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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  October 3, 2022 3:30am-4:01am AST

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when we all are making the case for tax cuts, the people who benefit 1st are those who are are those who have leased to coincide with the 1st day of conference. several 1000 campaign groups and union members converged on birmingham city center. if you want to preserve your hospital, your care center for the elderly, top of their concerns is the fear that the government will start cutting public sector budgets. you want people to go be ready for an avalanche of cuts in everything that they experience in public life. it's going about their business. and we got to turn that round. now is a direct attack on work and class communities. let's just spoke about that being too much focused on it too much without the without ignores the reality. politics is not is to get things done. you need the support of the entries in parliament support of the people in the why the company at the moment this trust is to have neither guarantee. after 12 years in par,
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the conservative parties become accustomed to its annual conference being a rather comfortable and controlled effect. this year is shaping up to be very different. whole brennan al jazeera birmingham. ah, this is al jazeera, these are the top stories vogue counting nearly over and brazil's presidential election left wing frontrunner louis enough. hello lou la to silva, has taken a small lead over president shadow ball scenario, but it does look like the election is going to go to a run off on october. the 30th ukrainian president vladimir landscape has his forces of re taken to settlements in the household region as a counter offensive continues in the east. a capture of the town of layman and satellite is seen as a key moment in that fighting signals are being held in the indonesian city on my line after one of the deadliest stadium incidents in history. a 125 people were
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killed in a stampede. after police fight, tear gas and spectators, preliminary results are starting to be released in elections held in bosnia and herzegovina. the governing system in bosnia is known as one of the most complicated in the world. people are voting for 3 members of the shared presidency, as well as parliamentary representatives. yeomans warning signs have failed to reach an agreement to extend a nation wide ceasefire. the truce was broken by the united nations in april and it's been renewed twice. both sides blame each other for allowing the deal to expire. the u. n. is calling for talks to continue that he has incumbent center right party has won the most voice in a general election. the campaign was dominated by the war and ukraine, and soaring gas prices by mister christianity cannon's stick in a tough stance against the rushes invasion of ukraine. britain's prime minister has admitted she should have better prepared the public and the financial markets for her new economic plan. those choices tax plan caused the pounds to plummet to
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record lows compared to the dollar. burkina faso president paula reba amoeba has agreed to conditionally resign after speaking with the religious and traditional leaders. the new military leader abraham tardy as accepted the resignation in order to avoid further violence than those are the headlines. and of course, you can get more details on the vote counting that's going on for the brazilian presidential elections on the website. odyssey dot com coming up next inside. story . good bye. me. ah, ah ah, israel and lebanon close to resolving their long running maritime border dispute.
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the u. s. has offered a proposal to clarify their boundaries in an area with potentially huge gaps. so what is a fake and will help improve relations between the 2 countries? this is inside, so ah hello and welcome to the program. i'm fully back. he bow. a long running dispute between israel and lebanon may soon be resolved. both countries lay claim to the same stretch of ocean in the eastern mediterranean, that could contain lucrative gas deposits. a u. s. mediator has sent a written proposal to both lebanon and israel to demarcate the maritime borders. the 2 countries this agree on the boundary separating very exclusive economic zones . the contested waters contains carriage gas filled and the kind of prospect.
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israel claims the boundary runs north at line one, giving it the right to operate in carriage, but lebanon pushed the border further south at line 23 in 2012, a u. s. mediator proposed midway, solution called the half line, but it wasn't accepted. a decade later, lebanon demanded the boundary, be pushed south to line 29. the native us proposal is said to offer a compromise that 2 countries would share the kind of field while the carriage would stay in israel zone is in a harder explains from beirut. a long standing maritime border dispute between lebanon and israel, maybe close to being resolved. a written proposal is now on the table. it's based on years of intermittent and indirect negotiations mediated by the united states. a deal would be a rare diplomatic breakthrough between enemies that would unlock valuable
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underwater resources, but it would also position the eastern mediterranean as an energy hub, supplying europe as it seeks replacements for russian gas. there is a need that has been created due to the russian ukrainian war. europe is looking at the east mediterranean as one possible source. israel is already unexplored, her energy and wants to significantly add to its output by starting to produce gas at its courage field. but there are security concerns the iranian back to arms group, hezbollah has said it has the capability to obstruct the sale of gas to europe. if lebanon's rights in the maritime region aren't recognized. israel dismiss the threats and warned of a war if there is any attack. but despite the tough talk, all parties have shown readiness to reach a deal lebanese officials and has the law have called it a historic opportunity for the country. grappling with a major financial crisis,
