tv News Al Jazeera September 15, 2022 5:00am-5:31am AST
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just to validate into spectacles, but inside this velez, he can't actually veda has big plans of his own building. since the age of 12 is untrained, yet skilled architect has as good a chance as any seeing his vision come to light the pedal and the master planner. the concluding part of rebel architecture analogies in the world count pixel because only 2 months, as the main event gets closer out. here it is here. every step of the way i'm going to go with updates from the fans across the globe. things can expect some strong support here in with the spotlight on north and central america and canada build that 1st place, finishing qualified, all will the us, mexico or costa rica rise to the occasion. the work got countdown on al jazeera lou
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purchased as in all mania cool for the prime minister to step down after more than a 100 soldiers are killed and fighting with us a by john ah, hello, i money inside this is out there in life and they're coming up, sweden's prime minister announces her resignation following an unprecedented wind by all right blockers on de selection. thousands of mourners pay their final tribute to queen elizabeth as her body license stays in westminster. york says it will move billions of dollars and afghan assets to renew trust in switzerland. ah, we begin with process in armenia, where thousands of people have voiced that anger against prime minister,
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nicole postilion off to more than a 100 soldiers were killed and fighting with us by john protest is called for postilion to resign. the accusing him of betraying the country off. he said he was willing to sign a piece dale to ensure security. michigan later said nothing had been made. official. rule on top is loosely cock. i officially state that no paper has been signed. moreover, no paper is going to be signed. there's no talk about any paper. and this is done for special purpose in order to weaken the resistance of our soldiers standing at the border court. i mean, is asking a russian lead regional security force to intervene in the conflict all than a 100 armenian troops, and 50 as if by johnny soldiers have been killed in 2 days a fighting. meanwhile, funerals were held in as the by john for some of its soldiers. and so was violent since the war 2 years ago. and the to speech ethnic on a cut back region, which kills 6 and a half 1000 people. as
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a bazaar made significant gains in and around the corner, cut back in 2020, partly to the support of turkey today. turkish president wretch of tape. i had one blame to armenia for the latest flareup walk. took so long. this attitude will of course have consequences for armenia, which not only does not fall through the terms of the agreement that was signed after the war of negative no quarterback, but also constantly displays an aggressive attitude. so gabriel gavin is a british freelance journalist covering the conflict. he says both sides are picking and choosing which aspects of the trilateral peace agreement should be implemented. but i think the difficulty is that 2 different interpretations of the same peace treaty. so many a say that withdrawal its forces from the region undergoing a car back inside as john's territory. but the majorities interpret that as meaning that all the median people with guns have to leave. and obviously there's
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a huge number of indigenous car back armenians who want to defend themselves and want to defend the territory and fear that if they have to be on the army comes in, they will be pushed out. they will be, i think. and that's what they're concerned about. so i think the position of the air about at the moment is that they have the right to self defense. and on the trilateral is agreement, russian. peacekeepers should be enforcing. well, i've spent the day on the board with me new and as a program i went to the, i mean in city of stock and it's a rural farming community. there's no military presence whatsoever. and asked about our own sites. i've seen houses that been shell, people have been supposed to be the home spies everywhere and all throughout our on sites. we had incoming shelves that landed very close to our group and we were forced to a duck cover and that get out the area. i think what's very clear is that armenia is not able to outcome outmaneuver the johnny ami and has a be, john has an overwhelming sense of firepower. and the officials in barker, the i speak to most the knowledge that this is about pressuring all media to abide
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by what the interprets as the trilateral piece agreement, sweden's prime minister as an ounce. she will resign off to suffering defeat from the far right blow can. sunday's election is 99 percent of the votes counted magdalena anderson center left alliance, a secured $173.00 seats in parliament. the social democratic parties, the country's largest, with round 30 percent of the vote. but the moderates, sweden, democrats, the christian democrats, and liberals, a projected to win a 176 seats in the 300. 14 o n. c parliament. the sweden democrats were formed from a neo nazi party and only and to parliament back in 2010. they look set to win 20.6 percent of the vote. moderates leader, of course the son will try to form a government his right wing policy. got 19 point one percent was swedish prime minister magdalena anderson has conceded defeat in the election of christ and set
