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tv   News  Al Jazeera  October 7, 2022 5:00am-5:31am AST

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on it also watching some storms bubble up around paraguay, pushing westward into the western amazon basin on friday, and all of that disturbed weather we had around the river plate region, southeast of brazil, bulk of that energy is off in the south atlantic on friday. that's a snapshot of your weather. ah, the stories of hope and inspiration. short documentaries from around the world that celebrate curry and resilience in times of time with our dizzy we're select on in today. ah.
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thailand in morning, a shooting at a day care center leaves at 38 people dead. 23 children. ah. carrie jones, this is al 0 life and also coming on. european leaders meet to talk energy policy as winter gets closer. heating bills, rise, pakistan. take stock of the damage and lives lost in record flooding and asks, what happens next. the u. s. president to hands out pardons for marijuana possession. look at what's behind the decision. ah, thailand isn't morning after a former policeman that went on a shooting and knife ran pay just a day care center, killing at least 38 people,
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including 23 children. the attacker was facing trial on drug charges. after leaving the preschool center, he went home and killed his wife and child before taking his own life from it was on tawny in northeastern thailand. tony chang reports here is don tony, strange, an airy, calm, has descended upon the city. this is normally a very vibrant place, frights on the border with louse. but tonight people are wandering around almost in a day. is the hospital behind me, his effectively become the central morgue for this disaster where the bodies of the victims are being collected tonight. and people wandering around staring of the telephone screens trying to get the latest updates about this violent attack. the 1st started hitting the headlines at mid day on thursday. a roof bodies lined up outside the daycare center. in northeast and thailand,
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ambulances rushed to carry the wounded local hospital. grim after mon, the worst mass killing in recent ty, history. the children had just settled down for midday, rest. an agitated parent burst in he used his feet to kick the window, then he saw at the door. i thought he got inside. i ran to the kitchen behind. i was a shock. i didn't know what to do. according to the police, in the attack that followed, $22.00 children and 2 adults would kill us inspecting the crime scene. we found that the perpetrator tried to brace in the mainly use the knife to commit the crime by killing a number of small children. when a few survived, i learned the attack of fled. he left a trail of destruction in his wake taking up. anything that got in his way, the main suspect to form a policeman punish, come rub, thawed from his job and under trial for drug trafficking. local hospitals were
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overwhelmed, dealing with the wounded in the dead. this is a rural area where a text like these are unknown. this darkness fell investigated, swarmed across the scene, trying to find clues as to what might have to this murderous rampage. the bodies of the victims are now just flooding into don't tony central hospital. but the doctor say they're going to work through the night chime performed the autopsy. so the bodies of the victims can be released to their family. funeral rights to begin on friday. an endless procession of cost gets carried loved by emergency volunteers. the final show respect thailand tries to come to terms with the massacre claimed so many young lives attorney chang joins us live now from outside the hospital where the victims have been taken or tonia. what more can you tell us about the situation there now? but thailand's health ministers currently inside visiting some of the survivors in
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one ward, he's just seen a young boy who suffered stab wounds to his head. he apparently is in stable condition, but his grandmother, who was also into this is in a very serious condition. that boy's mother, unfortunately, died in the tag. we understand thailand's prime minister will be arriving a little later in the early afternoon. he is going to go directly to the village where the attacks took place to speak to the relatives of those who lost loved ones. and later this evening, we understand the king of thailand is going to come himself. we heard yesterday from the doctors in this hospital, they were going to try and perform all of the autopsies on the victims overnight. that's going to be a fairly massive task with $38.00 bodies. we saw them arrive from the scene that's currently going on. and the more inside,
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and i think the hope is that by the time the king arrives, leaving those bodies will be able to be returned to their families. and the important funeral rights can begin. and tony, do the authorities have any idea about the motive of the attack or at this stage? but we heard yesterday evening from the police, the main suspect was former policeman was facing drug charges. and indeed, he was a part of a trial yesterday that was supposed to conclude with the verdict today. the speculation overnight from the, from the time media has really focused on those job problems. there are lots of reports saying that while he was in the force he had with substance abuse, not just drugs, but alcohol. none the less, i think people are still mystified about what it could be that could drive a man to do something as her rhythmic is walk into a nursery, whether children sleeping on the ground and commit such an awful atrocity. and i
