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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  September 10, 2022 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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ah, with on counting the cost, the energy battle between russia and the west is escalating, but who's winning? is europe prepared to meet the challenge of going without russian gas of soaring fuel prices are pushing up the cost of living globally? when will inflation peak charging the cost oil to sierra lou. this is al jazeera. ah.
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hello, i'm carrie johnson. this is denise are well i from coming up the next 60 minutes. oh, oh. oh oh oh, but yours is not by the death of our late sovereign of happy memory become our only lawful and right for liege, lord charles, the 3rd king charles the 3rd is formerly proclaimed. as britons oldest new monarch ushering in a new rain in a new era, ukraine claims a fresh success in its counter offensive against russian forces in the eastern hockey region. survivors of pakistan's, devastating floods of disease and displacement, but they're still not enough help. and forgotten by the world. thousands of people
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trapped in series were found refugee camp appeal for food and medicine. and god said the king has been sang for the 1st time. i've had major sporting event. ah, it happened before the start of plat, england's test match against south africa. ah, it was a ceremony rooted in centuries old tradition of the 1st time in history, the british public and the world saw the spectacle that makes a king live on television. or can charles the 3rd was officially proclaimed as the britons, new monarch, and occasion that council accession, that council, i should say, met at saint james's palace to make the proclamation trumpets. cannon far and pageantry ushered in britain's new era. under a new king from london. pull brennan begins our coverage.
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oh, from the balcony of some changes palace to a fanfare of trumpets and in front of expectant crowds, the heralds proclaimed the accession. ah, the crying of the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland is solely and rightfully come to the prince child. philip offered george become our only lawful and right foot leads. lord charles, the 3rd 3 chance res majesty the king. ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! minutes earlier, the extension ceremony itself had been somber and administrative, but no less momentous. in the front row, 6 former british prime ministers stood shoulder to shoulder. this gathering
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comprises the king's privy council, his senior political advisors, and the new king still mourning the loss of his mother solemnly accepted the mantle of monarchy. my mother's reign was unequalled in its duration. it's dedication and devotion, even as we grieve, we give thanks for this most faithful life. i am deeply aware of this great inheritance and the duties and heavy responsibilities of sovereignty which have now passed to me. the orders or council were read out one by one, the new king giving his approval to each approved and then with a signature and a bow. the king was formerly proclaimed historic centuries. overall proclamation hobby changed in the middle ages and never before brought kathy on.
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the walls of the pallet serves to emphasize the stability and continuity of the royal line. queen elizabeth reign is over. can charles stepped seamlessly into the roll of head of state as protocol dictates, heralds were dispatched to the city of london to take news of the proclamation there. for she a spectacle. there are very few that can rival the grandeur and ceremonial that surrounds the british royalty, elaborate titles, protocols and robes which have their roots in medieval pageantry, the and all the while the crowds of well wishes and mourners continue to gather from near and far. here to see a transition in history, rich men of, in our lifetimes, from green to king. you will get to see that again because the next 31 are going to be all men. so it's a memorable time to be had to be on occasion like the last few days have been so
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hard to take it all in. so yeah, i think we just wanted to come down here and help make my next step into having a king. believe me, last, last year i was going to change everything. change in how long the roll family. everything even process. husband didn't. i think one of those fundamental changes was visible in the parliament gathering for a ras saturday session. the prime minister and other party leaders renewing and updating that oath of allegiance, pledging their loyalty to the king. returning to buckingham palace, there is much for the new king to do. the official period of morning continues. a state funeral awaits a coronation will follow. and the line of succession is maintained, pull brennan, al jazeera central london reconvene now the latest pictures, king se,
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walk about side bucking pallets. we can see him meeting well wishes in what looked very much like an in from to walk very warmly received by members of the public there who believe that he'd been working in to clarence house from the mall and receiving. d 0 can don't, and boom, when she's going to talk to somebody and it's a james space at buckingham palace and james another walk about sorry, can you repeat that? and james, i'm not sure if you can hear us, but when we're looking at these mates is already the question of,
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of king child. so another walk about then how significant is this? i think it is significant. i think he and his family get some comfort from talking to people because the people are not coming here. most of them i think because they want to see king charles or or prince harry or prince william. that coming to pay their respects to the clean, some of them do have the privilege to see the new king, but they come to pay tribute to a queen that reign for 70 years. and i think he will get comfort from that because they will be talking about his mother and what his mother meant to them. so i think that although it's part of his duty to go and do these work about him to be seen and try and bring the nation together at this time, i think the sort of words he's probably hearing from these people will be giving
