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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  September 3, 2022 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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for you invest indonesia now in columbia, transforming urban waste into building block to use is to present the waste left of the war. we can finish the house in charging that the america may just 10 years. and in singapore critical farms and living buildings, anything you do on land, on the ground, does it make sense to do that apply on a building? now can, we might have not just decorative that can we make it biologically productive. first rise. describe as cutting edge solution for sustainable cities on al jazeera . ah. ready ready this is al jazeera ah hello, i'm adrian finnegan. this is that he is, are live from doha,
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coming up in the next 60 minutes. tributes paid to last soviet leader mikhail gorbachev, who said to be buried without state on us, shall anchors for president, go to pyre, roger packs, or returns after fleeing during protests triggered by an economic crisis. hundreds of thousands rally and argentina in support of democracy. after an assassination attempt on the vice president and i'm zane bas ravi, in pakistan, southern since province were women who have been left homeless by the floods are forced to give birth in miserable conditions. at nasa's most powerful walk it ever is on the launch pad for its 2nd attempt to head to the moon's orbit. and i'm fine . how much with all the sport, including ah, tennis stars, serena williams, news is in the 3rd round of the us open in what's expected to be the last max of
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her korea. ah mall as a paying tribute to the soviet union's last leader ahead of his burial in moscow, mikhail gorbachev will be late to rest in the coming hours. the kremlin says the president vladimir putin will not attend his life pictures from moscow of people queuing up to file past the casket of one of the world's most influential political figures of the 20th century. western leaders appraised gorbachev as a towering statesman who helped end the cold war. but his legacy as a leader who oversaw the end of the soviet union has received a cooler response in russia. he died at the age of 91 in a moscow hospital or to 2 years of illness out zeros. andrew simmons looks back on the life of the last soviet leader lloyd camry. as they at 54 years old mikhail
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gorbachev became the youngest lever of the soviet union. and he was to be the last few would doubt that he changed the course of 20th century history. although he is revered and respected, more in the west than in modern russia, one of his biggest achievements was signing a disarmament treaty with you as president ronald reagan that took out a whole class of nuclear weapons. it earned him a nobel peace prize. joe biden cited this achievement in his tribute describing gorbachev as a man of remarkable vision. he said the result was a safer world and greater freedom from millions of people. vladimir putin said gorbachev had a huge impact on the course of world history. he deeply understood reforms were necessary and strove to offer solutions. antonio guitar less the un secretary general said the world has lost a towering global leader. committed multi naturalists and tireless advocate for
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peace. the u commission president ursula vander lion said gorbachev played a crucial role to end the cold war and bring down the iron curtain. it opened the way for a free europe. many russians see him as the man who stood by, as the soviet union disintegrated. his legacy is dead. he allowed, or the peaceful collapse of the soviet union. it did not use massive force for keep eastern europe ah, in the empire. and with that, he deserves credit, but it is not that this was sung came in trying to undermine the system. he tried to reform. gorbachev, used perestroika or restructuring to reform, a stagnant economy that had seen people shorter food and consumer goods. and he used glass moles, openness and freedom of speech that led to parts of the eastern bloc wising up against communism. it was the beginning of the end of the cold war,
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one state after the other broke away anglo merkel, former german chancellor spoke in her tribute of the fear in east germany with expectation the tanks would roll in, but quite the contrary. wasn't long before the berlin wall came down yet now 30 years on with rushes invasion of ukraine comes the danger of further east west conflict, sullen a horse lunt, on step, also to president putin. russia and it's president digging new trenches in europe and have started a horrible war and ukraine. it's now we think in mikhail gorbachev and realized what he did for our country and all of your vision. gorbachev held as a man of peace has died. it's only when his country is every engaged in war and ru simmons, al jazeera, within russia. gorbachev, legacy has been divisive to say, the least since the fall of the soviet union, city womack,
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would come to me. you better back. look at their new moon as no it was. would me believe that you all know why he appeared in this pizza hut advertisement. in 1998 to the time when russia's economy was opening up to foreign investment or many acknowledged, the reforms that gorbachev brought him, others hold him responsible for the chaos and economic turmoil. following the collapse of the ussr, colorado cleary was the moscow corresponded to the irish times from 1987 to 1991. he joins us now live from dublin. good teddy with us, a connor. what are we to make of the followers such a towering political figure was not given a state funeral and the that the, the current president of what is now russia, the russian federation is not attending? well i think that the death of her former lena, authoritarian state is always a dangerous times. i recall what happened in china in 1989. they gentlemen score
