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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  October 14, 2022 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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it has been recently this a symbol, a pitch a to into or columbia much of central america, seen some very heavy rainy, but of course got some very heavy right now, making his way for southern parts of mexico. because tropical storm coll macon land fall a late on friday in to where sat. they were some big downpours and potential for some flooding and much light in and around reach and winced. i out quite quickly, but there will still be some lively down pause over the next few days. when your shower was there to enter a good part of cuba, jamaica sing somewhere to weather, particularly cross c western side of the island. eastern island not faring too badly more in the way of sunshine than showers. plenty of sunshine. meanwhile, across us and into western parts of canada, just around the prairies, easing down towards the northern plains over towards mid west. we do have some showers, longest spells of ray and some very wet weather for that east, the sea board of canada, and the northeast of the us. the weather sponsored by a cat on a ways. ah,
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this is al jazeera. ah, hello, i am sammy's a dan. this is the news. our live from dell are coming up the next 60 minutes. the u. k is finance minister quasi quad tang sacked less than 6 weeks into the job. where live down the street this hour to kia says it's studying vladimir putin's proposal to establish a regional hub to transport russian gas to europe. palestinian groups called for a day of rage as is ready, forces killed to palestinians in the occupied westbank. and more than a 1000000 people displaced, our jury says communities remain unreachable after its worst flooding in a decade. and as for manchester, united, leave it late in the euroleague aisd stage time went against the marina cassius,
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keeping them in with a chance of softening neg ah, we start with the political and economic turmoil in the united kingdom. chancellor cars require tang has been sacked after just 6 weeks into the job as finance minister. it comes as the bank of england ends, its bar emergency bombed buying scheme, which was aimed at stabilizing financial markets. and as a prime minister list, trust considers another. you turn on ham. mindy budget? well, all eyes are on number 10, downing street. we're looking at live pictures coming in from their trustees set to hold an unscheduled news conference in just under half an hour. a government is come under fire after a controversial budget that caused economic chaos. of the moment we'll go to need fall, could just outside the bank of england,
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see how the financial markets are reacting. but 1st let's go to joe hall. he's at number 10 downing street for so general kind of shock waves did the resignation of closet qualities send through the political scene to some extent expected because the room is bubbled up during the course of the morning. but certainly this is the so the nuclear option, felicia truss resetting, badly damaged administration cross aquatic becomes only the 2nd shortest serving jobs living british history. the record hold of the night in office, off to just 6 weeks as chancellor. it's a big blow, not just for him, of course, but also police trust, the prime minister. he has been her closest, political ally in her race to become prime minister, the co architect, the deed of her plan for growth, evolving tax cuts and an array of so called supply side policy measures designed to deliver growth. but unfortunately, this case paid for by public borrowing at
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a time of high inflation, which the markets didn't like the market. they didn't like much the, the cost, the quantity and confirming that he'd been asked to stand aside by this trust. you have asked me and i have accepted. he said, noting that her vision of optimism, growth, and change was right. what happens now will in about half an hour's time, this trust will hold a press conference in downing street in the briefing room and down the street. she will expect confirm what's already been confirmed by downing street throughout the course of quoting successor is to be jeremy hunt, a man without an enormous amount of experience in treasury matters, but a lot of experience in government for the former health secretary, a former foreign secretary as well, a man who comes from a very much opposing wing of the party to live trustee supported rich rich sumac in the leadership campaign. this potentially an effort by the product status of the reach across the aisle and try and secure some unity in her very troubled party. the other efforts that she's making a course and she'll outline it,
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press conference is likely to be some substantial. you turn on that many budget statements just a few weeks ago by quasi aquatic, giving away tens of billions of dollars with tax cuts, essentially unfunded based on government borrowing. of course that so spook the market tanking the pound and then sending government borrowing cost soaring along with mortgage rates, interest rates, and so on. and she will hope that by doing that she'll come to market and by removing the chancellor, she will effectively be hanging the blame for the same time experiment in the school. an orthodoxy is economists call it on his shoulders so that she can go ahead and reset her government and have some hope of the sole drink on herself. or i, thanks so much john. i'm going to continue this. now. i was into a lot about how the market's at the center this. so let's go over to ne fall can now it's outside the bank of england need, how the markets reacting to the departure? of course it was saying well, it's very, very telling indeed,
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over the last 24 hours we've seen a strengthening pound, we've seen at the bond market strengthen as well. the value of the british government, sovereign bonds has been going up, meaning the yields that the interest is charged on or borrowing goes down. it works inversely to that. so a positive step in the right direction for the market for what we saw in the announcements of quasi crossing. so sacking was the pound dip ever so slightly around $1.12. it has now gone back up to $1.13 on the have the good the clear news. now the jeremy hon says really about the successor quasi quite a thing. so a degree of confidence most certainly restored in the market. but of course, what financing from bankers in the asset managers here in the city of london. let that pass or waiting for now to see the full extent of these are you terms? and i've been asking lots of birth,
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people coming and going here in the city of london, lunchtime, any of them bankers, asset managers, finances, or their opinions are of quasi coatings departure. or even across the board, there was a single person that had anything pleasant to say about quieting or indeed trust. but there was something interesting that one man especially said to me is a good riddance to car saying via a hard right radical free market experiment. he said has clearly withered on 1st contact with reality. clearly not a fan or i thanks so much. ne farkas earth. how just around the corner from downing street, hundreds of climate change activists have gathered for a 3 day protest against the cost of living and climate crisis. it's been organized by the extinction rebellion group. that in baba is there. we can go to him. so clearly the resignation of the chancellor. no and near enough to satisfy the people behind you then nadeem.
