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tv   News  Al Jazeera  September 10, 2022 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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cabella leslie, a complete rehabilitation of the queen consort in the years since, and she is a popular figure, it seems now and indeed we can see wagon and harry there meeting those members of the public who have come to offer condolences, but also a celebratory mood with the new king charles and that proclamation that we saw earlier today. but this an extraordinary walk about impromptu walk about at sir windsor castle by the prince and princess of wales. and harriet megan as the royal's attempt to move on in the morning. and the celebration of a new king. it's 17 jim t. alice, you're looking at live pictures outside windsor castle,
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prince harry and his wife megan, have joined prince william and wife kate to look at the attributes and flowers left for their grandmother. they also met mourners who have gathered outside the royal residence, where queen elizabeth the 2nd spent much of her time in the lead up to her death. it's the 1st time the more couples have been seen so closely together since harry and megan a fishy left their all duties and knew too nice. when marlene koenig is a royal historian, joining us from alexandra in virginia. well, thank you very much indeed for joining us. what do you make of this walk? i say i was funny. i was talking to somebody this morning and i just had a feeling that this was going to happen. i don't know how it was going to happen, but i think prince charles of sorry,
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king charles i facilitated this and i think it's awesome. um, i don't think it'll set aside all the tensions and all the issues, but it is absolutely the right thing to do to have both of his sons and both of his daughter as a law there with doing something in honor of their grandmother and meeting the people who love her and want and loved them and want to share their grief when in fact i have as you. so did you hear yet because i've been sitting here when of course, yes. and indeed you took the installs. it's very easy to make that mistake. it's been, it's been so low and so it's so fresh in people's minds now. when you think of king charles, what kind of monica do you think king charles will be? i think he, i think he will be, i sometime use the word caretaker, but that might not be the right word. i think he will be
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a little bit of his mother, but he will also be his own man because we have seen him grown up. i'm only a few years younger than he is and we know what he stands for. we know his support for organic farming. we know his support for climate change for diversity, for celebration of all peoples in the united kingdom and in the commonwealth. so i think you're going to see this move, but still maintaining the traditions, i mean, as you know, even today in the assertion council, it was televised. i mean, it was the 1st time ever. it was televised, but there were some also interesting things in it. the presence of the, of the queen concert in several years ago, the queen, queen elizabeth named william and camilla to the privy council. so they could be present. she's the 1st queen concert to be brought to attend her husband's a session, which is a major achievement. and i think that says a lot were also for queen elizabeth and understanding that women have
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a role in society and in the monarchy as well. but you mentioned climate change. their controls has been somewhat outspoken in rural terms, at least on, on certain issues in the past. would you expect that kind of thing to change now and to even then now? well, he actually did admit in he did say in his speech yesterday that he knows he cannot speak out like that anymore. and in fact, a number of years ago in an interview, he was asked about that. and he basically said, i think it was a bit frustrating, but the question because he says, i'm not stupid. and which he's not, he's, you know, the most appropriate. he was the most prepared and educated era yesterday. and i think, you know, for right now, i mean, he knew what the job was like, but now it's his job. and he's going to walk carefully for a while because i mean, obviously it's, you know, he knows what it entails,
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but he's not done it. and that mans hold that burden is something that he will now have to bear, as he makes his way meet. you know, his 1st meetings with government officials, with prime ministers, ah, seeing those the red boxes every night. so i think he will still be a voice, but that voice might be very, very different. but then again, his son, the prince of wales shares, many of those interests about climate change. and he's free now to really use his position as prince of wales. just as his father did, and that's a good thing too. and with that mantle. but you mentioned what all the physically challenges that the monarchy is facing now in modern britain unbeknownst across the commonwealth. well, i mean, i think you're going to see, i mean, you know, charles is king of what for a 14 realms now, i'm always not good with numbers. and i expect in the next couple of years that
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that number will get smaller. i think you'll see jamaica and grenada become republics, but not leave the commonwealth and trolls is very aware of that. he, you know, he talked about that when barbados went in, except that this will happen. and it's ok, you know, these countries are making their own decisions. and he supports that. it is the right thing to do. um, you know, i think politically, you know, britain has issues right now concerning, you know, gas prices and electric prices still fall out from breakfast and, but those are more government issues. you know, as prince phillips, one said, charles, i mean the monarchy is above the shop is the lives above the shock. and, but i think he will have to, you know, wait carefully how he speaks in public. but then again, that's what he has advisors and speech writers for and of course, when he has his 1st opening of parliament,
