tv News Al Jazeera October 3, 2022 5:00am-5:31am AST
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big charles is still there in the north of brazil recently seen some flooding in venezuela can't argue that that would be repeated rios getting brett again down to about 22 degrees. and where santiago chile was quite hot. recently we're down to 50 bit below, nor will whereas bar jablonka has actually come up to 23. arising temperature ah, do a multi $1000000000.00 industry. but beyond the glitz and glamour out those to survive. 5th grade to he said there were admissions at com. i recently bought a furniture move to the hive and those only dreams and aspirations that's just not let youth, you know, quality would trees coming soon on our 0. ah,
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brazil is headed to a presidential runoff after no counted and got more than 50 percent of the vote ah, number of others and this is all 0 live from doha. also coming up. i. indonesia mourns victims of one of the world's worst sporting disasters. a 125 people die during a stampede at a football match. we are in the region not done yet. square ukrainian forces are set to be taking control of key towns. no agreement and extending a cease far in yemen law, the longest pause and fighting there is under threat. brazil's
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presidential contest will go to a 2nd rung, run off supporters of louis enough. he'll know that is sola a celebrating after he came out on top and the 1st po for the former president didn't get the 50 percent plus one vote needed to avoid the run off is gonna facing come adjustable sonata on october. the 30 and i was g. o, the, oh good. i know everyone wanted us to win the 1st round, but in my life a belief that drives me and motivates me is that nothing happens by chance. and during this whole campaign with the polling, i always thought we were going to win these elections and we are going to win these elections. and this, this is for us just to pause. things are not good and we need to recover this country. and it's image on the international stage offers in this area outside the electoral commission. we're going to speak to him in just a couple of minutes. first, let's go to our latin america added to this in human. she's in sol paulo. this is not the outright,
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when the lula under supporters had been hoping for. no, it certainly was in de la here on follies that are new. they're doing their best to put on a happy face. they've been via our it's a lot of people here, but only less than 2000 people have come out to celebrate a short while ago, luna addressed the crowd as he had earlier from the hotel that had been his headquarters throughout this election. he has said and it was very interesting. he said, i tell those who may be sorry to hear this, but in 28 days we will be back. i had 28 days to make up with a shortfall which he compared to a football game. he said this is kind of like the extra time when you go back but you know who is going to win or so he says, people here are telling us also that they believe that luna will wait in the 2nd round. but it's a very clear, it's going to be a ah hard election, a hard run all connection because i want to not a did much,
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much better than expected. were you know that now the polls were wrong, of luna is about 5 percentage points ahead of his rival, the president. but he thought he was going to be 15 percentage points ahead. that took me what the polls were saying. they were clearly white. i exaggerated quite wrong. i've been to many people are going to be doing soul searching. now that there and he's talking about making alliances. i'm having these 20, i gave to expand his alliances. he's already in a, in a coalition with 9 other political parties. some of them very conservative, are center, right, including his vice presidential candidate janai to go. i came in who was once his star driver during other presidential elections, but that's the way paul. 6 though and now both sides i believe are going to be trying to find ways to, to make up the difference. and when all out right. on the i the on the 30th of october, it's not
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a lot of time the country's gonna have to go through this all over again. and that will certainly raise political tangents. and perhaps the level of aggression that we have been seeing during this 1st round of the election right now though, these people are looking happy. i'm hopeful that luna will eventually be the president again back to you. that's how latin america added to this hearing. you've been talking to us from so paula, we're gonna cross over to manual awful. he's joining us live from brasilia. so let's here was just talking through broadly the kind of of what, what's gonna happen over the next 20 days, but just talk us through the process because there is quite a specific set of steps that the, the country now has to go through is that that's right, and a will note that this is not as nearly of a lively seed as the one that we're seeing in south follower our colleague, lucy las here. newman is at. up until about an hour ago. we are at the electoral of the supreme electoral court in the brazilian capital brazilian until about an hour
