tv News Al Jazeera September 11, 2022 12:00pm-12:31pm AST
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it is 9 g m t 10 am in the u. k. we are live in scotland. this are on al jazeera, where the journey of queen elizabeth coffin is beginning from by moral castle to edinburgh. this is the 1st stage of the queen's final journey before her funeral in london. on september the 19th, a harris is going to carry the coffin on a 6 hour drive from by moral to the palace of hollywood house. in the scottish capital. i will rest there overnight before a church service on sunday. thousands of people are expected to line the router as the late queen's body is driven to the palace of holy road house, which is the official residence of the british monarch in the scottish capital. every one on stand by right now including our very own rob matheson, who was outside by moral castle. the queen's cascade. rob is about to depart, by moral talkers through the root. the funeral cortez is going to be taking
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yes, says to move few moments time. queen elizabeth. the 2nd is going to be making her final journey from bon malls for the castle here in scotland or the home that the royal family have regarded very much as a family home was opposed to an office. so some of the other properties that we have around the euclid. this is very much a retreat for the royal family. the cottage is expected to make its way up the driveway. i passed a smaller group of onlookers than we've seen over the last few days as certainly in the last 20 for 48 hours. we've seen hundreds of people who've been gathering here, bringing floral tree tributes particularly took place by the gates of the castle. and as, as well as lighting candles, it in people from all over the world who've been traveling to pay their final
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respects. we're just waiting for the cortes come out on its way. and now we did see a large police con boy make its way up. so it should be happening any minute now, and it's going to be a slow journey, rob, deliberately designed that way to, to allow people to pay their respects to the queen. it's going to take 6 hours to get her coughing to edinburgh. that's right, and they the reason for that is partly protocol. it's mark of respect, obviously to carry the queen's coffin at a slow pace. but there is an element to it as well, of allowing people who are going to be lining the streets a chance to see the coffin for themselves and pay their own respects. you mentioned earlier the where the police have been saying that they are expecting thousands of people to be turning out on the the route that is eventually going to lead it to
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edinburgh at the cortez will make its way up the driveway and then turn eastwards and its 1st protocol is going to be the small village of ballad, which is very close to the state here and has a very special relationship with the royal family because the local peoples, they are over the years have come to see the family in a much more relaxed vain than perhaps many other people in the country get to see members of the royal family, predominantly because this is a family home. this is a place of privacy for the family. a chance for them to be more of themselves rather than the public figures that we so often see. and they very often drive their cars around the local villages with minimum security. they've, in the past, bought items from the local shops for queen and certainly done that in her younger years. and the people a valid her and the other villages surrounding the state pretty much regarding the
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family as their neighbors and become very protective of the privacy of the oil. so this is certainly an opportunity for people not just here, of course, but across the cross scotland, but particularly on the route. but the, the cause of the vehicle is going to be taking her to have a chance to see their, for wells, to the queen. a poignant moment for the people are scotland, no doubt as we wait for the hearse to make its way out of the gate of bar moral castle. their life pictures are in the meantime. let's go to ireland. fisher, who's in edinburgh, the scottish capital, i tell us about the mood there as are people out wait for the queen's confess to arrive in edinburgh much later to day, and what sort of preparations have been made there allan? well, already people have started showing up here, even though it will be 6 hours,
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at least before the queen's coffee makes it here to hollywood palace, which is the official residence of the queen in edinburgh. of course it will now become the official residence of king charles the 3rd. the queen always had the connection with balmoral. she went there is a very small child and she will soon begin her final journey. leaving balmoral for the very last time, she will come here to hollywood, coming down the east coast of scotland coming through the mean tones through dundee and then into edinburgh itself. as rob we're seeing is to give people the opportunity to pay their respects. if you go back 25 years ago this month, you remember princess diana and her death, which shocked the entire world. after being killed in a car crash in paris. and as she moved to her final resting place, people lined the streets were expecting similar numbers here because even though the queen's death at the age of 96 was somewhat expected, it still became as a huge shock to the people of scotland. particularly as today's, before she died,
