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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  November 3, 2022 9:00pm-10:01pm AST

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the only issues for real people, the listening post choose in and asks is, talk radio volume america. there is no room for a couple of more how democracy works. it's really just technology differences that are already there, get anything conservative talk radio created the republican party, talk to over to park special, hold on just a new series, exploring how traditional knowledge from indigenous communities is helping tackle today's environmental catastrophe. in columbia, the iraqi people, team of scientists, to understand why a species of tone, once thought extinct, is still thriving in the coastal mountains of the sierra nevada destinations frontline. the starry night towed on al jazeera. ah, this is al jazeera ah
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hello, i'm emily anguish. this is the news our line from tow coming up in the next 16 minutes. benjamin netanyahu is said to return to power in israel after his right wing block. c q is a clear majority. former pakistani prime minister in ron khan is short and injured while leading a protest rally. one person is killed in the attack, a show of strength and north korea carries out more new style launches, prompting the u. s. and south korea to exchange and joint military drills. the bank of england announces its biggest interest right high can 3, dec hangs to tackle inflation a day after the u. s. federal reserve raised its rights and coming up in sport to just 17 days to go until the world cup and south korea's captain is heading for i surgery and could miss the tournament.
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ah, we begin with ranking news from israel, where benjamin netanyahu and his writing allies have secured a clean majority with all the votes counted the former prime ministers and block has 164 out of 120 current leader. yeah, and the peeved lines has 51. then the k take a prime minister has conceded nathan, yahoo is already the longest serving israeli prime minister. he's payment later for 15 years over multiple terms. and he's still facing corruption challenges. that's bringing stephanie deca, who joins us live now from west jerusalem. hello there, steph paints cut in session paves the wife and nathan, yahoo returned to power. yes, i think there is no doubt now that it will be benjamin netanyahu,
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who will be you know, tossed with forming an ex government. this is a process now that takes place basically they will hold consultations with the president at the end of next week. will parties and then the president appoints the person best place if you will to form a government. i think we're under no doubt now that that is going to be benjamin netanyahu. we always said when he was ousted from power last year that he was going to do everything to bring down the government and, and to come back to power. 2 to come back to the prime minister seat, he's done it, he's back with a vengeance. he brings with him the right the most right wing coalition government, that israel and has seen. and i think it's going to be interesting. now in terms of once those negotiations start and that's going to take another $28.00 days from once, netanyahu is toss with forming a government. how the cabinet is going to look like. because you have characters that has been part of his coalition like it to more been good. they are extremely
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controversial far right wing ultra nationalists, religious alter nationalist, new who has had been to not demanding the public post of the minister of security, which would have been charge of the police. there been rumors as well that to nationally i was not going to give him that, but there are going to be demands of senior cabinet ministries or how that is going to be allocated. we won't know at least for another month or so, but what is clear is that it looks like benjamin netanyahu has done exactly what he promised and that is to return to power certain staff. what do the next few days look like? will there be an official announcement of the winner? well, as i said, so at the end of now of this week of next week, he will prime minister while i'm calling in foreign minister ready. he is essentially, he will be, but he will be visiting with isaac hertz or the president along with the or le pete . will the leaders and the parties, they'll be consultations. basically the way politics works here is it then down to
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the president to appoint the person he believes has the best chances of forming a government. well, there are no questions anymore that it is going to be benjamin netanyahu. we know that last year, certainly airline p was very much, i think a special in how he orchestrated a coalition that range from left to right with the 1st policy in israeli party in government as well. all coming together for one purpose to get rid of benjamin netanyahu, but their ideological differences didn't remain. it didn't last more than just about a year. and so what we do expect that by the end of next week, potentially early the week after, for isaac herself to a point up benjamin netanyahu as the man to form an ex government. and then those negotiations will start as to how the cabinet and how the government will look like . and once that, that happens, then israel will know exactly what their next government will look like. so there
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are still a political process involved. the so going to take some time, but again, very clear that you know, unless there's any major surprises that benjamin netanyahu will, once again be prime minister. right, thank you so much for the update to stephanie deca live for us. they in west jerusalem, thank q to pakistan now where former prime minister imran con is blaming and current leadership as sharif after he was shot during a rally shot at during a rally. con was leading a protest march to demand snap elections is now in hospital party. officials say he was injured in the leg and his condition is not serious as the some have been ge. evade reports. ah, this is the moment trauma. prime minister iran han was shot in the leg. chaos group out after the leader of focus on that again. so 40 with the types. oh god, protect him. run gun by the grace of god. we are okay. some of our compatriots are
