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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  November 3, 2022 2:30pm-3:01pm AST

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lemme see, and then no another the hardest. snap elk us. now you have been here yet. carson allen had been an american said rama grove, allusion asian women. ah, mon asia, me or what had been an an oral allan better than nixon? ah, and has it been, was shown in dora instantly, and live an old mara? no one out of it had an am and shaw landman and couldn't handle. ah, ah, what you'll have to 0, mr. hill. rahman, doha, reminder of our top, you stories, ethiopians, government, and rebel forces from it's to guy, region have agreed to and fighting. the breakthrough comes after a 2 year war,
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but skill tens of thousands of people enforce millions more from their homes. north korea has lot, 3 more missiles. it comes a day after than all $523.00 missiles. one is suspected to have been a long range, intercontinental ballistic missile. it's prompted the u. s. and south grade to extend joint military exercises pacano union. pundum is a north korea's continuous ballistic missile launchers are actual serious provocation that threatens i, security and stability not only the korean peninsula, but also the world autonomy. it is also a clear violation of a un security council resolution. we strongly condemn these acts. the bank of england is expected to right raise interest rates by 0.75 percent from 2.25 percent to 3 percent. well, it'll be the largest interest rate rise in states. 89 and a is an attempt to control rising inflation. charlie angela has the latest in london. the pound has weaken ahead of the banks,
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interest rate decision. the sterling is now at its lowest rate since she's not became prime minister that's against the dollar. and that's partly because of the strength of the dollar off to the u. s. federal reserve raise interest rates by point 75 percent. but it will be putting an extra bit of pressure on the 9 members of the monetary policy unit in this building behind me. now. that's charlie mentioned the us federal reserve has increased its benchmark interest rate by 0.75 percent. the hike is part of an effort to fight inflation. while he was president by deserved americans to defend democracy, he addressed the nation ahead of time elections next week, saying the law is the full, the president donald trump fuel to political violence. a mining giant accused of bribing officials during his operations in several african countries is that to find out at st shortly. the court in london is expected to sentencing the case with the company going call. in june blanco,
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plead guilty to 7 bribery charges education. thousands of students in nigeria has been disrupted after recent floods. official say, hundreds of schools have been destroyed or damage. and many of the learning facilities are now being used a shelters. those with her laundry follow the stories on the website. loved is there a dot com is updated throughout the day. inside story is next and fully buddy back to stay with us. ah, 80 percent of people who murder journalists go unpunished. reporters like al jazeera is sharina watley are targeted simply for doing their jobs. what should be done to combat impunity and ensure journalists are safe?
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this is inside story. ah. hello and welcome to the program. i'm fully batty bull. the killers of media workers are getting away with murder. that's the warning on the u. n's international data and impunity for crimes against journalists. the committee to protect journalists found nearly 80 per cent of killings in the past decade have gone unpunished. 50 deaths have been recorded so far this year including that of veteran al jazeera correspondence. shaheen. ab lockley and he's really soldiers shot the palestinian american in the head as she covered an army raid in the occupied westbank. israel's military said there was a high probability, a soldier killed her,
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but worn to press charges. sharina family and al jazeera have filed a complaint with the international criminal court. they continue to demand a thorough, an independent investigation. it's important that policy makers and legislators and decision makers have the political will to implement mccann isms to implement policies that ensure that journalists are being protected. and if a crime is committed, there is accountability. there needs to be an end to this. impunity because journalists are not just numbers, they're human beings or doing their duty. while the c, p j is 2022 global impunity index names for malia syria south who don of galveston and iraq has the most dangerous countries for journalists. mexico is number 6 on the list. it recorded the killings of at least 13 journalists in the 1st 9 months. it's highest in
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a single year. myanmar made its 1st appearance on the index, the death photo journalist, i choir and reporter view to mit dame are blamed on military atrocities. brazil ranks 9th in june, british journalist dom phillips and indigenous issues expert, bruno pereira, was shot dead. y reporting on environmental matters in the amazon pakistan and india were rank 10th and 11th. just last week. pakistani investigative journalists are shot sharif, was shot dead by police in kenya. ah, all is now bring in our guests for today's inside story in haifa is sol son's i hair a human rights lawyer who has represented palestinian cases before the israeli supreme court in new york. jody ginsberg, president of the committee to protect journalists and in oslo. i chung lying editor of the democratic voice of burma. he was given the committee to protect journalists award for asia, a warm welcome to you all. thank you very much for joining us. south on,
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in high for let me saw with you. if i can, to re nab lockley's death was the most high profile in a long list of palestinian journalists killed by the israeli military. before i ask you about her specific case, can you tell us 1st whether her killing and the international attention that is drawn has in any way changed the way palestinian journalist saw treated? oh, well, good evening to you and everyone. well, i think that the case of shipping a barclay and with all the sort of course is not the only case of a journalist that have been killed and assassinated athenian journalist by the israeli army. we have been viewing a lot of these cases, unfortunately, of a hundreds of journalists and journalists being wounded and from 2006 until
