tv News Al Jazeera September 15, 2022 5:00pm-5:31pm AST
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amazon because they are consumers. i teach kids about the oceans are facing today. i've been working in earnest, trying to find ways to get this language out to the kids. what do we do at the ocean? why and what are you going to do to keep? these are linguistic, red, blood women, right? and they have one, several factors for a while they've gotten america and those protesting say that women remains a challenge and i will not be pro life. i want to lead him. we don't have lead them in this country. these imaculi's now 3 days journey, jewish jokes on western grades. so under choice, our country needs to we build o
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rush as president. thanks his chinese counterpart for what he calls his balanced position over the war in ukraine. it's their 1st face to face meeting since the conflict staff says, ah carl, this is alice 0 live from dough hole. so coming up, russia has said in senior officials, sierra van off the worst fighting between armenia and as it by john in 2 years, thousands of mourners are paying the final respects to queen elizabeth as her body lies and stays at westminster hall. and hanging up his racket, 20 time grand slam champion. roger federer announces he's retiring from tennis. ah, russian president vladimir putin has praised what he says as china's balance
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position on the war in ukraine. vladimir putin and presidents eugene paint have met on the sidelines of the shanghai cooperation organization summit in the back city of samarkand. that's their 1st face to face talks says russia invaded ukraine 7 months ago. a person also met his iranian counterpart, abraham res. seem who said more cooperation makes them stronger. now the leaders, including india's prime minister, undermine miranda moody and turkeys president worship type, or one also that the regional block was formed in 1996 by beijing and moscow to counter us influence at in. or it's have for a ambrose as he is a research fellow at the institute for international political studies. she says the summit is an opportunity for russia to show the west. it still has support from other countries. your organization is becoming more and more and
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less than one turn to follow the power. and this is all the more important than even the fact that it's being targeted by and russia targeted by western sanctions . so this is a way for you to to prove to the west that russia is not that isolated. and the sanctions are actually come then by many others say, and not only china, but also an india, your organization. i count a before a for or of the global gdc dies on the normal economic potential, but at the same time your organization both are fighting, move one. so the partners, i mean, they agree that it's a very important tool for projecting power and projecting an image also. and then turn of the fall of power. but at the same time,
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it's not easy to show lines like other organizations, such as your, the united nations in other pads. this is just an opportunity for they either need to commit to more economic and security cooperation. but without many strings attached, your claims president, florida minutes landscape has met the president of the e u commission, us lavonne de lan. this is linda lance, thank check to ukraine since russia began its invasion in february to discuss the country's bid to join the european union and continuing european support for ukraine with walnut visits as told gibbons on day, who joins us live from cape phyllis and gave him what has been going on between from the land ansolaski? well, this trip here was a unannounced by van de leon. it comes just a day after she gave this state of the union address to european europeans in
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brussels. she came here basically to show support for bottom weird, so lensky and for ukraine. there are 2 leaders that clearly have a lot of affection for one another. and this was a chance for both of them to sort of reconnect and get a sense of how ukraine will go moving forward. now they spoke between behind closed door meetings and briefly spoke to the press afterwards, where they were said that they talked a lot about how to rebuild ukraine and how to get the economy back on track and ukraine moving forward of underlying announced a $5000000000.00 in financial assistance to ukraine, including $250000000.00 to rebuild his schools and also for temporary shelter for people that have been displaced by the war. she also announced that there will be big efforts in the future on reconstruction projects here. and she said that the ukraine will probably need tens of millions of dollars to rebuild and
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announced it she is going to be hosting a ukrainian, a donor conference in late october in berlin. she said that will be a chance for people to come together and figure out exactly how much money ukraine will need to rebuild and try to figure out where that money will come from. but bottom line is so that these is a, was really a chance for a under that lion to really show support for ukraine. as there are signs, at least some signs that there could be some fraying a little bit in the solidarity. busy moving forward for ukraine was some european countries, given the fact that there will be a very long, hard winter and an energy crisis. and she addressed that saying that there are there and hoped it a deal with those issues moving forward. so in the words vandella and she said,