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think that is going to be the thing that's really absorbing people to day to try and understand that. nonetheless it, i think people are just trying to get back to some semblance of normality here in odon tarney life is kind of returning to normal city was in shock last night. but i think people still walking around with a rather dazed expression. they tried to comprehend the magnitude of what happened in the last 20 for tony chang in that was on tawny. thank you. you appear in the leaders have been meeting in prague, looking to show united front against russia and to address the energy crisis ahead of winter. as part of a new alliance. the european political community 27. you members, and 17 non members have been meeting in prague set thus, and reports from the check capital. this gathering aim to show how isolated russia president has become. the 1st meeting of the european political community brought
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unlikely countries to gather like armenian as obey john. as well as candidates for you membership like ukraine and the u. k. returning to the european stage, after breaks it, what we wanted to achieve in meeting here in prague is to bring together $44.00 sovereign states. which see europe as a single entity, whatever the particular forms for political or others. to discuss among equals a sovereign states of problems that we face in common. that's exactly what we need . the group has no formal structure and some wonder if many more meetings will follow. so question know whether it's going to work or we have a european union, but not so many countries are members of european union. so the idea is to discuss the combination that we have currently the security issues that we have on the
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european continent. and i think it's very important that we have the same views, the same views, for example, on how to bring energy prices down. thing to clear measures studer gas markets, the energy markets ish, that these 40 for leaders are completely aligned her and have to joint. our vision to come up is measures to bring down the garages. they may agree on bringing down prices, but so far, no consensus has a merch on how to do this. package is costing hundreds of billions of euros to help cope with high energy costs. i do want announced by germany have led to friction, or all member states can take their own decision. we just indicate that some instruments and answer changes are which, which are proposed by some members. those are very bad for their competition on of, on the, on the europe on market. and we wanted always to avoid it. and this is my, i believe that we have to work out commerce solutions. a shared condemnation of
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russia's invasion and ukraine has brought together the leaders of the whole european continent here and proc, apart from russia and belarus. but besides sending a signal to president putin, they also want to show that they can come up with a common plan to deal with crippling energy prices. step, fasten else's era in proc ukrainian authority to say at least 4 people have been killed in russian stripes and residential buildings in the southern city of upper asia. the injured include a 3 year old child, ukraine's foreign minister. the metro neighbor has accused russia of deliberately striking civilians to so fear roscoe claims that annex the region even though its forces do not control all of it. or the abdul hamid reports from its upper region. it happened early morning when the city was still asleep. several missiles, frogs are pretty jo, bringing down to residential buildings. in a matter of seconds, lives shattered memories of
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a lifetime. buried under the rubble. i was leisure. rescue workers are still trying to find bodies through the toxic fumes. and as they continued their work, ah, sending people an edge to run foot cover. they were another 3 loud explosions here in the city center. and they sounded very close to the places that were targeted earlier in the day. now the air siren did not go off until after these explosions. we are told because the russians are using these as 300 missiles that go undetected, is considered one of the most efficient anti aircraft missiles, systems. all go walk up to the sound of it. emotions come pouring out the worry about what's to come. russia says it has a next is every region after
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a referendum, illegal under international law, but it doesn't control the regional capital. that's why it's coming under attack. they said he, they fled the russian control part. they said the air strikes, i meant to scare people away from the city. most of the people here are russians. speakers, president vladimir putin says this war is in their name to protect them. but he couldn't protect them on the russian army when they made it. as i put each of the 100 vall is in moscow, he says the criminal offensive in ukraine is coming under intense scrutiny from within russia. there is a lot of questions being asked here. russia, a lot of criticism leveled against the field commanders the way the operation is being conducted. and the russians seem to be waiting for answers from the highest command in the land. but in the meantime,