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events. i was there for the lead up to that. and they originated from the death of who, who ya bang, who was the reformist leader of the communist party until he was deposed couple of years earlier. and when he died, that was an occasion for demonstrations. and the day which i escalated into channels square. and i am sure that vladimir putin has in mind the dangers of people coming on to the street to commemorate a reformer who is somebody that russians will remember dog, broken freedom, freedom of press, freedom of information, freedom of demonstration. i think that's why there is such a heavy security presence on the street today. and did i remember one demonstration and moscow in 1980, when a popular protest singer called vladimir saki died, which brought a large number of people out on the street some mounted place. some horsemen had dispersed them. so it's always a problem. and i'm sure that the kremlin has been very careful to make sure that
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this is not something that would bring people out on the streets. but as, as you same, president, put that aware of the potential danger here. but as we reported gorbachev, legacy in russia is divisive to say the least to people really think that fondly of him, given that many blame him for the chaos that followed the collapse of the soviet union. well, that's not true of all the young people i, i keep in touch with people and, and russia. and i was quite interested to see her in the valley's a said and a tweet from his prison so that he had come to arrive to a different interpretation of what gorbachev stood for. and that he respected them as a man who did his best to reform the ailing. so a union which on the form, but also that he emphasized the fact that it brought freedom. the problem, i think for the generation of young people in russia who might desire change is
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that they, they don't see because the crackdown on demonstrations has been so complete. they don't see the possibility of using the occasion that they might like to initiate some sort of a movement. most of the young russian 2 are working and high tech or her and me here at flat. most of them actually are meaning of tens of thousands of people who would be inclined to come out on the street of mostly left russia or lying low because of what one might call the genetic fear among russians off. supposing a deep joy regime he's viewed his legacy is very different in, in the west to walk now has become the west, isn't it the way we saw hungary is victor all been there in moscow paying his respects? i mean, why is there such
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a contradiction to think in how and his legacy is viewed between the former soviet union and the west? well, i think what the, the reason is he's despised by so many people in the. so we did this because he associated with the hardships that accompanied the last 2 or 3 years of the soviet union. i remember he used to tell america, got some cells that people were doing for ours, for somebody on the q went to shoot gorbachev in the kremlin and find a bigger kid there and use it against himself. whereas in the west, the bringing the, the coming of gorbachev to lead the communist party was seen as something that was bringing russia back into the fold after the 7 kids of the soviet union, when it was closed off from the west. and he's now seen as someone who fits in the democratic mall, he crossed the protocol. ready directions and the soviet union,
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which by any standards were reasonable and fair to the congress of people, secretaries. and he allowed for freedom of press and freedom of information that he's now seen in stark contrast to latimer christian who has made sure that information is only controlled by the kremlin under the freedom of thought as almost an inconceivable know because of the way that the step down the issues, i want to get one final question here about the relationship between gorbachev and, and, and culture, or at least how putin viewed gorbachev. gorbachev was a critic of the ukraine wall. he supported the annexation of crimea. it's reported that the 2 hadn't spoken in, in many, many years. i mean, how did putin view gorbachev that up let since 2006, i understand a person probably viewed. gorbachev was somebody who presided over the breaker. so
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a union, he called it the grids geopolitical disaster of the 20th century. and i think that his view of overture would be, or someone who pose certain dangerous to him because of the policies of freedom and democracy that he ended up aspiring. so i'm pretty sure that he had only contempt for gorbachev and that he is doing the minimum possible to day to pay tribute to someone who has been seen as a great one figure car has been really great. talk to you many thanks. indeed for being with us co cleary there in dublin rushes energy giant gas prom says that it will not resume gas deliveries through the north stream. one pipeline to germany. after a 3 day shut down,
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the company says that an oil leak was detected and that repairs are needed. the european commission says the move is under fallacious pretenses and shows that russia is an unreliable supply up gas prompts as that will now ship natural gas to europe through ukraine or gas pumps. decision came just hours after the g 7 basins agreed to set a price cap on russian oil in an effort to hurt moscow's war efforts in ukraine. finance ministers from the world's richest economies. also hope that a cap on crude oil and petroleum products will help to reduce global energy prices . russia has responded saying that it will stop selling oil to countries that agree to a price limit. katherine porter is an energy consultant. she joins us now. live up from london. good. have you with us a catherine. what do you make about this indefinite shut down of nord stream one. is it under false pretenses? yes, i think be inclined to agree and the manufacturers is turbine. seaman said that this type of oil leak wouldn't normally,
