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tv   News  Al Jazeera  September 6, 2022 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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there is, there is no way of disguising the fact that the energy crisis and the cost of living crisis in the u. k. is getting to the point whereby the economy could falter there is no doubt recession is, is, is going to loom large, possibly for more than a year, possibly 18 months, more or even more people are adjusting the comparisons with the seriousness of what's going on to 2008, when, when we saw a major, a major crisis in the economy, a slump right across the board with record interest rates and inflation at similar levels to what it predicted to be next year. and there is a, a feeling on board the trust has to deal with so many issues, potential civil unrest, potential bankruptcies for so many small businesses you were talking earlier about if you speak to these businesses that really on the cost of bankruptcy,
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some of them and so i think there is still some movement here in terms of a possible arrival blitzer a f r a, a pictures are showing that she's perhaps a mile or so away. ah, yes, that's all from here, we'll bring you up to date with events. as soon as the prime minister arrives the address um, is that not getting too far away? let's just bring guides, national views up to speed. you are watching out there. english. that is 10 downing street in the british capital where they are getting ready for live trust to arrive . as you can see, the convoy carrying list trust is making its winding its way through west london. as it has been for about 15 minutes, she drove away from our f north, alt at the in the north of london. its about 40 minutes away from central london and its slowly making its way through west london, the leafy green areas of chelsea. and then a shepherd's bush annealing as
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a heads toward central london. of course it will hit the marble arch area. at some stage. of course we will get to see that cavalcade his long ride along pile. now, before it gets towards downing street, and of course there is dissembled array of politicians, civil servants, and peas, all waiting fall is truss outside dining street. there they are. it was raining a short while ago. the umbrellas were up and i'm sure quite few of them a drench, but they're quite happy to wait for the incoming prime minister. we expect car to of course allow her to get out of it. obviously go into 10 downing street and then come back in a few minutes later to be able to address not only have n p 's that waiting for, but the assembled international press. cool. and most importantly, the british people that's cost back to andrew 7 sousa, part of that press call in downing street, the british people themselves, the nation. the 4 nations that make up the united kingdom will want to know from less trust what her plan is. and i want to know very quickly be discussing most of
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the day, not just with correspondence that you could south andrew, but with many contributors to al jazeera. i spoke to a just a short time ago. she said, lives trust, we'll have no honeymoon period. she needs to hit the floor running because that's what the british public expect time is of the essence. well, that's rides her. she's going to have really hardly any run up time at all and she's got to get straight into it. i think you'll find with this acceptance speech, as it's known, she'll be actually laying the, the land for what she will try to do to help so many millions of families right away over the u. k. some right on the edge of poverty. some others middle class even just in a position where they work better for their mortgages because of the energy costs. so she'll have to address that right away. she cast to get populist, she has to actually really connect and that's may be one of her problems because
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our style isn't particularly it. she doesn't necessarily empathize with people, but where a short from summer, people close to that. but she does have a caring nature up front once a warm and that she is pretty ruthless of getting her way. but the problem is this, that she is insistent that she can grow the economy in a radical way and really leave taxes alone. and now that's too many mature politicians is a bit of a impossible situation to be in. so has she would have things carefully? yes, she has like any politician a. could that be some you turns gentleman's possibly. yes, very likely. but the main point, as you are alluding to, is to connect with the masses to actually do something incredibly popular. so therefore, i think you could well find that this moves to freeze energy bills. mean that they
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won't be caught, they'll still be difficult, but they will stay port and it could be as reported by some media up to 18 months that they're frozen. furthermore, she's going to go for other areas of spending it infrastructure that might be popular. the problem is the welfare states, the problem is, you know, going around saying, you know, i'm going on, i'm not going to increase taxes. i'm not going to increase taxes. well, that doesn't have any relevance to people who are way below the tax bands that are going to need that some treatment anyway. people who are on a benefits and under that, the carrying sector is going to be quite a big area. furthermore, the national health service, which she says, i'll deliver on that, but how will she deliver that? that's the question mark, how will she deliver when she's actually going to be investing a lot of money in, in the care industry whether the whole caring up services or where, where that treating people outside of hospitals and and gt dealing with