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ago this place was just teaming with people was full of journalists, international press, current and former government officials, international elections observers from the european union, from the organization of american states, it's certainly starting to seems like it's starting to wind down at least the electoral court. the supreme electoral court is the main public institution that is tasked with making the determination over this 1st round of voting. the decision, of course, is for a run off election to take place on october the 2nd in terms of procedure. we heard a round of applause and cheers from elections observers, as well as for members of the electoral court, who say that this was a success in terms of procedure. what we're, what we know from brazilian electoral law is that candidate needs at least 50 percent of the vote plus one vote in order to avoid a runoff election. that didn't happen. so now it's not going to be an easy next a next month up until october. second,
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when brazilians are going to be expected to head to the polls on the, to head, to the polls again. but i, a, we just recently heard from president bull center, and i think this is worth known because he was wasting no time getting back into that campaign mindset. and he something he said something interesting that's worth noting. he says that he's going to wait and make an official statement until after the brazilian armed forces make their statement. this is a more or less unprecedented up for brazil. this is not common for the armed forces to make his statement. president jacob and sonata essentially is saying that he places more trust in the a, in the armed forces here in brazil. then in the supreme electoral court, again, there's been a question. there's been concern over whether or not there's scenario could play out where former president lula would be declared a winner. and in which case, president bull sonata would not accept that the results of that election. there's concerns of what that would mean. there really is no need for the armed forces to
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be making a declaration to be making a statement. it is not up to the brazilian armed forces to determine what the outcome of, of this or the reflection would be. the final se is in the supreme electoral court . so this of course is raising new questions like many people here in brazil. we're hoping that today would sort of bring an end to this very polarized election. that's been driven by this rhetoric from both of, for president lula and president bull sonata, who would pain each other as a sort of ideal logical radicals. both on, on these 2 extremes. that's what's been driving this polarization in here in brazil . and many people were hoping that today perhaps would mark and then to that, of course they're going to have to wait until october 2nd to determine the fate of their country and choose their next president to my. oh, thank you very much and we're just, we're looking at some pictures of president job both. so not holding an income to hit press conference just as you were talking. they're much more subdued. and then
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when we saw from the former president let the silver alley around, it looks like an odd talk thing. but again, not appealing to contain as much of the fire that we have seen previously from desirable. so now we're going to keep across this that was mangled off a little bringing up today from just syria. while all of us don't call as a professor of international relations at the vargas foundation, he explains why this has been a better campaign between the 2 leading candidates. both sides have said the victory of the other side will, will be the end of the republic. so mutual demonize ation and really a lack of a campaign of, of actual proposals but mostly mutual attacks. so i think it will be crucial for whoever wins to reach out to the other side and say, i'm the president, not only of my voters, but of the entire population. i would think that lula has done a bit more to reach out to the center. he's actually chosen a conservative vice presidential candidate, but he too is likely to struggle particular because part of both sonata was,
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most loyal supporters believe that the only way for both not to lose is if lula steals the election. so i think we certainly have a lot of challenges ahead. brazil's, electoral voting system is a very modern, insecure, and they haven't been actually any cases of fraud that could change the election in over the past years. but still, both allowed to have a bit like donald trump in the united states consistently sought to reduce public confidence in the voting system. and actually a lot of his opponents believe that he will win in the 1st round. whereas most polls say that louis clearly in the lead and even say that he could win in the 1st round. so there's a big question mark here of how both amount of supporters will react if they actually see numbers which are very different from what they've been seeing over
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the past months. and that explains why experts have been very concerned about the potential of post election violence and even a scenario somewhat similar to what we've seen in the united states. on january 6, 2021, turned out to the war in ukraine president flooding the israelites case as the forces of re taken to settlements in the household region as part of a counter offensive in the east. the capture of the town of layman on saturday as soon as a key moment in the fighting natives has the victory as a sign of progress. the town is in the occupied region of done yet, which moscow declared part of russia on friday. so stopped reports from viet house near to lehman. ukrainian armies repositioning close to the front line town of lee man in the don. it's region of east in ukraine. president putin says, this is now part of russia, but the ukrainian army is back in control of the weeks of heavy fighting.