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wounded and one has been killed. please keep us all in your prayers. oh, the party do. also, hulu. police arrested the gunman, who reportedly confessed to the attack, he said he wanted to stop on from quote, misleading people. with some politicians demanding revenge, the parties leadership hold for com would all organizing shortly, each city pakistan that we find ourselves in. as a mark of our protest, we do not intend to attack any one. we don't have an intent to allow anyone to attack us either, but that's the story for later him on han was leading the slow moving march to the capitol, islamabad from the city of the hor, about 350 kilometers to the south. the convoy helped to force the government to give a power since losing the permission to a new confidence thought an april hun has insisted he will not stop campaigning until early elections are held. the attack is likely to further fuel political unrest. some members have been wrong ponds. one party have be now on the record to
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her calling. it took that e march and her expressing the apprehension that the botch could get ready and could get her in or out of control. imran hahn is out of danger and without providing any proof, his potty secretary general says hon told him to name the alleged attackers. b. no good boy. i have no doubt. 3 people involved in this r p. m. ship i sharif. interior minister run us an hour and major general pfizer. our demand is all 3 be removed from their posts and if they're not removed, then they'll be countrywide protest. o t s have already broken out in the 7 cities . a prime minister has called for an investigation and condemned to violence own political leaders, including those who oppose him on hon. have reiterated the condemnation. that's unlikely to bring down political temperature as focus on enters another phase of instability. some of the job is out there. and bring in, come out hydra, who's in islamabad? camel, a moron. con, has released
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a statement from hospital blaming the current prime minister. what more can you tell us? well indeed they mentioned 3 people and didn't go not just the prime minister, but also the country. then judy, my next one of m, ron con, former minister of interior bigger dia josh straw, spoke to the board saying that this was not a lone voice or the magic. i saw dr. but it was used and that it was too late to jump to conclusions, saying that this was a loan, or not happy with them, ron con. so indeed, the party continuing to accuse the government of orchestrating this attack. they've been protest across the country that are more protest plan of friday. the leadership of august on teddy can solve that camera on funds. party is going to be
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holding a crucially meeting tomorrow to discuss their way forward. but ron conner also to his supporters not to be violent and to continue to wage speech for a broader this project than now likely to spread across the country. although he had been marching on my bod. dave, on the 7 day of march, the container on richie was traveling worth travelling at nail, paid, making very little progress on our day to day basis. which meant that it would take another week was possibly for him to divert and it's long bought. but a considerable part that supported the concern might not be forgotten. there did one of the most popular leaders in the country where george ready reiterate a march will be paid for. despite the allegation from some minister in the government that this is going to be a bloody mark. due to the minister of god has requisition the services of tens of
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thousands of police, manhattan islam i bought. and they were also report that live ammunition would be distributed to stop doing my job. so i daysia and hurling to and fro from board, bardeen against each other, that the ruling correlation and religion, ron cron, party bodies out of danger. and it did definitely see a question mark where there was indeed a loan for dag all day was another tag because we shortened radio. the hill of automatic gunfire suggesting that by have and this is what the form of india minister being saying that another attack was also involved that this was not just one man trying to take out. the leader of the buckets on teddy again saw plenty of questions that still need on. so thank you very much for the update. come out to live for us in islam event and political assassinations have scarred pakistan since it was founded in 1947. its 1st prime minister lea,
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a cat to alley con dining hospital shortly after being shot, twice at a rally in 1951 in 1988. a general is all heck was a president when he died in a plane crash? there's still no conclusive evidence as to what happened. he had declared martial law a decade earlier than as a boot, who says twice as pakistan's prime minister. she, when she was in opposition, she was shot and killed at a rally in 2007 form of president. polk moore. sheriff survived multiple assassination attempts. let's bring in the shan seller who dean, who's a political analyst and director of the center, a regional and global connectivity at tibet lab and advisory and think tank. he joins us from is the lemme bed vision. thanks so much for being on this news. our looking at this most recent incident and the vision coming from that event, there was certainly large crowns,
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and also lack of protection around the form of prime minister. what can we take away from this incident from a security perspective? well i think it's rate has some very serious concerns about the state of law and order and security in the country when what does it say about a country and its ability to protect its people if it cannot protect its former premier's, this incident has really happened across the country, there are reports of multiple guns being used, multiple types of guns being used, shot coming from multiple directions. and the investigation into the incident which has already begun has gone from very questionable so far. for one thing, the truck that was not enough to talk that was that the fear was off properly. and within 2 hours, a big incident, a confession video will release. what's truly rigorous about this is that benefit who was fascinated in the summer of 2007 after many years and multiple investigations. there still is
