tv The Stream Al Jazeera September 6, 2022 10:30pm-11:01pm AST
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to cause the russian federation that lee took place only at noon of 4 hours later than planned webpage tribute to the courage of the agency representative their, their readiness to work literally under fire. ukrainian fire would like to ask you, director general, what was the impact on your work or all of the attempt to buy ukrainian armed forces to abort to the mission? how can you comment upon of these the activities by the ukrainian side, in the context of threats to safety and security of the station and the safety of the edges? his staff? i would like to address a similar question to the secretary general. the d. s. s. us in the u. n. d s. s, a staff were part of the i a missions on they were dealing with the issues of safety and security. a was a duty to assess the situation. no, and no of all everything that could create a risk for it. what do you or staff talk about the risks that were created for the mission by the ukrainian side. mr. president, in the it's disappointment with
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a i a visit to the and p p. k. i didn't want to hide zalinski advisor, mr. potter log said in particular that i quote, all of these are mediation missions, a very ineffective and extremely cowardly, extremely unprofessional, and of quota. according to him, the mission was never ready to work in extreme conditions and this applies not only just for the agency but to the u. one. the characteristic of this ukranian a government employ the international organizations. well, we don't trust them from the start and of quote one mister fidela. all so doubted the fact that in 2 hours time that i could have conducted wide expertise and guided by that anger cable resulted not to give up on his plans. despite the fact that the eye representatives were this station on the 2nd of september, the cavers,
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she undertook yet another unsuccessful attempt to capture the station. but this was foiled by the russian armed forces. since then, the key of regime continues attacking the station almost every day. on the 3rd of september, the armed forces over your crime use 8 drones with suspended munitions. but thanks to our russian romped forces, the drones nearing the station were blocked. after that, they were forced to drop their grenades in desert, deserted areas more. oh, more than 1.5 kilometers away from the station. on the 4th of september they ukrainian forces. he used a combat to u. a. v. to strike. as a result of what was done by the russian armed forces, the drone loss control and crash kit one kilometer away from the n p. p. on the 5th of september, there was another shelling by either ukrainians over the n p p. one of them hit the roof of building number one with through its fuel assemblies and solid radioactive
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waste. according to the information of our minister of defense, the shelling of the station and then a gordon is conducted from the other side of the co host go water reservoir. namely from the towns of new capo madigan his mighty africa, they are under the control of the ukrainian armed forces. the ukrainian attacks resulted in the fact that out of a 7 electric lies 5, a damaged we call on the members of security council. and you and leadership a strongly condemned is from occasions by the case they are aimed and not only against the staff of the station, but also against the international civil servants. i. e, e, a staff, the human shield of by a ukrainian armed forces. also the people in our go down to day only there were 5 artillery shelling of that place. we know directed general, all of that the citizens gave you a collective appeal, a route asking that this be stopped. and this is something that was covered very widely and mass media. and you did say that you will do everything you can
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on detail on this. what is your impression from your interaction with the people of annette godaddy. we continue doing everything we can to make sure that the priority and p p works safely, ensuring its functioning as something that's being done. our stand a technical personnel with the support of russian specialists. so father radiation, situational has station is normal. but a of the publications by the k of regime continues, there is no guarantee that there won't be serious consequences and the responsibility for that lies fully with care. and it's western bankers, and all other members of security council who so far have not found in themselves the courage to call things their proper name and kallen k of to stop it's reckless said acts against these upper orgy and p p which create a real threat to international peace and security, we expect that today security out council members will have enough courage to do
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that so as to prevent a potential radiation disaster. i thank you joe, we'll see lower group. i think we're presented with the russian federation for his statement. and then they'll give the floor to the united states. thank you, mr. president. and thank you, secretary general, guiterres and director general grossi. we appreciate your continued support to ensure the operational safety and security of this upper easy out nuclear power plant, despite russia's ongoing attacks. and refusal to silence guns and withdraw from ukraine, so that the situation can be resolved peacefully and diplomatically. first, let us commend the parties involved in facilitating the visit of the international atomic energy agencies team. the visit allowed them to carry out their important ongoing work. despite the increasingly dangerous situation with his,
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with his operates, he had facility the united states welcomes the technical support of the a's mission to the operating facility we. we support continued unhindered and safe. i a access to the facility to that end, it is essential that russia allow ukrainian operators to implement any and all measures the a team and ukrainian operators deem important for the safe and secure operation of the plant to decrease the risk of a nuclear incident. colleagues, this is a matter of international nuclear safety and security. the potential danger here is enormous. it concerns us all. and so once again, we support ukraine's call for the demilitarization of the area. surrounding is upper each facility and we demand rushes, immediate withdrawal from ukraine,
