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tv   News  Al Jazeera  October 25, 2022 10:00am-10:31am AST

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through legal education classes and mach tribunals that dedication has led to staggering results you've been in prison for within the us in the wrist in that they was teaching empowerment can yeah. part of the rebel education series on al jazeera. both jen and the police violently dispersing protest this, these are some of good tens of thousands of people try to flee, cobble inspired to program making, welcome to generation chains and rifles broadcasting. white people did not want black children in the schools. we have to fight forecasted and al jazeera english proud recipient. the new york festivals broadcaster of the year award for the 6 year running ah
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palestine ins more in the deaths of 6 people killed by israeli forces. a prominent leader of the lions den the arms group is among the dead. aah! robinson. this is al 0 alive from dough hob also coming operation sooner is said to take over his britain's youngest prime minister after the current leader. less trust steps down in the next few hours, a powerful cycle and hits bangladesh, killing at least 9 people destroy homes and disrupting lives. and caught our is pledging to host the 1st carbon neutral football world cup. we're going to take a look at the challenges facing the tiny gulf nation. ah,
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ah, 6 palestinians have been killed by his really forces in the occupied west bank. the israeli military entered nobliss on monday night, a sparking protests. at least 5 people were killed in the city. another was killed near ramallah. among the dead is a prominent leader of the on group called lyons. den the groups claimed responsibility. but a number of recent attacks on illegal settlements and military checkpoints, in the west bank, i'm joined now by corresponding to the able to him who's on the phone for this leader. what more do we know about this latest events? we know that a special is ready for has entered into air the hours of a morning after midnight and there has been an armed confrontation between special is ready with members of clarity for 6 from the housing authority, leaving to move reinforcements from the 85 to we know that there was an attack against
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a late against one card to get the details of what happened. they ended up killing power and enduring more with the managed to evacuate. some of those were stuck in the old city in the nav and we go to the 6 past, killed including the who is a leader in the mayans been group. this group has been becoming more and more prominent and the people have been raising members of the group for the career, just the fighting israeli occupation. i. we've seen you were passing is we're trying to bring the blood of an hour from the hospital hoping that he was still alive. the calibrating moments, moments later he was announced that with selecting 6, you know, this is
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a situation and be occupied to think of people say is that because israel is having to with an election and there is a leader now in the office the, the current prime minister who doesn't have a lot of literary theory and in the west bank. so the feeling here amongst boxing, and that is that he's trying to and more food by cracking down heavily on housing. they did thank you very much and he does need to abraham, bringing it up to date. ok, let's take a closer look at what we know about the lions den. the members of the groups 1st appeared in public in nablus in the occupied west bank last month. they decided what they call the charter of resistance during a memorial service for 2 palestinians killed by israeli forces. since then, the lines dan has claimed responsibility for the number of attacks and military checkpoints and illegal settlements in nablus. abraham eunice is media coordinator
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for the palestinian youth movement. he says the lines dan on the group has emerged in response to his really attacks against young palestinians to understand the perspective of palestinian use in the last bank. you have to look at a situation where there's a 100000 settlers who are illegally occupying a great percentage of the land there. you have constant daily attacks on palestinian youth who are whether they're crossing checkpoints, whether they're walking to school or to work. the number of young palestinians run over by cars we're talk by settlers is large. so obviously there's going to be a lot of popularity among youth in the west bank when a group says that they're not going to accept the presence of these settlers on their land. they emerge out of a group of youth who defend the city, essentially from israeli incursions and decided to create a more formal group that would defend the city, which is where the group name and organizational structure sort of emerged. they do
