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tv   News  Al Jazeera  October 17, 2022 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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what businesses i seeing in possibly expensive contracts as we speak can expect. and will this come, chancellor, as the farmer, former former chancellor dad's committee of meeting benefits with the rate of inflation. and we also include support to those languishing in the asylum system at the end, the punishing naughty course, the public funds years ian. we cancel the benefit cap and scout the 2 child limits which is chopping up so many children and poverty where this has compassion for them will invest in renewables, carbon caption, storage, and a comprehensive energy efficiency and insulation package. and finally, mister speaker does he understand? does he really understand when looking at brooke, brooke in britain, the chaos, the tories of reeked and the prospect of oblique regs at future under both lee. but under today's that more and more of scotland, people, i'm looking at the comprehensive independence perspective. save for the 1st one i live in for the vision of a fair hearing are more prosperous, not by in the heart of unit where we belong. well mister
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speaker, it's a pleasure to exchange comments with the honorable lady. i will look forward working with that closely in the months ahead. i would remind her that this conservative government is spending 37000000000 pounds this year to support people across the united kingdom with cost of living concerns. that is possible because of difficult economic decision is that the s m b have opposed at nearly every stage of notting food, large support for businesses are up and down the country. but the main thing i would say to her very gently, is that she cannot claim to be concerned about the economic turmoil of the last few weeks when the central policy of the s m. p. independence would leave time of the scotland not for a few weeks for many, a new currency. somehow find
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a way to trade with the u. k. internal market, but also european single market for the checks between england and scotland does announce today by the 1st minister, a massive gap in public finances. you would have to be breach. that is a recipe for precisely the all star anti. she says she's learned about let me say this. if we once economic stability is scott, no one's economic stability to coin a phrase. we are stronger together. what role the impact of these measures be on the growth rates and we're, we're still avoid recession. oh we, i will publish the economic full costs for me when i make my statements in a fortnight's time. and i think it's better for me to wait until i hear that. but the, the proc wrong city's question is that what we are seeking is long term sustainable
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increase and the economic growth rate. and that is a central policy of the prime minister, which has my whole hodges spook them over all the packing the country is feeling a sense of relief, the trickle down economics on so quickly a band. but that was one element in the me budget, which the new chance of did not address that was an issue of investment. says that if we have great evidence all over the place about how that as a mechanism for encouraging breadth and jobs and prosperity has failed it from the fact she is on what all that happens is they're incredibly expensive. we lose income from them. they only lead the transfer of jobs, modern poor areas to the other. and they are a massive opportunity for every kept track. only god and criminal to launder money in the you will transfer, abandon that policy to this. well,
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i would like to say that i have a great deal of respect to the campaign in the right hon if it's gone over many years against people, illicitly hiding, well, not paying nash of tax. and i do totally support the benefits that investment zones can bring. but we will implement that policy in a way that learn the lessons of when bubbles with a similar have been tried in the past. and we will make sure that they are successful and listening to a session of the u. k. parliament in which the new finance mr. new chancellor, jeremy hunter, you just had been addressing. and he's confirming plans to essentially rip up the government's original economic a strategy of tax cuts that, of course, so much turmoil in the market in recent days. and you, simmons is live 1st in west, mr. andrew hunt has been outlining these,
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these new plans. what kind of reaction are we seeing? well, the reaction there's, you've been watching an intense morling of the chancellor noise, a vicious way, but intense in, in, in a way that's the blue is actually stands out. because the enormity of this financial crisis is clear to see when you listen to so many figures asking why did list trust do this? why did she get rid of finance minister and chancellor as it's known in the u. k. at why did she do that? and why did the whole situation crash in the way did, and it's evident to everyone that the mistakes were made. miscalculations were made and really a colossal amount of damage has been done to the economy of the u. k. and everyone is seems to be agreed on that. it's just the language they use. now. as far as the