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up the moderate policy will now try to build a government off to his coalition, one by just a few seats. but krista, since reliance and the right wing suite and democrats makes the job harder after they became the 2nd biggest policy in parliament. pull reese reports from melma after less than a year in office. this was magdalena additions final press conference, sweden's 1st female prime minister, and don't see it a hug button. it looks like the full right wing parties have received just 50 percent of the votes in the election. and in parliament, they have a one or 2 seat advantage. it's justin majority, but it is a majority. so tomorrow i will be for ask for my dismissal as prime minister. and the responsibility for the process is going forward will now be with the speaker and the parliament, the man waiting to take the mantle is the leader of the moderate party. oh, christa son being his central coalition winning a parliamentary majority. when the final votes from sundays, general election were counted on wednesday night that you may be here until with
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some my messages that i want to unite, not divide, look at what unites, but also respect, real differences of opinion. i want to instill hope, also big problems can be solved. we've solved big problems before. and if other countries can and so can we? there's nothing so bad and sweet and that it can't be fixed with all that is really good. but kristin's policy is no longer the biggest in his coalition. that place goes to the far right. sweet and democrats who took more than 20 percent of the vote for the 1st time. having been welcome into the establishment by the moderates . they had perceived this process as maturing somewhat and like changing and how to some extent, the rhetoric basically the country has not been able ready to handle the influx of migration in a good way. there would be some changes in, for example, there will be further restriction of the migration policy, for example,
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suite and democrat leader me auctions, popularity has gone up, particularly among young people and women, and made sweden's rising violent crime rate and segregation. many sweets fear the influence of the far right and want to hold on to the countries welcoming inclusive values. it's a concern that makes the right wing coalition uneasy. our eyes at the new parliament's 1st meeting on september 27th of kristen's chances of becoming prime minister. being complicated by the fact that some junior members of his coalition don't want the suite and democrats to have any ministerial posts. but with the sweden democrats being the biggest party in that coalition, there are some tough talks to be heard. in the next 2 weeks, poll reese al jazeera ballmer. ah thousands of morn as have begun to file past the coffin of queen elizabeth the 2nd
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. she's lying and stays at westminster hall for the next 4 days. a key, 5 kilometers, long as snacking through london as morn as wait to pay their respects. metropolitan police service as the queen's funeral and lying in state is a big security operation. it's faced. it's understand preparations have been made for 16 kilometers of q, the queen as lying in state and westman as to who in the heart of london. the key to file past somebody is snaking along the thames with allowances for it to stretch as far as subject park not far from the tower of london. the scene baba his war with the queen. now, lying in state to chance for thousands of mortars to pay their respects, the public can now follow pass elizabeth. the seconds crawford round the clock until next monday and her state funeral. many have already done so. no ferns allowed in just a moment to reflect. the very 1st person in had started chewing on
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monday, meaning 2 nights spent out doors mainly in the future respect center for whatever great cream has done for the commonwealth glayden. internationally for 17 years, for some in this long queue along the river thames, it was a personal connection that meant they wanted to be there. my father was in the god who did the coronation of the clean. he went down is princess elizabeth. she came back as the queen of england in coronation. here it's a big, big thing with me. this is brenda trailer, getting her official response, the guarantee of a place in the queue. she's traveled from southwest england with memories of meeting the queen when she got a special honor in frontier for she gave me an employee for services to the community, policing and cherokee, how did you find it? it was, it was one of the best phase of my life,
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and my parents still alive to come with me and my daughter felt it was, it was extremely special. on wednesday, the archbishop of canterbury, the ceremonial head of the anglican church, was here briefly meeting mourners. while volunteers representing various fates were on hands with the trains be sale. we knew that we would be dealing with people who are coming to pay respect, some of whom will have strong connections to what's happened to the queen. some of whom were touching, things that go quite deep in their own experiences of grief. am some of whom are there because it's an important national occasion. of course, people who are arriving for this to, to get in to westminster hall and view the queen's coffee and all the time. and officials have already warned people they should be prepared for whites of up to 30 hours, whatever the case people here are keeping each other in good spirits and they're making friends as well. whatever their motivation, thousands of people are determined to get their chance to say good bye to the late