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everywhere you look, devastation is nearly complete, burnt out russian ukrainian military vehicles, and home after home destroyed russian soldiers were forced to retreat from this area, but the ukrainian army says they are prepared for a counter attack and one even using as russian president vladimir putin has implied the nuclear auction he would under so carsa, this is also possible on liberated territories, sir, we don't keep patching together that we keep them dispersed to ensure maximum safety of our personnel. but it does not affect the performance of their task. some of its spiers have been damaged by the shilling, but this 16th century russian orthodox monastery remains relatively unscathed. the level of destruction he proves. just how fierce the fighting has been. in recent weeks, this russian orthodox monastery has been
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a place of pilgrimage for centuries. but now the ukrainian soldiers here tell us they fear the priests inside sheltering what they describe as russian collaborators . the bridge to the monastery over the soviet ski donates river has been blown up on both sides. unlike most of the population of the village, the priests are still here. liver, now taco bell, i'm for miter. this monastery comes under the moscow patriarch, which from the start has been destroying ukraine from the inside. therefore, we see all these monks as russian agents. so there's a very high chance they've been hiding collaborators. and some of the few people who stayed and survived the fighting, a sheltering in the basement of another damaged nearby church. because their homes have been destroyed. lewd miller's husband passed away in may. her children fled to her cave when the fighting started. a new zone,
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but then we are not leaving because this is our land, our mother lands. we are even prepared to live in a dug out. if it means we can stay near another homeless family descend the stairs into the church crypt where they sleep. they ukrainian village lies in ruins on land. vladimir putin says is now part of russia and has vowed to take full control of by any means. cha strafford al jazeera sphere to here ask eastern ukraine still had an al jazeera ah hundreds protest against the u. k. prime ministers, controversial tax and borrowing plan. as the conservative party conference begins ah, anticipation is rising. with most of my cattle aways. now
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a good part of east asia has been recognized that summer has gone the still a lingering heat wave south of the yangtze. it's being pushed out of the way by this line of cloud brain, which is affected the winter front attempt just to the south of that or well above where they should been setting new records in both eastern china. the green for japan, b. c. that's already changed by monday, the rain will certainly cool things down during tuesday. that rain spreads into japan as well. bringing with a dimensional drop in temperature to wait for wednesday to that same is true back on the chinese and as well. so take, so wednesday, for most of each asia to recognize we've changed season jumping south though this is more seasonally normal, does rain all over the place. the concentration usually is going to be the in the china, down through sumatra and towards java and west bornea. but to be honest in the philippines is pretty sherry's well, which is again to be expected. and the monsoon though, to pitt,
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you rapidly disappearing, has wound up into a big, lazy low in the bay bank goal, which means more rain to a dish back in to be have probably up to the pulled as well. in fact, he's likely to creep up during tuesday, wednesday, even to please show up in new delhi and maybe the whole. but for the most part, those wet on the ground. pakistan's dry. the with sponsored by categories in combining art and technology to challenge soviet era methodologies. ah, liking, yeah. creating and performing ah, turning a generation of children into the trial places of tomorrow after school armenia, part of the rebel education series on al jazeera. ah
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ah, you're watching or does it remind of our top story is this our brazil's presidential contest is headed to a runoff? former president lose enough feel new to the silver one the 1st drug, but he didn't get the 50 percent plus one bolt needed to avoid the 2nd, right? he's going to face incumbent jabal sonata one of top of the 30th ukrainian president vladimir zalinski says his forces have re take him to settlements to the household region as a counter offensive continues in the east. the capture of the town of layman saturday is seen as a key moment in not fighting funerals are being held in the indonesian city of my lying after one of the deadliest stadium incidents in history. a 125 people were
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killed in a stampede. after police, fire tear gas and spectators, all diseases. jessica washington's in my line was she's met survivors and their family members. in milan, this is a community in the morning and shock. 17 year old we dad went to a football match. his family never expected that he wouldn't make it home. the game turned to tragedy up to police via t again said spectators, apparently to control fans who entered the field after the match ended. people panicked triggering a stampede, as they rushed to the gates. re hands elani survived, but his friend didn't. but please through target to the lower part of the stadium, i saw children dying in front of my eyes. people were scattering round and panic trying to escape, but the exits were locked and loaded so they were piling up. their hundreds were injured in the chaos. witnesses paint a refill picture. i make some work on disregard. so tomorrow,
