tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera September 16, 2022 12:00am-1:01am AST
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will we see any breakthroughs on al jazeera? the welcome kicks will be cancer in 2 months, as the main event gets closer out. here it is here. every step of the way i'm going to go with updates from across the globe range can expect some strong support here in with the spotlight on north and central america, canada build their 1st place. finishing, qualify. all will be us mexico or costa rica rise to the occasion. the worker countdown on al jazeera. i care about how the u. s. engages with the rest of the world. we're really, it didn't take you into a play. you might not visit otherwise. it feels that you were there. ah, this is al jazeera ah.
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hello, lauren taylor. this is the out here news. our live from london coming up an exclusive interview with al jazeera aaron's president, says western sanctions must be lifted in order for the nuclear deal to progress. ukraine's president says, a mass grave has been discovered in is you a town recently liberated from russian forces a world food program facility is newton and set on fire and haiti as violent protests. sweep the country, migrants dumped and stranded why the white house is accusing to republican governors of using them as political pawns and on petersburg in doha with your sport. 20 times grand slam champion, roger federer announces his retirement from tennis. the swiss star will call tar money's 20 full year career of the mixed weeks labor cup. ah,
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iran's president has spoken exclusively to al jazeera out talks to renew the 2015 nuclear deal. abraham racy says any removal of sanctions should be accompanied with the resolution of what's known as the issue of safeguards. that refers to iran's opposition to an investigation i international inspectors into man made uranium particles that have been found at undeclared sites in the country. he says it's now up to the us to make a final decision to reach a nuclear deal. and that the west should also look at israel's alleged stock of weapons of mass destruction. he also says he doesn't see a benefit due to direct negotiations with the u. s, and that the american government needs to build trust with iran and stop sanctioning individuals while negotiations are still ongoing. bring him on the story in just a minute. first there, china's president is also at the shanghai corporation organization summit,
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which was created as a counterweight to us, influence sharing ping about to work with russia to instill stability and positive energy into a world in turmoil is held his 1st face to face meeting with russian president vladimir putin since the invasion of ukraine. she said he was happy to make putin and attempts by the us to create a unipolar world would fail. preaching counts, she is, is most powerful ally. but for the 1st time, appeared to acknowledge that china had concerns about russia's invasion of its neighbour, william. we highly value the balance position of our chinese friends when it comes to the ukraine crisis. we understand your questions and concern about this. during today's meeting, we will of course, explain opposition children. she, the law, china and russia have maintained effective strategic communication. she most within one will cover c o v
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t shirt in the face of change in the world times in history. china is willing to work with russia to demonstrate the responsibility of a major country playing a leading role and injects debility into a turbulent world. i am also very willing to use this meeting to exchange views on bilateral relations and international and regional issues of common concern. ukraine's president landscape says, oh, forties have found a mass grave in the recaptured city of is you. that's in the northeast, in hockey region, where ukrainian forces launched a lightning offensive over the past week, sparking a collapse in russian front lines and forcing them to retreat. the local police chief says up to 400 bodies have been found in the mass grave. ukrainian official says russian forces are now digging in new hands the eastern province. that is now almost totally under the criminal control. it comes as the european union's top official visits, the capital,
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sledging war support to present landscape cameras under has more from keith a day after giving her state of the union address in brussels, where she said flat, a mere pu, was waging an energy war on europe the president of the european commission demanded unannounced trip to keith ursula bunder lion came with a clear message that you have your european friends by your side as long as the takes and that we have friends for ever fun to lion and ukrainian president multimeter zalinski appear to have respect for one another. so lensky unveiled a plaque outside parliament honoring the leader after they held closed door meetings. fonder lion committed to 5000000000 and loans to ukraine, and 250000000 for schools and temporary housing for people displaced by the roar. but she stopped short of committee to any new russian sanctions. something keep has been asking for. bunder lion announced that she will be hosting
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a ukraine reconstruction congress at the end of october in berlin. or she will be bringing together people to discuss how much money ukraine will need to rebuild and where to get that money from. and that amount could keep going up, because ukraine continues to be destroyed as this country's war continues. late wednesday night rush in cruise missiles hid a dam in southern ukraine, forcing water to overflow a local river, and partially flooding. creevy, a city of 600000. that is, sir lensky is home town. if you give us, should we understand that at the destroy? damn, there were no ukrainian minute for units? doesn't surprise me that rogers hitting civilian infrastructure because i've done it before. with this, it's better than it was the 2nd strike on civilian infrastructure and recent days
