tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera October 18, 2022 4:00pm-5:01pm AST
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shima than it was the heavy rain or have you down pulse, probably in paraguay, we certainly seen up in venezuela, the recent but slides. and it's likely we'll say repeat sort of potential in columbia. i suspect that's where the seasonal rains out their heaviest parts of columbia parts of panama and costa rica. we've seen flooding recently. but equally as that cold asia comes out of us down towards mexico spot this area, no big shower of building there with the orange center, i would suggest flooding is a big risk flash flooding in this part of mexico. now it did say that it's cold air coming out of the u. s. yes, it has been very cold. temperature dropped down to the teens right down to the gulf coast. they be near 0 by day for a tie with snow in the forecast by tuesday. and wednesday for ontario, the great lakes area and the chill in the air, only slows disappear as the wind dies down, but still further west, quite warm the weather, sponsored by categories. ah,
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this is al jazeera ah 11 o'clock. this is the news or live from doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. i'm natasha butler live at a demonstration in paris where trade unions are asking for better pay and conditions. ukraine's president wants of a critical situation is more russian as trying to target major infrastructure. lebanon's facing a corner of the united nation says water ball disease is evolving alarmingly. and part of northern kenya facing a state of emergency as drown pushes communities to the brink of starvation and in sport. karen benjamin is named wildes best football or the raw madrid star becomes the 1st frenchman in 24 years to take him in the prestigious bundle.
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ah, so we begin this news, our in france where frustration is growing against the high cost of living all across the country. people are protesting as part of a nationwide strike. and the teachers serve a walked off the job. there's been disruption in the public sector. and the transportation to employees are demanding higher pay to help offset raising prices . cash butler is among the protesters in paris, joins is life. no, i said it's a looking mid afternoon now. what kind of impacts that will happen here? we just add the demonstration in paris, people, well, you probably see the protest is, will be jaime initial moment. they've already begun. they route through the city. it's mainly transport and energy sector workers. although a few other people have joined in, they're all there to demand better pay and conditions amongst the many energy
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workers, particularly those oil refinery workers that have been on strike now for nearly a month. some of them still very much locked in a stand off with their bosses at a total energy total energy. the french or company said locators are offered some of its workers, highest salaries, some workers of accepted them. the hard line, c, g, t union here in farms say that that offer simply wasn't good enough. the people are dealing with inflation that these companies are making huge profits and the energy crisis. and that money should be better shared around what the government or how they responding to this and, and how much longer would like to go on. well, it's hard to say how long it will go on. i mean, in terms of disruption. it has to be said, there really hasn't been that much. this is not a nationwide strike. it's not a general strike the trade unions that actually pulled for that many sectors haven't joined in the education sector, the health sector, none of them have officially joined in this protest today. so we're, we're to say is perhaps more the source of protest perhaps over the coming days
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because in itself here has to be said didn't term. so public opinion, public opinion is certainly falling away for some of the strike is of their own refineries. because that is posed a fuel shortage and people are getting fed up with not being able to fill up their cause the government. they have been quite quiet along in the past few days. they've certainly urged a total energies in terms of the refineries to foot salaries up to raise the salaries. they've also called from end of the blockade. they have also said that they've also ordered some refinery workers to go back to the job by force or face penalties. now that is something that is inflamed, a lot of attention, fear that is one of the reasons actually for this strike is trade. you will say that simply unfair, it's a rounding rights to protest or in touch of thanks to that natasha butler in paris . as it strikes go on. british prime minister liz trousers met her cabinet as she
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fights to hold on to her. jaw ministers have now left darning straits. the meeting came a day after her new finance minister reversed almost all of her economic measures. trust has been accused of running scared after she failed to address parliament on monday. that in barbara has more from london cabinet members were fairly tight lipped going in and coming out of that meeting, they probably will have seen a, a new poll by you got the survey company suggesting that this trust is popularity among the public is the lowest for any leader in 20 years, only 10 percent saying that a few to favorably will only a handful of m. p. 's have come out and said she should go. but it's understood that many more privately have said that to grey and brady who has the back bench committee called the 1922 committee. she's meeting members of parliament later on tuesday or wednesday. she's due to take prime minister's questions facing case study. the, the labor leader, many people are wondering how well that will go, given her diminished standing. now,
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given the fact that many people are calling jeremy hump the de facto prime minister, because he's really in control of the financial direction. as of now, some a wondering whether the party impede here can actually run around a unifying figure to go to gray and brady and say, right, this is the person we want trying to avoid damaging leadership contest. there is even talk that that could happen within the next couple of weeks. more as strikes on ukraine's capital of killed at least 2 people create an official say 3 missiles hit upon facility and keith, russia is striking critical infrastructure across the country. president, for them is lensky says, the situation is critical. these want to possible electricity and water outages nationwide. and let's go to manage um june study by 1st and to keep having to tell us more about these latest drugs. like it was a fresh wave of air strike. so throughout this morning at various cities across the
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country, including a here in kiva. you mentioned that strike that hit critical infrastructure facilities in kiva that happened in the destiny on ski district, which is east of the capitol. it's on the left bank of the denise pro river. now the mayor of ki vitaly click go, says that 3 people were killed as a result of those missiles strikes on those critical infrastructure sites in keith . and he says that those who were killed were employees of one of the facilities that was hit. he's also going on to say that they are doing all they can to repair those facilities to make sure that power continues as much as possible beyond what happened and keep you also have shuttle mir, which is a city that's neighboring, keep where missile strikes occurred and water and electricity has been out in many areas there also at the city of denise, pro missiles hit there and also in harkey. there were many missile strikes, the took place there in the overnight hours. nick at president lensky is, is,
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is concerned about this targeting of infrastructure, 30 percent of past sessions, for example, destroyed. that's right. that is a great concern here. right now you have that statement from president villa de mer zalinski, in which he says a 30 percent of ukrainian power plants have been damaged since october 10th by russian shelling you've had other officials. many of them joining this chorus of, of the over the last few days from many of the regions in cities across the country at warning people that as a result of these strikes across the country that the country should prepare for the possibility of power outages that they should prepare for the possibility of power blackouts in the days to come. now where we are here in keith. everything is on line, but we were in that area that i was telling you about my previous answer, destiny in ski, just a few hours ago. and we were talking to residents were without power, who could not access water as since those strikes that have happened this morning.