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a lack of clarity as to exactly what happened and who's responsible for her fascination. but within 2 hours of this attempt, a gentleman is on the screen national television cleaning, but he, i couldn't lone wolf cleaning that there was nobody backing him. and that he was religiously motivated. and i think a lot of the people in the opposition of mr. rock on, don't realize that this only embolden and empowers the former prime minister more than anything else. what, what can we make the man arrested today? there has been some conspiracy theories already about this arrest. tell us a little bit about what's what you're hearing while the man that had been arrested was arrested with a 2 empty magazines. and he had, i said the confession video very clearly established, but he was religious. the motivate the problem here, of course, is that iran hung in a previous speech publicly made the statement that there is a possibility that if they want to take him out and by they have obviously pointed
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towards the government. the current is in power, along with other powerful forces in the country that they would use a religious conduct. however, in this particular incident, given the range of accounts and everything that we have observed and seen so far, not only is it premature to release the video and sort of hide behind it. as you know, security was properly provided. we know what happened, the lone wolf incident is more covering your own tracks than actually searching for the truth. what can we expect then from the coming days, particularly as we've been reporting that con has released this statement. blaming the current prime minister. certainly tensions of very high i think the point bargenson has been the most politically victory. all that we have ever seen it. mister ron, who as you said earlier, was in a vote of no confidence back in april. and he fitted very clearly, but he will not stop campaigning until be what he called corrupt government itself
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. and you can only for snap elections ever since in this particular arena. in this particular case, i mean, over the next few days, we're absolutely going to see quite a few protests. we've seen, some of the photos turn violent already. there is going to be cordoning off of sensitive installation in government buildings. and the political temperature of the country is not really going to come down the need of be our really emily at this point. if the find a way to bring the political forces together, because if this pattern continues, there's a lot of chatter on national television about how there might be a civil war. i don't think 234000000 is going to go to civil war. but certainly is the possibility of violence, unless these political actors come together and find some kind of resolution. and i'm very specifically going to me, mr. ron con mr. ashley ashley and at least mister bible, but the come together and get on the same page before the parents any worse? yeah, very good point. thank you so much for your insights. we really appreciate them z,
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shan seller, who, dane, a political analyst and director of the center regional and global connectivity. thanks for your time and use our finding more ahead on the program, including the us. then south korean defense secretary hold talks in washington. i made a move miss south 5 p on yang. we live from the pentagon. the international nuclear watchdog says it's found no evidence. ukraine is working on a so called a dirty bomb cave, asked the i ain't to inspect 3 sites after russia claims ukraine could be a corner, use a bomb rather containing nuclear material on its own territory as a false flag operation. let's bring in harry force at his line for us in cave. harry, were this development be enough to successfully challenge that rash and narrative?
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was certainly that was the plan as far as the ukrainians were concerned out there were these consider and are these continuing allegations coming from russia? they were particularly concerted towards the beginning of last week that ukraine did intends to create some kind of dirty bomb on its territory, use it and then blame russia. so the i. e, a inspectors were called in or at the beckoning of, of the ukrainian or thirties. and as you say, they have now said that there is no indication that had of any of the sites that they inspected. there were any undeclared nuclear activities going on. they've also taken samples and sent those off for analysis a little earlier on thursday evening. or we sat down with the ukrainian energy minister herman hollow shank co. and i asked precisely the question you'd asked me, would these findings be enough to refute the allegations coming from russia? i hope so. amanda guess i'm in the process was her birth that is another out from
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fake ah, and her to prove it again. so we asked the a ah spectrum to come to verify this information. but of course we, we are sure that and that's, that's only on the fake. ah, i don't know what would be tomorrow in so with what, what, what another fake we could see tomorrow or day after tomorrow. so that's just the question of time of thing. and there is another important nuclear issue ongoing. at the moment ukraine says that diesel generators are being used to cool the currently shut downs up regia nuclear power, plant 6 reactors, making it the biggest nuclear power plant in europe or ukraine says that the power lines that connect it to the ukrainian electricity grid was severed by russian shelling late on wednesday, the russian nuclear energy company says that ukraine, deanna jives those lines,
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and the energy minister said that he confirmed that the diesel generators were underway. he said that be no progress so far on an i. e. a plan to try to get a neutral zone around the plant to try to make sure that it is all demilitarized and can be, are secured. and he said that the current situation with those generators cooling the plant or with the war continuing around it, make it a very serious situation. and one which could, if it goes wrong or not just be a problem for ukraine, but for europe. and indeed the entire world as a serious and day. thank you very much for the update. harry, a for set lab pricing came thinking. nato secretary general says it's time to welcome finland and sweden into the lions. he installed and burke is in tech to persuade the government to ratify the nordic countries applications, and kara has accused finland and sweden of sheltering kurdish fighters. stoughton