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2022. the u. n. has reported a more than 22 killings of palestinian journalists by the israeli army in 2022. we have also another a journalist other than shooting a barclay. and we can also give the example of bombing a tower in garza by the israeli army in may 2021. and also just recently actually for today's international a day, a, the committee for defending a palestinian journalist had issued that only in 2022. there were 637 by the senior journalists that were injured in one way or another by the israeli army in the west bank and gaza. now the issue is that the case of sheila a barclay is unique. on one hand, it's unique because it was documented on the spot and we know
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had the old folk contrasted the armies a narrative about the location of the a king already from the 1st hour after the killing. there were witnesses from the event itself, off other edges, either a journalist that were also injured together with a barclay, indeed for the evidence. the documentations and the videos make it a unique case. but unfortunately, the protection of philistine young journalists have not been a provided at all and we see that life but a see me and civilians. there are also being, i've talked in cold blood by the israeli army, well, pounds being punished. there is no accountability, there hasn't been justice for many of these palestinian journalists who've been killed as you saw the non non salsa in the case of sharing. i blankly her family
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and i'll jazeera calling on the international criminal court to investigate sharina scaling. do you think that can guarantee accountability? well, i think and also by the way the palestinian prosecutor had submitted another communication to the i c. c on this case a. but i also think that the only way in order to open a thorough independent and international investigation is indeed by opening it by the i c. c because there will be no other transparent investigation that will be opened. and of course, the fact of a, the, me or submission of the communication to the i c. c by al jazeera, i'm sitting on the opposite list. family in the political act is a political statement that basically a, we are just 0. she and all the simians basically will not be silent until justice will be done. and this is
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a huge political statement. given the fact that the insurance case, there is tremendous witnesses that have been also investigated and examined by the you and human rights office by the washington post by the a, b, a and by other a by and by other institutions out there for, for this investigation which when lead, if it will be opened, of course, because it's all conditioned. i'm provided the coding on on the complex heater and if you will indeed you know will. and did decide to open such an investigation. okay. we hope that eventually we're, let me bring jody into a conversation. jody. what do you make of this palestinian strategy to use the i c . c against israel? is that an effective strategy? can? can it help protect palestinian journalists in the future? i think bringing in international investigative bodies is really important because
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what we see in many of these cases and the reason we still have a specific high level of impunity globally, is because all too often the variable authorities, you will be responsible for the investigations are also in some way implicated in the killing itself. and so it's very difficult to assure that there's going to be independent. so having some kind of international independent investigation into these cases is really important. but even in this, in a case like this, i mean, where sharina block is concerned. i mean, it's treated differently because of where it happened. isn't it, jody? yes, that's true. and we are, we do not see the kinds of international pressure on crunches. israel that we might be in other areas. nevertheless, we continue to call for both and i see investigation but also for a us lead investigation because of course you being was a joseph, isn't that
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a us citizen? is one of the palestinian one, and therefore the us has an obligation we believe to investigate this case as well . but can the us, as israel, strong as our lie conduct a credible, independent investigation into this case, even if sharina blocker was an american citizen? when you considered a political us, i think the us can conduct credible investigation. what we need for them to do is be willing to conduct that investigation, not where the pressure has got be for them to, to, to carry out such an investigation. right, less bordinez thought a bit. now i'm bringing i chime in our slow i. for the 1st time man, mom has appeared on the c p j's impunity. index tell us what it's like for journalists in your country. working under military rule today. i mean, like since after the military coup on the 1st february last year and the walk of chairman has become a very, very dangerous and risky and is in there ice. her cpg report
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number of journalists have been killed. and the one that you mentioned in your introduction, on the 10th of december, last year freelance photo journalist will kill improves and after he was arrested to 3 days after he was arrested. and basically what he was doing was filming on the street and basically empty street, because at the day the opposition environment called for silence tracked strike, meaning nobody go out on the street. so he went out on the street and took a picture of empty street and he was arrested and taken by the police. and 2 days later, the bullies call his families come and collect your son body to talk to him to get the kind of things happening throughout the countries. and to day, over 60 journalists are still being detailed in prison. and the 3 of them have been