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i mean the turbine couldn't be used. and it's also pointed out there are several of the turbines available at the site that could be used to add to maintain slice on the pipeline. i'm so this doesn't really appear to be a genuine technical barrier. i am and say more likely than to be a political reaction to the oil. so the european commission is right when it says that russia has become an unreliable supplier. yes, so that i think this is particularly new. i rush has been playing around the edge is about a supply agreements the last few months trying to do things like changing the payment terms. i'm say there's just one more step in that whole process. what about the g $7.00 price cap on russian oil? how much damage is not going to do to the russian economy, given the countries like india still buying russian oil? well, exactly, and there are many countries that can buy russian oil that aren't within the u. g. 7, i'm, i think, but it's a different situation with gas. i am, it's difficult for russia to send it that european gas supply somewhere else. i am
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. so i think this is just one step in this and avoid a political game. it all countries like germany doing enough, then to to make sure that they have enough supplies of, of natural gas for the coming winter that aren't coming from russia. i think jim needs that she didn't quite a lot. so those made very good progress this year. and filling up their gas storage and the undertaking various steps to reduce demand. and then there's not told them on destruction because of the high prices. ok, there are limits to how much more it can do, particularly given. there's a global supply of gas, isn't large enough to replace what comes out to russia under normal circumstances. good store to catherine, but effective date for being with us capture porter there. in london, he frances president mario mccall as ordered all nuclear power plants in the country to be restarted before winter. the move will reduce pressure on the electricity grid and helped to tackle rising energy prices in europe because of the
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war in ukraine. al jazeera natasha butler reports from parish for several months. more than half of france is 50 sakes, nuclear reactors have been shot for maintenance work, but they will be restarted in the coming weeks. in time for winter, said frances energy minister, after a special cabinet meeting to discuss the energy crisis. condo, hector, from that 30 to react. desert a holt, including some because of corrosion under restrictions, and others for usual maintenance. adf has committed to race, start all reactors, bought this winter. we are following this situation very closely with weekly briefings on we're careful that this timeline is fulfilled. france is one of europe's top energy exporters and relies on nuclear power for 70 percent of its energy needs. but the shot reactors of pushed up french power prices and fueled concerned that france would not produce enough power for itself or it's european
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neighbors, as they wind themselves off. russian gas. but pioneer of russia says that in addition to restarting the reactors, frances made other contingency plans, louisiana monte ship. the government has been anticipating the situation for several months. we have secured out gus dogs. they are currently at 92 percent. and so we can now say that we have almost achieved our goal, 2 months in advance. the french president emanuel my call, i had called the emergency cabinet meeting. michael has repeatedly said that people in france must be prepared to face a difficult winter. miss asher butler al jazeera paris. so lanka is full. the president is back home after fleeing during unprecedented protests in july. go to pyre, roger pike's a returned early on saturday from bangkok and was greeted by ministers and politicians upon his arrival. he was blamed for pushing the nation towards financial disaster. his government run out of foreign cash reserves and was unable
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to pave imports leading to wide spread shortages out there as well. fernandez reports from colombo, the former president is now in the official government residence allocated to him, the building just over my shoulder on the other side of the road. there's a police check point. now he arrived in the country late in the hours of the 2nd of september, and many people are wandering. it happened so quickly in terms of his return as to what exactly his plans are. the public security minister to run alice, who i spoke to a says it's way too early to say what he will do or what exactly he's going to take up that that will come out in the next few days with roger boxes, obviously are not going to bow to politics, younger brother battled roger pox a has met with the party, the esl b p. are trying to take stock of what went wrong and where they go from here. but for the moment there is a heavy security presence. yes, thoroughfare is allowed. there's no barricades blocking the roads, but there is
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a heavy presence the military and even as you can see, people are gods posted up on the balconies keeping a close watch on the surroundings or we heard form protesters like i said, that they're taking stock and trying to decide where they go from here, but their battle cry was go to go home, getting the president out of his office, which they did. so he's not about, you know, his personal, a safety a body remains to be seen where and water got ave roger pox a will do from here. hundreds of thousands of people marched and argentina in defense of democracy. after vice president, christina fernando asked to coach now survived an assassination attempt. a man pointed a gun at her on thursday night, but it didn't go off market yet. archaea proportional frontrunner scottish, ah, crowns, marching to the beat of drums in the center of when a site is old and young, defending argentina's democracy in condemning thursday's assassination attempt
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against vice president. christina fernandez, the kiersten it no, no. ok, bye weight of it. what happened on thursday was very serious. all democratic rules were broken. we cannot accept political violence. that's where there are so many people here is that there will be of no, this government has been under a series of attacks from strong economic lobbies opposition parties and also the judiciary system, which is working for them because, i mean, i am here to defend democracy and the vice president, michael thought video shows the moment the vice president was being confronted by her assailant, while reading supporters outside her home on thursday night 35 year old fit and and on that as so, bagman kid pointed a loaded gun to her face. but apparently it was jammed and she escaped unharmed. can you give me a bit of money shackle? meta christina is alive because of some technical reason. we have yet to confirm. the gun with 5 bullets was not fired or although the trigger was pulled by no beef