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she was pictured with the new prime minister list trust and looked in relatively good health given. she has suffered health issues. the intention of course isn't she will come past here a past the scottish parliament. and there the scottish 1st minister nicholas sturgeon, and other dignitaries will pay their respects. and then the queen will go to a holy road palace and there the body will rest, a will be placed in rest for at least 24 hours. prince charles expected here in king charles how difficult it is for many people to get used to calling our called king charles king charles will be here on monday and lead a procession to saint charles cathedral. but the intention is that thousands of people, we are to see him on monday, but we, i mean, were i spoke to cindy the alan, or on sunday we're seeing the 1st pictures of the cortez now living ban moral castle in scotland as the 1st time like going to see while with the queen's coffin or in that 1st car,
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i believe the cortez. i this sir. a cortez carrying an old coffin, which is being carried from about moral castle again. ah, by, by 6 game keepers from the queen's estate and is going to be driven to edinburgh, are passing to let me have heard villages and towns i saw people can pay their respects along the vote. again, the 1st pictures of the late queen elizabeth the 2nd coffin in that 1st parish they're coming through the gates of by moral castle, broad rental. if you're there, tell us about why you rob mathis, im sorry, you're there. tell us about what you see what you just seen do her is carrying with hawkins mcqueen's just move past followed by the cortez. we also so in the car, in the design, we saw a princess on though queen his daughter and to the king, king charles in the back of the car,
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carrying the royal standard on top of it. the cars will make their way. as i said before, just to the east and they're going to pass through the village of ballot or as we talked about before, once they've done that build move on to a lot of the $93.00, which is the a clear run that they should have for moving towards the city of aberdeen, and when you get to the city of aberdeen, they're going to do a small tour. all are part of aberdeen to give people their, the chance to pay their respects for the roots of the 93 is going to pass through a lot of small villages and towns. and as we were talking about before, this is an opportunity for people there to be able to come out on the streets and pay their respects. it is a beautiful day here in scotland and that of course will encourage more people to come out as well. yeah, it is lead a beautiful day compared to last i believe so say it was when the queen died or at the date on the day the queen died when it was raining quite
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a lot there. bound moral. tell us about the family members who are accompanying the queen right now that the late queens, hers, the king himself is in london today. i believe that's correct. we saw princess on moving parson, the eh, we're moving past in the the, the vehicle behind the the hearse as she will be accompanying the coffin as it is flown ultimately from edinburgh to london and buckingham palace. and there for the rest of the funeral arrangements will take place at the other members of the royal family, the younger members of the royal family. now plus, as you say, that the king charles, the 3rd and the cream consort, are now in london. we saw course pictures of many of the younger members of the family taking a walk around windsor windsor castle yesterday,
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and meet greeting people and the crowds and taking the opportunity to thank them for their support. and again, looking at some of the tributes that have been placed there, i am the pro. so the priest procedure now will be as i say, that the cuff the coffin will move through aberdeen and down towards edinburgh. as i, as alan was just talking about, there will be a memorial service there in a procession that'll move along. the royal mile at the memorial service will be held us in giles cathedral. and in that we understand this is going to be what's known as the vigil of the princes, in which are the well princes will stand guard alongside the coffin. before the coffin, the following day is moved to london. we are watching live pictures of the procession and the queens are coffin are being taken out of bar marl castle just a few minutes ago. as you can see on the right hand side of the picture of the tv