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have a working relationship with the palestinian authority. so the palestinian authority at the higher levels are collaborates with or coordinates security with with israel . and the lines then does not. so they do not have a formal relationship buttons, sad to get its youngest prime minister in modern history and the 1st of asian heritage. she soon acco succeed liz trusses later in the coming hours. so like last to toss over the summer in a race to become the conservative party leader. however, following his resignation last week, cynic was the only candidate to get past the threshold of a 100 votes, anabolic of conservative and peace. while andrew simmons is in london and is joining his time under these transpose of power, very often, li, i be very carefully choreographed. just talk us through what's gonna happen. well, this is the 3rd prime minister in a matter of 50 days or so. the british public is getting quite used to this procedure. it all starts in downing street 10 downing street with less trust,
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the outgoing prime minister, the shortest serving prime minister in british political history. she will assemble the cabinet for the last farewell. it will be brief. she will say good bye to the staff also and then appear. it's expected. she'll appear here in downing street at the lectern at omega a speech that will be probably quite brief. she will then go to buckingham palace, where king charles a 3rd is expecting an audience with her, and she will formally resign from the government. she is already resigned as prime minister with a notice that she would stay in place until her replacement was found. that will be a fairly brief affair of following protocol, and she will then leave and then re she sumac or the man who she'd beaten in the election or challenger or for leadership, or over the summer with the membership of the conservative party. but he was the
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choice of the parliamentary party and now it's all coming to fruition for him. he will be going to meet king charles and receive an invitation to form a government, which he will certainly be doing in a fairly rapid way. he will leave and he will come here to downing street in something like what says gonna be about 2 to 3 hours or when there are 3 and he will then address the nation. we've not heard a lot from him. this has been a most extraordinary leadership election. not one vote has been cast at there's. he was only the only contender who got through the threshold of 100 nominations. they don't know the fact that you're, you're raising the fact that, that, that he, we haven't actually had a lot from him. that is something that is resonating with a lot of people, isn't it? because there's a lot of speculation about how he's going to be handling the situation that the
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country is finding itself in the woman, not least of the fact that the economy is struggling. people are finding it very difficult, but to, to pay for the groceries. a lot of people can't find jobs, he's going to be looked at to see what he's going to do about those problems. colossal pressure, compounded by the fiasco of government as past 2 months. he has from the very get go in trying to get a prime ministers job, put the economy to the for so that's in his favor. he's also more or less predicted that truss would have a catastrophe with the economy because she was using what he termed a jarring t. v debate fantasy economics. in fact, fairytale economics as well he, he was basically saying that there had to be a really hard look at cutbacks in many areas. not just, not just that story of,
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of trying to have a tax cuts. so what is the background? well, he isn't technically right now, he has to form the government and then actually get the midterm fiscal report out. that's due on the 31st. that's next monday as very tight. they've already given a report most of the information and on the actual acts of that jeremy hunt, the acting finance minister, while not acting actually formal with finance minister right now. but, but certainly he took over from, from his trust moral as in terms of saving the economy from being monsters a, by the markets was absolutely big crisis. so that's the big issue. he's got the officer budget responsibility is going through all of his the information in that he may have to try to extend that period by about 3 or 4 days ahead of the bank of england meeting and possibly putting up interest rates again. so there's a lot of things to do. he is aware of the crisis, the office for national statistics, as given a grim picture of the cost of living,
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saying that between june and september, it became much, much more of a problem, particularly for ethnic minorities. and particularly for disabled people at red light going there green light going on at downing street, a new prime minister, who warns quite simply that the unity of the party is key. he said, you night or die. it's a grim mantra, but as one is sticking to andrew, thank you very much. indeed, andrew simmons talking to us from london cycle. the city has made landfall and bangladesh bringing high winds and heavy storm surges. at least 9 people have been killed. officials fear the tolls going to rise because a hit at the low lying, densely populated chicago body, sol, coast, hundreds of thousands of people have already been evacuated in large cities like dhaka, scientific climate change will increase the risk of extreme weather events. the bay of bungled children's got more from bangladesh is about