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some comfort to the mother at this time he's had a pretty busy day. remember remembering for him personally, this is a time of deep sorrow and deep personal morning. because as you saw impulse report that a session council took place and he had to pull a major role there. and then he had the prime minister trust and the cabinet inside buckingham palace. now he knows this truck interestingly pretty well, the new prime minister, even though she's been in office for a few days. she used to be the environment secretary. and remember as prince charles, he took a great deal of interest in the environment and we know that he had a number of meetings with then environment 2nd, she trust back in those days. and we're also learning that we're going to see a tool now by the new king king charles to the different nations that make up the united kingdom. he will be going 1st to scotland and that's where the coffin carrying the body of queen elizabeth will be taken to edinburgh and people
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in the coming hours. we'll be able to pay their respects to her. but the new king will also be in scotland and then he's going to go to northern ireland to belfast. and then finally, he's going to go to court if, as well, to the welsh capital showing i think that he wants to connect with every part of this country, particularly politically in scotland. you know that there is a big call from some for independence. and we, what we've learned now is the prime minister trust will be joining him on this nationwide tool that i think is interesting and significant. and james, as you say, is going on this tool in what has been, at least today, something of a mix. so, celebration and morning and of course we now know the date to the euro. yeah, we know that he knows going to take place on monday,
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the 19th of september. it was always going to be about 10 days afterwards. the planning in this has gone on for decades and various versions of the plan but, but, but the, the late queen herself approved these plans. so i don't think they were going to change very much when you is going to be about 10 days, 10 days actually will take this sunday. don't normally have funerals on sunday. so the monday makes sense. and they can't really couldn't really been any later. because remember, it's gonna be a massive security operation here in london as leaders from all around the world. certain to attend, we're going to have, i'm sure, but we're definitely having joe biden, the u. s. president, all the european union nations will be here. other friendly nations in europe, countries like norway will be here. all the commonwealth will be here. many other nations around the world will be sending that lead is their prime ministers or by foreign ministers. that's now on the 19th, on the 20th. many of that lot needs to be in new york because it's the start of
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a regular event that diplomatic january called the high level week of the un general assembly. so what we're going to see is the world leader is coming here to pay that final respects to this long, long serving very long serving monarch and then go as planned on to new york city. thanks base to buckingham palace with the very latest that. thank you. when owens is a royal historian, he joins us from london, good to happy with a spoke, put simply, what did you make these walk about sweets seen from the walls today? but i think we have to ask ourselves to begin with. what's the alternative? is it that the new king and his queen consort, appear on buckingham palace balcony waving to the crowds below is it that he travels through the streets in a car again waving from him? in both instances, those images would be defined by a kind of distance and aloofness. i think what he's trying to convey through these
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walk abides, is that he wants to, to be intimately involved in the lives of his subjects. he wants to be seen as an accessible monarch look at it. look as though he is interested in the people that have come to both pay their respects to the queen, but also pay homage to him as the, as the new monarch. but will there be substance amongst the, the choreography, and he's been somewhat outspoken in royal terms, at least on certain issues in the past. will that kind of thing just stop now? well, just, just to take the choreography work here, i think there is a clear emphasis on trying to turn him into a popular monarch. up until now. we know that the new king has not had the kind of opinion ratings that his mother had while she was on the throne. i think what we can also anticipate is that the new king will look to step back from those areas where he has previously caught his control to see. because one of the reasons
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why he's upset some politicians in certain sections of the public is because he has not spoken in the past. so stepping back would seem the wise and sensible move. it would also mean that he, he had, he is to the model of constitutional monarchy established by his mother. and what are the particular challenges that the monarchy is facing now than in modern britain and under brought to the commonwealth, for example. well, we know that the monarchy needs to connect to younger people. it's not anywhere near as popular amongst the under $35.00 generation as it is among the over fifties . these are a, that's the social media generation. and i just don't think the royals really since the departure of harry and meghan have managed to find a way to connect to that younger generation. so there is that challenge. of course there are some other sort of difficult issues that are currently unfolding. one is
