tv The Stream Al Jazeera September 13, 2022 5:30pm-6:01pm AST
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world leading economies, dc as meetings have been overshadowed by geopolitical tensions. music is what actually brings all cultures in the world together. weeds enjoy weeds derive inspiration from it. and we begin the bird big symbol had medium where the weights to talk about inclusion with which to talk about diversity with which to talk about us as humans, coming together to help solve global problems with visiting musicians arrives in indonesia a few days ago, giving them only a short window to rehearse together. these many countries with all the language barriers. sure, it's hard to communicate, but i think it's truly beautiful because music is one of the only languages that everyone can speak. you don't need any translation. all the orchestra's creative director, pianist and composer, ananda su, katlyn, says he believes music is a tool for diplomacy. i hope to open their eyes. busy for all that music and
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unite that, oh, that an orchestra speaks better than all the summits and all the who searches about about peace and about friendship used to perform as in the orchestra of women. and many are under the age of 13. 0 can, i says say they want to challenge the status quo of classical music by creating an orchestra that is truly diverse emission they hope to continue long after their 1st performance. jessica washington out a 0. my galan indonesia. ah, it says al jazeera, these are all top stories. almeni's prime minister says 49 of his soldiers have been killed in fighting with us by john fighting began early on tuesday, around 3 cities along the border. armenia says as
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a by john's army began the shelling, but as a by john is plain, armenia is king charles. the 3rd is in northern ireland. first official visit, as monarch, he is attending a service for his late mother quinn is with the 2nd hair at saint anne's cathedral in belfast. earlier he met political leaders from both the union and nationalist communities of northern ireland. we'd be a bit of a gloomy old moralist at the very beginning of her life of service. the green made flesh to dictate her so to her country and her people, and to maintain the principles of constitutional government. this promise she kept with steadfast faith. no without showing the gigs or approval for me. and with god's help, i take up my new duties resolved to seek the welfare of all the inhabitants or
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northern. oh. when we so has been sworn in as can years president after narrowly winning last month's elections. certainly is being held a week after the supreme court upheld his victory. russia was acknowledging huge, huge losses in ukraine's northern ca give region. ukraine's presence as they retaken 6000 square kilometers this month. floods and heavy rains have washed away entire villages and the region of cost on in pakistan's, northwest little late has reach people living there because of adverse weather conditions. those are your headlines. more news hair on al jazeera after the stream . a well lesson planner. but with the popularity chasing india celebrities, if the high stakes game one of these goes behind the lens with those hunting for the perfect picture on al jazeera, i
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hi and semi ok to day on the stream. how was extreme weather changing pakistan at the moment about 33000000 people have been impacted by very severe floods, genius, current monsoon season. more rain is on the way. earlier we spoke to an one con, about conditions on the ground. over a 1000000 people in buck is done currently do not how short keeping under the sky 1000000 small need full parcels hygiene kids kitchen sits and fresh water every day. many of the roads have been washed away. so the aide is taken in trucks as close as possible some days transfer to smaller vehicles from it's transferred even to richer bicycles, whatever. and in other areas, people waiting in water and also using bolts when necessary to deliver the aid.