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the speech will be written by the governor. because everything is carried out in his name, but i think he will wait cheerfully and walk carefully and depend on others for advice. but he's also an intelligent man and i think he has a good sense of what you know what the commonwealth is. and certainly what the united kingdom is, ah, and how to shepherd the country through different travails. just as his mother did, you know, during different economic crisis during the covert crisis. i think, you know, after yesterday speech, i'm fully confident i felt really good about that speech that he's ok. it's going to be ok. ok, well, we will leave it there. marlene koenig historian, joining us from alexandra in virginia. thank you very much indeed. well, we're going to cross to buckingham palace and our diplomatic editor james bays. is
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there for james? what's the atmosphere like now? well yeah, the misfit here is pretty much as it speaks throughout the day. pretty solemn. although a family atmosphere people are coming here, they will be taken in the news of the death of the queen. but you're seeing family as you've seen all the people using young children as well, bringing flowers to pay their respects to queen elizabeth. clearly, you'll see that elsewhere, sing a bit of a cheer coming out now, so i don't know. some one looks like they might be coming out. i'll let you know if we think that is king charles. looks the vehicles i can see. i'm not sure if you've seen these pictures pictures i can see do look like it's lightly to be. it is light to be likely to be the the king. let me have a look in. yes, you can see the king in the back of the, in the back of the,
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of the car as he comes out from the palace and clearly then if you could hear it, but the crowd behind me is going pretty wild that glimpse of the king. not entirely sure where he is going and if he's going anywhere because he might be stopping the car and getting out and doing a walk about and that would really please the crowd more than anything else. so maybe he's just driving round to way with them. certainly he is waving them, making his way past me in a moment, making his way down here, showing all the crowd here who comes pay their respects to the late queen, but show showing them the, the respect and the fangs for the condolences from the brand new king charles the 3rd clearly, i think this is quite well choreographed. he came out here moments after his 2 sons and the wives came out to see the crowd in windsor. they are deliberately, i think,
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putting on a show show. thanks. i think for the people here, all of the people that come in right now, i can't quite see them to decide me. but they co carrying king charles flying the roll standard. make his way up the mile from buckingham palace and heading, hitting up i think, is going to get probably, i suspect is going to drive all the way up the mouth and greet all the crowds all the way out. now the question is, does he stop into a walk about as his sons have done? he's already done that possibly he won't. but so it's certainly giving everyone here a glimpse, a glimpse of the new queen whether indeed choreograph or not. it would certainly went down very well with the crowd there. i mean, how significant was that walk about that we saw with, as you say in charles is
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a c sons and his was outside when meeting the people. well, i think that was important. i think it was an important because i think the 2 sons wants to say thank you to the public for the wishes of condolence. and we had a message which i can tell you about in a moment from prince william on twitter. so we actually have the words of prince william that they, i think, will have wanted to thank people, but i think they also will have been bullied by some of the messages. and some of the things they heard from the people as they went, by the way through that crowd, one of the comments that we heard from when the heard on the microphone from funds would improve joe king. chuck, i keep going to say king charles, it looks like is about to get out of that vehicle and make his way and speak to some of the people. i'm not entirely clear. looks like he stopped near the front. my knowledge of those pictures looks like he stopped near the entrance to currents
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house, which has been his home as, as prince charles. and maybe he is still living now. he probably is still living there. so maybe it was greeting the crowd on his way home and then heading into into into clarence house, not entirely clear to me if there is a walk about taking place right now. but we could talk to anyone, or whether it was him showing everyone thanking everyone with the way as he made his way back home. yeah, we're watching these pictures over and excited and somewhat expectant crowds. not sure they're going to get what they want, but who knows? you mentioned a prince within them messaging on twitter. i mean very much attempt to, to keep up to date with the modern world as, as the younger loans want to want to do. yes, i will pull that up for you because i do have it here. yes, he said the world lost an extraordinary leader whose commitment to the country the