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mac says they're working to address turkey as concerns finn and sweden have delivered on their agreement, which are clear. they have become strong partners and are joined fight against terrorism in all its forms, among the stations. and they are clearly committed to a long term engagement we took year to address your security concerns. so it's time to welcome finn and sweden as full members of nathan as collab to wrestle santa who is in a stand bull wrestle. what else to the night had chafe and the tank is foreign minister, have to sang during that press conference while during their joint press her her where to nato secretary general are stalled hamburg the turkish foreign minister mo shola said that he had a follow up meeting with stall tim burge, regarding their memorandum that was signed in june or during the nato summit in
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moderate. and also that they have discussed the trilateral mechanism that was established during the same summit between trickier finland and severe. and he said that so far, the steps that had been taken, the actions that have been taken by severe them so far are not satisfactory assets factory yet. but the, he said that turkey is hopeful, that it will work better with the, with the new swedish, a government and said the weather this companies are going to be the members of nato, or not completely depends on the actions or what they're going to do. regarding to honor that the memorandum that they have signed salton burge, on the other side, on the other hand, said that these 2 countries on the stand took his security concerns. and they're committed to the memorandum just to satisfy turkey is at demands. they amanda their laws, and they're passing disney beals through their parliament to paved the way for their membership. and he said that it is time for these 2 countries to be accepted as food member off nato. so according to the memorandum that they have signed this 3 countries signed in madrid,
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turkey has 3 demands. the 1st is the removal of our member goes on turkey, which was imposed by sweden, the 2nd one for sweden and finland to stop their support to white pigeon. syria, which is affiliated to peak, a k and turkey. the regards to her care as a terrorist organization. however, the sticking point which is turkeys demanding turkey's turn demand is i said, the extradition or some individuals in sweden to be expedited unsuited officials here said that there hasn't been that much progress regarding that. so salt and berg is going to me took as president ledger paper one to morrow, and also the new as civilians. new, our prime minister, audra christner, son, or next week is going to be in ankara to mit turkish president, to and to discuss what has discuss what has been done so far to paved the way for his company's membership. however, the sources here are telling us that it is very much unlikely that turkey will ratify this company's membership before the before the new year. all right,
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appreciate the update as always wrestle sally life ross in istanbul. thank you. north korea has launched several more ballistic missiles fronting us and south korea to extend and join to military exercises. 3 landed close to japan's economics own another is suspected to have been a long range, intercontinental ballistic missile. a 2nd to be launched in this year. as rob mcbride reports from so it's a further escalation in north korea's provocative missile testing with one of the weapons suspected of being a new type of intercontinental ballistic missile. that it has shown off at recent parade called the white on 17. it was also famously featured in a promotional video starring the country's leader kim jong on ha, fearing it was being flown over the top of japan. as with previous tests, tokyo issued an alert to some northern prefect years. be goodish to get to her. i
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was surprised, but thinking not again soon or place in uncomfortable. we may have to think again about going out fishing which will impact our business anyway. instead, it's thought the missile may have failed mid flight landing in the sea, separating the korean peninsula and japan. new wounded dogwood al analysis has indicated a possibility that it would fly over the japanese archipelago and we issued a public notice re does. the development of i, c. b m's capable of reaching the continental united states brought the korean peninsula to the verge of war. in 2017 1st days, lord seems to be sending a message to the us ahead of its mid term elections in turn, the u. s. has condemned the test calling for un security council resolutions meant to prohibit north korea's weapons development to be more strictly enforced. on
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wednesday, north korea launched multiple salvoes of short range missiles in protest at joint air drills. being staged by south korean and u. s. air forces with one missile landing south that the de facto maritime border in response, south korea, 5 missiles north of it. so it is the north korea are making verify on the test to be, especially as join me that there they exist by. yes, my students thought we are answer we as on this now, in response to this icbm launch, the 2 allies have announced their military exercises will be extended. rob mcbride al jazeera, so an u. s. and south korean defend secretaries have been holding talks at the pentagon. we decided to extend visual store, which is our launched pro schedule combined training exercise to further bolster
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our readiness and interoperability. and we'll continue to work closely together to develop options to protect the united states and our allies in the region as bringing pallet calhane who's live for us at the pentagon and following that press conference. petty, certainly no sign of tensions, anything anytime soon. no, and i think just the fact that they're having this meeting now shows the importance and the concern they have about these record number of north korea launches. now to put in perspective, north korea says this is a response to provocations from the u. s. and south korea, the trump administration, they used to do these annual exercises every year during the trump presidency. they stop those exercises in a chance to try and get some diplomacy that didn't pan out for the pending i was response. they say this isn't provocative, this is just to return to the exercises that we do every year. but there has been a whole lot of exercises earlier this year, the u. s. at a aircraft carrier to the region, they did some land based exercises. and now,
