of different land users and, and farmers further up in the watershed closer to the mountains. i said then i was just trying to hurry along because of a responsible, our good cultural practices. there either are that note and you will take me on a longer story finish. that story very clearly shows. so the users above over climate way to have more of an impact on their programs like nuts factors we insure and waters. and um there's, there's some issues and, but again, going back to what i said, it takes us stable farms that have the normal resources in order to update systems and change practices in order to fix those issues. and we're getting there, but nothing happens overnight takes time at so johnny, this is not just about agricultural practices. there's something much deeper going
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on here. can you explain? because it's there's, there's a rift between the indigenous communities and the farming communities. joey, tell us more. yes, and this is as difficult for me to stay as it is for an agricultural producer the here i'm we are unable to implement solutions which are in the fields and in the irrigation ditches and in ecosystem and habitat restoration. we are unable to implement those solutions because we're blinded by racism. we are, we keep trying to undermine tribal treaty law, water law, and we can the endangered species act. and we keep kidding ourselves by saying this is an efficient irrigation system. when it isn't, it's over a century year old engineering with no for thought or consideration, that water is a finite resource. and here we are in experiencing climate crisis and there is not
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enough water to go around. we can't say that we're efficient irrigation system. when we don't even meter are consumptive use. so we can, we can't claim that efficiency when it's not we, we don't even know our actual use usage. i'm from an and that's, that's something that i that's difficult to. um. yeah. and i, i understand where you're going, um, but i can tell you this either percent of the water you saw i far as needed. and i know exactly how much i'm putting, how much i'm putting where and i can work that in a non but not all forms. roy and stereotyping farms is as bad as, as stereotyping in a group of people. and there's, there's a shift in, in, in, and you can definitely see more and more farms are updating and becoming more modern
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in the practices. i haven't plenty of time you would you agreed that that, that this producer is the farmers and the indigenous people probably agree on 85 percent of what needs to get done in order to fix the basin in terms of more restoration in around the lake and you know, support for farmers but potentially to have more flexibility in some of their contracts. there's a whole long list. what's frustrating for me as an, as an observer is that i think that there's a lot of agreement, but there is this sort of sense of tension that stops that agreement from happening there. there can be here. um and i, i know um, you know, 11 comment that was made was that there's, there was a lot of broken promises to the indigenous people and, and there's something else that i'm in complete agreement with because i haven't
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promised from united states government that saying yes, we're going to deliver this much water to your farm every year. so thank you have a right to that. and so are both victims broken promises sites of any if i just made his help out what he may not have seen when the war to stop the the document? yeah, i highly recommend you watch it. it's streaming right now. i'm the psalmist of the homestead. as, as they were, were told by the federal government at the time that they could have an infinite amount of water. you can come here and farm and you can have as much. but as you like, the indigenous people whose lands a gang to live on to walk on to farm. so also told that in the lake that they could have an infinite amount of fish that belong to them. that was part of the treaty. federal government promised to things to, to different communities. and now we have climate change. and now we have a situation where those policies are not being hacked or whose promise is should be cat. first. that is the climate just as part of the conversation up,
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do i want to go back to what you were saying? well, you just brought up racism like this is racism. i want to bring in, i a far mccord leroy. and then we can just have him steal ourselves, how he talks about the indigenous people and this conflict that is going on right now. here he is my, my work with them. you know, have you ever tried to work with a gimme with the what? a gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme a tried working with the dr. gimme gimme gimme gimme. they don't give you. gimme gimme, gimme gimme show. he why? countless conversation walk out that. that's an example of why and the road blocks we have we, that's he, the human eyes does. i'm to the point of a gimme. and that failure to recognize us as people or the
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failure to recognize the strength of our nation to nation treaty is preventing us from implementing those solutions in the fields and those irrigation does a irrigation systems were fighting the wrong fight in court. i'm for decades irrigators have tried to come after our water rights, which have been reaffirmed water and treaty rights, which have been reaffirmed in the court for the past 20 years. and at this point, so much time has passed that we in response to leave or his comment as being a gimme. i think that we are legally affirmed in our position and morally confirmed and valid. there is no more room to give. we are in
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crisis. if are locally and globally, we have as few as 50 to 60 harvests left before complete soil desertification. and so not only are our tribe trying to preserve this resource for us locally, but globally implementing more regenerative agriculture solutions is going to save humanity. we have to find solutions, and the 1st step is addressing the strength of our treaty and acknowledging the injustices we felt. yes, i'm a go ahead. i was just going to point out that, you know, i think that the route of this is the fact that these promises that were made are not all able to be fulfilled at the same time in the current regime. it is important to realize that the treaty is 864, and most of those home setting promises came later. so if you're going to look at and that's how the courts have tended to look at it, is that 1st in time, meaning the oldest promise takes precedence over the newer promises. so that is why
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you might hear people say, well, the tribes hold all the cards when it comes to water because the courts have said that they have the 1st in time right to the water. what's tricky, i thought all this is that we're suing each other instead of getting together and coming up with solutions that work for everyone in the basin. that's what we really need to be doing. and everybody would rather be working together than suing each other. so it's really frustrating when we get stuck in the cycle doing each other. i mean, i'm wondering if i could be, i agree. yeah. but let me, let me tell you this to you because steve condra is a retired farmer. drawing on his drawing on his wisdom, if he's what he told us a couple of hours ago he is, peter is older and the crime, it's based on water conflict is for the diverse communities of the basin to work together. no political or legal process will create a durable and just solution until the people that share the climate bit river work together. seek political leadership that brings the parties of conflict together.
