tv Inside Story Al Jazeera September 7, 2022 10:30am-11:01am AST
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what is happening now that concerns me, is that prime minister, so guevara is so pro china, and clearly anti u. s. and its allies that concerns me a great deal. it's not good for the future of this country. and he says it challenges the pacific traditional partners in the region. australia has revised its traveler boss warning a potential further on rest in the capitol. it's a matter that will be raised by australia's prime minister anthony albanese. when he meets his counterpart in coming weeks. the sullivan islands lead it says delaying the election will be a one off. there's little doubt so gavera is planned for constitutional reform will be passed as his government holds a majority in parliament. sir clarke al jazeera brisbin, australia ah, you're watching out 0. these. the headlines his sam iraq supreme court, he said to rule on an application for parliament to be dissolved politicians allied
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with influential she at lady montana, elsa re far the petition last month after an earlier request was rejected. him on con, explains, from baghdad. the court will start their session, the judges will deliberate. now they did to stop doing this on august, the 30th they made the decision on august 30th through postpone it until today. oh, we don't know whether they will make that decision to dissolve. paulette certainly that's what the southerners once there's been this political empathy in iran, but 10 months now. president vladimir putin has called sanctions against russia, a danger to the world. speaking at the ace in economic form and let us talk prudent accused the west of undermining the global economy. increasingly isolated by the war in ukraine. russia has forced close the times of china in the past the into. so
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newly heard of the sanctions from the west have been an aggressive attempt to get other countries to follow certain models. there are questions around sovereignty and subordinating to their will. these are policies which have been carried out for decade, but there's been slipping away of us domination. they haven't been able to see the objective fact. if we look at recent times, the entire system of international relations is going through tectonic change in a palestinian man has been killed by israeli forces in the far refugee camp in the occupied west bank. israeli forces short, 21 year old eunice, cassandra tie in a don't. right? palestine health ministry says several people were arrested. the number of dead following an earthquake in western china has risen to 70 for nearly 30 people are still missing. rescue as are evacuating villages across the river is stranded in remote areas in fish, one province, mondays. earthquake has caused extensive damage to homes and infrastructure. rescue and relief operations are taking place in the southern indian city of bang. lou
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after torrential rain monsoon rains that began on sunday swept to city, that's india's tech hub, causing flooding. the city is facing traffic chaos, power outages, and shortages of drinking water. all right, those are the headlines that you now for inside story. talk to al jazeera, we ask for the rebound you speak, offers clearly come get a high cost for airlines and the industry, what's going wrong? we listen, you weren't harder for you. i'm struggling in the 19 seventy's if you have any regrets. no, we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter on al jazeera, israel's military concludes, one of its soldiers may have accidentally killed al jazeera journalist, sharina lockley, but they won't be a criminal investigation. showing family says israel is obscuring the true. so how can this case move forward? this is insight story. ah
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm fully back table. 4 months after the killing of al jazeera correspondence, sharina blackly. israel's military has finally released the results of its investigation. it found there was a high probability that on israel soldier accidentally shot dead, the palestinian american journalist. but there will be no criminal investigation and no one will be punished. al jazeera has accuses really military of trying to evade responsibility. the network palestinian officials entering family at old, demanding, and independent and international investigation is really findings contradicts accounts by witnesses who told al jazeera, they were never contacted by these really investigators or bringing our guests in just a moment. but 1st this report from natasha. go name in ramallah in the occupied westbank
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. the pursuit of justice for serene abu clay within israel ended on monday. as widely expected. these railey military announced it soldiers did not violate procedure, and there will be no criminal investigation into her killing while on assignment in the janine refugee camp in may. a senior military official offer condolences and called sharon's death, a devastating loss of life. the military report concluded that after multiple internal investigations, there was a high probability and is really soldier accidentally shot serene. but it could not be determined conclusively. the official says with 100 percent certainty is really soldiers did not target serene or any other journalists that day. and if in israeli bullet killed her, it was a mistake. but that then will grandma,
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it's not convincing. it's unacceptable. there's no other suspect, but the occupation army murdered cheering. the military describes, the janine refugee camp on the day serene was killed as a battle field. it says there was a prolonged gun battle with armed palestinians. the soldiers retreated to vehicles and the military official says they had limited visibility and did not see sharina just video from the minutes before sharon's death show a com seen. she was wearing a clearly marked blue press, black jacket that she was shot in the back of the neck below her helmet, even as she collapsed to the ground. witnesses who tried to assist her, say, the gunfire continued shooting, how will it she's become an international symbol, and that is why her blood became a heavy burden and criminal, political, and diplomatic terms. they can't handle this. that is why they're trying to manage the fall out of her murder. she reads family says it's obvious israeli war
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criminals can't investigate their own crimes. it's calling on the u. s. to conduct an independent and credible investigation into the palestinian american journalists killing. the palestinian authority says it's pressing international bodies for accountability and l. g. zero's legal team plans to submit a case with the international criminal court at the hague. sharon's case may be closed before the israeli military, but her family says our dear, serene, cannot be swept aside. natasha name elsie's 0 ramallah. while israel has change its statement several times since the shooting hours after charades death, these really government began circulating video on social media suggesting the idea she may have been shot by a palestinian fighter. 2 days later, a change at account saying it's possible one of his soldiers may have killed her.