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and they are very concerned about what's to come next about the prospect, especially when temperatures are dropping. and winter is fast approaching of going without power, not being able to heat their homes. now the ministry of energy, it just come out with a statement in the last 20 minutes or say 20 minutes or so saying that over $1100.00 areas throughout the country are without power. and the national energy company has also warned of for the possible application of emergency power shut down schedules. and they said that people should do all they can to conserve on energy and should try to lessen their energy consumption habits in the days to come . nick, or that's a pitcher in ukraine at mo, thanks very much for that, ma'am jim. jim reporting that a police in denmark have concluded the damage to the north stream gas pipelines in the baltic sea was caused by explosions and swedish newspaper published this footage for the 1st time, showing gaping holes in the pipeline. it says a 50 meter section was missing from one area hammered. val is following this forest
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from moscow, and my was the reaction be enough? yes, sir. nick or the covenant spokesman dmitri pess cove. earlier today he said that of russia is very much unhappy and it regrets the fact that it hasn't been included in the investigation into what happened to those pipelines and earn the explosion that to have just mission only confirms the russian are saying or story or narrative about this that it has been an act of terrorism against its own interests. he said that he said that russia is, is a party that is a co owner of these pipelines. and it has to be a, it included in an investigation. he said, but the other side, the europeans, they have their own narrative that is tailored to lay the blame on russia by he
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said that russian intelligence has completely different information but indicates the opposite. so russia has been blaming and it is still blaming the western side of being behind the sabotage because they say the, the main, the main damage they are, is against russian interests in this, in this equation. and he said, let's just use logic in this. it's clearly, it's clearly an act against russian interests in the west at particularly with regards to those pipelines. so rush is still demanding a share of, of, of, of, of a role in this investigation. and he reiterated that saying that without that, that the, the, the, the dollars thrasher has about the whole thing will remain. and any investigation results will not be accepted. he, in moscow, or am i with, i swear to him, i have about 40 left from boston. pay more still ahead of
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a news are including malaysia, detain suspected operatives working for israel's intelligence agency. ma said, would explain why i am alma did receive in one of my generous, born producing states been denied to delta. that is completely cut off and the rest of the country officers yeah, are struggling to bring in aid as quickly as possible, as the situation gets decimals and the fee for wild trophy on the move around the world will not later coming up. it's ah, a cholera outbreak in lebanon is getting worse and threatening to spread to neighboring countries. 46 new cases and wonder have been recorded in the past day. the spread of the waterborne disease is no longer confined to refugee comes from syria where they have been at least 60 gus civil war in syria has resulted in severe damage to water infrastructure. so in a hot or is in the occur,
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refugee camp in northern 11th were the 1st color cases. it is a serious health crisis. let me just show you why it's easy for color to spread this camp. for example, if a high risk area, sanitation is bad, people have dirty water to drink and even to cook with and just just look at this. this water is used to irrigate crops, according to an official at the ministry of health. 100 percent of the water in northern lebanon is polluted. now the 1st case of cholera was detected in neighboring syria. in early september, it took a month before the 1st case was detected here in lebanon as one of these refugee camps very close to the border. 2 numbers are rising, there have been 3 deaths in lebanon in the past 2 weeks alone. so you need sanitation, you need clean water, but in a country like lebanon,
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where the water infrastructure is aging, it has been mismanaged. you get, you get contaminated water and you have a health sector which has been crumbling in the past 3 years, unable to cope with any outbreak of disease. in fact, officials have been saying and talking to international organizations seeking help, because they say, if there are more cases they won't be able to handle to handle this outbreak, especially after the corona virus pandemic, put a lot of pressure and strains the, the, the health sector so water infrastructure, health, infrastructure, unable to cope with this crisis with united nation, saying it is evolving. alarmingly, you have a, his, is a eunice as chief of communications in every syria where the color outbreak done. and she says the situation there is grave. this definite is very serious. this is yet another thread to the children's lives. children here in syria face,
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a number of things that make them is very difficult. it's the ongoing conflict. lodge displacements, it's the deepening economic crises, a cove it and now colorado. so the situation is very dire. this is something that impacts the children's health and wellbeing. disease is never respects any, any borders. so it is very critical to take action. now eunice, apple is on the ground with partners. we are working very closely with w hbo and other partners here. we are doing our level best to insure children receive clean water. i'll be coordinating water in, in the most effective areas. we have providing water through water trucking. i'll be again engaging with communities, sharing information on how to stay safe and how to keep your children safe. with similarly providing medical and what is the station and hygiene supplies across the board. and it is really critical to take action. now all hands need to be on deck
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now. prevention is, is, is critical as well as is the response activities that we are scaling up to grind. rebels say they've lost the city of should a to, if you government forces, you can, foreign ministry says it's ready to work with you, monitor and organizations to ensure that aid is delivered to areas control by its army. fighting between pro government forces and to grow and rebels resumed in august, and both sides accused each other of breaking a 5 month truce to nigeria, where the extent of flooding is becoming clearer. at more than 600 people have been killed. 1.3000000 people have been displaced, it is the worse flooding in more than a decade of 18. $33.00 of nigeria is $36.00 states. some communities have been cut off, making it difficult for a to be delivered. and more rain is forecast official, say, flood waters and not expect to to recede until the end of november. i'm an address as more now from indigo, and by else the state,
