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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  September 23, 2022 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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spinning thing, this lo might develop into something over the next few days on its way out through maybe jamaica and towards florida. but currently its enhancing the right over where you don't want it may be for 3 care more especially the dominican republic as go further west though, looking at mexico still look very wet over land in southern mexico and my west coast. there are 2 tropical sy clones in the eastern pacific, but both stay at more or less over open water. now over the us, it's become much colder recently, drop or 10 degrees in most essential states in, in eastern canada too. but you're either probably drawn mortar fiona, this could well be still hurricane strength. 20 hits nova scotia on saturday casa airway. official air line of the journey. ah,
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this is al jazeera ah hello, warm welcome. thank you for joining us. i'm several venue. this is the news, our live from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, at least 70 people are dead after a boat sinks off the coast of syria, where live in lebanon near where the vessel went down. for moscow control regions of ukraine are voting to decide whether to join russia. the west is calling this an illegal land. grab the u. k unveils multi $1000000000.00 tax cuts to kickstart it's economy. but critics say will do little to ease the high cost of living and will be on a u. s. aircraft carrier, taking part in joint military drills of south korea is a show of strength against north korea. i'm joining gets rosco with the sports on the day, most headed fans wished will never come. 20 time, grand slam champion, roger federer is preparing to play his last competitive match. the full, the tiring on the game.
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ah, so we start this news, our were the one of the deadliest migrant boats thinkings in the eastern mediterranean, at least 70 migrants have died after their vessel capsized off the coast of syria. at least 20 people have been rescued. however, many more are still missing. survivors told officials that the boat left from the northern lebanon, from northern lebanon on tuesday, and was bound for europe. lebanon is seeing a rise in migration over the past years, with a growing number of lebanese syrians and palestinians trying to flee the country by sea. lebanon has been in the grips of mounting economic meltdown since 2019, and the crisis has pulled nearly all the population into poverty. let's bring in xena hodder, who joins us live now from near, where the boat capsized near the lebanon syria border. explain to us what's happening around usina well,
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approximately an hour ago, ambulances crossed the into syria, along with families, members of the victims, they're going to start the identification process. they're going to identify the bodies, what we understand in the coming hour or so. ambulances carrying the bodies, we'll start arriving here in lebanon. as you can see, behind me, people have gathered here. there's a lot of tension, grief, anger, mixed emotions. really, some of these people don't even know whether they're a family member or friend, is among the dead. we know that they, the syrian authorities have managed to recover more than 70 bodies and it's still not clear how many people were on that boat. there are conflicting numbers with something more than more than 100. so people don't know whether their loved ones are, are dead, whether or not they're still missing. now many of those who are on the boat were
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not just lebanese. they were also a palestinian refugees, as well as syrian refugees. we've been talking to people here, and you know, despite the dangers, they tell us that if there was a boat right now, they would get on that boat and make their way, try to make their way to europe. because life has become extremely difficult in lebanon. as you can see, the tension here, it's not clear what is happening, but, but as you can imagine, there's a lot of emotions here. and these people say that the economic crisis, the economy which began to collapse in late 2019, they can no longer put food on the table for their kids. and they say, this is why families attempted to make the journey to, to europe. what we understand was that vote was trying to reach italy, so we are expecting the 1st batch of bodies to start arriving to lebanon in the coming hour or so. as they know, we're keeping a close eye on what's happening behind you. clearly,
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people are gathering to get some sort of information. what do we know about how the identification of the bodies is, is going to happen if anything at this stage? well, family members have are now in the hospital entire to assist and approximately 15 minute drive by so according to the syrian authorities, what they're saying is that a lot of people don't have identification papers. and this really caused them to question a lot of people. a lot of passengers on that boat were syrian syrian refugees who were escaping the war and from from it live we understand some of them are from a leper. we don't know how many of them actually survived and even if they have family members here, i really doubt they would cross into syria because these people are wanted by the authority for supporting the opposition. so there's a big question mark on, on what's gonna happen to them. the lebanese authorities have not been really forthcoming and providing information on how this process is going to work. we've
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been trying to talk to red cross officials on the ground. all they tell us is that we're waiting. once they identify a body, they're going to put the body in an ambulance and the ambulance is going across the border. so we're gonna have to wait to see this could be a long drawn out, drawn out process. but as you can see, you know, people, people are nervous, they want answers. and so, and they're tired as well. they've, they've been trying to find out about the fate of their loved ones since last night, since news spread that the boat sank and rescue operations have and search operations have begun. xena order. thank you very much for your reporting. are rapidly developing story. we'll keep checking in with thank you know, moscow control regions in eastern and southern ukraine are voting on whether to become part of russia, referendums taking place in the hands. danielle exam, parisha and her son,