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the relationship between the new king charles and his 2nd son, harry. how that will be resolved, whether harry's explosive men, while the coming to this year, could potentially again unsettle the the relationship between him and his father. possibly even doing damage to the monarchy, and there are other unanswered questions about does the new king devote as much attention and enthusiasm to the commonwealth? when clearly there is so much to be done back here in the united kingdom as well. really, the, the essence of the commonwealth was the sort of the energy and spirit of elizabeth the 2nd that it remains to be seen. whether he can continue that and carry it forward. ok, or in the wrong store and we'll leave it there. thank you very much. for your input today, and you will the rain of king charles the 3rd ashes in major changes for some commonwealth nations. controls is now the head of state of 15 countries. many of
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them will now have to update their currencies and passports. the knowledge of commonwealth is a political association of 56 countries covering nearly a 3rd of the world's population controls is the head of that group. it's made up of a former british colonies from our republics. and there are also members who have never been under british rule loon from the a. somebody is a former, a jamaica government minister and said this high commission for jamaica united kingdom, from 2012 to 2016. she joins us from them. and again, jamaica. what do you make of what you've seen today where, you know, things change. i think we've been expecting this to happen anytime now. it's probably better to earn some of expected. whoop. and when i woke up on thursday morning, was it not sure blurry,
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i knew that this is where we were going to be just to tell you that there are no 14 random countries, not 15. because recently bob beta became a republic. so this is the 6 countries of the colon, 14, i read countries including jamaica. although in jamaica we have had been, we have, we had discussions for many, many years about removing the monarch as i said, becoming a republic. it recently taken on even more importance and nothing to do with the cleans dying but to do with a promise that the prime minister has made to the country. and i think that most jimmy comes out looking forward to the day when we come a republic remove the monarch from being the head of state. however, we have no intention of leaving the common west. the common work is up is an
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organisation which is very important to us, and particularly as a small state. it gives us advice internationally. and we have no intention of begin comrades as far as i know. that's interesting what, what you say them and how does the population in jamaica react to this? how do they feel about the commonwealth when, when you have people who are calling for reparations, for things like, you know, hundreds of years of slavery, now rather than reparations is not connected with being in a common rest. i taught because, you know, as you said, there are countries that were never on under british rule, leg rwanda, mozambie, tomba, and other countries that have applied to join a common rest. please do not allow us to mix the issue of reparations. that is another issue. our membership in a commonwealth is not connected with reparations in any way. that is another issue
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. despite that, i'm so how would you maybe what, what do you think about the, the younger generation in jamaica? how did they feel about it to all them? is the monarchy still as relevant to them? right. remember i tell you that we are discussing and this is a discussion that has been going on for a long time. and it would have happened that we would have moved from the monarchy . i'd be in our head of state, had we been able to get well in agreement, and i think we're closer to it now than we have ever been because the current government has indicated that they are prepared now to move on to becoming a republic. now you need to understand that our constitution has as deeply entrenched the decision to remove the monarch is. that means that we would have to have that is in agreement with this because it requires
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a referendum of 2 thirds majority of the voters in agreement with such i'm so we have to have who is in agreement with this. i think that the country is moving closer and closer to that and it probably will be speeded up now because the queen is no longer the head of the common rest. the queen is no longer the monarch, and that is not to say that we have a problem with putting, sorry, no key child. the 3rd be in the head of the united kingdom, but it would speed up our discussion and agreement towards becoming a republic. that's interesting. what you say them, and if that's the case, how likely is it in your opinion, how likely will it be to get that agreement that you're talking about when the party that i, i'm a title,
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has always been armed. if you would that we should become a republic, we have not been able prior to this to get the government, the current government in agreement with that whole em all to be fair to him. the current prime minister has indicated that this is the direction that he would like to proceed with. and so i expect that probably for the 1st time we how as close as an agreement between the 2 parties as we have ever had that this is the direction. where would you believe? ok, we'll leave that alone that don't bet a samba. we very much appreciate your time here on al jazeera. thank you. thank you very much. ah, to albany is now ukraine's president says his troops are making gains against russian forces in the northeast. and in the south. william, as lensky says,
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troops are pushing down from her, saw none the gaining land. there. also in our cave, there are reports. russian forces are retreating from areas near the city. well, this is the scene near hawk cave where you cranes progress has been swift. it says, russian forces have retreated from the city of indian as its troops close in on the logistical hub. gabrielle is on the reports from keith music. ukrainian advances are really an incredibly fast blitz that have been going in the how to key region pushing east and the face of this war. and the lines of this war had totally changed in the northeast of ukraine in the last 24 hours. as the ukrainian forces push forward, re taking cities, towns and villages. the russian main defense lines appear to be crumbling. and the russian defense is, or at least in some parts of the northeast,