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and in the weeks that followed several independent media outlets concluded, it's likely sharon was killed by an israeli soldier on july 4th. the us said it to believe serene was lightly killed by an israeli soldier, but added there is no evidence. she was deliberately targeted 2 months after that statement and a $117.00 days after the shooting. israel finally acknowledged serene was likely killed by one of its soldiers. while sharon's family wants the us to investigate her killing her niece says they believe is there any forces targeted her aunts as a family we are not surprised. this is something that was expected from the israeli side. it's definitely outrageous. it's however expected. but for us, it was never both in israeli investigation for us. it has always been about a us independent investigation. at the end of the day,
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you can not have war criminals investigating their own crimes from day one. we've known that shooting war car gets it, and killed by an israeli soldier. so for us, so these are men, be nothing but statements obscuring the true and continuing to spread this information? ah, no spring in august now in washington, d. c. o mar bader, a political analysts, and member of the national policy council of the arab american institute. in high 5000 zire, palestinian human rights lawyer was litigated on behalf of palestinians at these really supreme court. and in the turkish time of year leacock, richard falk, professor emeritus at princeton university and a former un special opportune for the occupied palestinian territories. thank you all very much for being with us on inside story, sol, son in. hi,
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for. let me start with you. if i can and knowledge men from israel finally, but not a full admission, what is your reaction? is there anything at all credible or convincing in these? is there any findings? well 1st of all, i agree. it was the responses from the palestinian side on the international side, on the fact that the result of the israeli investigation is vocally not a surprise. it came late and in a huge delay. although not surprising. however, as a human rights lawyer and due to the fact that there has been requested by the palestinian authorities submitted to the i. c. c. demanding, requesting an opening off investigation on the murder of shooting a ball cliff. i think in my perspective, not the result of the israeli investigation has to do a lot with the defense argument by israel in case the i. c. c decides to open
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a criminal investigation. and how is that? when, when, when a state or are, or an claims that the shooting probably has been conducted by one of soldiers. but there hasn't been no intent. and that there has been an immediate sport to the life of the that soldier and that there was no violation of any regulation. this is basically a package of an argument that will be delivered in order not to provide any accountability in order to say that it was done in self defense and that there was no legality to the sure thing that's on the criminal level, right? but also on the, on the courts last important to fully not people are speaking on the level. everyone is speaking only criminal old phone doesn't on the physical level. israel
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has a specific goal that it also had applied not only was mind, but also on that basically eliminates the right of any god what's to submit towards the claim for damages conducted by the full jersey in case the award time. so having no intent in the rel does not want to compensate compensation, neither does it take any criminal responsibility before the interesting that you point out that the civil level, where as you say, because they have been some suggestions that a civil case in the us could be one of the avenues also that the family could pursue. you will come back to that in just a moment. i want to bring in richard fox for your thoughts, richard on these is really findings. what do you make of this is really line of defense as 1000 say. what is missing from this investigation in your view, where it totally missed the israeli pattern of abuse of
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palestinian journalist, which sharing our clays, killing is just the most dramatic example. and the fact that he happens to be an american citizen brings greater tension in the wider current. israel has a terrible record of the way in which it mistreats colonel are doing their professional work. and that should have been part of the context in which this particular killing was addressed. i will make one other point, but i think it's very important. and that is to try to call for a us investigation may be desirable and giving the
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pace a little more visibility. but i wouldn't trust the us more than 10 percent more than the israeli investigation. in other words, it is committed overall, hiding israel, human rights violations. and i would have called for an independent international investigation by reputable international public figure. interesting because as he say, and as we've heard, the family of serene is asking for us investigation. i want to come to you now omar in washington, d. c. but before i ask you for your thoughts about this investigation, i want to read to you and to our viewers. this state departments reaction to the israeli investigation. sharing of course, was an american citizen. and the u. s. has been under pressure to conduct its own
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investigation. while the state department said we welcome israel's review of this tragic incident and again underscore the importance of accountability in this case, such as policies and procedures to prevent similar incidents from carrying in the future. omar in washington, d. c. u. s. reaction certainly is an interesting one here, essentially says if i, you know, read into it, please make sure it doesn't happen again. is this case close? do you think as far as the americans are concerned? well, certainly the vitamin administration would like it to be closed. i mean, it's quite obvious, i think, as, as our previous guess have pointed out is that the united states is trying to assist israel and covering up this crime. and we should be clear about the fact that sharina was murder. she wasn't, is killed. i mean, when you look at the repeated investigations showing that she was the target of sniper fire at a time when she was wearing a helmet and a press best that hit her right between the spot where there is a tiny opening and that repeated fire in that direction led the cnn investigation