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a cell district. we are located about 30 kilometers from the coastline. this is bori shall districts of westbank that these are the area which got main thrust of the cyclone. now while coming here from the dock us city, we see a lot of fallen trees. not much damage compared to what was the expect said. i spoke to lot of our contexts in different coastal areas that said that has been titled sod. lot of the places where inundate a lot of farmland got destroyed fisheries got destroyed. but as far as damage to the homes where many mum, government were successful, able to evacuate nearly 700000 people since last evening in the cycle and shelter. so the damage was many momma. as you said, there was so far what the noise mind people were killed. that's what the local media is also reported. now that damage assessment report will take time to reach to the media as well as other people because the communication is very badly disrupted. there's no electricity in the entire southwest bow. dave, in,
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in this body shop city, we've been talking to people. they said we didn't had electricity since yesterday evening. this comes in a time when there is the energy crisis here. electricity goes off for 6 hours to 8 hours a day in some parts of the country. so the internet and communication is badly disrupted . even the mobile telephone system is badly disrupted. sale take some time to know the exact damage. we know that it hit the coastline at 80 kilometer an hour, so they're probably in the remote islands and now the coastal will hear far more damage. what's more important to know that usually after the fight blonde it look probs. that fishery is the light starts that are the biggest problem that the farmers lose and it takes years, you know, to recover from this. so they had an al jazeera, thousands gather in bosnia herzegovina to protest against changes to electoral rules. eunice ervish is an urgent warning following
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a color outbreak in 2 countries in the middle east. ah, that the weather should be changing, going towards winter at the moment, but you would not think so given that the weather's coming. there was the southwest which is not a cold direction. and so what was cold in scandinavia? freezing in fact is rapidly pushed out the way once again. so although we saw temperatures right down below normal over the weekend, it's going up 8 in oslo. go up to double figures. come wednesday, the real code is pushed back in finland and heavens, beaches for everything else covered in cloud and lightest rain. it's on the miles side of normal, even more so where the sun is out, which is the case when most of spain, the central part, the military, across towards the balkans, the last the rain disappearing from italy and slovenia. so conveniently,
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most places in mainland europe for about 7 degrees above average, temperature wise, and then not going down any time soon. not significantly. now in north africa, the anomaly here is more the rainfall than the temperatures is still rating all un office fondles. as the gambia now ban, jules had about a 140 percent. so fall off it's monthly rainfall. so any more is just icing on the cake. and it's still raining heavily in ghana and southern nigeria where of course there are floods ah
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with oh, watching or does it a reminder of our top stories this out at these 6 palestinians have been killed and 21 wounded after is really forces graded several areas in the occupied westbank, israel said it launched an operation against the palestinian home, the lions den or she soon i can set to officially succeed list trusts as the u. k. prime minister in the coming hours. but age 42, cynic is going to be the youngest british leader in modern history cycle and sit
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china has made landfall in bangladesh, bringing high winds and heavy storm surgeries. at least 9 people being killed at officials, fear the toll is going to rise. thousands of people gathered in bosnia herzegovina is capital, studying on monday to condemn changes to the country's electoral laws. the changes were imposed by the international peace and boy christian schmidt. he said there meant to prevent blockades of regional governments following general elections. this month. the critics of schmidt called his decision and a liberal power grub. ronnie comes 2 days after the election commission confirmed the majority of nationalist parties in parliament. yasmin mudrinich report is a political scientist. he explains why so many people took to the streets and anger . there is 2 primary reasons. one concerns the passion in which the electoral law was changed, which was on october 2nd. so couple weeks ago, minutes after the polls had closed, the question schmidt,
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the high representative amended busby of election laws or rather the election laws in the preparation entity. literally, as those were being counted, bargains had voted under one system and then their boats were going to be tabulated under another system. and the 2nd major reason is that the actual content of his changes, most folks fear, will have a kind of ethnic gerrymandering effect in that they will disproportionately benefit not actually one community, but one specific, ethno nationalist block, the main crime nationalist party in the country. the h t z christian met his high representative, has these so called bon powers, which are these see up powers which grant him really a large executive, a really large executive mandate to, to amend bosnia laws unilaterally to amended constitutions unilaterally to the sac publicly elected officials. but usually those parts have been used through great consultation with international partners and indeed local leaders as well.