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no sammy, but to be blunt. the protests have like sanction rebellion goes much wider than the membership of the cabinet. faith. of course this group came to prominence. several years ago with actions here in the capital and other cities across the u. k. and they've come from all around the country again on friday, lots of different backgrounds. and there are students, young people that are lawyers. there are teachers and a notable contingent co doctors for extinction. rebellion from that group. i spoke to a psychiatrist earlier who is pointing out that there are both physical impacts of the climate crisis on people in terms of air pollution, particle pollution and the like. but also mental health problems in terms of anxiety about the future and saying that that intersects right now with people's worry over the cost of living crisis, households across the u. k. wondering whether they can afford their energy bills.
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which brings us back to the protest is cool for the government to get quicker and invest more in renewable energy to move away from fossil fuels. they're saying that there should be a win for tax on excess profits in the fossil fuel industry, something the majority of the u. k. population seems to support. of course they are criticizing list trust in particular saying that she is allowing new exploration for oil fields and gas exploration as well. saying that that's the wrong way to go . particularly when the u. k. has net 0 targets. but in general, they saying that if you want to get serious about tackling the climate crisis and tackling poverty, there are very easy solutions when, when solutions that are out there i think so much and in baba plenty more still had on the news hour, including draining forces retain more territory in the southern house on region,
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russian install, governors asking civilians to leave the area patrols running shore can cues for fuel are getting longer. and frances unions dig in on strike action. oil giant total energies. and it's more than another star performance from this player and the major league baseball pails. and he'll be here with that story. ah, our turkey as president i depto to do and has ordered his officials to study a proposal by russia to set up a regional gas hub in the country. the russian leader says it offers the best route to re direct gas to the e. u after the nord stream pipeline was recently damaged. the leaders have been meeting in cassock stand this week. on thursday, putin suggested moscow could send more gas through the existing term stream pipeline, which runs beneath the black sea. to took clear even suggested moscow could bill
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the 2nd pipeline between the 2 countries and turkey as leader edge apply board, tuan suggested the region of thrice could serve as a gas distribution center to sell to europe and beyond. so m cassandra joins us live from a stumble. so how in practical terms would this gas hub arrangement work wealth? i'm a turkish president. statements, the turkish media on the way back from us thought was actually solid. and he said that personally, he and his russian counterpart or gave instructions to the energy ministry, then minutes, reason related bodies to do the necessary feasibility studies. today we have the chance to ask this at a turkish foreign minister who held a joint press conference. what color a counterpart who is and it's stumble today with katara. i mean it's tiny. so turkish foreign minister put it this way. a trickier already has
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the infrastructure, but of course there will be there might be some necessary new pipelines. and for this, the most important thing is the demand from the customers, the main target market, which is the southern european countries in this case. and also diversity of energy supply is one of the most important things as a target to care would prefer not only russian, but also other energy sources, like the regards or iranian guest pass through these pot line and to southern european countries. but as we know, the west, the european countries and russia are, it's all over the war and ukraine. and there are, thanks, sions, imposed against russia. so how this project come can be true is a question mark for now, because all these things will be studied with the russians. but also these should
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be studied with the european european counterparts said, maybe to show the turkish foreign minister. and unless there is a demand from southern european countries who are also a binded by the european political stance towards russia. this is a critical question, but we heard gas from a manager saying that it was sions and turkey. oh, facials. oh, technocrats will, how concrete talks next week. so this is also something, but as i said, and as i referring to the turkish foreign minister. but the man, the southern european countries are the a binding factor in this case. because let's remember this as a southern southern southern stream, a pipeline that was supposed to bring rushing gas if the through to kia and bulgaria to a southern european countries. then in 2014, russia invaded creamier. and that time,
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your opinion and really pressured bulgarian bulgaria, had to withdraw from this by a plan. so for now, if we don't know whether this is a political project or whether the european countries will have a will actually a want to receive russian gas in this case where i sent him casala, thanks so much. staying at that regional summit and can't extend the russian president was also asked about the war in ukraine, the de mae approved and announced he has no plans to call on further troops. he said the military call up of 300000 reservists was finished and would not move to call more. he said his aim is not destroying ukraine. put him warm that any direct clashes of nato troops with russia, with thee to have global catastrophe. in my moscow has been calling on civilians in the house on region to evacuate as ukrainian forces game ground in the southeast