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one of the hottest areas. this is what i regular or safe street here in the capital of by yourself. it looks like flooded and with vehicles and people trying to wade through all the water to get to their respective destinations . and you see the water here is stagnant, perfect breeding ground for breakfast like mosquitoes. authorities are worried that in the next few days, there will see health emergencies because of the flooding here in by also state. the governor said the entire state is flooded and communities, in fact, more than 300 communities have been affected by the inundation across the state. the state itself is completely cut off from the rest of the country. now the government says the only access to other parts of nigeria is to find a ship that can both and will be atlantic to reach other states for supplies to re scott. and we hear that stocks are really, really running out in markets and other places like promises. now,
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one important factor, or one important point raised by the governor is that the water sources here in bio state is contaminated and therefore water is not safe for drinking. in the next few days, people will be running out of safe drinking water. that's why he's falling on the international community and the nigerian government to quickly step in to restock supplies. here in by allstate, currently bridges and mid to high was lincoln, the same with other parts of the country are completely cut off. we went to refugee camps, internally displaced process gap. people are struggling to find pieces, why they can lay their heads. families have been separated. food is in short supply . so this situation across the state and enable of states. we're here, like parts of river state, which is also affected by this year. flood is also a desperate a wall niger, suffering heavy rains. the horn of africa is facing one of its worst. strauss in 40 years, at least 18000000 people on the brink of starvation. catherine sawyer reports now
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from talk on her in northern can i come eyes couple lawn has spend the better part of how morning. looking for water at a village into kind of county. she and other women have dug, shall wells. but these pools of water are getting dryer. the water is getting darcia and dangerous because of the alkaline levels. she's 7 months pregnant and every day it's becoming more difficult for her to walk the distance. my mother, my, they are the marketing idea. we have to dig deep to get water. our children get sick. often. some of the bull house provided by the government have run dry. some parts of broken down into government and other agencies are worried. they say they are facing a state of emergency. the population is currently pending one more house and had that was the depth of the 100 was actually going further down the beyond 5
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meters in some areas. others actually have to sit in with us and for the whole pollution itself is actually very good because there is likely likelihood of optimal walls. there is a drought in much of the horn of africa. millions of people are on the brink of starvation. for rainy seasons, half field weather experts predict another field this year. oh is hard in community is resilient and proud. many of them have lost most of their livestock. now they have to rely on really food. on this day they waited for hours in the sweltering hits for 8 years. politicians who had brought the food arrived late. evelyn was tired, dusty and hungry. people are receiving made beans and cooking oil. this food does not come often. and villages are we are talking to say it's not even enough.
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children in the villages are mal norrish, many leave far from health centers. doctors at this government hospital say some children come when they are ready to week to save them. to learn after treatment dumpster, they call him mr. bishop home, i've noted so within 2 months, over to him to put him come back. so very low. back of the village, the women finally get their cereals. they say the food is hardly enough, but at least it will keep the little ones alive as a parents figure out whether we'll get the next meal. katherine sawyer, alta 0 to can a county in northern kenya. let's bring in that dr. john, could you in nairobi, his, the country director for ox, firm in kenya, door to get you this christ since just seems to been upon us for years. but we are now reaching a truly deadly point. our way yes,
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thank you for having me and we are reaching a very deadly point. because we are seeing a drought that has not been seen for the past 40 years. we are seeing the 4th successive arrange. he's on feel. the 5th one that respected between october, november, december, is equally likely to fail that to 1400000 people across the horn of, of, of africa in need of food or in food and water aid. without which, we will start seeing the per day in there as the cost was the end. so there's a lot of household that i really living in family conditions. and if we don't take prompt action, we're only facing a very dire situation. it is, it's hard to conceive of the, the rate of people diets. i think if you look at the figures, it's one person likely to die of hunger every 36 seconds between now and the end of the year. it's just staggering, is not it is staggering. so in may
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oxford estimated that one person was dying every 48 seconds from the ongoing food insecurity. and despite a lot of action that has already been taken to support households, we're going through the different crisis. the new number for just mind boggling. we're looking at one person dang every 36 seconds from, from, from the food crisis. and this is likely to western, especially if the short trades failed. but also, if they don't know that the international community does not step up to really support companies that are affected across, especially the 4 countries in be the one of africa that is. so my lia, if appear, can you insulted them? what would that take of the clock more more people are dying? what more does the international community need to do is, is it just a question in mind? i said just a question of money. clearly, a great deal is needed, but what else can be done?
