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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  October 24, 2022 2:30pm-3:01pm AST

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action focused on a bit more to succeed mission. one of the most prominent fees in the country. i mean, he was a household name here. i mean for 220000000 or 60000000 blockers on. there isn't a single home in which he's not a household name, swimming, this is on, deleted o 8, i'm afraid we are out of time. but our apologies for your loss, lloyd preseyada political commentator in islamabad and a friend to the well known pakistani journalist arshad sharif has been killed in kenya, climate change activists and germany have defaced a clawed manet painting to protest against fossil fuel extraction. the path through a mixture of mashed potatoes at the priceless artwork and glued themselves to the wall below. the barber in a museum in potsdam says the painting was enclosed in glass and isn't damaged the group. let's stay generation walls, the german government to take drastic action to protect the climate.
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ah, this is al jazeera, these, your top stories, former british finance minister wishes to knock as leading the race to become the you case. next. prime minister, senior cabinet minister penny mordant, is now his only challenge out to for melinda boris johnson to walked out under simmons is in london. he says it's still unclear. petty morden has the support to run. there seems to be some division within her camp right now. about whether she should actually call it in and quit ahead of the deadline, which would mean an automatic movement which would make a re she sooner. prime minister, more or less right away, we could see the whole process riding out on monday for closing the day or with his position confirmed. possibly even going to king charles referred us to actually
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be invited by him, of course to, to actually accept the prime minister's role. that is quite a, a fast moving process. it's more likely perhaps to be tuesday. a well known pakistani journalists are sod, sharif has been killed in kenya. police say was shot in the capital nairobi. sharif had recently received death threats, prompting him to leave boxed on. he was an outspoken critic of the government and political stablish mint. at least 60 people have been killed in a military air strike in me on mars. northern cotton stays the victims were aston events, celebrating the anniversary of the cut and ethnic groups political wing. ukraine says russian allegations that it may use an explosive lace with radioactive material. absurd and dangerous rushes defense ministers reported to had voiced the concern during fang cause with his british, french and turkish defense ministers. moscow provided no evidence to back the
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accusations showing you also spoke to you as defense, actually, lloyd austin, in his 2nd phone call with them in 3 days. at least a 141 children have died from a cute kidney injury in indonesia. their death are linked to tainted medicinal syrups, including cough medication, which were found to confer contain harmful chemicals. authorities warn they could be hundreds more victims. those are you headlines inside story coming up next? ah. she ging, bang is become china's most powerful communist lead us in some mouse,
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a dog he secured a 3rd term as party chief and promoted loyalists to hit in a circle. so how will they stare china into the future? this is inside story. ah and that are welcome to the program. i'm nick clock teaching paying is now the most powerful leader since mouser doing founded the people's republic of china. in 949, he secured an unprecedented 3rd term as communist party leader. it came at the end of a week long congress, a highly choreographed event held every 5 years to choose new leaders, and to approve policy. she further cemented his power by appointing 6 close allies to the politburo standing committee, the government senior leadership team. all of them have been loyal to she
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throughout his political career, and they include each young who's by the to come the next premier, the shanghai party chief and force at china. strict a 0 cove policy by locking down the wealthiest and most populous city for 2 months earlier this year, she promised the team will achieve what he calls the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation. susie a 5 year she justice, china can't develop in isolation from the world. it needs china for its development through over 40 years of relentless reform and opening up for we have created the twin miracles of fast economic growth and social stability. china will open its stores if a wider we will be steadfast and deepening reform and opening up across the board. a prosperous, china will create many more opportunities for the world as well as using pings. employment means his vision for china is here to stay. at least for another 5 years,