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have out of you, the aggressor, a brazilian born man, living in argentina since 1993 is in prison. his house was rated and 100 bullets were found. he had already been arrested in 2001 for carrying a knife. argentine authorities are investigating the reasons behind the attempt. but president, alberto finan, this billing the hate speech in argentina, and decreed a national holiday on friday. so argentines could take to the streets and unite against violence. were leaders condemned the attack, including right wing brazilian president, j bowles, fernando who was stabbed during his 2018 campaign and is now running for reelection . while the assassination attempt has raised all sorts of questions about the lack of security surrounding politicians in argentina, political experts say the timing will likely benefit the vice president. the out
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pouring of support in sympathy has given for none. this a boost at a time when she needs that most. the former president is being accused of fraudulently awarding public works contracts while she governed argentina between 20072015. prosecutors have asked for a 12 year prison sentence in a lifetime band from politics, but that is unlikely to happen. christina hernandez, the kitchenette is also the president of the senate and has parliamentary immunity . she could only be convicted if she loses her seat. in the 2023 elections, monica and i give al jazeera when a site is. ah, serena williams has said she wants to be remembered as a fighter after bringing the cotton down on her 2070 a tennis career at the us open. she was knocked out in the 3rd round for the
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younger jaila, thomas miano, which during her career williams is $123.00 grand slam titles of record in the open era. after the match. she bit of emotional farewell so proud in new york but did leave the door open for a potential return. i wouldn't be, i wouldn't be serena with my life and i'm just so grateful to every single person that's ever so. so in life, i'm just so grateful, but here any chance to reconsider? i don't think so,
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but you never know who sabrina may be retiring from tennis, but us rob reynolds reports now. she's unlikely to fade away from public life. rob's report contains images of flash photography. serena williams dominated women's tennis winning 23 singles. grand slams the 1st when she was just 17 along the way, she and her sister venus inspired a generation of young players, especially women of color. man grew up watching her. i mean, vassar reason why play tennis and you know, tennis finger predominantly white spread, it definitely helped a lot because i saw so many look like me. in her decades in the spotlight williams became much more than an athlete. she was and is a cultural phenomenon which put herself out much more broadly as a celebrity personality than your typical athlete is able to do that begins with
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her dominant place and sport since 2011 williams has been a goodwill ambassador for the un children's agency. unicef, visiting developing countries to promote education and sports, part of her commitment may come from her own family's financial struggles when she was a child. this gritty south l i neighbourhood is where the williams sisters got their start playing on those tennis courts right over there. now that she's leaving professional tennis, serena williams will have a future full of ventures in philanthropy, fashion, and hollywood williams, reportedly as in discussions with a film studio to executive produce a biographical series about her and her sister. she did not want to be defined solely by her tennis brand, so she reached out and, and placed herself in fashion and clothing lives. she also had a child and so she promoted health and wellness from others. in addition to athletic wear and wellness products,
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williams has dozens of lucrative endorsement deals from promoting gatorade to fronting for a fancy swiss watch company. all part of a carefully cultivated public image williams may be leaving the court on them, but she will be part of popular culture and commerce for years to come. rob reynolds al jazeera los angeles, we'll get a weather update next here on the new south. then july suit vote on it's draft constitution described by many as a model for the future. we'll have a report that in sport, before we the one world champion hits problems at his home, gone pre ah, hell i, we've got a profit taste of ot and weather coming in to northwestern parts of europe. nice
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little hook, a cloud here. that is, make this way across ireland, across sir. western parts of the u. k. will do some heavy rainfall as it does so. we need the right. i'm afraid, it won't be quite as wet as we would like into southern parts of england wells. but even here we should see some showers along specifying over the next couple of days . little bit of wet weather there, the central parts of europe, and also down towards the south east. we got some heavy showers just around bulgaria, pulling away from our romania. things will quiet down as we go on through the next hour. i still want to shout in to southern parts of the ukraine as well. lobby showers there into central parts of europe, southern parts of germany. there's that wetter or persistent rabbits have warnings, enforce just to cross sap parts of our northern ireland island, western areas of scotland and that wet weather will swell its way. and as we go on through the next couple of days, and he noticed it does turn a little wetter, welcoming for coming into parts of indian wells at that stage. western areas are processing, some showers may be a shower or 2 to parts of space. not too much to speak of,
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largely dry to cause northern parts of africa, british showers, into central airs of africa, them quite of them. it has been wet weather, making its way for the west. ah ah. ah.
