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tv   News  Al Jazeera  September 12, 2022 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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tribute from a, a man to his former wife, and she knew that would make the impact and for prince charles was giving a speech on the environment that the in black got absolutely no coverage. so now he's in a very strong team and can miller is. and the great thing was early this year, the queen, in february of the actual anniversary of her accession, just put that small thing in that she hopes that some kimling would be queen. and i was really almost an order and nobody could disagree with the queen. so that was the fantastic. so the moment i think for, for the future. so again, i think this year she has been planning, you know, what will happen afterwards. and of course we've had, she's not been able to attend things like the state of me. so we almost had a kind of a period of adjustment where the prince, well will king now i was acting as head of state while his
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mother was still alive. so um, that's been quite nice. it's not the soaking thing that she had to it. one of the she was all aware of course, her father died unexpectedly at 56, although he had cancer, but she was dropped into the job. and i think she was trying to make sure that charles and, and william had to the opportunity to give you like practice and, and also that we got used to it. i think that's the marvelous thing is that we em, you know, unlike the death of diana, which was such a shock. i mean, this is a gradual process over the last year where, where, you know, we realized the one ryan is coming to an end and then the starting so that, that gave us you know, an insight. and i think the most interesting thing, the difference between now and diana, is that when diana died, oh,
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the public were almost excluded. and you remember these all these hysteria and the people in london saying, where is our queen lumber? and i think the war probably didn't realize that they should, you know, get involved and we've seen it with walk about with charles and, and, you know, print and the fact that they are including the public. i mean, there was a big services and pause with the door just to 1000 members of the public, but people that didn't have to apply for tickets. they just turned up, you know, and that really would never have happened in the queen's day. so i think that being more responsive to the public because they realized that we're grieving lightly. great over diana, that the queen is very much part of our lives, and a lot of people are hurting, i suppose, you know, but i'm just sad. so i think they are realizing that and, and making a concerted effort, you know, to, to, to talk to us and, and,
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and help us through it to be like, i mean there's a lying in state in london. and if it follows the queen mother's example, that is that the, the moral family will come and join the procession just to have a few words with all the people that are waiting so long. and that's what they did when the queen mother died. they came out and they were seen to be with the people, you know, so i think that's certainly one of the game. one of the big changes during the queen drain before the people were excluded. us were onlookers. but now the co participants are doing very much so and, and as we're seeing these pictures here from edinburgh on the royal mile people are out every step of the way on this last final journey of queen elizabeth the 2nd in lloyd. thank you for the moment. we'll move on to the live pictures. it's just gone . 14 gmc, that's 3 p. m. that in edinburgh,
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where we're seeing the queen's coffin being taken in the house up the royal mile from the hollywood house at the palace, the official residence of the queen and scotland, up on the round about 20 minute journey. i feel like it's taking a little bit longer than that. the game stream is early to go past thousands of well wishers thousands of people lining the streets. the in near silence as a mark of respect for queen elizabeth the 2nd. who is travelling in the hearse? the coffin is in the hearse and it's going up too. said charles cathedral, where dignitaries, prime minister, and his trust, the 1st month of scotland, little sturgeon, and the indian, former minister scottish gordon brown from prime ministers, golden brown. and, and others have gathered, had been waiting for about the past hour for service of remembrance. that will be happening. when the hearse arrives there, we've got adam fisher. he's also at the scene and alum,
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we've been talking about the silence of the crowds as the procession pass is not the applause that we saw yesterday, but still no less a sign of respect and joy. and at the remembrance of queen was with 2nd the really is that something incredible isn't there that a crowd of thousands can judge the mood so perfectly. that on sunday, as the car was making its way from balmoral to edinburgh, that there was a ripple of applause that followed it during the country. and here, as the royal family led by king charles escorts the queen's coffin to saint giles cathedral, thousands upon thousands of people just hauled a respectful silence. say nothing. let the moment speak for itself lose themselves in their own thoughts, their own grief for the loss of a sovereign,
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but also are able to judge the moment quite so perfectly. and now we've just seen members of the royal family allen. i'm past as well. king charles princess royal and says anne and prince andrew, ah, a brothers and says i didn't see a prince advent pets and you might know that he's also walking behind that the queen's children. of course there says them in the morning not king charles during his royal duties which he has had to juggle throughout this period.