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using your mom every day, shrikes you the cities of the curse on region here. so they deal serious damage 1st and foremost to the people. i'm asking the leadership of russia to help organize and evacuation it was charl stradford, his inquiry very close to the front lines. ukrainians have made great gains in recent weeks. in a push from the north down towards that huge she strategic city of care song on the western bank of the leap, wrote river, not a day goes by where ukrainian authorities do not announce that another settlement has been taken re taken control of. misunderstood that, around 75 settlements according to the ukraine as have been taken. and they try to push down towards care. so because it is so huge at each strategically in poland, it is basically the gateway to northern crimea and is full of russian forces russian military equipment. and we understand that they are having increasing
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difficulty in getting supplies, rush, and supplies across the river to those russian forces in site care. so of course, the ukrainians vowed to retake that city and all the, all the areas that president putin wants to annex. but we also know that there are thousands of civilians inside that city as well. the ukrainians of calls saying that they are avoiding any kind of civilian infrastructure in any of the areas that they are pushing towards. whether it be in the east or in the south, but in terms of what an evacuation would look like, it's really important to recognize that this statement from this russian install official is saying that these people should go to the russian side. our report by save the children, says 1400000 children under the age of 5, face malnutrition and south sedan. conflicts, along with an unprecedented 4th consecutive year of widespread flooding,
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made the situation worse. more than 600000 people have been affected by the floods on is the south sedan country director of save the children. she says conditions are the worst she seen in years. this isn't worse, hunger prices insulted on since 2011. we have 8900000 people that's more than 70 percent of anti population and need some assistance that includes 1400000. ah, shoot it under age of 5 ah, facing up to mount nutrition. so sudan is actually one of the worst effect said in the most variable, countries to the world, to climate change with drought, devastating floods. we coupled that with me at the a decade on conflict, frequent displacement, disease outbreaks, the family and children are here really on the windows and that must be something that we can do with him. if we imagined that entire country,
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we only have 2 percent off the road pay. we only have 9 percent of the entire population generally have access to electric city. we are facing all was we have at 70 percent of inflation since 2017 and $2.00. now imagine the life of, of us leaping in that situation. well, need to be sent out. the entire countries of roads are paid and now it's under water. paypal in the flood ravaged regions of nigeria are becoming increasingly desperate more than 500 of dies around 90 of them just one boat accident and a number of state i'm an address has more. oh, here in weary conditions for the displaced are getting desperate with just to was to sunset. food is served in this camp that a future say, you know, a comedy to hundreds of people. the food is not the northwood for about 30000 people. that is here,
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a 1000 people to but with the food and we wanted for him to the other 2 was she says they haven't received any supplies from government. this is floods have ravaged at least 27 of nitrous 36 states destroyed lives, crops, and horns and ridges like a number of his here tell us that hundreds of thousands of people in several communities are still out of rich. nothing has been heard from some of them in nearly a week, and the passengers of a board that capsized a week ago killing about 9 to people while fleeing their submerged communities in search of health. emergency agencies had warned of destructive floods this year. but the level of government preparedness was poor. so to was people's response to evacuation warnings that has left victims. lanky jenny, wondering what the future holds? alabama, my, do my, well, i can imagine there's nothing to go back to if my house is left standing,
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my animals crops, everything is gone. for my kid, you know, i number is one of the worst affected states. officials say the danger signs have been there yet. the federal government has failed to act. cameroon wants about this . and so we know that every 2 or 3 years, this happens, gemara will open up the damn. and then he comes here and wipes off everything. i mean it gonna get to a point where the, what i walk, i'm an invalid anti country, nigerian official say humanitarian supplies have been distributed nationwide. but that is little comfort for hundreds of thousands who are yet to receive any help from government at any level. how many edris al jazeera or torture. on brandon ibarra, co, also known as the deputy director for relief and rehabilitation at nigeria is national emergency management agency. he says bad weather is hampering rescue
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efforts. my team was the deputy governor and you confirmed that on a daily basis the floor keeps her expanded. we should know to communities that that door we are not affected by the floors so that we are still in the flood as soon as a yes, it is still ongoing, as we speak to do it sooner. love is of national emergency management or juicy, which caused aka, i mean the number of steps this walking along with the manager, air force do it or reach out to some of those communities. but i cannot be reached either through land or by any means. what us are this money because of bud where that be i would be able to are going to lose lose there, waiting for the widow to improve this queue of the flood in this year is that i saw last week or the level of the what the level includes was about 11 percent more
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than that offer 2012, which is the reference point didn't angenie. so as you can see, it is far far. the scale is far more than that of $3012.00. is rainy false as if killed to palestinians during a raid on the jenin refugee camp in the occupied west bank armed confrontations broke out early on friday. palestinian factions of cold for a day of rage. at least and a $119.00 palestinians have been killed wise, ready forces in the occupied west bank since the beginning of the year. that abraham, his life more madeline out in the occupied west bank, saw how to trouble starting. jenny trouble started when these really forces graded jeanine refugee camp early in the morning, leading to armed confrontations between palestinians,