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look to media that does not portray villainy. or there are people only trying to survive both farmers and tries. the key to our survival will be conservation. innovation adaptation. and the pragmatic realization that time passed is not time future. does that sound reasonable 1st by then jo, a bang? absolutely, it sounds reasonable me. that's what we've been hoping for for a long time and jelly of course. absolutely. and i think to get to that point, we have to agree that we are fighting for the same thing, which is how do we farm this region so that both our fish and our farmers can thrive. and that, that answers right here, boil house it, and i said, i think what he's showing to us,
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i'm just showing you healthy soil. and healthy soil is healthy water, healthy fish, healthy ecosystem. but we've been so embroiled in court battles that we haven't been able to focus on implementing the systems and the solutions that will unite us . save our, our agricultural industry here. and dave, are ecosystems in our fish. he'll our communities like that. ultimately, we are all just trying to survive, can thrive. i offered up this conversation to audience on youtube as well as watching on tv. cooper thought say just very quickly, let's make this a speed route. this is stella. dora. fellow doors says the native indigenous peoples are not the ones who contributed heavily to pollution for climate change, let alone misuse the land instant reaction from you, emma. i think that's largely true. i think it's also true that we're in
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a unique situation in the climate based on that, that our own soil is so rich and nutrients that it's polluting the lake, just the volcanic soil around here. so it's wetland restoration that's going to save us in the upper basin. another one, this one i'm going to put to you, been cutting edge best practices, inefficient irrigation and land quote, management of the lease that's required and greatly appreciate it by your thoughts of the farmer. my, my thoughts as a farmer is that i when i went to this, typically i'm related to climate change that you're did i or culture particularly sustain boyer good culture like we have here in the climate space. and it is one of the few ways that we can translate our food supply, agency, fetch climate change, and i figure that we need to be her, be part of the solution. and when you'd be economically healthy and have healthy communities in order to do that,
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i'm going to bring this up point up to you j just very quickly again, on my laptop we were talking about this whole show on twitter and, and we looked at maybe this way into the conversation is racism at the root of a war to war in oregon. and an sd says, probably it is america. joey, can this problem be solved? it must be thought we. we must solve our problems locally because they are a microcosm of the what we're facing globally. yes, they can be solved or else i wouldn't be here. i'm and have the confidence to speak of it speak of these issues. but when you think about it, agriculture as a whole, i 98 percent of america's farm land is owned by european americans by white people. so only 2 percent of americans farm land are owned by people of color. that in and of itself. sort of exemplifies
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a problem when i see you nodding just faint, briefly as we wrap up the shut. oh no i i, i agree with that. that's um, you know, that's, that's a fact. and i don't think that we should hide from our history and the things around in the past. they said that, you know, i've heard talked about for, i'm waiting till i'm charge, you know, there's, yeah, there's huge problems in the past. and i think that we need to acknowledge our so that we can work from it so that we don't repeat those same mistakes in the future . i really appreciate you having us very candid conversation. and a very role on right here on the stream. joey and ben and emma, thank you so much. i q on you to feel comments. no questions have a look here, my laptop. the reason we started this conversation was because of a fort lines investigation called when the war to stopped an oregon town at its breaking point doesn't say much about the climate crisis. and america today to
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check it out is currently streaming out. is there a dot com and that's a show for the day take care. i see next time. ah, the impression of an ethnic minority and me and my guys back many days. they intention was to make sure that bro henders were no longer entitled to either a basic bright, or citizenship right. al jazeera explores the history and mo, tips behind the systematic persecution after a hinge and me and my exiled analysis era,
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they say roles have years in palestine. they also have eyes on teeth. architecture is used by architect as a weapon. tail advisement reveals the role of architecture in israeli occupation. everything in this panorama is a tactical tool within the architecture for occupation. just need to know how to decode the architecture of finance. part of the rebel architecture series on al jazeera ah
12:00 pm
ah. safe going home and then international anti corruption excellence award boat. now for your hero ah few in nuclear inspectors are hitting to a russian held power plants and east and ukraine after a tax nearby posed a threat. ah.


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