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so there are 2 things on one end, i think we need to act promptly to make sure that the humanitarian aid reaches communities that are affected as we speak to day. there's a very huge and a funded you in appeal, or that if it was funded sufficiently, then we'll be able to see humanitarian aid or whether it's cash transferred to households. we have markets as to providing food to the local markets or actually actual food. what are aid to those communities that do not have access to markets? so we just need the international community as bishop, the donors to really ramp up their financial support to their, to the you in appeal, in, in the home, in the home of africa. in that would go a long way to save lives. but even as we, we focus on saving lives, the humanitarian says teams what will system was never designed to deal with this kind of crises of protracted crisis. if you're looking at the 4th 5th finger early, this is on the human to in our system is not able to cope. so on the 2nd arm as well. we really need as a humanity to be very,
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very serious about addressing the root causes of this. and we see that despite there is an shocks like covey 19 we're looking at the, the conflicts we're seeing both in ukraine but also in the region, relates in ethiopia, and also down on somalia. we are looking at locust in visually the han of africa, the past 2 years as well in and then the, the ongoing drought, the really underlying factor is the climate change. we've never really taken seriously the climate change. and despite the 10 hotspots, in terms of climate change, only contributing about little point, 2 percent of greenhouse gases in the world, they are suffering. the west consequences saw that we have to really approach this with up some seriousness, especially as we go to copy 27 in egypt. we really have to take action to address climate change, which is really the back breaker of some of the households that live in some of these very vulnerable vulnerable areas. there's also needs to really invest in agriculture, the, the agricultural system, the, the globalized for it food system is really broken,
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or how we reorganize the food system to support communities, as special, small holder farmers, and the pastoralists to be able to grow their own food, say in a very resilient way is, is really a very critical critical measures are going to take or is, will, will see these extreme climate events continue. sure. a lot of people are dying as a result of, of, of not taking political action that's required. and that the terrible images we see from the horn of africa really is the that the roar deadly face of the effects of climate change. but do you think in a, in a way, because we say we see these pictures so frequently that the world at large just becomes immune to them. yes, that is the unfortunate reality. but hopefully some of this images that we see can, can, can still exist. some of the human humanity that is within us, whether we live in the most developed countries, or even if where we living even in countries like kenya. and we see that the, the,
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the deaths from the food crisis really thought about food, it's about inequality is about extreme inequality. even when you come to king of apple who have plenty, there's plenty of food us wasted on the turbo west eddy las toes. we look at the food baskets in kenya for example, that if to valley harvesting, so much made last year, most of these were not a were well not of taken by the market on the rotating the stores. so that is very, very huge inequality. and with this huge inequality is proport, getting used to that feeling like that, it's just a lot crisis again, but i think it's this awareness that we need to be bringing to the global community and hopefully then inciting some, some level of humanity for put a study in solidarity with, with, with other human beings at our, at, at, at the brink of dying from hungary. yet she manatee is what is required. her daughter, john kathy. and we wish you well and your efforts. thank you for joining to run out of her. it's time for the weather is rob the typhoon in the middle of the sized china sea. some people enjoy that of in hong kong, a big wave bay,
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appropriately named asserting on it. it is though quite a big one extent of clout. imagine the scale is map, it's windows 140 kilometer rather keeps in typhoon territory is carrying with it. now, 11 meter waves, they've written since yesterday, a potential storm surge of but 1.11.2 meters. now it's moving southwest, which means it's moving eventually towards the coast of vietnam. so this is pick up lat, forecast here is what it's going to do during wednesday, and probably the 1st part of thursday. now by that time, it will have lost its strength. so it be called a tropical storm. no typhoon and you'll notice is no coherence really in the rain forecast. certainly through a lot of rain bands off. it'll affect high nan, the south west of china, typically, and then vietnam as a, a rain problem, but it will bring it with these big ways with the and the storm surge. that's interrupted the seasonal rate, which has been pushed a long way south. but that season right around the world's been causing some
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problem this year. nigeria just one case in point heavy rain recently is course for the all over nigeria. that's the picture you may already have seen. unfortunately, i have to report, the rain hasn't yet stopped and won't for a while. still ahead here now, does aram, australia's ambassador is summoned after his government says it will no longer recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel was full. coming up the latest from me . 20 cricket woke up in australia. ah, the wait for the world come, isn't bailey? as the main event gets closer out, just the rise here. every step of the way. i'm going to go with one month to go. we focus on asia. teams can expect some strong support hearing, got caught up. cope with the pressures of hosting with australia, make the most of squeezing through the player, or will it be south korea,
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japan saudi arabia or iran progress for this? the world cup countdown on jessie uta, brazil's presidential election is going to a 2nd round on october 30th, coming toward line visiting table sonata and former socialist president. legacy law are buying for votes, which one will have changed and we elect to brazil's highest office. ongoing special coverage on al jazeera, informed opinions. i believe that our media and other weekends should have bilateral negotiations. we've been cooling that khomeini time. critical debate is the commonwealth still something that king child will take on the inside story on al jazeera? ah, ah, ah.