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they're on israeli soldiers. 2 of those killed were identified as 20 year old matina, the boy who is a member of a alex, a brigades, which is the armed faction of islamic jihad. and the other was i did as doctor up the love with teen. according to frederick official in the refugee camp a, he says that the, the doctor was actually participating in the army confrontations against these ready soldiers. also a 3rd palestinian has the come to his wounds. ah, he was a believe to have participated in a shooting attack in september. he was arrested then. and it's not expected for these really forces to hand over his body for burial. as israel has a policy of detaining the bodies of palestinians is deemed suspects of. but the attacks against its citizens are soldiers. also in the west bank settlers had been attacking palestinians, palestinian shops, a mainly and for water. we've seen a lot of tension by groups of samplers attacking palestinian that there has been an
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uptick in sutler attacks in the past. few weeks in an already tense situation, we're talking about the period that precedes the israeli elections that are scheduled in november. so usually this is a whenever there are as really elections. it's a tense situation, but it's already been a difficult year for the palestinians. since the beginning of the year thanks so much that abraham bir, north korea has 5 at least one shore range missile into its eastern waters and flown fighter jets near its border with south korea. artillery shells have also been fired into the maritime buffer zone between both countries. it's the latest in a series of weapons tests in the past 2 weeks. rob mcbride reports from soul a flurry of activity in the early hours of friday, happening close to the heavily fortified d. m. z. the demilitarized zone separating the 2 careers further raising tension
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levels. the north carried out another short range, ballistic missile test reckoned to total more than 40. since the start of this year, it landed in the sea separating the korean peninsula from japan doi there. and then out of the intentions are not korea's repeated ballistic missile launches are absolutely impermissible. and we cannot overlook it. substantial advancement of missile technology. a north korean air drill involving around 10 military aircraft flying towards the dmc. prompted the south to scramble its jets and north korean artillery fired an estimated $170.00 shells from its east and west coasts. violating according to south korea, a 2018 agreement, not to carry out such exercises close to the border. human peconic bonds here one from wheel. the north korea's artillery fire and short range ballistic missile launch. and the buffer zone of the east and west sea are serious provocations that
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undermined peace and stability on the korean peninsula. as well as the international community. a pillow on north korea as it carried out the drill in response to a south korean artillery exercise on thursday, accusing it of provocation. south career has also imposed unilateral sanctions against people and organizations involved in the north weapons programs. it's largely symbolic, but it's the 1st time it's taken such action in 5 years. an indication of our relations have soured. on monday, the north announced this unprecedented period of missile testing is aimed at developing its ability to launch a tactical nuclear attack on the south. with friday's actions, the week ends as it began with both sides, seemingly locked in escalating tensions. rob mcbride, al jazeera, sole thousands of people and thailand are also struggling to cope with severe
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flooding. relief supplies are being delivered to villages, cut off by the rising waters. seasonal rain often brings floods this time of the year. the government has set aside around $600000000.00 to help recovery efforts. it's time for more whether hes everton. hello, we got some rather nasty weather pushing across the south china sea. at the moment we see some very big downpours, northern parts of the philippines as late as area cloud here that's been feeding some very heavy range wards. a good part of central vietnam, 78 millimeters of rain here in 24 hours. and this at wet or well as she can see, just pushing in as we go on through saturday. the next system that's gathering northern areas of loose on we'll see some big samples. good scattering a showers there across much chauffeur, malaysia, and some showers there too. it's a good part of indonesia. now we have seen rec, or breaking rain recently into where southeastern parts of for australia, tasmania in the last couple of days. nearly 400 millimeters of
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a raid and are in bendigo, victoria 117 millimeters of rain here. and these are record values to, to day period. so this is the scene just to the south of her bendigo in melbourne. and we have seen was been fighting rivers burst their banks, many thousands of people evacuated as a result of this system, which is now in the process of pushing out of the way. places say we have got dryer quieter, brighter weather coming behind, high pressure in charge here. so la, she settled across much of us as we go through sat they should be fine. and dr. for the start of the cricket. on sunday, said i had an al jazeera garza rolls out the red carpet for its annual human rights, short film festival to the host of nations taking part defying and israeli blockade . bin sports will hear the story of the pakistan string children taking part in the world comp with the difference. ah,
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in these turbulent times, up front returns for a new season. join me, mark him on hill as we take on the big issues. they are literally being turned back . how is this not a contravention of international law? this is exactly the place for us to interrogate people about issue that matter from the state of democracy around the world to the struggles faced by the under represented. those voices have to be brought to the table they have to matter. we have to start to talk about the see here. we will challenge the conventional wisdom of fraud on al jazeera. this was a movie or mormon, the likes of which we've never seen. this is important, this is true story from breaking down the headlines to expose in the powers attempting to silence reporting. we're seeing media freedom being threatened, and attacked is basically criminalizing journalism. the listening post doesn't cover the news. it covers the way the news is covered. people have no idea what the source of uses that game, the growth and that product for the attribute. why?