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the authorities are not talking about defeats. they are talking about tactics and a war that is going to continue for a long time on to a chevy allies. it's goals. they speak sometimes about the history of this country . saying that hitler was also trying to occupy russia as well as napoleon. and in both occasions, a russian troops ended up in berlin and parties, so they are talking about a long, a long, protracted fight until they achieve their goals. jails at russian opposition. politician of that america mercer is being accused of high treason for speaking out against the war and ukraine. that's according to his lawyer. a charge is allegedly in connection to public speeches he gave in western countries criticising the cremeans rule. commers or was jailed in april on a charge of spreading false information about the russian military efface is up to 20 years in prison if convicted. so the head here and i was just there,
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the you and the human rights council looks to hold people accountable for violence, crackdown protectors, intervention. ah, anticipation is rising. so is the atmosphere you're ready with lots of my cattle aways. got to tell you driving rain in the forecast for northern india. however, one good to see this includes for the state of oprah. com. we've got some red warnings in play here. could see more than $200.00 millimeters of rain within a short period of time. that energy will continue to move further toward the west in the days to come. next stop. i will take you to indo china and authorities in thailand. have warned of seen some serious flooding in bangkok, part of the reason here is there's rivers are rising rapidly in the north and central areas. and all of that is draining around the capitol region getting pelted
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with some pretty serious rein his wall around southern vietnam. and hook him in city. now for china along the yangtze river valley, it's been a really damp forecast here breezy at times as while still some showers falling around chunk ching into wool han on friday. and for japan, get ready. it's going to be a washout for me, and i leaned upon shoe around tokyo breezy as while some spots $6070.00 when guess if maybe even 80 kilometers per hour. southeast asia problem spot southern sumatra really rate across java. some intense rain in the forecast and len this weather reports as we look toward iran temperatures in tehran, funny above average on friday. see you soon to with sponsored by cattle and a ways the latest news as it breaks. it's not just personal property, but also infrastructure that now need fixing from power lines to water. main
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detailed coverage is also a good thing from around the world at the big public season. for for 61 size fits on football today. ah ah, you're watching also sierra let's take a look at our top store. is this our tie that is in shock and morning after at least $38.00 people, including $23.00 children, were killed in a gun attack from a police officer facing a drug charge attacked a daycare center for killing his wife, child and from so leaders of 44 european nations have met in prague to discuss the
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fallout from russia's invasion of the plane before the action on soaring energy costs is needed for winter. since the credit authorities say at least 4 people have been killed in russian stripes and residential buildings. self incentives from the shop, the injured include a 3 year old child he was present, joe biden has announced his pardoning. thousands of americans who are convicted of marijuana possession on the federal laws is also edging state governors to issue a similar policy for convictions on the state laws. she have returns, she has more from washington dc. we have this, this moved by the president to pardon those who were federally convicted of the simple possession of marijuana. but it must be pointed out that it's very rare for people to be convicted of a single charge of simple possession of marijuana. no one is going to be released
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from prison as a result of this, the white house says no one is currently serving a federal simple possession of marijuana charge. but, but what the white house says they're hoping to do is for those who work convicted or have in the past been convicted of his charge and put in prison or jail, it will reduce of the hurdles they have once they're released as far as employment housing and education, for example. so that's why this isn't actually been expunged from the, from the criminal record that has to get to the course. but there is now an official presidential problem. the white house because they're relatively modest. it has to be said for how many people they think are going to be affected by this. at least 6500 people, they think, but mostly thousands more here in dc because we don't fit under federal federal law here. so it's a, it's $6500.00 plus people they think will be affected by this. in addition, there, the president says he's urging state governance to issue similar pardons and it is the majority. the majority of possession offences occur in,