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convalescence and everything. how will she afford that? that is a major, major cost and indeed her and i can just tell you now that said the convoys just passed her westminster bridge. it's just past the houses of parliament. i suspect she is a barely one or 2 minutes away from where you are and they'll be great delight dissipation, of course, from the assembled m p. some of those that are there will potentially be part of her cabinet. yes, that's absolutely right. nadeem. so harvey, who is tipped to become cabinet office minister, he was getting very wet just down there without a raincoat. a few minutes ago maybe has taken shelter. perhaps a complimentary umbrella. yes, there are a lot of dignitaries here. there are other members, potential members of a cabinet. i could tell you now because it's probably been the most leaked am appointment list for a cabinet in political history. i've got kwasic co op saying a is almost certainly to be chancellor of the exchequer. that's the finance
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minister ramirez finance minister, a friend of list trust that your colleagues will they be friends forever when he is the chancellor that remains to be seen, but they are working closely together on the plans, especially for this action on energy bills. james cleverly who's in posters, education minister in the law, stealth months. he is going to be a foreign secretary. if these leaks are right. he's a psych pair of hands. certainly for that post sweller, brahman is set up to be lined up for the home secretary. that's the interior ministers, posters. a few things going on here at the modem are in this is it. we see the motorcade blue lights there and the lead security vehicle. it looks as if she's going to come in and do it. the old fashioned, traditional way, get out of the limousine. the range rover and greets people.
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everyone's greeting her. let's take a look at where she's going. well, she's going to be her mother applause is in the media. there we go. yes, that we have at least trust of call, sir andrew coming out a walk in from her range rover shooting, straight to the lex said, it looks like she is going to speak to the class and to the british public straight away. he's going straight to speech. let's listening to what she has to say. good afternoon. i have just accepted her majesty the queen's kind invitation to full menu governments. let me pay tribute to my predecessor. flora's johnson delivered breck set the cabin vaccine and stood up to russian
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aggression history will see him as a hugely consequential prime minister. i am honored to take on this responsibility at a vital time for our country. what makes the united kingdom great is all fundamental belief in freedom, in enterprise and in fair play. all people have shown grit, courage and determination. time and time again. we now face severe global headwinds caused by rushes of pulling war in ukraine and the off to moth of cove. it now is the time to tackle the issues that are holding britain back. we need to build roads, homes, and broadband pasta. we need more investments and great jobs in every town and stacy across all country. we need to reduce the budget on families and help people get told in life. i know that we have what it takes to tackle those challenges.
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of course, it won't be easy, but we can do it. we will transform britain into an aspiration nation with high paying jobs, safe streets, and where everyone everywhere has the opportunities they deserve. i will take action this day and action every day to make it happen. united with our allies, we will stand up for free demands about chrissy around the world. recognizing that we can't have security at home without having security abroad. as prime minister, i will pursue 3 ali priorities. thusly, i will get written walking again. i have a bold plan to grow the economy, 3 tax cuts and reform. i will cut taxes to reward hard walk and base
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business, lead growth and investment. i will drive reform it my mission to get the united kingdom. what king, building and grubbing will get spades in the ground to make sure people are not facing on affordable energy bills. and we will also make sure that we are building hospitals, schools, rhodes, a broadband. secondly, i will dale hands on with the energy crisis caused by putin's wool. i will take action this week to deal with energy bills and to secure all future energy supply. thirdly, i will make sure that people can get doctor's appointments and the nature services they need. we will put all health service on a thumb footing by delivering on the economy on energy and only an 8 chess. we will put our nation on the path to long term success. we shouldn't be daunted by
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the challenges we face as strong as the stone may bay. i know that the british people are stronger. our country was built by people who get things done. we have huge reserves of talent, of energy and determination. i am confident that together we can ride out the storm. we can rebels our economy and we can become the molten brilliant britain, the time now we can bay. this is our vital mission to ensure opportunity and prosperity for all people and future generations. i am determined to deliver. thank you though you have it lives, trust the british prime minister, making a very short speech, a national post 4 photographs or with her husband. they're outside 10 down in 3,
