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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  September 8, 2022 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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this is that he had to file him cypert unleaded, archaea by another be my academic alley. he gonna adopt shahita, a yoda fuller from the iraqi alameda newspaper. we are proud of what has been done by the state of guitar and would like to say thank you for the cutlery, leadership and for the supreme committee for delivery and legacy. and we are about to attend the world cup for the 1st time in the middle east should last at fie when comes to their health procedures. i think it's a point that we need to shed the lights on, particularly the words now is facing. lot of has difficulties and cutter is not
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used to host these huge numbers of volkoff fans for this might be big, big number of fans to attend the world cup. in russia, there were more than 3000000 visitors. what are the health procedures that can comfort the fans there and does hire card include something about the health. there are matters in addition to the transportation and a couple of other things. thank you very much for what sad we have chest the porters that the world cup. yes, it's a world cup for the entire world and for the arabs. and for the middle easterners, when comes to the health protocol, we are not entitled to talk about, but i would like to confirm that eob be rejected by covered the on at $191.00 during the recent years was dealt with a cutter in
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a very positive and vital way and guarantee the safety of all residents and citizens, according to the statements of the world health organization. yes, we have our procedures. and then we renew these health protocol, the latest of which one comes to entry and carter, i was last weaker office. we're, we're facilitates a lot of procedures when it comes to higher card, a higher in a card salon. it will allow you to go to the stadium market, milan. but the state of cutter will deal with any health emergency through the emergency health centers and the molds and see health centers
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within the tournament. vandal through our little nurtures at nasir, you said there was some misconceptions about the alcohol policy. so i just wanna confirm that the 3 hours before in out environs and the stadium and one hour after is still the set policy. and the alcohol availability outside the stadiums themselves. are you guys going to set up places where people can buy bottles more than just a drink at a bar? and then finally, i know that at the going number has been 17000000000 dollars in terms of economic impact. just want to see if that's still the, the latest number you have i hope it's increased the economic impact on. so i, i can't answer that question right now. as you know, economic impact studies don't happen on a, on a daily basis. you know, you, you, you take your time period to look at it. the latest economic impact was $17000000000.00. oh, when it comes to the alcohol? yes. the, the stadium, the policies that have been issued by 4 are,
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are correct. and terms of what we said earlier that alcohol is available in designated zones as well as in hotels or your specific question. i, i think that's, that's not a question for us. as organizers of the world come to answer. who is it a question for them? whoever is responsible for the distribution in the country. thank you. we'll take the last question is, is it hidden different? hello. probably with ro, mexico. this basically you know, everything. streamline but what happens with someone arrives to the airport and they're either missing their reservations or their higher card being accepted for some reason. will they be sent back to their country or will there be someone at the airport? streamlining all of this document. you can say yes, you would, how we would have at the airport or into a departure or
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a week or whatever. and i got in line, they would have all the details of a quiz or the parent mr. intercom, which i account is one of them. a few, i'm going to cut out and you have issues with, with your card there is going to be a help desk available at the ample, to support you at the sim things got to learn. i've been at the stadiums entry for all of our video. so we will take care of things as far as you have completed all your documentation, and prior to your arrival to other yes, please. the last question. good. math name lasher at from mexico. sit in hell. so many mexican side coming for the world cup. and there's that concern, dad accommodation will not be enough now to finish. so everyone that already has a ticket. you'll be unsure that everyone has a place where to stay. sure, 100 percent. you can go now to the portal or you can go to any
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a booking or platforms. or you will find the many options for, for accommodation. hearing part of starting from 56 stars, all the way to the grocer. farm village, few gets go now and her go through our commendation bought or you find all of the ability there. so we can assure you that anyone who has tickets, he can come and book through many different options. and now we are adding a 3 antiquated funds also to come and join with them, or they can also come and book their accommodation. thank yes, yes please. and then the last question there 1st here and you hello gentlemen, from india, i'm from any tv from india and i thank you very much for taking our questions and all the information. if you just talk about the economic impact that you said,
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it can be quantified for now, but can the gusts be quantified? how much money has been spent on the total eat stadiums and also on the infrastructure that has gone, including the mattress and the connectivity that has gone on are to create the ecosystem for the fee for world cup. so how much money in total has been involved in the fee for woke up? is cather begging it, as $1.00 of the highest cost woke up in the world? and ah, what is the reject on expected in terms of the employment that it's generating? i end up, that's one question on the employment. the 2nd question about the nationalities that have been involved in the construction of the stadiums, as we know are there are many nationalities encountered population. so how many nationalities, how many countries population of been involved in the construction just so that they can also feel pride in the work of being host. thank you. i can look, we want to focus on accommodation, hey, ticket sales and other questions related to the organization. i didn't or we didn't realize this was going to be a economic statistics press conference. what i can tell you is listen,