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this stage of the day of these 10 days of morning as a time when he is a son with his siblings walking behind the coffin of his mother. the soldiers, as we see from the royal regiment of scotland, the queen was the colonel in chief of the regiment, essentially the honorary head. but also there, among the soldiers, are the queens archers know the king's archers, and they are an ordinary body of men. all the men who are essentially the monarchs, body guard in scotland and they also will take part in the vigil. it gives you an idea of just how long this society has existed in that they carry along boys and swords. and the time when long boys and swords were the very peak of modern
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warfare technology. but their job is to ensure that no harm comes to the monarch while they are in scotland. you will often see them at events, wrote the country, and he of the on seeing farewell to a person that the society serve for 70 years. and alan, as she approaches st. charles cathedral talk us through a little bit about the service that we're expecting to happen there already filled with people waiting for the confidence to arrive. the congregation is drawn from all levels of scottish society. there are the what the recall the great and the good. and the ordinary members of the public members
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of the royal family, obviously people with links to the royal family here in scotland, cousins, relations. and then there are politicians, including when the members of the scottish parliament m. s p's, as they're known here. and the 1st minister, michael sturgeon, who spoke so eloquently on thursday to talk about the collective grief, suffered by the country in ho, this would be an opportunity at the service. here on monday would be an opportunity for people to express that collectively funds. you can see those as well. so taken little katrina to there will be a political aspect to prince charles's king charles's visit here to scotland. but that's for another day that is for tuesday when he will meet the forced minister and no doubt, the question of scottish dependence will come up. the scottish national party which controls the scottish parliament, would like to see a 2nd referendum having won a few years ago. a 2nd referendum sometime within the next 2 years. and something that at the royal family, particularly the queen,
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was very reluctant to see succeed. and i suspect king charles will be in exactly the same boat, but that as i see it is for to morrow. when politics can perhaps rears its head for the moment, this is more of the people of scotland seeing that collective farewell and doing so in the nation's capital. and as of late to day allan as of 5 p m local time, the public will indeed get more of a chance to pay their effects because they will be the 1st to walk past the queen coffin. and the queen lies in rest for 24 hours from charles cathedral. and do we know any more details about how people can do that and what will be the the preparations, the security preparations for that to take place a we know that the
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police southern on full staff here in edinburgh. they brought in help from other parts of scotland and they are all under one unified banner. no police scotland or when the queen initially became a queen. they were organized in counties, but no, it is one unified national police service. so they will take care of the security arrangements, but it will simply be a case of people who want to to pay their respects to turn up to wait in line to take their time and then to walk round the coffin and see their fear welts just as the coffin approaches said, giles cathedral, there will be another verse of god, save the king. it will be played by the band of the royal regiment of scotland. the will then move into the church itself and the service conducted by members of the
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clergy. here, the queen herself, of course, head of the church of england, the anglican church, a rule that no falls to king charles himself. but there were lengths with the episcopalian church in scotland and the church of scotland. and there will be other members of the clergy who will be attending the service. and this alan, as is an ancient church itself, saint charles cathedral, of course, has been built on over the years by saint sam is founded in was believed to be found in the 12th century. and it has changed a nomination from roman catholic to protestant. indeed a dead, and there are many parts of the thrall mile, which are ancient by many countries standards, parts of edinburgh. castle date back to the 12th century as well. and we know that
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hollywood palace itself at these back to the 17th century to so it is an historic part of tone. there are 2 parts of n brothers, the old tone and the new tote. the new tone was constructed in the 1800s when new wealth came to the city, and people were tired of their squalid conditions in the old town. but the old time had sprung up around the castles. there are many winds and small narrow alleys. it is a hugely historic part of town, and of course no to get a house or a property anywhere in the all tone is extremely expensive. so it has surpassed the nutone, which was meant to be the place to live for the merchants and for the families of edinburgh in the 1800s. while the queen's coffin lays instant, giles, and not only is it draped by
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a flag on top or b, the ancient crone of scotland, the many people might not know. but scotland was an independent country until the union of the crowns. back in 17. 07, what happened was queen elizabeth, the 1st died without any ears. she was of course, famously known as the virgin queen, and saw the establishment in england proposed at the union of the crowns. and king james of scotland was invited don't to also be the king of england. and at that point, the 2 became united. but for hundreds of years, scotland had its own king. you think of names like king robert the bruce maybe to read about them in history books or perhaps seen them for trade in some very bad hollywood films. ah, but termed that there was an ancient cronan that has been brought out and will be placed on the casket for queen elizabeth. because as our previous year said,
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she was the queen of the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland. and that meant she was the queen of scotland, england, wales, a northern ireland. okay alan, let's just pause for a moment as we watch a coffin being carried out of the hearse. and as alan was just saying, a crown of scotland will be placed on top of it and the queen's coffin will be carried into saint charles's cathedral. wherever memorial service will take place. let's just pause and listen in because again, the silence. there is extraordinary. it's in the center of a bustling capital sophie, and yet to day is silence for the passing of the queen. oh
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i well come all over here to saint giles cathedral, the high cock. this ancient pottis' shop, chose edinburgh. welcome to all around the world who are watching this service being broadcast. here at st. giles, john knox confronted made a queen of scots here, james, the 6th argued about the letter j. here oliver cromwell preached. he, our parliament sometimes made. here our late queen received the honor of so scotland and the stone of destiny rested on its
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return to scotland. we are greatly by the presence of the king and members of the royal family, chris and he had our representatives of our nation's life present. here are people whose lives were touched by the queen and so many unforgettable ways. and so we gather to bed scotlands farewell to our late monarch whose line of service to the nation under what all that we celebrate and whose law for scotland was legendary. let us worship god. ah
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ah. is just gone up 1430 she m t 330 her in edinburgh. this is the inside of saint charles cathedral at the top of the or near the top of the royal mile, where the queen's coffin has been placed to lie and rest. for the next 24 hours. the service has just begun the service of remembrance for the late queen, queen elizabeth the 2nd correspondent alan fisher, is just outside the cathedral where the coffin passed up the royal mile house. crowds of people coming out to pay their respects
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and it was follows allen by all of her children, we had king child, came charles a 3rd and came out of the queen consort, where the princess royal and her husband. we had prince andrew and then we had prince edward as well. and so for the countess of wessex, it's so touching tribute, isn't it? the queen and her children now in size, this ancient cathedral. and it's a service of celebration, as well as remembrance. it is a reminder that although a nation is morning, here is also a family that is mourning the loss of a mother, a grandmother, and of course a great grandmother. in the case of her prince william and prince heidi's children as well. and that is perhaps the statement being made of the royal
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families affection for scotland, but also how it sees its importance in the continuation of the united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland. so there is to some degree, a political statement in there too. but this is a div for remembrance and you had at the beginning of this service just ho historic and giles cathedral lays with its links back to john knox and the reformation at to oliver cromwell to former members of the royal family who have been there. but it was also a moment to pause and reflect on the queen's love for scotland itself. phoenician that she knew very well in league shall up spending time here as we all know, have, and edinburgh was an important part of her year every year when she came for what was known as the scottish week, as she came here to, to hollywood house, to the.


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