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by the russians. after they also bombed at thermal power plant in the north ceased temporarily cutting power to ukraine, 2nd largest city, how to keep it up on a well ponder line. wanted to talk about rebuilding the ukrainians, continue to call for what they consider more immediate needs. weapons that they say are the only way to in the war hebrew santo. how g as in keith? more now on one of our top stories, our exclusive interview with aaron's president, a brain marchese spoke to us from becky stan where he was attending that regional security summit, along with the leaders of russia and china are so said are joins us live from some i can well, the summit is taking place and resume. it seems that the main line from mrs that around president is saying western sanctions must be lifted in order for the the nuclear deal to progress as more about what he, what he actually said. well, that's correct. i just hadn't sit down interview with the rainy president abraham
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racy, asked several questions and particularly when it comes to the da da da da nuclear talks in vienna has said that the removal of the sanctions will be accompanied with their resolution of the safeguard. and the safeguard issues should be finalized in order to move forward and says that now the wall is in the u. s. is court. so it's hard to do. you are see to make a final decision to reach a nuclear deal. so although it, when he was, was could size in was an approach to iran as well. and he said, he asked the question to said that did western countries should ask the zionist regime, referring to, referring to israel 1st about is a good is weapons of the mess. destruction before asked him iran and he said that you're on has to hold right to defend itself. so on the other hand, i asked him if a face to face meeting with american officials will paved with quite
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a kind of reaching a deal in a quick way. he said that you run doesn't see. and it benefit of having direct talks with the, with the gas. he says that before we have tried that, and it didn't work so that the de benefit ordered that in the interests off iran and the iranians definitely doesn't lie with it. with, with the direct horse with the americans. and he said that also if you, as he is sincere white today, debate imposed new sanctions only run in the middle of the nuclear negotiations as well. so i also asked him about the, the regional policies, as well as the legion, the policies and the dynamics as well, particularly regarding iran's relations with saudi arabia, said that, that are ongoing discussions with saudi arabia. so they how, how'd says in 5 rounds of the tools we saw area or saudi arabia and said that if the external forces don't interfere, he believes that the issue is between 2 countries can be settled on him n as well. he said at yamini is with the empty store, mac had been resisting a,
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did the oppression the external or oppression. and he says the embargo on yemen must be removed as soon as possible to establish a lost in ceasefire. and to promote inter jamini negotiations when it comes to iraq . he says that at iran definitely would be pleased to find the formation of a strong government in iraq. and he says that iraqis shall not a load usa to be president in iraq anymore. and when trustingly, he said that some of the european countries have contacted iran regarding the crisis, ongoing crisis in iraq, but iran told utopian companies that the iraqis should decide about the in future when it comes to our syria. he says that he asked a question said, what are americans doing in syria? they are taking the oil of the country away and he said, it is not acceptable that a company on the other side of the world comes to the to, to celia and plunder the resources. i also ask him about iran's roving relations
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with china and russia. he said that relationship with china doesn't depend on the position of the other countries. and that goes with it for the iranian ration with russia as well. and said that we are promoting with the regional companies and those these companies which are, i guess the arrogance and the dominant, dominant perspective off of the west. so, but so these were the general topics that we have discussed briefly was just to get back to the nuclear do what, how significant, all these comments from iran at this stage were monday, where we are in the process and what the prospects for trying to resolve it they are quite significant because for now, so there is a proposal and iran says that they are as they are waiting for medical response to that. that's why i said that now that is new to the end of this stage,
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this statement is most are coming right hand the the guy in new york and president res seem self also use is going to be present there and deliver a speech with a huge iranian delegation as well, so that's why i particularly ask if you see any benefit or see that useful at this stage, they have, they are close with the american american officials as well as i said. so these are quite important. i think the capital of this message were for the americans that know iran is waiting. american response at the board is in american court. and now it's up to america to make a final decision to, to, to move forward to move forward. and also this is associated with his, with it to the human got, which we're going to also have several bilateral meetings as well. thank you very much. indeed. l u n has welcomed a cease fire announced between armenia and as a by john of to 2 days of violence wasn't a 170 soldiers,