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the world cup. the issue is people always combine world cup costs with country infrastructure, developing costs. we can assure you that in terms of world cup costs, they're in line with previous world got in some instances, even less. this is in relation to the past 3 world cups. so in terms of the cut to infrastructure costs, i can't speak about them to be honest with you. so in terms of the economic impact we discussed in terms of generation of, of jobs and so forth, we don't have these numbers with us at this time. i just want to add to that to the structure that you're talking about, like having international don't have me through all the highways explicitly. the been in the plan before 2010. so it wasn't part of the work up budget. so it's all about using the work up as a kit to this and the vehicle to expedite those projects for the country. because
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we know that after after december this year there is no one coming up. but this of this facility will stay to facilitate the taurus and tourism industry and for the people to have all of this selection available for them and regards to the stadiums. it's part of our development to, to watch sports, to have the facilities we are, we are planning to host many sport events in the future. as you all know that we are the bidding stage for 2023 in cups. also we're going to host in games and 2030 and we're still hoping to host the big and they used to come from us. i hope maybe yes, please go ahead. thank
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you very much. my name is addiction from china, global television network in narrow because you i didn't hear perhaps i would like to ask about the funds from the people's republic of china. whether we can have any numbers about funds expected from there. i'm being told them the last questioner, so i'd be happy to just hear quick a summary of an english bounce for my viewers in africa, about her bill sales to pick up tomorrow being the captain, razor the last, checks and balances in terms of the welcome and all the preparations, ah, you know, as we look forward to the one cup in the next few days, thank you. thank you. had i realize that there will be a lot of questions on the number of ticket sales for individual countries. i would
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about the ticket sales starts with me. unfortunately, i can't give you the number. i can tell you that china is also one of the countries that's going to be present here for the world cup, and they will be quite visible that they're here. you know, china's number of funds have been growing from, woke up to elk up and that is no different than that. super cup is important for us . it's, as you said, the last testing must on for the, for the world cup. however, more importantly, it is. the test event for, for the sam stadium, the same stadium is our biggest stadium in terms of spectator capacity. therefore it's, it's a very time the test event with 2 very big teams from the region as i'm arctic and hit out on saudi arabia we're expecting to sell out game tomorrow. looking forward to it from, from seeing what we can learn from tomorrow's game and hope all of you and all of our spectators get to enjoy it and get to enjoy the show before it see you here. tomorrow i handed over to him as for any of the closing words,
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she cannot or you also are johnson. and i just want to touch on what has naso mentioned at the end. it's part of the super cup. so, but who said, we'd like to everyone to come early at the stadium? it's a new stadium, so we'd like to just our, our transportations, this is nancy and seed capacity stadium and you'd be going to have a good number of spectators coming. so we'd like everyone to follow the sign and to give us a feedback on their experience in order for us to, to learn from this test and to be ready for the workup. so tell some can actually attempt to chicago for now. i know not to the look. thank you very much. it was sorry for being late. we was happy to have you with thank. leave me a jip april. thank you very much. also sent to the speakers. thank you. that
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was the organizing committee of the fif, a world cup, holding a press conference at least sales stadium here in casa with. welcome to 73 days away. now, we heard that from natalie cutter, who is the sci fi for well cut? cattle 2022 was among those speaking, one of the top lines was the committee saying that this will be the safest tournament in the history of world cups. let's go through some of the other lines with our sports presenter jemma nash. i want to ask you 1st about alcohol in the serving of, of alcohol because that's, that's been a big issue. when discussing the tournament here, what exactly was said about that? oh yes, as you, as you said them, lee. and this has been a, something that fans or on the wall, it won't power fine basically as soon as possible. and, and our reporter asked the organizing committee if a, a, there was a concrete day as been sad as to when the entire policy,
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alcohol policy for the woke up will be set in stone. if you like. they didn't give us a date to clarify the whole policy, but they have clarified a couple of things. and that firstly with their gods alcohol at stadiums. m is going to be available a 3 hours before kickoff. and on the, at the outer perimeter of the stadium, the, the conquest, if you like, say, 3 hours before kickoff at a stadium, alcohol will be available to fans outside the state. im as i said in the perimeter, and for up to one hour off to full time. now no alcohol was going to fill out inside the stadiums that that was mentioned in this, in this news conference today. they will serve alco freebies inside the stadiums, but no alcohol inside the stadiums. and then another rima was addressed in that press conference as well. they were saying, that's it. been that been a talk that fans zones were gonna have a time limit to when they were going to have alco. they're only going to have alco
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from 6 30 pm at nights. and a lot of fans for thinking, wow, there's 2 games before the 6 30 pm game, so we can have no alcohol to watch those games at the fan science. and again, that was, that was power fights. and so there's one fan zone in doha called the fif of fan fast. now this is it, this one is going to be more of a family friendly fans, i'd say. and that is the one fan zone where you will not be able to buy alcove before 6 30 pm in the evening. but as for all the other fans in the country, there's going to be no time limits on the alco availability there. and, and also the time limit for alco at the fif i'm fest the 6 30 pm that that's also not going to apply any hotels either. so that was what was said about the alco today's that cleared up a couple of things to people. now, one of the other talking points was accommodation again that being the b remus circulating around the abbey and b owners, we're going to charge up to $70000.00
