tv News Al Jazeera September 7, 2022 5:00am-5:31am AST
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witness live with algae 0. the latest news as it breaks doctor's here, tell us that they're desperate to get more antibiotics and other medical supplies between those who are injured with detailed coverage for pe walker under you. and young's up was for granted over there for until got demand for bag, from around the world given as a new king to pots, a warrior continued to sing his praise. brenda lloyd a loyalty ah, the un nuclear watchdog calls for security zone around ukraine zachary to a power plant, which is controlled by russian forces ah
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. out of them. nora kyle, this is al jazeera live from dough. also coming up live trust replaces boris johnson, who's u. k. prime minister faces immediate domestic and international challenges. i am confident that together we can ride out the storm and efforts on to prevent pakistan's late mansion from bursting its banks flood waters released him. thousands are moved to a safer ground. ah, your nuclear watchdog says the situation that the russian control zapper each a nuclear plant in ukraine is unsustainable. both sides accuse each other of selling the plant, the i. e. a is calling for an immediate securities and to be set up around the station, which is europe largest, or a board also recommends that conditions be improve for ukrainian staff operating
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the plant, expert se work is needed to repair damage to buildings that housed nuclear fuel and radioactive waste, a plant in the southern city of n, a hold are usually generates around half of ukraine's nuclear power, but attacks height and the risk of damage to its electricity grid. and the worst case scenario explosions could destroy the plant, so called reactor containment structure. that will allow high react radiation levels to escape into the atmosphere making nearby areas dangerous to live in for decades. the head of the you and nuclear watchdog reported his findings of the security council. i diplomatic as to james space has this report. having just led a mission by a team of inspectors to the zap route, see a nuclear power plant, a place that's been showed repeatedly the head of the i. e. a spoke to the security council about his findings. the current situation, he said, was dangerous and untenable. the physical attack, wittingly or unwittingly,
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the hits that this facility has received and that i could personally see assess together with my experts, is simply a unacceptable playing with fire and something very, very catastrophic could take place. he's now proposing a demilitarized protection zone around aperture, the largest nuclear power plant in europe. it's a proposal that is also strongly backed by the un secretary general, and their agreement on a demilitarized perimeter should be secured. specifically, that will include the commitment by russian forces to is that all military personnel and the equipment from the perimeter, and the commitment by ukrainian forces not to move into it's didn't have both ukrainian and the russian ambassador as spoken the meeting, each blaming the other for the shelling of the plans after the security council
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meeting, i asked rushes ambassador about the proposal for the militarize zone. i want to know the details. famous here, i don't know. do not know what to direct the j gross means play. that's to what extent that will improve the safety of both physical nuclear safety of the plant. the proposal for the militarize, i was supported by most members of the security council, but russia and ukraine both said they wanted more details. it's clear much more diplomacy and persuasion will be needed if this idea is ever to be turned into reality. james bay's outages era at the united nations gave her xander is in cave. he spoke to one of your friends talk nuclear experts about the situation at the plant is some of that interview. for lake cody cove is one of ukraine's top nuclear scientists. he actually got his start working inside the now besieged zap anesha
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nuclear power plant. he is now the head of ukraine's office for radiation and nuclear safety. in one of his 1st international television interviews, he told me what the situation is right now inside that power plant. at the moment as a port is a nuclear power plant is fully disconnected from the external power agreed. as a provision nuclear power plant have 6 nuclear. here we show we have nuclear few in fact. so a and invest case as a but he's a nuclear power plant, have to have own electric power production to pump up the water through the reactor active core of the 6 reactors in case of any malfunction of that system,
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we can face with the coma down which can lead to radiation release into utmost here the separation nuclear power plant is located inside the city of an air holder. it's a city that has come under constant shilling on tuesday, it was so bad that water and power were both cut off to the entire town european countries and scrambled to respond to the surgeon gas prices after russia shut down a crucial pipeline to europe. the french president of new macro is urging every household to limited use of gas and electricity. mac also said he might consider a force energy savings in the coming months if the voluntary measures are not sufficient. on monday, germany announced it will keep 2 of its remaining nuclear power stations on stand