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most of them armenian had been killed in the fighting as threatened to drag tacky and russia into a wider conflict a russian lead, secure, humanise. i should be sending a team to armenia outright. government requested help. and yes, we can. nancy pelosi is announced. he will travel to armenia at the weekend. talk chat friend reports from the azerbaijani capital banker as a by johns ministry of defense as this video shows, strikes against all median saboteurs operating inside as a, by john's territory. 3 days of fighting around the border region, close to the gourne o car, back as killed, more than a 100 armenian and 70 as erie soldiers. both sides accuse each other's starting the fighting as i by john says it was responding to the armenian armies. shilling of azeri military positions. the armenian defense ministry released this video. it says shows as ery soldiers moving into armenian territory, al jazeera,
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cannot independently verify footage released by either side. ha, hang fled in the armenian cavalry caravan overnight with protest is demanding. prime minister, nicole plush indian resign. the demonstration started up the pushing the unemployed piece deal had been signed with as a by jean. he denied the claim on top is which we, comp, i officially states that no paper has been signed tomorrow, no paper is going to be signed and there is no talk about any paper. this information is a conspiracy to do more or less soldiers standing at the border. russia has tried to maintain relations with both countries and on tuesday, trying to broker see spot. but the fighting continued. ah, as a by jean does not see russia as an honest broker, and there are fears, another full blown war would risk dragging in as a by jeans most powerful ally,
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turkey the collective security treaty organization. our meeting at the request of armenia were on a speaking escalation, situation, print to country. this of course, both institution be problematic and also many would say bias since as a john is not a member of the russian lead. collect the security treaty organization. armenia announced a new c spot, took effect on wednesday night, but there has been no official comment for me as of i, ga one an agreed truce at the time of great uncertainty over the war and ukraine. this latest up surgeon fighting between 2 more post soviet states is of great concern to neighboring countries. and those struggling amidst the energy crisis. the latest fighting along the borders and close to negotiate car back show that despite the 2020 piece initiative, finding a lot of sting political solution to this crisis, one that has huge g o strategic implications is nowhere in sight to
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strap it out to 0 by qu, coming up or down to 0, this news hour in london, thousands continue their personal pilgrimage for hours to pay their respects to queen elizabeth the 2nd forced out of their homes and cut off from the outside world. a struggle to get aid to flood victims in pakistan. and christiana, rinaldo gets back to scoring for me and just united peter will have a details in fort ah, a world food program facility has been looted and set on fire in the haitian city of good. i have as violent protest sweep across the country. the demonstrations were triggered by a fuel price high going out by the government on wednesday. the price of gas will more than double warehouse contain $1400.00 metric tons of food intended for school
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meal programs. and the most vulnerable families and children in haiti in 2022 the well food program scaled off its operations, a need to reach 1700000 of the most hungry in haiti. harold isaac as an independent journalist and joined us now from the capital puerto prince. thank you very much for being with us. just a bit more about what happened at the the food differ. it was one handful of the depot that have been attacked and looted in going to eve, which is about 2 hours away from, from part of france as part of a general wave of violence sweeping through the country right now. after the hike of gas prices and now by the government yesterday, i don't mean to be of that to looting. well, certainly it will make a delivery more difficult, especially right now in the hurricane season. that is,
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that we're right in the middle of because these people are, you know, recognize to be having food in case have massive emergencies such as hurricane. and we heard that there is one on the way. and as such, a whole area of good are you. it's going to be very difficult in that sense that w f p b wasn't the only one. it is also reported by county tests. depot is also affected by the loading. now you mentioned as a hurricane on the way, but the situation already was, was pretty precarious, wasn't it in a g? well, yes, right now, for the most part or most of this week, i've been disrupted the capital prince. i've been disrupted. for the most part, everybody is hunkering down there saying home the street. it's originally, it goes down as there are protesting violent barricade
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against the decision from the government to raise the price of oral products and haiti. and what did they make that decision at this point? while the government was in a very precarious and terrible situation where it was supporting directly from public funds, subsidies to have discounted prices for oil products and haiti and had been doing so for many years, it was initially part of a larger program called patrick rebate, which was funded by going to well, but eventually the situation in venezuela did not permit or allow for this program to be to continue along with corruption and many scandals make to the petro curry, the program. and as such, the haitian state for all madison purposes was putting to bill and today has been, at least for the last 2 months that pumps haven't been punching normally in haiti.