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a month for accommodation for the woke up. and when one of the accommodation questions is put, it's supreme committee, they clarified that official come accommodation, available through the tournaments accommodation portal. and that's going to have affordable accommodation, which has been subsidized for fans. anything outside of that people are renting their own personal properties out all in a, at b and b. there's gonna be no cap on the price. that's just people that own the properties, again to be free to charge whatever they want. so that was one point that was car fight it in, in terms of the general readiness for the tournaments. the supreme committee said they were there quite happy with the results. the infrastructure is ready, the transportation is ready. they just have some fine touches to iron out, should we say. and the briefly, this press conference was held at the sales stadium, which is where the sales supercop is going to be held to morrow. or to what extent is that a tournament morrow going to be seen as
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a test run for the world cup was to bring committee there and that these conference caught at the last testing milestone. so there's going to be, they expect it to be a sell out, $80000.00 fans in attendance. so this is going to be a great opportunity to test all the infrastructure around the state. if you're the transportation that getting into the stadium itself, the use of these fans high a cods. so these high cods are going to be used the while copy is like a fan id. you need them in order to get into the country and to get to games and they will search the said in the news conference that people are gonna bid out to have a ticket holders can have 3 members of friends and families come either the torment, providing they have this high caught anyway, the got mars about that he celsius cup taken place between the egyptian champions and the saudi arabian champions. and so they had another event last month at the stadium that was a smaller event, $20000.00 ticket holders. that was a catawba stores leak batch. so this is the 1st big match at the biggest stadium for the walk up the venue for the final. i said $80000.00 fans expected at the 1st game that out the woke up is going to be nino massey's argentina against saudi
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arabia site. so kind of giving up for that one ready. so yes, as i say tomorrow will be a. a power of a great opportunity to see how they're going to cope with the 80000 fans. come november and days. i don't live too far from there, so that should be quite interesting. well, come to 73 days way for exciting stuff. thank you for that diminish. now let's move on. tell the news. ukraine's 2nd largest city of col, cave husband hit i, missiles and asked strikes it comes as ukraine says, it's making advances in its counter offensive in the northeast and in the south. ukraine says it forces have repelled count attacks by russian units in col. keith of the taking back several villages near the town of barack leah, and taking full control of the city of izzy m. well, elliot the u. s. secretary of defense, lloyd austin,
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announced the latest american military aid package to ukraine, which is with some $675000000.00. full launch after our initial contact group meeting, the war is a another key moment. russian forces continue to clearly bombard ukrainian cities and civilians with muscles and artillery far but ukrainian forces are begun. mere kind of friendship for michelle, for your country. and they are integrating the capabilities that we all have provided to help themselves to fight and reclaim their sovereign territory. okay, we have 3 correspondence on this and we'll get more from austin's visit to germany with john hall, who's at the ramstein air base shortly. hold on, though hamid is starting by for us in mich. alive. as for us, go to gabriel alexander in key. gabriel. bring us up to date with a situation in khaki. well the car
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key for a counter offensive by the ukranian started about 36 to 48 hours ago. and it was a surprise offensive. important to point out that how to key the city 2nd largest city in ukraine has always been controlled by the ukrainians. however, the russians have been able to take much of the other part of the how to keep the region south and east of the regional capital. and from those positions the russians have been able to, with increasing intensity, show how to keep city itself over recent days and weeks. this is what the ukrainians are trying to to stop. and this is why they launched this counter offensive. it appears based on what we're hearing from ukraine in officers on the ground. and what we're hearing on social media platforms from video is being released by ukrainian officials that are on the front lines of this battle. the ukrainians are making headway and they have at least captured
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a couple of villages and now have encircled we believe the very strategically important city of ballad clear. why is this city important? it's only about 80 to 90 kilometers south east of how to keep city the russians have held it for a long time. now it's a strategically important and it's not a village if a city 25000 people pre war population and ukrainians on this surprise counter offensive have seem to in circle that city and are poised to retake it will be watching that very, very closely. even some pro russian onlookers blockers and analysts have been indicating on telegram and other social media accounts that the operation by the ukrainians. or i should say the defense by the russians in the how to keep region has not been going well. i should point out also we're just getting word in the last few minutes that on a separate note, that
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u. s. secretary of state antony blinkin has just arrived in the capital heath where we are now on a surprise visit here to show support and solidarity to the ukrainian government in of autumn years lensky and his counterparts. we hope to get more information on mat here. very soon. okay, thank you for that update. gabriel alexander there for us and keith les move farther south. the city of mich alive has also been a target of intense selling. it's close to the occupied southern region of cas song where ukrainian forces have also launched a counter attack. let's go to hold a dull mud hamid who is in mc alive for us. oh, do you? but i believe just recently arrived there. what is the situation? what certainly people are an edge here because as you mentioned, this city has been targeted over the past 6 months on