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europe will be with ukraine yesterday today and forever in the future. so this was clearly a chance really to show solidarity. as under joining us from cave, thanks very much again. at the southern city is at risk of flooding after russian forces struck down with several cruise missiles. officials say the water level of the river near the ukrainian town of a city of cree, the re weighs around 2 and a half meters after the attack. some people have been asked to evacuate their homes . sauce has been drawn into another conflict between 2 former soviet stays. officials from the russian lead collect server security treaty organization, i having to armenia on thursday after your van requested military help. fighting between armenia and as a by john has intensified in recent days into the worst violence between the 2 former soviet republics in 2 years, more than 100 armenian soldiers and 50 azerbaijani troops have been killed since
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monday night. the contested nagondo caraballo regions at the center of a decades old dispute between the 2 nations as internationally recognized as part of azerbaijan territory. but 95 percent of the population is ethnic armenia. there are conflicting reports about a possible truce between armenia and as a by john protesters in armenia. have accused prime as the nickel passion of betrayal of the he said he's willing to sign a piece deal to insure security. pass me on later, said nothing as official rule. and harpies will shriek up. i officially state that no paper has been signed. moreover, no papers going to be signed. there is no talk about any paper, the, some formation as a conspiracy to demoralize our soldiers standing at the border. now, let's take a closer look at the russian lead security force that's heading it to investigate the conflict. the collective security treaty organization, or c, s t o is often described as your ages version of nato. it was formed in 1992 after
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the collapse of the soviet union, as comprised of russia and 5 former soviet republics. armenia belo is cast on kingston and tajikistan. armenia asked for the c s t o for military aid earlier this month, but it sending a fact finding team instead. group deployed troops in january this year for the 1st time in its history. 2000 peacekeepers was sent to kazakhstan to help stop protests against the government. holsen's k as a senior fellow and cunningham, russia, and a, you're a garage program and he joins us now from brussels. thanks very much for being with us. what you, what do you think it's going to do russia sending this fact finding team to yerevan i'm, i really don't think it's going to do a whole lot. and it's certainly important. and it's certainly a big step of the last time there was a war, there was no fact finding, there was no c s t o delegation that went to your of on. so this is definitely
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a change we've seen over the past year at the c. s. t o become more empowered, but i think the situation has changed considerably. 2 years ago, the war was over the disputed territories, breakaway armenian region in azerbaijan. and then this week, the border is that the war is actually been on the actual border of armenia, azerbaijan, including shelling inside armenia, and armenia has the right to evoke the c, a, c o for its own defense. so why all we sang this violence in areas outside of the nicole in a car back a will for a few reasons for 1st of all, before the 2020 war, there was large chunks of armenia of azerbaijan. there were occupied by armenian forces, armenia lost, that war lost most of that territory. and so now we actually have a border area where the 2 are fighting face to face or are facing each other right along the state order. we also have
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a russia that is really quite stretched on the timing of this is but interesting. russia lost a significant bowels in ukraine and it really doesn't have the capacity to deal with another big problem. i would think by a size, blaming each other for the fly up in violence. it would you say that this is as a by john flexing its muscles with russia being distracted as he say? it certainly looks that way. it certainly looks like that as a bridge on is trying to change facts on the ground, trying to take advantage of the fact that russia is distracted. the rest of the international community is distracted as well, and not responding very quickly. and there been a lot of diplomatic negotiations between, as it was on, in our media to formally and, and get to a peace treaty. and i think a lot of this is a version of coercive diplomacy when armine is made back or is stretched in post falls. okay, great to thank you. thanks taking the time to join us on out to sarah. thank you
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very much. raja fatter has announced he will retire after next week's love, a cup a 41 year old has struggled with injuries during the past 3 years and hasn't played since wimbleton last year. phaedra is regarded as one of the greatest men's players of all time winning 20 grand slam titles, which puts him fed on the all time list behind never talk about and found the dow. he says he will no longer play images or on the a t p. to effectively ending an incredible korea that spanned 2 decades was how phaedra announce his decision on social media? as many of you know, the past 3 years have presented me with challenges in the form of injuries and surgeries. i've worked hard to return to full competitive form, but i also know my boat is capacities and limits and it's message to me lately has been clear. i am 41 years old. i've played more than 1005 on a matches over 24 years. janice has treated me more generously than i ever would
