tv News Al Jazeera September 1, 2022 5:00am-5:31am AST
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al jazeera, this november the well companies coming to cattle and the clock is ticking as the main event gets closer with every step of the way. so i'm going to get you off with a new show. each month themes can expect some strong support hearing tests for you, the latest news from teams and fans in different regions across the globe as they looked to make their mark on pat our 2020 to the well kept contact with everyone else. oh, now joseph. ah, china's detention of muslim week is in chin jang may constitute crimes against humanity. according to a long delayed view in human rights report, china's ambassador to the un tells al jazeera the report of the fabricated ly, aimed at undermining the country stability.
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ah, civil robin, you're watching out, is there a like my headquarters here in doha also coming up here and nuclear inspectors travel to shop richer to check the ukranian nuclear plant, the damage after weeks of shelling nearby and the u. s. authorizes updated cove at 19 booster vaccines targeting the ami called strain awe button to the program, the outgoing human human rights chief has released a damning report into china's alleged human rights violations against the weaker population. we shall, bachelor, says beijing's arbitrary and discriminatory detention of wiggers and other mostly muslim groups and chin jang. they constitute crimes against humanity. victoria gate
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be reports michelle by chalets, long awaited report is a damning indictment of china's treatment of the weigle population. it found that we go and all the mostly muslim groups held in detention camps have been subjected to torture. including forced medical treatment and sexual and gender based violence . bachelor's report with commission more than 3 years ago and was due to be published last year. it was finally released 30 minutes before her term as you and human rights chief ended. obviously there, there is pressure fall, a chinese government on the you end system. but it's the you, the high commission as job to investigate human rights crimes around the world, including china. so we're very glad to see at least the report report is out. oh, obviously we wish it was with or released it sooner. china has condemned the report . it says its policies in shing jang fight, what it calls terrorism and provide weigle with better economic opportunities. we
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all know so well that the so called the syndrome you too is completely yeah, isa completely fabricated. ly autos, political motivations. and it's proposed definitely is to undermine china's stability and to obstruct the china. so the allotment in the past passion aids, faith, criticism for not being forthright about the persecution of the week of community. her visit to china re, may, was widely condemned as a whitewash with the u. s. state department, calling it a mistake human rights group, say her report is better late than never. this is a blueprint really for a member states, especially those who sent on the human rights council to adopt a resolution that creates an independent and international mechanism so that you can start investigating these crimes. and you can start identifying the
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perpetrators and prostituting those perpetrators. this is the latest of many reports, detaining human rights abuses against weak is, but this one carries the weight of the un and those campaigning for justice. hope it'll mark a turning point victoria gates and be al jazeera. well, joining me now from minneapolis as adrian's, and he's a senior fellow and director in china studies that the victims of communism memorial foundation is that it's good to have with us on the program. the findings are much anticipated, but perhaps expected it was expected. there was a lot of concern that the report would be watered down. notably over michelle specialist, disastrous visitation young, which was a photo opportunity for chinese propaganda. there was concern that chinese propaganda would feature the report the contents of the report, suddenly it's not a surprise, but we are relieved that it is out and that it is essentially solid. little poor
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talk to the focus is on the weekends and on the international community. and the public at large hear the word week as all the time. but could you just clarify for us about the other groups that we're talking about. but i've also been mentioned as being persecuted, essentially targeted or, or predominantly turkic ethnic groups of turkey. heritage. so we have the cadillacs, of course, many of them were able to get out since they have their own country of color, tongue, the cur. guess. there are some topics and some of the muslims who are also targeted in terms of various human rights groups and academics and scholars. they have been for months now, if not years since this inquiry was launch been demanding that a very quick conclusion be reached was 3 years long enough for this