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on al jazeera lou ah oh, come back. you're watching al jazeera time to recap the headlines now. the turkish president has ordered his officials to study a proposal by russia to set up a regional gas hub in the country. the russian, the, the says it offers the best route to re direct gas to the e. u after the north stream pipeline was recently damage. russia is calling on civilians in the heart of san region to leave as ukrainian forces gain grounded, the se. sons' russian appointed governor says ukrainian missile strikes are now a daily thrived british chancellor. quasi qua tank has been sac after just 6 weeks
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on the job. it's been replaced as finance minister by jeremy hunt becomes as the bank of england ends, its emergency bombed buying scheme, which was aimed at stabilizing financial markets. jonah, how is outside number 10 downing street and joe know we said we were expecting liz trust to speak. what are we expecting had say yeah, we're expecting to hear from the prime minister any minute now inside the downing street in the briefing room, rather in downing street, she bay talk about quasi quite tearing. and thank him for his services. of course. now common knowledge that he has been sacked, he has left the government. i've been asked to stand aside by the prime minister. he accepted the prime minister will likely confirm what has already been confirmed to ask that taking quasi cotton's place as the chancellor will be or in the hunt.
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jeremy hunting for my health secretary for my foreign secretary of course. and also a very vocal opponent of least trust in the leadership campaign. he supported ritchie suit, her opponent, the former chancellor. he comes from a different wing of the party, a wing of the party to the center of the conservative party. very much opposed to many of lease trust is policies. so the low low tax, low growth for low regulation promoting growth, despite high inflation, notions that she shared with classy quoting. and so it's questionable what sort of a bind he might put her in as chancellor in terms of furthering her growth agenda. likely, he will share many of her ideas and least trusts will go on it. he's expected to announce a you turn, perhaps multiple, you turns on elements of quasi qua things many budget statements announce several weeks ago, a few weeks ago. now that was essentially a tax cut to give away worth tens of millions of dollars at
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a time of high inflation, funded by public borrowing, as it was intended to spur growth in an economy almost in recession. but of course, the markets took against that tank. the pound, it raised the cost of government, borrowing it, raise the cost of mortgages. interest rates went up. the bank of england had to step in to prevent the collapse of pension funds. market turmoil that has persisted until now and with its questions over list, trust, his own government. and she will hope that with that announcement of those you terms with the removal of quasi plotting, as chancellor, with the appointment of somebody from the center of the party to replace him perhaps reaching across the aisle in the hope of stoking some unity in this badly damaged party, she will hope that com returns to the market. com returns to question marks over her own premier ship and she's able therefore, to carry on. all right,
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thanks so much joan hallway from outside number 10 downing street and that says, trust. let's listen to what you're saying to go for. growth is rooted in my personal experience. i know what it's like to grow up somewhere that isn't feeling the benefits of growth. i saw what that meant, and i'm not prepared to accept that for our country. i want a country where people can get good jobs, new businesses can set up, and families can afford and even better life. that's why from day one, i been ambitious for growth. since the 2008 financial crisis, the potential of this great country has been held back by persistently weak growth . i want to deliver a low tax, high wage high grace economy is what i was elected by my party to do. that mission remains. people across his country rightly wants debility.
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that's why we acted to support businesses and households with their energy costs this winter. it's also the case that global economic conditions are worsening. g to the continuation of peyton's appalling war in ukraine. and on top of this debt was a mast helping people through the coven pandemic. but it is clear that parts of our mini budget went further and faster the markets were expecting. so the way we are delivering our mission right now has to change. we need to act now to reassure the markets of our fiscal discipline. i have therefore decided to keep the increasing corporation tax that was planned by the previous government. this will raise $18000000000.00 pounds per year. it will act as
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a down payment on our full medium term fiscal plan, which will be accompanied by a forecast from the independent obee our we will do whatever is necessary to ensure death is falling as a share of the economy. in the medium term, we will control the size of the state to ensure that taxpayers money is always well spent. our public sector will become more efficient to deliver world cloud services for the british. people and spending will grow less rapidly than previously plant. i met the former chancellor earlier today. i was incredibly sorry to lose him. he is a great friend and he shares my vision to set this country on the path to grace. to day, i have asked jeremy hunt to become the new chancellor. he is one of the most experienced and widely respected government ministers in parliament, errands,
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and he shares my convictions and missions for our country. he will deliver the medium term fiscal plan. at the end of this month. he will see through the support we are providing to help families and businesses, including our energy price guarantee that is protecting people from higher energy bills this winter. and he will drive our mission to go for grace, including taking forward the supply side reforms that all country needs. we owe it to the next generation to improve our economic performance, to deliver higher wages, new jobs, a better public services, and to ease the burden of debt. i have acted decisively to day because my priority is ensuring all countries, economic stability. as prime minister, i will always act in the national interest. this is always my 1st consideration. i want to be honest, this is difficult,
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but we will get through this storm and we will deliver the strong and sustained grace that can transform the prosperity of our country for generations to come. i'll now take questions. ah, can i start with ben riley smith telegraph. thank you. run into the clearly difficult day. can you explain to the public why you think you should remain as prime minister given you? jump to keep track cut led you to be elected angled of your chancellor. i am absolutely determined to see through what i have promised to deliver a higher grace, more prosperous united kingdom to see us through the storm we face. we've already delivered the energy price guarantee, making sure people aren't facing huge bills this winter, but it was right in the face of the issues that we had that i acted