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have dreamt. and i almost recognize when it is time to end. my competitive career still has her analysis. aaron sweden's prime minister, resigns after an unprecedented when the fall right in elections on sunday and on sunday is inflation crisis. these pensions having to do the rubbish for food as prices keep climbing. ah now the seasonal rains have reached their northernmost extent. they're coming south, they broke up at the end by typhoons. that's the latest one. but the rain proper is in the central philippines, still in southern vietnam and cambodia, thailand, and me and my and then south of all that this is the daily trough go down poles,
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thunderstorms, which occur in most places during the afternoon. briefly. this is nothing unusual. this is also nothing unusual. during typhoon season, they can become free cryptically. this sort of time, which is a la nina season when the western pacific warmer than normal, tends to generate more storms and noble. this one is less than a week after last. it came up in a similar course, we think it'll do something similar coming through western japan and then hit south korea. but that forecast is subject to minor change at least, but it's a slow moving storm. tis potentially rather dangerous still more that the dice to come. let's go back to india where the monsoon trophies slow. you going, sorry my with the sun but we still got heavy rain in maybe marashi remedy, potash then running up towards western the pole. that means all areas the north west of that are light, 3 fairly drive, all areas the sites are fairly dry too. you can see the concentration of rain tends to change, but it's moving slowly staff. ah
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again watching al jazeera has reminder of our top stories this, our russian president vladimir putin has praise. what he says is chinese balance position on the war in ukraine. britain met president. she's been paying on the sidelines of the shanghai corporation organization summit, and is pakistan on european union's commission president as upon the land has been meeting president vladimir lensky and keith to discuss the country's bid to join the european union. o. thousands of mourners are filing past the coffin of queen elizabeth the 2nd. her body will lie in state at westminster hall for the next 4 days. a q is stretching nearly 7 kilometers now along the river thames as people wait hours to pay their respects. a metropolitan police says the queen's funeral, and lying in state is the biggest to se opperation is ever faced high false. it
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joins us from london. he's amongst all those people queuing to view the queen's coffin and how it really does seem like it's this is the never ending. que it really is, i mean, it will end, but not until monday at 6 30 am. that is, at least when the last people will be allowed into westminster hall, and it really has been pretty impressive just to see. this is constant flow done in a very organized sort of self restrained, gently anticipate re fashion. and people have been in very good humour talking to each other, making friends as they go. we're just going to come this way a little bit. so if you get out of the way the other cru, see if we can talk to some of the people. i excuse me where i live and i'll just hear english if you got a 2nd just wondering how your morning has been in your office and what is gone very quick. we thought we talked too much longer, but just on very, very quick. and the read this really nice on the, at the thought and we went wrong and i were child to say,
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i'm unusual. glad to hear it and, and how's your, how are you feeling about this whole thing and what is going to be like inside the? well, i was when i heard she passed away when you choose not 6, but i'm 72. she's been on the phone all my life and she went precedent for me and just let me know what's going to happen. she's always been there. she's been asked to say, i'm a grandmother and now it's just last night. i'm sure chelsea mc good creating but yeah, if i was well, thank you so much for stopping. i'd be can regain your place. thanks a lot because we just want to go without just live at the moment. ok. how about you got a 2nd and i'll just re live at the moment just wondering what it's been like this morning and i think really good ones and gets going quite quick weekends here. i think they fall really well. be good, good stuff. all right, thank you very much. i think as you can see, people are in a bit of a hurry. they be waiting a long time already. they got were told by one simple 7 another 3 hours to 8 once