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that's about 15 percent of ukraine's territory altogether. hundreds of thousands of people have until tuesday to cast their votes. keith and its western allies say that this boat is a sham, that it's an unlawful land grab. it comes as ukrainian forces continue to recapture swathes of territory and a major accounts are offensive from war. today's referendum. let's speak the hot bill. her means you joins us live from across in ukraine. how's the referendum actually unfolding in the russian control areas? what have you been able to find out but it is difficult to get the full picture of how is this referendum that was only called for about 3 or 4 days ago. how in the, in that short span of time, they were able to put all of that together, especially that, as you mentioned, is happening in 4 different regions in the south and the east of the country. now, from what we understand and from the limited information we're getting in some
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areas like in his son, for example. and apparently, according to the governor of logan's, the ukrainian governor of logan's people, a d, a d day people are going around with these ballot boxes, 2 flats, 2 houses, telling people to vote. he says that there's also a lot of intimidation that whoever says no. then has his name registered in a different note book for further repercussion. so it seems that, you know, people are either staying at home because after all, this is a referendum that is happening in a war zone. and a shelling is continuing or people simply don't want to vote that a few people who are left because you have to remember that by and large the populations as civilians in those areas have fled because of the danger of being there because of the explosions. because of the war and many of us told us also because they didn't not want to live under russian occupation. now anyone i spoke
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to was coming out from those regions to me that they believed anyway, that the result will be yes. they didn't believe that there would be a vote. they said that we haven't even heard about it. no one came to tell us, there were no preparations, nothing under ground. so it's something that is happening. i would say in quite a peculiar way. i, we do not have all the details about that. what we do know is that this is all a court coordinated with the russian as center electing electro commission in moscow. and we should be hearing from them the results of this repair, end of that will last over the next 4 days. apparently at some point they will be pulling stations open in certain areas, not in all of them. but that's the state of this referendum at this stage. hodder, another significant development today in ukraine is that the un has just share the results of its investigation into potential war crimes committed in ukraine. what
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can you tell us about that? was it any that something is going to sit very well with ukrainians? the government has been saying all along that its building its case for all these war crimes that it had recorded more than 30000 cases of war crime so far. um that was the report is basically echoing that the u. n. had a team underground here in june that's traveled extensively in areas that had been a retaken and from the russians north of kieffer, for example, in places like butcher a pin and even all further north. and she nevi towards the border with bella. ruth, and they were also went to the north east of the car, keep an in sumi regions. and they say that they found widespread evidence of detainees being beaten, electrocuted force nudity in some detention centers. they also say that they were
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surprised by the large number of exit q sions. and they also are pointing out to crimes of sexual violence and quite surprise. shockingly, i would say that report says that the sexual violence happened from a to people ranging from the age of 4282. so it's quite a damning report for russia, russia all along has been denying any of these allegations, saying that is absolutely not true. now the report still does not include areas like by, like lia is human, all these areas that have been coupons goldie's areas that have been recaptured just recently since the beginning of the month during this ukrainian counter offensive. there was a burial site in his you, for example i, when there investigators were already down to spot. they were saying already that they had seen in some of the bodies, not all of them, evidence of torture. people with their hands tied behind their back executed. they
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were pointing out to some cases of that, so that would just pile up to what d u. n is saying, but certainly ukrainian officials will be very satisfied that someone is actually supporting what they have been saying. well, one of the hamid reporting live. thank you very much. we'll keep checking in with you. finland is considering boring. most russians from entering the country. officials say traffic of the border has sharply increased since president vladimir putin ordering ordered a partial military mobilization. finland is one of the few entry points into europe for russian citizens after a number of western countries imposed restrictions after the invasion of ukraine. houses here as poor reese is with us. he joins us live from the russia, finland border. what are you able to tell us, and what have you seen for well, cyril herrin valley may. it's the busiest crossing points between a russia and finland down here in the southeast of the country. about 3 hours drive
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behind me is st. petersburg, you might just be able to see some russians getting off a bus at their band foul sanky getting their visas checked in the terminal building here and. and then we have still been having some cars driving up here. having been checked and taking the road found to helsinki, which is about a 2 hour drive away. now activity here has been increasing but its been very quiet, very orderly. theres remnants of a car q behind me that that stretched about 400 meters when i arrived at 4 or 5 hours ago and but on the surface every, everything seems very calm. as i said, people have been having that cause checked raises, checked, and they've been coming through an the board of police have said that yesterday, thursday. and the numbers coming through were double the week before. and for the
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1st time they had some asylum applications as well. and indeed, i did talk to some, some young russian men who decided to leave for finland and travel onwards. as soon as a flatmate, payton announced the partial mobilization. so how, how is finland dealing with these russians who want to escape the partial mobilization? well at the moment, most people are coming through on a, on a shang, and visa and, and that they're simply simply being let through. finland is the only a neighboring country to russia, that is allowing people through on shingle visas. at the moment. however, finland has already, i restricted the number of those that it's processing, it's being ro, the cautious, the opposition to the finished government wants it to do like the baltic states