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his, their kind of policy has been blamed for hurting the 2nd biggest economy in the world . analysts believe china will fail to meet its goal of 5 and a half percent g d p growth this year. she says his government has lifted nearly 100000000 people out of extreme poverty since he came to power in 2012. but huge challenges remain. china has become more certain on the global stages, pushed back against western sanctions, allegations of rights of uses. and she jain and in hong kong and aging has become more vocal about unification with the self ruled island of taiwan for free and our guests. and just about the 1st, let's get the very latest from patrick folk. what it is that saying that the new leadership is, can be faced with some pretty serious challenges. not least, some severe economic headwinds. there has been a lot of talk about the shake up to china's economic leadership, which includes not just the departure of premier league chung, but also the economies are low. heard the central bank chief young as well as
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bankin regulator, washer. ching, all are seen as pro market reformers and is not apparent as it stands. how the new faces poised to take over the running of the world's 2nd largest economy will perform. but there is a general consensus that there is a lot less experience among them and also a view that they are likely to carry out present. she didn't. ping's vision. busy for a more state driven market approach present, she has also linked this idea of the chinese dream to the concept of commer prosperity and widening the distribution of wealth among the chinese people. that's certainly something that chimes with the public. but in practice, the crackdown on the tech and property sectors in particular have been incredibly d, stabilizing of the last couple of years. it's difficult to say how this might have played out outside of the 0 corporate policy. but again, looking at this leadership lineup,
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there doesn't seem to be any attention intention to move away from this 0 covert policy any time soon either. ah. all right, so now let's spring in our panel in beijing. we her violet tank it who's senior fellow at the institute think tank in london, marco french in xena, a geopolitical of risk analysis. and in hamburg, stephane aust, editor at large for the german, developed in 20 for publishing group and co author of teaching ping, the most powerful man in the world. a warm welcome gentleman to you all and stephan austin. hamburg. if i could stop the festival at to learn and give an idea about the future, we have to look to the past. how does the president she's approach compared to that of his predecessors self to mounted whom? well, he's going back into chinese history. if you want to put it that way in 2, in 2 different ways. first one, he wants to be the leader after mounted on,
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and at the same time, he's rather close to the chinese tradition. so when, for instance, conclude to us, you know, was not. busy very well, except it in the model and said don't times he takes that into his view and he is, he has changed the way since dang, t, r king. who opened the country to the world market. and he was, you was helper richard nixon and kissinger. they were there and so they, they opened the country and i think most of the, the biggest reasons for the economic growth of that huge country is the opening of the, bought us and taken part in the world market. but the interesting thing is it was
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a divided country all the time, divided into 21. you have a communist party empower. and on the other hand, you have a more or less capitalist economic system. and, and, and he is on the way to bring it back into socialism. so he's, he's not closing the. busy does but he's more concentrating on the, on the been on the, on the interior market of china. and so that makes the government. busy more authoritarian than it than it be for. all right, let's, let's get the you have a bay jing on a tank and is that something that you agree with? are you why does president she one to 3rd term? is it because he doesn't trust anybody else to carry out his vision? well, when he took over, there were severe problems. corruption was one of them and they needed to. there
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was a issue now united, the people with the ideology is always about the socialist workers. paradise of these types of things, a gang brought about a new kind of practical practices on their very just, you know, white cap black, doesn't matter. they catch mice. the difficulty is you have to, she seems that there are advantages in bo and we're for trying to go forward. it not only has to retain the trust of its people, but it has to deliver. it's a socialist society. they've never abandoned that. i don't know if this idea that they have but you know, it's very clear, they want to have people centered policies where it's use economics, the market to get where they think they need to be. they want it to be sustainable . they want to be regional at worldwide if they can, or they're battling a lot of headwinds. right now, what he's trying to do is assemble a team that can work very swiftly along the lines that he thinks are necessary. he thought the 3 terms would be there, but i can almost guarantee you that you will not pass on all the powers. she's
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a mass to the next generation. you'll probably slip them up just as dang shall. pang did when he remember he was in many ways much more powerful because he was able to choose not only his successor, johnson men, but also who turned out, which he said, yes. after jang, who will be the guy very press up given that he was, he passed away prior to that time. so this is the kind of long term thinking that they want to engage in. they have goals that go beyond 22 to 2049, and they won't, that we're going to need a new generation of leadership to do that. and today you saw him moving for people from the sixty's onto the standing committee. these are people who can eventually take over the ranch market. what do you make of that? and the concept that john has never abandoned the idea of socialism