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lebanon hasn't been able to begin drilling because international companies won't explore the area until the border dispute is resolved. the proposed compromise is believed to involve including cutting field and israel's economic zone. while most of the nearby carno will go to lebanon, even though there are no proven reserves in that field, the agreement won't become formal until the parties finalize it. during indirect meetings, at a un base near their border. a breakthrough doesn't signal piece or a normalization of relations, but it could reduce tensions and allow gas to flow from under the sea than a 100 for inside story. while the leader of lebanon test bowler group has called the proposal, a significant step pass and as run low says he hopes a resolution will open up major economic opportunities is allow, hustle china, who at the highland we are all aware of 50 theory rating situation globally. fuse
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food, cash flows, etc. the situation is suspecting even european countries. lebanon is waiting for foreign loans and assistance. while we have our own riches within our own waters. if this issue comes to a favorable outcome, it will be the product of identity and solidarity. it is not the time to seek political gains. we should bank on our own points of strength. and israel's prime minister, suppose the deal, and has even backed the idea of lebanon producing natural gas in disputed waters. the case if you can, this is, this is a deal that strengthens israel, security and israel, the economy. we have no opposition to an additional liberties gas field being developed from which we would of course receive the royalties to us. such a field would we can live in these dependency on iran, restrain hezbollah, and bring regional stability. ah,
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well let's bring in august now for today's inside story in beirut, laurie hi t on an oil and gas analyst and a political activists. and in west jerusalem, russell shall live a lawyer and researcher at the core lead policy for him. and he's really think tank . thank you both for joining us on inside story laurie in baby. let me start with you. they seems to be a renewed sense of urgency to get an agreement on this long running maritime dispute between lebanon and israel, with the lebanese authorities receiving the u. s. mediators proposal you get a sense that we are nearing ideal definitely this is the sensory getting and they route that this is almost done. deed and the love it and they are $32.00 here, are very positive about the deal and they're talking about progress and positive signs and even has walla, which was which was thought to be his folder yesterday has on the law had had
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a very positive statement about the deal, so i guess the atmosphere and the environment to, to be with is that it is going to happen as soon and i think with everything that we're hearing today in israel, i think that will push it more for the u. s. m a g to push for the to happen before the elections outcome and before may be enough and yelled, taking over from what you're hearing. he's against d. so i think time wise, there is no overlap between 11 on one thing to do the soon as before the end of the president's mandate by 31 october. and it seems that there is a rush even in israel because he wants the dean. and y'all to the end, the extra come against the deal. so this overlap might make it even sooner than expected might be signed. let's get the view from west jerusalem russell. how
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is this proposed deal being viewed in israel? and is there a sense of urgency there? as laurie says, well, 1st i want to emphasize the absolute tragedy of this deal, right? lebanon is a failed states. if it's ruled by a rainy and a puppet regime. this deal will not benefit the lebanese people, rather, it will allow because by law and the, and the iranian government casino lute and plunder lebanon, natural resources. i further want to emphasize, right, israel is, is a democracy, and we are in election season. the, the current government has no, has no public mandate to commit to make to make this deal. it cannot be done under a caretaker, transitional government. it has no mandates for this deal. ok will allow laurie to respond. we don't know laurie the exact terms, of course, and the devil is in the details, but from the, the reports and statements that you've seen, how would 11 on benefits from this deal. and so, 1st of all,
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i think like lebanon is desperate for a deed, on the maritime borders, because they do believe that this deed will have is the pressure that is lebanon. that 7 on is going through, especially the political class, to do the forms from the international community. the donors community from the i m . s, from the word, but every, the, every but the 17 on to duty forms and that the government of lebanon is reluctant to do so. they believe that the deed would, is the pressure. and then if the thought is commit that to start working for discover or, and, and then or the discovered that would help as well for lebanon to have a better deal with that. and if it is in place and therefore they think that car, the oil and gas card to get out of the economic crisis we're living in, especially to is the pressure on the reforms that the, that the government is asked to undergo. what about has been law? would it agree to,
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to anything that the lebanese government agrees on under this proposed d, a which, according to reports, again, nothing is confirmed yet. carry shield would remain in these ready waters and a greater share of the kind of field for lebanon, even though we don't know whether there is actual gas in qana would, has been la, agree to this proposal? oh, well, was has, well i had been consulted on all the steps that led to today's proposal. that's why what we're hearing from has was, these are things like this is a positive step towards a solution. that means that they agree on the closer than the provision of the deed . so what we are seeing, today's life has been law, is not very much interested about where the board, those are. they're talking more about like the need to exploit the oil and gas research that we have, because they do believe that that will change the face of lebanon, and that will help on recover. definitely. we know that this comes with cave. yes.