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screen. now, lots of people hundreds lined up along the route there. as the late monarch's body is driven from bad moral, on its way to holy road house in ah, the scottish capital adam bear. ah, the queen's coffin, rob is carried from by moral by 6 game keepers for my estate. this was a place that was very close to our height by moll tell us about the relationship she had with the people who lived and watch that this is been the holiday home for the royal family for, for decades. and the queen has used this as her holiday home since she was a very small girl, very there is a tradition amongst the royal family that the, the family will spend a significant number of weeks every year here. but one of the reasons why they do that is the privacy that it allows and you don't need,
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you can see of my shoulder. there is a i an enormous number of very close trees and foliage. the surround the castle itself, the whole 50000 acre estate is also surrounded by very forbidding looking hills, which can be looked very gloomy when the weather is bad, as it has been on last thursday when the queen passed away. but what that helped to do was give the family a sense of seclusion, a sense of privacy, and therefore allowed them to be much more relaxed than they would be in their normal public life. or perhaps if they were in any of the other official buildings that they occupy in the united kingdom, they regarded this very much as a family home. there was a chance to, to be themselves. but with that also men was that they were able to walk the grounds, for example, with minimum security. as mentioned before, they were able to drive around to the grounds and drive around the local villages. they would shop in the local villages. the people here regarded them as i,
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as neighbors, and as such, offered them a sense of privacy and encourage that sense of privacy. and as a result, that helped the royal family to become more part of the community. seeing an aerial view of the procession men of the queen's coffin on its way to the village of valentine, that will be in just a few minutes in 3 or 4 minutes set. the coffin is expected to travel through a ballot tar in scotland. and then later on, much later to day this journey is that it is supposed to take about 6 hours much later today, it will arrive in the scottish capital at amber. let's bring in christopher wilson . now, who's the royal biographer, is joining us from london. thank you. so much for being with us. this is, of course, a moment of history for many people, a last farewell to scotland,
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a land the queen loved very much. yes indeed i, i think i would say that although the queen lived principally in england, her house was in scotland. and anne, it's significant that in the weeks and months before she died at the small house was a small house on the bow. moral estate not bow moral house itself. balmoral castle itself was being prepared for her. they were making an ability arrangements and altering things so that she could have a comfortable life in europe. smaller circumstances so that her life could be handled more easily. that of course, didn't happen because her ends came up perhaps sooner than some people had expected . but i think i can say without presumption,
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that if she wanted to die anywhere, it would be at balmoral. right. and you gotta, you gotta take, bear this in mind. or if she had not died, a bell moral. we would not be seeing this to day. she would, her body would not be trailed through scotland and she would not have it give her scottish subjects mentioned. and i was curious about that or which is what they rely. yeah. whether, whether scotland and by moral cause of course these plans for her funeral had been set in stone for number of years now. i wonder whether scotland had featured in them at any point. always this like a last minute change in plans. no, i think that her 25 or 30 years ago when they were making their arrangements, there would be several game plans worked out if she died at sandringham for example
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. what would happen then if she died wins of what would happen then? what if she died when she was brought, all of these game fans will be worked out by her courtiers and a rebel more would have been amongst them. indeed, and we are, are watching i once again the coffin, the cortez, which is on its way to edinburgh, but it's gonna make its way slowly to. edinburgh won't take 6 hours for the quarter to get there is gonna travel through ballad turn just a few minutes. as you can see on the right hand side of the screen there. a few people waiting for the queen to pass through a benita at lots of police presence. as you can imagine, this is a very somber moment, a solemn moment. a poignant moment for the people of scotland. island fisher is in the scottish capital, edinburgh. it's going to be some time before they arriving at ember alan. but i imagine lots of emotion there as well.