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hello, daniel watching out 01 of our top stores to saw and protest to being held across from soft to unions. cool for nationwide strike. but the monday higher wages to count to the growing cost of living, the disruption in the public sector. and in the transport, the police in denmark concluded the damage the north stream. a gas pipelines in the baltic sea was caused by explosion, swedish newspaper published produce for the 1st time chain gaping hold a color outbreak in lebanon. it's getting worse in the past 24 hours, 46 new cases to be reported. one person have died, spread of the war for disease is no longer confined syrian refugee comes with that being at least 60 death malaysia has detained, suspected operatives working for israel intelligence agency ma, set or accused of snatching a palestinian man from a street in the capital qual lumper and beating him as he was driven to a house there he said to have been blindfolded and tied to a chair and interrogated over vehicle by ma side agents. please rated the building
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and detain the kidnappers. first, louis has more enough qual, the abduction took place late last month the to the palestinian man was having dinner with a friend outside a shopping mall in calling room for the incident happened at about 10 p. m. now they 2 were walking back to the cough to dinner and that's when the abductors intercepted them just as they were about to get into the car. now one of them was beaten and he was striped into one of 2 vehicles that was waiting. the other palestinian man managed to get away and he alerted the police and the man who was abducted, he was blindfolded. he was beaten. he was taken to a house on the outskirts of quality bull, still blindfold that they've been tied to a chair beaten and interrogated. now he was interrogated by the video link and on the other side of the phone call, the video call were israeli agents wonderful? me had apparently said, you know, while you're here now we do the local media report have not named the palestinians
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who since left the country. but we report say that he was a computer programmer now and report, he was reportedly asked about his, his expertise, what he knew about what the, what software the hamas was developing, what the cape abilities were, and what he knew about the outcome brigade, which is how much is winged, what he knew about its members, and what he knew about their strengths. now, the abductors were reported the are reportedly or malaysian now 11 people have been charged in court, but they have reportedly bungled. the operation watched the operation several ways . they allowed the 2nd palestinian men to get away, and this person would have been a more important target. while i madell, my mother is a counterterrorism expert at the international islamic university of malaysia. and he explains how foreign intelligence services use local assets in relation to have the most opportune work independently. this country is not possible,
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therefore they recruit the local asset to work on their behalf. and based on the intelligence gathering made by the malaysian police, that is what it seems to be there is some local, a sales operate that by certain individual and they get something to the visual as to be reported in the news. well, i don't think it is only exclusively the most met that all abrasion, i think it has been done by the other intelligence services to we can see this thing happen across the world that whenever you're not capable of operating independently, especially if it is too obvious that if you are present in cit, the location, it is easily be detected, then it is necessary for you to record the local asset and work on your behalf. israel has some industrialism, bassett, or after camber reverse this decision to recognize jerusalem as the israeli capital is trailyn. foreign minister says the city status must be decided through peace
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talks between israelis and palestinians. australia initially announces recognition, the former prime minister scott morrison in 2018. but a smith has a reaction now from western. israel's foreign minister has voices deep disappointment over the decision on prime minister jala pete, who's running for reelection in the beginning of november. he says he can only hope that's trailing government matters, manages other matters more seriously and professionally relating to the manner in which this announcement by the australians were made. now the israelis were summoned straightly, but he'll have to drive all the way from television to jerusalem. because while australia recognised west jerusalem as was recognized jerusalem as a capital of israel, they never actually physically moved their embassy like almost every other country, their embassy building and administration is intel of eve. it's only the u. s. embassy that's here in israel after donald trump recognize jerusalem in 2018,
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and also honduras, and guatemala. so practically little changes, but of course, it's all in the symbolism of a countries. most countries recognize that the status, the final status of jerusalem is to be determined in talks on palestinian statehood and the palestinians want east jerusalem as their capital. it's where most of the christy and muslim and jewish holy psych happened to be as well, but they won't the final status of jerusalem up for negotiation or shot i'm ac about is that it is a professor of middle east and central asian politics. deacon university in australia. he says the labor party promised to make this change when one elections may the current australian government, albanese labor government, had, i'm projected a decision by the previous government to move the are to shift the embassy and
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nice is just him as the capital. they thought it as a political game that the morrison garment was playing, and it was also morrison. garmen was trying to cause the up to prison. trump, who actually initiated this move for by reversing a long standing u. s. 3rd decision to recognize these are western use them as the capital and move the embassy as we heard. so it was a political decision. there's an international consensus that, that the state of general slim should be handled, should be decided as part of a larger negotiation on the future of the 2 states or 2 states in, within israel and palestine side, it can not be divorced from that matter. so i think is going to revive that international consensus for a period. australia was