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basically mean this, this congress is obviously consolidated jeez centrality at home and abroad. and whatever they can use of the free market system to defer the centralized power with the key word, i think the centralization, centralization of power, economic political security across the board. and he succeeded at the beginning of this 3rd term. and it's not just about b at home, his center ality in from his is key role abroad, right. within a 40 year period, china has gone to become basically the 2nd largest economy, a world it is the assembly line, the world is no doubt about that. and as he expands his power at home and expands chinese influence overseas, he wants to create a more multi polar world with china at its center. and he's well on his way to doing so. it definitely in the region, but even different parts of the world. may you look at parts of latin america, africa, which china has become the leading training partner to many of these countries. so this, this is what we see is not just symbolic, but it's actually even beyond symbolic. it's actually real,
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it's achieving concrete results. and he sees that by eliminating any form of opposition at home. he's been able to even to, to get like a project that leverage the power abroad. and he uses that leverage abroad with other countries, particularly economically weaker countries, to make sure that china's interest and china's chinese agenda is extended throughout different parts of the world. i know you were talking about the pull up your line up port to jay's and loyalists. right. is that anyone there with a different view and if not, is that healthy? well, generally i would say no. i mean now that the system before generally had different interest, different perspectives from market side for ideological side. but that's not true right now. and the reason is, and the previous speaker was talking about, you know, china doing this. i think he was talking about the united states in terms of
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leverage and pushing different countries to do this, that or the other thing or choose between us and them. you know, china isn't there. china is not trying to create a new center of a ball type, whole world is simply reacting to kind of constant pressure that's coming from the united states as it seeks to maintain as gentlemen in terms of this new standard. yes, they all. busy are people who work with them, if, if china was a corporation, people would saying yes, she's taking control, he's shaking the range. he's putting his team in. now remember, whatever happens from here on out is going to be unchanging paying. you know, they always say the winner wants the ball right now. she has the ball and he's under tremendous amount of pressure that he's created for himself to deliver. so this idea that, you know, he's just going to sit back and have a golden palace. he doesn't live that way and he's not interested. wants to move try and i had, i think everyone here, but i agree on that. you just might not agree on the way that he does it. but
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results will speak for themselves. ok. i, stephan austin, says she's paying has the ball and the way he's created the situation is he's reacting to pressure from the united states. well, in a certain way, it's true. if you look back on the fall of the wall, the end, the end of the split the world into the capitalist of the socialist pop. when you still have the soviet union. afterwards, it was always said that the united states, the only surviving super. busy power in the world, but that definitely has changed since china is getting so important may be overtaking from the national product, the united states. what actually having call 4 times as many people in the country is a normal that you have that you have the big economy development. but nevertheless,
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i think he will, he changes the path of the chinese politics a little bit, going back into the own country. and he is obviously on the way to shut down the border, at least partly. and as, as far as i know, there are a lot of companies in different continents of the world who think about, shall we go again to china and invest there when we have to go into a car and change the 1st. busy week and, and the conditions, i'm not that, that, that good for the people from other countries. then we can go as well to be of them because of any kind of policy. right? oh, yes, definitely. i think and, and, and i'm very skeptical whether that really fraction functions. i don't really think that you can stock a virus vents. no,