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have done and been russian tourists altogether. finland is taking a softer approach at the moment despite that their history. for example, in world war 2, the 2 countries do have a lot of ties, especially on the, on the population level as lots of russians. he work here, am who have family here who study here. and on top of that they finish migration agency. say they are weighing up in terms of a silent crimes. how much weight to give the fact that young men would be cold up under these mobilization plans at to the russian army so won't save once they've worked those things, i will say whether this border crossing herring volley may get sat busier or quieter, over the coming days, absolutely. bull reese reporting live from the finland, russia border. thank you very much. i coming up on the news hour. a warning from the iranian army out, the protest against the death of a 22 year old woman, turned violet and in sport, one of the more unusual cameos you'll ever see in
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a rap video. josie moreno make special appearance. ah, iran army is warning that it will confront, would it cause enemies as protests continue against the death of a 22 year old woman in police custody massa? mimi died last week after being arrested by the so called morality police for allegedly violating the countries headscarf policy. iran said tv is supporting that at least 26 people have been killed during the rest. president abraham racy has ordered an investigation into her death that he has also called the demonstrations of chaos, missouri how go to their house. they have always been protest and we hear their demands. but there is a difference between riot and protest. nobody except riots to have a demonstration policy or anything else. in random,
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we have freedom of speech return, we see on different levels of differences of opinion. that's not a problem at all. but when there is a riot, different than a pro tip program and counter protests are also taking place in iran, including in a capital t ron, you're seeing it there. the rallies are seen as a response to days of demonstrations that follow the death of master. many as bringing roxanne farm and for may. and your electro roxanne and politics and international studies at the university of cambridge who joined us from cambridge to help us understand who is really taking to the streets. and by that, i mean, does it go far beyond the young, educated or been elite or not this time it certainly does seem so. in fact, massa need the one that died for having worn her. her job incorrectly were not perhaps even have been thought of as a member of the young elite. she was certainly young, but she was from the kurdish region which has consistently been marginalized. so
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this is really appealing to a much deeper sense of a great i sense of unhappiness of, of, of grievance that we're seeing come out onto the street. it's much more a group across the population from young to old. and also very much contributed to by a young man which is and by older men, which is unusual for what might be considered a women's issue. i think this has been a trigger that come in about how people feel about the regime and about their own, their own economic situation, their own ability to look forward to jobs and to an economic prosperity. what about those parts of the population that are more perhaps strictly conservative and strictly religious? do they still have? are they sensitive to the, the cause of the protesters are not at all?
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well, i think they probably are, and it's one of the interesting things that's taking place is that we're seeing protests in some of the most conservative religious cities in iran. so in my head, in the north and then call, which is the seat of many of the clerics that have been contributing to the government over the many years. so we're seeing this very much across the board and understood by others that are in the conservative groups as well. although i think the counter protests that we're seeing and the approach of the government to try to balance out the message with their own counter message. certainly is drawing upon those that are more developed in terms of the way the government interprets devotion and piety. but i think that's also one of the things that happening is that people are really protesting against the government,
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telling them how to practice islam and also practice their own beliefs as part of a governance system. ok, so where do you see this going from here? is there a way for the government to handle this other than a bloody crackdown, which is often what iranian government default to that certainly has been the system in effect. so far we are seeing many of. ready the same steps being taken in the playbook of public control that the government has developed for protest in the past. we are seeing that the internet has been shut down. that the watch app instagram, all of these platforms are unavailable. so we're not seeing a great deal of information come out and it's hard for protesters to communicate. and also we are seeing the level of violence growing. in fact,
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that's been one of the just doing things this time is that the young people and the older people in the street seem to be more willing to attack the police to overturn their vehicles. we haven't seen that much in previous protests. so the level of anger is much more severe this time in the streets. and of course the government will choose to point to a lack of public order to violence and riot in the street as a an excuse to collapse down. and when they do come down, we know, and the people in the streets, no, they have been extremely violent. shot many protesters point blank in the past and have already done so in the last cycle of uprising roxanne, farm information from the university of cambridge. we appreciate your insights. thank you very much. thank you. the british government has unveiled a package of economic measures meant to stimulate growth and ease the cost of