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as you heard the secretary say, the operation vigilant storm, basically that's about 240 aircraft that her flying training exercises with their counterparts in south korea. now they were supposed to end on friday, but they had already said that they were going to extend those. so it's not clear if this announcement from the secretary is going to add even more time on to that there. that depending on they say they're still trying to figure that out. one thing that secretary austin said is that they are going to start sending more assets to south korea, not as a permanent base, but that they would be rotating in additional assets, much more sophisticated assets. now of course, the big question is about nuclear testing. for his part, the south korea defense minister lee said that he does believe north korea is capable of a nuclear launch. he said the where and for what political reason remains to be seen. but tough talk from both leaders here at the pentagon. indications that this
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situation shows no signs of dine down anytime soon. all right, thanks for bringing us up to spade petty calhoun live for us at the pentagon. thank you. still head delena al jazeera schools converted into kitchens, how floods in nigeria are affecting thousands of students and a little later in this news. and when we meet the any artist who is found inspiration in the world cup in ah, with well, the changes started already the last 48 hours or so. this class, which represents the sort of the wood to front of your life, has brought the sand up in iraq. so this is a picture of the bathroom. the size. same is true in 2 ways. you'd expect it to be the case as the wind blows things for the south, but because it's not quite dry enough for that to cleave you get range out of this
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. so there will be some dustin sky and back rain katara eastern sadie, but not a i don't think too severe and the legacy temperatures below certain air. so they're coming down to where they should be. if you think about it, how was near record high the one day a go down the board up with some rep but the focus, the doha. so it will see like least a few thunderstorms on friday is temperature dropping a little bit. but basically staying where they should be for this time of the year, the rains moving door for the sun, all round the northern hemisphere. so the lot of the equator, which is roughly speaking here, will be where the concentration is like victoria and westwards towards government. for the south, the rains are also shag. spring rains have been very evident in south africa warnings out of big thunderstorms and flash flooding. the same is true as defects. most countries, particularly, i think the focus is botswana for friday. ah,
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it's time for a memorable holiday. with pegasus, it's time for turkey. sale for new discoveries. enjoy. have new experiences hit the shops, make wonderful memories. travel to turkey with pegasus, and with direct flights to stand bowl and tribes of book your ticket now for a memorable holiday. c, y, p g s, for our best prices, canyon journalists in pursuit of press, freedom and justice. a faint, estrange situation. surround someone by the 100 people formed maintenance, investigating government corruption in the national health care system that will the transaction facing agile nicholas a b of money that isn't explained africa, uncensored and publishing those things up. people don't want to publish, even if it doesn't mean that to be whose truth is it anyway,
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on al jazeera lou ah, ah, hello, you're watching l g 0. i'm emily angry. he's a reminder of our top stories. this. our benjamin netanyahu is poised to return to power in israel with the final tally showing he's blocking, getting at 64 seats out of 120 current later. yeah, le paves block has 516, and he's already conceded defeat form of pakistani prime minister in ron con is in the hospital after being shot at a rally, a gum and open fire at a campaign truck carrying com in the east in that punjab province con was leading a protest march to demand snap elections and
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u. s. and south career are extending joint military exercises known as vigilance. storm. the extension is in response to north korea firing missiles. wish us defense secretary lloyd austin, described as provocative the bank of england has hung to interest rates from 2.25 to 3 percent. the increase is the biggest in the u. k. in 33 years. as the bank tries to control rising inflation. charlie angela has moved from london as predicted. the bank of england has raised rate by point 75 percent to 3 percent after vote by the monetary policy unit, which was not unanimous. that's the same rate rise chosen by the us federal reserve and the european central bank last week is the highest rate rise in this country since 1989. and the last time we had a 3 percent interest rate was in 2008. during the financial crisis. the bank also releases economic full costs saying that britain is already in a shallow recession,
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which could continue until mid to 2024. and one, it's not the deepest downturn, it could be the longest. it's records began in the 1920, and the governor of the buying country, bailey explained the economy has suffered a huge shock. if we do it for 3, now it will be worse later. on and as the forecast we're publishing today shows is a tough road ahead. the sharp increase in energy prices caused by rushes invasion of ukraine is made as poor as a nation. he went on to explain that the bank job is to bring down inflation because low inflation is the bedrock of a stable economy. and this country currently runs a 10 point one percent the highest in 40 years. the bank is trying to bring it down to 2 percent, which they hope to do with interest rate rises in the next 2 to 3 years. but this is the 8 rate hike in a row. and while that might be welcome news for those few who've saved cash and
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banks, it's going to be very worrying news for those mortgages and credit card debts at a time when many families already trying to choose between whether or not to heat the home or feel that cause its fuel to both of those the u. k. interest rate hike comes a day after us federal reserve raised its rights for the 6th time. this year. the fed chair says it's necessary to combat inflation, but some economists have questioned the strategy. and the motivation behind it, she had pretending reports not only as the fed increasing interest rates of the fastest pay since the 1980s federal reserve chairman drain power. once again suggested the increases will continue. we have some ground left to cover here and, and, and cover it. we will progressive all efficient here in washington. the speaking out against the federal reserve interest rate hikes as the prospect of hundreds of thousands of americans being thrown out of work. and even a global recession loom not in lease,