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by to battle the energy crisis. so mccain have more from balin. this quote, a few strands from a european perspective to the energy crisis as it presents itself to day. we know that from the e institutions perspective that the check presidency, 6 mother asserting presidency, which the checks have right now is putting forward a draft document which will look at the idea of placing caps on the price of gas that would be brought into the e u from whatever source. and we know also that the spanish government is saying that they understand that there is the talk about the possibility of capping the amount of gas being brought in either piped in from russia or indeed brought in on boats that would be liquefied natural gas. we know that the spanish government says it has been bringing in more l n g from russia over the course of this summer. so that's being discussed, this idea of price caps at the e u level. we know separately that in finland, for example, the authorities there have said that they are going to boost the amount of power,
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the amount of output coming from their nuclear reactors. remembering that nuclear provides around a 3rd of all finish energy. so lots of different strands of the european level to day. i'll mean while china, as it outs, it will stop paying for gas from russia in us dollars and switch to roubles. and jo ann instead agreement is another sign of stronger ties between the allies aft, the west, imposed sanctions on marcia over its war a new crane person see if i miss ellis. trust has 1000 appointing senior members of her cabinet often taken over from boston. and on tuesday, she dressed the nation, promising to tackle the cost of living crisis and rebuild the economy. and then baba reports from london as lose trust took her 1st steps in downing street, his prime minister, her focus was on reassuring the nation. things can get better. we now place
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a big label. headwinds caused by rushes, pulling war in ukraine, and the aftermath of k that now is the time to tackle the issues that are holding britain back. we need to build roads, homes, and broadband pasta. we need more investment and great jobs in every town and city across our country. we need to reduce the burden on families and help people get on the life. of course, the pressing issue is helping people cope with huge energy price rises on that she says she understands the urgency. i will take action this week to deal with energy bills and to secure off future energy supply. but she repeated her commitment to cutting taxes as a way of driving economic growth. trust started to tell you, flying to scotland, where she met queen elizabeth at her bow moral estate. she was formerly appointed after the monarch received the outgoing prime minister's resignation. before he
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threw north maurice johnson and his wife, carrie said good bye to stop at 10 downing street. it was partly the party in here that led to so many of his own. m. p. 's. turning against him, is departing speech. didn't reference any coven rule breaking, but rules did come up when he talked about the end of his premier ship. the baton will be handed over in waters, unexpectedly turned out to be a relay race. they changed the rules half way through, but never mind that now. johnson did promise to support this trust every step of the way, urging his party to unite after a damaging leadership contest apart from telling supporters what his government had achieved. johnson did briefly mention the financial stress facing millions of households, the sunlit uplands of the british economy, a currently shrouded in folk, and the calls on the new prime minister to offer some glimpse of light are getting louder. you need to look at the world is the,
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is rather than the world that you'd like it to be and then you need to respond. and the big message for me is trickle down. economics does not work. the last 15 years has shown us that because economy has granite points, the cake has got bigger. but what's happened is that those are the top of taken more, and the majority of people have not benefit less trust will want to offer her own vision of britain as it faces. economic and ex, essential crises that she must also show the public. she's able to be pragmatic and take steps to stop millions of people slipping into poverty. the challenge is immense. nadine barbara al jazeera london, allen's chances assembled a diverse cabinet that includes prisons, fast, black finance, and foreign ministers under simmons has more from downing street less trust to hit the ground running with relief for millions of families all over the u. k. facing crippling energy bills as from january triple the cost, she's going to put together some sort of plan to freeze those bills. it will cost
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billions of dollars for now. she's hiring and firing. one of the 1st to go was dominic rob, who was deputy prime minister in the last government. he was a supporter for richie sooner. and not only that, he described the tax plans and his trust as electoral suicide. quasi quite tang is going to be appointed chancellor at the finance minister of the u. k. he's a key ally and he's also sharing the ideologies of his trust. in growing the economy and cutting taxes, james cleverly, it is the current education secretary in the last government, and he will be promoted to foreign secretary dealing with russia's invasion of ukraine and the european union. there major issues he'll face sweller, brother man, is going to be home secretary, the interior minister, she will be dealing with