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sentenced to imprisonment. including to have a journalists who have been sentenced for from 3 years to 6 years imprisonment and worse, personal attack. hi chang. what is the worst personal attack you have face? you're now in are still, but you are and me and mine the past. what was it like for you? i said simila. if i'm in belmont today, i will stay going to prison. there is no way for independent journalist to be able to walk in the country and at the same time, without any kind of a danger or be in prison or even torture to death. we still have people on the ground, my colleagues still inside the country, but we have to be totally an official and to cargo. and if the middle of the day exposed to go to prison straight away jody in york, the struggle between governments that want to suppress criticism and the voice is
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pushing back is not new. but the tools and tactics it seems of repression have evolved. why is it dangerous, even more dangerous today to be adjourned with them in previous decade? see, think it's even more dangerous. ah, you're watching out a 0. i'm about as an in doha, we're bringing some breaking news out of pakistan. pakistan's, former prime minister in milan, con, is said to been shot. he is leading a protest march from the court islamabad, demanding snap elections that comes after we was banned for 5 years for running for political office. can all hider is joining us live on the phone? come on, what more do we know about what's been happening? well, according to the initiated reports that we had received on, on why was moving out of the town and good. while i lived
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a few kilometers from dan, structural by law, you riley. now, according to the report that we know so far a be a few of the largest on teddy ron con injury and one we're trying to find out what happens. but again, i'm getting the board that we are trying to get
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fortunately, we appear to have lost our phone signal to come hide there. i'm understandably, of course things could be very difficult. their communications may be awkward, that may be affecting the lines that we can get out of pocket of the region. at the moment i understand we can go to a spokesman for him on con, if you're on the line, sir, can you tell me if you what you know about what has happened? well, just heard about, i think, you know, because i was, i spoke to you then i, you know, now, you know, we share some information. he's good, you know, he's been talking to port. i'm, he's in steven condition. one person is confirmed it. somewhat injured, but you're making inquiries and i think i should be able to talk to invade a teacher in the next hour and whatnot. but i must say, you know, that this would be regarding this, we expected the cautious feminine partial examination, which is where you found today the bunch of criminals pick up all of them. and we do have agreed to go through this and the results that are going to it does not
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mean that our struggle is going to an chad. we will continue marching to it's not about we shall not, not, not that disco. so let me ask you, because you are me, you're, you're making it down. now give me for interrupting you, but you're making allegations against a individuals and groups here. is there any evidence that you have to suggest that, you know, it wasn't triggering at this moment in time at this moment in time? like, i don't blame you every day, but you know, you check you what happens. it always should be sharing with the media in short course of time. do you, is there any indication that this you just said before that there was, this was something that you were dreading was there any evidence to suggest that something like this might happen that you have received in the past weeks or months? we knew exactly how these people are, you know, sitting scheduled on it because we knew that they're going to come out, get administered, has been talking about con, publicly on television. you can go back and watch the last digital 25 is found that
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you should make an example up in other other members of the other members of the gun. like i've also been tactic about dropping up this fudge. that they would not like the school was done about the come through about we have, we have enough type against without, you know. and in due course of time we said we would like to ensure that that would be. but you have absolutely no doubt in mind that this is about coming up on today that the result is 16 measure. but this is not going to turn us. we should not be disturbed by the seminar tactics yet. i should point out 2 of us. so just joining us, i'm speaking to a spokesman on who's speaking on behalf of amazon. com. we are very early into this incidents. there is no evidence yet to suggest who it was that has carried out this attack. we're still not clear exactly who has been injured and what injuries have been inflicted on people. this is still materializing in front of us. we understand that amazon khan was leading a protest from i believe, hard to islamabad had been demanding snap elections. i believe we can go back to
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our correspondent, come all hi to come all this is going to cause a tremendous amount of tension within the country. absolute grey country road already and tens of thousands of brand. know what and it's not my boss. and then the patient cons mom would be coming to it's not my boss, so that would now predict in kodak tension. it's party, we're good, good or angry day, all day government. although i need to know exactly what happened was involved non con boca grande. recently, he said that despite all the life that they were done with this march, no matter what happened. so it will be going to be where they're going to be a change back date. but obviously the board that people across the country are
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going to protest because he doesn't enjoy the remainder to walk across the country . and they, the budget on that he can solve would be pointing finger that the government, they've been a lot of work between the government will be important to see exactly how the government read. at the moment we do know that he was registered in his reiko and that he had indeed received a leg. we're also a couple of other need that also are so far the reports that one person that'd be good for being in and re uh, we'll update you when we have more on this particular story. yes. as you've been talking to come out, we've been watching some pictures here, which i believe