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decisively to ensure that we have economy mixed ability. because that is vitally important to people and businesses right across our country. ah, harry call for you know his article in some you the one the wanted to cut 5 p rate . you still have platforms of when the leisure of little party on a platform to cockle version tags you in the chancellor, the ex chancellor designed this budget together in lockstep retold at times in secret the 2 of you. he asked again because the fall out for him, how come you get to stay? well, my priority is making sure we deliver the economic stability that our country needs . that's why i had to take the difficult decisions i've taken to day. the mission remains the same. we do need to raise our country's economic growth levels. we do
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need to deliver for people across the country. we're committed to delivering on the energy price guarantee, which people are already seeing in their bills. but ultimately, we also need to make sure that we have economic stability, and i have to act in the national interest as prime minister and chris mason, casey. excuse, bullet prime minister ver, given everything that happened. what credibility do you have continued overly what i have done to day is made sure that we have economic stability in this country. jeremy hunters, chancellor, is somebody who shares my desire for a high grace, low tax economy. but we recognize because of current market issues,
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we have to deliver the mission in a different way. and that's where we are absolutely committed to day achieving that stability a. what is a very difficult time, globally? ah, robert passed on the, the, a former tory chancellor for hammond who's just said that you have totally trashed the tory parties. election winning reputation for economic competence when you apologized to your party. so i am determined to deliver on what i set out. when i campaigned to be party leader, we need to have a high grace economy, but we have to recognize that we are facing very difficult issues as a country. and it was right in the national interest that i made,
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the decisions i've made to day to restore that economic stability say we can deliver. first of all, helping people free this winter next winter with their energy bills. but also making sure that our country is on the long term footing for sustainable economic growth. thank you very much. everybody. hon. a cycle ha. keeping an increase in corporation tax that will raise $18000000000.00 pounds a year and confirming what was already reported the departure of the chancellor. the words found the announcement by this trust, the prime minister, the british prime minister sang. this is difficult. she announced that parts of our many budget as she put it went further and faster than markets expect the less bringing out jonah, how he's outside number 10, downing street. and jonah, if the hope was that this could all be pinned on the. busy shoulders of quasi quire
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tang, judging by the questions there still a lot of blame being put on her shoulders. well, i mean look let's, let's look 1st at what she said and then look at the questions on a you're absolutely right. i think the range of questions were extremely striking in that regard, but list was very forthright in that press conference in sticking solidly to her gums, repeating again her ambitions for growth gross growth. that is what she said when she took the reins as primary and repeating here again, she wants a low tax, high wage economy. it was clear, she said that we went further and faster than the markets expected. so there's your explanation for what happened in the markets as far as she's concerned. she's rowing back on some of those measures. now, most notably, corporation tax,
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which richie soon act, the former chancellor had plans to raise from 18 percent to 25 percent next spring . she had campaigned on the promise to scrap that rise, it was a very cornerstone of her election campaign. she is now reinstating that rise and she says that will be the down payment on the rest of her plans. so essentially, she's you turning on that particular aspect of quasi clock things plan, but she is not are you turning on the notion all together of a low tax, low regulation environment with jeremy hum, cuz the new chancellor in charge of delivering it now to your question it was so striking wasn't that these are the big political dogs here to the united kingdom in that room. and every single question, not just hostile, but pointing to perhaps mortally wounded, prime minister. why should you remain as prime minister given that this was your plan as much as case you were the one who wanted to cut taxes,
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you designed it together in lock step. if he goes, why should you say what credibility do you have to remain in government and we apologize? so your party for some senior conservative party m p 's is saying, trashing the parties, reputation for fiscal good management, and for a sensible squaring of the economy. she stuck to her guns, she repeated that, that a mandate and mantra about growth, but it is very clear that lease trust here, having seen off her chancellor quasi quartet closest political allies, likely now to be in deep political process. and all right, thanks so much jona. how we're outside 10 deann. downey's 3. let's bring a now and, and petty for she's an economist and a financial analyst as well as director of prime policy research in macroeconomics, joins us now from london. first of all, given the announcer,
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we just heard there from las trust. how much of a you turn is this on fiscal policy. she announced that that she will re introduce the increase in cooperation tax. i mean, he says here is you term, it's a, it's another you to and this is a 2nd you turn in a week and i think what it does is it, it makes clear, ha, illegitimate, her prime minister. she is. and i argued at the moment she was elected when she argued for this policy and when at quite cortez delivered his many budget that this is a butch. this was the extreme right wing of the tory party, capturing the state with the art in electro mandate. the electoral mandate for us johnson, one back in 2019, was for the literally up of the economy in particular those constituencies in the north. and actually what she offered to do was to cut taxes for the
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rich while and leveling down to. ready like on the poor by cutting services, public services and she clearly still committed to that as she has just said. and he's going to ease up on government spending. that that means here and nurses are not going to get their pay rise. that means that, you know, public services will have to be cut. she has no mandate to this. so besides the fact that this week, the last 23 or 4 weeks have demonstrated her incompetence as a prime minister, including her chancellor. actually, she has no not ending. she hasn't got a leg to stand on if you like. and i doubt she will survive the weekend there for why. let's talk a little bit about finance. she said, this will raise the you turn on corporation tax or raise $18000000000.00 pounds a year. how far is that going to go to restoring confidence in the government's ability to manage the finances?