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so most people were relying on either spending countless hours under pumps or waiting for for us or getting gas from smuggler. so as such, the government was in a very untenable situation and decided to wear all the social costs and the risk to, to go ahead and raise the prices. harold, as if thank you very much indeed for bringing subsidies with events in haiti. thank you. brought the main car house officials in pakistan, sind province say that seeing a rise in waterborne diseases among flood victims, focused on navy continues to assist in the supply of vital aid and medical equipment to residents. cut off by the flooding. floods left hundreds of thousands homeless and killed more than 1500 people local doctors, in se, initially they were seeing mostly patients for trauma. but now they're treating people suffering from diarrhea, skin infections, and other water born and once,
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oh my general got a i said i left my house along with kids with empty hands. flood water entered my house. i didn't take anything with me. i just saved my children. now here most of my kids are sick. i've been here for 6 days, but so far not enough. aid has reached us. we don't have clean drinking water and food for our kids. i'm a thoughtful to the other. is the rosanna, i, we are receiving approximately 700 patients a day in which most of the patients are suffering from i and skin infections. malaria is also increasing. the main reason is the lack of clean drinking water and living in congested conditions is also one of the reasons people are giving infections from each other. so far, fumigation has not started as much as it's needed. engineers have cleared a major highway in pakistan's, southern and send province enabling aid to be delivered to areas devastated by floods. but in the north for the country, many communities is still cut off from the outside world. glider reports from co,
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his town rear and goin on. it's been over 3 weeks since the doctor drug heavy rains and i in the mountain that you're behind me, brought in raging gordon stone. the narrow riley has blocked away related, which i now cut off from the outside world. then the thousands of people are now risking their lives to be able to get door to are sick and to be able to get supplies in on their back. we have not seen any heavy machinery which are trying to go down the road. and if that is not done soon, many more people may die. we have always guard that color outbreak have been reported, and surgeon area cut off. they do not have for debra drinking water and getting any emergency. aid at the moment is next to impossible. although the country runs in great day on the devastating floods that had the drug pockets on and then the
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balloon on robin the budget targeted, we'll have to do much more in order to ga road length. and that will not take much time, but time is running out for dog or cell. got golf and in need of hell. the world bankers told at one of the worst economic crises in the last 150 years, lebanon's financial meltdown is making people ditch that cause use woodstove instead of gas and even become vague. and because many basic goods and are simply unaffordable. his how much a basic shopping list cost in 2019 for around $10000.00 lebanese lira, you could get a little milk and a killer each of tomatoes, oranges. apples, cucumbers, rice and chicken. that same amount today will buy you less than 300 grams of tomatoes or the cars. his value is also collapsed. the lebanese mirrors lost more than 90 percent of its value since 2019. the exchange rate is currently $38000.00
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against the dollar compared to $1500.00 just 3 years ago. so that's why basic goods, like groceries and fuel become so expensive, a ride in a shared taxi used to cost 2000 lire before the crisis. now it costs 50000, then 100 reports from the town of big name on how the crisis is changing the way people eat, travel, and live. ah, it's a new mode of transport to lebanon's impoverished north a new reality in a country where nearly 80 percent of people are poor. stock talks are becoming more popular as the high cost of living changes the way of life. i just saw that i do on my general life has become very difficult. so we are always looking for ways to save money and it's have the price to go stuck docs. and that of course it's been 3 years since the economy collapse already vulnerable the global rise and food and
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fuel prices has worse than blood and on situation politicians blame for decades of corruption and mismanagement are failing to agree on a recovery plan. 2 most of lebanon's people life has changed. basic necessities are an affordable, especially since the cash strapped the state and the subsidies on basic goods. in a country that imports nearly everything, food price inflation is among the highest in the world. people's diets have changed . i used to sell between 200 to 300 chickens a day. now some about 50 sales have been affected across the board with a vegetable. so even close bread a main staple is 6 times more expensive as production costs, spiral power cuts last most of the day. not everyone can afford the diesel for private generators. others switch to wood stoves since a gas cylinder cost,
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half of the minimum monthly wage. as mit, they've been seen when me as people are returning to all traditions, but we have to use would because we are affected by diffusion. electricity crisis, millions like rami awake, can't rely on their savings because banks have locked depositors from their dollar accounts or funds. they can access are worthless, while the local currency, the li ross, the valued against the dollar by more than 90 percent, gonna swing us our sooner. i used to get paid 13 and a half dollars an hour. we had a good life. we used to foot to eat at restaurants now my pays birth less than $2.00 an hour. we can't even attend funerals because we can't afford transportation . the crisis has pushed the middle class into poverty. and as long as politicians are a few steps to make the economy viable, again, it's likely to think even deeper than could their ellis visitor did lean north lebanon some to come on out 0. this news, our sweden's prime minister steps down after surgeon support for the far right.