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because there's more and more data that suggests low unemployment and slightly high wages on what's driving inflation. in fact, wages all even keeping up with inflation. the pandemic supply chain issues the war in ukraine. these have been major drivers of inflation, but when josh billings surveyed the numbers, he found another major driving force corporate price gouging in a normal times. corporate profits are supposed to be around 12 or 13 percent of prices, but then their contribution went up to well over half. so an enormous change through the 2nd quarter of this year. it's still really elevated. really, the feds policies will increase pain among workers in drew pals, words and unemployment and poverty increase. but they also may have other effects. work in this home depot in philadelphia, a voting this week on forming a union part of a wave of labor organization across the u. s. at a time of low unemployment and an awareness of record corporate profits that our office had a higher unemployment will snatch away that new work confidence throughout the entire pandemic. we had a now hiring sign up right now,
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which told me there's leverage there as, as kind of a precarious game. right? because you also have the fed coming in jacking up interest rates, you know, trying to induce a recess and trying to increase unemployment. however, bins qual says, although it's true that higher unemployment and fewer job vacancies, the stated goals of the fed may make some work as reluctant to unionize a tool. younger generations have experienced nothing but economic crisis simply had enough and likely to push on regardless, the younger people. i mean, like i'm 27, you know, i grew up there at the great recess in the iraq war. the economy has been really crappy for us. you know, and so there was kind of that air of like what things are ready bad. we might as well take a shot and try and improve something. in the 1980s, the federal reserve was quite open. it was using interest rate rises to smash union power and moderate wages. the fed and fits that. that's not the intention this time around. and certainly this whom deeper work is hope for a different outcome. she every time see al jazeera washington still in the us and
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efforts her under way ahead of the mid term elections next tuesday. to dispel any doubts about the voting process. but miss information campaigns and debunked claims . the 2020 presidential vote was rigged. continue some republican candidates vying to oversee and certify future elections have even endorse this. out. 0 spoke with a former top election administration. my name is chris piper. i was commissioner for the virginia department of elections and the chief election official for the commonwealth of virginia from 2018 through 2022 election administration used to be a pretty sleepy role. and now we see that just the simple administration of elections are very political. do i see the role as a defender of democracy? absolutely. i think it's the front lines of democracy at this moment in time. we don't just have politicians riding elections. we don't have figureheads
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nameless, faceless people that are running these elections. these are real human beings that care deeply about this country. ultimately, this government comes down to trust in the elections process. we have to trust that our leaders were fairly and freely elected. did the election, did iris worry me that they're going to undermine that confidence? i have concerns for sure. but i also really firmly believe that we're on the right side of history. do i believe there's enough checks and balances in place to do that? absolutely, and i, we saw in 2020 it was perilous. it was scary and certainly we saw some pending but we didn't see any breaking. but at no point in time, did i ever fear a break? it will be tested again, years and years down the road beyond my lifetime. as long as we have, you know, the kind of people that i have met throughout the country running these elections,
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it'll continue to hold, to use a superman analogy. i think if superman as democracy, i think he's probably been exposed to some kryptonite, but he's not dead yet. thousands of students in nigeria are are having their election. does their education rhonda disrupted after wine spread floods? officials say hundreds of schools have been destroyed or damaged. many others have been used as shelter for paper, forced from their horns and interests reports from chicago restraint, a certificate and books salvage tro. floodwaters spread under the sun to dry classrooms. tundi to kitchens. many of the people now with this cool huff, unfamiliar faces on the regulars, are worried about their studies. like this student bob much look of yes. who's been joined by his displeased traveling? nobody will tell us to read that with no school. so ah,
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study maybe then maybe damage, devastating floods this year have killed hundreds of people in nigeria and displays hundreds of proposals. much infrastructure including school buildings has been damaged. the few standing schools have become shelters for people affected by the disaster. and students are no longer coming to study, but to shelter with family members, they knocked ignatius children's fun, says an estimated 18 and a half 1000000 children aunt attending school in nigeria at the moment. many of them due to flights and other disasters, as well as conflicts. in some states, government officials are waiting for flood waters to recede before the reclaimed schools occupied by the flood victims. but with entire villages under water, no one knows how long that will take in other states. education is priority. where trying to provide an e learning facilities,
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i would have done that during club id and westlake trying to replicate seam. now, so asked that the students that are in the country are displeased and it is even at the come, the can be a will to, to classes. and these us up and we, that we didn't do, i don't quit. and at this facility sticker or sort of like a plan of action. but one that faces challenges in a country struggling with power shortages. it could be months or even a year before people like these returned to what's left of their rooms. the schools them leave behind will have to be fixed before teaching and learning. gustavo again, but government officials say there is little money available and no one seems to know whether these facilities will ever get the work and renovation they need. i'm at edris al jazeera northern nigeria, brazil's ongoing president j, a bell scenario has asked his support is to end protests. thousands gathered across