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as people ran towards the exit, it was locked, and then the lights dimmed in the stadium. it was dark. people were pushing each other and even stepping over each other, trying to get out. we believe bull, this is the waiting area off a cycle on what hospital in milan, one of the hospitals close to the stadium. most of the people waiting here are parents waiting anxiously for updates on their children. 17 year old refiner, dewey a franchise is in the intensive care unit. i was staying up waiting for him. it was so late and he hadn't come home. every one else in our neighbourhood who had been to the match had started to come home. where was my son? and she worries about her son. she pondered why he ended up in hospital in the 1st place. about miles, why did police gas them? there were many children up there and mothers too. now you see who the victims are . many of them are just young boys, like my son deonte was beat. the patrice mother is also waiting for an update from
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the i see you do need to double glass and why her face so swollen and the bones in her neck dislocated. she's unconscious. denise is president has asked for an investigation and human rights groups are calling for answers and accountability, criticizing police for using t against in a confined space. for now, many of the parents who spoke to bounty sierra say the only question on their mind is whether their child who make it through jessica washington al jazeera milan. preliminary results are starting to be released and elections held in boston hauser . gov, them, the governing system in bosnia is known as one of the most complicated in the world . people have voted for 3 members of the shared presidency as well as parliamentary representatives. bulgaria is also gone to the polls for its 4th parliamentary election in 18 months. results show that the centre right party led by boycott boris of former prime minister, is set to take the most votes. but forming a government is going to be no easy task. and will simmons reports from sophia?
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no clear winner? no surprise. instability is the result in this election. boy co boris of center, right? party one most votes. if he manages to get a coalition together, he says policy would remain pro european. oh, got it that other brother al gary and needs to be very clear, finn and precise on where it belongs in the european union. and nato carol pet coffee center is succeeded. boris offers prime minister. but his popularity waned. partly because of his hard line on russia and his messaging didn't get the support he needed, they're making a choice between her. our politics and transition were corruption. that was part of the brand. we bulgaria or i knew completely reform transparent, growing bulgaria. it was only last year that anti corruption protests brought down, bristles government after mobile a decade in power. his administration faced
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a 120 allegations of corruption from an e. u prosecutor. despite this brozowski core support stayed intact, mainly among older voters. many of them living outside of the capitol, bertram or she dylan, she's very confident he's a well qualified politician. she communicates very well and he takes advice from the experts. but university lecturer galena, pinta cova, is skeptical about how that can be a fully functioning government. most of the half of the toner system, it might form a government, but it won't last for long. the last few elections show that it's nearly impossible to have a stable coalition government. and so what next negotiations to try to get a coalition government formed parties with different ideologies, trying to come together. it could include a nationalist pro russian party,
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but there's no guarantee it will all succeed. and that could be another general election. andrew simmons al jazeera, severe broad street pipelines in the baltic sea have stopped leaking gas, meaning danish authorities are now able to inspect the damage. it's still not clear what caused me faint to start escaping from the pipes close to the danish island of bonham, said vassar reports warships laid docked in the harbour of the tourist island of bourne home. men of denmark's main holiday destinations finds itself the scene of mysterious attacks. not far from the damage, nor trimmed gas pipelines. people on the island field of war in ukraine is nearing their home. conflict has moved closer and it's more real this week than it was last week because there's something very, very strange going on. 20 kilometers away from our cold. the not frame pipelines have been at the center of an energy war between russia and europe. and the for leaks have exposed the vulnerability of europe's gas supply,
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after insisting it was sabotaged. european leaders have called for security to be stepped up. i said recently for newsome has actually, i said, if we had told ourselves a week ago that there would be explosions at the north stream one and 2 pipelines. we'd probably have thought, ha, but that's what's turned that into a reality. and therefore, the critical infrastructures have become a matter of general concern upon normal. born home lives on the eastern edge of denmark and has long been of strategic importance to both nato and russia. russia claims that before soviet troops left the island after world war 2, it was agreed. foreign troops would never be stationed here, alone home find his house in a delicate position, became clear earlier this year when the deployment of american weapons systems was tested here during military drills. russia immediately issued a strong warning. now with the damage northridge pipelines on its doorstep, the islands find itself again at the heart of an international conflict. during the