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report to be presented to the international community. was 3 years required for the research needed to give weight and also balance to something that now has to move forward. and you might say, be used in the appropriate fashion of the human rights commission in geneva. no 3 years were not necessary. the report was ready last year, and it was the late because michelle ashley was still trying to visit, changing, and wants to maybe include some observations and a report. now this was a complete waste of time because as far as i can tell, helps of ations were not included in a report, which is a good thing because that would have been a negative impact on the report. so i think a one whole year was wasted, which is terrible because this is a terrible atrocities, probably the largest incarceration of ethnic religious minorities since the holocaust and the, the victims cannot wait. so i think the un delaying to support a ton out to be a mistake in terms of having to play devil's advocate here,
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sitting in an anchor's check, can i ask you to clarify for view as around the world? what evidence there is that you have that you research that you've looked into. that clarifies the conclusion that china has been persecuting a certain ethnic group on its own territory. yes, the methodology that i've been using is largely also the method that was adopted by the us report research team and a number of sources cited by them. we're also cited and analyzed by myself. the strategy that i sued was to use the chinese government's own documents to approve what is going on. i looked at statistical yearbooks, seeing dramatic science in birthrates, dramatically throwing population growth. i looked at official government documents and white papers, policy documents, stipulating policy mandates. birth prevention policy, policy of muslim term,
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and i was able, in particular to analyze leaked or hacked internal documents. some of them obtained directly from within shins, young police computers, showing images of detained images, police drugs, and internal speeches were leading officials were admitting that they were mass and turning the we guess liberally. and several of these documents are also cited in the us report. so using, trying to own data, public and internal has been key for documenting and uncovering, forced labor on a large scale. both prevention on a large scale must internment and basic violations of religious freedom. as the report was launched, re spoken to several contravene contributors from human rights groups on our channel. and all have been saying now that we need to see quick action and implementation of the report at
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a higher level at the human rights commission in geneva. how difficult is that going to be knowing that there are also countries sitting in that commission that are friends of china and will perhaps not. also give this report a bit of a rough ride. now it is true, china is very powerful at the united nations and has a lot of countries on the thumbs. china is going to try to pull every string to counter the impact of this report. however, this report has one key strength. it's fairly conservative. it's very cautious. it's been published under the auspices of michelle ashley who is not a china hawk, very w, almost naive. but that's also the strength of this report. this report comes across as very conservative is very independent, very believable. and i think that makes it a very uniquely authoritative source to which 3rd party some entities can appeal to now going forward, which would make the work a lot easier. the main problem in coal,
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in holding china accountable in doing something about this whole atrocity have unfortunately been the human beings in charge. the politicians who haven't done enough that un bureaucrats and others who haven't done enough, we're not interested enough. and going forward, we will have to see who are now going to do something, who've been waiting, maybe for this kind of document and those who just don't care. and the lack of caring has been a major, major problem. but this whole atrocity. adrian's answer from the victims of communism. memorial foundation, johnny's in minneapolis, thanks very much for your time. so thank you. thank you. the united nations inspectors of arrived in the southern ukrainian city of jasper. reach here there on a mission to prevent an accident. europe's largest nuclear power like that,
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which is under russian control. now the theme travel to ukraine after weeks of shilling in the vicinity of the power plant raising phase the radiation. li teresa by reports from keith. it took around 8 hours for these international atomic energy agency team members to reach the region. there are plenty to evaluate conditions inside europe's largest nuclear power plant for a few days where, where we are, we are a team of a experienced people. i bring here the brightest in the safeguard safety. and we will have a really good idea of what shelling in the past weeks has. we've concerns or the conditions inside the plant. it's a difficult task, as they will have to evaluate the potential damage the conditions of the personnel and whether the safety systems are in place into go goes into markets, an expert nuclear disaster. so he says that even though they have nuclear power,
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plant is nearly indestructible. there are many things that could go wrong. another, it can be destroyed, probably only if it's a shorter, very special purpose was very powerful munition. so it's going to be damaged simply because of some occasional bumble rocket falls nearby. the visit is taking place as you quine, staging a counter offensive in the south trying to begin what press involve me to hell. and he says, is the liberation of territory is occupied by russia. ukraine, save it for, says, have destroyed several ammunition people. and all major bridges will allow russian troops to cross the dinner for river. everyone here knows that this is going to be a long fight, but almost everyone is convinced that ukraine will prevail, armament armor. but experts like you say, your fancy is a major challenge and ukraine has bravery to make up for the weapons. it lack