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she only becomes the 3rd female brian minister of the united kingdom, following margaret thatcher, who was very dominant to the 19 eighties and nineties. and then of course sir, to resume in the 2010. and of course now is the era of las trusts. now they'll be short of short interlude as sir. she takes breath of what's going on and the magnitude of her job ahead or we don't think she's going to be coming out for another, a press conference. but we shall see m p 's their names are harley there, possibly for cabinet job with a few of the james cleverly as well. there are with his back to us and of course, sir, or we shall see who is announced in the cabinet. and in the coming hours, let's cross over to her. andrew simmons, andrew obviously there's always a little bit of uncertainty as to what goes on after the prime minister closes the door of number 10, downing street, who goes and who goes out. but for what we know so far, we don't,
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these are gonna say anything else at the moment. what will the timeline be now in terms of procedure? ah, in terms of procedure? well, it's case of catching her breath. i would say moving in that right? this very moment, she'll be greeted by a future star from there will be surrounding the staircase in the hallway of downing street. she'll be ready looking around working out well, this is, it's a husband, a her 2 daughters. ah, i do believe that to witness this occasion, she will be shown around effectively the house of sheep, pretty clear on what's where she's been minister to 3 separate administrations. she, she knows the lie of the land. i will know the layouts of a dining street, but what she'll be doing is really getting into that job of making those
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appointments. i think that i'll be very rapid. they'll be quite soon that they've already been made. i will also hasn't a guess. so all the big players, look the heavy hits, i will certainly be lined up and there's a lot of lot of leaks going on. the interesting part, the really interesting part is what's going on with the law ranks because a lot of squabbling going on there in terms of repaying people for the favors they've done by lending that support a to her campaign and of called her. and she's very clear on the agenda, 3 points, the, the most important point, i think the british people want to hear was how she's gonna handle the energy crisis. she says she's going to handle it very quickly and this week, her, yes, let's get into that. that speech m that was short on detail, but sort of white angled own approach. we've heard before about infrastructure and improving the internet, building more hospitals, building more schools,
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getting these investments on the way it's carbon copy to boris johnson. and what he was saying, i remember it well, 2019 very cold occasion when he laid out his agenda. so that's, that's, that's had been heard before. the difference, she says is the case that she's gonna really cut taxes. she's going to go for an approach sort of the american way. suddenly the right wing lay in terms of enabling the economy. so recover now that's being done at the time when it's tanking, you know, and, and, and this whole energy crisis and the war in ukraine. the global picture is against her, the domestic pitches against her. but she, well, she says she as the will, she is going about it and she will sit down with a new chancellor who she's appointing. i would say, oh, she's already put something in there, quite anger who's got a good, a good brief on, on finance,
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she herself is an accountant. so as osmond us by profession at so she knows her numbers and she is known for taking on officialdom for taking on the senior civil servants. she's going to do that now, whether they'll be a battle with the treasury, as they invariably is, with british governments that remains to be seen, but they can't afford not to be united. and when i say united, it's going to be the key word. we didn't really hair much of the word unity in that speech, but it is absolutely critical that this trust that really works on unity because she's not in the best of possess. she only got 50 for 7 percent of the vote. i had to head richie sumac richey soon act was the favorite of a m p 's they, they voted for him in large numbers. so she is in a, in a situation where it's a little bit, you know, it's a bit of
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a situation where she's lane not lame, blamed the wrong way, where she's got to find extra strength, extra support. that's why, with a cabinet you'll see, she'll surround ourselves with loyalists loyal us. she can trust. now where we've heard that before, and british politics is another matter, but she can for us right now. and that is going to be the fuel for her. and with them, is there an downing street? thanks very much. of course we take you back to down the street show those live pictures of what's happening right now. of course, there a few moments ago was less trust speaking to the british nation. and there it is. now, without the lectern and without the prime minister, she's taking a breath miss, probably meeting the staff inside 10 downing street. she talked about the transformational aspirational needs of the nation. she talked about building roads, homes and broadband. she's also talked about taking a very firm hand and acting on the energy crisis, which is impacting on inflation,