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a regular basis by the russians. but this city is also very important. actually, the whole region of lake alive is very important to keep safe as much as possible simply because at the moment while this counter offensive a bit further south from here in the southern region by the ukrainian forces is happening well. michel, life has become this sort of logistical and humanitarian hub, backbone for that operation. for the ukranian troops is the easiest way to reach her son. now that battle is ongoing. just a few months ago i was here was speaking to the ukrainian soldiers who are posted along that contact line in the border of the region. they were frustrated at the time that they were not getting enough of the western weaponry that has been pouring into this. gotcha. well, that has completely changed now. ukrainian force has a strong of the,
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a u. s. provided hymer high take more by artillery units, and with that they are able to strike at the rushes. now if you look at the rush and situation here, so it's not easy for them at this stage. if you recall at the beginning of the war, they had pushed easily from the from air crimea, and in sola, north east to harrison and had occupied that region in a matter of days quite safely. nothing really had happened. that situation now has change the ukrainians have actually destroyed 3 bridges that would link their rushes to the crimea peninsula. so very difficult to resupply the russian troops that are there at the moment. they have been able, with these hymer to hit strategic and targeted targets rather sorry, which are russian ammunition depos russian arsenal there. so the rushes are in a very difficult situation. another reason also then
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a difficult situation that for nikolai, which is higher than the ukrainians, can monitor any naval move went by the russians, should they want to come by see, to as fis on and can hit them. so this is a counter offensive that now has been going for several weeks. the ukrainians are saying very little about their gains. a in the area. we know that some of the regions have been the villages rather have been liberated, but they're still out of reach to the media at this stage. the ukrainians, wanting really at this moment to give as little information as possible, while they hope being able to really re take that her son region for the russians. it could be a huge loss since that is really the region that links for example, more you put an even further rush itself to the crimea peninsula. thank you for that. her a bell hamid there in mich alive. let's turn out to jonah hall who is live for us
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at the ramstein air base, which is in germany. and jonah said the u. s. secretary of defense, lloyd austin, in germany at the moment to also discuss the situation in ukraine. we heard from him in the last hour or so. what does he been saying? what a significant meeting this so secretary of defense, lloyd austin, as you say here, alongside the credit defense minister alexi, resume calls and ministers and defense officials from some 50 plus allies as well, including most the nato members of the participating countries. and this is the 5th meeting of the defense contact group set up by the americans here at ramstein back in april. and at each of these meetings, they sit down, they listen to ukraine, explaining the needs that they have on the battlefield and the allies, and talk about how they can meet those needs. this meeting will be no different in that sense. the americans have announced their latest tranche of military
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$89675000000.00 worth approved by president biden on wednesday. that'll be spent, he said on how it says other artillery systems, more of those high miles that was talking about their armored vehicles. humphreys and i munition amongst other things, and they'll be talk as well about meeting ukraine's wind to needs with the very punishing campaign to come over the winter months. but lloyd austin, signaling a change of focus, a change of direction for this contact group of allies with the recognition that there is no end in sight for this war. that this is going to be an extremely long campaign. he said the war is a key moment. once again, he noted those incremental games being made by ukraine in the south that gave talked about there in terms of its counter counter offensive using the weapon supplied by this group. he said as the face of the war changes. so is the mission of this contact group going to change to work together to meet ukraine's
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requirements for the long haul. and what he's talking about is the allies sitting down together and working out their own capability to produce and supply weapons to ukraine over the long haul and to scale up their own industrial base if necessary, in order to be able to do that. and the message very firmly behind all of this is that the allied effort, nato, and this contact group remains firmly behind ukraine and will remain so in the long term. okay, thank you for that jane hall there for us at the ramstein base in germany. ah, the pandemic climate change and the war in ukraine have been blamed for lowering life expectancy in living standards all around the world. the un development program says 9 out of 10 countries have been impacted lives of people in south sea
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. dawn shaw and j declined the most switzerland no way in iceland remained the talk countries with highest standards of living and life expectancies. as go to hip morgan who is in call to him for us hippa, these a new jed, todd, south dawn. these are countries that are your bread and butter, you travel to them all the time you report from them. what is it about these countries? do you think that is put them at the very bottom of the un human development index? well, if you look at the countries at the bottom of the list, there is one common factor and that is conflicts in addition to that, there's also the placement that has affected the development and those countries. now, the, the report mentions the impacts of corporate on the supply chain of those countries, both south for them and chad. our land love including major as well, landlord countries that have been affected by corbett, but they've also been affected by the war in ukraine and that has disrupted the