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they get across the river and into the queuing system, closer to westminster hall itself would also be as what style security. so that's the scene here. it's very much the focus of this day. otherwise we king charles, according to buckingham palace having what they're saying is a day of private reflection after all that very public morning and ceremonial that he's been doing since the death of his mother. there are other sort of smaller scale visits by various members of the royal family to be going on today. but the real information coming is about the next few days. we've heard that on friday evening, king charles and his 3 siblings will stand vigil around the coffin inside westminster hole for 15 minutes, and a few more confirmations of what's going to happen on monday. the day of the funeral, that the, the queen's coffin will be taken to the castle after the funeral at westminster abbey. before she goes, there will be a 2 minute silence. observe nationwide. and then once it wins accosted,
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there'll be another committal service. and then finally, a private family burial service and should be laid to rest alongside the body of her late husband, prince philip. that starting at that from the center of london, thank very much around strike him. the u. s. has been averted after the white house helps negotiate a tentative agreement between the unions and railway companies. the plan shut down would have delta blow to the struggling economy. sweden's prime minister has resigned off to suffering a narrow defeat in sundays election. pull race reports from melma, mcleana anderson 100 in her resignation to the speaker of the swedish parliament at about 11 a. m. stock home time, a very low key and to a remarkable 10 months in charge. she became sweden's 1st. ever female prime minister made the historic decision to take the country into nato, and indeed she improved her party. the social democrats results at these elections
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with 30 percent of the vote. not enough though. her reign will also be remembered. busy for sweden's shift to the right, the man now charged with trying to put the government together is of kristen, leader of the moderate party, who has thrown that locked in with the right wing suite. and democrats, who, in this election have become the 2nd biggest party in sweden. now the door still might be open for magdalena anderson in a sense in her resignation speech. she said that she was prepared to talk to of christopher and to see if he wanted to change his mind about working with the far right. a possible moderate social democratic government. it seems far fetched at the moment, but it's something that could happen as talks continue over the coming weeks. a taliban has rejected a decision by the us to transfer 3500000000 dollars in frozen assets with twist
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based trust fund. but not about what the assets to be sent directly to have gone on . central bank run $9000000000.00 of the country's foreign currency were frozen off the taliban took over last year. the government has been criticized for holding back the funds as many afghans, faith, hunger, and poverty. president binding sort of policy of enabling $3500000000.00 worth of app can central bank reserves to be used for the benefit of the people of afghanistan, of keeping them out of the end of the taliban. with the afghan funds, the united states and our partners are following through with that amendment with a concrete step for ensuring that these additional resources will contribute to helping relieve hardship and suffering in afghanistan. in particular, we would like to thank the swiss government for the partnership to ensure this effort would be possible. this fund will protect and preserve the app can central bank reserves while making targeted disbursements to help stabilize afghanistan's economy and ultimately supported people and work to alleviate the worst effects of
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the mandatory crisis. oh, my camera has been across developments from washington d. c. when the bite and administration froze, the money that was being held in the united states, which belonged to the african central bank, the d. b a. that was just over $7000000000.00 in funds. now what happened is that 3 and a half 1000000000 of that was kept to deal with pending cases by the victims of the 911 attacks. the other 3 and a half 1000000000 has now been allocated across to the swiss bank, which will be watched over as it were by the us representative a couple of african representatives as well as a swiss banker. now the taliban have nothing to do with this amount, they have got no access to it whatsoever. the us being very careful to make clear that none of these funds are going to go directly into afghanistan at this particular point. so written into what the us is doing as well is that it's
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a signal to the central african nissan bank, the b b a that it has got to step up its game. it's got to demonstrate in coming months that it is independent from as a taliban, which claims to be the government of the country. so there is a possibility at some stage, a long way down the line that that money that is now in that source bank could go back to the d, i, b to the central a gunny stock bank. but the way this money is going to be used, well, it's going to be a while before we see exactly how washington is. inflation rate has his highest level in years causing food prices to saw. the government says the rage was nearly 79 percent in august and with the central bank likely to raise interest rates next month. life is expected to get harder for many to the reports from when it's iras. coping with inflation in argentina is not easy for people like a mighty cycle and what meet that modem the couple received to minimum