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it's a logistical nightmare. so a logistical nightmare for pakistan right now. but what about managing extreme weather in the future? that is our discussion. you are welcome to it. i comment section on youtube is life join us ah. in our conversation today, we have zane and so when an i aisha zane walk into the stream i am in basra via model serious correspondence reporting on the floods in pakistan . thank you so much. hello. so when i get to have you on the screen, welcome. thank you for having me on solomon sophie on the head of 5, mr. clark, sant strategic response, yet to have you and i ye show. so good to have you in this particular discussion. welcome to the stream. likewise. hi, i'm a you sharika, i'm
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a climate and human rights advocate, animal research scholar at the new school. so get to have you. so i am thinking about the pressing needs right now. and the best way to sum up the pressing. these are really to be on the ground to be amongst the people and see the people i want to show you a little clip from some reporting that saying has just been doing, saying it is of a woman who is trying to get some food. she has a family to feed. we'll hear more about home just a moment and then i'm going to ask you, what is going to happen to her? let's have a look at the clip festival. oh, this is the face of hunger in soon to describe what is happening here as desperation. trivializes the extent of the suffering he spoke to for his i know she was headed into the fray. she says she had no choice
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and when you're gonna go now, houses have fallen down. you don't have teens. we can't shade our children from the sun. all houses have been submerged. i swear to god, there is nothing left. all our belongings have been washed away, but we're poor. our children are sick. they are just sitting there. same was going to happen to the santa that's that's, that's a very big question. what's interesting listening to that again is that for zona, like so many other people was not from the village that, that a drop was meant to be for. she'd come from another village that didn't have enough . and so a lot of the time people are accused of not being as needy as the actual needy people. so when she said, i swear to god or houses have fallen down and we need help when she was saying was meant for the soldiers that were standing next to me to explain to them that they
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shouldn't be pushing her and other people away because they are just as needy as everybody else. and that's, that's a very common thing here. there, there isn't enough food to go around there just isn't. and there's all these big ideas of trying to discuss climate change of trying to discuss how we take care of the macro economic situation and for people like her really it's very basic. it's day to day, they're hungry, they're hungry now and they need help with their hunger and their thirst. there been a clean water. they need shelter to shade themselves in the sun. they need it. now . what's going to happen to her is probably more of what you saw. you know, she, she had 5 other kids back in the village, the littlest one. she had to bring with her because she couldn't leave him behind to take care of himself. and it was, it was really harrowing for us that we were actually there right next to her when she was trying to grab the food. the camera man who was filming actually tried to stop and he was doing to try to grab the child. and that's when you saw the soldier
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come in and help her out of the scrum and help her with the, with the bag goods that she was getting. so it's really hard to say, i mean if i'm being totally honest, most of the people in her situation are more than likely to face more difficulties before things get better because there's just not enough food. there's just not enough stuff to go around. and there's too many people that need help. so why not st reporters perspective talking to people traveling around them. and you've also been traveling around with the prime minister and seeing the dire need. if so many people are hungry and now they're getting really angry. so hungry and angry and cut off. how do you deal with that? are you quit to deal with as you can see on the down, pockets basically facing a catastrophe off, unprecedented nature. i think this is one of the biggest human tragedies that is occurring and south asia and focus on it's been like, you know,
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the forefront of it. and as far as the question is concerned, we are not equipped as much as you know. we want to because this was just, i didn't see them that just took us. took everyone by surprise and for because of the climate change that the whole board is facing. but unfortunately, focused on, despite contributing very little to the climate crisis in the world, has been at the forefront of this disaster. if i may, you know, not to interrupt you, not to interrupt, but i don't think you've answered the question. the question is, how is your government preparing for the future? not what it could have done to prepare for. now. i know i'm getting to that. i'm just trying to explain the situation on the ground. so before i can complete the answer. so as your representative was also saying, you know, there is a home that has been destroyed and around 3000 miles of fluids that have been
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damaged. so it's very hard for us to reach everywhere, but we are doing the best possible that we can do. you know, n d m a n d m a off the focus on probably the longer the national disaster management authority has been doing maximum that they can prime minister has. and so making sure that the food of you know which, which is available twice, it has been provided to the people who are something if it goes, i know you're not really true and not entirely true. because if a prime minister cannot even get on the ground to support his people not even touched, the land that he claims to represent went as feet and throws bags of rush and add them. got is not helping in full capacity. no, i don't. i disagree with that because prime minister has been visiting all the 4 provinces on a daily basis. he had been reaching wherever you can by year he has been reaching
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wherever you can buy ground and cannot be meant to ask your what your government plan after the water dissipate. what's your government plan for next week we are working on 4 pronged approach. as we, as i was trying to explain the rehabilitation is one of them. so once we tackle the full crisis and we get all the donations that we've been receiving from the partners, then we're going to be working on behalf of the station and communication, especially transportation is the number one issue. so as i'm speaking even right now, the power outages that have been in the areas are being fixed. the roads have been constructed and especially the food supplies to be maintained. so we can provide food to as many people as possible because you have to understand the public and pakistan cannot even see you. i think i have no restaurant for this because the situation is unfolding on the ground. you are based in the us. so i'm
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sure you were the august and you will be able to see the figures as well. but there's half a 1000000 people in displacement gaps. so it's like a huge task. and any country in this situation would be dealing with the situation as we are right now. and things are going to take time, but things are going to get shot. i'm wondering when somebody says we could not foresee this level of extreme flooding. super flood g monsoon season as a climate activists. when someone says, i could not foresee this. what is the 1st thought that comes into your head? i think that sympathetic response, especially for a government that's thought so hard to be in power. if your country consistently is listed one of the top 10 nations to be affected by climate change, you absolutely need to take that into account. how are you going to accomplish overland when it is flooded, when it no longer exists?