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supply chain. there is another factor that is common amongst those 3 countries that are on the bottom of the list. and that is the impact of climate change we've seen for them facing floods for 3 consecutive years. that has led to displacement of tens of thousands of people that has submerged dozens of villages in various states around the country. also in chad, we've seen a recent flooding leading to displacement of the civilian and the killing of dozens in the capital of other parts of the country. then there's the drought in the chair that has affected the livelihood of tens of thousands of people. so in addition to the impact of corporate on, on the supply chains and on investment and development in those countries, there's also the climate change that has led to a basically do that. those countries being on the bottom of the list which are going to the u. n development program is also affecting the mental well being of the people in those countries. ok, thank you for that. have a morgan that for us in cartoon. let's go to a recap, mcgee,
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or she is the assistant secretary general of the united nations development program . she joins us live from paris. thank you for your time. when you say a decline in human development, what exactly do you mean? so what we see is an unprecedented decline. i mean, now we talked about a number of african countries, but it's actually 9 out of 10 countries in the world that see reversal, which reports to what we call human development. and we are then looking at gross national income, the economies. but we are also looking at, as was mentioned, life expectancy, the quality of health systems, health services and education. it's, it's a wide range of issues that we're looking at with regards to what we will human development. and what struck me in your port is, this is actually the 1st time in history that we actually seeing a decline in human development off to years of progressive gains. i mean, the well does face challenges before. what is it about the challenges we have
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facing now? that is making us so much westoff. yeah, no, the world has definite this in set challenges before we have seen condemn mix. we have seen wars affecting more than one country, actually the entire world with what has happened now and what we are presenting in the report is an uncertainty complex. i mean, so many of these challenges happening at the same time. we saw a decline already because of the climate crisis, a head of the pandemic. we had the pandemic as such, of course, with its impact on health, but also wider impacts with regard to. so ship long situations in countries lingering on way beyond. you know, the condemning a such. and then of course, the ripple effect saw the russian invasion in ukraine, that is also affecting. so here is where we have concerns that it could be more difficult and we really need to double down the investments with regards to human development. if we are to support people, but also plan it gets back on track and move towards the sustainable development
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goals that would lead to have promised to deliver on until 2030 with any other countries. so any parts of the weld where the results of this report actually surprised deal worry do more than you thought. yeah, we saw a shock decline and of course, and always worries of that. we see many of the african countries as was mentioned on the bottom of the list, and we'd know that they have no physical space to actually ensure that they can move through crisis. this has been a major concern for you in the p as we have a company than the past years. but we also saw a sharp decline in latin america in the caribbean. countries said that our middle income countries, sometimes even upper income countries that have seen progress throughout the past decades and where the decline was very shocked. that of course, like in the caribbean economies, depending on terrorism and the impact that was unprecedented. so there really reasons as we're talking about 9 out of town countries across the world to see how
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we use our international financial institutions, the u. n. system entities like the you handed it to make sure that we can drive the right investment the right way. the years to come. thank you for joining us. eureka maria, assistant secretary general of the united nations development program, speaking to us there in paris, thank you for your time. thank you. i'll talk a sounds. prime minister says that the scale of destruction in his nation is unbelievable. and that parts of the country looked like the sea shout sharif has been visiting areas devastated by pakistan's worst floods on record. the human toll is staggering. more than 1500 people are dead. 33000000, that's 15 percent of the population have been affected. many of those who've survived have lost everything. one and a half 1000000 homes have been swept away along with nearly 6000 kilometers of
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transport links and a food crisis is now looming. the floods have killed 750000 heads of live stock and submerged more than 8000 square kilometers farm land. meanwhile, the world health organization says almost 1500 health facilities have been hit and emergency medicine is running out. of prime minister sharif has urged, pock astonished to donate generously, families and baluchistan province accusing local government officials and powerful landlords. according humanitarian relief. zane bas robbie reports the people who lived in the house that once stood here, piled up and tied down everything they could. a final act of desperation, but also hope of returning one day residents of darrow le yar say the water is likely to recede in 2 months. but across below,
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just on people are wondering if they can last that long. after his house was washed away, whole molly moved his family into an unfinished shop. it may be better than a roadside tent, but not much of john b. joe could see if they'd be modern. gisy will be named wherever you go ask any one. nobody has received anything that pushing, beating, and hurting poor people. the 8 is coming for people like cars in need, but so far we haven't received anything. on the would you be naming everyone we speak to says the same thing. local government officials, politicians, and feudal lords are hoarding relief goods join, which we did age and i'm no good. that's the landlords on giving us anything we've been worried for weeks. we waited the district commissioners office all night. they gave truckloads to landlords, but nothing is made available to us. the police peterson tell us, go away. there's nothing for you here. everything is run according to the landlords . nothing is happening for us. but what about them please?