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realms in the commonwealth was absolute. i however, have lost a grandmother. she was by my side of my happiest moments and which was by my side during the saddest days of my life. my grandmother famously said the grief was the price we pay for love. all the sadness we'll feel in the coming weeks will be a testament to the love we felt for our extraordinary queen. i will all know her memory by supporting my father, the king in every way i can. and we're seeing that support today. he's one of the 2 royal members of the privy council, along with his step mother and the queen consort, queen camilla. they were both earlier on for that proclamation. that was the 1st part of the support. and we saw him. we saw that the prince of wales with his brother, prince harry, showing some family unity, a more support, i think for the king at this very challenging and difficult time. you've got to
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remember, we are watching all of the scenes. we're watching all of the important constitutional and procedural developments where watching a national, i would say international occasion. but these are a family that are in morning. and there is a very, very deep personal element. so this, the sadness that they are feeling right now, and at the same time as they're feeding this, unlike the rest of us, when we more loved ones, they are having to perform all of these duties. indeed. mean that said that how much would this, that, notwithstanding, how much of this would be choreographed and how much of this is impromptu? i mean, the wrong way, as it were, is to have things planning in advance. is it not absolutely planned. when the, when the queen, when she did so many visits over the years, the things were planned to the 2nd. sometimes he would get details on some of those
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well visits of what would happen and for some of the state occasions. and you'd be given a sheet of paper and this was happening at 5 seconds past. this is happening at 12 seconds pass. it's not like that this week, but the plans to the funeral, we now know the day to the funeral, which is going to be not this coming monday, but a week monday on the 19th of september. the plans ahead of that really been set in stone for a very, very long time. we've seen leaked in the past versions of the plans. the only difference the plan that's not been announced to one of the versions of the plan is that the queen's coffin will move from bow moral. the next 24 hours will go to, to edinburgh, where people pay their respects. it will then come back down to london. that is now a slight one points in previous kinds of beliefs of the press before the things that there was even a plan for the queen's coffin to be brought by the oil train down from edinburgh. but it will come on a flight back to london. and then after coming back the coffin,
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coming back the queen, coming back for a final time to buckingham palace. she will line state in westminster, abbey, and members of the public will then be able to pay their final respects. when indeed, we understand that that is the plan that the queen will lie in state for a few days, allowing members of the public to $2.00 to $5.00 past and, and pay their respects. we understand that the queen's coffin will be raised on a platform, a raised platform beneath the things, 11th century, medieval timber roof. so lot of ceremony, even in that we, we expect, do you think james shift now from celebrating the new king and more of moving towards continuing the morning and respects paid to the queen. we actually had that earlier on today because we had the procedural
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bait, which was the accession council meeting the privy council, which is an ancient body plus hi commissioners from the countries where the new king is also the new king of those 14 countries. they were all represented at that session council, and then the proclamation and the trumpets, this very ancient ceremony, which has always gone on, but is always gone on buying close doors. and now the world has seen it because the new king has decided and this is more than touch and this is in trying to, to, to, to, to move the, the bama kion as decided that should be made public for the very 1st time. that during that period, the flags were raised, they were raised from the half miles the half staff, and they said america. and they were raised for a period of time. because that was the moment to proclaim the new king
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a moment of some celebration. probably not the right word when we're in a period of national morning, but then just an hour later, the flags came back down again because we will back in morning and the u. k remains the morning until that funeral, the 19th of september. my understanding is actually the day of that that's going to be a national holiday as well. no one will go to work or school or do anything on that day. and i believe the national morning actually continues for one day after that. eagle eye view as mais for when i say the flags back at half last that the one that the top is not, it's still flying. i still fly without the mode. that's because that's the royal standard. and the royal standard always flies. when the monarch, when the sovereign is in residence at one of the royal palaces and that is where currently king charles is it residence? the wall standard is continuity. the roll standard doesn't come down for the
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definitely want anyone because there all the time is a mac. mac was queen elizabeth. instantly the monarch became king charles and king charles the 3rd we understand may have gone into clarence house for a while. we're not sure if he's due to emerge. nonetheless, the, the crowds, the thousands of crowds are still there, waiting hopefully and expectantly. we've seen all this pomp and ceremony in the last couple of days. why is the public so fascinated by all this? do you think? well, i think in the u. k, the public is, is fascinated because this is the royal family and this is a huge history tradition and they are the rulers of this country. why the rest of the world is fascinated. why becomes this fairy tale story?