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i mean, as we, as we iran, aaron, just looking at the pound, it's gone down a bit versus the dollar. what does this say about confidence? so, you know, i mean, this is an attempt to restore confidence, but the fact that is more, i thought, was outrageous. about her current issue was that she blames global conditions. well, those global conditions were there before quality. cortez delivered his hand grenade of her many budget and, and so she has played a parcel, they have played a part in the stabilizing global market conditions. and the question is, the bank in england has had to into, you know, when you think of the bank, we talk about the public sector. we're talking about acts and back institutions willing to step into private markets to do protect, not just the pension funds, but also the banks. that's how much, that's how dangerous was crazy, quotations many her budget. and she was behind that. so, you know,
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she no man to a restaurant, you turn is going to alter the fact that these 2 people did not understand how to manage the economy and treated a crisis which is both domestic here, but also ultimate ego because he's not good. it's, this is a crisis that reverberated why he all right, thanks so much. good to get your thoughts on that. let's bring in now absol hahn. he is a member of the british parliament joins us from london. so is it a case of her doing the right thing or too little too late? are probably too little too late, i think. is the fair, whom elliot changer you tone, but i think it was necessary, but i think the damage is already done. and the story party had plenty the country, and the con me in to this chaos. ah, we have seen for chancellors in 4 months. and if you compare that with a labor government the, when they were lost in polar, in 13 years,
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they only had to. so you had her on one side, labor government, 30 years toward charles leather. you read the story? government for chancellors in 4 months. i think her the bottom line, this is just changing the chancellor will not do well that was going to and i question keller, glen be hung since we're talking about chances. can it be blame only on cause equality, or do you think the pressure is gonna continue to build on her until she goes? i think fundamentally, what's clear it is this story go martez to completely in concrete and they are created all this chaos themselves. and now they're trying to blame and other people, she just turned the chancellor of the bus. when they were together as a team, she is equally to blame and they're so like cons t every out. ultimately i pinged that. need to really move towards the elections of the people of this country can decide and hopefully bring us competent labor government who could restore the confidence which the markets need. what, what would you say to those say, well,
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you can just had elections. the conservatives did when the labor did not though. now is, is the labor agenda manager? things are no, no, no we haven't just had election. what we just had is the last 12 months of chaos, tory party, one thing to another has been leading to more and more chaos when you think this was probably the lowest, you'll find there's another bottom level that the tories can do. i think we've seen now about where we are. i think this has been total mess and the answer actually doesn't lie more of the same tory party on to lives. the go people off britain deciding a new government. i thank you so much, your thoughts on that? thank you. the bach her is outside the bank of england in london leave. we got to keep an eye on what's happening on those markets. how is the reaction to that announcement over the you turn on the mini budget by las trust? all as is off to the case for the financial markets,
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they appear to get wind to the u. turn was on his way before it was officially announced. because in the last 24 hours, we've seen the value of the pound creep up steadily. we've seen the bond market strengthen as well. we've seen the cost of government barring go down because the in the wake of the, or the mini bunch it's announced by quasi caught saying there was a real sense of fear from investors that the government simply hadn't done the maps and wasn't going to be able to fund its own project bill looks as if the market now are starting to steady. we saw the pound at around $1.13 yesterday a dipped to $1.12 a just as the announcement across the content sacking was made public and is now gone back up to $1.13 a similar sort of story. with the bond market, the yields as the amount of interest that's charged on government boring, has been going down, making a bit easier. now of course the government to have the finances is fiscal plans, but of course we're not out of the woods away because interest rates are still
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reasonably high and all of that is been passed on to lenders. there's real, real concern that when people come to we negotiate their mortgage, or 1st time buyers looking to buy a house or will face incredibly incredibly high interest rates and some may find themselves defaulting on. no, on those mortgages going forward. so whatever the next chancellor does that he to steady markets undoubtedly, but also work out a way of circum navigating these huge economic challenges that everybody faces here . all right, thanks so much. lee fokker, there. i shift gears across the channel, the refinery workers in the french town of don j, r, protesting outside the total oil refinery, calling for better wages. negotiations still underway to try and in 3 weeks of strikes in refineries and fuel depos. job action is disrupted people's lives and led to shortages of petrol across france. talks came a day after the government told total energies to increase its salary of its
