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tv   The Stream  Al Jazeera  October 5, 2022 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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organisms, as she pioneered bio orthogonal chemistry, thanks at this dunning shock, right. i mean there was the, the chair of the nobel prize committee and his colleagues in the background call to say, congratulations. i thought, you know, it's like a weird, surreal moment. because he also helps to somewhat write the gender imbalance. she's only the 8th female chemistry laureate, alongside a $182.00 men. the former president of the royal swedish academy of sciences. christina mulberry believes inequality is being reduced. do i think when the sector politically active in that effort, there will be more winners because more women are becoming professors are making breakthroughs? no one can ever think, though, are chosen because they are woman. what we can do is encourage more to be nomination, because without that, you can't win a nobel prize. if them are behind. quick chemistry and bio orthogonal chemistry involved processes far beyond the reach of human vision. the noble award has at least put them on their pioneers finally in the public, high pole, rece,
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aldi's era. stockholm, ah, look at main stories of following now and white house is accused and alliance. the wild talk. oil produces of aligning itself with russia. are they agree to cut their output to boost prices? the opec plus group, which includes russia and saudi arabia says it will reduce production by $2000000.00 barrels a day. but the u. s. has called this move, short sighted a misguided saying, it will harm the global economy. fuel prices skyrocket in the spring when russia invaded ukraine, but then dropped in the last 3 months of the fears of a global recession. and white house correspond it can be how kit has more. now. the white house press secretary cory's on pierre are saying that there is certainly a short sightedness that the white house is viewing in the part of the saudis. wood
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asked if their relationship has been harmed whether or not they can still see them as a trustworthy partner. they certainly wouldn't respond to that, but what we know is that the white house is taking action in order to kind of mitigate the impact if you will. and what this could do for american consumers rushes present. edema. putin assign the annexation of 4 ukrainian regions into law a week after staging referendums at the u. n. called illegal under international law, but a cremeans control in those regions as shrunk, compared to when the votes were held as ukrainian forces push back russian troops. hundreds of thousands of russians of also flood that country after moscow said it would mobilize $300000.00 additional troops whose in now says the pond. conscription will be delayed for some university students will ukraine's present rosamille. zalinski says is forces of made powerful advances in the south dozens of settlements recapture in the past few days. great and officials of cool,
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the russian annexation plans. the act of a collective madhouse of famine is expected to be declared in somalia within weeks . the 1st significant famine declared anywhere in a decade for rainy seasons, over 2 years of fails will, than a 1000000 people have been despised. at least half a 1000000 children are at risk of dying from malnutrition. will those of the headlines this hour will bring you much more? everything in on use out that's coming up at $2100.00 g m t. the stream is coming up next. ah ah
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hi of emmy. ok. italy's next prime minister, georgia maloney is an unapologetic conservative who knows exactly what she wants for her country and how many supporters are behind georgia maloney events. so now georgia, maloney, i think, is one of the few women who can stand up to europe and above all, hold italy up to so knocked any darya refusal more to go out. i trust mon only a lot and i'm convinced that she will slowly bring forward the solution to the problem for young people pensioners and change the whole bureaucratic system. grab a broker, they know you'll out from it all. so lucy, i am a right wing voter and therefore happy to see george and maloney and government i had the chance to know her when she was younger. and i know that she is a democratic person of culture who speaks for languages and is very prepared. the attacks against her are due to jealousy because she is an intelligent, strong, free, and honest woman. on today's episode, off the stream,
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how might italy's new far right government change the country? that is the discussion by welcome to be part of it. the comment section is right here. look forward to hearing from you. welcome to barbara marina. federico is good to have all 3 of you here. barbara. wonderful to have you on the stream. interesting capacity. i know many of our viewers will recognise you tell everybody who you are and what you do now. thanks for me. it's great to be with you. my name is barbara shire. i'm an italian born journalist based of london. i used to present the news and be a correspondent for al jazeera for 16 years, and at al jazeera, i made the film fashion and we're going to see a little bit of that in just a moment. perfect it say hello to marina marina. welcome to the stream. these introduce yourself the hello dr. us. however, the wireless, thank you for having me here. my name is mary, you know, she knows,
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but yet i know i am a political economy than the word from you. the policy exists. you don't forget to have you and federico, welcome to you as well. please. hello to have us around the world. hello. my name is for the he could be an am a journalist. i'm gonna editor a large where which is the tele, sleepy newspaper. and now i'm a century comics journalist. i have all 3 of you. we also reached out to the brothers of italy, party to see if they will be part of our program. we didn't get a response from them, but we will be featuring their voices. that comments in today's show, let's stop bubble with this idea of being a fascist and fascism in the years since fascism was spreading across europe. it's become more of a pejorative term. i'm wondering if we've lost the context of what it means in italy. let me start with my terror festival. a terror pulling something out quite