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safe going home and then international anti corruption excellence award boat now for your hero, hulu. ah, again, it's good to have it with us. adrian sitting here in doha with the news. allan, from i was 0, the headlines russians paying their respects to the last soviet union leader out of his burial in moscow. the cow gorbachev will be laid to rest in the coming hours. the kremlin says that the president vladimir putin will not attend russia's energy
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. giant gas. prom says that it will not resume gas deliveries through the north stream. one pipeline to germany. after a 3 day shut down, it says that an oil leak was detected and that repairs are needed. and flanked as former president is back home, less than 2 months after fleeing during the world's achieve the nation's worst economic crisis in decades. but by a roger parks that has been blamed for pushing tr lanka towards financial disaster, a place 10 buildings have been destroyed after a petrol tanka exploded in oakland state. and southwestern nigeria it's believe the truck over turned off the driver lost control. people posted the aftermath of the explosion to social media. it's not yet clear. if there are any depths or injuries, let's go live to a boucher i'll just here as i'll address is monitoring the situation from that i'm at what border we know what basically the
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emergency work i say so far they have now reported cases of injuries or deaths result from the accident, but they will update us on their situation later in the day. however, accidents like the social frequent on the general road, simply because the country imports virtually all its refined petroleum products. it 40 finery have been unable to find enough to meet local demand. so niger imports most of these products from outside the country and the pipelines into connecting these refineries. that by the way, i've been frequently vandalized to steal cooled and other refined petroleum products. have been lying down for long, so there is no movement of petrol or other petroleum different petro products from the refineries and the depots, to various stations across the country. so we've been really network not sole in tip top shape, people have to rely on these trucks tens of thousands,
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tens of thousands of them on the general road to the poorly maintained to deliver these gas or the patrol and another petroleum products to various stations across the country and so couple of the bad roads and reckless driving on the road. these accidents are so frequent in nigeria today. how does there is um, address reporting live from a boucher all that many thanks. indeed, at least 10 people have been killed by suspected elisha, bob fighters in somalia is iran region. the armed group targeted a convoy of trucks carrying humanitarian aid on friday night. rescuers attempting to reach the area encountered land mines. al shabbas carried out several attacks against the federal government in recent weeks. the head of pakistan's largest charity is warning of the threats of famine after monsoon reign destroyed crops and livestock. more than 1200 people are known to have died in the west flooding in
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a decade. let's go live now to shuck a poor and sinned province. odyssey resembles robbie. is that same what's happening? well that problem of family you mention is going to start becoming more and more acute by the displacement. that is really coming to light and how serious it is right now is on display in places like this, where rural areas meet urban centers, people are just person on the side of the road. and they are here just waiting. they're waiting to see if any help comes there waiting for food. they're waiting for medicine, they're waiting for any kind of relief that they can find. they're waiting for the water around their homes to dry so that they can go back and see what's left. and people here are under incredibly difficult conditions, some of the most vulnerable as always in pocket on our women, the un estimates the 73000 pregnant women are likely to give birth in the coming weeks. and we've met some of them who have been seeking shelter in the city of
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sucker in a baking government building. here's our report. a woman poised to bring new life into a world stricken by calamity. families weighed down by poverty so extreme. it is a burden carried from birth. no, i don't have anything, no money nor axes to adopt a nothing. i don't have any support. i could die. my baby could die. i don't have any money or a doctor. i don't have anything, nothing, no food or drink, no medicine or even a pill for the pain home either is do any time now and has been suffering for days . twin brothers are and must have now, 10 days old came with the last wave of monsoon rains. their mother fled baluchistan province with them in her belly. but the floods followed their father is still their roads cut off and they have no way home. i don't want them in the head, but i have big hopes for them in my heart. but look at these kids,
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what conditions they ruined. sitting here hungry, no bed lying here in the hate. she needs help. she says her children need help. ah, displaced by floods and seeking shelter, survivors occupied this government apartment complex in the city of supper. in every room, a story of survival and suffering. the city doesn't want them there and turned off power and water. it is hot and miserable. some tell us, it feels like a prison instead of receiving help, they say they've been accused of occupying this place illegally and are being forced back onto the district. we've been treating the families in, there's about 5000 people living in this block of government class. we've been displaced from their homes by the flood. they come from all over the province as well as bullets sun province. and they're telling us if they don't want to stay here, they want to go back home, but they don't have any homes to go back to. this is no place for children,
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but more are on the way. roxanna is 9 months pregnant. soon there will be another mouth to feed. when i ask her if she is worried, she smiles live here alone. why would i be sad? she says children are a happiness, a blessing. she's optimistic, not every day will be the same and conditions will improve. but her smile fades. oh, when her son asks for cold water. now that building is in the center of a government run compound and the government, they're the local government. the city officials are not letting food be delivered to that area because they don't want the people there to get comfortable. they don't want them to stay on that property of worrying about it being occupied permanently. the people we spoke to there said that should not be the primary concern right now. one of the women said that when rash and trucks do come,