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living crisis. the budget includes measures designed to tackle rising energy prices, chancellor of the exchequer, quasi cor thing, says the plan is expected to reduce inflation by 5 percentage points and to lower the cost of living. he has also announced tax cuts and reforms aimed at boosting economic growth. how re, faucet has more from westminster, the precious cooling of many budget. the government is calling it a fiscal event and not a budget. i. one of the sort of follows on that is that it doesn't have to abide by any a bigger analysis of the precise effects on the government pocket book by the office of budget responsibility. and that is one of the main criticisms that's being made of it. that how is this all going to be affordable? so let's just sketch out exactly what the chancellor said. as expected, the rise in national insurance contributions that employees have to pay that has been reversed from its rise in april are projected rise for next year. and
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corporation tax that isn't going to happen so remain at 19 percent. not 25 percent . the basic rate of income tax i, the reduction in that is also being brought forward by year from 20 to 90 percent. but much more headline grabbing is the fact that the chance was abolished altogether. the 45 percent tax rate on the highest standard income, those earning more than a $150000.00 pounds a year, about a $168000.00 a year. and all caps on bank has bonuses have gone as well. so this is a real ideological statement, as well as a, an economic and financial one. the leadership election saw the prime minister as now is this trust say that she was less worried about redistributing wealth more worried about growing the economy and that everybody would benefit as a result. but this is a major sort of departure a returned to, to the free market, small state ideology. and the labor opposition is saying, this isn't a gamble with it's a lost rover dice. and that is a menu without a price list,
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a gamble, a throw of the dice. all right, well let's see what jonathan list thinks about it. he is deputy director at the think tank british influence. he joins us by skype from london and jonathan, thank you for being with us. what do you think of what was announced today? well, this was a re distribution of well, certainly one from the poorest to the richest. this many budget removes any restraints from the highest pain society bankers almost brought our economy down 13 years ago. it funnels well up to the very top and hope that it'll sprinkle around society a discredited economic philosophy which has been proven to failed time and time again. on a school ready crushing the pound, the pound, which was already at 37 year low of $1.00 full dean. a couple of days ago is now $1.10 at this rate will be a priority, which we haven't seen since 1985. so it's
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a complete disaster and disaster which trust has absolutely no economical political mandate. because the british people, whenever asked about this, the manifesto in 2019, which put the tories and power was a complete opposite contradiction of this kind of political philosophy because that was about leveling up and reducing both any policy. all right, well hold on jonathan. a couple of couple things i want to pin and put a pin in what you said, you say this is money going from the poorest or to the richest, but there is a cap in the price of energy, right? and the price of energy bills. so that should restore purchasing power to working class families, middle class families, and the income tax is the lowering of the income tax have been brought forward that also should restore purchasing power. well, the 1st thing say is that the poorer eveningside don't actually pay income high school, not insurance, sorry, the cuts on which is supposed to help them actually do anything to alleviates on
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the mystery for the very portions as icy the energy freeze, which of course, the welcome star was already announced a couple of weeks ago. and that's going to be funded by additional borrowing and ultimately on british tax is rosalyn a winful tax on those energy companies. which right here in billions of pounds, that when you are already facing situation land, extraordinary amounts of money has to be found by the government. well, the government is now doing is removing money from the exchequer, taking money away from itself and getting it to the very richardson society at a time when the government needs every penny it can get in order to farms this extraordinary spending on energy. so what should have been done then in your view? well, obviously we have a concept to governments. i wouldn't expect them to enter meant by left mean policies. but certainly that should have been a massive winful talks on energy companies. i'm to fund and that, that the freeze in energy bills and then i'm trust you to continue with kind of
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platform of leveling up which to the previous government didn't actually do very effectively. but to actually kind of say, well, he advocated genuinely progressively. why would you advocate, continuing a platform which you say didn't work? i'm saying the democratically. there is a mandate to continue the 2019 manifesto because that's what the rich people vital and that i in its peers, boom, is about leveling up and reducing wealth inequality. obviously i bones laughing platform, which is i'm on the left politically, but accept that the labor party is not impala. the one thing that government could do very easily is entities high taxes, particularly on energy companies, which taking in unprecedented profits right now. and that's what's on boards johnson already days a couple of months ago. and now we need an additional wealth. winful tax as labor policy is suggesting a certainly not reducing taxes that i richest. you have the buddha shoulders. her. interestingly, the fact that you mentioned is pretty much with the european union. and else i just
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last week, i believe jonathan list. thank you very much. thanks for joining us. thanks. italy is also facing an economic crisis, blamed partly on the war in ukraine, on sunday, italians, head to the polls and for the 1st time since world war 2, a far right wing coalition is expected to win. a stephanie decker reports from rome, from naples life has become more expensive all around. it's a routine and a recipe that has been handed down to generations. continuity is guaranteed success . but decades of hard work, i now at risk your low futrell quantity. i been a baker for 40 years. the situation as it is they are never been so bad with the gas and electricity bills. increasingly, the costs are raw material. becker in the sense of risk of collapsing. we are sounding the lar, if there is no bread and table. so battalions, there is a risk of hon. ocean. i energy prices of sort this time last year.