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when a country like lebanon has full governance, when we have institutional failure, when do we do have corruption as high a high level corruption? we know that in, in, in, by, by a, by looking at other places when you have to governance and all these problems with corruption and institution failure on and that doesn't come and has the country to recover. but once again, this is the card that has to push for the, for this money order to happen, because they see it as an economy as an economic that this, this money on board and has economy and benefits more than political or anything. all right, laurie, as you heard russell shallow say not everyone in israel agrees with this proposed deal. israel, former prime minister and it's opposition leader now, many minutes now accused the current prime minister. yeah. le pete of giving up israeli territory and hiding the details of the proposed deal from the public. take a listen. will it be in my dad's lap?
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he does not have a mandate to give an enemy country sovereign territories and sovereign property which belonged to all of us. if this illegal hijacking passes, we will not be bound on november 1st, we will return to israel a strong and experienced leadership that maintains security for all of us. russell shall live. what is that faith voicemail here? well, my, my colleagues words really go to underscore why the is really public as opposed to this feel. first of all, right, why? why is the, is really government keeping the details of the steel from the company is really public. but there is no reason for israel to give what can be going to be turned or can be presented as a, as a victory to, to, to, to because by law these really public is firmly against territorial concessions. right? we have, we have done that in the past. we've done 11, we've done gas that we've done in many places where not we've, we've only gotten terror. we're not, we're not interested in giving and giving prices to, to, to
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a rainy and puppet. but this would allow, is where i would need to, to extract gas from carriage without any security threats because of course, lebanon and bala had threatened, you know, some sort of attack if israel were to go ahead with extracting gas from carriage without this agreement. but now that they seem to be agree, an agreement in the worst, wouldn't this allow israel to, to achieve some of the energy energy needs that it said it would, through carriage korea was, was always under israeli control and is really sovereignty. right. israel should not be listening to, to, to threats from because, well, the truth is because book is a, is a, is a paper tiger. israel should be. so the said not the condition if it's economic growth and access to with natural gas on, on the bus threat. ok. lori russell is clearly opposed to this proposed deal.
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we heard is position there, but i, i want our viewers to understand what is that steak for israel? here, you've told us about what said stake for lebanon. but why would the current is really government agree to this deal as the sign seems to be indicating look from what we're hearing from the israeli side 1st before they are saying that at the end of the day, if this kind of feed is discovered, the prospect we will get there and we will get compensation from that the fees so therefore we're not giving away anything. and then i think the more the major issue for the israelis and why they're doing this is to secure stability in the region. and they feel that if level on the undergo embark on finding oil and gas and having a platform very close to that is really easy. so therefore, there will be this, the students will level on would be less interested in going to work with this,
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right? because they do have this economic interest of keeping the platform working and having all and, and i think one other issue that is the saying and that i'm hearing from the news and his read is like they think that if it did is made the going to bed between that one on is read, if love on 5, all i got that was even the country that would make 11 or less interested than what and that will be that will make living on less dependent or at least has detached from iran. would you think fluid in lebanese politics and know that will not be right. i mean, one thing that i mentally has iran would it runs into iran, i've been on so definitely it was not to do as valid as dependence on iran because iran has what they have. this is every nation that will last for ever. and no one has to think that anything that happens 11 on any economic
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recovery that would mean that iran would let go of our has well, i would that school of iran that is a very organic relationship and it will not, it's will not. and so it's the same like when they think that if iran, if iran goes to into a j, c, p or a did again, that will put them away from having a weapon or a nuclear weapon, which will not happen. iran, we want to have nuclear weapons weapon, whatever happens. so at the end of the day is red is looking at this deed from a security lens more than from an economy glance, which is on the other side from the revenue side. this is sure economic d that they're making because they've been on, wants to benefit from its oil and gas, et cetera, and move on with the recovery. again, taking that with a bit of thought because of the situation. and we have to do the forms before being able to benefit from our oil and gas sector. but that is, this is what this pushing the new government. and the way the government is pushed by the security obsession that they have. and they think that would bring them
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stability and it will stabilize the orders. ok, russell. your response laurie says israel through this deal is looking for a sick for more or better security. what is your view on this? so 1st i would like to make 2 points, right? currently iran is facing major address. the continuing a rule of the whole as the craddick regime is being threatened. so again, israel and the united states and the international community should not be, should be standing with uranium people and not doing that well. to do right now, it is on the runs directly with israel, with a u. s. mediator. yes, love love, lebanon, lebanon, lebanon is a puppet regime of, of iran. but, but 2nd of all, right, i want to speak about domestic israeli legal issues. right?
