tv The Stream Al Jazeera September 22, 2022 10:30pm-11:01pm AST
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all military intelligence and ukraine is saying that many of the 215 prisoners of war, released by russia and exchange for 55 russians, had suffered torture, turkey, a broker, the deal, which includes the transfer of one high profile oligarchy with close ties to vladimir putin, gabriel alexander reports now from keith. it's the most significant prisoner swaps and sore began. 215 ukrainian soldiers released by russia in a deal brokers by turkey. this is definitely a victory for our state for our entire society, a most in portland, for 215 families who be able to see the loved ones is safety. mister president, dear fellow ukrainians, i am eternally grateful to you for bringing us back. thank you very much. emotions are overwhelming lou in a separate deal, facilitated by saudi arabia, 10 foreigners fighting alongside ukrainian forces have also been released on most
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of the ukrainian soldiers released were part of the so called as our regiment. that held out for weeks defending the as of stall steel plant and murray, you pull despite being surrounded and shelled by russian forces. they finally surrendered in may. as part of the agreement, 5 of the unit commanders will remain in turkey until the end of the war. the soldiers that fought and as a star, are considered at national heroes here in ukraine, you can see signs of it all overfeed. and while many were released in his prisoner swap, it's believed hundreds more are still being held as prisoners of war, or the russians to hold up its into the bargain. ukraine has freed 55 russian soldiers as well as victor medford chak a ukrainian oligarch and former lawmaker who was jailed on treason charges in the early days of the war. vladimir putin is godfather to med,
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but chooks daughter in russia. some bloggers have criticized the kremlin, saying it gave up too much, but for ukrainians there's happiness, but tempered only by fears for those still detained. he said, finally, they're all free. what i think all of you creative worrying for all of those who are still in the family, it's a huge tragedy to lose a loved one. but for those who are returning its happiness, while the prisoner swap is a positive sign of diplomacy, it's not expected to last with neither side, willing to compromise the fighting rages on gabriel zango, which is either keith we've been hearing from me wanting to present brian that you see in new york place, but attending you in general assembly this hour. and he was asked about iran's nuclear program. also about the death of 22 year old ma saw armine and the,
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the unrest and the protest that that has triggered in iran. and actually we just have the reuters news agency now citing iranian news agency, so citing domestic media in iran saying that the intelligence ministry is warning that attending protest is illegal out. people have been gathering since the death of my saw armine in protest in demonstrations against the morality previous against the authorities that we have this lie now that those price i thought, ah ah,
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hello everyone, i'm josh rushing and you're in the stream. today we're talking about hunger and somalia, the challenges facing a groups there and what can be done to help. we want to hear your thoughts and questions. so see that they're joined us in that conversation. we have a live producer waiting to get your questions to me so that i can get them into the show. ah, the world's worst famine in a century is looming over parts of somalia as the horn of africa, braces for its 5th consecutive season of drought. the war ukraine has caused food and supply prices to skyrocket. pushing many people to the brink, the united nations says time is running out to save millions of people from starvation. in seeking more than $1000000000.00 to provide humanitarian relief. have a listen to what's at stake in somalia. what can be done? what must be done to help millions of people in need amid this terrible drought crisis is
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a massive scale up of humanitarian assistance. as the human world food program we've already scaled up to reach more people than ever before, but we need the funding to sustain and increase the scale up. one of the major challenges is getting this aide to the people who need it most, especially in areas where access is difficult because of conflict and insecurity. we have families that have lost live stock. we have millions of people with intellect displeased, and we are calling for donors and international community to provide more supports to provide more funding so that we can scale up point of visions. so that'll can somewhat more people and so little consume more legs. joining us today from smalley, lan, nemo hassan juice, the director of the somalia in gio consortium. we also have holden ali, the director of the durable solutions unit in mogadishu. who's at the u. wind in new york this week. an esther going be an assistant professor at the university of illinois. now before we get to our guest, i want to show you the audience,
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a map of what's happening in the country. now the map on the left, that one right there, actually, you're looking at it now that shows where we are up to the end of this month and september and what you see as a country in crisis. but once we roll into october through december, much of the orange becomes red. and you see an emergency. you see red flags from millions of lives at stake. and let me show you why. let's go to my computer here. this is a tweet from samantha power usa id. the map that has some of the blue and green on here is 2017. this is the last time that somalia faced a possible famine and actually didn't go through the family. you see some blue and green there. look at the difference between 20172022. what 5 seasons of drought have done to this country? it has read like it's on fire. nemo, you're in the region. what's going on there?