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a be taken from one of the local tv networks in pakistan, which appear to show what has been happening around this particular incident. it does look very confused, it appears to be a picture, i think on the hand side of an a man con, being moved into a dark car. we're only seeing the back of the gentleman said, so i can't become confident that that is a man can come out. you were making the point, of course, that it is going to be vital now to see how the government reacts to this. because as far as among cons, followers concerned vague, believe they know exactly who was responsible for this, but there is no evidence yet about who it was that pull that trigger. as you say, it's what, what does the government do? next is what many people are going to be asking. the bod day been warning wrong. the ruling port lucian ron con
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module is going to be black because they were accurate. ations that some of the border might be coming on to my boss that rotate the government also asking the police 5 games for live ammunition to be applied to the police because of that. now obviously they're going to be important. i'd you mentioned how the government react, how non on a supported react didn't amended the board to the country to lead to protest across the country. people that still finding out, but many people would be in a state of shock given the fact that focused on new politics victim ron had been demanding, not electron. he's one the bi election. the government, on the other hand, saying that they really continue to report another bond with a brenda company. so i'd like to thank know,
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lies up now on the reaction to this particular tag. although as you mentioned, the ration from the buckets on that he can top would be that the government is involved in that government. they really have to come clean on day by taking action to find out exactly what happened was involved in this or dag. what kind of weapon, what you did, the good news of god that moment, that iran con i did the renewal, but not critically. i got to have a one of the why wait a little while ago you got blaming the government. the government market react gate . the india minute likely to regular date until indeed a duration existing head in focused on at the moment tomorrow,
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if you could just, viewers who perhaps are not following the that the, the state of politics in pakistan. what is lead up to this split? if you like, between a non con and the government, can you just fill us in a little bit of the background? just give us an idea of how the tensions rose between the rows against him on con. well, if you remember, it was in april of no confidential move by a combined coalition of a 13 bog gauge that succeeded in getting him from parliament all day government decided to hold by election on some of the seats and bron party members that resigned. and ron, calling them and texting the election that the candidate and reaping the ball is he
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has been saying. a the ruling relation that. 3 the mandate that the people who focused on have come out strongly in its favor given the fact that they want the bi election by a wide margin indeed. so the friction between that to the government saying i did complete this, then your decades will not buckle under pressure. remember on the call of god leading to mock you restarted in the hall and god. the destination being a drama bod? still indeed, it will be important. to see whether there is some sort of doctor tried to do extensions the day will lead to normalizing the situation. but at the moment, that is one that is supported by from out the supporters across the country, which would create more complications for the governments focusing more on the
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containment of the march as part of the summer bug. but if the case our white bread then the government will have a new challenge could be like yes of us are just joining us here and i'll just see him on con. the former pakistani prime minister has reported the been injured in the shooting attack, targeting is supporters as the march in the capital islamabad, apparently an identified gunman have opened fire in the v called carrying mister can, as it passed through was either bad and pakistan's dawn newspaper has been reporting that we're watching pictures of at the moment of the chaos that surrounding the and then the seconds just immediately after the shooting and emron jamal. we are of course, familiar with seeing scenes of, of violence and scenes of stir, protest i, on the streets in air pakistan, particularly surrounding emron can he is a very charismatic character. he is somebody who has drawn tens of thousands of
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supporters and whilst we absolutely do not know at this stage who it might have been, who has pulled the trigger in this event, a lot of suspicion will be, as we were talking about earlier on the elements of the government who are concerned about the influence that im round con, may have in the country. indeed a popularity has surprised many because there was a campaign by the opposition party against the inflation that you'd, you'd economic condition ridge. they play a don and ron con, however, the situation adverse and inflation as dyrock gate. and that of course, led to more popularity for ron hans, the people of god now realizing that things were under his new order and that the new government which i was too damned, was unable to deliver it on it from the day. 4 had become adrian
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a challenge. this is the one mind body against the correlation of 13 political party. we get form the government and it's law that to all, one of the correlation bought on bar dates, rich and rain. do they all, but they can fill in the political, jo, mortal expected budget on the god that being reeling from political uncertainty, instability, and that also plaguing the economy and the box. they have been wanting that data. now beyond that, the people are fed up and some people have even been wanting that budget on maybe a day in the same situation that, that along with the match up writing from the people it's going be faded and difficult. time focused on.


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