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the country and blocked ruins after his election last to lewis in a c. o. no. led to silva on sunday. oh, scenario told his followers, he's just as upset as they are at the right blocks jeopardize paypal's right to freedom of movement. police and soldiers at the charming the strengths of ecuador. after a spite of organized crime, attacks and laced 5 offices have been killed by drag gangs, a state of emergency has been declared into provinces as alessandro amputee reports, at least by police officers have been killed in the latest violence of a deadly gang ward that is griffin, ecuador, and tuesday explosive devices went off in the port city of guayaquil and in the city of esmeralda, including an attack on a health center. official blamed, organized, crying for the attacks as retaliation for the transfer of hundreds of gang members from violent and other crowded prisons to other detention centers. the gang members
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opposed the transfers in a video published on social media, several prism guards appear to have been taken as hostages. the men were seen with explosive tied to their bodies. ah heavily armed gang members declared war against the government from inside the prison said the love, if you don't return our people to the pavilion, we will start bombing bus stations, bridges, wherever they're innocent, people and you will be responsible for their deaths in response, president viet marla, so as the cleared of 45 days, long state of emergency him to provinces with a curfew at 9 pm every night. it dos act dos. these sabotage and terrorism acts are a declaration of war against the rule of law. we will not allow it, they give earlier this week to headless bodies were left dangling from a pedestrian bridge control of the lucrative cocaine market is fueling much of the violent gang warfare. in recent years, ecuador, as increasingly become a transit point for drugs destined to the united states and europe,
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which has brought an escalation of violence in cities like why akil has faith forces, try to stop criminal organizations linked to the international drug cartels. some analysts say the government is losing control of into or provinces in a country that had never seen this level of violence before. our market is selling pony. that impunity is growing. and criminal organizations feel much more emboldened to display their violent rituals because they know they will likely not be arrested. or if they are arrested, they will not be prosecuted or police have arrested at least 28 people in response to this week's attacks. in see thousands of explosives this year, ecuador forces have confiscated record amount of cocaine and arrested hundreds of alleged gang members. but their operations have done little to bring relief to areas now, dominated by fear. allison, the and petty al jazeera still ahead on al jazeera. we continue our count down to
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the well, come with jim. yes, on that. see what if an area which is still to be very popular with the visiting fans. i will bring you all the latest news ahead of the tournaments. ah ah, in mm
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mm mm oh, okay. ah ah ah. less than 17 days to go now until the world cup kicks off. here in cats, i'm at c y keith, which is the busiest. i'm a popular market place in doha. and it's an area which is your to be very popular with the visiting fans. they can come here and pick themselves. stephen is to remind him of that time in a fever is really hitting him here. the flags of the $32.00 competing nations are
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out on the display. one of those nations competing is in south korea and that's wanting on the fitness of that biggest stock. and the captain on that hill men. he's in serious danger of missing at the wild card, the top and on the surgery on a fractured eye socket. to forward picked up the injury during spas, is a tuesday, told them haven't put a time frame on his return south to raise assess, match at our 2020 series. again. here we're going on november the 24th with on it now, a major down schuman so let's hope that his eye itself hasn't been injured. but from the surgery itself, it will take weeks for the swelling to settle. and if there is any entrapment for that to resolve so that he is seeing with single vision, he doesn't have double vision this. some class can be present double vision,
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say looking up, looking to the left, even if it's not present sideway. so it presents looking straight ahead, so it's something that could potentially affect a player even if they weren't getting double vision or just in conversation as kick off. a closer new attractions are opening up for fans all the time. and the latest date is in the city of the sale, victoria gate and being housed with as well as tomorrow, the official opening albany sale boulevard, which is a significant lemme when it comes to the have both with because at the end of this now, pedestrian, i don't, is a organize this say this a crazy say not to fans already. and then you national kit. and while all of them for
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about looking forward to the fact that they'll be able to see some of the world's best molded company off the pit, there is a battle of the brand that is heating on he bomb b, the germans. it's been added to traditionally be the reigning champion when it comes to football grande. bought for the 3rd consecutive will comp, american sport's wear company nike is sponsoring more shirts than it's right. it's secure deals with 13 of the $32.00 national teams in the tournament, including favorite brazil. how the death is design shirts. i'm the 7 for new mexico's away shirt. inspired by a mythical feathered serpent home cape. incorporate elements of popular japanese comics, brand expert, se companies are under a lot of commercial pressure to produce a shirt that sells well. companies are looking for