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and the arrangements are already starting to be put in place. we have just seen the, the royal company of archers who are the, where the queen's body guard in scotland. the ceremonial unit made up essentially of, of ex soldiers. they are now of course, the king's body guard here a in edinburgh. and they will make sure that they are here to greet the queen's body when it arrives at hollywood palace. now it's actually called holy the palace of holy writ house. that is the official residence of the queen. and she would come here every summer and spend at least one or 2 weeks. and at that point there would be invested years when scottish people who had received honor such as night hoods or, or b e's would receive. those honors here in edinburgh is right across the road from the scottish parliament. let me give you a rough idea of the geography here. hollywood palace is over to my left. across the road is the scottish parliament, and round the side of the scottish parliament running all the way from holy root
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house to high on the hill. here above just over a mile away is edinburgh castle, which of course was the traditional home of scottish kings. here in edinburgh, in that area is known as the royal mile, know about half a mile up just over a 3rd of a kilometer up that road. it's in giles cathedral, and that is where there will be a service. on monday it will be led by king charles the 3rd. he is coming to edinburgh. he will visit all 4 nations, some of the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland. before the queen's funeral. scotland, the 1st place he will visit, and he will join other dignitaries and the common people of edinburgh to say farewell to his mother. but of course, to day we are focused on the attention of the queen coming here to hollywood palace, where she will lie in peace for 24 hours yet before starting her journey back towards buckingham palace sweetly are focusing on that to day. indeed, allan, but it is, i, i think interesting for aviles to, to know more about the relationship clean, hatless scotland, scotland,
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which historically has been less supportive of, of the monarchy. i mean, as continents leaders, as we now are pushing for the nation to consider independence from the you came and next. yes. i wonder what the queen staff means for scotlands relationship now with, with the rest of the union. well, what is interesting is that during the independence referendum debate a several years ago, those who are in favor of independence made the point that the queen would remain head of state. there would still be the link between scotland and the crown. though there's been a link between scotland and the crone in england, in 17 o 7, the union of the crowns that all came about because a queen elizabeth the 1st died with no successors and no ears. and so they looked north to king james and decided that they would like him to be king james the 1st and 6th of england. so the 1st king james in england,
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but the 6th of scotland. and he moved to london and united the crowns. and since then, there is always been this difficult leg between scotland and the royal family. but over all more, scott, so supportive of the royal family. and so when you start talking about independence, it's important to remember those who really pushed for independence thought it would be important that scotland retained its links with the crone. how will that be impacted by king charles? actually the political question and the conservative government and less trust who was it installed as prime minister without a, a popular thought. that is probably a much more contentious issue for, for scottish politicians and those who want to push for independence here in scotland. but there has always been this link between the royal family. suddenly the queen has always loved balmoral as a place where she could go because it is away from the main road is very difficult for anyone to get access there. she was on the moore. she was always a country style women were she enjoyed walking in the hills and riding her horses
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and she could do that quite freely. i bought moreland is robert seeing throw family, were able to move around the villages in that area quite easily. i used to live in aberdeen and, and people in ballot are, were always very protective of the royal family. if you went and asked whereabout moral was, if you were a tourist, they would tell you, but they would always point out. you will get to see the queen, you know, because she always kept herself very much to herself her on the estate because it gave her that feeling of solitude that break away from london. she was never particularly for the buckingham palace. she quite liked windsor, she didn't mind sandringham, but the moral is with her heart was if he joining us on al jazeera, we are watching life pictures from scotland. the 1st stage of queen elizabeth, the 2nd final journey has begun this sunday after her coffin left pamela castle just a few minutes ago on its way to edinburgh in scotland. it will travel through a number of villages and towns in scotland as it makes its way to edinburgh, for
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a sailboat validator, which is happening about now right about now. i think that's on the right hand side of your screen. as you can see, lots of people lined up along the road. there are waiting for the quinn's, the queen sat quoterush to come through to pay their respects. we see airy, anerio view of us, the procession on your left, on the left hand side of your screen. this is going to be a long journey about 6 hours to arrive in edinburgh. where are alan fish i just heard a moment ago, is, are we also have whether it's christopher wilson, a royal biographer, who's in london, are the sate funeral. christopher on september, the 19th is going to be a public holiday, but that seems to be a long way because there's so much sale that's going to be happening over the next few days. well as her to ride, i was so talking to a quarter earlier and he was saying that's trying to get this organized is