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what's happening? good evening, josh. thank you for having me. i think you actually painted a very stock situation and some of the moments were over 90 percent of the country is experiencing extreme drought conditions. with about 7800000 people close to 50 percent of the population. now facing crisis level insecurity, children are already dining. some part of the country partners on the ground have been calling out for support to support the life setting interventions at mass scale. and i think people just showed the 27th, the difference between 20172011 was also another worst crisis with quarter 1000000 people at least 133000 of them children. i'm but 2022 where we are now is actually unprecedented. it's the worst we've seen.
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this is long, i'm conflict. you have the impact of cobra. one thing you have this drought which is full consensus, i think the, the western 40th and that's taking place at the moment. and if we don't scale up the rate that the situation is getting, we will see much more death than in 20112017. the global community reacted well in time and a birth and family. and we need to do the same much of some video here. this is from the whirlpool program and reuters and i want to warn our viewers. it's not easy to look at this is to see, but i don't want to be so privileged that we don't see what's actually happening on the ground in somalia. how do you tell me what? what's it actually like for the families there right now?
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what are they going through? i think misery and miserable is not enough. it's actual hell on earth for some families at the mom and the pictures that you're showing. i mean, i came back to somebody on talk 2011 at the height of the famine, and it's starting to look like that. we haven't seen really dramatically the same numbers, but the images that are starting to show are heading in that direction. and as you pointed out on the map earlier in terms of the extreme levels of the drought, accumulative additives of consecutive and weighed failures in sleep insecurity. the impact of this time is gonna be much greater because communities have lost the resilience to withstand a lot of these are shops that are happening right now. so if, if we don't respond immediately, i think we are going to see maybe
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a double. what we've saw in 2011 so that you know, those images that you're showing now, even in not that's not just the rural areas. we're seeing images of that in the show, the capital of the country. how on earth i think yes sir, i was actually going to ask you, ah, it also starts want to bring him some voices from. are you to community? this is louis phil says, how was famine still a thing in this day and age and what ways could world powers to help to solve the issue? we're going to get to solving a toward the end of the show. but 1st i want to say, well how, how does this keep happening? why is this plea exactly? that is the reason and we know why it's hot and it's because every year when droughts happen in the home of africa, all we do is jump out of the 8. we put a bandaid, we put a bonded and we know that we don't do any long term concrete actions. and for
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example, we us, for right now the u. n. is before 80000000. with that thought, $18000000.00, it's all going to be spent on immediate to a vot junglin from guy. but why are we not looking concrete measures? why is a we have in drought, climate change? most of the communities are depending on grain fed agriculture to produce crops that livestock to i depending on great their failing, we cannot be and completely hungry. so it is important to realize that all we are doing is, every year, having this temporary, ah, measures not to concrete measures when even if we have concrete measures, what we're going to look at as raphael. what is happening to see what is walking, what is not wanting so that we can skill this best practices again when it happens
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next year, a certain you brought in that you well, we actually have a comment from the un commission for human rights for venus, sham dasani, here's what she had to say about it. the ongoing conflict with elisha bab complicates the humanitarian response in terms of gaining access to many of those who are in need. children, women, and older persons are bearing the brunt of the crisis. as the majority of people displaced by drought, this makes children more vulnerable to abuse and exploitation, to recruitment and to use by armed forces and groups, and at risk of sexual violence. the drought is already resulting in increase fighting over ever scarcer resources, which has led to larger displacement of communities and an increase in violence against women and children. her name, oh, it seemed like you wanted to jump in there, but what i was picking up from esther was sounds like if we keep putting the band aid on it that this is gonna get worse year after year. does that?