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northeast in total disarray, the ukrainians now have retaken 7 year john. yes. could have re taken company yards . can there close to or there's lots of fighting in lizzie shanks. these are 3 key cities in the northeast that the russians had been holding. and that were key to supply lines for the russians that now ukraine's have either retaken or potentially very close to re taking the big one. no is a zoom. that's a city of more than 50000 people about 130 kilometers south east of the regional capital. how to keep this is a city that the russians fought for 6 weeks to take it in april. and now it looks like the ukrainians are going to retake it in a matter of 24 hours because the russian soldiers and that were
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entrenched in his zoom appear as they saw the ukrainians moving forward fast in his blitz towards that city, the russians simply ran away they have left and retreated from not only is zoom, but a few other towns within that area. focused on now where full a prime minister iran calm has made a speech in front of thousands of supporters. at a rally in could you on mala khan is facing multiple legal battles, but he continues to demand new elections come on either has more nor from some of that. the form of prime minister am ronnie vaughn, had a large rally in the town of goods or a wallow. this was a 2nd rally in that industrial town. falling tens of thousands of supporters. at the same time, the rally was being colored on radio link across the country and major cities and thousands of people gathering dead as red. he singled out the government for skating criticism, saying that the price of electricity, fuel,
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and essentially commodities i skyrocketed despite the fact that the opposition lines had come together to oust am ronnie vaughn, in april through award of no confidence because of inflation. now, enron con, also singling out the leadership of the, of political party, saying that they were, had a master went overseas. billions of dollars had been taken out of the country that they were holding properties, debt bringing the country to the brink of financial ruin. and he said that he would be making an important announcement which he was going to do at the rally. but saying that he will soon be making that announcement to his support or the cross pakistan on his next line of action. most probably, according to experts, that would mean that there would be more political rallies across the country, more protests at a time when the country is already suffering under the floods by them. ron. honda said that he would hold those rallies to galvanize support. an area that were not
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affected by the flood under challenge the central government. so indeed important development said this was at last rally of was seated of rally that he held across the country. and now the people are focused on, particularly his supporters will be watching to see what comes out or when he makes an announcement. but at the same time, the government clamping down when a major or television network head and bug based on the l. y. television network which was taken off the air earlier, there were restrictions that the head speaker will not be telecom live many restrictions on youtube as well. so im ron con, still of a popular as father that supported our concern. and his popularity had been riding by today or staying with those floods. the un secretary general says he's never seen climate cottage on such a large scale. what he witnessed that antonio could perish, is incent province to assess the devastation caused by the worst flooding in
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decades. ventless rob reports from a comment. when the un secretary general comes to town, it usually means things aren't going well, but they may get better. and tony gutierrez has made his position clear climate change caused the floods and pockets done a disaster. forced upon poor countries by rich was so it is time to settle the bill . the government and millions of people affected by floods. hope his visit helps loosen western per strings. what is your message to the people who are anchored firmly and the worst part of my message is that the world as a responsibility to support them that the world must elpac is found at the present moment. for buck is bound to be able to rest, well, the people in those that emetic the compass. the un delegation has heard 1st hand accounts from survivors and rescue teams of tragedy, suffering and growing desperation. the reins in the raging reverence may have
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stopped for now, but that does not mean that all the danger is gone. what the pakistani government is trying to showcase here in this place where people have been taking refuge. they want to illustrate the un secretary general that despite the fact that much of the dramatic weather is over, there still remain for the people that are living in or near the flood zone will still remain immediate threat of their life. no were more so than incense province were earlier this week there was a forced breach of the country's largest freshwater, late settlements sacrificed to safe cities and remote villages is where people need the most help. i think people are slow to react because the problem is so big that it seems unapproachable. and the 1st thing is to just take a 1st step and get your team here and get your boots on the ground. volunteers say the government must cut through red tape if be the does or not the, the process is not sped up fast enough. then as gonna is gonna end up with a lot of people left with no help or no,