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new chancellor is concerned, jeremy hunt, he made an outline a before he went through his his whole new effectively. it's a, it's a fiscal statement that's come early designed to reassure the markets that's already had an effect because he, he read this out in, in statement form from the treasury earlier on monday. and that had the effect of bringing things in a much more positive states on the markets. the pound was rising against the door is done fair amount to day. and the cost of borrowing for the government has reduced some watts. but it's not there yet. he said that the country will fund its promises and it will pay it's debts. that is a marked a reference to how the sums weren't done correctly by liz trust and
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her and her finance minister. they were done wrongly and wow, there's a massive black hole in the economy. i, he talked about, i watering, difficult decisions to be made. not all of them listed. he listed. the primary one was, are the income tax, the base level of income tax, and the u. k, the plan was a to actually reduce that by one percent from 20 percent to 19 percent. that's kicked out completely. it hasn't been postponed, but it's kicked out completely. and the what freeze on alcohol duty rates that's gone, a 0 rated value added tax on goods for foreign visitors. that's gone as a plethora of other things that have been kicked out as well. this really was an austerity announcement. not what liz truss was pushing for. which was a whole growth of the economy plan, extra spending tax cuts accused by her,
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her opposition in when she was on the leadership challenge. accused of fairytale economics. well now it's a nightmare playing out because her situation is absolutely dangerous. in the extreme. she was in the house of commons, it has to be said. she was sitting beside the chancellor as he read everything out on her fixed face, told a 1000000 stories she looked very, very disturbed. indeed, we understand. she may well be giving a news conference within 24 hours. that is, seems to be the plan. she's going to try and fight back. she is talking to a whole series of people from the, at the center of the party. the one nation at grouping should be talking to them and trying to get some cooperation trying to get some support because she hasn't much at all in this, in this parliament, at, in any areas. apart from her own government, it would seem and they feel betrayed at so therefore you have
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a situation where her supporters feel betrayed. her enemy is convinced that that she's gone. that just question of time as to when she goes, she will fight back. it seems, but that's going to be a really, really hard job. indeed. and as you say, and you added the prime minister, less trust was it. we saw there sitting there next to an ab jeremy hunt, but said the labour lead a kiss. dharma had asked the prime minister to appear earlier in parliament, but he was a no show. has that gone down? well, that was really extraordinary situation, because it was a surprise ahead of it all. we'd heard the labor party asking out for the prime minister to explain her actions to be held account for what's happened. there was a long delay on any response from the government on this. and then penny mordant,
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the lever of a house said that she was going to address or any questions that sir will not any questions that the primary question being why works was quality. quater ng, the at the chancellor sacked or 4 days ago. that was the primary question, but of course these, these things develop into a much longer situation. and this is what the leader of the labor party had to say . once you cross the card a 100 miles an hour, you've damaged it for good and you're going to be paying much more on your insurance for years to come. and it's working people who will pay left wondering if they can afford to stay in their homes. if that hopes of owning a home have an already been crock. yeah. so now it's time for leaders to lead. yeah . but where is the primary? yes. hi. * thing away torching question, scared of our own shadow, the late is not returning. ah. penny
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morton explained that it was in the national interest for less trust to do what she did at a sack, the minister. and then to turn things around by appointing jeremy jeremy hunt to put things right now, it's all a hard to actually take in, but, but the attempt by penny morden to address the points put to it really, really weren't answered with effect. it has to be said she, she, as she said that she respected at least trust for her courage in sacking her friend and ally. so but then she did also apologized when questioned by others about the situation in that the, that the, everyone not had not realized how volatile the global economic climate was. so the really, it was, it didn't satisfy the house of commons. there's
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a lot of unrest here. it's the 1st opportunity in 4 days for parliament to actually put questions to the government. and there's a lot of concern about that, but how the democracy in the u. k. is going up because of the, the moves that are being made against this prime minister, who as far as the opposition parties are concerned doesn't really have a mandate now. and is a lame duck prime minister. she really is under a lot of pressure to step down. indeed, very uncertain non political situation there for less trust andrew simmons lifeless there in westminster. thanks andrew. at other stories now in ukraine, at least 4 people have been killed and 16 injured in drown strikes on the capital. official say here was struck several times in an early morning, attacked by russian forces using drowns. and cities man says they hit the central