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offenses is quite the challenge and seen it's quite difficult. complicated seen, you need to orchestrate the application of a lot of manpower, a lot of equipment. so you need to, to, to do it to, to have an effect you need to, to breach the technical depth of defense. say you need to follow national on, you need to interdicted the russian possible. russian counter moves still, as i said, chances are quite higher. ukraine's government continues to demand more weapons from its western allies to push its offensive. soldiers on the front lines i fighting to defend the country. i believe the time has come to regain the territory . they have lost it is i will, i'll just feed and keep ross manzona, the wife of malaysia's jailed former prime minister. and she resigned as about her, her faith in a corruption trial. the 70 year old is charged with soliciting and receiving one and a half $1000000.00 worth of bribes over schools. solar energy contract. her husband g began a 12 year prison term last week,
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as after losing his final appeal in one of the 5 corruption cases against him involving the malaysian state fund. one n d b while still had here on our desert. recovering what they termed the floods and eastern saddam of thousands destitute ah, journey has begun. the, the full world cup is on its way to cattle. hoop your travel package to the here's your weather update in a minute 15. thank you so much for joining in the good news across afghanistan and pakistan. all of those rains have fizzled out, say for a few showers around as follows. but up against the foothills of the himalayas, where the monsoon reigns, are pepin up the western guides of india, particularly, you know, for a careless stayed. there is a deadly landside there killing at least 6 people. and there are weather alerts and
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play for some more. torrential rain on thursday, also rain through the mall div and for longer. but i gotta take in north of the philippine, see we've got it super tight phone here. so at its worst so far anyway, we set those winds up to 260 kilometers per hour, making it equivalent to a category 5 hurricane. so here's where it is on thursday. it's actually going to join up, meet up with the tropical depression. so it stains east of taiwan, but watch how it blossoms on friday. the outer bands of it are going to straight. i want, i pay was some torrential downpours here as well. and we'll see those winds pick up . okay, back to the here. and now let's go to japan's main island of honju up and down when you see some outbreaks of thunderstorms here. meanwhile, across the northeast of china looking good plenty of sun in harbin with a high of 20 degrees. okay, that's all i got for official airline of the journey coveted beyond well taken without hesitation. fought and died for
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power. define thou world. we live here. we made the rule, not them. they find the they the me and then they try and scare the people with people and power investigate, exposed it, and the questions they used and abused of our around the cloud on our dcea a the, me what's going on there with me to run the reminder volatile stories, the human human rights chief has released a damning report into china's alleged human rights violations against the weaker
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population. michelle bachelor says, but phasing arbitrary and discriminatory detention weakness and other mostly must in groups, may constitute crimes against humanity. united nations inspectors of arrived in ukraine. something to do is reach it on a mission to prevent an accident that europe's largest nuclear power site, which is under russian control. and russ woman's or the wants of relations jail, full of prime minister cheaper. zach is in board about the hero phase, the corruption trial, the sub 2 year old is charles was soliciting. the receiving $100000000.00 worth of bribes for us as authorized at 1st upstate to cave in 1900 vaccines and booster shots. the target, the omicron strain, the food and drug administration hopes, the modified 5 by a tech and madana jobs will provide a higher protection against multiple and more contagious barons. the white house
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says it's confident being this of these based as everyone who wants well well, joining me live now via skype is dr. mark as the pleasure. he's the chief medical officer at the association of state and territorial health officials that could help you with his doctor on the program. so modified shots just before the when to the authorities pants trying to get ahead of the curve. yeah, that's true. we think that there's a lot of potential in having a version of the same that's much more tailored towards some of the barriers that we're seeing now with the coping virus. how concerned have you and your colleagues been about the way the virus has moved in recent months? well that's the big issue. ready that we're facing now. i mean, when the vaccine 1st came out back in 2021, it was very specific to the form of the back thing we were saying back. now we have new parents. we have the com variance which is,