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a bit like trying to organize the olympic games. there are hundreds of world leaders and dignitaries who are going to be flying in from all over the world to take part in this funeral. and each one of them has to be greeted as though they are the single most important person who's landed on the tarmac. they then have to be found accommodation and they've got to be fed and watered and very social arrangements because they'll come in early days. very social range was going to have to be organized for them. and that's just the, the guests who will be at the call at, at, at the funeral. but what we've also got is troops who are going to be lining the roof while they're having to be drawn back after they wear these very ceremonial forms for the working soldiers. and they have to be drawn back from whatever positions they're in and dusted down, given
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a bath and make sure that they're ceremonial uniforms are there. and then there is a huge rehearsal on the day before to make sure everything goes off. absolutely, as it should do. so this is, you know, it's 10 days away. all were less now and every moment of that time will be utilized in making sure that is pin perfect on the day. an important moment right now, as the queen's coughing travels through ballot her in scotland after having left by moll castle by 151520 minutes ago. as you can see, a long procession now. and lots of people just standing by paying their respects to the queen, watching at the funeral procession. go through the streets of banner tanner. also, this is where is that? what were we looking at right now? this is voluntary officials,
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they're and people residence of vanity. again lining up the votes of the procession . nay, the coffin, on his way to edinburgh. we said making its way very slowly to edinburgh today it will pass through a number of villages and towns in scotland. thousands of people expected to mind the route as at the late monarch, spotty, is driven to a palace of holy road house official residence of the british monarch in the scottish capital and will later lie in the throne room. christopher will send these images a pretty poignant, lots of people ah, in silence. and just at a very emotional moment i imagined for the british people who loved their queen so much indeed they are. in fact, you know this, this is almost the moment when the world stands still. and i can only think in my
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lifetime of 2 other occasions which come to us and that was the death of princess diana. and also the death of john f. kennedy, the president united states assassinated in 1963 and i, i can't think of another occasion in my lifetime when we have seen such an emotion. and the scottish people are a tough breed. no, don't show their tears quite so easily, perhaps as others. but this is a moment for them where they can actually pay their respects, just ordinary people, getting a chance to almost touch their queen as she goes to her final resting place. why did she love scotland so much? i think there was a sense of freedom and that the great thing is if,
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if you live in a, as you're surrounded by an awful lot of people who are bowing and scraping and nodding and, and making sure that everything's okay. few scholars to take a rather more relaxed view about monarchy. after all, you know, in a sense we borrowed scotland, we in england borrowed scotland when james the 2nd king james 2nd was kicked out. he had been a, the, the king of scotland and also king of england. and then he was booted up cuz the roman catholic. and interestingly just little side line in case we get to the point where scotland decides that it's going to leave the united kingdom. there is one other person who could be king of scotland and he's lazy. 9 year old, a german harris the crowd is called france, duke bavaria, and he is a descendant. all james. the 2nd on the jacobite would say,
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though the jap bites with people who followed. king james and wanted to put it back on the throne. they would say that he is the rightful king of scotland. and when scotland breaks away from the union, this is the moment for him to come, but his 89 years old is a bachelor and he doesn't want to do it. such a great are interesting. the pictures you're watching right now are aerial view is of course of the procession, which is now travel to valley turns scotland and is on its way to aberdeen. will go through aberdeen as well. that will happen in about 30 minutes or so later on. the plains coughing travels through dan, dandy in scotland. and then from dundee to edinburgh, much later than that, capital of scotland, where it will stay overnight. alan fisher is in edinburgh forest. and alan, tell us more about, you know, and christopher talked about this, the queen's love for scotland. how did people feel about her? i know you met one, her official bank. please tell us about, you know,
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her relationship and how people felt about her in scotland. i added that there was a warm affection for the queen nether, maybe people who believe that a hereditary monarchy is perhaps so dated in the early 21st century. there were many people who believed that if the monarchy were to end than it should end after the queen because they recognized her public service over 70 years, they are aware of the rule she played. for example, in the 2nd world war, where she'll hand it essentially to, to strip a vehicle and rebuild it as part of the women's auxiliary, a talent that she kept there, even when she was unbar moral. if one of the vehicles when she was out driving broke, don't you are more often likely to find the queen fixing it, rather than wait for someone to come from the castle. it's interesting that they're coming down the east coast of scotland through aberdeen and dundee, them in population centers on.
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