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does that ring true to you? absolutely, i totally agree with that. and i think, i mean, obviously somebody has been in crisis for the last 50 years. and you know, this area the home because it's not prone to drought, but the current climate crisis actually proportionally affecting the community and especially the poor communities who have been hit by one crisis of the other. and i totally agree that we are focus the money that i see. the response is totally focused on the band aid to humanitarian life saving. what we really need to do is to invest in those faults on long term development programs. we need to go beyond the humanitarian response and approach this problem with which certainly will come back again and again from a development angle. you know, we need to be asked uncertain questions and how can somebody adapt to climate
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change, which actually is the least contributor to the current crisis. and how can i shoe its population from the negative impact of climate change? how resilient are the economy, finances to natural disaster and climate change? these are the questions that need to be answered by all the stakeholders, including donors and the somebody government to ensure that these fundable communities can withstand these constant shots that are predictable. coming back, i want to get you in on this, but guys, i want to share something on my computer real quick because it seems to me that somalia is often at the tail end of what crises are happening around the rest of the world. seem to like land and hit harder in somalia. so for example, the war in ukraine is having a mass effect effect in somalia. but just this week, the cabinet ministers of ukraine have allocated approximately $12000000.00 to provide humanitarian, a d t o p. and maya would suffer from view shortage. this is coming through odessa
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. well, how long should wait until the an 8 tonight is the question. that is the question. every step called every leader, including those who are attending the own gullies. yeah. those are the questions that we should be asking, and demanding answers, immediate answers and answers that have concrete action. so as i said, we did ask these questions, anyone, j, you're at the u. n. j o r r u, as in those questions, and how are people responding? so i can pick up where esther left off and also maybe the video. i think it's easier to justify. the problem that come on is quite right now to security, etc, etc. i think there's a failure in terms of the 8th system in the infrastructure that isn't for me on the we are missing the point. i mean, obviously, right now we're about saving lives. and obviously we need to raise fun to quote unquote, a nice of beyond the saving lives. i, our government,
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this government needs to acting and asking the right questions around how the money that the, the country is allocated. things can we know on the ground that the money that the money would not efficiently spend on with 1000000000 building programs, water infrastructure, diversification of likelihood, and etc, etc. and i think it's so long as we keep by stuffing the real problems. we're going to be yet another famine in a couple of years. the issue of climate is just one issue that has drilled the intervention for money. obviously. now exacerbating everything that is just the infrastructure issue in terms of donor giving money to you and agencies implementing programs and the lack of really long term strategy around how do you listen? so money is, you know, income or that comes,
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comes from like stuck in farming yet we have to then little to support the community. then little to actually maybe move the communities from, from those particular skills to others so that they can start, you know, living rather than being saved all the time when 2011 tell. now that making somebody have double now nearly 40 percent of the population. so one in to be some mileage is displayed by the end of the year. drought, or not a famine. we're going to how much more people displaced yet. we continue to fund emergencies rather than sustainable development programs. i think so long as we're not talking about that we're not talking about the issue. yes. are we raising the issues we are in every so i'm sitting. 8 them how, how are sitting we are asking in we are advising to invest differently and i think it's time also on the government and to say no,
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this is what some money needs aligned. the investment with the national development plan with local solutions that are tailored for local problems and as long as we're not doing that, we will be back on this show in couple of years. talking about the same issue. unfortunately, i think you're right, you're right about the one of the things i keep on you go and read and read right now i day, every one to open and read about do all we lead is the problem. the problem where we'd not treat talking about the solutions, what i the end, what is being done, even the journalist that report all you report is images of people that are dying at the up well gets oh ah, lights adept, look at the projects that are walking that can then be scaled. can we, how equal reporting to be able to see those at the end of the day? i think when we just report on one side, the east of the actual, then everybody sees it's doom and gloom. there's nothing that we can do,
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i think also asked her lucky reality of the news, right? if we weren't reporting about a famine and drought in small you today, we would be reporting about floods in disease in pakistan today. and if it wasn't about that, it would be about war and war crimes and ukraine. i mean, we don't report it on the plains that take off and don't crash. that's just the nature of the media, right? yes, but i saw then i think need to challenge ourselves. what is it? n keels to start? actually she adding one of these projects initiatives that are walking in the ground on ground solution so that they can scale that. ok, good doesn't. it does look no less. com, melissa, and weak in as them in the projects. i way way i'm going to set you up. i'm gonna set you up nemo, because i want to bring in some voices from youtube. and you guys gotta hear this. there's actually some distrust of the n jose in youtube anymore. i think you might be best to address this, but um we have muse yusef,
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who says only somalian people can help migration up efforts. oh, hold on. i want to get to the ears as hussein says, the aid industry has raised billions. where's all that money gone? ah, there's lots of questions about the ngos, the money, and distrust their kid. me mom, can you address that? please? thank you very much. i'm. i think i think everyone hear the panel on the video. some questions, you know, i mean they're really questions that we need to ask us all across the spectrum where the government's donors all in joe's. and i think we really need to critically look at what we've done correctly. and i think we have done a lot rightly because many, many people will say some happening. so if somebody has, if dependent on aid, any type of aid, whether to my parent development and i think it's really important. now we are asking those critical questions across the spectrum. i certainly think the government needs to take a bigger role in ensuring that so the probably finance is kind of also would stand