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nicely. and i'd love for you to just be one of the back of him. what has been a fashion mean in italy today? his material festival. by peers though others consider fascism. anything that is on the sub richmond, conservative, nationalistic, so it's clear that the wall is completely lost. it's me. on my dad's side though, i strongly believe the italy cannot grow, it's so fast. you are also with the bracket of the italian, low, the, or below, and the international low. so i don't feel that a problem a war about i suspect if i asked every italian, they would give me, have completely different all. so what is your answer? take what is a well, i mean my answer is that fascism is an opinion it's, it's a crime initially and, and, and that's the way that it should be seen. i mean i remember i sort of decided to make the film fascism in the family when actually toward fascism kept on being used
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in english rather than italian. and i feel sometimes over use like anything and everything was a fascist. so listen, i think the key thing about brothers a visually and, and ga maloney's that they have links specific links and their routes are in a neo fascist party. that began after world war 2. the so called m. m a cy without getting to, to maybe to so that specific about her and the party so much so that the logo of that party from, from an after world war 2 is still part of their branding. now i'm, i mean i wouldn't say it's a controversial thing, you know, fascism is illegal and certainly any attempt at reconstituting the party is illegal . i think that there's a lot of things that i noticed while i made the film, for example, that there would be to trickle people just always going to celine's grave to kind of pay their respects. so i think some of the, you know, i don't think that all italians have quite bell to with their history. but i do
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think we need to be careful about using the word fascism. and to me, you know, for fashion to be president, or at least, you know, to be fully evolved, you need violence and you need that violence to be used as a threat to democracy. federico, i see you nodding, articulate, you're not a, go ahead. i don't, i don't quite understand whether the question is if we think that george maloney is a fascist or not, i think it's a question definitely worth asking. and for the 1st thing i would say if that's the question, i would say that i think one of her successes is that she has managed to make it in polite to ask her whether she's a fascist or how she relates to her roots. because she becomes very easily impatient and that's a debate, but i would say it is a little bit. it has, these appeared
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a little bit for me. i would say that she's definitely a right wing populated. she has been a right wing populate for a number of years in the mall of sorry, donald trump ban in the mall of maybe walks insane and other right, being populous parties across europe, across the web, across the west. and if you look for her particular family in europe, we're talking about low injustice in poland, the tory party in britain and, and the artist of guy. so ok. i think she has showed sympathy for 3rd period. she has invited, for instance, week or, or bon, the were. the contrast is very often, but i think we need to move
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a little bit forward and move on from about the trashes of the 19 days and get, i think straight into the debate as to whether we can read you loud and mean, i'm wondering then what kind of conservatism, does maloney presents for italians? what's attractive for italians about? yeah, i think that you know what the use of ada, active. i mean, having say that i do agree with the say to the other, but i think we should go so far. and the different views that you show, the, the beginning of the show. so white people and voltage knowing what people are. so,
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i mean, knowing, and it seems to me that you know, fast, seasonal, conservative sounds, wedding, also much nation. and what we have that, well, you know, she's close to the needs of people and maybe she can do something for my electricity because she's a woman. and she's been here and i mean, and i'm not giving any judgment to these. i'm just saying that you know, the owner of people, you need that when talking about the job done and on the day ease, you know, not so much to watch, you know, the end of next month. but i still. busy to walk to monday, the bases of the guy being fascism. and i think that, you know, now, and he's the most important question that i mean, what kinds of you know, at the school time says she managed to capture what you know of them both. she, she guessed that i did clear that. and the majority of, you know, not the majority, but the big of all the votes of maloney is up,
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but also the volts of i still not to fall. she's, she's still, she's both. these are really, you know, she's the only one the latter in the sense that, you know, she has a bit of a dog maloney now so that i really, i think your success. we've tried, we've tried everybody else. let's try a flavor that we haven't tried to play because we haven't tried for some time. let me push on a little bit because i don't want to just talk about maloney's roots. i want to talk about how she will lead. so i'm going to go back to a documentary that you bob, where you made in 2019, where you will looking not just that it leaves and it leaves move to the fall, right. but connecting back to your family as well. and you went to maloney, raleigh in 2019 when she wasn't even pulling that high. but what do we see here? do we think leadership here that come look these are the brother is of it.