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which appears to be much more infectious and you know, hope. ready is that having a new form formulation of this back saying don't really result in the back thing that's much more effective now where we are now with the buyers. we're seeing many other countries, maybe those a europe, sydney authorize, modified booster vaccines, and different variations of those vaccines to counter the various options of, of koby to and me, kron. why is it taking such a long time? perhaps for the f d a to authorize the modification booster vaccine in the us now. well, the challenge that we face with this new formulation to maxine is that we haven't had the same kind of had time for the same kind of clinical effectiveness studies that we've done previously with the vaccinate. you know, there is good evidence that this new. ready formulation is safe and there's, there's some early evidence that it results in your body creating good immunity,
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having a good reaction when it comes into contact spectrum. but we have, we don't have the data. yes, exactly how effective it is. and that's been a little bit of a challenge, and i think that may be the challenge with the american public is that some people are going to want to see those data before they're going to be comfortable taking those faxing. i think that's the main reason why this is just some delays and rolling this out. and then you talk about challenges. i mean, some of the challenges of the fact that in the u. s. are still many people, many millions that are still vulnerable because they haven't or won't take the vaccine in any form that remains the challenge. doesn't that full clinicians? that does were made a challenge. i mean, we had very good uptake of the initial, she goes back, seems serious. i mean, you know, much better than we see in any other vaccines that we offer 2 adults. so that's good. what we've not had is good of a response. what. ready began offering boosters and the hope is that this booster,
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this, this formulation because it's different, maybe a little more attractive people. there's a reason to get this. it's different. it's been taylor, it's more effective about the various because back saying that we're saying now dr . pleasure, good to see, to thank joining us from charlotte based on the august has been the worst month the wildfires in the brazilian amazon since 2010, the national space research agency trying to the increase of 12 percent in the past 30 days with more than 40000 was reported that these numbers come as brazilians are preparing to vote in the upcoming presidential elections. currently there's eyeballs. nora came and defined for softening restrictions on exploitation of the rain voice. he's accused of paving the way for illegal loggers. well, meanwhile, for a brazilian present, luis, in a few lily to silver, has repeated his campaign by ways to fight climate change. the silver was answer rally earlier in the capital of amazonia state mongers. proposals of the creation
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of an alliance of rain for nations to push for resolutions to stop deforestation. the mexican government has publicly apologized the families of the victims of a 2011 asked the type that killed 52 people. the interior secretary said the government failed to properly insure safety measures at the casino royale in the northeastern city of monterey. the building was at a vibe by members of one of the banks because the dangerous drug cartels laws that us baker police said the attack was committed in retaliation for not paying protection. money to actual floods continued to devastate villages in many parts of sudan with at least $36.00 in the eastern casala region. cut off by rising water. at least 100 people having killed with more than 30000 affected and in the central state of missouri. flat water has force many of their homes floated many of the homes pub, me out as there is hip morgan has more from missouri state. wading through flood
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water is the only way adam is mine and his mother can get to their home. floodwaters wrecked the property in sudan, 20 state and their family was forced to seek dryer land for him. in nominating, we woke up to water, entering the homes, got out what we could know every hour. there is a house that's fallen or sewage system that is collapsed or a whoo, that's come down. there is nothing left at. all the other home in the village are also flooded. when heavy rains had the stay 2 weeks ago, range and torrential floods in them have killed at least a 100 people. and hundreds others have been injured. tens of thousands of homes have been destroyed, hummed antea with barricades, but his house still suffered major damage. why has at her head in good it had didn't work? i should your views. we took out the children and what furniture we could, but the house had been destroyed. we built barriers and still draining out the water. now we're worried about the diseases, the water can bring like malaria,
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as well as other infection. the city, the rainy season has been described by some as one of the worst they've ever seen. and the downpours have affected nearly the whole country. jessina is one of the states where the government has declared a disaster. dozens of villages have been submerged here since the beginning of the rainy season, leaving hundreds of families homeless. many have sought refuge on dry lands, but they say they are yet to receive any help with that in asia. i shall amazon another good luck for the day. we practically need everything because people lost everything. shelter, feed, water, have care. the most important thing we need is for the water to be drain. so they can go back. i hear people crying at night because of the situation we are in hialeah, like adam says he wants the waters to recede. so he and his mother could go back and rebuild their home again. but after waiting for 2 weeks now, he has no idea when that might happen. he been morgan august 0 with the name