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christian schmidt attempted to him in bosnia as electra laws and the federation in july. and that prompted large scale public protests. he was condemned by international legislators and also the u. s. helsinki commission, among others. he knew this was going to be unpopular. he knew that there was a cloud of the legitimacy surrounding these moves and then to have actually sort of pulled the proverbial trigger as votes were literally being counted on election day itself was was i think especially galling cur to a whole host of people the u. s justice to bob and says he's charged 2 suspected chinese intelligence officers. washington says there was involved in an alleged plot to disrupt a federal probe into the chinese tech giant hallway and justice department separately and as charges against 4 other chinese nationals. it's accusing them of trying to get hold of sensitive technology. im using the cover of an academic institute that enjo castro has more from washington dc. these 2 o and chinese agents try to bribe
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a u. s. law enforcement official into giving up sensitive and secret documents regarding the u. s. is a legal legal strategy in its prosecution of huawei, but that in fact, this u. s. government official was a double agent who was working under the direction of f. b i and feeding these alleged chinese spies, a fake documents. there were also other cases, they mention another case in new jersey where 7 chinese nationals were charged with trying to force a fleet repatriate in her ras, a naturalized u. s. citizen inter returning to china. 2 of those that have been charged in that case have been arrested, but a big question is, how the u. s. will arrest the remaining individuals who were charged if they are no longer in the u. s. or have been conducting this from china, this whole time, bigger picture here. now again, i said that this,
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this was announced by the 2 top law enforcement officers in the us, the f b i, director and the attorney general. and they had strong words about what they call the backdrop of maligned activity from china, described as espionage, harassment, obstruction of justice, and the stealing of technology. ah, german is expected to host a conference own, rebuilding ukraine after russia's invasion than the early days of the russian invasion of ukraine, of pin became a symbol of the resistance. novel is mohammed john jerome reports reconstruction efforts are underway to bring life back to the heavily damaged city here in the air pin which sits just outside keys and stands as a symbol of ukrainian resistance. you can still very clearly see the massive levels of devastation that this war has brought upon this country. it's been months since
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russian forces withdrew from the city. and yet, apartment complexes like this one still lie in ruin. that's because government money is largely going to the military right now. and it's also why residents associations here are putting up signs on the sides of buildings asking for donations and providing bank details for those who wish to donate. let us uber. oh yes ma'am. when they do on, if we find funding by spring or summer, we could begin rebuilding our house. and by 2024, we would lightly come back here to live. there was the costs of repairing the damage to ukraine's infrastructure has been estimated by the keys school of economics to be nearly $200000000000.00. now, local officials here and throughout the country have been appealing to the international community for help in their reconstruction efforts. here and ear pin people are still living in less damaged buildings like this one in this city. there
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were more than a 1000 buildings that were damaged and more than a 100 that were destroyed completely as a result of the fighting profession was lewis delivered lewis that we come back because we wanted to be in ohio. and thanks to the authorities, we are slowly getting prepared and we're trying to live and we hope everything will be rebuilt, saying, here in problem of place, a problem with where we don't have enough building materials needed to finish the work. that's why we're asking charitable organization for more health and supplies for many throughout ukraine are doing all they can to aid in the reconstruction effort, but with winter fast approaching temperatures dropping, and russia targeting more and more of the country's power grid cranium are growing ever more concerned new ends. nuclear watchdog is preparing to send inspectors to ukraine live an invite to buy key to examine facilities after russia accused ukraine of planning to use explosives laced with nuclear material or harry forces
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giant joining us live now from keep. it looks as though ukraine is anxious to try to lay any suspicions to rest, but one wonders what the i. e, a inspectors are actually going to be able to look at. will they say they're going to come in in the next few days and look at to ukrainian nuclear facilities or facilities that it's believed the head of the russian nuclear, biological and chemical or military departments are, was talking about in his conference on monday when he said that work at these places had been instructed and was in its final stages in the preparation of a dirty bomb. that something had since highly denied here in care of politicians. here are talking about russia having a track record of accusing other people of measures that it intends to take itself . and so the head of the a refill grossey is saying that they will come these inspectors in the next couple of days that one of the facilities in question was inspected just a month ago. and ukraine was found to be complying with all nuclear safeguarding
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that no or an unusual activity had been found at this facility itself. i spoke to one senior member of the national institute for security studies here a cd defense analyst. he was saying that if russia itself intended to do something along these lines, there's only one place, it could really get such material that has the power station that it controls zap parisha. or whether it might be able to get some spent nuclear fuel rods from their and use those in a dirty bomb. but he said, even that would be difficult, given that there is an a, a presence, even at that power station. his surmise, his analysis of a situation was more that russia was using this as rhetoric to try to indicate that it was willing to escalate if necessary. but it was going to continue fighting this war even in the face of what had been major setbacks on the battlefield in recent days and weeks. and when it comes to the appraiser, of course, that is now not part of the ukrainian power grid or all sorts of attacks.