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this was dominique was bill no one or 2 and now resource will go and increase around 600 per cent. i think to be safe. economists say it's unsustainable. a lot of a li danielle was going bad. nora for italy. this coming winter will be the toughest, yet the storm of the energy crisis, or hit us at the end of 2021. and then with the war with ukraine, things have become far more complicated than is, italy is worse off than other e u. countries as we rely more on imported energy and meaning it is more vulnerable to the fluctuations of the gas and electricity markets. i wonder why misha? ah, and yet somehow, while walking around, you don't feel how bad things are. the streets here in the city center of naples are busy tourism is booming. it's very difficult to find a hotel room, but this isn't indicative of the real economic crisis that is unfolding here, affecting small family run businesses which make up around 90 percent of companies here in italy. which basically means it's affecting everyone at the morning market
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. the answer is the same, just like i said, the gay samar of inc. we're all in this crisis together. we need at least $200.00 euros a week to buy food, and that's just the basics. there's no room for any extras, yolanda robinson, i don't make it. at the end of the month, everything has increased to gas light, everything is all right, and my pension doesn't increase loving field. we ask her if she thinks the elections will change anything in the wrong arrival door? no, i won't go to holland yet. i'm telling you straight up like an appellate honor, i will have her get selected. it's so the same mass for now the bread continues to rise as do the bills. you all are not a problem. our war is the whoo chevy, political call or come to power with the selection. the problem will not be fixed. so people's anger, we bowler. opinion polls suggest a far right when coalition could win sundays. vote with italy's 1st female prime
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minister, whatever the political predictions, the economic forecast is that this is only going to get worse and for whoever wins these elections. that may have been the easy part. stephanie decker, al jazeera naples when it's time for the webinar with rob, how can fiona, as you know, has been to the lee with our across port to rico. and he's on its way. the open water produced a huge amount in the expected large bags of water for puerto rico, hence the flooding, and since and its strength and its main risk. now i think to the under bermuda, where it sits just to the west. well, just couple 100 kilometers the west is the strength. the wind is become a category 3 hurricane and this ever opened atlantic waters with gus substitute $160.00 can be sprout wind steadily. 250. and this is potentially very damaging, but it's a long way from damages bermudas winds are still coming up. they don't look too bad yet, but there is a hurricane warning in force. so this is how we sit at the moment that the water is
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in the western atlantic are and is he up to 5 and occasionally places 10 degrees above normal, which is fueling this storm. so it's a consequence of the general global warming. now the forecast of this hurricane over the next 24 hours takes it towards the eastern side of canada and the labrador coast. but 1st of all, nova scotia, he's like to make landfall. this is the i, the storm, at least on the eastern side of the nova scotia at this strength. if it does that, that will be the strongest storm to hit as far as i can see. this part of the world looks be devastating. after the break, the investigation that led to damaging abuse allegations against aid workers in a un run camp and south to death. the warning for the pot. oh, why did he go to be capital? an in tennis tantrum as the former world number one loses his temper with fans and friends. ah
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ah ah. safer than he'd been home and then he international anti corruption excellence award boat. now for your hero
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o a watching l 0 reminder of our top story this hour, at least 70 migrants have died when their vessel capsized off the coast of syria. theory and authorities say at least 20 people have been rescued, but many more still missing. moscow controlled regions in the eastern and southern ukraine are voting on whether to become part of russia. referendums have taken place in the hands and yet because apparition and for sun until tuesday, keep in its western allies say the boat is a sham and an unlawful land grab program. and counter protests are taking place in iran, including the capital to run the rally. the scene as
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a response to days of demonstrations following the death of 22 year old matter. meet you in secretary general, antonio gutierrez has requested an urgent report into the allegations of abuse kerio by aid workers at a un run camping. so sudan, an investigation by al jazeera and by nonprofit news agency, the new humanitarian has exposed years of widespread sexual abuse at a camp for displaced people in mel account. the allegations 1st emerged in 2015, but no action was taken. despite the u. n. lead task force charged with tackling it . aid workers were accused of raping and sexually abusing minors as well as pressuring women and girls to have sex in exchange for gifts. joshua craze is an independent research on south sedan and co author of the original report. he explains the delay by the un to investigate cases of sexual abuse. the basic problem is that if you look through all of these task force set up to prevent sexual exploitation, since it was begun in south dawn,
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is what they do is they provide sensitization training. they provide hotlines, but the task force structurally from mandate from new york does not do investigations. investigations are left to the individual n g o. and you and agencies who staff members are accused of sexual exploitation. and the problem is they look back at upstanding ops, i'm a huge 6 expectations scandal and it's funding was affected by half. so, but none of these organizations is actually materially in that interest to really do investigation. so what happens is things that come up and all of the measures that have been announced by the un thus far have largely been reactive measures. so then measures about making sure that everyone has training. the problem is there is no proactive investigative capacity within the task force. all within these organizations just give you an offense. what they do is that they investigate the claims made to them beer a series of mechanisms that report allegation, claim report sexual exploitation allegations. however,
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many people get them coming forwards. many people are worried that will impact on stock family members who have jobs with these injures. many people are worried that they cases will be dismissed by bodies that are linked to cook community actually want to come access or endanger access from the injures. as bringing farrah bessler in the anti, she is the united nations resident coordinator in south sedan. she joins us by skype from new york. sir, i have to ask you why, why is this happening? why has the un not been able to cut this out? thank you for having me on sill. firstly, let me say that when i joined felton in i months ago, the very 1st thing i did was to assess the situation of our response to sexual exploitation in abuse. i actually need to understand, given a large many carrion origin and the fact that we have the largest peacekeeping operation, the south, then. yes, the task force as just create, as mentioned,
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doesn't investigate. but what the task force does is put in place mechanisms to ensure that we continue to strengthen our ability to receive anonymous information . or does that work? what works in showing that people have access to be able to report to complete what works and making sure that who actively we mitigate the risk of anyone the victim i because they are already think of affordability in multiple shots and making sure that we put them at the center we have been working well. well, excuse me. we try to. so let me jump in. joshua craze just told us very eloquently, i might add that that is precisely what the un is not doing. the un is not being proactive. the u. n. is being reactive, so you handle things that cases that are brought to you, but you aren't capable or the un hasn't been. and i don't mean you personally the you and hasn't been capable so far of actually going to take a deep forensic look at how it runs its operations there to stamp out any abuse.