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cold war, yan scott hope was father born home defense force. he thinks the west should show its presence here, although he's not worried about any threat from russian forces. i think is, is a good that americans, british german troops come to the island and make exercises so. so they, they learn is a part of the market and it's so bottom, they, so, but stationed here on, on the pony base, i don't think it's necessary. you ought to be worried that the russians would be concerned about, or they were, they were low for sure. make it all fuss about it, but i don't think that that it will make any difference. experts say the hundreds of millions of cubic meters of gas that have spilled into the sea are causing a lot more damage to the global climate and the local environment. but these islanders are undeterred and go on with their daily business, enjoying the sea,
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even with the cool october weather stuff fastened else's era on born home in denmark. yeah, man's warning sides of fail to reach an agreement to extend a nation wide ceasefire. both sides blame each other for allowing the deal to expire, and the un is calling for talks to continue. united nations have broke the truce in april and it's been renewed twice, oppose and fighting has been the longest. in the 8th year war. the conflict has killed hundreds of thousands of people and created for the u. n. calls the world's worst humanitarian crisis. if the bone is a communications and advocacy coordinator at yemen, she says the truth gave him and his hope for peace. children who goes to school, they are not afraid of planes anymore because it means in the last 6 months that every time they hear a plane, the worse care thinking that a bomb, they will happen. but if we don't have the tools again, the children will have their, their life affected forever. they cannot access to education. and to they know me as a tutor, but have access to school. so having the next generation of yemen,
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not being afraid, not running, running from the war, and having the right to have their life again, is the most important thing that we can think when we think about the truth. does that do that we receive it? should they then know mostly off the truth will affect me as of yet me, but also for monday and 8. i didn't see it would fit in the scope that we're not going to have access to the field of the 30000000 gemini. 23 meters need for monday, 78. to survive and 70 medias don't have. they don't know where they're going to get their next plate of food. so they don't bring us up this truth we'll, we'll be very significant for our operations here in yemen. it is important for the international community to pay attention again to yemen because we are locking on funding just 47 percent of the money in this country and has been funded so far. and over 60 percent of that has been just focused on food security. is the biggest need in yemen by now. but what are some limitations?
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education protection health has been under funded lady, so we need the money time to meet you to support them. and again, to encourage the both parties to have a conversation and also to provide the fund needed for the leaders of year many who is the beginning of the tools could see again whole. but again has been taken away . but his primary ssl is trust is admitted. she should have laid the ground bet her to avoid the turmoil her many budget created in the international courtesy and bond markets on the 1st day of the annual conservative party conference trust, insisted she is confident. a tax cutting package will boost economic growth. paul brandon reports from birmingham. yeah. as honeymoon periods go, this has to be one of the shortest in political history. less than a month since this trust took over the u. k. new conservative prime minister, a government's controversial tax and borrowing plans. mean, the conservative party conference is literally besieged by critics. from the p. m.
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and admission. i. d, stand by the package we announced. and i stand by the, by the fact that we announced it quickly because we had to act by do accept, we should have laid the ground better than right. do you accept that you accept the economic strategy of trust and her chancellor is intended to dramatically boost growth? the plan to give tax cuts to the rich funded by billions of pounds of government borrowing, sent the currency and bond markets into turmoil last week. and members of trust as own parliamentary party are threatening to vote against it. people need to feel and need to see. ah that, ah, when we are making the case for tax cuts, the people who benefit 1st are those who are are those who have leased to coincide with the 1st day of conference. several 1000 campaign groups and union members converged on birmingham city center. if you want to preserve your hospital, your care center for the elderly,
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top of their concerns is the fear that the government will start cutting public sector budgets. we want people to got to be ready for an avalanche of cuts in everything that they experience in public life. it's going about their business and we got to turn that round. now is a direct attack on working class communities about there being too much. oh much, how about ignore school reality? oh, hold on. second thought is to get things done. you need the support support of the employees and parliament support of the people in the why the company, not the moment this trust appears to have neither guarantee. after 12 years in power, the conservative parties become accustomed to its annual conference being a rather comfortable and controlled a fac, this year is shaping up to be very different. hol, brennan, al jazeera birmingham. ah .
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