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i'm one of the last vascular or jersey is warned by legend michael jordan exceeds auctioneers, expectations. details coming up with peter in support. ah hello there. let's have a look at the weather across europe, and we've seen some stormy weather in the southwest with heavy rain and stronger winds the spain and portugal. but from the satellite image, you can see that swept its way further east, where it's joined up with a cold front from the north and that's brought enhanced rainfall to central areas of the mediterranean. we are likely to see that rain continue for italy and croatia by the time we get into saturday. it will shimmy its way towards the balkans, but it is looking a lot more. settled behind that in the southwest,
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as it is for the southeast, where temperatures have remained above the average of the different story. however, up in the north, it is feeling a more like the beginning beginning of a winter than autumn and that thanks to the strong northerly wind that's blowing down that's bringing cool arctic air. dropping temperatures in cities like london and paris and bringing some wet and windy weather further across to more central and eastern areas. now we're also going to see a dramatic drop in temperature, some of the balkan states. that's thanks to this mass of wet weather as it works its way further east. we have a look at the 3 day 4 belgrade, while a dramatic drop of 10 degrees from friday into sunday we will see some wet weather on friday, but sunshine on sunday. ah, in a world where remote it's become the norm, it's never been more vital to build strong connectivity between your home and the
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office. as hell sense cutting edge beef app services allow companies unprecedented scope to protect the bonds they have grown amongst their corporate. so they are ready to face the future. united however, they choose to. well, as hale sat space to deliver your vision. it's a well to live glitz and glamour. but with the paparazzi chasing india celebrities, it's a high stakes game. one or one east coast, behind the land with those hunting for the perfect picture on al jazeera. from breaking down the headlines to exposing the pow was attempting to silence reporting . the listening post doesn't just cover the news. it covers the way the news is covered. on al jazeera ah
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ah, my new top stories here now jazeera ron's president has spoken exclusively to al jazeera about talks to renew the 2015 nuclear deal. abraham racy says any removal of sanctions should have guarantees under mechanism to achieve a lasting agreement. ukraine's president vladimir zalinski says authorities have found a mass grave in the recaptured city of is you. local police chief says up to 400 bodies, have been found ukraine retook as human to lightning in the past week in the northern hockey region. and a well food program facility has been looted and set on fire in the haitian city of good i have as violent protests, sweep across the country. demonstrations are triggered by a fuel price type,
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just as a calling for the ousting of prime minister, a halo he thousands of mourners streaming into central london hoping to catch a glimpse of the coffin of queen elizabeth the 2nd. right now, a cue along the river thames is around 8 kilometers long, and getting longer than 300000 people who are expected to make it to westminster hall before the state funeral on monday. and fisher fortson on the line, no stretches, kilometers the wait more than 6 hours. but people continue to come, refusing to be to tat, waiting for the moment they can pass the queen's coffin, waiting to pay the respects. jessica howells travelled with her granddaughter. she saw the coordination in 1953. she wanted to see her own personal farewell. i was around when the coronation was about. i saw that when i was sick on the little tele montgomery room. and i thought right, i've seen are beginning of
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a rain, a neat, they're out. they'll be many who traveled in the early hours of the morning, joined the lane walk past and no heading home. she has lena, go ahead for a long time. and when you talk about britain, it's the queen. the line though, stretches a long way from westminster hall, over bridges, past famous london landmarks, the line itself. and you'll landmark of it soon. the line stretches for kilometers, but the piece is actually reasonable. no, but with the authorities warning, thousands more are expected in london over the we can, the lines are going to get bigger. the weight is going to get longer overnight. the military held rehearsals for mondays funeral. the gun candidates, which will be the queen's casket, rolling through the empty streets from buckingham palace. an empty black coffin
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carried into westminster abbey. most of the royals have kept a low profile of the last 24 hours. but the new year to the throne was out at santa m. at what was the queen's country estate in the east of england. prince william and princess catherine gathering flowers, talking to well wishers. back in london, it's now estimated by the authorities. more than 300000 people will in time file past. as the late queen lies in state, meeting the expectations for a nation. seeing farewell, alan fisher, al jazeera, london and authorities have prepared for the cue to stretch as long as 16 kilometers and a queen. as we heard there has been lying and state in westminster hall in the heart of london. the cure to see her coffin snaking along thames with allowances for it to stretch. as far as i saw that park not far from the tower of london. and this is how long it is now. meaning somebody at the back of the key will have to wait around 9 hours and you simmons at joins is live and andrew people at came to
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be part of the ritual almost however long it takes it seems. well, that would seem the case. laura, i just come back from the southern talk, which is a half ride by taxi, by the qx. you're going to take about at least 3 hours to get this fall, which is not quite the midpoint that can be for our, for some people who then go over here to southern bridge on a cross that bridge. you'll see just, yeah, a lot of people over the queue finding out a little bit right away across southern bridge, down onto another, snaky like roots on the way over here. just the army could see westman to the look. so close book. it is so far, so the people who are joining the queue, i am southern park are going to be walking all night long. but everyone we've