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and the thing is that is not true because i have personally with my team been in my local times. i was, if you weeks ago i was recently in the appeal c, speaking with the woman and the girl to understand the mechanism and to understand how we can strengthen it, including and showing that we pro actively mitigate risk of potentially in the last 9 months. we have been able to strengthen our community based mechanism to make it more and more safe for the girls to report. this is acting up and showing that this is keith and we prevent any additional keep a fresh what expertise and use and that was what was about. it wasn't showing that even the rumor of sexual application and the interest because they might even to watch. and we are actively working with the community to address the needs of the community in my house where i have been with them. so i'm a mother, i'm a woman,
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grandmother, i listen to the women in my life. i've talked to them in the school. i talked with them and listen to a young girl telling me how she to freeze even go to the county school because of the risk of rape, the risk of conflict with sexual violence. women and girls are at risk every day in the course. and we're working actively to address it, or archie, are you able to tell me to day, in the name of the united nations that no woman or girl in these camps who are coming into contact with any un or un affiliated workers, are in any danger of becoming victims to rape or sexual abuse of any kind. i'm telling you that women all across, out to the ard with because of conflict. because i'm asking specifically about those that are under your care. i'm asking you specifically about those that are in un care. those who are in the protection of the site, we continue to work with trimming, access to strength prevention mechanisms,
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improve actively to make sure that they have to be put in a key which like petition, any case of sexual violence or sexual mind. and we are working to strengthen justice systems to make sure that access to justice. so be sure that there's new infinity so that women can see that just to sort of give you more strength in your power to report and the cost of what that actually is taking. we also make sure that because it can package when make sure that they can receive the support that they need. what's making sure that this doesn't happen again, his are actively addressing this every day in my life across the operation is that the un secretary general antonio terrace has requested an urgent report. when is that coming out? and who's going to draft it? he actually put yesterday and i'll be leading the team to drop that report to get him all of that information on what we've been able to do in the last left that we've been able to do before i joined. we're going to be all of that piece humanitarian element after several times this year to be able to discuss gaps that
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we may have a ration we had. we think that the national into international and use to make sure that they print and then they couldn't get them. and i'll be able to report to him that it was the increase our community bees mechanism as well as keeping our our reach across the country in terms of preventing situation in. all right, sarah, bethany and the, i thank you for coming on. and fielding are questions, are you in resident coordinator in south student. thank you. authorities in bangladesh say that stray ammunition from fighting in man more landing and its territory. at least one person has been killed and several have been injured. people are being caught in the crossfire between the military and man. more and fighters opposed to the hunter. 10 via children, reports from the border between bangladesh and me and more in tons. fighting on the other side of the butter is billing over into bangladesh. 22 year old knobby who sent flat to no man's land with his family 5 years ago. but mortar shells from man
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murray, have still found him that they will shut out. they are hanging out near canal when a motive shall fell about 50 meters away from us, killing one of my friends and enduring 5 flesh and as we don't distribute it. since august, at least, 12 mortar shells fired from man mark have landed any longer the territory and security have been typing in the border areas. this is tim road, south in bangladesh. even while we were filming martyr shelves exploded on the other side, close to us sliding between the rock kind but this rebel and me and my military continue near the bank. the butter causing panic in the community is an increasing fear among the wrong guys living and no man's land. the escalating tensions have driven mauro hunger into bangladesh. abo crossed over recently with full family members. we have not identified him at his request in florida. we live to
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a home village because of the intense fighting between the rock and rebels and the min mom millage. the military told us this is not a country. he should leave that, they started a techno village with helicopters and heavy weapons buying others kindly offers refuge to nearly 1100000 ro hanger and the government said it will not allow any more to enter van this into night to sim, bangladesh as a responsible and peaceful country you have seen, we have been tackling all these issues with much patience for quite some time. now . we told them to resolve their internal crisis, that there are no more casualties and bloodshed on our side. here the un security council is considering a resolution demanding an, an to our violence in myanmar. but bangladesh is not optimistic about it as initiated, previously failed to pressure man man to change its policies. sandwich audrey al jazeera tom root myanmar, bangladesh border. and urea is baffling its worth floods in years with more than
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400 people confirmed dead this year 2079 years 36 states are effected more than 100000 people have been forced out of their homes. ahmed address reports from the worst effected state, chico, highways have become waterways the only hospital within the 35 kilometer radius is partially submerged. even the dead here can't rest in peace. beneath these murky waters residence a life the community graveyard. mohammed one waste family was hit hard rock on the water torture my compound and brought down the entire house. 2 of my children died. 2 are in hospital residence, have easiest floods the worst in more than half a century. the countries emergency agency says more than half