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the board no kind of relief. no kind of rehabilitation. international aid is arriving, but it quickly becomes clear that it is still not enough. medics tell us. people are suffering from malaria waterborne illnesses. serious infections that started a small wounds. they admit people need more help than they are able to give. then basra b l g 0 are kind of fin focused on ahead analysis air refugees from the ivory coast to find peace opportunities and a new home in liberia in sports, half of his leading tennis dies counting down to her shot at grand slam history on his head ah, the journey has begun. the 3 full world camp is on its way to catherine group. your travel package today. hello,
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the weather slightly set bare across the middle east. stay with the coming days more very hot sunshine, not too much. wet weather around a little at a cloud, just around southern parts of the peninsula, southern and the resi, seeing some showers and see how they just run up towards that far south west of saudi arabia, temperatures here in doha, 41 degrees celsius, a good deal hotter still for a good part of iraq, q weight, temperature still getting up into the mid forties here. similar pictures. he go on 3 monday. notice it does warm up further for doha. humidity goes down, the temperature comes up still on the lively side with terms of that heat across that eastern side of the mediterranean, levant staying very warm in date of failure, walk across north africa, we're still seeing some very high temperatures, particularly up towards the northwest. quite a rush of showers through central africa nigeria, seeing some very heavy rain and on the easterly ways which continued a poster way further westward pushing over to ward. so synagogue to was the gambia over the next day or so,
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joining up with the heavy showers that we have across the democratic republic of congo, a few showers. there are 2 eastern parts of kenya, eastern areas of tanza, near some where whether to just around the southern cape, on sunday, grassy pushing up towards the eastern side of south africa. official and line of the journey. for a goalkeeper from one is a, it is a home world cup was what dreams were made of. they turned into a night matter by resting towards you by argentina's military junction. footballing legend eric cancel, introduce his cloud, your temporary one of the special feuds that up for their beliefs. whatever the cost, football rebels on al jazeera with
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blue ah, he without 0 remind her of our main stories. king charles, the 3rd has been proclaimed the new sovereign of united kingdom. first ceremony was held at the official seat on the st. james, his pass, ukraine's president says, his troops are making gains against russian forces. in
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a south and northeast. russia says its withdrawing and regrouping its soldiers from 2 key cities. the hockey region. pakistan's, former prime minister, has made a speech in front of thousands of supporters. valley in john mother on con, is facing multiple legal battles, but she continues to demand elections. after marrying britain, not queen elizabeth was the only monarch they had ever known. what matheson is that about moral where mourners have been pe attributes was more convoy of green range rovers because usually used to carry members of the royal family made its way from balmoral castle to catholic church, which is just down the road from where we are now. for a private ceremony, that was the 1st time that the members of the royal family had been staying here at abominable castle since the death of queen elizabeth had been seen in public
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a short time later, the cars returned to and made their way back up the driveway it was a significant moment for many of the people who were had been standing here waiting to cross the bridge on carrying flowers and other tributes and to pay their last respects to clean elizabeth who died here at the castle on the thursday afternoon. when the cars reached the main gates of the castle, the cars stops and the occupants got out. we saw princess anne resort, prince andrew, resolve prince edward and his wife sophie and their children. we also, so i'm friends with the prince of wales and his wife and kate, the duchess of cornwall, and cambridge and their children. they took time to look at the floral displays that had been delivered over the last day or so. since the announcement of the queen's deaf and they were looking at some of the messages that had been contained there as well. this was a very significant moment for those members of the whole family. because this was the 1st time that they had been seen in public since the death of queen elizabeth.
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this is the 2nd, but it was also a very important moment as well for the people who been gathering here to pay tribute to the queen because they to correct their 1st glimpse of those members of the royal family. what was interesting was the amongst that group was prince andrew . prince andrew's personal life has been the self of headlines over the last few years and there has been a distancing between him and the rest of the wall family. but he was part of that group. it and it was perhaps an indication that the royal family, at least for this occasion, for this period of morning, i've decided to put any differences aside and allow the whole family to come together on a queen's funeral. it will take place on monday, the 19th of september, and as rob mentioned body is lying in state at balmoral castle in scotland where she died on thursday. in the coming days it will be taken to edinburgh. and then
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her herse will be transported to buckingham palace in london, from where a procession will begin across london until it arrives at westminster, where her body will die in state for 3 days. open to the public. her funeral will be held at westminster abbey. and then her casket will be taken to windsor castle for private service with family members and others. are queen elizabeth will then be buried in the windsor castle memorial chapel alongside her father, mother, sister, and husband. well, david lake, he is a former usher of the black rod in the house of the woods. he joins us from africa, any in wales that welcome to the program, would you mind? so if we asked you for the benefit of all he was around the world, what the ash of the black road actually is, what was your role the short term for it is just black rod. the. the full title is gentleman of the black rod and the, the room is a relatively new and,