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continuing on the energy sector here, the government's latest measure is that it's going to reduce the amount of consumption by industry hiring. thank you. very much indeed, harry faucet and bringing us up to date from cave lebanon as wanting that a car outbreak spreading rapidly in the region. the number of infections there, which more than 200 people within 2 weeks, especially among cillian refugees that the camps zenato reports from beirut. cholera in syria as fast spreading. thousands are being treated for the highly contagious disease that transmits through contaminated water and food. the outbreak was declared in september since then, more than 70 people have died. thousands more are being treated as ha, ha, ha, well me, this is hassan my son. he is sick and has severe vomiting and diarrhea. i bought him to the center. my sons, blood pressure had dropped considerably and he was very tired. but after
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a day or 2, his condition has improved a lot. thank god, them access to health services and clean water is hard in a country devastated by years of war. international and local energy yos are doing their best to respond to the crisis. but they complain of the lack of medications. vaccines as well as water treatment materials. the situation is not any different in neighboring lebanon where the disease was detected a month after the outbreak and syria. because they're lic, madura that is the issue of color. maxine, the hey, they're asking the international community to help bring the vaccine to lebanon. unfortunately, there is a short teaching because there are many outbreaks across the world that until then, there are efforts to contain the outbreak. water in lebanon was already unsafe to drink without treatment, but the nearly bankrupt state doesn't have enough fuel to run water stations. we are very scared, we are old and frail. and the problem is that we can't even afford to buy bottled
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water. the world health organization says sewage water testing indicates cholera has spread to regions far from the initial cases. the vulnerable are already at risk in lebanon. that means syrian refugees living in camps where the ground is fertile for the spread of the disease. national been one, maybe one once i saw my child drinking water from the wow. it is dirty water. yes. so it goes in mia. so far, officials here are down playing the general contamination of water networks that supply millions of people. but experts say the risk is there. and could there altos eda mae root ah, more than a 1000000 football fans are preparing for their trip to katara with the world cup just $26.00 days away. the environmental impact of that many travellers is expected to be huge, but organized as a confident they're going to deliver the 1st carbon neutral tournament with asher.
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kani reports carbon dioxide or c o 2 emission sword to a record level. last year by several indexes. cut our ranks high globally when it comes to c o. 2 emissions per capita. this november, the gulf nation is pledging to host the 1st ever carbon neutral world cup. a lot of people will come to the cost of bye it. but the activities hidden gather, is design in such of it all the emissions associated or there will be limited emissions and this emissions will be bellas. the layout of stadiums over a small geographic area means once vans land in cutter, they'll travel a relatively short distance by metro electric bus or car to matches in stadiums built with sustainability in mind. after footballs,
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premier spectacle is over the c o 2 emissions during the $28.00 days will be offset by investing in carbon credits. but a report by carbon market watch says, cut our 2020 two's carbon neutral plan is misleading. and based on what it calls creative calculations, it is highly unlikely this will help is going to be cohen you draw. it is not a credible claim, and there is a big risk that it's going to mislead the bone. it can to thinking that this has no impact on the climate. when actually doesn't, does. the organizing committee says cut hours? historic ambitions should be recognised, not criticized. it points to the almost 1000000 square meters of green space created and a new solar power plant that will generate renewable energy for years after the tournament ends. we stand by our planning.


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