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a 1000000 people have been attracted. officious? yes, a huge weights of g. g. our state under water including $20000.00 hector's of rice paddies and cornfields. in addition to immediate concerns about destroyed livelihoods and incomes that are fee, as a food shortage is before the next likely be government buildings. i know housing, thousands of displaced people conditions here are desperate with many people still unreachable. official struggle to deliver aid in the domestic is beyond the social on the state. as as brilliant, what we can offer is our business. and so part of much facilities and what is and medical care and maybe it will, it was in it is in the, in the comes i want to present it is nigeria, emergency management agency says nearly all of the countries 36 states have been
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effected by this is floods or dam still bursting their banks and reins stealing focus. the worst may not be over for nigeria is living in river, ryan and coastal communities. ahmed, the reason i would use it to go up at the u. s. nuclear powered aircraft carrier, ronald reagan has arrived in the south korean port of the sun ahead of the joint military exercise. naval drills will be the 1st involving a us aircraft carrier in the regions in 20. 17 washington and sol have revived their large scale drills over growing north korean threats. so what's it like on board the aircraft carrier? algebra 0 is rob mcbride reports in the coming days. the u. s. strike group led by this nimitz class carrier will be conducting joint drills with south korean counterparts with the stated goal of showing their resolve in the face of renewed threats from north korea. the last time this kerio was here was 5 years ago. again, at a time of heightened tensions which followed
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a series of missile launches and even a nuclear test by north korea. in the years, in between these exercises have very much been scaled back as a way of trying to allow this phase of summit diplomacy to work, to get the north koreans to give up their nuclear weapons. that hasn't happened and with p o young. now, announcing that they'd have arrived as a nuclear power and it's up to the world to deal with that fact that does seem to be a mark shift in the position of the us and its allies, republican korea. so one of the most successful alliances in the world, we have a history of shared blood. we share common values and have a clear vision for a free and open in these exercises always enraged the north, which claims that they are a rehearsal for war and seems to confirm its view that it needs to hold onto its much treasure nuclear arsenal at all. costs as
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a guarantee of its survival in what it sees as a hostile world. okay, stay with us on al jazeera because when we come back, tennis is big for get together one final time as they prepared to send roger federer into retirement. ah, which site is winning chaos or control? what does the new forever proxy war mean for america and nato? as long as americans keep consuming prices are going to keep going up. why didn't joe biden see inflation comic? how did we get so much raw? the quizzical look us politics, the bottom line with bold and untold stories and asia and the pacific amount. it's time for a memorable holiday with pegasus. it's time for turkey. set sail for new discoveries. enjoy. have new experiences. hit the
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shops, make wonderful memories. travel to turkey with pegasus and with direct whites to is stand bowl and tribes. a book your ticket now for a memorable holiday. c y p g. s. for our best prices. lou. ah, i'm through sport news with joe ferrell. thank you very much. today is the day, most tennis fans wished would never happen. roger federer will play his final professional match at the late cup in london. the 20 time grand slam champion was the center of attention of the gall, a dinner on thursday, and at
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a fitting end to his career. federal farewell will be alongside, great rival and friend, raphael. the dow, the pair will team up in the doubles on friday nights represent team europe and face american do are jack sock and francis cfo who are playing for team world federal hang up, his racket after that match and it sounds like he and adel are expecting an emotional might super excited to have them on our team and my team and they'll have to play against them on my last much of course, special playing with rougher fields. really difference, you know, also just walking out of court and having the chance to play with likes of rough or novak wholesome, in the past has been an amazing experience for me to be able to do that one more time. i'm. i'm sure it's going to be wonderful. like i said, i'll try my very best. hoped to be good out there and of course on joy really will
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be will be hard on the be difficult to handle everything, especially for roger without a doubt. but for me to, i know at the end to one of the most important players in my, if not the most important player, my dad is career is living on at the end. her leave. this moment will be difficult. novak chuck richards hans for his 1st event since winning wimbledon in july. the 21 time grand slam champion maintains he has no regrets about missing the us open early this month. because he's not vaccinated against coven on team. the serbian is playing for team europe. his 1st appearance lay because since 2018 and joker, which says the excitement is incredible. i had roger federer farewell. you know, most of us have watched and admired rogers success in achievements. you know, before coming on the tour some later, some earlier. but, you know, we,
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we will do our best to, to contribute to the team and a good performance. but at the same time, marvel and celebrate his career. because, you know, he deserve that. it's a sad day for, for, for tennis, but just sport in general. but you know, roger's legacy will, will live forever. that that's for sure. but one man who missed out on the lay the cup has done in medford f and the well in the before has had a bad day being knocked out of a tournament in france. you'd also say further punishment for his behavior towards the crowds holly's simmering here? surely going to attract the warning from the pi. oh wow. really gotta be capital. preparing to make monkey justice towards the fans, booed him off the tree through his racket, kept going until the empire stepped in. and opponents stand for bring completed
