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tv   News  Al Jazeera  September 9, 2022 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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when, when the restoring italy's credibility this critics would say he couldn't play the part of a politician, what do you think went wrong inside story on al jazeera? this was a young woman, the likes of which we've never seen. this is important. this is historic, from breaking down the headlines to exposing the powers attempting to silence reporting. we're seeing really freedom being threatened and attacked is basically criminalizing journalism. the listening post doesn't cover the news. it covers the way the news is covered. people have no idea when the source of news is that the game that rolled and that broadcloth for the african inquiring on al jazeera, beneath the surface, lies a darker side in british politics and exclusive al jazeera investigation. coming scene, ah, ah.
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you today with feelings of profound sorrow throughout her life. her majesty the queen, my beloved mother was an inspiration, an example to me and to all my family. and we owe her the most heartfelt debt any family could owe to their mother. for her love, affection, guidance, understanding, and example. queen elizabeth was a life well lived, a promise with destiny kept. and she is mourned most deeply in her passing. that promise of lifelong service. i renew to all to day
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alongside the personal grief that all my family of feeling. we also share with so many of you in the united kingdom, in all the countries where the queen was head of state in the commonwealth and across the world. a deep sense of gratitude for the more than 70 years in which my mother, as queen, served the people of so many nations. in 1947 on her 21st birthday. she pledged in a broadcast from cape town to the commonwealth, to devote her life, whether it be short or long to the service of her people's. now to hers, more than a promise, it was a profound personal commitment which defined her whole life. she
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made sacrifices for duty. her dedication and devotion as sovereign, never wavered through times of change and progress through times of joy and celebration. and through times of sadness and loss. in her life of service, we saw that abiding love of tradition together with that fearless embrace of progress, which makes as great as nations. the affection, admiration and respect, she inspired became the hallmark of her reign. and as every member of my family can testify, she combined these qualities with warmth, humour, and an unerring ability always to see the best in people. i
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paid tribute to my mother's memory and i honor her life of service. i know that her desk brings great sadness to so many of you, and i share that sense of loss beyond measure. with the wall. when the queen came to the throne, britain and the world was still coping with the privations and aftermath of the 2nd world war and still living by the conventions of earlier times. in the course of the last 70 years, we have seen our society become one of many cultures and many faiths. the institutions of the state have changed in turn. but through all changes and challenges our nation and the wider family of realms,
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of whose talents, traditions, and achievements i am so inexpressibly proud, have prospered and flourished our values have remained and must remain constant. the role and the duties of monarchy also remain as does the sovereigns, particular relationship and responsibility towards the church of england. the church in which my own faith is so deeply rooted in that faith and the values it inspires. i have been brought up to cherish a sense of duty to others and to hold in the greatest respect the precious traditions, freedoms and responsibilities of our unique history and of system of parliamentary
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government. as the queen herself did with such unswerving devotion, i to now solemnly pledged myself throughout the remaining time, god groans me to oppose the constitutional principles at the heart of our nation. and wherever you may live in the united kingdom, or in the realms and territories across the world, and whatever may be your background or beliefs, i shall endeavour to serve you with loyalty, respect, and love. as i have throughout my life, my life will of course change as i take up my new responsibilities, it will no longer be possible for me to give so much of my time and energies to the
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charities that issues for which i care so deeply. but i know this important work will go on in the trusted hands of others. this is also a time of change for my family. i count on the loving help of my darling wife, camilla. in recognition of her own loyal public service since our marriage, 17 years ago, she becomes my queen consult. i know she will bring to the demands of her new role. the steadfast devotion to duty on which i have come to rely so much as my air william now assumes the scottish titles which have meant so much to me. he succeeds me as duke of cornwall and takes on the responsibilities for the dutch of cromwell,
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which i have undertaken for more than 5 decades. to day. i am proud to create him prince of wales. to were so good company, the country whose title i been so greatly privilege to bear. during so much of my life and duty. with catherine beside him, our new prince and princess of wales will, i know, continued to inspire and lead our national conversations, helping to bring the marginal to the center ground where vital help can be given. i want also to express my love for harry and megan as they continue to build their lives overseas. in a little over a week's time, we will come together as a nation, as a commonwealth,
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and indeed a global community to lay my beloved mother to rest. in our sorrow, let us remember and draw strength from the light of her example. on behalf of all my family, i can only offer the most sincere and heartfelt thanks for your condolences and support. they mean more to me than i can ever possibly express. and to my darling mamma, as you begin your last great journey to join my dear late papa, i want simply to say this. thank you. thank you for your love and devotion to our family and to the family of nations you have