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a diverging from that consensus, but now strollers coming back to it will definitely bring the issue of far israel palestinian dispute and the future of a 2 state solution into spotlight. and the international community has a big responsibility to address this. the long standing problem. oh, latisha, in germany are concerned about the great number of ukrainian seeking refuge that they want. stricter border controls, a dominant cane report now from the german check border. the team of check police officers carries out controls on the slovak border. they're looking for people, they say are illegal immigrants. many of these people are from syria and are seeking refuge, but not here. they want asylum in the u. k, or germany, and are willing to cross many european borders to do so. in berlin, ministers say something must be done. he then begins cantoya and once again, we will extend the checks on our board is with austria beyond november for another
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6 months. these checks are necessary to prevent illegal immigration on the border with a check republic. the federal police have significantly increased checks as part of stop and search practices. but intensifying border controls may be more difficult than it sounds because germany and the czech republic share a common frontier of many hundreds of kilometers, and the shang and zone rules still apply. which means that right now, pretty much anybody can come and go across this frontier as they please. so far this year the vast majority of new immigrants in germany has been ukrainian, taking advantage of the e u wide freedom of movement, their country's citizens, half people like natalia, are your mom. i was caught out, my mother has cancer right out as she came to germany, she went to several treatment sessions and got what she needed to get special reception centers for ukrainian. refugees have been set up in several german cities to cope with demand. but one complicating factor right now is
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a recent spike in arrivals of people from syria and afghanistan, who's asylum process is not as easy. and yet who must also be looked after? you re running out of capacities, houses where people can sleep and mice, date office is responsible at the moment for 27000 people in a more than 90 houses all over berlin were the incoming people you arrivals or we are a close to 0 when it comes to proper housing to hear officials speak like that reminds some germans of 2015 when more than a 1000000 syrians came to this country. after anglo miracle opened the borders to them. to days, politicians say they have learned from the errors of the past and are making more provisions for people who come now. and yet, at the same time, they're calling for borders to be more tightly controlled. to prevent unauthorized entry, dominate cane al jazeera on the german check border. the democratic party in the
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united states is hoping to keep control of the senate in the mid term elections in 3 weeks time. state of ohio is key to those plans. the candidates vying for one of the senate seats have taken part in a televised debate. the seat has been held by republicans since 1999. she had returned. as this report. donald trump became president in 2016 in large part thanks to voters in the u. s. rust belt. states like higher cities like youngstown, which never recovered from the decline of the feeling history. ohio voted for trump again in 2020 by some 8 points. high inflation is being felt particularly harshly here. and so in a midterm election, overshadowed by an unpopular president and a limping economy, it shouldn't be place yet. the pose show republican j. devens tied with democrat, tim ryan clearly feels advances. post mr. trump is a liability. he's made much advance shaking from hand immediately after the for president said this j d is kissing my ass. you have to have the courage to take on your own leaders.
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these leaders in d. c also will. busy they will, they will you up like a chew toy. in addition, run, i'm a democrat, hope that republican overreach on abortion restrictions may help bring democrats to propose sounds as though back it sounds on the issue. you know, says he doesn't support a total ban. but he has used the example of a 10 year old girl who was unable to get an abortion in the higher the pivot to immigration. that little girl was raped by an illegal immigrant and both the media and tim ryan need to be honest about the fact that she would never have been raised in the 1st place. if tim ryan had done his job on border security, and there is evidence that after a summer of outrage, the high race is reversing to tradition. ultimately, this may well be just a referendum on the party empower you. don't think about abortion on a daily basis. as you're going to buy food or purchase gasoline. you think about the economy on a day to day basis. it's a constant reminder and
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a negative commercial against the democrats. here are the higher. there are several variables that may make this race less competitive than the democrats initially thought. not least of the posters here have consistently underestimated to support for donald trump. if the democrats do pick up a higher senate seat from the republicans, it would be a victory of nash will importance. if they lose, it won't change the sentence balance of power, but it will be yet another sign that the democratic party has lost the allegiance of working class. virtuous. she ebert, nancy al, jazeera, youngstown, ohio for weeks. the iranian government has been restricting the internet in an effort to stop nationwide protests. the connectivity disruptions and ban on social media platforms are fighting hundreds of thousands of businesses. rental cert, i report enough from tara the composite into iran is one of the most important social and business hops in iran be of centuries ago. it serves as a lifeline for many iranians throughout its tunable and history. it has seen
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several destructions by war civil unrest and strikes with rise of e commerce. the traditional gram bizarre also quickly adopted the new business style, but nobody's shopkeepers here are struggling as internet disruptions push on them business to the brink of collapse. my mattress and a duck has 2 shops in the bazaar. 3 years ago he moved half of his business online, or your father told it um, dental car. we had a production line and al factory that was dedicated for e commerce. but the crack down on the internet stopped our business. i thought before that we had 30 orders per day. now, bailey, one or 2 of our revenue has dropped by almost 90 percent. if this continues, i'll have to go for a lay off and some of my employees will lose their jobs. iranian government has been severely restricted internet access since the death of 22 years old massa, a mini in polish custody, nearly a monocle support. weiss plat processed according to some statistics. 11000000