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shaft chin ski district to that same area was shelled by russia last week. everything we're having right now in our hometown. it just there are, it's there at that here in historical federal leave. a bit to do. and what the russians they destroyed all gone for. they destroyed our hometown. did they kill allows right now emp, the we see the error. these bear up is there a dock is through the 3rd draw praise of these one. roger. good. the russians need you. brainy result. you granules them back. why big you see below people? um huh. jim jim says the all clear has been sounded in keith. it's so common fact, a neighborhood that we're in right now that i'm, i'm actually over looking at the moment. a children's playground with their kids playing on slides and swings, that really give you
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a sense of how quickly things change here and keep. it was just early this morning that our team was awakened by the air raid sirens that were sounding out throughout the city. we were looking at the sky at different points and seeing those kamikaze drones trying to hit targets. then we'd hear the rad attached hat sound coming from the air defense systems. they were trying to shoot those, those drones down for people confirmed it killed in keys on that happened in a residential building that was badly damaged as a result of those drone strikes in the center of the city where the attacks took place. and the mayor of the city of italy, clinico, he said that one of the victims was an elderly lady, a resident of that building. and the 2 other the victims were a married couple, a man and a woman who was 6 months pregnant. so a certainly a very tragic news for the residents of that building. we've also heard that there were 3 people killed in attacks on the sumi o blast region that's on the border with russia. now at the moment,
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there are some concerns that this could affect the power grid in the country because local officials have said that there were many critical infrastructure targets in different cities and regions that were targeted by these drones strikes to day. but you have officials that have tried to ease people's concerns saying that even though some facilities were damage, the power grid is up and running. yes, there were power outages and hundreds of villages, but they say that everything should be back online and back to normal. within the coming hours. authorities in nigeria struggling to get relief supplies to hundreds of thousands of people displaced by severe floods which have hit the country. the death toll has risen now to more than $600.00. hold on one and a 3rd 1000000 people have been displaced by the disaster, which is affected people across 33 of my jewish 36 states. while i mighty drake joins us live now from a year ago and be also stay in a state and,
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and we can see the extent of that flooding as a stretch is behind you that tell us what's been happening. well basically what you're looking at right is the main street in the going to go the capital of bio state. it's not it, it's in most a like this across the city. and the bad news is that re refuse to stop. it's been pouring for the past few days, and it's expected to be for the next by order also rising to an alarming rate. residents tell us that this was not the case 2 days ago on the street. now what we see is that the federal city of the flow of the water has intensified and the level of the water also has even gone up. and more bad news is not flood waters from upstream coming this way. so what's been happening all day is people from the creeks some with few positions in wooden boats
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trying to come into the city. yeah. searching for higher grounds and what about higher ground to get will do, and that's why they put up with their families. it's a tragic story for many people. a lot of people will all have been killed, but we are not hearing the numbers from the for just here yet. but hundreds of thousands, according to officials, have been displaced from their homes and communities, settlements and villages. a mounting or running up to $300.00 have been affected by the floods with more bad news, more bad weather on the way it's expected that more communities will be impacted while flying into in a go out this afternoon. we so lots of damage underground. we saw some on installations or facilities being flooded as well. although we are unable to get a closer look on the ground because we are flying overhead. but the situation is looking very, very bad for people around here. thank you. i mean,
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address life said there in bio state the night you are, the ethiopian government says it is aiming to take control of air force and other critical infrastructure in the northern te gray region. the african unions called for an immediate sci fi after an escalation in violence of fighting resumed in august between the tiguan rebels and government forces ending a c y. the last several months. negotiations were shadowed in south africa last week, but failed to take place. a still head on edge is here at the battle to leave brazil top contenders face off in their final debate for the run of election. ah, anticipation is rising. and so with my cattle aways, nest that's now typhoon. but as it went past loose on the northern philippines,