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and are in the history of the country, the the title, black road, and the role dates back to 1348. when the king entered the 3rd needed somebody to to help keep access order and discipline around himself, the court and the palace of westminster, where he lived. and that role since 1348 till today still exists. and one of the roles of black rod today is to keep access order and discipline in the palace of westminster, which is where our poem sits. so that in very general terms, of course, is a lot more to it than that. the black world has many other administrative and operational duties and to, to do as well the, the, the glorious, the iconic moment for which black road is best known. generally around the world is having the house of commons door slammed in his face. when he goes to summon the members of parliament to come and hear what will now be called the king speech. and
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the black cross has to hammer with his black rod on the door of the house of commons to be given entry in and to summon the end piece to the sovereign. right. so right, so let's, i think not right. so a lot of history and, and pageantry there. so what's your reaction to the royal walk about? we saw today which seems to be the opposite of protocol. yes i'm, i think if you think back to the queen herself, the queen was a wonderful blend of her ability to engage very personally close off, warmly, gently and with humour, with people on a one to one basis in. she was great working the crowds, whether it be in a reception for diplomats or the general public or as the royal family is doing
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today, meeting the public out on the streets. and at the same time, she can hold herself her statue, her authority, and her standing in those formal ceremonial occasions. and i think if you, for someone who's met the queen, they'll know this and i've seen it happen very often. i, i'm fact i've organized meetings where and officials or members of the public have come to meet the queen and they stand in a room. and normally there's an atmosphere of apprehension nervousness and, and seriousness too. and then the queen comes into used to come into the room and she would look round and she'd have a slightly severe look on her face. and then she would let go a smile. and in a moment it was like someone had turned on the theater lights and the atmosphere would, would lighten and people would smile back and relax and then engage with the queen
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. and if the queen never spoke to anybody, she would always he look at them in the face, fix their eyes and take a really close personal interest. and if she knew that she was meeting someone, she'd have done her homework too, so she wouldn't turn up and guess she would know who you were and what you've done . and she would ask insightful questions. so that was how she mixed that blend of the close personal. and yet at the ceremonial events, she looks perhaps remote and, and indeed the head of state as a head of state should be. so given what you say that i mean, how will king charles be able to, to follow that? oh, without any difficulty at all, he is contracting for it for a number of years. and he is himself a, a consummate royal. he's able to once again,
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mix that blend of an intimate personal interaction. and i've sat in meetings with the prince of wales as he then was. and once again he engages. he engages in detail. he engages in personalities and he takes a deep interest. his well read all is well briefed and always thoughtful to and if you ever have a conversation with him, whether it's in a business meeting or whether it's in a very informal setting. he to, just like the queen has her a really sparking sense of humor and wit and, and, and actually no meeting with the, with the king will ever take place without that being some light hearted, good natured, and even humorous aspect to it always. and yet on the other hand, and he too, can stand back and hold the dignity and standing of
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a king. so i think he will be a little indeed, but how does the monarchy fit in the modern world but personalities notwithstanding? i mean, many would say that it's all rather i r k it really it and, and has no place. you may say it has no place. it's 30 interesting to watch the global television channels, not just the channels in the united kingdom. there is no other major news coverage and well now let me put it the other way. the top 5 news stories across every news channel in the globe today has been about some of the worlds disasters in the economy, but also the death of the queen and the proclamation of king charles. so it may be, or may look a little bit archaic and old and, but it has a place in our modern society and our modern politics and its place is,
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or its ro is that of stability of certainty, of slow evolution, and not revolution, rechange. and you will see that in the coming days, when the queen's coffin is taken to the palace of westminster, where our parliament sits and is taken into westminster hall and is raised aarp and sat on a katterfield. and then for 5 days, members of the public will be able to file past the coffin and pay their respects. and that is the rule, if you like, the relationship between the monarch and parliament and the public. and it symbolizes it rather. well, that will be that very formal, serene, respectful, placing the coffin with the general population of the public able to get past and
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pay their respects and be very close to the sovereign. the late sovereign, the queen. and that takes place inside the same building where our democratic parliament conducts its debates and makes legislation. and that relationship has been going on in that way for the last 1000 years. and it's given us to remind us stability. and so it may be imperfect. it may be old fashioned, but some of that heritage gives stability. david leaky former black rod, thank you for joining us. it's a pleasure of unease now. it's been nearly 3 years since the syrian government last allowed us to deliver aid to the rookie band refugee camp. zayna hot reports, the 10000 displaced people who live there, according for international help as they run out of basic goods. ah,