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sovereign territory, despite russia, song and dance here today to avoid acknowledging responsibility for its actions. russia has no right to expose the world to unnecessary risk and the possibility of a nuclear catastrophe. worse, this is a situation entirely of rushes, making. the current danger is upper etivia, is a result of rushes unprovoked, and unlawful invasion of ukraine. and specifically, it is a result of russia's premeditated march 4th seizure of this plant. the international community called for russia to avoid the nuclear plant. instead, russian troops struck and seized the facility, jeopardizing the $87.00 pillars of nuclear safety and secured. russia continues to conduct military operations around the plant. every day russia
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controls the plant increases the risk of a nuclear incident over the weekend showing once again led to the disconnection of an external power lines putting at risk the plants operations. while we understand that the plant is currently generating enough power to operate its cooling systems, rushes continued military presence in the area will continue to put the plant in the entire region in serious danger. we continue to urge russia to end all military operations at or near ukraine's nuclear facilities into return, full controlled to ukraine. the i. e 's report. instead details conditions drastically increasing the stress interests on the operators and thus unacceptably raising the risk of human error. the report also notes continued combat operations in the vicinity in the installation of military equipment and personnel within the
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plant, which also contribute to the risk of nuclear disaster. i want to mentioned here that we joined the director general in commending the staff at all nuclear facilities for their endurance and resilience in keeping the sites running in a safe and secure way. and it's the conflict mister president nick opposed brave mer recently told a media outlet, and i quote, our biggest challenge is that we can't predict what's going to happen tomorrow, or even if there's going to be a tomorrow. another ukrainian citizen was quoted saying, quote, all of us are just scared all the time. i am old, i have diabetes. if anything happens, i will only have time to lie on the floor and close my eyes. no one should have to live like this. there is no excuse for the unnecessary risk of
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a nuclear incident. no one should be questioning if there will be a tomorrow. the plant in the electricity it produces belong to ukraine. any attempt by russia to disconnect this app, ricci, or nuclear power plant from ukraine and direct a power generates toward russia, would be highly provocative, selfish, and short sighted. we reject all efforts by russia to use ukraine's electric grid as a pawn in this, in justified unjustified war in ukraine's nuclear power plant is a military shield or deployment site. russia is responsible for this crisis and it can also resolve it. now, the solution is not complicated. the russian for iteration must and its reckless behavior and immediately withdraw its troops. not only from the areas surrounding separate, but from all of ukraine. ry cynicism from russia,
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claiming profound concern about the risk of catastrophe, will not cut it. it is obvious that the fastest way to fix this is for russia to withdraw immediately. unfortunately, for all of us, the russian federation showed its true colors when it obstructed the outcome. at the 10th review conference of the nuclear nonproliferation treaty, russia alone block consensus on a final document. that should come as no surprise given that russia's actions during its further invasion of ukraine have undermined the safe should secure and peaceful use of nuclear energy. the exact kind of issues, the n p t and it's review conference are called upon to address this lack of commitment to the peaceful uses of nuclear energy calls into question rushes, reliability as a supplier of nuclear material equipment and technology. the world's responsible
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n p t. states parties have called for russia to end all military activity near the zapatista facility. and rightfully return full control of the facility to ukraine. now is the time for russia to listen before it's too late. as the toll of this conflict on civilians grows even higher, i hope each of us on behalf of the countries we represent. will underscore in this chamber that russia must silence its guns. withdraw from ukraine and embrace diplomacy. general statements of concern or appeals to all parties will not help resolve this crisis. all parties are not responsible for the situation. russia is, and it is incumbent on russia to show now with its actions that it respects the un charter by respecting ukraine sovereignty and territorial integrity. thank you miss
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preston. joe, i think the representative over the united states for his statement, i now give the floor to the representative of the united kingdom. thank you president. thank. he said to general, thank you director general grossey. i'd like to start by commending the i e, a director general grossey and his staff at for their visit to zap her asia, a nuclear power plant under extremely challenging circumstances. we welcome the i e a's ongoing presence there. and i also offer my thanks to ukraine for helping to facilitate this visit. the i. e. a has assessed that the physical integrity of his upper asia nuclear power plant has been violated several times. and with the
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publication of today's report, the i, a e, a has confirmed the presence of russian military personnel, vehicles and equipment in the plant. we understand that in some cases, russian military equipment has been as close as 60 meters from the nuclear reactors. the report also confirms the immense stress and pressure under which the brave ukrainian staff at this plant are operating. they are no longer workers, but hostages being held at gunpoint by choosing to