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in the states themselves have over having said about their when asked on a background cool white as the ministration official effectively admitted. he's actually going to do very much. this is it across is a democratic party strategist and former state policy director for the free trial justice institute in the u. s. she says it's a very significant move. the majority of individuals who are in the pre trial, things who are jailed, who are then pushed onto prisons at the state level. these are individuals who do have minor drugs, are many of them extremely young people, 1415 year old who get locked up for don back in their life is essentially gone. they don't have access to, they don't have access to employment, they can't get housing opportunities. they don't qualify for a lot of the assistance programs that are actually given to those who are a lower means because they have this drug charge on their, on their books. that's a problem. in addition to listing this as a schedule one drug, the problem with this has largely settled on the fact that president joe biden
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himself has previously said many times that marijuana is a gateway drug. even though science. and you know, a lot of scientists themselves have come out and said that's entirely incorrect. i think that this is a shift in how the president feels on it. largely because again, this is the mid term year. but also because this is a shift in how the nation sees marijuana and this has been a long time coming. any criminal justice reform is an equity raise issue because black and round communities are police more in black and brown. people and bodies are charged more serve a lot more time than those people in white communities. with that being said, we know that the issue of marijuana uses the exact same across all communities is just policing in black and brown communities is higher, so the penalty associated with it is also higher. and these 2 people have been killed that a stabbing incident in the u. s. city of las vegas. 6 more are being treated in the hospital. it happened outside the casino, on the las vegas strip and an area corporate it with tourists. a suspect has been arrested by police focused on is still reeling from historic flooding. that's cost
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the country around $40000000000.00 until nearly $1700.00 people since june and the onset of disease and damage to farming communities. a prompted warnings of another, even deadly disaster in the weeks and months to come. i've been job reports from john. sure. the 3rd of park, his son and the water, the you and called it a monsoon and settle the. this is floods brought an unprecedented disaster being blamed on climate change. the economy was already in crisis, and now the government is appealing for debt relief and urging more help from the global community. i don't think driven to make the 3040000000000 that i've lost. but i think that, you know, there should be some measure of help whether it's the actual agency to give greater launch of august 5, whether it's multi, whether it's, you know, other countries that underwrite some notion of august on take, you know,
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take the risk, you know, and then, you know, giving charged banks to give us loans, give us credential paid treatment. vanity's been sent a memo by nature and that memo has come via buck a son, and we waited a war against nature with burning up with our addiction to fossil fuels and no nature is reaching a lot of these waters my proceed in a few weeks or months, but climate change is here to stay and millions of focus on ease at the risk of floods and router afraid that the world will once again forget about them until another one soon on steroids. the asian development bank has promised $2500000000.00 to help with rebuilding. the united nations has revised its humanitarian appeal for $81000000.00. but many in pakistan are questioning how aid is being distributed. if you send 100 plans under plans will pick $1600.00 tons,
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2000 tons total them $500.00 pounds at the max. but our requirement is such, just to give you an idea, almost 33000000 population is affected. we are grateful for that aid, but we require much more to just to keep these people are fed. the size of the water is so huge that if this water was over there in portugal horn, portugal would be under water. whole equity would be under water. the color stewart of the u. s. will be under water. the yuki would be under water and pad yuki. no city, no town, without water. everybody would be drowning in his water at 600 feet of water standing. so this is the kind of scale that with agriculture, education, health, roads, bridges, real cracks. everything has been effected. even if the government had the estimated $40000000000.00 to rebuild it could take years. and another monsoon season is just a few months away. from a job down to 0, jam short lancaster,
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or for more on this a pakistan, the greater deluge. it can be seen at $1630.00 g m t on friday. and again, at o 330 james t or stop the here on al jazeera, united nations human rights council has upheld a resolution, urging this shall lanchen government to address the ongoing economic crisis. human rights abuses and corruption. now fernandez has more from the shrunken capital. right from the outset, this resolution was going to be passed and now, or we've seen 20 of those countries voting for the resolution. of course, of the core group on sri lanka, as they call themselves the united states, the u. k. and others are essentially making a case for bringing this resolution in. it reflects some of the more recent concerns outlined in the high commission report, especially the human rights impact of the economic crisis. and it also addresses