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a host of internal issues, domestic issues. the key point to these appointments is that list trust needs loyalists around her, lots of loyalists. and she needs to, for that good will from within the cabinet to permeate through the party and through the membership of the conservative party because she is a bit of a lonely figure right now. still has hair on out, is there why the u. s. is accusing north korea of helping russia continue its invasion of ukraine and the most powerful typhoon to hit south korea in years leaves at least 6 people that anticipates espouses where live and ha ah, the journey has begun. the fee for world copies on its way to a catholic book. your travel package today. right. the typhoon has got and watch it
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go. it really accelerated zip through south korea. it cause damage because it's a fairly major event as it went through, but it's gone now. so the pictures and jazz you all and 5 times a month, the average of rainfall. there was of course, coastal damage from the storm surge and the strength of the wind and flooding in land. but as you can see, there's nothing there to talk about on wednesday. it's going up towards jacqueline taking rain with it very quickly and left behind very quiet conditions for clean up there. still shouting honshu the still rain creek back into southern china and rain coming into western charging dues. temps is coming down as a result of that creeping rain, it will run up, i think, through the yanks to some degree as well. so that in the season or rain still going strong, pretty wide band is broken up as a virtually any way you look at. there's a chance of having a shout tomorrow is a little bit dry. maybe bit jakarta looks fairly wet in the forecast, at least the monsoon rains are retreating, but they are still pretty heavy. concentrating down the western side of the
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peninsula, still up in bangladesh as well. but for pakistan, although there's plenty of flooding in the country and you've seen the damage from it, the forecast shells per day or so are really quite light. i saw a visual airline of the journey iraq, a nation where women's chastity is seen the central to its patriarchal identity. but out of sight, human trafficking for persecution is on the rise. people have power talks, the survivors and goes behind the scenes with a dedicated police quote, working to bring the perpetrators to justice iraq human trafficking on a just 0. ah
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ah again you're watching out, is there a has reminder of our top stories this hour on her 1st day as persons prime minister lis trust has promised to tackle the cost of living crisis and rebuild the economy. i'm. she's replaced many of the top figures in boston since cabinets. and the nuclear watched up wants the situation that the russian controls operation nuclear power plant in ukraine is unsustainable. the i. e. a has also the creation of a safety setting around the plant to prevent further damage. the pentagon says russia wants north korea to supply it with ammunition for the war and ukraine. u. s. officials that demonstrates how western sanctions and limiting moscow's ability to replace vehicles and weapons destroyed during months of conflict. russia has approached north korea to request ammunition. i am not able to provide any more
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detail than that at this point in time. but it does demonstrate it is indicative of the situation that russia finds itself in, in terms of its logistics and sustainment capabilities as it relates to ukraine. certainly, as has been said, we, we assess that things are not going well on that front for russia. so the fact that they're reaching out to north korea is assigned that, that they're having some challenges on the sustainment from last spring and mason, which he, he's an associate professor of international politics at hancock, university of foreign studies need, joins us from. so thanks very much for being with us. how much military assistance is pyongyang able to give russia? yeah, that's an excellent question. and to be honest, we're not entirely sure how large north korea is military stocks are. you know, we've heard a very large number come out from the pentagon spokesman,
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you're talking about you millions of of shells near millions of replacement piece of ammunition. i think you're one of the really interesting questions that we might get some ideas how big north korea's stocks are and how much is willing to deliver, given that its own military strategy requires you mass fires. which means, you know, in theory, it would want to have relatively large number of these. but north korea does have a very large military industry. it does have a lot of shells. so presumably, a could provide a sufficient, or at least a significant number of ammunition and shells to russia. is this a sign that russia is a running low on stalks of soviet era weapons and be running out of suppliers? so certainly it looks like this is indicative of the fact that russia is having some difficulty with sustainment. again, as the pentagon put it, if this report is accurate, it,