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iranians have on my businesses of where i and scales about 9000000 of them rely on instagram. iranians are now turning to virtual private networks or vpn to bypass the internet disruptions. the demand for repair services has increased significantly since the protest began. but the use of re piano in title restrictive countries comes with its own challenges. it's not difficult for the government to block the ip addresses of the vps servers as they can be found easily. and this way, in iran, this open b piano only available for a short time before they're identified and blocked by the government. iranian official see the internet, the restriction is necessary because foreign governments are encouraging to protest . and the company is facing an online war, provoked by its enemies outside. but inside, it seems like a punishment. when only a mortgage on climate, my client say their pages are not accessible. instagram and whatsapp are completely blocked. all the sales are now halted. people who rely on
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e commerce have lost all their revenue and cannot even pay their bills. in this digital age, we're all connected me until when i lose revenue, i can't buy products from others and they cannot sell this internet blockade has destroyed the market. is not clear if the running government plans to continue the ban on social platforms wants to protest. and however, with sorting prices, inflation at 45 percent, and then economy crippled by the years of sanctions. the collapse of on them businesses here would likely make things worse. chris, who said that al jazeera to her on a sport coming up on the user, included the latest from the regularly. well cut my grease play, their 1st ed again. ah, ah.
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oh. so cat has launch his 1st solar power plant, who's expected to become the largest in the world, covering the equivalent of 1400 football fields. as all bon jovi was the opening up there wants to expand it's renewable energy as a step towards that. it's launch, it's 1st not scale solar power plant, which is going to be generating $800.00 megawatts, about 10 percent of peak capacity here. and there. this is one of 3 power plants which are going to be coming up in the next few years. and the minister for energy says that they are on track to make sure that this country which relies on its exports of hydrocarbons and usage of hydrocarbons goes to words green your sources . so a lot is going to actually become more efficient and cheaper with time. and maybe
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the most important for us element is to try and reduce the size of land the to need, you know, a couple has the scarcity of man is a very small country. and you can see this is a joint project as follows. then this is the 1st project, the 2nd project is already under construction. as i mentioned, it under 75 up of energy and on dusty cities that will take us to 1600. and then we will see, you know, with time we will increase the 1800000 solar panels installed in this power plant are jointly operated by total n, a d, a japanese firm. and it consortium of battery investors are the people behind it say that this is not just a p r exercise, but this keen energy will have a real impact on how people utilize energy. what is the just to greenwashing is because we shifted those strategy. the ambitious thought arlena jesus to become a mercy energy company, which means, or jobs, and explicitly,
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increasingly from renewables, is the 1st, i would say, will skid plan. but as bill, we have a great ambition to build 35 gigawatts by 2025. we have already been 16 and up and get a mega what, so it's a song contribution to all i would say road map. in addition, anyway, the 1st solar power plant goes online at the world graph of energy prices and cars are you believe perhaps the world needs to move towards will cleaner and sustainable forms of any job. thank you, nick. we start with a big play for portugal ahead of next month woke up with one of the key players diego just ruled out of the tournament. the liverpool injured his cough right near the end of his size of premier match against manchester city on sunday. just that was stretch, it also pitch manager has confirmed the knock is serious and will keep him out from mom. bethany's for karen benson are off being nominated. 10 times. he can finally
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call himself the best player in world football. this is the moment he was announced as when of the bundle, the satirical, both people talk, i'm been jim, he's a frenchman to take me about since anything down in 1998 countryman presented him with the trophy. the ra madrid captain had a brilliant season helping his club when the champions league and allow you good titles. going 44, both in 46 games at 34 years old. ben's was the 2nd oldest plan to be made. the world's best study him on it was 2nd, the head of kevin bruna. benjamin said he realized a childhood dream and invited his mom and son up on stage to share in the celebration. simply i, i've always had this trophy in my head when i turn 30 years old, i started to have more ambition. ambition means to work harder was be more decisive in important elements of the game. and i am one of the leaders in the theme. you
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just, oh, so i am lucky to play a role madrid, the best club in the world. when i was 21 or 22 years old, i did not have the same ambition as today. her boss, i, as alexia, protest one the women's bondo for the 2nd year in a row. the midfielder helped her side achieve a domestic trouble, and was top score in the champions league as boss of finish to run his up in europe's premier club competition. 2004 on door, went to andre chef jenko gave the world to pay us and also made an emotional speech about the war and his home country. ukraine had been very difficult moment since the war started fall ukrainian people i'm so proud. so home, my country defend and fight for the freedom is very important to remember, the war is still going,