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a standard design. and that's something that's attractive, gets a lot of notice on primarily that the fans will buy. the main objective is to get as many rep with the sales as a relatively short period of the but not all designs have been well received. the front of switzerland shirt designed by german firm pima has been likened to a q r code and added as a ship for algeria has an good morocco. it says the geometric blue tail in yellow design is common american mosaics and amounts to cultural appropriation. the situation is really got any ideas had really i mean it's, yeah, it's something that happens when you have a multinational in germany designing shirts for a culture, but they may not be familiar with tension between countries will be high on also the battle of the brand is its own high stakes,
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for one of the biggest groups of support is expected to arrive hearing pass over in the coming weeks is the one from mexico, an estimated 80000 mexican fan. i don't have to help them with everything from where to go to what to say is one of the dedicated fan leaders. i provide the clients mexican funds information across to bring kwame daylight to us and gone. they think that they can do it that way. they can read their requirements to enter and enter the country, but i also organize events for mexico, plants coming to the work of doing the work up a 4th and cultural activation plan engagement, communicate, engagement, and a lot of fun things organize. i say that more than 400 fan leaders for more than 60 countries who live gauge with ban and help them get the most out of that time in castle. just down the road from where the tour is, the lead on that sees argentina will starts at that campaign against saudi arabia,
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abbey sales stadium. and they will also, i hope to end there as well, because that is where the final is being held far is now has been to take a live. it's been described as a jewel and cut towards world cap brown. this is lee sales stadium, the venue that will house the world cup final the largest, the at the 8 world cut down is the stadium can house up to 80000 for the amount is still used in the construction of the stadium kind of built for, i full towers, it's designed to replicate one of the regions, traditional handcrafted both stadiums architect told me help so then you shape will create an immersive for both players and sat down
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with them. you're planning on watching the world cup from home. one thing that you won't see is the nearly 150 kilometers of cable that will be nearly hidden under the pitch. welcome to the v i p lounge. but on much day you'll only be able to get in here with an invite. this is one of the areas that plan to be transformed into a community hab featuring affordable housing shops, restaurants, even medical clinics, after the world cup. this is where the world cup winning coach and players will come after the final. it's the post match, press conference room. now this is the biggest one i've ever seen. it can hold around $300.00 journalists depending on how the match went to. it will be your
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happy place, or one you'll want to get out of as soon as possible. with around $130.00. so funds coming to the so you can get the hands on a replica of the world cop trophy. the one artist in yemen has on a step further. he so inspired by the 1st world cup in the belief that he's made his own replica out of a tree trunk. yes, you heard me write a tree trunk and i think that agree is very impressive. with her mother hand alphena the skinny. yeah. wholesale have shan, millennium and mouth are more, did turgeon. and i said it was m but and nathan fell across the island for now. you can to sorta, i'm on, come on a 100 left and i got
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a letter in while you're there and i'll come in to learn of california. i'm to look at them in a nursery more one there that month. and the min ha are awesome, but a brahman as a judge or some bad ones, 80 and one and met then her and i have elijah, and as, as you was a long the a year more little yara hello, listen at the ski low light and the love, the little dog has in her are damn shackle or am i on? i'm a sort of any, it's still had a little well as a matter the when i'm a slam. yeah. now old on out of ear. sure, william and he and not looks human, more were low lat, mountaineer. that was less of you and lamar city of atlanta, as
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a hodge smarter little cuss. and you have been learned how you had gotten adam that had been an american san rama rover move in asia, women. ah, when the age of me or was the had been an alan of world alan bare, they miss him. and he has a husband who show them, indoor lambs looms live, and our mara daryl out of it, had an amazon who sean lanton and couldn't handle, ah, the way to is nearly over for the bigger show on earth. all eyes are on cutter as the world. god comes to the middle east for the 1st time, a truly global event, bringing together football culture from all over the world war. 32 countries battle it out for the trophy ortiz, of correspondence on all continents,
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will bring you coverage, like no other as the world come cod, we will take you around the world. that caches go to 1020 to welcome on al jazeera guitar against ecuador will kick off 64 matches, involving a 32 nations all of battling it out for the biggest prize in world football grade stuff. jim, and thank you. all right, that's it for me. for this news ally, emily anglin, but don't go anywhere. a london head quoted, we'll have more of the day's news just to mine. ah ah
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ah ah ah, in a song newly ah ah. the creative african makes this journey continues in 2022 africa success. stories are captivating the world. this yet can next weekend. we'll connect app because create effective building bridges across africa and the dias bora, i will he live at canada? we can, we do up at c, p, we'll credit you can in abidjan, co. dubois from the 25th to the 27th of november 2022 registered to attend for free
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at can x dot africa ah, investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe. on al jazeera, in 1958 charles de gaulle made a famous speech in algeria. oh, but he could not hold back the tide about jerry and independence. all keep frances colonies in africa and the pacific. in the final episode of the series out there explores how the long and bitter fight for the french empire still resonates today . blood and tears french. the colonization on al jazeera ah, i focused on former prime minister in.


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