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. it's really good to hold you to the accountable on exam and exactly how that money's been spent. like i said earlier, what is really important is king at the time in the modeling, the finance model at the moment is focused on humanitarian, which is and those life saving activities. and i, like i said, the system to him as him system has been stretched over the last 30 as well. whether it's in constant crisis in some money. if paul could have the time to recover 2011, you have the standing by the time 2017 hits. people have barely recovered from the funding and the impact on their livelihoods. 201718. 2019. you have the look to actually definitely see people's crops. 2021 and 19 you have cobra pandemic, the global obviously hitting the poorer community is far worse. then you have the
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ukrainian crisis. we success a bit that everything insulation is going to have full price of going up. well now for communities, if i'm not able to afford the full price of triple or w certain areas in the country. so i think we need to look across the spectrum. we also need to focus on development aid, ensuring that equally investing development shorts and long term recovery plan so that these communities are able to withstand one show and they will inevitably come as well as their jump in there. yes, i agree with everything and also we, i think they need to look at data science. what inside of telling us? let's see, into the warnings even as we talk about fame new drugs, we know that they've already existing data intelligence, satellites, data. we know that this is the an impending situation. we need also to create accountant accountability across the sector, including not only the n g r,
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but even would do the united emission system within the government. no one should feel like they if they are safe and they should not be looked at. i think it's important to, but most importantly, i think we also excluding people that may be out of solving the salad. for example, i think of diaspora who people like me well, how he lived in these countries where we can still do a big part of the time to do a. we also missing it for every dollar lot that is spent on your money carry an $850.00 cent is put aside to do meaningful long term development projects that build in the resilience that we need. and what does that resilience look like? it should be a very well thought out and when create a document that we know ok, this is how we're going to talk about this. and then when we have read called,
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we how we know what to do, we are collaborating across the stakeholder. we are investing in long term as we do . you think we also lean into everybody in the hold on hold on. i'm going to come to you next. ok, hold on. just 2nd esther. i want to bring in another voice from our community. this is clarence c k, and she is a campaigner from greenpeace africa, and she's talking about solutions as well. so let's just say 48 is good. it is not sustainable in the long run. and so my guess should be looking at increasing its at casual productivity. it should be looking at to putting in place a policy plans and resource allocation plans that to make sure that its farmers have access to water. so managed by king became a crisis, just like if he had been a country african quarantine, it's what had he. so his ash thinking, so position of water is important for it's from us to grow food should be looking
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at for maybe it would such as will kind of try to lays as the farmers building infrastructure to help comp, footloose his info gray stage. and increasing the productivity of key cro possession. so come and finally just enhancing security in the key for production is okay, and i'm looking at the comments from are you to bought? isn't that the biggest theme here might be how can they help? we even have a comment from someone named brad lovely, who says, can't we create a specialized app or use current social media platforms to leak flash match, interested international donors to the most serious cases in somalia. so there spitballing ideas here. ah, hold on, you're there at the you, when we're it's, it's design to deal with these kind of crises. i'm curious, are you running into any kind of disaster fatigue from international donors and what do you think can be done or, or what kind of solutions are you guys talking about not just for this crisis, but for long term moving forward. oh yes,
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there are low term solution discussions that are happening and i think people are as right. yeah, i think you know, the, the audience that is sending in the messages around. so i think there is a collective fatigue. there's been mistrust around what's happening in some milan, maybe in the horn, across the region in terms of sort of the issues in why things keep on being the way they are. i think there's a lot of top down systems that are that have. ringback in place in somalia, in the submissions in the programming that happened or not necessarily bottom up community lead community owns local government and regional government support it. i work at the las pallet and it's really difficult to negotiate with partners and funders to actually support the systems that are needed to address these long term issues. i, i do believe that you cannot you can't and you can't talk about solutions without
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actually building systems are government system. so mine is government systems over time have eroded and now we are in the back. you know, we're back in trying to build those systems. but yet continuously you see, ah, ah, non governmental entities delivering basic services in the majority of the resources are going towards that. so long term solutions. not only do we need, did their patient livelihood and investment in community based programming. we also need to build systems because ultimately it, oh, i mean, i'm in new york right now and, and who delivers? you know, schooling and policing and, and how can that be the local governments do? they did the, the municipalities do. but yet, these systems are not being invested to build a long term community resilience. i mean, as far as you know, here in new york, i mean, you can imagine that there's
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a lot of conversations about getting funds and getting funds and getting funds. but i do think until and unless we go back home in, we sit at the table, especially those at the decision making a capacity, whether there is to ensure that whatever funds that are coming this year in the, in the, in the years the come are canada yes, i got a rafter show here where the finally should on a 2nd, but i want to know that al jazeera is gonna keep watching this. we know that as we move into october, december, things could get much worse there. if people look in health programs like role food program or out there, that's it for now. thank you for joining us. ah ah
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ah, in australia indigenous women, they're missing that disproportionately high rates. 11 east investigate is enough being done to help find missing aboriginal on al jazeera, it's a leave of the right wing party for a deli vidalia is a heads in the pulled good. it's a slice of victory and the good luck with the stifles, who's in government. what are the why do run applications for the european union? i may say without 0 or the latest update and india and that ah
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