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your key needs urgent medical help, but she can't get it here in the rookie band camp and se syria. her parents have taken to social media to ask for help. so far without success, blockaded by the syrian government since 2018. the thousands of displaced people living in rock ban feel they have been largely forgotten by the world located along a demilitarized zone, close to the border between jordan and iraq. the only way out is to territory under the control of the syrian regime. for many, including akins parents, who are members of the opposition pre syrian army, leaving is not an option. mosley or missouri have an unknown fate, but we don't know what will happen tomorrow. we are afraid that the blockade will be tightened even further. for years, we have been appealing for safe passage to another country or a position control territory in the north walk, some harsh conditions at the camp,
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or why tens of thousands left over the years, even if it meant returning to government areas without guarantees, they'd be safe human rights groups have documented dozens of those who return being detained and tortured. we don't know how to help them and you and ever knew. the romans did change out of an end to this just or so they want solution jones to to, to, to i'm not area for years. the only lifeline for the estimated 8 to 10000 people. there has been smuggling roots that some agencies use to bring in basic supplies like water. the last time the government in damascus allowed the united nations to deliver aid within 2019. it has been accused of using aid as a weapon of war and
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a tactic to star people into submission. not in a civil war, nourish her father. we live a difficult life and very bad living conditions. we like to basic necessities, including water. we are thirsty, we walk 4 to 5 kilometers to get a kito of rice for our kids. we are not living up with. their cries for help are not new, but they're growing louder as conditions and options all the worse. and for those left inside. i mean, oh, sure, theda. more than 30000 refugees from ivory coast living in liberia have returned to the home country. the un refugee agency says it's a success, not as little as hot reports from the liberian capital monrovia. many others are refusing to return home. removing it wasn't a move he had anticipated when in 2010 the civil war broke out in ivory coast. mit were both led to liberia, but the ivory rebel forces stopped him at the border. they told him he did not
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belong in ivory coast. they shot his father dead. they did unspeakable things to his mother and sister and killed them. after 12 years in liberia, living as a refugee the you and offered him the chance to return home me turbo refused. labourer is my home now, or be workem, bounce investor in my education and are continue, continue, invest in my education. i'm protector here and i have no problem with anybody. i'm a thesis for myself. in august, the unimaginable happened between the 2 old rivals, ivory coast as president. what are in his predecessor little bag booth, a show of unity after 2 decades of fighting over power that left 3000 people dead. and half a 1000000 people displaced president water, i called on refugees to return home a step towards peace and reconciliation. or than 30000 ivory ins living in liberia,
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answered his call, bringing an end to their exile. the you enclosed their settlements in liberia, but many ivory and say they're not ready to return home. liberia to has gone through a civil war, a quarter of a 1000000 people died in the early 2000. and it's a country much poor and perhaps as politically unstable as i re coast. but for liberians living here, it has something their homeland doesn't. here they're not haunted by their past. liberia offers an opportunity for a new life. for the you in liberia is an example to the world with some countries closing their borders to refugees, references not just come with a bugging dis. they also come with experiences. they come with their couches and, and different things that they can contribute in terms of the economy. they social have a now. so me to a bo, has enrolled in liberia 1st gender studies program, a course unavailable in ivory coast. his battle is you contribute to a fairer,
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more equal, and just society in a country he feels he belongs to. nicholas hawk al jazeera monrovia, liberia, 5 people have died in new zealand. doctor bird watching boat capsized reportedly after colliding with a whale. 6 survivors were pulled from the water near the south island town of kura, the towns may i told local media that a whale may have come up underneath the boat, causing it to overturn was so they had hair on al jazeera in sport, for rory, secure, whole position that their home gone free in italy ah ah
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ah. safe that mm hm. and then international anti corruption excellence award bought now for your hero lou
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aah! was calling from sports news now hes. thank you very much. kerry. wal sport has a resume to in the united kingdom following the death of queen elizabeth, england's cricketers have been playing south africa in a test much. oh god save the king was thankful 1st time at a major sporting event. rugby and golf is also back on in the u. k. but all top level football has been postponed. wicked stumbled during the day's play south