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and the climate change has increased heat where you can pug, front by threefold 30 percent. this government was in power when it was under heat waves. dal was on press, it entered, but then it had a chance 10 to take appropriate measures. it didn't. and now this is happening and it has a chance to take appropriate measures. but all we hear our peers here are statements . let me go back so i don't think that's accurate. i think that's a very politically charged statement that miss i show has made or the government came into our in april or may. and the climate change has been happening for far longer. you know, from that no government like, even in pakistan, are you s, are you ok? you have seen devastating floods in europe as well in europe as well. and no country has like the capacity to do, especially a country like august time was already facing our crippling economic issues. and
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the government is committed and is actually working nonstop around the block in august. and to make sure that people who are not active get the help. all right, so, so my, like i said before, i'm gonna allow some of our audience here watching when you cheat to come in here zane standby, i'm going to put these questions to you. i'm gonna give you a couple because of the, the delay that we have at between me and then hearing you say on youtube, i've got, pfizer sang when it comes, the government releases rehabilitation. there's a concern between about pakistan's, present government. it is in shambles. that's one thought saying, let me give you a 2nd one. this is from the v. most areas affected by the floods are still inaccessible. and because there's been damage to the infrastructure. thank. can you help me out on those 2 questions coming from our audience? sure. so i'll address the 1st question by sort of talking about what the other 2
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guests were saying. as you know, as everything in progress on tends to be, it becomes everything becomes very politicized. but i can tell you on the ground right now, nobody cares about the politics of any party. those that are displaced by these floods. the people that have been, you know, whose homes have been swept away and completely destroyed, who are hungry right now. who haven't eaten in several days. some of them haven't eaten properly in a week. 10 days, 2 weeks. they don't care about anyone's politics. and as an example of that, we were in baluchistan province earlier today, and we met person after person in a village called a lawyer and in jennifer about district. and what people kept saying there is that we're hungry. the trickle down system is aid that goes from federal, provincial and municipal to the feudal lords, to local leaders, to the people that isn't trickling down at all or fast enough. they blame corruption. they blamed favoritism. they blamed not enough aid to go around this disparity,
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literally on. so people are on the sides of the road. half of the road that is filled with homeless, newly homeless people will have blue, tense sent in from china. and then the other half will not. and the reason for that is because they only wrote down a 100 names to distribute that day. and the bureaucracy doesn't allow for any more distribution. the people that need the help don't care about any political party. one guy even said that please tell the international donors not to donate to the people donate directly to the army. they will give it to us. now the politics is that there's a long history there. there's a lot of problems, but what people are doing now is looking to the strongest, most well resource institution to help them because there is a deep loss of trust in the political system in their civilian leaders. and you'll find someone to blame any political party, no matter who they are right now. the flood is, is washing over all political boundaries and affecting everyone. and the level of impatience is growing. as far as infrastructure. absolutely, roads are gone,
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rail lines are gone. people are operating boats in what were farm fields. they have like 10 feet of water in them to try to get to villages to shuttle people back and forth for medical treatment to rescue pregnant women and take them to the hospital . so infrastructure is a serious problem, helicopters can only fly so far, and then doing sort of food drops it, it always, you know, it's, it's not working. we've seen problems with that where food aid isn't being delivered properly. and this is where, you know, the military is very good at being a military, but it comes to humanitarian relief. they need more civilian support and there isn't that level of infrastructure to help them deal with with what is truly a civilian matter. but they are the most well resource, strong strongest institution in the country and people are turning to them to expect them to help, but how far they can help. they're limited in what they can do as well. so infrastructure is definitely a problem. roads have been swept away, and again there's, there's not enough space to house people and there's not enough food to go around.