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it caused a certain amount of damage submerged. a village or 2 rain big, the main problem, rather than wind. now keep moving over open water and strengths and still further i think in the next day or so. the main rain belt is now in sudden tile and not northern balance tied on to catch his father's result. and the 4 courtesy rained the same sort of area as this things continues in the south china sea eventually get into vietnam or the weakest storm. that's all part of the incoming ne monsoon, the winter months now, which means dry conditions throughout china. the korean pincher and japans that's just coming into play. now. it's not particularly cold but tempted to come down below what we're really very high values throughout the last 2 or 3 months in a good part of china. the monsoons withdrawing from india to fairly rapidly from the north east. all the less so for much a british, sorry, was in fact it's been concentrating in sri lanka in carola, and in time will not do for last year. so i think we'll do the next day or so i
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think causing the potential here for flooding, for pakistan, the picture is dry as it is, shred, iran and the middle east and temperatures are coming down to with sponsored by cat on a ways upon counting the cost opec plus has agreed to major oil production cut. us is not happy. we explore the relevance of the i, m f as the outlook for the global economy dark and we bought our house on african countries on making the ship, the green energy. counting the cost on al jazeera part of the samples must always on good luck. we are the ones grappling the extra mile, the media don't go, we go there and we give them a chance to tell their story. ah, ah,
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ah, again, you're watching. i just did a reminder of our top stories this out. you case, new finance minister has presented his economic plan to members of parliament. it includes reversing. almost all of his predecessors proposes. he confirmed people will receive support to pay their energy bills, but only until april. at least 4 people have been killed and 16 injured in front strikes on ukraine's capital official se keeble was struck several times in an early morning attacked by russian forces using drugs the if you open gum and says it will cease control of airports and other critical infrastructure in the northern te grey region. the african unions called for an immediate cease far after an escalation in bonds. a tens of thousands of women and girls in india have held protests against child marriage. the united nation says india is home to the
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largest number of child brides in the world. it is warned at child brides are more likely to experienced domestic violence and struggle to earn a living. alexandra buyers reports ha. they gathered in 10000 villages across 500 districts in nearly every state calling for an end to child marriage in india. every girl has a right to live and grow, nor once you force it girl to be a wife. before her time. while child marriage is officially illegal in india, nearly one and a half 1000000 girls under the age of 18, get married in the country every year. akash is 16 auto care and fighting for her future. go alley me sadly that my parents were making plans for my wedding, and the boy's family came to our house as well. meaning,
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but i told them i didn't want to get married so young and that i wanted to study. instead, indian authorities say an average of $34.00 girls were kidnapped each day last year to be forced into marriage, nay. the situation was made worse by the pandemic. the government attempting to stop the practice vickery. it's pushing legislation to raise the legal marriage age to $21.00. it has the government to do to ensure that young girls have a pop of education or work now ahead of them, especially higher education and employment. so are with the government, not addressing that, you know, the have a slogan saying, educate daughters and so on. but basically that is just a propaganda. nobel peace laureate kylar said the archie launched a campaign to highlight the problem. i always said that sustainable solutions to the problem is possible. only then the victims survivors,
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there did the lead. so victory, davy was married when she was only 8 years old. ounce of golden weight. i tell everyone that their kids should not make the same mistake. i did by getting married when i was young, but i no matter if they get a job or not, people should educate their children. oh, tens of thousands of women and girls have joined this campaign, and sworn avow to fight child marriage. organize your st times have changed, and what they call a social evil must be stamped out. and with growing numbers of supporters like these, that message is becoming significantly louder. alexander buyers, al jazeera, a, brazil to presidential candidates have traded insults in their 1st televised one on one debate 2 weeks before the runoff election. why when president, jail boston, our faces former left his leader lula, the silver, monica yanna cube,