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but most important to stay beside of ukraine and hope. oh, nice is of the bounder. roads certainly don't do things by home. this is how the trophy arrived to the glitzy ceremony. firmly attached to the former one caught a frenchman estimate awful. now fine driver delivering it safely on to the red carpets. the wildcat tracy has been on the move as well as it continues its journey around the globe. as cattle 2022 jewels near the most prestigious prize in football is currently in mexico to kick off a tour of latin america. and as our mexico correspondent manuel racquel reports, fans a pretty excited the paint job on this air bus. a 320 leaves little doubt over what's on board. it's the world cup trophy, arriving in mexico city, villa premier, i recently started. okay. this is the 1st them history, the word copy so close to mexico and the cds most popular. i mean by that. oh,
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for mexican football fans, it's not just the world cup trophy that's arrived. it's world cup fever life. but in terms of nobody's, your break by the experience has been perfect. i love football and watching all these families come together just to see the trophy has been amazing, but then it was violent. oh, mexico is only a 1st stop in the trophies tour of latin america. the next stops include brazil, uruguay origin, tina ecuador, and coaster rica. the 2022 world cup trophy tour will for the 1st time include a visit to all $32.00 qualifying nations, giving more bands of the beautiful game. a chance to see this iconic trophy in person. ah. the world cup trophy tour will stop in a total of $51.00 countries and territories. finishing its run in doha,
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qatar just before the greatest tournament on earth kicks off on november 20th. when rented apple al jazeera mexico city, the women's tennis tow is also in mexico web. belinda venture capital, ive heights of qualifying for the season ending w t a finals. the swiss players still have a long way today they. she needs to make this. that means in guadalajara, so have a chance looking about 14 beach lane of fernandez in the opening round bench. it's needed 3 sets and 6 match points to have 1st, when the canadian to tie and wimbledon champion. patrick a bit of a came from 31 down in the opening sets to defeat the american, but not a parent. 6375. the number 16 cv faced 2019 us. i will not be involved in the nfl. the denver broncos last name assigned for the 2nd straight week. they
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actually lead 10. nothing after the 1st quarter against the charges. so that wasn't much more joy after that for the visitors charges school or any tut found in the 2nd quarter. and after that it was all field go. authentic, secured victory in the 1st period of time to clean stuff that consecutive when all the wrong kind of lost a 3 on the bounce. no, we don't have division or luck, roomy. you got. so how hard we played for each other tonight and everybody. i didn't go away, but everybody's fighting their butts off every day. the guys up front line receivers tightens running backs. the defense stevens align linebackers and just means clark said he's in court and everybody's playing for each other. we felt like we won the game at 1520 crickets, welcome netherlands. have got one foot in the next round. after winning, they're opening to matches in the qualifying group stage. the dutch got past namibia reaching the targets of 122 with 3 bowls to add any other match in that great kotik miles. and became the 1st player from the united arab emirates
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to take a t 20. patrick. it came again lanka, but it wasn't enough to avoid defeats. you, a losing by 79 runs the top 2 in the group will progress to the round. robin matches which involves all the top seeds and well crickets. the rugby league law cut the grease snake that save you in the tournaments a . they scored a 2 tries in the match, but we're ultimately outclassed by france. 34 points to trial, locally, as well. in the m b a and after a turbulent off season defending champions, golden state to somewhat underprepared ahead of their season opener. later on tuesday, the warriors and up to shake off the drama involving one of the biggest stars at dray mom green, who punched its he made jordan pool in practice 2 weeks ago. coach and steve car admits the distractions. have been a concern, but not a major problem. the 7 time champions open the season against the los angeles
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lakers let binder brown james just circumstances being that they were this year with the japan trip and the drama from last week. i think, you know, we're, we're, we'll get there eventually, but you know, it's a little different vibe and a little different sort of level of preparation compared to last year for example. so it's fine. you just adapt to address. that is all your support from me. pizza will have another update it just off that $1545.00, gm, or it was a pizza. legal german, thanks very much. they provide that. is it for this new job? i will be back in the covenants and they'll be another half hour. used to see them ah, jumping to the stream when no topic is off the table. i don't think that anybody
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should be borne to privilege to dinner at the end of the day. we are the subjects of little family plus one person's opinion, but what's yours? amplify your voice. the judicial system in mexico is incredibly weak and it is not just corruption where a global audience becomes a global community. the scariest part of this moment in my country is this toys for more weapons the stream. oh, now jazeera, we are all christmas. even people far away are so helping with the environment. problems in the amazon because they are consumers. i teach kids about the threats that are oceans are facing today. i've been working in earnest, trying to find ways to get this language up to kids went away, do as the ocean. why and what are you going to do to keep out of the sort of language that keeps the rental blood women, right. say that they have one, several back over in their fight for equality and gotten america. those rolled up things that were texting, women were made
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a challenge in the region. i will not stop being pro like i want to sleep. we don't have read them evinced guntee these about 2 weeks now. i say 3 days, journey to a shelter. we wish them to grow. so and destroys our country. someone needs to rebuild. o maker follows her mother's return to south saddam. after years in exile, we came home and into a vice presidential position. my mother stepping into the row that my father died in will not be history repeating itself. she will more likely be remembered or what she does in this new position. an intimate portrayal of a family in challenging times. no simple way home. people have started on out watching us on a jazz eda, blue.
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