tv News Al Jazeera October 5, 2022 2:00am-2:30am AST
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suspended, and for my goal, and this is unbelievable for a speech was shut down an exclusive investigation. the labor files are one on al jazeera, 18 months after me and mars military cool. the balance of power is shifting us. thousands of pro democracy activists join forces with ethnic minority insurgents forming a united front to take on the military. people in power goes behind the scenes to reveal growing optimism that the coalition of people's defense forces could transform the country's future from me and mars frontline. on a jessia ah, a diverse range of stories from across the globe. from the perspective of our networks, journalists on al jazeera, ah,
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russia's opera house of parliament proves annexing for ukrainian regions and moved the west has denounced as illegal. ah, i'm carry johnston. mrs. al jazeera ally from do also coming up were on the front lines with ukrainian forces as they continue their fight to retake territory from russia. the tanks operating here a part of a wide counter offensive in the east that a see great success. in recent weeks. the u. s. accuses north career of dangerous and reckless action. ostrich conducted its longest ever weapons test, sending people in japan to take cover the on again off again. take either of twitter by billionaire. either must appears to be back on. the legal battle may not
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be over. ah, russian president vladimir putin is finalizing his plans to annex for ukrainian regents the upper house of parliament approval legislation, which now had to put in for his signature. but on the ground in ukraine, moscow's forces are losing territory on 2 separate battle fronts. i am at val reports from moscow, the douglas, and so it was the $170.00 members of the russian senate unanimously voted yes to the annexation of 80 percent of ukraine's internationally recognized territory. despite international condemnation assist you. on monday, the lower house did the same show. she wouldn't stop, but you know, the secret today the u. s. have subjugated almost the entire width, mobilizing it to turn ukraine into tune in
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a war against russia. or just like hitler, st most european countries to war in an attack on the us, it's are just like then, today's west land are bound to fails, was one find by president. let me put in the new constitutional laws become official in russian federation. and moscow will redraw, it's dawn, me up, and that of your career on the battlefield. the reality is, different. russia only partially controls. the 4 regions it has claimed its army has been losing ground across the territory. its been occupying last month president led me to put in and now the mobilization of up 230-0000 reservists. 200000 of them have already been deploy training is under way in 80 centers across the country. but it's still being trained to fight portable. i'm to thank you. good . i'm a to launches, revealed train them how to run into battle, where on
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a very dacy, wonderful after weeks of confusion and protest against the mobilization rushes defense minister said again showing to reassure the public, some of the column was only for army service with some young conscript for routine compulsory military service want to be deployed to the front line. but that won't listen. the challenge is rushes facing in its efforts to consolidate gains on the ground, nor in selling its war. both at home and abroad, had fun and a 0 more scope. has a look at the areas that russia wants to annex cell. these are the 4 province, is the kremlin. it says voted in referendums to join russia. the area in red, it shows what russian forces actually control or moscow says, all of on the ask in the hands for the part of the federation, even though it's not in full control of these provinces. as for her son and
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separation further south, many areas are outside moscow's control, and the kremlin has yet to clarify what exactly it's cleaning. ukraine's present says his troops are making rapid and powerful progress against russian forces in the south and east. shall stratford travelled with one of the you it's that's part of the counter offensive in easton ukraine. the drive to tank positions on the eastern front is often a long body isolated roads hidden in the forest. under wet autumn leaves, we find ukrainian soldiers. with the 5th assault tank regiment tanks, he had been vital, preventing a russian advance as ukrainian troops continue a counter offensive that his recently retaken thousands of square kilometers from russian forces. the forest will offer less cover from russian drones and air strikes in the coming weeks and months. heavy machine gun fire echoes through the
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trees of the final preparations. the signal to move is given the near 40 year old t 72 tank moves out from under the trees. it's a 5 minute drive to its firing position, exposing the crew to rush time. we follow it to a nearby field and within a minute the tell tale winding sails signal, it will fire seconds. a minute later, a 2nd blast to the tank is moved into its operating position. we understand that they are firing a russian positions about 3 kilometers from here. the tanks operating here a part of a wider counter offensive in the east. that is seen great success in recent weeks.