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that they have to chase after them. but since she is pregnant, she is worried about her child being injured. she said that things are thrown from the truck and people just have to scramble for it. she said that they felt like they were being treated worse than dogs, out as theirs, as amos ravi reporting live there from pakistan, sim province. many thanks. zane martine could did of is the pakistan representative of the united nations population fund. he joins us now live from foss, skype from islam about good to have you with us. what are your main concerns right now? first of all, thank you very much for the opportunity of poking you bought communities affected by deflood, especially about needs and concerns of women and girls. yes, becky, the people of pakistan are facing the war to cut her throat in decades. more than sitting 100 people have been killed. lease said he says he 1000000 people effected just a couple of days ago, i joined an aerial mission organized by the minister of foreign affairs,
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along with as a community out and international partners. what we saw was beyond any imagination, we saw what it means when one 3rd of the country is under wall tip, the devastating class and lands less it is through homes, rose health facilities and much more. furthermore, the damages to health facilities and infrastructure are unimaginable putting the lives of the people affected by the floss at great risk, especially the lives of women and girls. we know that in disaster, so such k and pretty dentist came women and girls bear their heaviest brand. and of the head of the 56400000 people in need of immediate they have a more than one point. 6000000 are women of the practice age is estimated that 128000 women are pregnant, which means they need essentially to practice health services. we know that
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pregnancy and childbirth don't stop on their child is often and bizarre, diligent support and access to medical and health services. the lives of these women will be in great jo, upon your semen. and you also, um, i'm sorry to interrupt you. mr. kerry. are you also concerned about about the, the risk of gender based violence? yes, women and yours are all at great. it is called gender based wireless. why? some are half a 1000000 people displaced by the floods. are staying in the leaf camps and house companies with limited access to them and attend aid and say spaces and protection support. yours may also face an increased risk of child marriage as well. so therefore, we are concerned about the protection of women girls. we've already reports of incidence of gender based plans. okay, we'll leave it that many fax dates are good to talk to you. bark til carried up
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there in islam about thank you. thank you very much. rarely has a constitutional process in south america and a south american country captured so much international attention as jimmy's new draft constitution. the proposed document will be put to the vote on sunday many describing it as a model for the future. yet in chile itself, recent polls suggest that it could be rejected in the referendum from santiago, our latin america editor lucio newman reports. it's not unusual for hollywood actors like mark ruffalo to weigh in on domestic politics. what, why does the star of the hug kara chile specifically cindy's referendum on whether or not to approve an ambitious new constitution. earlier this week we'll follow tweeted that the proposal represent hope for the world. one that has more
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equality and humanity and thoughtfulness in and so i know a lot of great people worked on this and the are the world's looking toward you as a model to address the changing climate and the need for greater democracy. so lots of love and we are watching closely, not just actors, but in hundreds of intellectuals, scientists, environmentalists and human rights activists. economists and feminist from every continent have endorsed chiles, draft constitution, which they describe as cutting edge. one of them is professor rich brandt. the constitution opens a space to rethink how the economic model, the social model and the role of indigenous peoples, the role of women, et cetera, et cetera, and should be in a society of the 21st century. the constitution would be the 1st to specifically
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acknowledge climate change and environmental protection and guaranteed gender parity. it also introduces structural political and social reforms, such as guaranteed health, education, and pensions, as well as broad recognition of indigenous rights. while many international observers may always have jillions like the land to vote against the new constitution, there are many reasons from this information about what it really says is that it is too radical vague, and that it will not guarantee civility in this country. yes, sebastian edward says, the devil is in the details and it's a very, i'm even never cried in the world political system which will create a lot of instability and uncertainty. and if there is uncertainty, there is no investment. the constitution has polarized chile,
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even as the majority of greek, the socially unequal country needs change. how much change though seems to be the issue. you see in human al jazeera santiago. but final preparations are on the way for the launch of the arsonist. one machine to moon orbit is alive, pictures of the rocket, but nasa says it started refueling around 20 minutes ago. the 1st attempt failed due to engine problems earlier in the week out here of alan fischer is a little a site in florida. inspired by the wards of john kennedy then the president of the united states. america started this space race the intention to put the 1st man on the moon. there were many apollo missions and finally in 1969, neil armstrong became the 1st astronaut cassette foot on the lunar surface. there were many, many more astronauts after him. all of them touching the very edges of the heavens
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. and now the plan is for america to go back to the moon, but not just for the moon sake itself. this time to establish a base and had to mars and beyond. we were in the space race, we fully thought that the russians were going to go to the moon and had they gone to the main 1st, who knew what could have happened in so that would that space race ignited our passion to get till apollo and it but at the same time, it ignited all the science that was discovered from just that, that one mission, basically apollo 11, where we walked on the moon. and here is our to miss one. on the launch pad, the count don't underway. the intention is it will blast off from kennedy space center here in florida on saturday afternoon. now they already had to abandon one launch. that was because they discovered a faulty gauge. they think they've sorted out the problem. so now everything is on