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spoken to so far is committed to the calls of a few minutes. contemplation, paying their last respects to the queen. we spoke to a number of people earlier on and this is what they had to say. it's just of history and i want to be part of pay my respects. yeah, i have to do. no, i mean i can't think of anything else to say. i just have to be here and i have to do this because of what a wonderful monica she's been to so you feel this is some sort of pilgrimage for i think, i think so. yes, it's just very touching to have to come here. i think. and, you know, just just such a tragedy really just to try to do. so you saw the mood, the people are quite somber or not ready. devastated or,
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or sort of shocked but, but really contemplative of what is happening here when they get near or we're hearing more, more from people when they get nearer to a westminster hall, where the place that's met evil. it's a vast, a stone built a chapel if you will. lodge a carpeted now very still very, very quiet inside an airy atmosphere a by all accounts with the gods were the queen's gods. now the king's gods, lined up with in vigil stature, leaning forward. and they are every 20 minutes or so. tap, tap, tap, and they change god as a very, very choreographed military sequence of events with a more tap taps as, as they go. so people ex servicemen saluting women,
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have practiced, the kurt says a cut seeing or just standing still looking on. and the whole process this, this lying and state is going to be 4 days. something like 350000. possibly people will view the queen's coffin. it lying in states. now this is really a people's day effectively thursday because king charles the 3rd is in his residence in gloucestershire. i grove. he's having a calm day by all accounts, a day of reflection. it's been described as in readiness for a trip on friday to wales. ah, that's going to be the end of his whole u. k tour. it's exactly a week now. since queen elizabeth the 2nd died, he's cow, he's covered so many kilometers, thousands and thousands, in fact all over the country since she died. moral in scotland on monday,
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the state funeral is going to be the biggest you case ever seen in terms of molten molten funerals. that's the biggest since. since winston churchill is a funeral in 1965. anderson and thank you. and group of migrants, boston from texas, having left stranded near the washington, d. c. home, a vice president come la harris. that's another group of about 50 people was sent from the southern. the state of florida to martha's vineyard in massachusetts, the republican governor of florida rhonda santas has claimed responsibility while greg albert of texas says he sent the migrants to the capital. they accuse democrats of ignoring border security. whitehouse accuses of governors of using the migrants as political pawns and calls the acts shameful data. but i got on the when i was on the trip here, i was given a bag with food,
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something to eat on the 40 hour trip. and it was a very long trip, quite tough. we didn't expect to be left the drift here without knowing where to head to our objective is to reach new york your time and meet us and fix us. i was held in migration detention in texas. i mean, from the migration center we would take into a place the culture. we were given information. so you're able to contact your relative if you had any with my case that i chose to take a bus which was leaving free of charge and the destination was washington d. c. a. i came looking for the possibility to find work and get ahead like everybody else. how did your customer has more from washington d. c. a white house folks person called this a pure political stun, to say that it was shameless for these republican border governors to be sending children and women and men and families to the side of a busy washington street. that is where these a 101 people were essentially dumped this morning outside of the residents of vice
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president comalla harris. and this was not the only destination for migrants from the border yesterday in what appears to be a coordinated campaign. though governor of florida paid for 2 flights of migrants from texas to go to martha's vineyard, massachusetts, which is a small resort town where washington's elite go to vacation. the message from both of these governors was clear. it was again shared with reporters and on twitter to day saying that this was a deliberate way of getting the attention of president biden. and his administration in addressing the complaints of these border governors that they say the border is not secured. however, if you do look at the numbers, they tell a slightly different story, while crossings are still certainly an issue. there were about $200000.00 encounters between us agents and migrants in the month of july, which is
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a decrease from the peak in may, and also lower than the same time. last year. greek naval officers are taking bought in drills with the turkish maritime force, despite a diplomatic spot between the neighbors. the naval exercises with other nato nations taking place off the western turkish coast and am costing you said this from one of the ships. the dynamic marina is a naval fostered. maven drill whole turkey and they send mediterranean and the agency of the largest coins held in 2022 in the region of occasions approve its operational level. the capacity for phoebe is elements can take over nato's maritime component, co, ma'am test from the u. k. for 2023. and many, i curious as this abril comes with its time when turkey and with to natal. l lives are all over territorial waters and a space,
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but great is also one of the 15 countries that have been attending the navy drill that has been away for a while. turkish military oper should refrain from any political command, but they say that the aim over 2 navy rail is to contribute on nato's collective defense and the shorter commitment to the military law enlisted president biden is hailing a tentative deal. holt: a rail strike which would have disrupt kamesia services across the u. s. unions and railway companies reached the agreement after 20 hours of intense talks with whitehouse, atlanta shut down would have dealt a blow to the already struggling u. s. economy. the deal now goes to the unions to be voted on. this is a win for tens of thousands real workers and for their dignity and the dignity of their work. it's a recognition of that with disagreement. railroad companies will be able to retain