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workers. tasha vasa is out of petrol station in paris for us. so there appears to be some agreement, twin total. and some of the unions how far is that agreement extending yes, that's right. after 3 weeks of these, or refinery strike, there is a breakthrough thoughts or 2 of the main trade unions to have agreed with total energy use. the french company that runs many, these are refineries for a 70 percent, a pay rise, and a bonus for its workers bought the c g t, the biggest union, and $1.00 that's leading. this protest said that it, i won't accept that offer. it wants a 10 percent pay rise, it's work as it says that 10 percent to take into account or inflation. many workers are struggling. or of course, financially at the moment. they also say that that would give work as a share of some of these huge profits for all companies at the making because of
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the energy crisis. total energy loss, year 2021, made some $50000000.00 in profit. some face gotta be double back. this year that of course is fueling descent amongst workers. that is simply not a fair situation. all right, thanks so much. and sasha bottler. let's catch up on all the sports news with andy . thank you so much, sammy. well manchester united left it late in the wrong plague stoppage time when against the ammonia, nicky keeping them in with a chance of stopping that group. the united dominated this game at old trafford. but it took a late late effort from scotland. culminates at his side again. united 2nd group, a 3 points behind rail sauce. you know, the performance is still the box was a good habit and finishing of course was not. was not that good and let's hope that we saved the goals for now for coming week. premier league leaders and new york police favorites also travel inside the arctic circle for the away game that noise
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. but a glimpse the only goal coming from soccer in the 1st half. they're also making it 3 wins from 3 in the group stage. now in the legs of issued an apology after their fans lit flares and through seats at west time united supports us during the you wrote a conference lead defeat in london, police had to intervene to separate the 2 sets and supporters and the belgian. so i said the funds behavior was unacceptable, 13 people were arrested and 4 police officers were injured with 2 navy hospital treatments about 400 might be struggling in european competition this season, but that's hope of the spanish league. and this sunday they face the biggest rivals rail madrid, also striker relevant dal ski, we'll also get to experience the fixture known as a classic oh, for the very 1st time to, to have story the story. not about only the good games again for another. it also when we are talking about gender and think, and i have fairly similar, it's even the next game to get
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a minute for me. that was something special always. and i loved to play against read because you know the to paying again because team one of the best team in the, in the open new art. and for me something something special pack sounds. credit is warmed up for the t 20 will come in. stop by winning the fun of the try. series against new zealand. they chased on a target of $164.00 in christ church. and i went to school with them. i'm beaten. $38.00 as his team got over the line with 3 balls and 5 will get to spend pakistan's 1st match of the world comes against the biggest rivals india. a week on sunday, england didn't quite manage a series, white wash of australia encumbered a spot north of 65 from captain butler. it was a rain reduced game. this one is for $112.00 foot su. removed iron finch, mitchell marsh for the 1st 2 balls of the australia innings. they reached 30 for 3 in reply,
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but the bad weather returned. the match ended in our results. the science of meets again in melbury, in the group stage. you welcome him. that couple of weeks i knew it, and alvarez was once again, the stallman for the houston astros a to run her run, swinging this playoff game against the seattle mariners back. and it seems favor yesterday's going on when i moved to up in the american lead division series mariners will head back to seattle again on saturday as they host the 1st player game in more than 2 decades. ok. but it's a sports is looking for now. thanks so much and the right for me for this new job, i'm back in moment with another show. so to save about ah, jumping to the stream when no topic is off the table. i don't think that anybody
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should be born to cleveland clinic for the end of the day. we are the subjects of the family, plus one person's opinion. but what's your, amplify your voice. the judicial system in mexico is incredibly weak and it is not just corruption where a global audience becomes a global community. the scariest part of this moment in my country is this toys for a more weapon. the stream. oh, now j 0. we little moment make friends and sit with her. and mission is challenge by fermentation coach from tradition hollywood thing on here for intelligent social and playful. and this vulnerable species have been caught in
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the wild, sold online and smuggled illegally by criminal syndicates from southeast asia. one of the main markets is japan. in recent years, a new phenomenon has been sweeping through this concrete jungle animal cafe by customers, by a cover charge to sit in a cafe and pets, a number of cute, domestic animals, but his businesses compete for customers. this being a disturbing shift to ever more exotic species, we want to find out more about how offers have been taken from the wild and sol, justina gar, a market is a schooling, helps the animal trade a plethora of exotic species. seat tiny metal cages. distressed and sweltering under the hot sun ah.


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