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that's not possible. and i think he uses this too tough to make his power even more concrete than it was before it's. it's a lot of lot of ex, explanation that they have to do it because of called it. but you, he just that helps addict authorial system to, to maintain that power. okay. people. and that is whether this will be good from the development of the economy, the economy and the development of the country itself and stuff like jumping that mock. i'm going to come to you in a 2nd, but 1st i just want to go back to iona because i can see that you're, you're shaking your head. i was stephan's been saying, yeah, i don't understand. i mean, you're denying that vaccines are, you know, or that we have covered or that precautions are necessary. i mean, i thought we were over that with this kind of trump asked idea that there's nothing you can do. and therefore, you can make
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a health decision into politics. perhaps you're advocating object bleach or something. i come up this, this is supposed to be a serious discussion. china habash it here. yeah, that's it. okay, definitely. let's go, let's steph, and respond to that on. if i hear stuff we come back to back in iceland, i'm not doubting that there is, there is, are in a row now that amex, that you can see in the european countries and america as well that, that the locked down policy didn't work for long around okay, okay, we let, let's not get into the we're going to and policies that i want to get on to the statement. we just played that clip off a little bit earlier as president. she's saying that china will open its doors even wider, ever wider and be steadfast and deepening reform. let's look at those 2 things at marco, a festival. that's concept of openness. this is disingenuous, is net mainshine has now become more closed off on the shipping. said mean the an argument can be made that 0 covert policy, part of it was used as
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a pretext for the centralized power. i don't think any secret in that, but what happens is that that sends a signal to the rest of the world. also, if you just look at it economically, this was a massive disruption in global supply chains. so, nations around the world, particularly major power, whether it's the u. s. europe, other countries, that's, that needs to be a serious re think about the reconfiguration of global supply trains. now, that doesn't mean that, you know, this delinking, this talk of the lincoln, china is going to completely happen. there's a tendency towards that you need to diversify, but i think china will still be having major role in terms of being a global supply chain as part of the global supply chain, but it needs to be diversified because in case of future crisis, it's only pragmatic it's only convenient to have alternative sources. the problem was, is that many other countries around the world, many companies, and many businesses around the world for far too long, concentrated that supply line within china itself. and when you have crises, you chose you, you need reliable alternatives. all the sources mentioned that remain the vietnam
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india can these places supply all of what's, what china has been able to supply? probably not. but you still have to diversify, and that's a key thing. people talk about reassuring bringing back close at the home. but in reality, as you can only do so much of that, we live in a world that the globalization is a term that we hear a lot about. but i think that has to is that there's going to be approach where you start to bring in the supply chains a bit boy more home, but it's not a black or white. it's more of a complex grey zone. alright, i need to get, he also mentioned min speech it we will be steadfast in deepening reform, deepening reform. he said, what reforms does he mean because he doesn't mean human rights reform. does he or media freedom? well it's, it's, it's a loaded question. i mean a, there's, they have very, a, china's narrative on human rights is more about economic opportunities, safety in the streets, access for social services in the west. we always look at it as
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a ballad box and the ability to say whatever you want, whenever you feel like it. but, you know, as china goes forward, yes, there has to be more reforms. i mean, there's a lot of red tape. they have to deal with the fact that they lost a lot of their small and medium sized enterprises. it's laughable. so idea that china is concerned about its health concern and that this is all part of some vast sphere, a seated to stabilize the world. china only does well when the world is doing well . so at this juncture, they need to take care of their internal situation co. it has cost them a tremendous amount, but they did it because they were interested in, you know, the house, the people also the number of people who are going to die. they could have easily opened up and just said, look, you know, we're big country. you can afford to have a bunch of people go, that was the decision that was made in europe was decision that was made in the europe. i mean, in the united states, and it was flawed. it resulted in many more desk than there were necessary resulted in a world that was not vaccinated. that, you know,
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you can find billions of dollars to corner ukraine over 7 months, but you couldn't find $50000000000.00 to a knock. you're late the world and lessen the severity of this particular outbreak . right now. 17000000 people have long cove it in europe alone, 500000 people are attributed to left the workforce, new bass i 9 are going to move on to way. we literally, we have 5 minutes, the sure enough, we still cut quite a lot to cover which we're not going to get through. but if i can come back to, to steph and the, the global implications of this is explore that little bit further. what about taiwan? will china's assertive approach turned into actual physical aggression? is that how will this is? is that the direction is moving now? well actually. busy the years before it was like, like in germany, all politicians talked on sunday about re unifications and it was a little bit like that in china. but he has now that taiwan has to come back to