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the country 2nd largest star, right party, georgia, maloney is the leader in today. she's issuing a clarion call for europe. the kid behind the proverb is a screen nationalist with i suspect when maloney says our identity, she doesn't include the farm workers. i met in full year and where is the country's fascist history to be found in her notion of to find some of their real changes for italy right now there's a column it economic challenges cove. it is still around to pick people still cobra coat, covey, their health challenges as
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a lot to cope with. how is maloney going to change what she does on the stage, any rallies into leading a country or she's gonna have to be pragmatic, isn't she? and for example, you know, we know that she's had some meetings with mario that i gave, of course, led the country up until, you know, the, the elections. and now the new government comes because this is a tricky situation. italy also needs to access a lot of money the has given it to kind of get back on its feet after cove it. so i think, you know, i think we're going to see a pragmatic maloney. i think we will see the kind of signal that her presence will give to the rest of the european countries. but i think practicality in and, you know, obviously at the other guests will know more, especially at the times when based in, in italy. but you know, she's going to have to be practical and i think getting the economy to be stable is the most important thing. i mean remember that one of the main reasons that maloney took the power because it's interesting when, when i made the film,
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we almost didn't go to the maloney rally because we in the produce we're going nash is pulling at 4 percent. we don't need to go there. and then thankfully our director made us and you know, that was only 2019 and look how she skyrocketed. i'm in the polls and that is because she was the only opposition party to cove it. so when a lot of unpopular measures are being pushed through whether it was locked down or easily had very strict on vaccination rules, for example, where you couldn't even go in to restroom if you could surely were vaccinated. she capitalized on all of that. so look, you know, that there's a lot of reasons. remember, 7000000 people voted for maloney and abstention remains really the one window of these of these elections which is worrying in itself. so i think when it comes to the economy, we may see her be a bit more traditional that we may think or, you know, that said working with in europe, it'll be interesting to see what she does on issues like migration. obviously a key, a key issue for the far right and issues like the rights of minorities. maria,
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go ahead. huh. yeah. we need a better. we can you go 2nd? yeah, yeah. yeah. yeah, the interesting thing is that the minority that we saw in 2019 might be despite to herself. and despite the way she would like to be, she might be removed from the kind of leader that will have to manage the country. because we're talking about projects, country, and financial respects, you know, in the middle of up, in the midst of a serious crisis. that is the recent war on the continent. the recently economy war, an energy war going on with russia with energy prices are tenfold. does have grown tenfold from a couple of years ago. we interest rates going up and this kaleisha for
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julia was talking about. so we're talking about a leader that was calling for the euro to be dismembered just a few years ago. she gave an interview like 15 a months ago, not 15 years, but 15 months ago, or no question in the europe. and now she's standing for also looks fiscal policies . so what does that mean? and from what i hear, she's looking for technocrats to run the most sensitive ministries. so the finance ministry, the energy ministry, the health ministry. it's like an admission that she doesn't have the personnel. she doesn't have the competency nor party, and act, frankly, she doesn't have the right proposals, the right ideas to run the scatter. so this is also fascinating because it's not the 1st case of a populist the screens and yells in public squares. but the mean it,
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she has to take responsibility. this kind of populous leader, her becomes scared. okay. let me tell you that we can i run the car in her place. i that we can, i hear. i also want to spend some time with our audience who are watching you right now. this is 11 says that labels don't matter. what's my thing is that maloney loves a country and wants to save a country from global. that is one perspective. and then another perspective here is concerned about how she might treat migrants coming to italy. i am wandering again. ah marina, about turning what you say for a campaign into leadership. how will maloney cope from your perspective? yeah, well in these moments i mean what we know is that the election in the middle on it
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as a very, very low profile, and let's say no, it's not anymore than maloney that we saw in 2009 in good evening. and yeah, but the new she's a spending all the time at eating economy. yeah. and the vehicle was saying, you know, if it's quite a candidate and a full produce to seek that i making the key argument against the if they can look out the government. and now they know that i support high and they can look at all. so i think the and the guy goes to the over maloney enzyme and so for the man and g to ash, social of i p and the union finance policy. and i think we
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still have to see who will be the meanest, the most important. and so i feel that we don't know who will be there me, set my phone on me and the us and the science and the, i don't think it, we can be an idea of the go button, a medium declination, about those of the be in the 40 because that all of my know, i mean it's clear that in this moment and you know, i'm also sure you know how much the diamond for that maloney is going to buy. and in these moments in social that, i mean, it's a very nice to see that, you know, she's really walking, you know, waving it is a but all you have a moment you work for a 2nd. yeah. because i'm hearing is that she is actually knocked in on, on the door so many of those technocrats and asking them to you know,