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now you can understand perhaps in canada or australia or countries where, where charles is the king. why resonates particularly where i live most of the time in the united states. so much is interesting really, to be honest. busy some of the people i know in the us know much more about the royal family than many of the people i know in the u. k. so it is interesting why it resonates so widely. you mentioned parents house where we think king charles is right now was telling you about the history of this immediate area and literally only a few minutes walk from here up the mile to clarence house. that was a long time home of his grandmother. the queen mother who herself lived 201 years old. and that was the last big funeral that took place in the united kingdom. when she died, prince charles, as he was moved into parents house and that became him and to commit criminal home
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just to add to the the geography. earlier on the proceedings of the essential question council. what, what taking place in another of the policies and changed this thomas well before he moved into parent's house, that's where the then prince charles had his apartment. the new king knows all of these buildings intimately. of course, as a child, he used to live in the house he's, i think moving into again now not quite sure where we spending the night where it's many nights at the moment. but that, of course, is where it was more of the child, a buckingham palace, all very close to each other. all of these were all residents. and of course not every one is a supporter of the monarchy or either in the u. k. and beyond, or will it be hard for them to keep a sense of relevance for the royal family? it is difficult to say, but them into an atmosphere that you've seen there. how difficult or easy will it
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be for going ahead into the future? yes. how relevant is some of the stuff that you've seen today? and it said everyone understands the grief in the morning for this lady who's given this amazing duty. but when you see some of the patching tree, when you see the very old fashioned way, it all works. how relevant is it to modern britain and, and to young people in modern britain, bully opinion polls say that the molecule is still very pop for the here. go out. further afield is a bit wider to some of the other countries where where the, what king charles is also the head of state not quite so popular local strain the, for example, the thinking about it. and then you go, why to the commonwealth? i think this is the real question mark the commonwealth, of course, when the queen took over in 1952 was the empire. remember that was only just a few years after world war 2. remember some commonwealth countries. busy india and
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pakistan, they weren't separate countries at that time until partition, but they were ruled by britain and ruled by the queen's father, king george 6. so a big question, i think now that as that and paul very cleverly was steered to become a commonwealth by the queen. and she was the glue that held commonwealth together. does that come well? so stay together without the glue that was the queen. yes, and as we continue to look at these pictures, knife of buckingham palace and we wait to see whether king charles is going to come out of clarence house, certainly the or the well wishes there will be hoping that he might and even go on . another impromptu you walk about, we don't know that, of course, you mentioned some of those other countries in and world leaders, james, i mean,
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how respectful will they be? nonetheless, when it comes to the queen's funeral, which of course, the date of which has, has been announced. 19th of september is the funeral taking place here in westminster abbey? yes, there will be. many countries can tell you how many, cuz i don't expect to see vladimir putin here. i don't expect to see president chief china coming here, but there will be many, many countries around the world and you can guarantee we know the present biden will be at the funeral. we know that every, i'm sure, every european leader, every commonwealth leader. well that, that makes quite a large number anyway, and they'll be lots of other countries that off that are friendly with the u. k. and others perhaps are not so friendly that will want to come here and pay their respects. it means it's going to be a mamma, security operation in london, probably more well leaders in the u. k than that have been at any time before i