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time now is of the essence moved back into color before russian forces locate the following position and reply. this tank soldier tells us is one of around a 100 that russian soldiers abandoned. in the past month when they fled, the ongoing ukrainian army advanced. suddenly, the sound of a jet fighter approaching we struggled to see it through the leaves, apart with its screams overhead. alexander says he has a wife and child waiting for him when the war is over. but he doesn't know when that will be. we are here for another one in our role as a tank regimen is very important because we are preventing russian forces from moving forward. as our troops advanced,
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nicola tells me he's not worried about the possibility of a push by thousands of new russian conscripts as part of russian president vladimir putin so called partial mobilization. don't matter how many man they, they bring it, is that don't matter for us. our machine guns can shoot what 100000 gallons a minute. if you shoot 5 or 50, i don't think our a machine gunners will be tired. ukrainian military says it's winning back territory in the east bit by bit day by day. so far. evidence on the battlefield, at least, suggests moscow's military response is yet to come. char stafford, al jazeera, eastern ukraine of georgia, is the government is facing a political dilemma as more russian seek refuge. they're most trying to avoid president vladimir putin military colon order announced last month. the influx is
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putting pressure on a government that's trying to tread a fine line between moscow and brussels him on con reports. fruit of leasing. it's empty now, but in recent days, george's parliament has seen a serious rift open up between the government and the opposition. and there's little agreement on anything related to russia. the goblin says that since september 21, a 115000 russians arrived, the opposition says the figures closer to 500000. well that the, an opposition politicians see that as a national security threat, a lot of georgia. i think that because of this government and this government is kind of an i weston government and i kind of, you know, gambling with russia and puts in so i mean, rush on influx is definitely a huge threat for that. there are the parliament, the ruling at georgia dream path. it keeps up it's election vouch of having a good relationship with russia and joining the european union. the country wants
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to become a bridge, if you will, between the european union and russia. the vice chair of the foreign relations committee says strengthening ties with russia is now a big ask. relations are bad tense and a dangerous for georgia because we don't have diplomatic relations. and russia presents an existential threat to georgia's independence, territorial integrity with the country in the very early stages of his bids that you membership many feel that this is the time to press a more forceful membership of nato in european union is the most important in order to protect the georgia civility and territorial integrity and the security. but the problem is that it's because of the war in ukraine. it is unlikely that georgia will get not a membership anytime soon, but as far as the new membership, i think georgia has quite good chances. their memories of the 2008 with russia
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still fresh hair. the graves of dead soldiers are still well tended. the image is coming from ukraine are familiar, and a reminder of the russian georgian war that's often described as the 1st european war of the 21st century before the war and ukraine. russia had no problem with the country wanting to join you. but to day what russia, thanks, or when the e will allow them to join the club is unknown. it seems that george's dream of being a bridge between russia and europe is further away than ever. m. ron called our desert tbilisi. north korea's latest miss our launches john condemnation from japan, south korea and the u. s. washington, calling it reckless and dangerous for young, conducted it's longest range missile. and yet a nuclear capable ballistic missile and a 1st to fly over japan in 5 years. south korea and the u. s. responded with a show of strength carrying out bombing drills off the east coast. us also held
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joint chills with japan. several countries have called for an emergency un security council meeting to discuss this launch meat dad. this dangerous and reckless launch of a long range, ballistic missile that moved over to pan and it posed an unacceptable threat to the japanese public. this action is a clear violation multiple resolutions adopted by the un security council. and it again demonstrates the threat that the p r a i holds both as it relates to it's a law for one program, but also it's for financial ram and the threat to its neighbors as well. mike joins us now from washington, d. c. and mike, a strongly worded reaction from the state department. yes indeed, from all sections of the by the end of ministration, the words that he heard repeatedly were dangerous and reckless that from the state
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department, as he say, but also from the pentagon and from the presidential press spokesperson, who use those terms dangerous and reckless as well, what we do know is that to the marine corps pilots have been flying exercise missions with japanese pilots over the sea of japan. and also with south korea. and fight is the korean peninsula this in response to the latest missile test. but this mounting concern in the bite and administration and its allies in terms of these repeated tests. 40 missiles have been fired since the beginning of the in 20 separate launches. and now there's a ratcheting up of us engagement in the region. you've got the secretary of defense calling his counterpart in japan. and in south korea, you got the secretary of state, the national security adviser, all speaking to their counterparts, and to top it all as well. you've got the president biden making a phone call to the japanese prime minister in the wake of the law. and so there's
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a lot of focus from the bite and administration on these events pushing for an urgent un security council meeting. these launches the u. s. insist must stop, otherwise, it is going to ratchet out it's reactions, as we've seen in these massive exercises that had been conducted in the wake of the latest launch, fight hannah in washington, dc for us that thank you. said a head heron al jazeera, more bank, holdups in lebanon as desperate customers demand access to their own savings. ah hello, welcome to look at the international forecast. we're still squeezing out the laughs of any rain fall from. what was the hurricane in just around new york,