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monarch ahead of her funeral, an event that could draw as many as a 1000000 people on to the streets. the dean barbara al jazeera london still had on al jazeera ah, president landscape visits re captain towns and cities in the east of the cranium. my august re santa muscles retreat argentina inflation crisis. these pensioners are having to satisfy the trash. the stage is prizes to climb. ah, the journey has begun. the 3 full world camp is on its way to cat hook your cattle package today. typhon leaf is the least one on the scene. it's not alone here 2
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more. you can see, but this is the one to concentrate on quite a big one as it makes contact with eastern china. and i think its main risk might well be in the media future. be this storm surge with 8 meter ways. and then this re, now of course the rain is going to be the big sink, is the window quickly disappear and so out, thursday and friday, the thing almost one does up the coastal path of this part of china with rain spreading well ahead of it's a rate will be a big risk, and once that's gone through things will indeed clear up. you can see the rain line and stretches across the yellow sea to at least north korea. but my come south across the border as well. but i have to jump beyond that cuz fairly, obviously this one's coming on to the scene, strengthening storm, running up to the rec, you chain of islands in japan, and let's go to saturday to see where it goes, while still slowly strengthening, heading up towards the major problems of japan. well, certainly keep you informed on that one. marks left behind much quieter weather in china. it's been wet, the west, tickly cham, do with us also become a little dry looking after say, the seasonal rains are still there. thailand,
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cambodia, central viet nam, the central philippines hardly surprises. suppose and the monsoon rains are slowly retreating, but still heavy and to rot. macha, pradesh, official airline of the journey a mineral central to the quest for clean energy. a key ingredient for the production of electric car batteries, koval extracting it is dangerous, but profitable with global demand set to skyrocket. people in power investigates claims that industrial mines extracting the precious material, needed for cleaner energy, are in fact poisoning the environment. with dire health consequences for those living and their shadow, the cost of cobalt people in power on it just a like
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ah, you're watching out, is there a mind top stories this out? thousands of armenians are protesting against prime minister nicole pinion off to more than $100.00 soldiers were killed and renewed, fighting with as a by john accusing him of betraying the country all the days that he was willing to sign a peace deal to insure security. sweden's prime minister magdalena addison has announced she will resign. her sent to left coalition was defeated by right wing block and sundays election that was dominated by gang shootings. immigration issues. morning have been finding policy the coffin of queen elizabeth the 2nd she's knowing in stacy westman is to hold for the next 4 days. acute 5 kilometers long is snaking through london as moon as wait to pay. respects
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ukraine's president has visited an area in the northeast of the country that's been recaptured from russian forces the laws. ms. lensky met soldiers and sissy is uwm and held a moment of silence for foreign troops. russian forces fled the area last week as ukraine launched a counter offensive and had ski heard from prosecutors to claim residence have been tortured during moscow. 6 months, occupation troops on our site. go. so amanda, we will call. i didn't know where. and nobody knows when we have, so we'll call them because because all of these old people watch or precedents, lensky says, ukraine has recaptured thousands of square kilometers in the call key region. in the past week. it's cooling on the west to speed up weapons deliveries to back it says vance. ukrainian flags the flying in the cities of his human kapinsky,
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both on the railway lines, the service supply routes for russian troops. ukraine says it's also made gains in the south nic hassan, but at a slower pace or the until hamid travel to be like here and nearly we take an area and spoke to people there by life under russian occupation. it was a trip organized by the ukranian police, but many villagers turned up to meet the visitors, expressing not only relief, but also shocked at how quickly the occupying forces left. for months, they will cut off from the world. living in fear, says old gay by nova, these are tears of relief after she witnessed the celtic retreat of russian soldiers. ha! we found 16 of them hiding in a cellar with nowhere to go. others are left with stone in carson, bicycles. that's how the russian retreat was. it was on september the 6th. when he called the ran away, he didn't leave, fell as they ran away to somebody. the officers flat 1st and left the lower ranks
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behind was like the next day to myself, the only school in the village of very b fca. that's where they were, bass says nadia. they left behind uniforms and ammunition to print. she thinks they bombed it, to destroy evidence of their presence. her daughter used to study in this classroom? well, a clear was the 1st significant when ford ukrainian since they started this character, pensive at the beginning of september. and as we were driving here, we so similar scenes of destruction along the road. now this is very similar to what we had witnessed north of keven places like boucher an open when the russians pulled out earlier this year. as we drive towards the city of bella, clear more scenes of a hasty withdrawal, an army in this array shelling from afar the territory. it had just abandoned here the occupation. how was the police station of 28 people were held in these