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would think. because remember the last time we had a funeral and then the coronation was in 1952 and it was so much harder to get around the world. air travel was something that was extremely difficult for me from further afield. so i think a very large gathering of world leaders for that funeral, the funeral taking place on the 19th. i don't, i think that was always going to be the date, but i don't think they had any wiggle room to move it. because another important event setting the calendar starts on the 20th, which is the high level week of the un general assembly where all world leaders every year gather. so i think there's going to be a procession of leaders, a logistical and diplomatic nightmare for all the nations evolve, arranging, all the travel, all the jets, all the protocol involved, where leaders will get into london, come to the funeral and then all in a short period of time believing the u. k. heading to new york for that diplomatic january that happens every year in new york. and that's just the funeral. remember
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that off to the funeral and also the peer to borning. you have a coronation. now the coronation, when will they do that? when that when george, the 6 died back in 952 queen elizabeth wasn't made queen. i mean, well, she was made queen, but she didn't actually get crowned in a coronation until the following year. 95360 months it took between the funeral and the coronation. when will they decide to do that? anyone's gas, i might suggest to you, my own guess is that they may well, at least they probably won't wait 16 months, but they probably, if they got people wants you to be outside celebrating. because coronation, unlike a funeral, there's a time for celebration. they probably want the winter to pass and some nice weather with lots of people out on the streets. and james, we've seen this pump and ceremony for a couple of days now. how well does the u. k, do this as it where or how well does the role family really,
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korea graph this. i mean, then you have to be careful not to make you look to career growth, does it because the public wants to feel that it's a natural thing don't yeah, i mean, it is very well planned and how do they do it? mainly by the history books, but by the history books with some slight amendment checking for the times, changing things, cutting things that the edges and remembering what, what they didn't have to worry about in 1952 so much the coronation was televised when the best big events, 953 that was televised, but didn't have to worry about camera angles and pesky tv crews like us. they need to make sure this is seen all around the world. and so that has to be thought about . and so that's where i think some of the i don't know the sort call going back, but certainly not got king charles and he's i think the car is simply now returning
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to bucking and part of suggesting to me that he is staying in carmen's house. probably still living in currents house. i mean, you know, you wouldn't expect him to pack up and move overnight. he's been morning and he has been, as you can see, despite the fact he's the morning, he's been exceptionally busy carrying out his duties really burden some time for the new king at a time of great personal sadness. ok, james base. thank you very much for that. and so now we're going to cross to rob matheson, who's in bowel morrow they're so rub a family gathering at a time of morning and yet a celebrates removed in windsor as we saw, the younger members of the family meeting people outside. so very much different aspects to this in different parts of the country including balmore
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i think that's very true. i think that some of course we have to remember that sir . bon moral is the place where queen elizabeth the 2nd dia on thursday afternoon. so therefore, the atmosphere here has been a, i wouldn't say somber over the last few days, is certainly been very serious, very respectful, judging by the people helping coming here to bear pay their, their respects. but am it is quite clearly a time of morning for the family who have been at the castle after the death of the queen. well, i was, we were talking earlier about the fact that i'm just a few hours ago the, there was a small fleet of fir, of range rover is the cars that the boils normally used to get around and pastors here and to taking some of the royal family on to a catholic church, which is just on the road and for a small private service, they then came back and then, and some of them got out of the cars and looked at the flowers,
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the well wishers and i had placed outside the main gates of because the council here, but i think the distinction perhaps here is that the, the, it's been moral itself is a, has always been regarded by them or family as a family home, as opposed to many of the other properties that it uses or owns or if it is a very much a private place, it's a place for relaxation, it's a place where the family could feel that they were themselves. and i think as a result, that level of intimacy, perhaps, that the family has been used to lent itself to the period of morning, immediately after the death of the queen, making it a very private and very family moment. a very family appeared. and what was perhaps seeing now is the, the remainder of the royal family beginning to move on. obviously with that, with the ascension to the san.


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