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served so diligently. all these years may flights of angels sing thee to thy rest? well, there was yancy kingdom's new monarch, king charles a 3rd making his 1st t the address to the nation while a special public memorial service is being held at her saint paul's cathedral. there were many people, the public and officials were able to listen and he said his mother had a promise with destiny kept and she is mourned most deeply. he said, i shall endeavour to serve you with loyalty, respect, and love. and he said, thank you for your love and devotion ah,
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ah ah ah ah ah, ah ah
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ah, i i i i oh, i ah ah
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the mm mm. well say we are the pomp and ceremony at saint saint paul's cathedral as a special service of thanks and reflection for queen elizabeth the 2nd. let's go live now. to nadine barber in london, the team, the nation has heard that king charles's 1st address little earlier. what did you make of it? that's right. this televised address at 6 p. m. local time had been a free advertised. it was
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a recorded address and it was the 1st time really that most people around the nation will have heard from king charles the 3rd speaking about his late mother. and apart from those, a handful of people outside booking a palace of course, who were treated to walk about white king charles and accumulate the queen consort or when he arrived back in london. so yeah, the, the, the main emphasis worse tribute. even during the grief he had to come up with the words to, to put into words, his own personal feelings, but acknowledge the nations as well. so he talked about a life well lived and he also reminded people about a queen elizabeth's a promise of lifelong service that she made when she came to the throne. and he said that he was renewing that walked in that same post cathedral over there. right now,
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a vera around 2000 members of the public who managed to get access to gets to this religious service. it is a m, a service of prayer and reflection for the life of elizabeth the 2nd also the primary ssl is trust, attending and london's mer citi card but not members of the royal family has been of course, a very busy and no doubt emotional day for the royal family, so please gathering and it's the 1st time that the new national anthem, god save the king. we'll have been sung officially, insolent pulls cathedral, lots of people getting used to saying the king, king charles, and talking about the currency which best the bears the face of queen elizabeth, of course, trying to get used to the new reality. lots of things have been changing in the last few hours in terms of cancelling events. some people are saying that sports
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events like football matches should have been allowed to go ahead with minute silence. and so on. a chance to actually show their respects from fans. but for the time being, things like that have been counselled also industrial action next week off. lots of real world impacts from queen elizabeth steph. as in bob at thank you very much. well, rob matheson is outside balmoral cast in scotland. rob, what's happening? where you argument rigor, everybody be able to still arriving here a bomb bomb or castle. they're walking down over the bridge in order to be able to face flowers and at the gates of the castle. i had a look just before we came on air. those flowers are about a meter and a half deep. there really have been a tremendous number of people making their way to your boss. lots of people have been been brought in from all of course, at the very heart of the royal family. a place that has been regarded very much as
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they are formed, not just their form in scotland, but there. they regarded it as their own personal home, as the word is a property, of course, owned by the queen, and to the place where they could be private, a place worthy to become a much more relaxed than, than they normally would. and of course, the place where queen elizabeth the 2nd i passed away on thursday thursday evening, though the cross members of the royal family have stayed here overnight. but of course, as we know, the king charles, the 3rd and in concert, have made their way down to london. and as the king has now started taking up some of the official duties that he is required to to hold, including, of course, handing over his scottish titles to prince william. now in the meantime, of course, the coffin bearing the queen's bodies still remains within bound model. and we can only understand that on sunday the coffin is going to be taken to edinburgh to hollywood palace in edinburgh. and then the following day there is going to be
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a procession up the royal mile in edinburgh, and the body will be moved to saint giles church where it will lay at rest for the short period of time. it's understood that members of the public may well be allowed to walk past the coffin pilots in at saint giles from then the following day. it is likely to be moved to london and to buckingham palace were the official or arrangements for the funeral procession. the funeral arrangements will begin, but in the meantime, people here in bomber still coming to pay their respects to the only monarchs that many of them have ever known and raw. how will king charles is that speech have gone down there? i think that's an it is fair to say that certainly the people the ball mall are extremely. busy busy loyal to the royal family in the main,
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they have spent many years essentially protecting the loyal family because they are so used to see the while family and very relaxed situations around the state or driving the cars through the villages in using the, the local stores. but generally speaking, it's not, and i think scott's generally are very proud of the link that the royal family has maintained with scotland. that the royal family over the years has made no secret of the fact that it is very proud of its scottish associations. and i think what the scots would have been very anxious for was me to see a continuity of the, the regard in which the wall family has held scotland, that those links would be maintained. dimes from the speech that we heard. i think it is that level of continuity is likely to remain and i think that will be a relief to many schools, rob matheson thanking well we're going to take you back to saint paul's cathedral now where that specials are public. her memorial service for the queen is on the