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to conclude that it was a targeted killing of shooting, i think is really, really noteworthy. and as we saw, israel was trying to avoid responsibility entirely by initially blaming palestinian gunmen. and it's only in the face of overwhelming evidence where they forced to admit that they may have had something to do with it. but honestly, the that the but an administration's response really is a moral failure, a failure to protect american citizens. i mean, you can only imagine as a scenario in which armed intruders break into someone's home and kill a loved one with precision weapons. initially, they claimed they had nothing to do with it. but then in the face of evidence they, it's proven that they're the ones who killed that person and then the judge says, oh thank you so much for uh for admitting your mistake. and please make sure that your future home invasions don't fall. you change your procedures to make sure that your future invasions don't result in the same outcome. that's just completely absurd. israel's military presence on the palestinian territories is itself a crime. the occupations purpose is to steal land. it entails a great deal of violence,
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of ongoing war crimes and crimes against humanity. and that, and journalist was killed in the process of carrying out the brutality of this occupation is no surprised, and what's called on from the biden administration is real and meaningful accountability. first, looking at the $3800000000.00 and military funding that the u. s. gives israel every year. in essence, the united states is complicit in israel's atrocities that are committed against the palestinians. and the biden administration's attempt to just covered that up and, and move on like its nothing. it is something that really will not be judged kindly by suddenly american lawmakers have been trying to put pressure on the, by an administration, omar, i, members of congress. and so on is that going to have any impacts? he think? i think it, it already has had some impact in of changing the public discourse on this issue. for the longest time, you could not say anything about palestinian human rights and american discourse in washington in the media and so on. and that has changed. public opinion has changed in a very, very drastic way in the united states. that now you have more and more members of
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congress willing to stand up and demand accountability. and i think that is placing pressure on the, on the u. s. administration to start behaving differently when it comes to israel, palestine. unfortunately, i don't think it has reached the point where that pressure is going to result in a meaningful policy change. but we're seeing the beginnings of that we're seeing that the fight in administration cannot simply be silent about this entire issue. and they are feeling the heat and they should be feeling the heat. and the hopes that this pressure will one day lead to a genuine and meaningful policy change that the united states no longer gets israel . this black check to do whatever it wants to the palestinians as if they're not human beings. they have to be treated as equal human beings who are deserving of the same rights that israelis enjoy as well south. and your thoughts about this american investigation that sharina family is asking for? can it reach some sort of truth and get some type of accountability in your opinion? well again, i think not a request during the intervention of the u. s. and i need sort of investigation
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will not, in my opinion, and it was also set by richard polk and others as well. it will not lead to any kind of transparent and professional investigation. the u. s. has since a long time been alive, we have known and as a, as a lawyer as well knowing that is really good system. no good will come out of any is re investigation. although more so as well with an israeli and american investigation. and i also think that should be focused on having an international, transparent, independent professional one that also can be led by the i c c. because it is, in my opinion, the only criminal independent body can hope that can hold it much investigation. but i also must stressed out the fact that shootings case in term of the behavior on the responses of israel is probably not surprising because lack of accountability and full is going to be on war. crimes by israel is
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a systematic response. and we can see that not only in the west bank, we can see that, but also in gaza. several un inquiries have been appointed to investigate the violation of international human law on war crimes, gods all wars in 2008, 9, and cuts lead in 2014. and also during the last year. and these were all tried to put the hope of obstacles and the work of the inquiries and also help them. so therefore, i don't see any a, i mean, any kind of positivity and demand venture bunch of us in this case rich as well as another richard falk in turkey. so how do we move the case forward? now of course i'll just 0 and the palestinian government wants the i c c to say on this case. in other cases where there's been
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a tax and abuses against palestinians will be i c, c. consider this, you think, given the pressure, the international pressure has been on israel. and how does this is really investigation and its findings impact the inquiry and the case that's being considered by the international criminal court? that's a difficult question because the i see her a new prosecutor who's shown no eagerness to pursue the investigation of israel on earlier crime. i would not be too optimistic about the submission to the i t. c, but it can do no harm and exert additional pressure. and that's all but what i think is the best way forward is this real call for an independent international investigation?