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schedule for that launch optimist. one should take off on it's $42.00 day mission including a lunar orbit. and there will be numerous tests as well to see if this really will take people back to the moon for the 1st time in more than 50 years. they are transmission is scheduled to get underway at about 8 hours time and has a 2 hour launch window. the mission will be powered by the massive space launch system. 98 meters tall. it's most powerful rocket ever built. they ran capture sits on top of the esl and we'll take astronauts into deep space this time around a mannequin though will be on board. but in future missions, a capture will take for astronauts to the moon, including the 1st woman and the 1st person of color, the tim on out from mark, baldwin, and engineer working on the artemus program. artemus one mission is very important to ryan for crew safety because it represents really the combination of years and
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years of effort buying multiple teams to illustrate what it would be like for humans. the in that capsule going through the mission phases. it's important to integrate all the systems because individually we develop we design tasks, we analyze to make sure that they can all the parts of the vehicle can withstand the environments. but you need to run a flight test without crew 1st to fully appreciate and understand quantify characterize those environments before you expose humans in this type of a mission. deep space presents a number of challenges to human safety. it goes outside of the safety of our lower orbit and our atmosphere, which means not only do you have to sustain the vibration acceleration of exiting earth's atmosphere, but then you have to deal with things like radiation through the van allen belts
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and through deep space. all to return and come back into earth's atmosphere again. go through yet another series of accelerations and vibrations, and eventually you grasp the vehicle and get to safety on recovery ship. as i said, nasa has a 2 hour launch window today. of course, the weather plays a huge role in its potential success. let's bring it up in house meteorologist. ever some folks to tell us war, any storm clouds on the horizon, i'd like to think not tighter and i think it's the, it's near perfect condition. i me because it's not entirely out of the question. we could catch a shout. you take a look at the, at the satellite pitch that we have. is there a fair amount of clinical southern parts of the u. s. actually, i'm particularly over towards the florida panhandle. so i some went to whether certainly a possibility. if we just zoom in a little close, you can see what we talk about here. little more cloud there just around the panhandle, some wet weather, certainly not out of the question, but i think by and large it is looking go be pretty much looking at a case of
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o shades and air plugs, whether to recall it. so i think will be okay, come a little closer still, and you can see this is where cape canaveral is just off that east coast of florida . but you can see there's a little bit of wet weather in the forecast here. i'll just take the name off so you can actually see what the weather's doing. is it jen felice? dilly breeze. no problems here as far as that's concerned. a possibility of one or 2 showers. they may be on the sharp side, but i think essentially it is looking good adrian. every fix these all things considered well, i'd rather be in florida. i don't about you. me to hear all that spectators of gathered in cape canaveral i had of the historic launch today, tourists, a camping next to the shore, some with long camera lenses to capture the moment that the rock it takes off. ups of 400000 visitors are expected on the florida coastal coastline on saturday to catch a glimpse of the event. my story goes back to 1969,
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5 days before they landed on the moon i was born. so in england we was known as space babies. so i was born on july 15th, they landed on the 20th. surf just had a fascination since then. regarding the space program i just down. i just find it incredible that we can watch and see them leave in to go to these places and we can do it right here. it on our doorstep sites. i don't, it feels like i've meant to have landed hair in the space. cursed. so i, i, i love it, i love every launched and it never gets boring. is to say excite and every time and gentlemen like that will help to boost florida. so called space coast economy, which has been in the doldrums for some years, has char stradford reports and left off the final lift off of atlanta shoulders of the space july. the 11th 2011. you the last space shuttle launch. the beginning of
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what many commentators cool america's decade long space program slo minus the kennedy space center laid off more than 7000 workers and space enthusiasts who filled restaurants and hotels and lined the shore to watch lodges, disappeared. witnesses, reinvigorated space program and a boost from private companies like space x and blue horizon means florida's so called space coast is alive again. i'm just happy it boom in the way it is. i'm happy they got the program going back up now and having people come out and enjoy with us. so i think a full several rocket launch is carried out each month including space x carrying starling internet satellites. things like more than 12000 civil servants, private contractors and others now work at the kennedy space center. almost as many as those employ during the heyday. the shuttle programs go right automation to
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prepare for the next year. our world co operation in space. hotels and restaurants are filling up. once more. it excites me that the people are still excited enough in this country to flow here to see it. they still look at it as historic, and i hope we never lose that. ah, you know, it's obviously good for the space program. it's good for the country and certainly good for the city of tiles. one of our county, you know, we're back in o and is the kind of the saying goes, now we're going to the moon. nasa says it sent to launch the are to miss moon mission on saturday after problems with an engine cooling system, delayed lift off last week. space coast spectators will be again packed along these florida shores john stratford and his air and air. it is all 98
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meters of it. the space launch system with the iran capture sitting on the top ready for launch and around 8 hours from now unmanned this time to moon orbit, just a mannequin. and shawn, the sheep will be up making history by going to the boon and back to will be covering. i live here on out 0. it's got so sport, his santa thank you very much, adrian. also, we know william's bed an emotional farewell to the us open to what looks to be her final singles match in a long and decorated korea. a tennis icon was knocked out on the 3rd rhonda new york, ending her hopes for 24th, a grand slam title for a smile humble. after more than a 1000 single matches during a career spanning close to 3 decades, serena williams is hanging up her rack her defeat and the 3rd round at the us open to islet homeland bitch breeze to an end 27 years on quartz.