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again, we have an election here in one, in one month, right? the current government is a transitional government. it has no mandate to make it to make the still and, and legally it's bound to act in, in act with restraint for the more, according to israeli constitutional law, the, the transfer of any sovereign is really worth the territory. requires a national referendum so so, so, so guess if there, if there, if there will be another government in, in november that government will not be bound by the conditions and the terms of the deal. so you're saying that this might drive on because indeed netanyahu as, as promised to take this through the legal route, if the deal goes through and is agreed by the current government, what impact is it going to have on the elections you think? i mean, i think that this could, this could potentially sharpen the divide between,
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between like, between left left and right. unfortunately, right. israel's been having an election instability, much of a campaign isn't based on, on, on perth, on different personalities. but this will, will clarify the majority of these really population is again, territorial concessions. and you see a center left, the government being a power only 2 or 2 or 3 months and already agreeing to give up to give up is really territory. and again, and again, if, if they want to, if they want to do this, then make public the details of this deal. i'm sure the details will be made public in just a few days. laurie, let me come back to you and talk more about the implications for lebanon. you mentioned that having access to, to natural gas fields, would no doubt be a welcome source of revenue for lebanon. but how do we ensure, as you've said that the money would benefit the lebanese people and that it won't
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disappear in the coffers of, of a corrupt government where there is no regulation of the funds. how do we ensure that various transparency and so definitely and so they, we the ones that we cannot and for that. and, but let me tell you that this issue of developing oil and gas resources into becoming and production and into becoming revenues if you want to monetize it takes a lot a lot of time. so if we are going to start, like it's not going to start a floating 1st, we need to have discoveries can show you to read or to cyprus or to eat just we don't have discoveries yet. so 1st we have to go into discoveries that takes time. then we need to decide like how to develop and produce the got and what the markets will be. is it local market or regional market or international markets. all of that requires a lot of fun, requires a lot of lesson as it requires a vision for the country which we like on all levels vision we lock so that,
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that you will lack investment to be that because we lack any kind of recovery plan . so it definitely, it is a lot of work. that's why i'm saying that we shouldn't go easy on the political class or should go on the government of lebanon and let it go and take it easy on them. i was, comes to the form, the forms necessary so that we are able to benefit from the oil and gas sector and for the nice people to benefit from the oil and gas sector. so that's why, maybe today this would be one step forward, but there's a lot that have been used population needs to do to ensure that the government is going through the forms. and we will need the help of the international community to force lebanon and the government to go into the reform. so that later on when oil and gas comes, it could support the economy. and that could benefit the people unless we, if we don't do all of this, it will be and other ways for generations to come. and so laurie, looking at the big picture now, and looking at the political issues a bit closer, where wouldn't agreement leave the broader israeli lebanese dynamic?
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do you think it would help reduce tensions and look definitely. it's when a diffuse tension, but it will not need to anything more than that. i know we've been hearing about normalization. we've been hearing about possible peace, all of that. all of that is not on the agenda of the lebanese people on the lebanese government. this is a deal that is necessary to unlock the potential for oil and gas, and this is how the government of lebanon is you and get, and it was up there. if we think that this did might, and the d and the war between 11 on israel or the situation between 111 on is and it's will need to piece this is wrong. it's not going to be to the to that place. so this is just to me and an opportunity for the lebanese government to sign the seat and to move on with the unlocking the potential for oil and gas
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and, and that's it. it stops there. ok, russell. let me ask you the same question in west jerusalem, what, what are the implications for the broader relationship between israel and lebanon? could this help reduce tensions if it is agreed? so, you know, i would, i would hope that webinar on. the 11th people are able to get their house in order and get rid of the business. but when i say that there's no reason that that's because by law, right, couldn't join the somebody to be, to be, to the amorous, the bahrain to morocco. the abraham accord and reap the reap the benefits of trade and normalization with israel. unfortunately, this, this deal is not even a direct agreement between israel and 11 on its agreement of israel with the united states. and on sunday, with the, with, with the united states. and unfortunately, i don't see the steel leading to any sort of normalization of fact that only it
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only strengthens his beloved rejection. as an extreme, as politics laurie, i want to let you respond to that. russell seems to give a lot of importance to has been in terms of, you know, they're the place in the go stations in the, in the steel. is that the case? i mean, is really running things here. look, i think that in the, the, out in the, in the period of elections as it was mentioned and during elections, we become very populous at the end of the day. and that's on yahoo has decided to go to negotiations between with lebanon. and i think by, by october 2021 that new construction were launched and the thumbnail was empower that has been, wasn't going on. and today after 2 years has been listed in lebanon. so i think that populates the brought off of the of what's happening of the extra now it's
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just like we can put it in the, in the, in the environment of elections. and that's it. i think after the election is not on, you know, it comes to power and the deed is made. he would follow the close of the v and he will not cancel it. alright, we had thought that the negotiate, she did stop the negotiations. indeed, we're going to have to leave it there. thank you very much both for a very interesting discussion, lori. hey, ty and russell shall have. thank you for joining us and thank you for watching. you can always watch this program again, any time by visiting our website analogy 0 dot com for further discussion. go to our facebook page at facebook dot com, forward slash ha. inside story. you can of course, all to join the conversation on twitter. we are a great inside story from me fully back by the whole team. thanks for watching. the news. ah.
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