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with the crowd to stop. didn't help those med with a lot for much, brinker who reach the quarter finals in men that office has trouble in spain. as 15 players from the women's national score of threatened to quit over their coach, they've written to the spanish federation, insisting coach hold. have hilda be fired and made themselves unavailable for international selection, for as long as he's in charge. the play is claim that health and emotional state has been affected by his leadership. spain qualify for next year as well, cup on the coach field or the federation say they're standing by him or will field youth players if necessary. they also want the players to apologize before they're allowed to return to the squads while we are spanish football. journalist jemma celeste, if she sees a resolution that would satisfy both sides. i think it's very difficult because we know the production of the spanish for that is shown. a lease for reality is very much known for being hard, but it's a really complicated situation. the only solution i see is the national coach to
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port heavy lead to resign. it's less than a year for that both copies the 1st time in the history that there is a team that it's actually a candidate to to win a world cup. we have national team with some of the best players in the world, including the lexia they yes, but the federal ident, on monday, if some of the players, we say mars recognition run around, there was a one month ago, the national team was in cow said they complained to the president of the federation and they were in the birch of martini. the federation did not really feel the office. and now these 15 players decide to take this radical gesture because they feel they have not been hurt man's football as an international break . this week, which means mommas follows taken some time from his live full duty to join up with egypt, despite only scoring twice for his domestic club this season. sala school,
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big time with this newly wed couple. as he gait crush their wedding photos, that is team hotel fella making their happy day just a bit more and he is special appearances, chosen reno as teams up with british rappa jonesy. so i prefer really not to want to speak. if i speak, i am in big trouble. line is one of your most famous quotes from his days. as chelsea manager, jonesy and jose a combination, we never expected the boston celtics of suspended their coach email joker for the entire next season. after you had an affair with female staff member, because relationship with the woman was consensual, but he's been punished for violating teen policies. the 45 year old lead boston for the mba final value of this year in his 1st season of head coach and decision on a dark future at the celtics beyond. next year we made at
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a later date golf now in the u. s. team have already taken a healthy lead over the international team at the presidents cup in north carolina . you have any day. so some 4 since 4 months where teams of 2 players had alternate shops and the americans set the tone early when well, number for patrick can play a well number 5, some shall flee easily defeated. the 2 most experienced plays for the international way out of scott and deck us team one who a 5 matches in may doing baseball, chicago cubs, rookie hayden with net sky had an evening his long remember the 24 year old delivered a perfect standing against the pittsburgh pirate struck out free battle in the 5th inning with a minimum 9 kids in their cups went on to when 3 to got milk is colton. wong, i had no issues with home runs on saturday night. second baseman, recorded 3 home runs and again for the 1st time in his career that helped bruce
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with cincinnati read by one. it is and as it's his big day, it's only fitting for us to finish this hour with roger federer and a glimpse behind the scenes as he proposed to retire. this crystal posted this video of his warming up for the call it in last night. the game of table tennis against 1000 tina diego schwartz mon proving he still got that killer instinct anson. transferable skills at the head in time. all right, that is all useful for now with gemini, joe. thank you. i don't know if i like more of the most solid selfie or the marine, your rapp feature. all right, that's it for the news, our back in a minute. ah, october on al jazeera, in an election set to define a nation brazilians will choose between the radically different current hard line, conservative presidents and the former socialist president. a sense of community
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delves into full unique communities revealing how they're adapting to the 21st century. china holds its national congress of communist party members with president g likely to be re elected as its head. what does this mean for china of the world? fully with dreams takes you beyond the glitz and glamour, revealing the stories of those seeking failing fortune in the world's largest film industry. bosnia goes to the poles in an election that will be what closely by both the e. u and russia. october on al jazeera, there was a time when the aka banga river flowed were enough to sustain life in the northern calahan desert all year round. 2 but that's changing least one or 3 men in different parts of the alcove mango doubted as they faced drought, wild animals and manmade threat in the constant fight for survival. risk in it all . but swan on al jazeera
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i the al jazeera, ah, ah, all the, with guns in their hands and faith in god that they're sorry. many american republicans believe the 2020 presidential election was stolen from donald trump, white christian national fund to mentally authoritarian. and it is anti democratic people in power investigates how to spread the wild conspiracy theory undermine us . democracy america authoritarians on a jazzy era. ah .


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