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monthly pensions of around a $170.00 each. but it's not enough. each day they go searching food in the trashy been secular. then i thought i was going to age with dignity. i've been working since i was 15 years old. the only dream my head was to have our own home. and now look at us. didn't tina's inflation rate is storing, and it's having a huge impact among the country's most vulnerable economy estimate based on weight . in argentina, the theory is going to be at least 95 percent. a figure that is literally pushing many people who try to make a living and to try to survive. this people here are not only trying to find food, but also runs and copper or anything that they can sell. so they can make some extra cash. and moodle says if they're lucky, they can earn around 80 extra dollars per month selling recycling materials. but
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that means being on the street every day while madame coffers from epilepsy and still mit has been struggling with diabetes for years. competitive fin april. and i mean what you bought for $100.00 the 1st month in 3 months, you will. but for 200, they're taking money away from us all the time. i need medicines and i cannot afford all of them. there's over $7000000.00 retirees in june, tina and almost 86 percent received the minimum pension in billings. we got a problem in a country that has been trying to stabilize the economy for months. inflation look yes. what inflation does is that you pay the new prices with an old salary that happens to all workers. even though labor unions agree to a 64 percent salary increase, it's not enough, especially when you think the inflation rate will be close to a 100 percent. last week, the new economy minister said he'll massa travel to washington in search of much
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needed investment and financing by multilateral organizations, including the i, m. f is old, but so much. it was just a step further towards stabilizing the economy. a step towards growth with inclusion for argentina, but i believe much more needs to be done. the situation is fragile. we have a battle ahead with inflation. a battle that people liked the law mighty sac, ortho. and while media and am wadell have come to know all too well. biddy sell al jessia when i say this, the u. s. has charged 3 iranians with conducting ransomware attacks on hundreds of entities around the world. local governments and utility companies in the u. s. are among the victims. indictment shows the attacks took place between october 2020 and august 2022 u. s. officials say the hackers carried out cyber attacks for their personal gain and were not acting on behalf of the iranian government political haine. as more from washington dc. the u. s. justice department has unsealed an indictment against
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3, a rainy and men that they hughes of using cyber attacks at hundreds of computers, not just here in the united states, but in russia, israel, united kingdom. and even in a ran itself. they say the targets were local governments, utilities, non profits hospitals. but they say these men did is they say that they would get into the computer systems, encrypt the data, and then demand money for the datas release. they would send these rooms from those through the victims and printers. the performance would demand payment from the coin from the victims, sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars. and they would threaten to keep the victims data locked up or sell it to others. if the ransom demands were not government official, say in some of the cases the targets did in fact pay the ransom. now the u. s. treasury department is also stepped into sanctioned the men and others they believed helped with the enterprise. although the government officials stress that
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they do not believe this was directed by the iranian government, still they offered a $10000000.00 award leading to the arrest. but the men are believe to be in iran, and even government officials say it's going to be very hard to ever find them in order to arrest them. a fast growing wildfire and california has destroyed buildings and is threatening several communities. the so called mosquito fi began on tuesday and place a county and was initially contained by firefighters. but it's now burned across 59000 acres, or saying 11000 people to evacuate their homes. pakistan has succeeded in clearing a highway in the southern sind province, that is needed to deliver aid to areas devastated by floods. from the north of the country. webcam in many communities are still cut off from outside the outside world. come all hydra reports from co, his storm, rare and goin on. it's been oh, what? 3 weeks since the doctor,
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drug heavy rains and i in the mountain that you're behind me, brought in raging jordan stone, the narrow riley. it has blocked away related, which i now got drawn from the outside world. tens of thousands of people are not risking their lives to be able to get sick and to be able to get supplies in on their back. we have not seen any heavy machinery which are trying to go. those did orderly. and if that is not done soon, many more people may die. we have also, or that called outbreak, have been reported, and surgeon area cut off. they do not have for debra drinking water and getting any emergency. aid at the moment is next to impossible. although the country johnston great day on the devastating floods that have grown pockets on an affect baluchistan province. the budget on your daughter did will have to do much small.
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