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windowless cells. one of them was counting the days long days of beatings and torture. in some cases, forensic experts say forces from lo hunter. one of the 2 self proclaimed pro russian republics were also here. not far away. war crimes investigators already at work. 2 bodies are being exiled. they are so far, no traces of the mass killing clean in butcher north of ukraine says it has reclaimed 300 communities home to about a 150000 people. but russia still holds large parts of the country. the hasty retreat may signal you cleans truck 1st, where the russian defense is, where we would have that. how many others you are by likely in ne, in you create an ethiopian medical so or says 10 people were killed and to air raids on mckelly, the capsule of bit to gray in region in northern ethiopia. wednesdays reported
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strikes, followed a ceasefire over at the weekend. a spokesman for the to grand front indicating the tweet that the attack resulted in the killing and wounding of civilians without giving further details. the therapy government hasn't commented so far and several attacks on mackenzie since fighting was in between to grant forces an earpiece government last month, contract again in late 2020 the course in burkina faso has 100 dallas suspended sentences from manslaughter to 2 manages of mine in the west of the country, a people died in april when heavy rains flooded and on the ground passage where the group was working, the lost mine, his body was only recovered in late june. at the court in the city of could you go, the manages will have found guilty if involuntary manslaughter will find egypt. president has met the amir of castle shake to me and,
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and how much autonomy is part of a 2 day visit to doha. both lead assigned several memoranda of understanding including one between the 2 nations silver and wealth funds of the facet cc's 1st trip to cut off since he took office in 2014 comes off to years of political differences between the 2 countries. president c. c called on kentoria businessmen to invest in egypt. the u. s. has charged 3 iranian nationals with conducting ransomware attacks targeting hundreds of entities in the country and around the world. local governments and utility companies are among the victims in the u. s. made to pay ransoming crypto currencies like bitcoin . now, according to the indictment, the attacks took place between october of 2020 and august of 2022. in effect of computer networks in the u. s. u. k. israel, iran and russia. particle, hayton is more the u. s. justice department has unsealed an indictment against 3,
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a rainy and men. the de hughes of using cyber attacks at hundreds of computers. not just here in the united states, but in russia. israel, united kingdom and even in a ran itself. they say the targets were local governments, utilities, non profits, hospitals. what they say these men did is they say that they would get into the computer systems, encrypt the data, and then demand money for the datas release. they would send these rooms from those proven victims own printers, but performance with the man payment them. bitcoin from the victims, sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars and they were threatened to keep the victims data locked up or similar to others if they're around. so demand's, we're not government official, say in some of the cases the targets did in fact pay the ransom. now the us treasury department is also stepped into sanctioned the men and others they believed helped with the enterprise. although the government officials stress that they do not believe this was directed by the iranian government,
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still they offered a $10000000.00 award leading to the arrest. but the men are believed to be in iran . and even government officials say it's going to be very hard to ever find them in order to arrest them. he was state of california is suing the online retailer, amazon for violating anti trust and competition laws. the series of cases, the company preventing merchants from selling products that lower prices on their website. so what rival stores? it says that pushed that it says that's pushed. price is up for customers and preventive competition. amazon controls nearly 40 percent of online sales in the u . s, according to massage from inside intelligence. that's more than the likes of apple moss and ebay combined. the california st. mary's one fall in washington, d. c. last year, which was dismissed but is going through the appeals process. california officials believe this suit won't suffer the same fate. it's because it comes off that more
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than 2 year investigation featuring interviews with sellers, amazon's current and former employees as well as competitors. in a fried as the chief technology correspondent, axial, and american news website, she says it isn't likely that the seats in california will have a different outcome to those from elsewhere. in the u. s. california has said, oh, we have lots of new evidence we investigated for 2 years. and of course, any time you get in front of a new judge, it's a little bit different. each state has its own laws and these are brought under california's competition statutes which probably differ somewhat from washington dcs. but essentially other courts have looked at similar claims and not allowed the suit to proceed. so i wouldn't say it's a home run by any stretch of the imagination. the short term is they wouldn't be able to enforce this. but you know, basically. busy are seeing a lot of different attacks on the way amazon does business, because as you point out,