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several long standing issues which still need to be addressed. these include the lack of accountability for past violations, but many unresolved cases of enforced disappearances. the need for shall anchor to meet his own commitments on the dilution of political authority, as well as a need to uphold the rights of all people in shall anchor intruding tunnels and muslims from shall, anchors perspective, right. at the outset, they had rejected the resolution even in geneva, the foreign minister saying that his government categorically rejects the resolution. he said it was unfair that the cro core group had ignored all attempts to engage. and that for many, many reasons it was bias. it went beyond its mandate. it did get another example of the unfortunate divisions and polarization of this council, which is contrary to it found in principle that i caught the work of the conscience shall be guided by principles of universality, impartiality, objectivity and non selectivity construct through international dialogue and
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corporation. the resolution is a mix of existing issues in terms of accountability of human rights as well as a vast array of new things like human rights being threatened by the economic crisis . by the way, the government has dealt with protests and protested and all of that. but the key thing, the government of sherlock as an issue, it is paragraph 8, which strengthens a mechanism that was approved last owned by the un human rights done. so to record, gather evidence under the un human rights chief's office that would be used for future accountability processes if needed. and this ob she lanka, and it's friends, a basically say go way beyond the remit of the united nations founding principles. it's not fair and it essentially a looks to penalize countries, a with no proper foundation. european union is sending a civilian mission to armenia to help define and demarcate its contested border
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with assa by john. it comes off to more than a $150.00 soldiers were killed in fighting last month in the worst therapy violence since the 2 neighbors went to war in 2020. he says the mission has been launched for wing talks with the armenian prime minister and as of ashanti president. and these 20 people were killed during an attack in the mexican state of her arrow. on wednesday, the mare of the city and his father, former men are among the dead. on a rapid report facility, she'll be a town hall peppered in bullet holes the like. this is the scene following a violent attack against public officials in the small town of san miguel total upon it and quint definitely at least 20 people have been confirmed dead after gunmen stormed the local government offices went away. among those killed during the attack was the mayor of the town can travel. mendoza, alameda, in a tweet the governor of the mexican state of ghetto, had called for a special investigation and promised to bring those responsible to justice,
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mexico's president under his manuel lopez over i thought, spoke about the attack during his morning press conference on thursday, korean, and they didn't put us in the case of total open these organizations that have been around for a long time. they did not emerge the least government. and we're trying to address the cautious while the state of gatorade, or has some of the highest incidences of violet homicide in mexico authority. se wednesday's attack was particularly shocking. the latest violence highlights how there are regions of the country where mexican security forces are outgunned by criminal groups. madrid up a little al jazeera french author any or no has won the nobel prize in literature. works blending fiction and autobiography or race reports from stock. this was a low key 1st appearance by on the l. no. on the day she received the highest honor in literature a brief wave outside her home and a parish suburb,
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just after she had been named be 2022 laureate by the nobel committee in stock. literature for 2022 is awarded to the french author for the courage and clinical acuity with which he uncovers the roots estrangement and collective restraints of personal memory. books such as a man's place and happening, deal with her working class routes, relationships with her parents and an illegal abortions she had in the 1960 s. and i will continue to fight until my last breath so that women can remain free to choose to be mothers or not because contraception the right to abortion are much tricks of women freedom. her willingness to deal with difficult subjects was one attribute cited by the nobel committee. she is so frank and direct and honest in her way of expression. and also that she writes about themes and topics that no one
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else touches on. you know that she is. she is courageous woman and that we have also in our motivation. no, it's just the 17th woman's received this prize alongside 102 men. but the door is being opened to more female writers. the swedish academy has given itself the task of awarding nobel prizes to a wide range of office, fewer to the western world, and more to women. when they get the statistics, historically pay catastrophic. but we can't put right what happens in the 1900s. there weren't many female researches seen, but now we're on the way to a balance, and we don't have to strain ourselves. it's natural to go in that direction. and no, come now expect to sell more of a book, at least here in stock home, where there was a rush on for the works of last year when it comes in is up to rush. i could go now . now this feels go up. well you could say a 1000 fold.


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