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and recruit workers. they'll be able to continue to operate effectively as a vital piece of our economy to the american people. this agreement can avert a significant damage that any shut down would abroad. our nation's rail system as the backbone of our supply chain. sweden's prime minister has resigned after her government was defeated in sundays election. dylan anderson's center lashed block now or last to block of right wing parties for race reports from mama mclean anderson 100 in her resignation to the speaker of the swedish parliament at about 11 am stock home time. a very low key end to a remarkable 10 months in charge. she became sweden's 1st ever female prime minister made the historic decision to take the country into nato. and indeed, she improved her party at the social democrats, results at these elections with 30 percent of the vote. not enough, though,
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her reign will also be remembered for sweden's shift to the right at the man now charged with trying to put the government together its own. kristen, leader of the moderate party who has thrown, they locked in with the right wing suite, and democrats, who in this election have become the 2nd biggest party in sweden. now the door still might be open for magdalena anderson in a sense in her resignation speech. she said that she was prepared to talk to of christus and to see if he wanted to change his mind about working with the far right. a possible moderate social democratic government. it seems far fetched at the moment, but it's something that could happen as talks continue over the coming weeks. still to come on out as there is news out, we look back at the career of roger federer. after the 20 time grand slam champion retires from tennis. ah
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fisher and line of the journey. lou ah. still hearing to seek when elizabeth's coffin at westminster. hol. these live pictures i body will lie there until monday morning, before her funeral and eventual burial. in windsor, a british monarchy is around 1200 years old and the weights of old over centuries has resulted in some unusual powers for the reigning king or queen. like his mother, king charles, the 3rd will travel overseas without a passport because british ones are issued in his name. the same reason he can drive without a driving license. queen elizabeth the 2nd had 2 birthdays,
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actual one on april 21st, which she marked privately and an official public celebration on the 2nd tuesday in june. when the weather is warmer. charles's birthday is at the start of winter on the 14th of november. so it's likely he'll also have an official birthday in a woman month. and one, it doesn't just rain over people since the 12th century unmarked mute swarms in open waters across england and wales. considered their property. this also applies to sturgeon dolphins and whales in british waters. and every 10 years them on it gets an official poet who compose his verses just for them. the tradition dates back to the 17th century and the current one is simon armitage. the purchase paid with an annual salary and the barrel sherry that's around $720.00 bottles. and the hayward has heard was a long reign and many marking her death. se queen elizabeth, the 2nd was a constant in their lives in the church of england. pres said every day for the
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monarch, lord chose i mercy upon us. and granted sy salvation lord, save the king. and massively here, when we call upon the and while the sentiment remains, the words have changed. it is a seamless change. the press are for the sovereign for the queen, and now for the king king charles. because we remember that the sovereign is the supreme governor of the church, of england church of england has a protect carol. and to time god willing of the church will crown and anoint the new king o. the past week has seen rituals stretching back centuries being played out. but in many ways, the british queen silently permeated areas of everyday life. here and in countries
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where she was head of state money bearing her image will be phased out over a number of years and replaced by that of a son, king charles. the 3rd, anyone under the age of 70 in the u. k has only known postage stamps with the queen's picture on them. the 7 decades they chronicled her life has no guns going to major change a be a gradual change. hello majesty. the queen approved the stamps of for the next 2 or 3 issues and or later this month we have an issue for the royal marines. then we've got sir. another issue coming up for, for the treasures of to can car moon. i think we'll just have to wait and see what the new king decides and or that will be exciting for us. all. there will be other changes to one theatre in london is expected to alter its name from her to his majesty's theatre. the world sigh thought one uniforms warmed by. officials and on
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royal documents will be replaced. even of course the highest lawyers in the land have changed their name from queens to king's council. and the other day i think i signed the 1st letter. a formal letter about something, and i thought, oh, i'd better use casey, other than that, there is no formal difference. many of these changes are symbolic, but they do very much represent a changing of the guard. emma haywood al jazeera in london, beaches in our sport. thank you. lauren, one of the greatest men's tennis festival time roger federer has announced his retirement from the sport. the 20 time grand slam champion says he'll no longer playing majors or on the atp tour. joanna gosh, rosco, looks back on. he's incredible. 24. your career hutcher phaedra has given us some of the most
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thrilling moments we've seen in tennis. but at 41, the switch still has finally decided to call it quits. per 3 years have presented me with challenges in the form of injuries and surgeries. but i also know my bodies capacities and limits and its message to me lately has been clear. janice has treated me more generously than i ever would have dreamt. and now must recognize when it is time to end my competitive career. ah, next week's labor come in london will be phaedrus final atp event, and he won't play any more grand slams. it's the knee issue all over again when it comes to the grind of the regular tour. he is brought, he is not being able to stand up to that. i think we could all see it coming, but it still comes as a shock and surprise, ha headers. first of 20 grand slam titles came at wimbledon in 2003