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it does control so much of the retail market. so i think there is a movement to say to amazon, look, you are so big now in retail, that you can't set rules for how can companies price their goods elsewhere? and again, that's sort of classic imp, anti competition law. that basically, if you are the dominant player in the market, you can't abuse that monopoly. and that's the case that we're seeing brought not just here, but also in other suits that deal with things like how amazon sells its own goods versus those from 3rd party sellers. falls growing while fun. the u. s. state of california has destroyed several structures and threaten communities in the area farm which began on tuesday and place the county was initially contained by fi. fi says the mosquito fi has been nearly 59000 acres, forcing the evacuation of some 11000 people. the afghan taliban have rejected a decision by the u. s. to transfer 3 and
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a half 1000000000 dollars in furs and assets to a swiss based trust, which will then distribute funds where ever needed in afghanistan. a taliban, i have demanded that the assets be sent directly to the afghans central bank instead. now run $9000000000.00 of afghanistan's foreign currency, held by foreign banks were frozen off to the telephone took over couple last year. the u. s. government has face criticism for holding back afghan funds as the country faces wide spread, hunger and poverty. my county is more on the story when the bite administration froze, the money that was being held in the united states, which belonged to the afghans central bank, the d. b a. that was just over $7000000000.00 in funds. now what happened is that 3 and a half 1000000000 of that was kept to deal with pending cases by victims of the 911 attacks. the other 3 and
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a half 1000000000 has now been allocated across to the swiss bank, which will be watched over as it were by us representative a couple of african representatives as well as a swiss banker. now the taliban have nothing to do with this amount. they have got no access to it whatsoever. the us being very careful to make clear that none of these funds are going to go directly into afghanistan at this particular point. so written into what the us is doing as well is that it's a signal to the central african nissan bank, the b b a that it has got to step up its game. it's got to demonstrate in coming months that it is independent from as a taliban, which claims to be the government of the country. so there is a possibility at some stage, a long way down the line that that money that is now in that swiss bank could go back to the d i b to the central upcoming stock bank. but the way the money is going to be used, well, it's going to be a while before we see exactly how argentina's inflation race,
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his head since highest level in years causing fee prices to spiral. the government announced the august inflation rate was nearly 79 percent. on tuesday, the international monetary fund chief crystelina georgina said inflation is main problem afflicting argentine is economy. teresa by reports from what is coping with inflation in argentina is not easy for people like a pill. mit gotta. and what meet and that model the couple received to minimum monthly pensions of around a $170.00 each, but it's not enough each day. they go searching for food in the trash, secular. then we listen. i thought i was going to age with dignity. i've been working since i was 15 years old. the only dream my head was to have our own home. and now look at us. didn't tina's inflation rate is soaring, and it's having a huge impact among the countries most vulnerable economy estimate you face and
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weighting argentina this year is going to be at least 95 percent. i figured that is literally pushing many people who the street to try to make a living and to try to survive. this people here are not only trying to find food, but also runs and copper or anything that they can sell. so they can make some extra cash at em loses if they're lucky because earn around 80 extra dollars per month selling recycling materials. but that means being on the street every day while madame coffers from epilepsy and still mit has been struggling with diabetes for years. looking competitive. fin. what you bought for $100.00 the 1st month in 3 months, you will, but for $200.00, they're taking money away from us all the time. i need medicines and i cannot afford all of them. there's over 7000000 retirees. you know,
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i didn't now an almost 86 percent received them minimum pension inability, a problem in a country that has been trying to stabilize the economy for months. lifeless will look. yes. what inflation does is that you pay the new prices with an old salary that happens to all workers. even though labor unions agree to a 64 percent salary increase, it's not enough, especially when you think the inflation rate will be close to a 100 percent. last week, the new economy minister said he'll massa travel to washington in search of much needed investment and financing by multilateral organizations, including the i m f. case or bash. sama, it was just a step further towards stabilizing the economy. a step towards growth with inclusion for argentina, but i believe much more needs to be done. the situation is fragile. we have a battle ahead with inflation. a battle that people liked the law mighty segora. and while me.
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