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just around the new england at the moment. see the little area of low pressure, just off. sure. they're cool to where they're coming out. the central parts of canada, central areas of the u. s. just around the northern plains, seeing some wet weather over the next day or so. there's that rain there into central airs of canada winnipeg at around 17 celsius, similar temperature into the northeast of the u. s. but that where to weather will move out of the way. here it warms up where to where the clearing away from central parts of canada. on the other hand, we'll see temperatures by 8 degrees celsius. therefore we'll pay as that wet weather makes his way towards the lakes. now to some whether to just around the south west, west of that jen. we try and find still warm in there, lay around $29.00. so she said the next day or so, still a few showers affecting a central and western parts of mexico. what was her recon orly now dissipating, still a few showers into northern parts of the country, but some heavy down post is coming back into some areas of mexico,
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ah, the watching out is there a reminder of our top stories this? russian president vladimir putin is finalizing his plans to annex for ukrainian regions. the upper house of parliament has approved legislation, which now had to put in for his final signature. ukraine's president says his troops are making rapid and powerful progress against russian forces in the south and east. but america lensky says, dozens of towns and villages have been liberated in the past week. south career and the us have carried out bombing drills in response to a miss song, which by north korea. this all went over japanese territory prompting international condemnation bow reports that billina you don't mosque has decided to go ahead with his original plan to buy twitter for $44000000000.00. in the letter to the social
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media giant mosque agreed to pay the price he offered months ago before trying to back out of the deal. the news that comes ahead of a trial in which twitter was set to seek an order, forcing him to close the buyout remarks efforts to quiet which has been a bumpy one. in april, he agreed to purchase the social media platform for staggering $44000000000.00. but weeks later, the has the seo pulled out of the agreement, claiming twitter had misled him and the public about the platforms problem with use a security and spam accounts. in response to a sued must, the social media giant alleges that he was trying to pull out of the deal because his personal wealth has fallen off to it has confirmed they received that marks latest offer. and the company says they intensive closer to the original $44000000000.00 price tag. but roger chang is the executive editor of seen it. he joined the slide from the sun's rays,
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vice got good to have you with this. so what do you make of this? a parent about turn by? you don't mask the name of the game is unpredictable and you must convince as unpredictable as expected in the month long so far. you know, we were weeks away from a trial public trial and you know, a lot of the common plaintiff is, you know, you must not want take part in a protracted courtroom battle. a legal battle that may have brought to light things that he may not want to shed. and so this is the easy route and could be on, you know, beyond these, the trial. nothing significant has changed about the situation. what, given what you say me, we have a billionaire who, who could potentially take over a social media platform. what does this matter? well, this is a big deal, obviously are you are mosque has been
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a controversial figure, and he's been an outspoken user of twitter and you know, he says he's a champion of sprit free speech that could have, he'd ramifications on watch whitter my look like once he takes control, right? he's talked about trying to make it or we're presume it's, it's a town square feeling move. so it's more of an open platform, but we don't really know what that means and whether or not he understands how to navigate some issues between the tension between free speech and harassment and all the complexities then tell their people might be forgiven for thinking, you know, every time even musk says anything, everyone jumps on, is it tom to ignore some of the things he says? you know, it's, it, he definitely has his words still hold a lot of weight, but, you know, just prior to this coming out, you know, he was attempting to broker a piece between ukraine, russia through a tweet and through a poll. right? so it is hard to take some of things, he says, seriously, if you look at his twitter feed, it is
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a mix of ridiculous and sometimes astute observations. it's really a mixed bag. and so that, that's why i said it's unpredictable or the word name of the game here with you or must. it is hard to predict where he's going to go. and what is twitters view of this them in? how are they managing to navigate all of this? why twitter has obviously, i mean, its shareholders stand a benefit. i mean, they just last month over all the you're approved that deal. and so the shareholders stand again quite a bit since this is a big premium over the prices trading prior to law must offer in terms of twitter it's, i think there's a lot of folks, ad twitter who are a little nervous about what this process means. what it means for the platform, what it means for them, and what the company's stood for in the past. i'm going to understand they put you on the spot had do you think it's going to go through yeah, it's,
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you know what i can make any kind of decision or i can make any kind of addiction and you almost would. all certainly invalidated. he can go any number of different ways. i would say it like if i were to bet, i would say, yeah, it's likely that this field does go through. i mean, there might be some additions that might be some guarantee that twitter might want to put it in. just make sure it actually happens. but it's looking increasingly like, you almost want to avoid a contract, a legal battle, or any kind of drama in the court. room and then may go through with a steel alright, rotted, saying from seeing that. thank you very much. your contribution here today? colombia, as government says it will restart. peace talks with a leftist rebel group next month. talks between the n and former president, yvonne do case, governments broke down in 2019 is the largest remaining carrillo group in the country off the peace deal signed as follows. the rebels in 2016, the country's 1st left. when president gustavo petra came to power,