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impacting on the cost of living. and that she will make that decision and announcement later in the week. and she also said that she wants to make sure that the n h s a was also cared for and that she would be making sure that doctors appointments is very hot topic in the u. k. about getting appointments with doctors that may have to be able to see a medic are at the top of her agenda. of course, we'll get more analysis and more inkling of what liz trust is going to do and how she's going to act in the coming us here on out there. so we were going to far away on that story because less trust inherent say government that came to power in a landslide victory in 2019 but pulse suggest. the conservatives now trailing the main opposition labor party. emma heyward reports from grinsley in north eastern england on the challenges facing the new prime minister. 525. on a day when the states couldn't be hi, i'm getting the right price is everything. it may be 300 kilometers from downing
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street burton political future is being watched closely here. i'm hoping for honesty and integrity. i'm hoping that they're going to lead us out to be quite frankly, very worrying times. well, we won't change anyway. yeah, the media will focus on getting rid of virus and they got what they wanted and they, we, all grimsby has seen its fortunes ebb and flow back in the sixty's. it was the biggest fishing port in the world. now it's at the center of sea food processing and the offshore wind industry. but poverty levels remain high in some parts of the town. at the last general election force, johnson lead to conservative to power and that when saw the party take territory, which had been held by labor like this one for decades, nearly 3 years on this is the reality for some people queuing for central, for just one of grimsby food banks right now, westminster feels
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a long way from here. and i think we're doing it a little bit more government support in tape in the economy to a level where people can afford to buy their own food. this was only a food bank is only meant to give temporary aid to individuals. but what's happening is we'll get more and more individuals that come in on the weekend. we count basis list ross has promised to lift the economy and tackle the energy crisis shall also need to build trust in people who are the backbone of british business. i want to vote for a just for the, for the i kind of gave up on the politics of in games rigged. and i don't think any of the pies can get a handle on what's going on at the moment. it's been such a small, which was time that i don't think anybody has the answers. finding those answers won't be easy. as the u. k. battles,
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record inflation and the worst energy crisis in decades. emma haywood al jazeera in northern england. that's bringing the days of unease. now, the un nuclear watchdog says what it saw in ukraine's upper reach a power plant is called the great concern the i. e. a has just released the report the investigation conducted last week. and the team says, a security that must be established around the plan to mediately. it says that the stone could prevent shelling, which could cause a nuclear accident. inspect, is also reported damage to the building that houses radioactive waste. gabriel is under isn't key with more the a report confirms that the monitors to when they were there doing their investigation of what was happening on site there that they did. they report that they saw lots of shelling in various directions very close to the separation of nuclear power plant. in fact, they noted in the report that it was so bad at one time, the
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a team members were asked to go to the basement room for safety within the facility for their own safety for a while. they also noted how much damage was done that they saw around and inside the nuclear power plant. they detailed the destruction of windows doors, fragments of shelling, things along those lines. so they really got a view of how bad the damage was inside and how the the showing back and forth had reached inside the plant at least to some degree. they also noted that which they had 7 different recommendations. and one of the recommendations was that all of the shelling must stop immediately. but as part of that, they said that as a recommendation, there needs to be a nuclear safety and security protection zone set up. in order to ensure this, the safety of the power plant, but how they plan to actually implement that is unclear at this point. they just
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said they're going to work with all parties to try to establish something there. but it clearly is going to take some time to figure out what exactly that will look like. present vladimir putin is attended wargames in eastern russia. the exercise is in bold, full system, china, india, and several other countries. the week long drills known as boston 2022 begun last thursday. that includes more than $50000.00 troops along with aircraft and warships . more flooding is expected in southern bulk installed with the release of water from the country's largest lake. engineers have cut through the embankments of lake mankinds in the province to reduce the volume of water, threatening to flood properties downstream. the villages and its path for home to more than a 100000 people. the residents have been evacuated. come all hide has lorna from punjab province to the north. edward more than dreaded where to go and drink it again when we came to lay our district, we were able to reach her home by board. regard was cut off by