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that we have 2 issues here, multiple issues, but 2 big problems challenges. one is right now, looking after people right now. flood survivors right now, and then preparing for the future. now you may remember that they mentioned a place that he's just been early one day called joe co by bad. and i want to show you, is it impacts on the it was what the hottest place in the country just a few weeks ago. so i'm just looking at the temperature here because it is hard for me to believe $51.00 celsius, a $121.00. fahrenheit, so you go from extreme heat. let me show you the picture here from extreme heat to flooding. let me show you the pictures. go ahead. let's have a look here that what you go from in may is the heat wave in may with those extreme temperatures. and then in late august, we have flooding. this is going to be not an extraordinary situation is going to be a regular situation. early on we spoke to sharing
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a mom. she is the federal minister for climate change for pakistan. this is what she told us. m g and g emissions are not produced, global warming will not change and pakistan as we build back. we surely need to adapt better in many places for climate resilience, but at the same time under other countries reduced emissions as promised in previous job events. climate disasters will hit frontline countries like bog is done with increasing magnitude the dime to change that is now someone i haven't seen other countries rallying around helping for aid yet, but not thinking about the future and not maybe looking at and greenhouse gases or g h d, as they're showing rowman with step just a little bit earlier, and not looking at the root cause. they're trying to put a band aid on the wound, simon. yes, absolutely. you know, as a matter of fact,
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box on carbon footprint is only point 5 to point one percent. but you know, the response off, you know, global climate change that pockets and receiving, as you would mention, the heat wave and even pockets on is rac 18 out of $191.00 countries and inform risk index. so that's like a big implication and focus on the economy box on to security. and i would like to add, i think there was one point that was very rocky mentioned by your representative on the ground just today. you know, did was amount for 20000000000 piece that was earmarked for the flood defective. but that has been enhanced to 70000000000 today. and this is exactly what we are working with international organizations and international donors. with that, let's not put bandied on the situation like tense and food and all of that helps. but what would really need help is and building infrastructure and especially helping us with food security. and especially developing those policies, which can help countries like pockets on the goods. today's focus on tomorrow can
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be any other country in the neighborhood. but those countries or countries are responsible for the most damaged climate change, they must assist countries focused on developing policies which can ensure that pocket on does not face this kind of a calamity. again, because we are normally not that strong. and i would even through your program, did the countries should contribute into the best program because that is year mark just for the flood defect going forward from today. and 70000000000 has been given from the government. but the more we have, the more will be able to displace a defective and especially by developing and making the homes for people who have lost their homes by those materials which are easily available and which can be constructed rather than like brick and mortar. so that is our number one concern, especially as a brain beat is our main issue right now, because most of the land which is under water, i'm sorry,
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go ahead. if i could, those are those sound like really good, big, important, big ideas. but i can't put a finer point on this. those are it, it's, it doesn't help anyone discussing those things now because the people we've spoken to, they're literally surviving day to day, in some cases, one meal to the next within a span of a few hours. right? now discussing new policy, big infrastructural changes, all of this very big top, heavy bureaucratic stuff is not saving lives right now. there are serious considerations talking like over in baluchistan and all over the country, literally living in camps and on the sides of the road. i'd like to give you an example. if i could, i'd like to give you an example of how at risk a lot of these people are. they need immediate help. they need security of any food banks. they need enclosed 10 cities with actual security. we met
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a mother in baluchistan, sitting on a 4 post rope bed in front of a tent on the side of the street. and she, her husband is, is like a construction worker, a builder labor. she goes out onto the street begging. and then they sweep out in the open because there might home was washed away by the floods. at night a week ago, her 3 year old daughter was taken away from her as she was sleeping, and her daughter was kidnapped because they were out in the open. she said if she had a home to live in, it wouldn't have happened. she doesn't know if someone kidnapped her, that's what she suspects, but she thinks she's a 3 year old. she may have wandered off and fallen into the nearby flood, standing flood water and drowned. but no bodies have come up yet. and she says she just wants to know what happened, not knowing is worse than finding her dead body. so there are real risks posed imminent risk posed to people that are here right now. is there any big idea if i can perhaps down the line, but right now i need immediate response. so that's not happening and hold tight for