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the would you be the international aid has arrived, but inequality persists even in crisis. many want the army to step in. i'm going to, we appeal to the world. don't give funds to this government and the lord put it in the hands of the pakistani army. they can deliver it to us and let the funeral lord here to whom we have given our vote, have given us nothing. pakistan's army chief was in baluchistan on tuesday, general come our badge was 2nd visit in as many weeks. the largest province with the smallest population means people in trouble are in pockets spread across the vast areas. and getting them help takes longer. a truck filled with hence was unloaded at the district commissioner's office in the morning. by nightfall, a crowd had gathered, hoping for anything they could get their hands on. people tell us,
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they've been turned away over and over again for days. oh, jesse was repeated requests for an interview with the district commissioner. we're unsuccessful. people here say the living don't have enough food, shelter, or clean water, but even the dead aren't spared the indignities of this crisis. jane basra, v o g 0. darrow lawyer baluchistan province. pakistan or to levels have started to recede in the southern indian city of banga lura after record rainfalls caused severe floods. many evacuated residents blamed poor urban planning for the chaos that followed in what's considered india's tech hub. have natal reports from banker banker? lou is picking up the pieces after unprecedented drain battered parts of the city where an injustice poems here cost millions of dollars. it's all the way recent headquarters of global tech companies like amazon are not to wrench a rainfall. did waterlogged. most parts of the city,
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but this area has been disproportionately impacted this t shirt i bought out of all my friends. i don't how profit of our to our next one? i don't her slipper, a bottle. they were thing to come back. i held liable to get a game on russia. me get out, voters, i won't come on more trip. they're literally black. really. i want them one more to be of the situation has raised concerns about infrastructure, particularly in this area. the city is home to more than a 100 legs that are critical to draining excess water. but rapid construction and development around them has reduced capacity to hold water or to drain it out. flooding in some parts was caused because of overflowing lakes like this one. despite little rain in the last 24 hours, water is still above the danger mark. right now they are looking at disaster management, which is not the right way to look at it. only legal range can come see that of ins . oh focus or to longer here, so leg noise readily. de know what they need to get right now. clearing up the can
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all the legal clearing the bottom it all through bill what the lake and beyond. that's very little things can be sorted that us up and, and water floating late. no, the government says it plans to spend millions of dollars to repair the damage and improve infrastructure residency. they hope it happens before the next round of rates threatens life. in one of india's most develop cities. the red cross says nearly 1000000 people have fled the homes in somalia on kenya to find food on water, east africa, suffering. it's was drought in 40 years. experts say it's heading for a 5th consecutive failed rainy season. somali is on the brink of famine for the 2nd time, and just over a decade with 200000 people in danger of starvation. the world health organization says many people are probably already starving to death. somalia is facing a humanitarian catastrophe with some 7800000 somalis, nearly half of the countries estimated population impacted by the worst drought in
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at least 4 decades exacerbated by climate factors. with 4 consecutive failed rainy seasons, areas of the country faced the risk of famine. thanks to generous donor support, humanitarian organizations have since january quadrupled. the number of those reached with assistance to 5300000 people. but with ever escalating needs and a 5th failed rainy season, projected a further scale up of humanitarian assistance is critical. i call on all parties in somalia to facilitate humanitarian access. and i call on all of some aaliyah's friends to increase urgently the needed funding. oh, okay, let's take you to the u. k, because the case, new prime minister las trust is about to announce plans to help consumers deal with storing energy costs. let's have a listen. i would deal with the soaring energy prices,
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phase my families and businesses across the u. k. and today i'm delivering on that promise. this government is moving immediately to introduce a new energy price guarantee that will give people certainty on energy bills. it will come inflation and base grice, this guarantee, which includes a temporary suspension of green levies. means that from the 1st of october, a typical household will pay no more than $2500.00 pounds per year. they each of the next 2 years. while we get the energy market back on track, yes, this will save a typical household, a 1000 pounds a year. it comes in addition to the full 100 pounds energy bills of holes came. this guarantee supersedes the off gem price cap and has been agreed with energy
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retailers. we will deliver this. oh, oh, might wait a few minutes when i have made some progress. yes, we will deliver this by securing the wholesale price for energy while putting in place long term measures to secure future supplies of more affordable rights. we are supporting this country through this winter, and tackling the reposes of high prices, that we are never in the same position again. for those using heating oil, living in park hines, all those on heat networks. we will set up with say the old can the prime minister, sorry about this schedule. say i don't wanna enroll the commenter from here. given me the advice i'd certainly don't need it from michelle doors to interrogate, choked you to give way what your foolish appropriate. but just to let you know that