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china during his time as long as he is. and so we can be happy that he prolonged his term and doesn't have to do it tomorrow. but i think if they really take military invasion or something, we will have the biggest economic crisis in the. busy world that we ever had, and even now when you compare it to what, what the sanctions, the west makes against russia because of the invasion into ukraine. this idea is, is always in the mind of politicians of the and the. busy public when there is a new plan for china, for instance, to buy parts of institutions at the hamburg, kaba. there are good reasons for them to try that. there are good reasons for the hub to, to talk about this because we have a lot of ships. most of the ships that continue shift, they come to amber from china and, and they could easily go to about more wherever. so we always
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think what will happen is they would really invade taiwan and we would have tensions then again, china and again, chinese companies, for instance, in germany. so that, but the talk of invading or military operations against taiwan. stop a lot of people in the or other countries to cooperate and, and work together with china. ok, mark is she's paying invincible. now, do you think it's enough to sense within anywhere within the ranks for him to face any pressure? i think at this stage after 10 years and it's been a process of gradual centralization and consolidation. i think at this stage, particularly with the new members of the politburo, he's basically solidified all the main influence of power, both political,
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diplomatic, military. so i think for the next 5 years, definitely that he has to do, i can say was pretty much he does not have any, any opposition or serious opposition, or a sake of fragment of people with the party who can challenge him at the stage. and i agree, mean this is probably the 3rd, but don't underestimate his ability to bring on potential even a 4th term. so i think he, as long as he still is alive, he'll be in power as long as he wants to stay in power. and i know we're talking about the politics, hair, and power politics at the top. what is all this made for the ordinary chinese person from a city dweller to somebody's living far out and rural china? what impact on the lives is as president she had and we'll have one of the policies that he's implementing. we literally got a minute and a half to go so i, i've, i've been able to travel during this period where and go out to these remote areas
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and talk to these people. are they like shooting pain at 90 percent of them do? i would suspect that there be slightly less because there's still frustration over the over the pandemic. but in the end, how they been affect it, extreme poverty is down. if you go to the countryside, they love she, they think that he has done a great job for them. it's in the cities that you're running to people who say it, but much larger expectations. and they say o g, i, i'm losing money in the stock market or, you know, the house i want to buy, couldn't buy it, or, you know, the mortgage is too high and things like that. so you have different sets of expectations times huge country. and people are trying to react it in different ways, but you know, she didn't ping has, as i said, he's put the ball in his own hands. the check on his power is going to be his ability to deliver. and that cannot be discounts either. does it or he doesn't? genuine will have to leave it. there will be placing closely what you,
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what happens over the next 5 years, but thank you very much, a unattended mocker and you know, and it's different. aust, i'm thank you to for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website out there, a dot com and for further discussion, go to our facebook page. that is facebook dot com, forward slash a j inside story. and you can also join the conversation on twitter. we are at a j insights to it, made o'clock, i mean time ah ah, a i'm from canada and my
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country are playing in the world for the 1st time since 1980 say, this is my 1st time uncovering a world cut. so it a half the country that i was born in playing in the country that i live in. well, that's truly amazing. it's so exciting to watch. world cats come to cats are seeing it all come to life. has been an incredible experience. having the biggest football tournament in the world in your own backyard, but such a special time to be living here. as soon as the sun goes out with a very talented place to work from, as a journalist, we are always pushing boundaries, part of the central, more, always ongoing love. we are the ones traveling the extra mile where all the media go goes, we go there and we give them a time to tell their story. france once had a vast empire spending several continents. but by the 1940s, the french were forced to confront reality. and demands for independence. in the
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