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way instantly became a crowd. playford, people came from boston and home. and so nice you know, to share this moment and thanks to everybody else. ah, a total of $103.00 atp titles, followed in a career that included an incredible $1251.00 match, wins the swiss. maestro spent a total of $310.00 weeks as well. no one amassing more than 100. $30000000.00 in prize money throughout his career. i consider myself one of the most fortunate people on earth. how has given a special talent to plato and i did it at a level that i never imagined for much longer than i ever thought possible. some of the matches just to see how glorious he. busy was in a tennis court, if his movement was like a ballet dancer, hey, there are so many moments with his career and it's just
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a really nice guy. federal leaves the game 3rd on the list of all time. grand slam champions behind novick joke of it and raphael on the tao. i actually do think he's the greatest. roger was the benchmark, was that by the men's tennis you want to get raska. and just even over the years, roger federer has shed a rivalry and friendship with $22.00 time grand slam champion, wrapped around the tao. the spaniard tweeted his response to federal retirement. he said, i wish the stay would have never come. it's a sad day for me personally and for sports around the world. it's been a pleasure, but also an honor and privilege to share all these years with you living so many amazing moments on and off the court. tennis channel analysts, john worth, i'm joins me now from knoxville in the united states. john, always good talking to you. what is roger federals legacy? it's a great question and i think there's still legacy to build because i don't think
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it's of the player who's going to divorce himself from tennis. but i think some of this is just the, the empirical and the 20 majors. some of the numbers we've thrown out there, but i also think this is an athlete who showed you don't need to be ferocious. you don't need to be fierce. you can be normal and empathetic and still be the towering champion. and i think a lot of us at the beginning, we all waited for roger better to get this hard and exterior. and when was he turned into the competitive beef and it just didn't happen. he was thoroughly decent when he broke through and he was never anything left through today. when he announces retirement, he was pretty much with textbook play, wasn't he? but, but what made him such a great player? i think some of it was just natural talent. i think some of it was just the options of his disposable. i don't know if there was ever been a player who's been more complete. and i think some of that was just the way he
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went about his business. he didn't make a lot of noise. he didn't sweat a lot, he always looked dapper and he always seemed to sort of be in on the job. he always seemed to have the sort of disposition. i'm a lucky guy. i don't know how i got this talent either. i'm just going to have fun with it, and i think that we'll talk about his grace and we'll show all these highlights and we'll talk about the angles of the. but to me, it was always the disposition where he just was never anything less than a graceful sportsman. john, whenever a great player retires, it's inevitable that there is speculation about the future. so let speculate then is the sport in good hands for the likes of him retiring in the dublin, georgia which coming towards the left stages of baker is yeah, i think some of that is because of the benchmark that they've all said. but you know, it was 4 to 4 days ago we had a 19 year old breakthrough and when the us open, so there is a bit of
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a sense that we're out at this point at the pivot point in tennis. and i think will be fine. i think roger better and a dollar joke which they have set of standards. i do not think we're going to be the next generation with re players winning 20 or more majors, which is just statistically absurd. but in terms of tennis is global appeal in terms of the way players come comport themselves. the business mom and i think these guys have set a really strong foundation. we just need to adjust our expectations instead of one guy winning 20 or 21 majors. it might be 6 or 7 winning 3, but that is what's left the outlier, that 3 calorie champions all playing bible said john with i'm thank you ever went anytime christiana, rinaldo has gone back to scoring ways. so man, just the united as they beat sheriff tara small in the rope league united, opened the scoring, and moldova and christian ericsson put the ball 3 to jayden censure. it was
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in a water penalty for a fell in the box priscilla and all those to get to school to see the laundry, but also the 600 and 99th abuse club, gary as it finished to note the united it's their 1st points of the competition of the, losing their opening match to rail sophia bad. last week. sherry playing in rugby, the new zealand, all blacks have retained the blood flow cup the trophy, which they consist annually against australia. the key was also top the robot chairmanship table, but some african argentina. still in contention of the tense, 1st off the zealand race into if anyone can lead early in the 2nd off the are these fall back to not only reduce that deficit, but actually take the lead in melbourne. who want to be who penalize contribution for time wasting in the final minutes and the all blacks took advantage to school. dramatic late winner a basketball jersey,
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one sworn by michael jordan, had sold an auction for more than $10000000.00. the red chicago bulls chop with jordan's number 23 on the back was warning game one of the 1998 n b a finals. that was the last title victory for the 6th time. chem and that's where we'll leave it's lauren more sports news again later. thanks peter. and that said to me, lauren taylor, this news out on the back amendment with another for rana for today's news. thanks for watching ah ah
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