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the british intelligence service is estimated that russia has used as much of as a 3rd of its artillery shells and is now turning to older soviet era models. we also know that russia's howitzers, for instance, are going to need re boring and replacement science from refurbishment. and then as for suppliers, you know, again, that's also potentially an issue. you know, with sanctions, you know, we know that russia's seemingly turned to iran for drones and with the squeeze, put on a financing and the ability for rush in make payments that might be playing a role in the story as well. and if russia does tend to north korea and complete these transactions, how would it violate sanctions on both sides of the countries? well, in north korea and there are, you know, blanket international sanctions when exactly these kinds of transactions, including not only the purchasing of military equipment from north korea,
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but also financing and payment systems would violate international sanctions. as well as both cast transfers, which are also prohibited by international sanctions, which russia itself has signed onto the russia would clearly be breaking mentioned previously. you know, i'm here at this whole defense dialogue actually, and we haven't heard any of the speakers talk for specifically about that yet. but i expected to come up in the afternoon and on the russian side, obviously, most of the sanctions are led by the united states and europe in particular as well . some of the u. s. allies and those sanctions. you also put this green notably on banking and so it would be interesting to see how the financial aspect of this would work out. and does this trade with potential trade that signify, russia and north korea growing closer in that ties and how might that be a concern for the west?
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yeah, so one of the things that we've heard quite a bit of speculation about ever since this most recent case of the war started in february, was that we might see growing cooperation between some of the liberal and authoritarian state to push back against a more united west and a more united liberal order in here in the east asia region. you know, the 3 countries that are named most are obviously china, russia and north korea, china, me, russia and north korea do have obviously historical relations that historically have been, have been quite good. there's been some neglect over the last few years and part because of course, but their relationship seems to be improving even though it base it's still relatively opt, opportunistic, and even a little bit trustful. i think this would be an interesting witness case if it, if the deliveries actually take place as to whether not we see a beginning of this trilateral cooperation perhaps between moscow, john young and china. and i would clearly be
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a worry for many liberal states because it would represent a block of states that would be working quite vociferously against other rules based, international order, masonry, etc. it really interesting to speak to that thanks very much for joining us. now the most powerful typhoon to hit south korea in years has killed at least 6 people, 5 of the victims when the city of po hung where the storm submerged roads and buildings. typhoon hannah, nor dumb to meter of rain, destroying rose and knocking down power lines of correspondent, bride joins us now. live fall pole. hung several. what's the aftermath look like that? yeah, they're city of ho. hang on their south korea's east coast. this is where the major clean up is happening because this is where the most damage occurred with the most rainfall. the typhoon had act with that to the a passing po hanger was actually back out at sea again or that when he, when passed here. but because it was out at sea, in these warm water separating the korean peninsula from japan, it was once more
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a seems being replenished, gathering the amount of moisture that it was dumping back on the coastline. so even though it was moving north, this part of the coast line and po, hanged, or something like 400 millimeters of water during the typhoon. this one district of this city, it's called the nam district with recorded 100 millimeters in just one hour. so that's what led to the inundation of rad roads of buildings. here, there is a marine corps unit here based in po, hang. you can see them out. had been taking part in the clean up operation. they were actually deployed where that had the height of the storm with amphibious vehicles to rescue people from the street. it's also because of the amount of water here rising so quickly where we've seen sadly the most of the fatalities, including among a group of people, it seems that we're caught in an underground car park trying to retrieve their vehicles and simply got caught out by the speed of these rising waters, there is
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a lot of speculation that this will be declared a special disaster zone that will speed up the amount of aid that can come to this area. there were a speculation that predictions that this was going to be the strongest typhoon ever recorded to come to the korean peninsula. possibly because of that various mitigation measures were put in place that has kept down the amount of destruction the number of deaths, but it was still what compared to previous data. the 3rd most powerful typhoon on record for south korea, which is plenty powerful enough for the people. air revolved in this clean up who are now glad to see the back of it. of that right are put in there. frontal hang and software. thanks very much more fuzzy is expected in southern pakistan with the release of water from the country's largest lake. engineers have cut through the embankments of lake manchild to reduce the volume of water, but it's threatening to flood property downstream as dozens of villages lie in its path. or home in homes and packets on the print job province are also submerged