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it has not been printed the w. m. s, and i'm hoping that will be good to check before everybody say prime minister. oh, thank you. thank you, miss baker. today is using heating oil living in hawk times or days on heat networks. we will set up a thumbs. so the all u. k. consumers can benefit from equivalent suppose get assigned to for govern me. national energy option is to meet with the comp, the current level of section a half 1000000 households and fuel porter shortage in a comp to 2 and a half 1000 pounds home in warren millions of people wind up fuel over to dish it it oh wow. 8 mrs speaker, we all taking action to help people on the lowest income through universal credit and we are also supplying full 100 pounds through the energy bill is a mrs. baker. i would like to make some progress and then i will type more
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interventions. we will also support all businesses, charities on public sector organizations with their energy costs this winter, offering the equivalent currency for 6 months. off to those 6 months, we will provide further support to vulnerable sectors such as hospitality, including all local pub, my countable friend, the business secretary will walk with business to review, whether should be targeted to make sure those maced in need get support. this review will be concluded within 3 months, giving businesses certainty. in the meantime, companies with the way, with old need to be looking for ways they can improve energy efficiency and increase direct energy generation. i will give wife my boyfriend. i'm grateful to the prime minister giving way at a commander on the speed with which she in a grip this challenge this place from the country. it doesn't demonstrate
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mister speaker, that conservative government do not stand by while millions of people on lorez my, my honorable friend is absolutely right. i recognize that people are struggling with that energy bills. and that is why i have brought full would this debate as soon as possible to give people reassurance ahead of this winter? that energy bills are going to be affordable and we will be bringing full would emergency legislation to deliver this policy. my right, honorable friends, a chance for the exchequer will settle the expected cost as part of his fiscal statement later this month. and i can tell the house today that we will not be giving in to the leader of the opposition. oh,
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for this to be funded through a winful tax that would undermine the national interest by discouraging the very investment we need to, oh it's, it's the hon members will allow me to make a bit more progress. i maybe i talked to that questions before. they've awesome. ah, mr. speaker, the policy open need to understand, i'm sorry, i missed a point of all the company blended copies of be made available to some members of the written ministry of statement, but that aren't enough for everybody. is it possible why my, if i might finish the point about it, is it possible that sufficiently on with
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it as we both do, we still to point to point to, but it certainly clarification the note coming out. we print them as fast as possible to make sure all my books have the ability to read it. they taste it with great disappointment, but that's about for a fight. prime minister, prime minister instead of that approach, we are taking a price which is price pro business. i'm proud of the investment we need for our lunch free energy security. i will get her hold to the prime minister. does she agree that we are too short of energy by plenty of taxes? does she agree that if we had a supply of taxes as the party opposite walls, we'd have less to supply the things we were taxing. huh. my, my right, honorable friend makes an extremely good point. the reality is we can't tax all way
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to go. i was, the policy i am setting out today is all about helping people with their energy costs as i promised, and making sure we have the long term energy supplies that we need for my all country. i'll give way to, to we're done other than the back to give thank fees the privacy giving way, just 6 months ago, households price, 70 barrels is 1300 pounds. we have today being told the fixing price is at $2500.00 pounds is the best that the government can do. it's not. so why is the prime minister and say private energy profits ahead of people. it is crucial for what we are doing is we're doing the important walk to help people. i'm businesses get through this winter annex winter while fixing britain's long term energy supply. i've already given way a number of occasions i will give way later. please hold off for a bit longer,
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mrs. vega, this is the moment to be both well, facing a global energy crisis and there are no cost free options. there will be a cost to this intervention with i will get what i strongly welcome. this package alone brought to the me, a scrap things offered by the bench is all to say, i'm country i, i just woke more so that she's come from the schools and colleges get help with our energy bills as to colleges, spaces face increase to 300 percent, i could i just bond the off cup. woochie continue to back down on fuel duty because we know that both of the pumps face extortionate fails when they fill up that call it. well, i think my own go friend for his points and i'm sure the chancellor of the exchequer
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is listening intently to is point ahead of his physical statement later this month . mrs. vega, i want to make some progress on explain how we will defray the cost of this intervention, which i think my to answer some osi on. we'll get on our own people's questions before that before they asked them. so the way, the way we all gang to defray the cost of this intervention is festival by ramping up supply. following on from the successful vaccine tall schools, we have created a new energy supply task force. under the leadership of maddie mc tannen. they already negotiating you long term energy contracts with domestic and international gas suppliers to immediately bring down the cost of intervention. we are also accelerating all sources of domestic energy, including dolcy oil and gas production. we will be launching a new licensing round,
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which we expect to lead to over a 100 new licenses being awarded a we will sleep. we will speed up all deployments, oval clean and renewable technologies including hydrogen, sila, carbon capturing storage and wind. well, we already, well lisa, in offshore generation, renewable and euclid generations generates, as we'll move on to contracts for difference to end the situation where electricity prices a set by the marginal price a. this will mean that generates his receiving a flat price reflecting that cost to production father bringing down the cost of these things and i will give way to my ok.