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way we're going to listening to some of the spirit of the lord god is of all need because the lord has anointed me. he has sent me to bring good news to the oppressed, to bind off the broken hearts all to proclaim liberty to the captives and released to the prisoners. to proclaim the year of the lord season, and the day a vengeance of our god. to comfort all who move to provide for those who mourn in zion. to give them a garment instead of ashes,
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the oil of blackness instead of morning, the mantle of praise, instead of the faint spirit, they will be called oaks of righteousness. the planting of the lord to display his glory. the old testament reading from the reverend cannon, dr. neil evans war again to our crossover, to our christopher wilson. he's a royal biographer. he is in london and joins his life. are good to happy with his hell. what did you make of king charles? his speech to the nation? it was stirring. it was stately. and i think most importantly, what he was able to do while paying tribute to his mother was to give the same pledge that the queen had given herself at the very beginning her reign. in fact,
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even before her re and when she was still princess elizabeth, he said that he would pledge his whole life to the nations around the world who still looked to him as king. and i think that was, or what we expected. wanted to hear this page very, very important. and there was some interesting in nuances within this m a i did, the camella is being referred to constantly as a queen, consort. now when king george, the 6 was married to her queen elizabeth, who then began the queen mother. she was called the queen. they were king and queen . here there is a very different new us that camilla's deliberately being called queen console. because at the time i got married, she was going to be called princess console when the time came. so are they trying
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to get around slightly? this pledge, which was made 17 years ago, and they come up with this compromise. i don't think that it will last myself, i think quite soon to be called queen camilla and we can forget about it. but there was also one other very curious in salem points. and that was that he hinted at those of us have been asking the question whether he can actually step back and stop pledging himself to causes which he take so close to his heart. he think i'm going to have to give that to other people to do now. and i think that might bring a sigh of relief to those who feel that he perhaps interfered in political matters to. but it, it didn't say it out, right. and it may well be that we see that he still continues to occasionally give us his opinion, but i think that we can deduce from that, that they were going to see a change in king charles. and interestingly, he said,
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i express my love for harry and megan, was there some significance in that? and he was very determined to try and paper over the cracks. and who knows, maybe one day a, some kind of red crossman can be made between the existing world family and the branch which now lives in america. i think that would be his hope. i think he wants to be unified. he said himself that he wants to be unifying figure, and i think we all live in hope that perhaps the breach can be, can be fixed. i. i thought it was very touching that he should do it. on the other hand, he could really leave harry and megan out without people creating a hue and cry. so he was stuck doing a rock in the hall place. i thought he brought it off quite well. ok and then other listening again, stay with the i
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me and chris wilson. it's bring you back in here as we see and hear what is very much a religious service. how will the nation be trying to come together at this time? well, i think we, but remember, there are many dispersed elements within the nation and church of england to which charles pledged himself as a new one. and a gave me, we're just going to cut into their little bits the prime minister. well, you can trust is just talking going to have a listening to her. but if we die, we die to the lord. so then whether we live. busy or whether we die, we have a lot for to this end, christ died and lived again. so that he might be lord of base the dead, the living. why do you pass judgment on your brother or sister?
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or you? why do you despise your brother or sister? so we will stand before the judgment seat of god. for it is written. as i live, says the lord. every knee shall bow to me and every tongue shall give praise to god. say then each of us will be accountable to god prime minister with a reading from the book of romans. ah, well that was the u. k. prime minister, at least speaking at the cathedral at that service at spring crystals and back in forgive earlier interruptions. you were just talking about how the nation could come together at this time. just thoughts on that?
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well, kerry, i was just making the point that charles made public change to the church of england. but that is a relatively small group of people. it is our co religion in britain, but there are many other religions, many other groups. and i think what's going to be very interesting is that as we move towards the coronation and we get to hear what coronation prince charles is going to make. he has said that he wants to be not defender of the faith, which is the church of england, but defender of faith. that is to say, the many other religions and social groupings within religions which exist in this country as equals to members of the truck. so being that i think this is going to be a crucial fine of his kingship. when he makes that pledge, i think the nation as drawn together in these last hours in
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a way we rarely see except on national occasions of this kind. and i think charles, his speech was a unifying speech, only come to sing speech an all inclusive speech. and i think he did pretty well for the 1st step in it on his own road to kingship. and with that being said, we saw king charles earlier meeting members of the public outside, buckingham palace. would you say very much trying to display a common touch? well, as i've said earlier today, i find a remarkable that a new king went out to meet the people before he met his prime minister. and that's unheard of. and also in my memory of her history, which is tracy back.


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