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africa battered 1st and were bold out for just a $118.00. england had reached the 15447 in reply at the close. the series was level at one all going into this deciding match her eyes. charlotte clerk has qualified and pull position for his teams. home, gone plea in italy. while the clerk will start at the front, in one sy, he's a distance at 2nd in the title race, but bulls max for stop and has a $109.00 point championship lead or stop, and that will start down in 7th after being hit with the grid penalty for using too many engine parts. it wasn't an easy qualifying session. i knew that there was quite a bit of potential in the car, but it would everything together. i knew i knew a dodge and they looked in these last laughing g 3. how to put everything together and i'll manage to do it so very happy with the law. very happy with the performance. he's been a great weekend and so now the feeling with the guys amazing. i think i was quite good. i'm just trying to 3 things for the car from apple wanted me to join the sun
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. if you could do things better, some work, some didn't. and yeah, you know, just general long run practice, of course, with the little penalty we have and everything seems to work on one parcel i look said to go top of the spanish league abbas are to nail up against kadijah, or when will move them, appoint claire of reigning champion, madrid, 2nd half goals that fun. franklin is young and rob to live in dusky, putting bars that head. for now the game has been stopped at 22 step cato applying urgent medical treatment. my ts taylor has become by him unix youngest to ever goal score in the german, poland his legal friend, 17 year old, opened the scoring it guess vs feast with god. the game finished in a to, to draw. and you now mercy, set up near mar for the only going empire center mass game against plaster. it was the brazilian 10th goal of the season,
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or the 2nd half penalty save from trying to reach it. on the rumor insured pierced ye held on for the victory the when it took them back up to the top of the french vague and in, just over now as time was job or an e gosh, why and take it will face each other. and the final of the us open all number one schwein take is the french open champion while job or is aiming to become the 1st african woman to secure and may just singles title it in his in was the runner up at wimbledon. earlier this year. i wondered, i was can a living the dream and i can believe it and not even just after the merger was sir, just going to do my things and not realizing it was an amazing achievement already . but now just her, i hope i'm getting used to it. you know, just getting just happy the fact that i backed up the results in wimbledon while we've been talking to the president of tennis wall, governing body,
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about jabbers. why is that through the rankings? we work very closely with the grand slants and we have what's called the grand slam development grant program. and a few years ago we grant it to oh, shoot war. when she was about a $120.00 is cracked in the world. some funding for 2 year period, some significant funding that enabled her to, to get a coach to be able to travel and play at her tournament schedule in a, in a better fashion. she continued to groan, improving and now you see she's right there for 5 in the world grand slam finalist and what a great story because she, she is a role model for many, many young girls all around the world, especially in the middle east and africa as you said, and that's very, very important. that's really what the i t f does. helping players from the junior
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ranks all the way up through professional tess, teenager carlos al qaeda this through to the men's final in new york. his semi final, when ended frances, that jeff was run at his home grand slam, in 19 year old spanish out lost his american opponent to winning a 5 says rayleigh chapel, who knocked a rough, found the die out in the 4th round. that was the 1st american men to each, the lawful in almost 2 decades. a last 2 weeks. i came here one when you was over. i let you guys down. i heard it was a great for me. and i had pretty way against her francis who were playing unbelievable. i swelled this 2 weeks. i mean incredible feeling to be and i find out iris would face world number
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7. caspar, rude and sundays final. the norwegian beads can cash an offer of russia and 4 sets to each his 2nd grand slam final the season when of us open to will replace daniel medford f as the mans world number one and also sport for me. carrie santa. thank you very much indeed. that's it for me. carrie johnston for this news . albert, my colleague, maria massey in london, will be here in a moment with more of a day's developments to stay with us. ah ah.
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this was an easy movement. the likes of which we have never seen. this is important, this is your story from breaking down the headlines to exposing the powers attempting to silence reporting. we're seeing media freedom being threatened and attacked, but is basically criminalizing journalism. the listening post doesn't cover the news. it covers the way the news is covered. people have no idea what the source of uses back to the game that rolled a very broad quote for the evidence. why? on al jazeera in the year, 1271, a d, a young battalion merchant set out on an extraordinary journey. having travelled the furthest reaches of the mug, lampa marco polo world view was radically altered. beijing, the city established by cooper, the car is still to day. china's strong od now and china is again a superpower. we reflect on how the relationship between east and west has changed . marco polo on al jazeera
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aah! from the ruins of mosul, music as re emerged. these are some of 40 musicians who make up the orchestra in iraq. second largest city, despite being banned, been mostly was occupied by i so the melodies arrived. 3rd christian curd arab so need, and she has these young men and women represent the diversity of iraq to be able to hear music. i mean the ruins of mussels also do you feel strange, but it brings home the resilience of residents who say that despite the destruction and lack of help, they remain committed to bringing the city back to life. ah .


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