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a report. so from a rio de janeiro gone through a flat bunk, i go to visit it, it was bars up on a face, so they represent the opposite sides of the political spectrum. but able soon, aaron was in asked to lula. the silver seemed to agree on one thing, authors are for me to feel that you want to control the media so you can continue lying or what all of them didn't you or you lie every day. you lie and deny was a lie and deny me. in a 90 minute debate, where the candidates could roam the stage, former president lola, the silver accused the incumbent of downplaying, the coven. 19 pandemic, which killed 680000 brazilians. no, we'll see. oh doctor, you made fun of the sick. you said that those who took the vaccine would turn into alligators. there isn't in the history of any government in the world. some one that played with the pandemic and with death. like you did. you one more to go with
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sibling life. also on adel shifted the focus, pointing out that lula and his workers party, where the center of one of brazil's largest corruption scandals, and blamed them for the economic recession. during the merrill staffs, government well got you. brazil's economy shrank by 70 percent during 20152016. when the workers party was governing the country. was there, a pandemic knows it, was there a war in ukraine? no, there was a lot of corruption in brazil, a follicle, both political analysts, jaguar, i go says the debate was a time duration, so both candidates, they knew their weak spots. they knew how to attack each other, and that was, it attacked and very, very little proposal host to none from each. so the battle in the next 2 weeks is to win over undecided voters. moolah has a shorter hill to climb. during the 1st round, he had 6000000 votes more than bull sonata, but the president is putting up
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a tough fight by reducing oil prices and distributing handouts to the poor. i st. the rivalry continues as the election were football nach. oh was another product, but myself, i'm voting for bull to narrow because the economy is back on track. as they say, you don't change the players. if your football team is winning, you could look into that and say, i, me of his, all of his sort of illness time. food prices were lower the pooka, by tv said fridge. no, there's no money. people at this market are an example of how divided brazilians are and how it certain results future is monica and archival jazeera janera, a sweden's parliament has backed center, right? moderate party leader. also kristen as the new prime minister, the 3 party coalition they chose him includes the far right anti immigration, sweden, democrats, party. the blockers agree to adopt new proposals including tougher border controls
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and criminal sentencing position figures, se xenophobic nationalists now have control of the gum in hong kong. the government in beijing is overhauling the curriculum in schools, in a sign of its growing influence over education in the territory. schools must now place a greater focus on national security and patriotism, and teachers are resigning in record numbers as jessica washington reports aah! in hong kong, a show of patriotism from some of its youngest citizens. this video was released by the cities education bureau. earlier this month. when the youth armstrong, the children chant, the country is strong. such display of national pride from hong kong at school children is becoming more common as its education system receives a make over. the updated secondary school curriculum now places more focus on
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china's security. and national identity is former teacher who asked out a 0 to conceal her identity, says she quit her job 2 months ago when the subject she taught was removed from the curriculum. i found the new subject quite different from liberal studies, which placed emphasis on discussion and allowing students to freely express their ideas and develop an argument in the new subject. these elements disappear and the conclusions have already been made. she's part of the exodus of experienced educators. data from the education bureau indicates more than 4000 teachers left their roles in the past school year, some prob, aging, and please criticized hong kong education system in the past. same subjects, like liberal studies, may have encouraged young people to participate in the 2019 mass protest. goods info, the government will help strengthen teachers. proper concepts concerning the constitution,
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the basic law, the one country to systems, principal, national security, and the spirit of the rule of law and her list of these textbooks are part of the new materials, the hong kong, secondary school educators, teaching the new citizenship and social development course, this book explains china's emphasis on the responsibility of all citizens, including the people of hong kong. to safeguard the country, sovereignty territorial integrity, the other elements of national security. as many teachers seek to leave one university student who wanted to remain anonymous, said those looking to enter the profession face new requirements. well, some new policy for us was them. we have to go for examinations to test our law to our country. we have to pass the test to become a profession. being a teacher has long been her goals. she says. but now she was.


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