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promising to make peace with several armed groups, i sauntered pierre t has more from boca. there are new circumstances that of best better, definitely helping among them. the fact that there is for the 1st time, left the government in place in columbia that the president, gustavo paper was himself rebel and non group n a youth. and this is something that the 1st commander of the land has also recognized during the announcement from kodak as earlier today. essentially saying that the fact that they feel that the dialogue will be easier with the government. also the fact that the venezuela is on board and president nicholas and my buddha said that he will be mediator in this process is very important because during the last decade or so,
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the l n as the expanded greatly its operation inside the venezuela and they are now operating and at least that doesn't venezuelan states, so it would be impossible without venezuela to advance in the stocks an official inquiry into how britons a government handled the corona virus pandemic has begun. or todd judge will investigate every step of the country's response to the outbreak that killed more than 200000 people. charlie angela reports that sam. yes, my dad. and that's my eldest sir. the last time amanda henry saw her father robert, looking well in a care home. the country was looking down against corona virus. the was quiet car at day was always joking, always sing. in 4 weeks later he was dead with coven 19 as the cause of death. so his ashes, his ashes, now sit in her living room. she blames the government's decision to discharge
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people from hospitals into their homes without testing them for coded. first. there was so many failings. when they said that priority test in was going to happen, fell tally residence in care. that didn't happen. that was not happening. and when they said they were putting this stale ring around one rouble, people in care homes that didn't happen at all. is decisions like this, the coven inquire, will examine, starting with how prepared or unprepared the country was for a pandemic. there is one word that sums up the pandemic for so many, and that is the word loss. my principal aim is to produce reports and recommendations before another disaster strikes the 4 nations of the united kingdom . independent of the government. the inquiry will go on to look at the political decisions made during the pandemic,
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and the impact on the health care system hearings will begin in spring. and the process is expected to last several years costing upwards of $80000000.00. but as broad as the inquiry is, there are gaps, se x, but the socio economic consequences of locking down the country. the impact on education, business, hospitality, that was simply not discussed in government. you would have thought that the inquiry would be giving a raise a sharp focus to that issue. but there's no indication at all that they're going to look at what didn't happen, which was to get advice from experts about will these, these other issues, 200000 people, lost their lives to come over here in the u. k. each one represented on this memorial rule. now the inquiry says that those suffered will be at the heart of this process. to do that, they're going to listen to the accounts of tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of people. the aim to discover what could or should
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have been done to reduce suffering. charlie angela al jazeera london, a court in the u. k. has open and in questions. the death is an unarmed black man who was shot by police in south london. 24 year old chris campbell was shot through the windscreen of a car. in september. police had linked the vehicle to an earlier firearms instance . a cabinet was not a suspect. his family has asked for a quick decision on whether criminal charges should be brought in the case. at least 3 people have died nearly 20 are missing. after a boat carrying the hang, the refugee sank off the coast of bangladesh. the vessel was bound for malaysia. many of fleeing di conditions in a cox's bazaar camp, which houses 1000000 refugees most have lived there since fleeing a military crack down in neighboring men. 5 years ago, frustrated customers have stormed for more banks in lebanon to demand access to
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their own savings. i'm going to look up anyway, my back to you. this video is from one of the man threatened off with a gun. clients have rated several banks across the country during the last month. lebanon is facing a financial crisis in banks of imposed strict limits on withdrawals. they know holder has more from varied there have been more bank holes up across the country, really an incidents in the eastern level on another incident in the south of the country. these are the depositors who are angry, who is saving 3. they have been trapped in bangs since late 2019. and these incidents continue to happen despite type of security measures. if you can see where other bank people are no longer allowed to enter bank branches, only one by one they, they're using a t. m. machines. transactions are now being done through a t m machines. of course,
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each bank has their own procedures put in place security measures after there was a wave of bank called up last month. even yesterday, there was another incident in the southern suburbs of baby toby's incidents continue to happen. when you talk to people who are sounding outside banks, you really feel the frustration. a lot of people are here are either civil servants, some or even army personnel. interior, internal security personnel who are coming here to get their salaries, their monthly wages. so this is, this is a financial crisis that has really hurt the population. there is anger towards, towards bank. they blame banks for imposing illegal capital controls, because the capital controls have not been formalized by parliament. but at the same time, banks will argue and say that we have no other choice but to impose these capital controls. because the state is not giving us back to money because what happened here was that bank lent money to the states which is really being blamed for
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misusing the money for, for corruption, for decades that nearly bankrupt state cannot pay the banks back. and bank say they don't have enough money to give them to give the people, it's believes a $100000000000.00, and deposits are trapped and banks and banks have approximately $20000000000.00. that is why they're giving these monthly. well, at least at 15 inmates have been killed during a prison right in central ecuador, it happened in the city of latter calendar, or going at $400.00 inmates were killed in ecuador prisons in last year and a half. the president who blames the violence on gangs and the drug trade this year is that nobel prize for physics has been awarded to 3 people and an aspect john f. klauser and anton seneca, being recognized for their pioneering work on quantum information. science is a nobel committee said paves the way for brand new technology.
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