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dizzier said. western leaders are remembering mikhail gorbachev, the last leader of the soviet union as a towering statesman, new help and the cold war. but his death received a cool response in russia. it are the age of 91 moscow hospital after 2 years of serious illnesses. andrew simmons report. so you can reach us at 54 years old mikhail gorbachev became the youngest lever of the soviet union. and he was to be the last few would doubt that he changed the course of 20th century history. although his revered and respected more in the west than in modern russia. one of his biggest achievements was signing a disarmament treaty with you as president ronald reagan. but took out a whole class of nuclear weapons, it turned him a nobel peace prize. joe biden cited this achievement in his tribute describing gorbachev as a man of remarkable vision. he said the result was
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a safer world and greater freedom from millions of people. antonia garish, the un secretary general said the world has lost a towering global leader. committed multi naturalists and tireless advocate for peace. the commission president ursula van de lion said gorbachev played a crucial role to end the cold war and bring down the iron curtain. it opened the way for a free europe. gorbachev had a huge impact on the course of world history. he deeply understood reforms were necessary and strove to offer solutions. many russians see him as the man who stood by, as the soviet union disintegrated. his legacy is dead, he allowed, or the peaceful collapse of the soviet union. it did not use massive force to keep eastern europe ah, in the empire. and with that, he deserves credit. but it is not that this was sung, came men trying to undermine the system. he tried to reform and gorbachev used
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perestroika or restructuring to reform, a stagnant economy that had seen people shorter food and consumer goose. and he use glass most openness and freedom of speech that led to parts of the eastern block wising up against communism. it was the beginning of the end of the cold war, one state after the other broke away anglo merkel, former german chancellor spoke in her tribute of the fear in east germany with expectation the tanks would roll in, but quite the contrary. wasn't long before the berlin wall came down yet now 30 years on with rushes, invasion of ukraine comes the danger of further east west conflict. sullen a horse lunk on step also to president putin. russia. hundreds president, digging new trenches in europe and have started a horrible war in ukraine. but it's now we think and mikhail gorbachev and realized
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what he did for our country and all of europe vison. gorbachev held as a man of peace has died at a time when his country, his every engaged in war and ru simmons. how does it well, and they respect to the beller is opposition leaders of atlanta jacobs. a sky. she says gorbachev remains a controversial figure. embarrassed, and the fate of the nation is tied to ukraine. under his rule, repressions, the chris people felt what freedom is his actions and it is supposed to also lead to the collapse of for its union. so it gave open the window, but unity for us, there are some people and it says, gained independence and freedom because of this. you know, some people believe that bill is the last piece or the usaa know quickly after the collapse of the soviet union, there dictatorship in our country was,
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were established. so people didn't have chance to enjoy freedom. the pro between bills was initialized. again, a return soviet symbols, you know, could you be in billers is still who could you be leaving under the think the ship means to leave in fear. you are afraid to feel something wrong. you are afraid to be in the teens. you don't have to choose parliament or president elections are just, you know, in the read to some people i have to say like to leave under the data. sure. because you don't have to decide on anything. you just have to fulfill what people about to say to you, but after you leave in democracy, you will never agreed for the ship. again. there are people who hit the country because of impressions. continue this fight. in exam, we have
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a lot of people inside the country still don't agree with this regime and they fight we, they means it's so difficult to fight in the country, like anti probation actually as a completion of the regime and on that like coffee ration or 3rd conference like russia and simultaneously be here till like 540 praying because pan to say that the phase of your brain and fatal bills are interconnected. so i'm sure that i sent it . spencer was absolutely different and our people will not stop until our full picture. ah, a reminder of all top stories in human rights chief has released a damning report into china's alleged human rights violations against the weaker population. michelle bachelor says beijing's arbitrary and.
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