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and who would the independent party be you, if you, well, it could be appointed by the un secretary general and taking account of the need for credibility and professional competence. and to reach a conclusion that address these issues of accountability as israeli treatment of international and power going in and out. 20 journalist, i think all of those things need impartial investigation. and the notion that the you are willing to do that is, i think, far from a realistic appraisal. congress is exerting miles pressure,
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but israel is exerting severe pressure. and israel, apec and other lobbying presence in the united states ensures that no us investigation is going to in any serious way. embarrassed israel if you read the recent jerusalem declaration between a lot paid by and they completely overlooked. and we're excited about israeli violations of human rights, including the killing of terrain. okay. omar in washington, d. c. richard fox, they are not very optimistic about the submission to the i. c. c. what are you about this? how does this case move forward then? how do we ensure that there is justice and accountability look at the end of the day. we already know what a credible investigation is. going to conclude because the facts are quite obvious
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. and we've seen many, many previous investigations into israel's crimes against palestinians that you know, we get the facts, but then there is no accountability. and the reason there is no accountability is because the united states steps in to prevent international accountability for israel. the united states has used it's a beat on nearly 50 times in the un security council to shield israel for meaningful accountability. and as long as that pattern continues, unfortunately, we're going to keep running into a dead end. what we need is a fundamental change in american policy. we need this double standard that allows israel to be above the law to change. i mean, we can only imagine what it's like when journalists are killed in ukraine by the russian invasion. we already know, even though the mouth shut, she is not an american citizen. what the u. s. reaction was like when he was killed and, and for some reason, whenever it comes to journalists who are killed by israel, there's a completely different standard. and that's really the issue here is that you need a shift in american politics. you need this pressure that we're already beginning to see happening in congress and in public discourse to continue increasing. so
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that america, you know, that the u. s. government can no longer get away with just its sheer hypocrisy on this question, omar and begin to, if not hold israel accountable, at least allow for israel to be held accountable on the internationals del, mar, that the, the civil aspects that house and talked about a few minutes ago, i want to ask you about that because son had suggested that a civil suit could be launched in the us because of course sharing must palestinian and also american. could that be another avenue for the family to find justice? i'm not exactly a legal expert, but i do know that there has been a history of the you escorts dismissing anything to do with foreign policy, as in matter that they would not take on directly. and that is up for the u. s. government to resolve. so there was a deference for the administration in many of these kinds of cases. so i'm not entirely sure what the prospects of that are to be. let's ask us house and who's a legal expert about this. a civil case in the u. s. could that be another option for the family to consider?
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and i guess i like there's, as far as i know there's that alien towards claim not probably would create an option for showings family to submit towards suit in american, a courts based on and my own knowledge. and i know that there has been several cases by israelis who have submitted a similar law suits against palestinians, including the palestinian authority, demanding financial compensation. after being hurt by allegedly palestinians and the u. s. courts, it did intervene in favor of this reason. i think that this also might create as well another side of double standards from the, from the american side. this time from the u. s. court. in case a civil suit would be submitted and it will be dismissed because there has been
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acceptance of several lawsuit by his release, providing them with financial compensation and similar by the miller as civil demands have been all. ringback submitted in the israeli courts against even palestinian authority, demanding to take responsibility on a tax on the supreme court as ready supreme called court also in this case intervened in favor of this res. so at the vice versa. it says have been. * not only have been a dismiss all and the on the level, but all of it because like when you think there'll be a double standard here as well. let me ask a richard falk and, and give you the final word richard form. what about the palestinian government? what more can it do at the state? as i've been saying, it should call for an international independent investigation. with the member of the investigating commission appointed by the un
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secretary general, that is the only way an impartial kind of commission report will be disclosed, as omar suggested, they've been many report condemning israel behavior. and they've not only been not supported by the us. the us and tried to suppress them, even though they were extra responsibly done. all right, thank you so much for a very interesting discussion. thank you very much. all my bad south and dryer richard fox, thank you for being on a 5 story and thank you to for watching. you can always watch this program again anytime by visiting our website at al jazeera dot com for further discussion, go to our facebook page at facebook dot com forward slash ha, inside story. you can of course, also join the conversation on twitter. we are adrian inside from me for you back to
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one whole team. very doha, thanks for watching bye. for now, the me examining the impact of today's headlines is that both hotline is what then setting the agenda for tomorrow's discussions. i would likely is that, that ukraine is actually going to get the rebuilding support that it me international filmmakers and woke glass journalists, bring programs to inspire protector at their catholic government. i don't think i can retrain to my life anymore. i thought is eroding some of it's like 5 freedoms on al jazeera. ah al jazeera rate with
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