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i saw so many years ago. my daughter lou douglas ah, but it all started with my and they deserve everything. so i'm really my goal here still admitted tears. she left the door slightly open for a potential return for any chance or reconsider. i don't think so, but you never know. i don't know watching fans in new york. we're also unwilling to accept this. really watch the and i see that the height of her career, you know, at 40 years old you know, so one of the world's greatest matthews with her dad. i
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wasn't really or the tell me her name, graham, i'm venus, i'm serena, serena and her sister venus trans santana's. their life story was turned into a movie. former 1st lady, michelle obama is among those who have tweeted her. congratulations, basketball, stark, le bron change. your go, which you go for the sport of tennis, which is dell for women. and would you go for just the category of sport piri, on is on precedent? serena is 40 now, but one. her 1st major up into 17, was open in 1999. she went on to win $23.00 grand slams in total, a record in the open era, along with 4 olympic gold medals. or when she in venus arrived, they actually changed the way the game was played. anne who play the game today. you had coco gall playing madison keys to black women and race was not the big deal
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. it was that it was 2 americans and one of them was going home. it wasn't the hollywood ending. many had hoped for serena leaves with her head held high a player and a personality. her sport will miss like no other far as smile al jazeera denise is own server is in to the last 16 at the us open the wimbledon, our on our upper beach american shelby rogers, and 3 sets. the only our player to have a who's a grand slam final. this is already her best ever performance in new york. you know how much i love new york, how much i want to i want to be years. so just amazing to, to put the hard work even though are the preparation for the hard course. she's in wasn't great, but her, you know, just her, the main reason to be here and that the main goal for me is always to play her good here. and i'm just going to keep fighting and her keep pushing. am breaking records
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here in the man's jaw topsy dynamic. whatever, continued his title defense as he booked his place into the 4th round, the world number one was a comfortable, straight set winner against the china. so you, we being your 1st time who's meant to reach us open history to reach the 3rd round . the russian who won his 1st grand slam title in york last year is yet to drop a set. he will now face wimbledon. runner up, nick, curious in the next one. i'm curious is into the 4th round for the 1st time in his career, the australian beat, the american opponent, a j. j. wolf and st. set 646263. curious. when in the next round, it would seem edward ever lose his number one ranking to rough on a dog after the torment welfare i sharla clerk has gone quickest and 2nd practice ahead of sundays. dutch formula, one complete championship lead max for stop and hit problems during the 1st session
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at his home race. i have to deal with his red bull car broke down after the 7 lamps and he ended up. 6 but walking back to the pit lane, his team did get his car going up for 2nd practice, but he was only 8th. fastest, inter, are you pair of law clerk and carla sands that led the way or stop and does though have at 93 point lead in the titles standings? well number 2, golf cameras, smith is one shot off the lead to at his 1st live series. that torment the australian is the highest rank compared to the fed from the pga tour. so fuck is weeks. event is being played in boston and he car the to e goes them 5 buddies on day one. smith, one the open back in july is high for 2nd face on 6 on the path with a couple of rounds still today. americans, matthew wolf and taylor goes to
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r d plays that, tied that the top of the lead, the board on 7 on the pop and wolf is round included. this little is a history 1st ever holding one scene in lives, goals. and that's it for me, adrian. somebody, thanks data center and i back with all the news out of $1300.00. gm teeth on the crate. back with you here in just a moment before the day's news. i'll see you again. ah, ah. a
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with this november? well, he's coming to cattle and the clock is ticking as the main event gets closer with every step of the way. i'm going to get you off that with a new show each month i think can expect some strong support hearing tests, bringing the latest news from teens and friends in different regions across the globe as they look to make their mark on pat 2022. the welcome come back with everyone else. oh, now just here for scientists,
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the evidence is irrefutable. but america's climate change denial stubbornly mistrust of the fact that despite soaring temperatures, raging wild fires and shrinking water reserves the world's largest economy, it's still split along ideological lines. so can it ever reach consensus to avoid catastrophe? climate wars ought to, on a just 0, unprompted and uninterrupted discussions. from our london broadcast center on al jazeera. ah, saying good bye to the soviet union's last leda mikhail gorbachev is said to be buried without state on us. ah.


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