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invade or nuclear power plant and puddings. up her easier in the crossfire. russia is playing roulette with nuclear safety. as long as russia's occupation of the plant continues, it's safe and secure operation cannot be insured. any measures to address nuclear safety at the plant should therefore involve the full withdrawal of russian troops and personnel. president. this is the 3rd meeting that russia has called on this issue in recent weeks. but we should be under no illusion. the situation that separate here is entirely of russia's making. it is russia's invasion that has
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disrupted the operation of nuclear facilities across ukraine. it is russia that his jeopardizing the safety of millions in the region who would be affected by nuclear incident. and it is russia that can resolve the situation by immediately withdrawing its forces from zap parisha and all of you cried and ceasing. it's senseless and reckless aggression. thank you, president, joy moore. i think the representative of the united kingdom for his treatment i now gave the floor to the representative of brazil. thank you mister president. allowed me to start my expressing or precision to the secretary general for his briefing and to the director general of the i. e for the visit of his team to
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w 2 m. for his report. mr. present last week. the i e. a mission to there's a pretty, it's a nuclear power plant, was a positive development emitter conflict. in which moments of good news happening few and far between the presence of the agencies inspectors allows us to grasp the real dimension of the risks to the safety of those nuclear installations. avoiding and watching nations security council holding open meeting on the situation that these operation nuclear power plant in ukraine had from the united nations chief antonio terrace, urging russia and ukraine to agree a demilitarized perimeter around the russia. housing for richer power plant. also heard from the russian ambassador saying, he regretted that the i did not blame ukraine. and we heard from the u. s. and the
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u. k, that the russians were quite master playing roulette with nuclear safety. and both of those countries were urging russia to withdraw from the pound and from ukraine. leave that meeting now move on to events in pakistan and more flooding is expected in southern pakistan with a release of water from the country's largest lake. engineers have cut through the embankments of lake mansion to reduce the volume, the water, but it's threatening to flood properties downstream as dozens of villages line it's path. mon charles, it's west of the indus river and the southern sin province, and is dangerously full following the countries record monsoon rains with 100000 people ready displaced. they've been several deliberate breaches of the next banks to protect more densely populated areas. men cha, struggles to districts, do and jim sure, and about 80 percent of the region is under water. and military is helping with evacuations and residents remaining near the lake using machinery to strengthen
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embankments, to avoid devastating over spill. while honda has more from the city of layer in southern pakistan, edward more than dreaded where to go and drink it again when we came to lay our district, we were able to reach another home by board, regarded was cut off by a large water body. now dread john, we're back on the same track. and once again, we have to dig the board to the railing. after croaking through lodge and margaret, your dog more need deep. the situation head is quite desperate, and although the larger order than now receding, it is granger days, several months there, nor dears, for the people to get back to their normal life, ilana. but the hood legged hom blood hit was not what we had no boats. and the
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water was rising rapidly, we could not get to it. our children and woman could be swept of them on the water has come and gone. and it is left a trail of destruction called the van number that still littering the place. and it is of god, a very horrible thing to see what has happened to this place last night, just hello. i was home last flooding 2010 steps of a any milk crops, houses, and everything. and ever this time we were slightly better but still lost all other crops and livestock. the 2010 florida effected 20000000 people across pakistan. but the flood that hit budget on recently has affected over 30000000 people. and although to be able to recover from the large flood whatever deandre bake it now launched again. budget on research,
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florida being blamed on red and climate change and age paper once again find themselves walner. but the government, as the learners lessons in order to mitigate the vague, of the devastating floods called by climate change, it much dag. now in order to ensure a budget on food security and above all, to save human life. and these 2 people are being killed and 10 are missing. after typhoon him nor swept through south korea, the storm is not moved out to sea towards japan. thousands of people have been displaced and the storm surge is caused. widespread flooding as rub mcbride reports from pusan. after days of building off shore and lashing far flung islands in the east, china see the typhoon finally made landfall on south korea's coast. the biggest storm so far this year, it comes barely
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a month after record breaking rains lashed the capital sole, and it coincides with preparations for a national holiday. and he won't happen to so we're up to about financial as president. my heart is heavy. as this typhoon comes ahead of the true soc holiday. natural disasters like this generally hit the weakest, the hardest part of jak j. thousands of people in vulnerable areas had to be moved to safety. when it made land fall to the west of boost than the circling winds around the typhoon center meant that the whole of this stretch of coastline bull, the full brunt of winds, whipping in from the open ocean. as he none more thundered in land. the excessive rain combined with high tides and a storm surge have caused wide spread flooding. soldiers have been helping and affected areas. in this one video clip, they use an armored vehicle to rescue a stranded woman. and after the deluge the clean up and the chance to assess the