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i warmly welcome be immediate action announced by the prime minister on the cost of energy, which is really going to help families in the bundle home such and so on right across the united kingdom. next empowerment is new killer week. i will say join with me in supporting the roll. our small more director, rolls royce, who are 2 sites there. my come fix him. say we need this technology now to will to go for to dr. pool with the new kill program in this country. ok. well, my honorable friend is absolutely right, small module and react to 0 very important. paul ver, energy makes that you know, that produced here in the united kingdom. that will help these growth as well as based our energy security. and secondly, i will take a few more interventions in a few minutes, but please let me make progress on my speech. secondly, today's actions will deliver substantial benefits to our economy. boosting rights,
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which increases tax receipts and give certainty to business. this intervention is expected to cub inflation by up to 5 percentage points, bringing a reduction in the cost of serving servicing government debt. sadly, i'm announcing to day that with the bank of england, we will set up a new scheme worth up to 40000000000 to ensure that firms operating in the wholesale energy market had the liquidity, they need to manage price volatility, hazel stabilize the market, and decrease the likelihood that energy retailers need also poor, like they did last winter by increasing supply boosting the economy and increasing liquidity in the market. we will significantly reduce the cost to government, all they seem to venture. okay, here, just joining us at that is the u. k. new prime minister list trust announcing her
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plans to help people in person deal with soaring energy costs. and she introduced their price cap on gas and electricity bells for the average household for that for period of 2 years. that is what we were expecting to hear. and she rolled out once again or what the opposition had been criticizing this tax on windfall profits made by energy companies that to pay for the cap. she rolled that out once again and she said the business is, would be protected and vulnerable sectors, including hospitality, would get a longer support. let's go to our correspond. it will reach helens. who is live for us in london? or were you were listening in to some of that she still talking air, giving a giving us bit more detail or it's, it's pretty much in line with some of the speculation we've been hearing in recent days. and there been there been a lot of questions about how exactly she's going to pay for all this or do we get
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any more clarity on that? well yeah, as you say, this is, this is a package that has been widely trailed in recent days. it comes in 2 main clients, really, you've got this price cap is freeze on domestic energy bills, which is going to be at about $2800.00 worth for the average household or. and then you've got what she likes to think of is, is a, is a way of kind of freeing up supply in the energy market. she says that this is going to be done by increasing the number of a license is granted to her energy firms looking at drilling in, in the north sea for oil and gas, which is also a strapping are those kind of levies on, on green energy as well, her, the, the big question, as you pointed out, there is, what is the funding for this going to be? she said that the chance love, the extractor is going to outline this in coming months. ah, but there has been a,
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an iteration of her or of, of her starts on, on when full taxes on energy companies. she's rule them out once again. now, the opposition labor party has been saying that this is essentially like giving the entity companies a license to make 170000000000 pounds worth it. excess profits a blank check to the oil. a gas giants that the british public will have to foot the bill full. now the conservatives a kind of face at the moment with 2 options that are not very conservative, ideologically not very conservative. they can either tax which they don't like doing or they can raise borrowing, or which they don't like doing their choice. it seems this platform, the moment is to raise boring. ok. thank you for that. our correspondence at that in london. so just to recap, we've been hearing from less trust the u. k. new prime minister announcing plans to
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help consumers deal with a soaring energy crisis, which is the situation many people around europe are facing with ah, indonesia, your investment destination, the world's 10th largest economy, is busy transforming, ready to beat your business partner with a robust talent pool politically and economically stable and strong policies being the power house, indonesia is confirmed by the g. 20 presidency. bringing opportunities for you invest indonesia. now,
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politics, an exclusive al jazeera investigation coming seen. ah, this government is moving immediately to introduce a new energy price guarantee that will be the u. k. u prime minister leads trust announces plans to cut household energy bill. ah, hello, i'm emily. ang, when this is al jazeera live from doha, also coming up u. s. secretary of state antony blinking, arrives in cave.


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