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a large water body. now where we are, john, we are back on the same track. and once again, we have to dig the board to reach a relish. after crossing to lodge. and margaret, your motor need deep. the situation head is quite desperate. and although the larger order now receding, it is granger days, several months there, nor dears, for the people to get back to their normal life. a lot of the hood legged hom plug hit was not what we had no boats, and the water was rising rapidly. we could not get to it all the children and woman, but they could be swept of them on the water has come and gone and it is left a trail of destruction called the van number that still littering the place. and it is of god,
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a very horrible thing to see what has happened to this place. nothing major. hello . i was home last flooding to talk and then stepped away. any milk, crops, houses, and everything. and by this time, we were slightly better but still lost all other crops and livestock. the 2010 florida effected 20000000 people across august on. but the flood that hit budget on recently has affected over 30000000 people. and although to be able to recover from the large flood whatever deandre bake, it now launched again budget on research, florida being blamed on red and climate change. and these papers, once again, find themselves walner. but the government, as to learners lessons, in order to mitigate the vague, of their devastating floods caused by climate change. it must ag now,
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in order to ensure a budget on food security and above all, to save human life. welcome, i was in not northern province, but forecast is all predicting more rain to the south. army and navy in its continue to rescue people, but some are refusing to leave their homes as a minister of the reports and from the district in sind province. the floods of turn, the edge of open fields, incense province into the shorelines of an inland sea. a staging point for rescue missions. shuttling people to safety. those from the district. now wait and worry for the ones left behind. the village after village underwater. only the tops of trees and buildings visible people who are still here are completely surrounded,
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living as castaways in their own homes. now are still children here the floods came and we couldn't get the children out. we weren't able to save anything. now we've got houses of fallen down, we are suffering a law. what should we do? the government must help us. food is running out and they are stranded. but refusing rescue where animals represent wealth, to leave them behind, is to lose everything dirty. the boat off, fierce how long the girl you are doing and there aren't a lot of steve's here. if we leave the house, we will be robbed. if they steal the plates and dishes we eat from, then what will we do would endanger here? but if we go to another place, our lives will be endangered there as well. and there will have nothing to eat. we'll die of hunger, hungary here or hungry there. at least here they say in whatever remains of their home, they still have their dignity. it is a decision that isn't taken lightly. they are aware of their circumstances. there
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are sick and injured among them and they know more water, more rain is coming up without standing here. it really feels like you're looking out at a see. but those are flood waters and they have devastated the houses in this village, the destruction the debris. it all really speaks for itself. now there were about a 1000 people living in this village before the floods before the monsoons. now there's only about a 100, mostly men, the elderly and a few children, and they're here to take care of what little property they have left. as we leave, our boat gets stuck on the roof of a house or a man swims across to help push us out. luckily, the floods may have taken their lives and property. but not there need to take care of each other. zane basra, viola 0 the other districts in pakistan earlier city of jackson, mississippi has running water once again after going without for more than
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a week. not more than a 160000 residents were effected. heavy rain and flooding calls the city's water treatment plan to fail. officials declared the state of emergency many schools businesses were closed. governor says the city's water system still needs urgent updates. we know that it is always possible that there will be more severe challenges. this system broke over several years and it would be inaccurate to claim it is totally solved in the matter of less than a week. we know how to respond to crisis and we know how to do so effectively. we have the personnel in place to day to prevent as many issues as possible, while understanding that a week of repairs does not eliminate each and every risk. there may be more bad days in the future. ah.


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