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get on to work for her. and she has getting a lot of refusals because the credibility pro is not there. and, and so did this kind of lead and the rose a criticizing, the technocrats creatures criticizing mainstream policy making is now desperate to have those people on her site. and she's not managing that's the fascinating thing . and like you were talking about migration. but at the very same people who voted for her, you know, the small entropy, nursing, northern, eastern italy, they do want economic immigration because they cannot find personnel, they can all find people that are weak. i'm gonna, i'm gonna bounce off. i'm going to bounce off what you are saying that because and i a piano is an assistant professor at the scholar normalized support. and he talks about some of the most conservative policies that
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maloney has and he's very worried about them. and what that may turn it into. this is what he told us to do to meet only contained on the far right platform. she wants to block on immigration coming from normally, european countries are social, conservative agenda is likely to further come the rights of n g, b, t. 2 people in access to abortion should she succeed in implementing our platform. italy mans up looking like a light version of hungary under or been, or poland under kuchinski. therefore, a looming prospects for the quality of democracy in the country are here, is that a concern for for cities, you could not, you cannot be complacent in front of those risks. at the same time, i would say maybe tele is to marcia country. and to accustomed
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to its freedoms and also a country with a very strong constitutional framework within the country and a very strong attachment to european rules. so i don't think it would be that easy to move easily into any labor or sorry, durham carter. i don't think people who voted for her boys, it for that agenda. they voted for her to express your front door, frustrated frustration. but i'm not sure. the minutes she tries to move italy in that direction shouldn't be the popular or so for the moment. you should not be complacent, i'm not complacent. but i see her be embarrassment because she screamed a yell as i said, but now it's the moment of truth and she doesn't know who to talk to the wrong discount. and you know way, if it weren't so serious, it will be even funny. it is
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a lesson for all populists out there, so easy to scream when, when you are in a position, but then you have to take think seriously and she doesn't know how to do that. let's go back to maloney and this is from august when she was on the campaign trail and then because she's claiming that she definitely has a presence on stage and it's a very loud presence. just remind us of what she's like when she has a big audience, who is enjoying what she says. and then i'm just going to go back to barbara. and i was popular about what you think may will happen next. with very bold politician. i don't mind. i, i am not afraid i am ready to leave this battle. the question is, are you ready? is the nation ready to question itself on the reasons why a movement like brothers of italy is talked about every day as if it were a monster in the newspapers while it's estimated to have the support of 25 percent of italian fema barbara.
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what so, i mean it's interesting when you said a clip from the summer, i thought you were going to show another one where she was speaking in spain and very much went into the full flow of sounding a little bit of forward terry. and there, i think there are serious questions that people can have about brothers with it. and it's not just the past. it's not just that it's rude in any fashion party or comments that she made maybe in 1096 praising mostly. i mean, the truth is that there are still members of the party and some quite high up that will for example, celebrate key dates in the sort of, you know, saline. the diary that will do a fascist salute. liam was built in honor of someone who's effectively a war crime from world war 2 scene or the question marks that people have about maloney. it's not just the, you know, it's not invented and it's on just based in the past. there were recorded incidents of things that are happening now or have happened we recently and what i found really fascinating following both what she was saying on the italian campaign trail
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and then to the, you know, international but really english language press was how she was definitely trying to tone down her image and to try to convince the international community that she is a serious interlocutor and that, that she would be a serious leader or visually i, you know, i think the word for that eco use there is not to be complacent. one of the things that i'll be looking out for is how they treat the sent, especially dissent when it comes to journalism. because italy is the only country in europe, or a journalist is under police protection because of threats from neo fascist. so from the far right, most of the journalists under police protection are under protection because of the mafia. so it's things like that, you know, it, it's the little things that i think all of us have to be careful about and just keep an eye on. when it comes to brothers eventually and the future government that they may form, i'm going to leave with one more with this was his and i am all a who despite seeing all of the concern about what maloney
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may well bring to it, he doesn't think that she is able to break italy 7, listen to you picking your skepticism in italy, which is how to remind everybody, the 2nd military power and 3rd larger economy, damage the union, beyond repair, with consequences that will, will feel elsewhere in the u. s. i can see how this can be cause a concern. however, so far gilani seems to have signal her willingness to act in continuity with him and reassure everybody that the country will be loyal to nato and eve. thank you to everybody have joined us on your chair. the debate continues anew. chief barbara molina federally can, thanks to being part of the day shadow. appreciate it. i see you next time. hey cathy, buddy ah ah,
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and the latest news as it breaks. it's not just personal property, but also an infrastructure that now the big thing from power lines to water main detailed coverage is up a little bit from around the world at the people. obviously there's like one value records on football for stories of hope and inspiration. short documentary use from around the world that celebrate courage and resilience in times of time
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with select on. now today i'm holding the powerful to account as we examined, the u. s. is role in the world on al jazeera ah, in newly ah ah.


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