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damage living near the ocean, these communities are used to storms. but shop owner lehman chick says all he could do during this, ty, food was take shelter from that among widen sleep every night. all night and it wasn't like i could go outside and check the situation. who was a nightmare. further along the coast, these businesses thought that extra concrete blocks in addition to see defenses would be enough. they weren't. every household in this community has volunteered to help with the clean up. whenever there's a typhoon, we always worry how big it is going to be. but we can't blame the ocean. we can't abandon the sea. still a powerful storm pin him know his continue to track nor bringing heavy rains to japan, north korea, and finally russia. while back in south korea,
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people wonder when the next tie food will come and how powerful it will be. rub, mcbride al jazeera boost on the white house is repeated cause for accountability for the killing of ounces here. john assuring of work a but it's not pushing for an independent investigation. on monday, the israel military admitted for the 1st time that she was likely killed by israeli gunfire in may and its long awaited reporting to her death. it said as a high possibility, she was accidentally hit by ready troops is really, i mean, says it didn't find any violation of regulations and won't be pursuing any criminal investigation. with our profound condolences go to the family, we hear their concerns, we understand or concerns. the examiner examination was conducted by 2 members. again of the u. s. c. c, with over 42 combined years of forensic expertise in addition to the forensic and ballistic analysis. do you fcc was granted full access to both israel defense
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courses and palestinian authority investigation by summarizing both investigation. you fcc concluded that gun fired from id f positions was likely responsible for the death of sharina bu, ugly, that you fcc found no reason to believe that this was intentional, but rather the result of tragic circumstances. police and canada had received reports of a possible citing of a suspect thought to be responsible for multiple stabbings in the province, a scantron authorities urging people in the remote indigenous community of james miss cree nation to shelter in place. after reported sightings of miles, sanderson, 10 people were killed and at least 18 injured on sunday. victims were also found in the nearby town of weldon sandersons, brother was also suspect, was found dead on monday. the governor of mississippi is announced water pressure has been restored to the city of jackson after taps run dry for a week. 160000 residents were without safe drinking water. heavy rain and flooding
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caused the city's water treatment plant to fail. officials declared a state of emergency, and many schools and businesses have been closed. the governor tate reeves says the city's water system still needs urgent updates intervene countries scrambling to respond to a surge in gas prices after russia shut down a crucial pipeline to europe. an extraordinary meeting of the blocks, energy ministers will be held in brussels on friday to discuss the crisis. the french president, my call is urged household to limit the use of gas and electricity and said you will consider forced savings. if voluntary measures aren't enough. germany says it will keep 2 of its remaining nuclear power stations on standby. despite plans to phase out the energy source. kane has more from 1000000000. there's quite a few strands from a european perspective to the energy crisis as it presents itself today. we know
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that from the institutions perspective, that the check presidency, 6 month, rotating presidency, which the checks have right now is putting forward a draft document which you to look at the idea of placing caps on the price of gas that would be brought into the e u from whatever source. and we know also that the spanish government is saying that they understand that there is the talk about the possibility of capping the amount of gas being brought in either piped in from russia or indeed brought in on boats that would be liquefied natural gas. we know that the spanish government says it has been bring in more l n g from russia over the course of this summer. so that's being discussed, this idea of price caps at the u level. we know separately that in finland, for example, the authorities there have said that they are going to boost the amount of power, the amount of output coming from their nuclear reactors. remembering that nuclear provides around a 3rd of all finish energy. so lots of different strands of the european level
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today. a new school year has begun and you validate texas, where a gunman killed 19 students and 2 teachers inside an elementary school 3 months ago, has been an increased security presence at the city schools and new metal fencing installed. but district officials say several measures remain incomplete. including additional cameras and new locks, the rob elementary school where the shooting happened in may is still closed. to stay with us, we'll have more news for you in just a few minutes. i've now awe
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extraordinary men and women who are breaking the mold from the taxi drivers, investing everything they have in to their mini bus only to face extreme danger on the suitors rough his tracks to the jokey, turned paramedics saving lives, transporting the sick and elderly from medical help, blue through to risking it's all on al jazeera, undercover reporting, an exclusive stories explosive results. al jazeera investigations ah
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