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me because they can't hear you because of the, the, the movement between where he is and where you will. if i ma'am, just going to push on a little bit cuz i don't want to get stuck on one point zane you have made that point very clearly. people are hungry and they need to be that they need food to get to them. i want to bring in shows up here who has an idea of this can't be the status quo. things have to change. i asia will you haven't listened to shows ab and then abdul thought immediately of the back of it. his shadow given lead marcusson's elite to reuben, the global league would be personally affected by these floods in the long term. we can't expect these alludes to bring about those fundamental changes, those investments in health, housing, and flood mitigation infrastructure that would lessen the long term impact of these floods. those fundamental changes, if they do come, we'll come from below, from amongst the poor, from amongst progressive forces. and we're already seeing this mobilization going below with cost for climate, reparations, but also with
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a glory critique amongst the poor of pakistan's, local leads for their enduring disregard ordinary box and the people. and every time zane opens his mouth, my heart starts racing because i don't think there. so mine, even i to the point of how absolutely emotional this is the entire country. and one 3rd of it is under water and 33000000 people are sucked. it is only going to get worse. scientifically speaking, the water will not evaporate for 2 months. when it does not evaporate, mosquitoes are going to come. that means that there's going to be more malaria, more color, more daily fever. our health care infrastructure is already enrolling. it's going to cause what is already a massive crisis to get into another massive crisis. you began this panel by saying that hungry people get angry, hungry people are already angry. they're furious. yes,
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they don't care who is in power. what they need is immediate relief and if minister and somebody who is claiming to represent international relations cannot even give you a plan for next week. them me and so we are in again, or situation than we started with in regards to climate change. yes, it's been going on for a long time, but that also means that it is the responsibility of the government in power to put in plans appropriate enough to combat climate change. to global north has contributed limited funds to the people of fog, a son that is also a true multiple can exist at the same time. lawson damage finance was committed in 2009. that is $9000000000.00 a year by the united states and the european nations shall come to the people of bog hassan. i shall. we are at the end of this show. we are not at the end of this
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conversation. obviously though, so much more to talk about. so i want them on i asia so much i don't have points time to allow you to do that, but i want to bring in one more thought here we will get you back because it is not a 25 minute conversation and then we're done. so i just want to bring in one thought, here from ali to day. it's pakistan to morrow could be any other nation. that's all take climate change as a personal responsibility. every action counts. this conversation is not over. how will pakistan handle climate change and extreme weather? we will see as we go forward into the future. thanks for watching. see you next time. ah, we are all reasonable. even people far away are so helping with the environment. problems in the amazon because they are consumers. i teach kids about the oceans
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are facing today. i've been working in earnest, trying to find ways to get this language up to kids. when do we do as to why and what are you going to do to keep out of the sort of language that keeps the red blood women, right? they have one back and i fight for a while. if you got married, i was told the thing that were texting women, we made the challenge in the region. i will not be throw like i want to sleep. we don't have read them in the study about 2 weeks now. i say 3 days, journey to a shelter question in your grade. someone destroys our country, someone needs to rebuild. the goalkeeper from one is in a home world cup was what dreams were made. they turned into a night matter of a restaurant towards you by argentina's military juncture,
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footballing legend eric cantered out, introduce his cloud, your temporary, one of the special fuse that up for their beliefs. whatever the cost for both rebels on al jazeera, indonesia, your investment destination, the world's 10th largest economy, is busy transforming, ready to beat your business, partner with a robust talent pool, politically and economically stable and strong policies being the powerhouse indonesia is confirmed by the g. 20 presidency, bringing opportunities for you in vest indonesia. now what we do at al serra is try to balance this story and eve, the people who allow us into their lives, dignity into minuses.
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