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because of the recent floods call high. the reports from that it was more than dreaded where to go and drink again. when we came to lay our district, we were able to reach another and home buy board because it was cut off by a large wardrobe body. now drake, verizon, we are back on the same track. and once again, we have to dig the board to the chair railings. after crowding through lodge and margaret, your motor need deep. the situation head, it's quite desperate. and although the flag order and the now receding, it is granger date several months there, nor did for these people to get back to their normal life ilana. but the hood legged hom plugged hip, which we had no boats, and the water was rising rapidly. we could not get to it, our children and woman, but you know,
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they could be swept of them on the water has come and gone and it is left a trail of destruction called the van number that still littering the place. and it is, i've got a very horrible scene to see what has happened to this place last night. just hello by. i thought i was home last plug in 2010 steps of a any mold on my crops house if and everything. and i have at this time we were slightly better but still left all other crops and livestock. you said you went up the 2010 florida affected 20000000 people across the budget on. but the flood that had budgeted on recently has affected over 30000000 people. and although to be able to recover from the large flood whatever deandre bake it now lost again budget on recent, flooded being blamed on red and climate change. and these people,
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once again, find themselves walnut avoided the government as to learn its lessons in order to mitigate the vacancy of their devastating floods caused by climate change. it must ag now, in order to ensure a budget on food security and above all, to save human life. heavy rain has damaged unesco weld heritage live in pakistan. several was in the ancient city of my henry darrow, have collapse about 95000 years ago. 100 dara is one of the best present up in settlements in south asia. ok, just in construction. workers are repairing the damage. left us to land present. gabriel bar. it has bounced of cabinet re shuffle and call praising members of the traditional center left just days after a constitutional referendum. he had champions faced a crushing defeat. the move could alienate members of his political base,
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who say it as a concession to politics, as usual, or latin america had salisia, newman reports from santiago. this is saying that you don't really know you're in charge until you have to fire people you care for. in the wake of sundays, constitutional referendum defeat president w, l. but each had to do just that. okay, the same person that i might be going to cabinet changes have always been dramatic and chilly and this one has its fair share. it's been painful but necessary. and i won't hide it. i think that this is one of the hardest political moments i've ever faced. interior minister escape cities was replaced by catalina law, the daughter of an emblematic interior minister under former president, salvador allende, who was overthrown in 1973 military. cool, more difficult still was the removal of cabinet minister george jackson, what it is confidant and right hand man. together they began fighting to transform
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chile, a student leaders in 2011, forming a new generation of politicians. later they were inseparable as congressional allies. now, jackson, who was unable to work well with congress, has been moved to an a significant ministry. he's been replaced by former president to be shared bachelor's, ex, cabinet chief analia with the active. the cabinet shake up incorporates a political generation that the left wing, millennial president had once dismissed as history. this is the equivalent of when you move out of your house because you're a grown up now and you're going to have your own life. and 6 months later, you have to bring in your dad, your mom and your siblings, because you cannot, of sort of live on your ah, you the presidential palace university students protested throughout the day against the defeat of the draft constitution supported by bought each. it would have introduced progressive structural reforms, but for the majority of voters,
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it went to far event the game, which is obvious that the president had to get the message from this electoral defeat. and is taken note by incorporating people from arbitrations below, you weren't formed in student protests for sunday or taken into the ceremony. here at the presidential palace was the late 90 minutes because of an uproar over the choice of under secretary of the interior. why do we change that? the very last minute. the embarrassing reshuffling of the cabinet re shuffle underscores why president bondage was forced to turn to older, more experienced politicians. but each acknowledged very hard times ahead, but insisted that with the help of these more traditional social democratic cabinet members hill, forge ahead with his ambitious program of social reforms who see a newman al jazeera santiago ah.
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